Be All My Secrets Remembered

La Reine Noire

Story Summary:
'Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.' Spanning from spring of 1976 through the fateful Halloween night of 1981, the adventures and misadventures of Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, and their contemporaries, particularly those belonging to the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black, Toujours Dysfunctional. Warnings: contains dark thematic material, violence, innuendo, as many literary references as can be managed, and very mild slash.

Chapter 06 - Aboard the Hogwarts Express

Chapter Summary:
Wherein Lily discovers precisely what people have been saying about her, and manages something resembling a civilised discussion with James Potter.
Author's Note:
A few small changes here and there, and an additional scene.

Chapter Six: Aboard the Hogwarts Express

September 1976

King's Cross Station was as busy as ever on the first of September. Mr and Mrs Potter had borrowed their neighbour's van in order to accommodate the school things of both boys, and they arrived a good half hour in advance. Taking care not to be too noticeable, the boys flew through the barrier to Platform 9-3/4, pushing their belongings on trolleys in front of them.

The train glittered before them, completely familiar yet still capable of instilling a growing sense of anticipation. After loading their trunks into the baggage compartments, they returned to where James's parents were in deep conversation with what appeared to be the parents of Kate Campbell. James hurried forward, leaving Sirius to walk the rest of his way alone. All the better, he noted to himself, when he caught sight of Lily Evans and waved.


She turned with a grin and her parents both frowned, as though trying to remember precisely where they had seen Sirius before. Petunia, looking as though she would have preferred to be anywhere at all but here, still studied Sirius with well-hidden admiration. Lily stepped forward. "Black! Are all your things loaded already?"

"Yeah, Prongs and I took care of that. Hello Mr and Mrs Evans, Petunia," he greeted them all, smiling innocently. "Yours?"

"Yes. I was looking for Kate...I swear I just saw her," Lily peered around. "She's been disappearing a lot over the past few weeks and she won't tell me why, though she keeps turning red every time I ask her. I think it's a boy."

"Oh, I know it is. Prongs, as it happens." He gestured in the general direction where James had gone as Lily's eyes widened. "I suspect she didn't want to tell you because of what happened or did not happen between you and him."

"Well, that's a silly reason. She's welcome to him," Lily declared. "Mum, Dad, I'm going to go talk to Kate. Is that alright?"

"There's no need for that now," Sirius demurred. "I was going to ask if you wanted to sit with us anyway, and I'm sure Kate and Prongs will be there as well, along with Moony and Wormtail."

"A good point," she agreed, just as the train's whistle shrilled long and high. "Oh dear! Bye Mum! Bye Dad! Bye Petunia!" That last farewell made with no small degree of hesitation as she hugged her unresponsive sister.

Sirius, in the meantime, hurried back to where James's family was standing and bid them a quick--and surprisingly affectionate--farewell. James and Kate had, by the time, already boarded the train, and Sirius grabbed Lily's hand as they rushed to jump on before it left without them.

Enchanted to look just like the GNER to Edinburgh, the Hogwarts Express departed King's Cross Station. Sirius and Lily made their way through the various cars, peering into compartments as they went. Occasionally, someone would stop them for a quick greeting, and more often, they would walk past wide-eyed first-years who gazed up at them in awe.

At this, Sirius had to repress his grin, looking appropriately like the serious sixth-year he was meant to be. Lily, on the other hand, would smile comfortingly down at them and prod Sirius in the ribs every time she caught him looking even the slightest bit menacing.

Finally, after about ten minutes, they found the appropriate compartment, currently housing Remus alone on one side and James, Kate, and Peter on the other. "What's this?" Sirius enquired, noticing the seating arrangements. "Has Moony got the plague?"

"Moony," the so-nicknamed boy retorted, "was saving a seat for you, o ungrateful one."

"Oh Moony, I'll make it up to you, I promise." Sirius sank into the seat beside him and motioned for Lily to take the last place. Which she did, smiling sweetly at James. "Everyone knows Lily Evans here, right?" Sirius enquired innocently.

"Of course," James replied, smiling back. "Good summer, Evans?"

"Quite good, thank you. Paris was lovely." She shared a grin with Sirius at that. "And you, Kate? I've not seen you since before I left. How are you?" That last question emphasised with a look of cool curiosity.

Kate pinked slightly but when she did speak, it was with some urgency. "Lil, can we talk? Alone, I mean?"

