

Story Summary:
Harry now knows what he has to do - find and destroy the Horcruxes and Voldemort. Ron and Hermione refuse to leave his side and they choose to become something that the Dark Lord will fear...the Trinity.

Chapter 18

Chapter Summary:
The train ride has two more significant events; one involving Neville and the other once again involving Theodore Nott that may lead to an unmissable opportunity and an opportunity for the Trinity.

Chapter 18

Once the trio had finished their patrol, they handed things off to the next group of prefects and headed back to their compartment where they found Ginny and Remus talking with Neville and Luna. The two misfits greeted their friends and made room for them on the bench seats.

"How did it go?" Ginny asked as Harry sat next to her.

"Interesting," he replied. "The Slytherins are going to be a little light on for numbers this year. It looks like the only ones who have returned are those who are neutral or on our side."

"We're going to cream them in Quidditch this year," Ron announced gleefully.

Everyone stared at him for a moment then burst out laughing.

"Ron, only you would come to that conclusion at this time," Hermione said with affectionate exasperation. "We're in the middle of a war that could kill us all and you're worried about Quidditch."

"Well, he does have a point," Harry said with a straight face.

The others snickered at the disapproving look on Hermione's face then the bushy-haired girl seemed to realise she was being teased and she began to smile.

"We also got a new ally," she said, rasing an eyebrow at Harry.

Harry smothered his snickers. "Yeah. Theodore Nott's on our side."

Silence greeted that announcement.

"Do you trust him?" Remus asked carefully.

Harry cocked his head to one side and thought for a moment. "Yeah, I do. Mind you, he's only on our side because his father's locked up in Azkaban. If his father was around, he said he'd probably remain neutral."

Remus considered that for a moment. "Hmm, that's a fairly Slytherin way of saying he's genuine."

"That's what I thought," Harry replied. "But to be honest, I don't particularly care if the Slytherins are neutral or with us. Just as long as they don't get in the way."

"Isn't that a bit harsh?" Hermione asked.

"Not really," Ron said soberly. "I mean that's really what we want everyone who's not ready for this to do. Get out of the way and let us do what we have to do."

Hermione was silent for a moment. "Yes, I suppose you're right."

Everyone was quiet for a moment then Neville nervously cleared his throat.

"In light of what happened last year, are you going to start the DA again?" he asked nervously.

"I've been thinking about it," Harry admitted. "I think it might be valuable to have a group of people used to working with each other available in case anything happens but I'm not sure I'll have time for it this year."

"We could do it," Ginny said suddenly, gesturing to Neville and Luna.

Neville looked startled at that idea while Luna merely looked up from her copy of the Quibbler with an interested expression.

Harry considered it. "Yeah, I guess you could," he said finally.

"Are you serious?" Neville stammered.

"Why not?" Harry replied. "You and Luna were the only two from the DA who answered the call that night. Why shouldn't you be in charge along with Luna and Ginny?"

Neville looked surprised then an odd expression of defiance flitted across his face. "We were, weren't we?" he said quietly.

"Yes, we were," Luna said calmly. "I believe Neville should be overall charge. He's in Seventh Year after all." She looked over at Ginny. "We can be his hardy lieutenants."

Small smiles flickered over everyone's faces at that last comment.

"But...but...I wouldn't know what to do," Neville protested.

"And I did?" Harry asked sardonically. "Hermione helped a bit but mostly I just made it up as I went along."

"Oh," Neville replied, looking startled. "It didn't show."

"Sheer dumb luck," Harry replied with a grin. "I've made a career of it."

Laughter rang out for a moment then Harry sobered.

"Seriously, I'll help when I can and so will Ron and Hermione," he said encouragingly. "And I'm sure Remus and Moody would help if you asked."

"Of course," Remus said hastily. "I think it's a good idea personally. I have my doubts as to whether Voldemort would attack Hogwarts but his Death Eaters may make an attempt, changes in the wards or not. It would a good idea to have a well-organised force inside the castle to defend it."

"But me?" Neville squeaked.

"Why not?" Harry said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Besides you are good at Defense. You got an Exceeds Expectations on your OWL, didn't you?"

"Well, yes," Neville admitted slowly.

"And you did well at the Ministry," Harry continued inexorably. "You stood by me the whole time. You faced the Death Eaters and fought them even though you were injured."

Realisation flooded across Neville's face and his shoulders straightened slightly. "Yeah...yeah, I did," he said in a tone of wonder, almost as though he had really realised what he'd done back then.

"And you fought when those Death Eaters broke into the school," Harry concluded. "You've got as much right as any of the rest of us to be in charge of the DA."

"I knew your parents quite well before...they were hurt. Through the Order, of course," Remus said quietly, gaining Neville's immediate attention. "They were wonderful people. Very kind, caring and loving. And very determined. They fought Voldemort fiercely. They'd be very proud of what you've done in the last couple of years."

Neville seemed to shiver momentarily and Harry realised that in some ways he and Neville were exactly the same. Even though Neville's parents were still alive, he had never really known them as he should have. In fact in some ways, Neville's situation was worse than his own. He at least had the comfort of knowing that his parents had died bravely. Neville's parents lingered on in a state of quiet insanity, seemingly not even knowing their own son. He couldn't imagine what it must be like for Neville to go and visit them.

"Thank you," Neville said softly.

"Anyway, think about it," Harry said breaking the small silence that had fallen. "You don't have to make a decision right now."

"No, it's alright," Neville said, his voice sounding determined. "I'll do it."

"Great!" Harry said with an encouraging smile as Ron slapped their fellow Gryffindor on the back. "Though you might want to wait until we have a couple of classes with Moody before you start just to see where he's going to go. Ron, Hermione and I will help you whenever we can. We'll certainly be there for the first meeting so that everyone knows this has our support."

"Okay," Neville said sounding both strangely confident and rather shell-shocked.

The conversation moved in other directions after that and Harry settled back to enjoy what might one of the few calm and quiet moments that he might get this year.

They were visited regularly over the course of the day; by prefects checking in to report that everything was quiet, fellow students wanting to say hello and congratulations and then finally Theodore Nott appeared in the door of the compartment.

"Any room in here?" he asked, trying to appear casual and mostly succeeding. There was an odd tension in his shoulders and Harry could see a crumpled piece of parchment clenched in one hand.

"Sure," Harry said calmly before anyone else could speak.

He nudged Ginny and she moved over a bit closer to Remus. Harry scooted along after her and Theodore sat down with something that was very close to a sigh of relief. The others stared warily at the Slytherin for a moment until Harry raised an eyebrow at Hermione and Ron. Hermione blinked then asked a question about their upcoming Transfiguration classes that Remus hastily answered. Luna looked up and got involved in their impromptu discussion. Ron nudged his sister with one foot and asked her a question about Quidditch then the siblings drew Neville into their debate. Harry watched them for a moment then turned casually to Theodore.

"Anything wrong?" he asked quietly.

Theodore gave him a sharp glare that had Harry briefly wondering if Snape had given his House lessons on how to do that properly then the Slytherin boy sighed and sank back into the seat. He stared out the window of the door for a moment then held the crumpled piece of parchment he'd been holding out. Harry took it carefully and opened it, absently smoothing the creases as he read.

Mr Nott,

The Dark Lord has requested that you take your father's place within his inner circle. Be waiting outside the Hogwarts gates at nine pm on the evening of the 3rd of September. You will be met by Draco.

Severus Snape

"When did you get this?" Harry asked as he refolded the note and handed it back.

"It arrived this morning," Theodore said tightly. "But we were in such a rush that I didn't have time to read it until now."

"What are you going to do?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Theodore growled. "I have no intention of joining the Death Eaters but I also don't know what will happen if I refuse this summons. Don't be fooled by the word request. This is no request, it's an order." He sighed and ran a hand down his face. "I was hoping you might have some ideas."

Harry sat and thought for a moment, ignoring the slightly stilted conversations swirling around the compartment. Draco and possibly Snape would be waiting for Nott outside the Hogwarts gates. This seemed a prime opportunity for an attempt to capture one or both of them.