"Of course." She glanced back at the boys, who were now involved in a detailed discussion about this year's Quidditch World Cup. "We're going to find the snack cart," Lily announced, rising to her feet. "Does anyone want anything?" A flurry of responses greeted the question and she laughed helplessly. "Alright. Chocolate Frogs for Remus, two packages of Every-Flavour Beans for Potter and Pettigrew, and for you, Black?"

"Nothing, thanks. I'm quite alright," he replied quickly before turning back to James.

They closed the compartment door behind them and started down the hall before Kate finally spoke again. "It's Moira. She's decided she's never going to speak to you again."

"Never..." Lily spun around, eyes narrowed in perplexity. "What did I do? I sent her a postcard from Paris and she never sent me anything back. I've not even spoken to her since the three of us had ice cream in Diagon Alley a few days before I left."

"Two words, Lil. Sirius Black."

"What about him?" Immediately upon asking the question, Lily groaned. "How many people must I explain this to?"

"Try your friends," Kate retorted, hands on hips. "Lil, how could you? You know how she feels about him, and you spent all of last year going on and on about how you aren't interested in any boys at all."

"Because I'm not! And there's absolutely nothing going on between me and Sirius Black!" Lily lowered her voice upon realising that several second-years had pressed their noses to the doors of their compartments to watch her. "Never has been, and never will be. I promise, Kate."

"Lil, you were only in Paris with him. And he brought you back home on a flying motorbike? If that's friendship with Sirius Black, what does he save for a girlfriend?"

"Maybe that's why he doesn't have one, Kate. I don't even think he believes in relationships." Lily sighed and opened her mouth to say more when a thought struck her. "Wait a did Moira hear about that? I never told her. I'd wanted to wait till we got to school..."

"I don't know how she found out, but she telephoned me in tears. Thank goodness both our Mums are Muggles, otherwise I'd not have found out till much later." Kate looked her friend directly in the eye. "I want to believe you, Lil. I really do. But think about it. Sirius Black hasn't a good thing to say about anyone, even his friends. You've spent all of the past year saying how he's an arrogant, selfish prat who's never nice to anyone unless there's something in it for him..."

"There was something in it for him," Lily protested.


She opened her mouth, then closed it again. "I don't know. But there was something. There always is with him."

"Come on, Lil. He speaks French better than you do, and I doubt he needed Charms tutoring over the summer holiday," Kate remarked somewhat acidly.

Lily reddened. "It wasn't like that. He was...different. He seemed lonely."

"Lonely? I don't think he knows the meaning of the word."

"I still can't imagine how Moira found out...unless..." Lips tightening in anger, she stalked past Kate, back to the compartment where the four boys were still deep in discussion. Throwing open the door, she demanded, "What did you tell her, Black?"

"What?" Sirius turned in surprise. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Evans."

"My friend--or I should say my former friend--Moira. What did you tell her about Paris?"

"I don't even know anyone named Moira," Sirius retorted, but was interrupted by Peter before he could continue.

"Moira Ramsey. She was in History of Magic with us last year," the smaller boy pointed out with some apprehension. "Always sat next to Campbell and they were always whispering..."

Sirius waved him aside with a dismissive gesture. "I still don't know who you're talking about."

"Well you told someone, obviously. Who?"

"Evans, I hope you realise you're not the centre of my thoughts all the time," Sirius snapped. "I told everyone here, and I mentioned it to Gideon Prewett when he asked me about my motorbike. Just told him that it carried two passengers from Paris to London. I don't see what your problem is."

"Gideon Prewett?" Lily repeated, her voice uncertain. "His girlfriend knows Moira from their summer job...oh dear."

"Now, would you be so kind as to explain to me why you started yelling at me?" Sirius enquired rather guardedly. "And in front of my friends?"

"Who heartily approve, by the way," Remus put in, earning himself a glare.

Lily averted her eyes. "I'm sorry...I didn't think. I just knew I'd not told anyone and you were the only other person who knew..."

Sirius nodded slowly. "I suppose that'll do."

"You suppose?" she demanded, on the verge of indignation when she realised he was smiling. "Oh, very funny, Black."

"I thought so," he replied. Adding, as he gestured to the other three boys valiantly trying to suppress their own grins, "And so do they."

Lily turned on her heel and closed the compartment door. "It was bad luck," she explained to Kate. "Apparently Black was telling Prewett about the motorbike..."

"And it somehow came to involve you?" Kate enquired dubiously.