"I've got a few ideas," Harry said calmly. "I'll need to speak to a couple of people first though."

"I have to answer this," Theodore said urgently. "No later than tonight."

Harry hesitated then his expression firmed. "Tell him you'll be waiting."

"Are you mad?" Theodore hissed. "I told you I don't want to join the Death Eaters."

"You won't be," Harry assured him. "But I want Draco to be there at that time. With any luck Snape will be with him."

Theodore stared at Harry with dawning realisation and some incredulity. "You want me to capture them?"

Harry snorted. "Now you're thinking like a Gryffindor. There'll be more than just you there. The rest of us will be hiding."

"No need to be insulting," Theodore said, struggling to regain his composure. "And who exactly is the rest of us?"

"Me, Ron and Hermione for a start," Harry replied. "Probably more. Depends who I can rustle up on short notice."

Theodore relaxed a bit. "That's sounds better."

Harry laughed. "Bit less Gryffindorish?"

"You Gryffindors are very good at carrying out plans but you sometimes forget to take into account all the variables," Theodore said, calming down considerably.

"As long as we keep winning at Quidditch, I don't care," Harry said airily.

"That's not going to be a challenge this year," Theodore grumbled.

Harry laughed and the others seemed to take this as an indication that the private conversation between Harry and Theodore was over.

"What's so funny?" Ron asked, slightly suspiciously.

"Quidditch," Theodore answered sourly.

Ron beamed. "This is going to be a great year for Gryffindor."

Theodore grumbled. "Of course it is. You've got no bloody competition."

Ron's reply was interrupted by Remus' amused reminder that they needed to get changed into their uniforms. Nott rolled his eyes and left the compartment and there followed several minutes of flurrying among Harry and his friends before the train lurched to a halt.

They climbed off the train and saw Hagrid standing at the end of the platform, calling for any First Years. Only three timid eleven year olds crept over to the half-giant and Harry gave Hagrid a grim wave. He could only hope that more First Years had arrived with their parents by other means. They made their way through the rather diminished crowd to the thestral-drawn carriages and were soon walking through the Entrance Hall towards the Great Hall.

"Is it just me or was it a bit strange not to have a bit of a confrontation with Draco on the train?" Ron asked as they waved to Luna and sat down at the Gryffindor table.

Harry looked around and was relieved to see that most of their fellow Gryffindors had returned this year. "Yeah, it was a bit odd. But he didn't do anything last year either."

"He broke your nose!" Ron objected.

"That was mostly my fault," Harry replied then he looked up at the teachers' table.

It felt something like a punch in the stomach to see Minerva McGonagall sitting where Dumbledore always had and Harry quickly swallowed and ducked his head. For all his brave and defiant words about returning this year, he hadn't really thought about what it would be like without the Headmaster.

"Merlin, that's strange," Ron muttered, having followed Harry's gaze. "No Dumbledore twinkling at us and no Snape glaring. Just doesn't seem right."

There were mutters of agreement from those who were near enough to hear Ron's words.

"Seems a bit bizarre that we'd actually miss Snape," Seamus said with an attempt at humour.

Harry snorted and looked back up at the teachers. Slughorn was sitting between Professor Sprout and Vector and looking rather less jovial than he had the previous year. Moody had taken Snape's old seat and he nodded soberly to Harry when his gaze reached that end of the table. Remus was sitting next to Moody and, as Harry watched, the two of them started a low voiced conversation. In fact most of the teachers were looking grim and tired.

Just then the doors to the Hall opened and Professor Flitwick came in with a bare dozen First Years trailing after him.

"So few," Hermione said with quiet dismay.

"Don't they know their kids are probably safer here than at home," Ron said with frustration.

"They're scared, Ron," Ginny chided as the new First Years lined up in front of the teachers.

"So scared they're going to get their kids killed," Ron grumbled as the Hat began its song. "As well as themselves."

"You can't blame them for wanting to keep their children close," Harry said ruefully. "I mean, last year we had Death Eaters in here. You can understand their worries."

"Min...Professor McGonagall's tightened the wards," Ron said quietly. "That won't happen again."

"Maybe they'll send them in a couple of weeks once it becomes clear that everything's fine here," Hermione said soothingly. "Professor McGonagall mentioned she would allow that the last time she was at Headquarters."

They quietened down as the first child sat under the Hat and was sent to a greatly diminished Ravenclaw table. Harry was surprised but pleased to see that Hufflepuff nearly rivalled Gryffindor in the number of students who had returned this year and he could only assume that what had happened to Cedric had created a wave of defiance among the Hufflepuffs.

The Sorting continued with Hufflepuff gaining four of the twelve, Ravenclaw three, Gryffindor four and Slytherin only one. Once that was done, Professor McGonagall stood up. She looked tired and worn but there was a hint of defiance and pride underneath all of that.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts," she said, her voice only a fraction unsteady. "Before we start dinner, I would just like to thank you all for returning this year. No matter what happens in the world, education is still important as are the friends you make while you are here. Enjoy your dinner."

As she sat down the plates on the tables filled with food and the noise level rose as everyone began to eat. Ron and Hermione waited until their house mates had involved themselves in conversation then they leaned forward.

"So what did Nott want?" Ron asked.

Harry shook his head. "Not now."

"As Head Boy and Girl, we get our own common room," Hermione said briskly. "We can talk about it there."

Harry nodded and turned his attention back to his dinner. "I need to have a word with Moody first though."

Both Ron and Hermione's eyebrows went up at that. "That serious?" Ron asked.

"Interesting," Harry corrected. "And a good opportunity. But not one I want to talk about in front of everybody."

Ron nodded and attacked his own meal. Once everyone had finished eating and the last empty plate had disappeared, Professor McGonagall stood again. Harry half-listened as she gave a start of term speech not that much different from Professor Dumbledore's then everyone was standing and heading for the dorms. The Headmistress caught Harry and Hermione's attention and Ron waved them off as he decided to be responsible and see that the rest of the House, and particularly the First Years, got up to the dorm safely.

"Meet you at the Fat Lady," he said as he ushered the four new Gryffindors along.

Harry nodded as he and Hermione headed up towards the teachers' table. Professor McGonagall gave them a weary smile in welcome.

"Welcome back, Mr Potter, Miss Granger," she said. "I just want to show you where your common room is and give you the password then I'll let you get some rest."

"I just need to have a word with Professor Moody first," Harry said hurriedly.

Minerva gave him a curious look but nodded. Harry dashed over to catch the new Defence teacher before he could leave.

"Professor Moody!" he called and the grizzled ex-Auror stopped and turned.

"Potter," Moody said in greeting. "What can I do for you?"

"Something interesting happened on the train that we need to talk to you about," Harry said. "I was going to tell Ron and Hermione in the Head Students common room but you should definitely be in this as well."

Moody eyed him for a long moment then nodded. "Let me just get a few things settled, Potter. I'll meet you there."

Harry nodded and rejoined Hermione and the Headmistress. They walked through the corridors silently until they came to a portrait of the four animal emblems of the school.

"This portrait is the entrance to your common room," Minerva said with a small smile. "The password is Trinity."

Harry grinned and Hermione chuckled. "Appropriate," she said.

"Yes, I thought so," Minerva replied. "I trust you will keep me in the loop regarding your activities?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

The Headmistress patted him on the shoulder. "I know you're meeting with Alastor right now. I won't insist on being present. I'm afraid I have far too much work to do."

"I'll come and see you tomorrow," Harry promised.

Minerva nodded and swept off down the corridor.

"I'll go and get Ron," Hermione said then she headed for Gryffindor Tower.

Harry turned to the portrait and said, "Trinity." It swung open and Harry walked into a large well-appointed room. There were two large desks both flanked by well-stocked bookshelves. There was also a fireplace with a couple of comfortable-looking couches and armchairs in front of it. The room was decorated in shades of cream and brown and Harry thought it was a nice compromise for all of the normal House colours. As he walked further into the room a house elf popped in and bowed.