"Well, I don't suppose a flying motorbike that can carry two people from Paris to London is exactly normal," Lily replied with a shrug. "But if you insist on refusing to believe me, I guess there's nothing I can do."

"I already told you, Lil, I want to believe you. But you weren't there when Moira told me..."

"Why didn't Moira tell me? I've got a telephone, though I'll grant she'd have a time getting past Petunia and her half-dozen boyfriends..." Lily trailed off. "Why didn't she, Kate? I'd have told her the truth, same as I told you now."

"Lil, you really don't understand, do you? Moira always thought it would be a matter of time before you started going out with either Potter or Black. I mean, you're the cleverest girl in school, all the professors love you, you're the only one who ever stands up to those two..."

"I also work all the time, Kate. I don't see you or Moira staying awake until three in the morning writing Potions essays," Lily shot back. "If I do well, it's for that reason."

"Moira's always felt overshadowed, and she didn't want to tell you exactly how much she fancied Sirius because she knew you'd laugh at her. You would, Lily, don't deny it."

"Of course I would. I'd also encourage her to direct her attention elsewhere because he's not worth her time. I've never met anyone with less interest in romance than Sirius Black." Lily shook her head. "Please, Kate. I wanted to tell her in person so I could make sure she knew that nothing happened. I had no idea she'd find out through someone else. Is, of course she's not here. Next village down from Hogsmeade, I know."

"You'll just have to talk to her when we get to school." Kate's face softened a little and she squeezed Lily's shoulder. "Everything should be alright. So long as you tell her everything you told me."

"You do understand, right? That I never have and don't have and will never have any interest in Sirius Black," Lily begged in some desperation. "Credit me with better taste, please!"

At that, Kate had to smile. "Very well, if you insist. Though even you have to admit he's quite fit."

"Well..." Lily frowned. "I suppose. If ones likes the rebellious type. I want a nice boy, Kate, unlike some people I--" cutting herself off, she smiled wickedly at her friend. "Oh, wait. Wasn't there something you were supposed to tell me? About a certain Chaser?"

Kate pinked again. "It happened rather quickly. And I know I didn't tell you but that was because I remember how James was running after you last year..."

"Yes. He was chasing me. Not the other way round. You know I have no problem whatsoever with Potter chasing other girls--in fact, I'd rather he did, to be honest--but I don't want you getting hurt." Growing more serious, she looked into the other girl's face. "Are you happy?"

"I am, really, Lil. I promise."

"Very well then. I can be happy for you both. And I'm so glad to see you again." That last admittance made as she hugged Kate close. "I missed you awfully."

"And I you. Trying to do Charms without you around to explain things is terrifying," Kate admitted. "And Moira going on about Black was getting tiresome."

"If I'd been trying to do Herbology, I would have felt the same way," Lily grinned. "Now, let's stop standing about and find the snack cart."

And so they did, strolling back down the corridors some five minutes later. However, as they entered their car, the sound of raised male voices caught their attention. Muttering a word she could well have learnt from Sirius over the summer, Lily strode forward with Kate hovering a little behind.

"Well, if it isn't the Black sheep." An unfamiliar laugh punctuated the end of the phrase, and Lily caught sight of a blonde boy lounging in the doorway of their compartment. "You know your mother's transferred your little brother to Durmstrang to get him away from your unfortunate influences?"

"First of all, Rosier, that joke wasn't funny the first time you said it, and I stopped counting the repeat performances after number nine." Sirius' voice was dangerously light. "And secondly, the further away the little maggot is from me, the better. Good riddance, say I."

"Is something the matter?" Lily enquired with mock innocence as she slipped past the boy she now recognised as Evan Rosier, a sixth-year from Slytherin. As usual, his eyes seemed to move right past her as though refusing to acknowledge her existence. She'd more or less accepted that as an annoying but ultimately innate trait in Slytherins.

Sirius smiled grimly. "Rosier couldn't resist stopping in. I think my excessive good looks proved too much for his feeble self-control."

"Don't flatter yourself, Black," growled Rosier. "I just wanted to give you the news."

"Very kind of you. How's your best pal Snivelly? I see he didn't accompany you on this brave quest to make terrible jokes about me," Sirius remarked.

"Severus is in our compartment, if you must know. Apparently he thinks Potter here is far too interested in undressing him to feel comfortable with you lot," Rosier retorted, glaring at each of them in turn through rather strikingly green eyes.