"Would Harry Potter like anything?" it squeaked.

"Um, could you bring tea for four please," Harry asked and the little creature bowed again and popped out.

It was back shortly with not only the makings of tea but also a plate of biscuits and small pastries. Harry thanked the house elf then turned as the door opened to admit Hermione, Ron and Moody. Hermione and Ron immediately looked around the room as Moody headed for an armchair and poured himself some tea. The trio soon joined him and when they were all settled, Ron was the first to lean forward.

"Alright, Harry. What did Nott want?" he asked intently.

"He got a letter this morning and didn't have time to read it until after the meeting," Harry explained. "It was from Voldemort via Snape. Voldemort wants Nott to take his father's place in the Death Eaters. Nott doesn't want to do it. But he's supposed to meet Draco outside the gates at nine pm in two days."

"Why doesn't he want to follow his father?" Moody asked suspiciously.

"Nott thinks Voldemort's an idiot," Harry said.

"He's on our side," Hermione added. "Though he was honest enough to admit that he'd be neutral if his father wasn't in Azkaban."

Moody grunted then nodded briefly. "Guess I'd better start trusting your judgement, Potter. I take it you have an ambush in mind?"

Harry nodded. "Draco will definitely be there and there's a chance Snape might be as well. I think we should take the opportunity presented to us."

Moody leaned back in his armchair and drank his tea. "Remus, Minerva, Filius," he muttered. "Probably be able to get Tonks and maybe Aberforth on short notice."

"Plus the three of us," Harry said firmly.

"I suspended you lot," Moody said with one raised eyebrow.

"I've gotten better," Harry countered. "You know I have."

The silence stretched as Moody eyed the young leader of the Order sitting opposite him then he finally nodded.

"Alright," he growled. "But if you let Snape or Malfoy goad you into doing something stupid I'll make sure you regret it."

Harry swallowed and nodded. He realised from the expression on Moody's face that the man was deadly serious. "That's fair enough," he said with a hint of nervousness.

"Let me think this through a bit," Moody said as he stood. "Come and see me tomorrow after classes and we'll put a workable plan together." He headed for the door but paused with one hand on the handle. "And wear those uniforms you three put together. 'Bout time the Trinity got a public airing."

Harry, Ron and Hermione grinned at each other as Moody left.

"It's about bloody time," Ron said, his grin turning decidedly ferocious.

Author notes: Thanks once again for all the reviews!

alys_lynn - Hmm, I'm not as sure as you seem to be about Draco. *grins* If you want to know my inspiration for the the whole scene with Harry's hands, watch the House episode Detox. Watching the wonderful Hugh Laurie play House's descent in pain was very...erm, instructional but specifically watch the scene where he smashes his own hand in order to focus his pain. That was where the idea came from - the pain that is etched all over him and the fact that throughout that whole scene there is not one single word spoken. It's remarkable! And don't worry this will probably be like Guild and Crystalline - the ships are there but more as a background than the main focus of the story so you should be able to gloss over them if you want *LOL*

Aberforth's Avatar - Yes, earthing and grounding are the same basic concept, just a different name. It's always made sense to me particularly when the impression has always been given that Hogwarts is...well, alive for lack of a better word. Oh, and you know those chickens? They're coming home to roost sooner than you might think! *L*

mjh - The Trinity will get their first outing in the next chapter and will be brought to Voldemort's attention first. It's his actions that will bring the Trinity into the public arena. You'll just have to wait and see what the Ministry's reaction is! *LOL*

mzaznesther - Australian actually. But we pretty much spell everything the same way the British do.

AndyP - Don't worry, enemies will come. The Death Eaters will come more into it later and there will be another traitor within the walls of Hogwarts. And Voldemort will become a little more active as the story progresses.

Kwistel - Earthing or grounding of magic isn't exactly a type of magic, it's more feeding the magic back into the earth or ground or in this case, into the wards and shields which are capable of containing and absorbing it. Don't worry about Harry's lack of knowledge - that's all going to come to a head in the next couple of chapters.