James jumped to his feet, indignant, and Remus immediately followed to hold him back. "As if I'd have any interest in Snivellus. I'd have to be blind, deaf, and mindlessly stupid. Though that might explain the attraction on your part."

Rosier lunged forward, just as Sirius grabbed his robes to shove him into the corridor, right past a thoroughly startled Kate. "Get. Out." He snarled, pulling the girl into the compartment and closing the door. "Colloportus," he murmured, pointing his wand at the door.

Outside, the Slytherin boy glared but after trying the door to no avail, stalked away down the corridor, presumably toward his own compartment.

Sirius sat back down, attempting to calm his somewhat erratic breathing. Beside him, Lily kept her eyes on the door for several moments before she finally spoke. "Why do you lot have it in for Severus Snape? I don't understand."

"How can you defend him after the way he's treated you?" James blustered.

Lily narrowed her eyes at him. "If you had been in his position, would you have acted any differently, Potter?" At his incredulous expression, she continued, her voice calm. "He was minding his own business when you started tormenting him. Humiliating him. Using him as your toy so you could get a cheap laugh at his expense. And then, turning him into a bargaining chip so you could have the audacity to ask me out?" She snorted in disgust. "I'm surprised he didn't hex you to the ends of the earth. We all know he could do it if he wanted."

"We're not talking about me. We're talking about how he insulted you," The splotches of red had returned to James' face, embarrassment mixed with anger. "He called you a Mudblood."

"So have other people."

"But even you reacted to that, Lil," Kate pointed out softly. "You said you wouldn't bother in the future."

"That was before he apologised," Lily replied.

"He apologised?" enquired Sirius, speaking for the first time since Rosier's departure. "In private, I suppose, the little coward."

"The hell he is!" Lily spat, just as Remus put in his softly voiced opinion.

"The only reason he didn't apologise after saying it--and I know he wanted to--was because you were standing there, yelling at him to do it, Prongs. There wasn't a chance in hell that he would do it then. You know Snape as well as I do. He'd never do anything that any of us suggested."

"That's still no excuse." James stated, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat.

"As you like." Lily sighed and reached into her bag for a book. The compartment lapsed into silence for the rest of the journey.


It was only after they had retired to their dormitories following the Welcoming Feast that James finally broached the question he'd wanted to ask since that afternoon. Remus was still in the Common Room, keeping an eye on the new first-years, and he'd enlisted Peter's help, leaving James and Sirius to themselves. "Did you know about your brother, Padfoot? Before Rosier mentioned it?"

Sirius shook his head. "You've seen every letter I've received this summer, Prongs. The only person in my family who wrote to me was Andromeda, and she'd not have known. Mother isn't exactly on good terms with her either."

"But Durmstrang?" James frowned, sinking onto his bed. "Really? Isn't that a bit excessive?"

"Excess is what my family brings out for special occasions," Sirius remarked, rather caustically. "He used to be alright. Annoying, but little brothers usually are. That was before Mother heard that I'd been sorted into Gryffindor. Then she started sending Reg off to Aunt Elladora's for tea every week...basically doing everything she could to keep him from getting sorted here too."

"Blimey," he muttered. "I didn't realise it was that bad."

"It isn't, actually. I feel worse for him. He's got no idea how much of a git he's become. Even 'Cissa wasn't that bad when she was here. She'd still talk to me. When she wasn't threatening me for hexing people in corridors, that is," he added with a grin.

"She scared the piss out of me that first time," James recalled with a smile of his own. "I thought she was going to hex us both, to hell with rules."

"No, that's not 'Cissa's way. She's a firm believer in revenge being served up cold, when you least expect it." Sirius dug out the last few bits of clothing from his trunk. "I've had no word from her since I left. Not that I'm surprised."

James shifted uncomfortably. "Malfoy's picked his side and it's not yours. There's nothing you can do about it now."

"Yeah. Sure." Having shoved the trunk beneath his bed, Sirius threw himself back onto the pillows just as Remus and Peter staggered into the room. "All the first-years safe in their beds, Moony?"

Remus made a face at him. "As much as they can be. Were we that bad as first-years?"

"Worse, I'm sure," James assured him, ducking the pillow Remus hurled in his direction. "What? It's true."

"Were we that bad as first-years?"

"Worse, I'm sure," James assured him, ducking the pillow Remus hurled in his direction. "What? It's true."

Much though Remus might have wanted to argue the point, the other three were laughing far too hard to listen. Ultimately, with a rueful smile, he gave up.