

Story Summary:
Harry now knows what he has to do - find and destroy the Horcruxes and Voldemort. Ron and Hermione refuse to leave his side and they choose to become something that the Dark Lord will fear...the Trinity.

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
Harry's birthday get underway with dinner. He chats with Bill and Moody and gets a nasty surprise. Draco faces Voldemort and has an unpleasant time.

Chapter 9

Dobby appeared at about six pm that evening and told them dinner was ready and could they please go to the dining room. The little house elf then disappeared as Harry and Remus exchanged amused looks.

"Well, at least we know where my party is," Harry said dryly as they packed up the notes they had been looking through.

Remus chuckled. "Very convenient. What do you want to do with the locket and the goblet?"

Harry hesitated for a moment. "Um, let me take them upstairs. It's not that I don't trust anyone here, I just don't want to take any risks."

Remus nodded. "I'll see you in the dining room then."

Harry grabbed the goblet and the locket, cursing quietly at the slight magical charge from the goblet, and quickly ran up the stairs to his bedroom. He stuffed the goblet and locket in his trunk underneath some of Dudley's old clothes then he clattered back downstairs. He paused at the door to the dining room and took a deep breath before pushing the door open.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" came the shout from many voices as he walked in the room and he started laughing.

Ron and Hermione descended on him and pulled him into the crowd. He received many slaps on the back as he was dragged over to the table and pushed gently into a chair. Everyone took their seats amid much chattering and once they were all seated the food appeared. Harry looked around and saw that Ron and Hermione were sitting to one side of him and Ginny and Remus to the other. Directly opposite him were Bill and Fleur and he leaned forward to speak to Bill.

"How did it go on the full moon?" he asked. This was the first time he'd seen Bill since that night.

"Strange but okay," Bill replied. "Remus was right, I didn't change but I don't think I would have wanted people around me. I lost track of time on several different occasions during the night and I lost my temper for the most ridiculous reasons as well. I scuffed my feet a little too hard once and got dust in my nose." He grinned a little sheepishly. "Let's just say there's one less chair in the Shack now and a new pile of kindling."

Harry gave a short laugh. "But you're okay?"

Bill nodded. "Yeah, definitely okay. Quite frankly I think I got lucky." He paused. "Merlin knows I'm luckier than Remus. I think these scars are a small price to pay for an escape from Greyback."

Harry nodded a little sadly. Bill's scars were still quite unsightly and probably would never completely heal but they certainly looked better than when he'd first seen them in the Hospital Wing.

"Speaking of Greyback, I heard you set Fred and George a bit of a challenge. A werewolf repellent," Bill said with a grin. "They've been working their butts off every time I've seen them. They said they were going to take the opportunity to corner Remus tonight."

"I'm glad they're taking it seriously," Harry replied.

"I think they feel guilty about the use that Peruvian powder of theirs was put to that night," Bill replied dryly. "Besides, I know they hide it well but Fred and George have always taken their responsibilities seriously."

"Zey are very creative," Fleur added, sounding impressed. "I thought zey were wasting zere time but when I saw some of what zey have developed...well, zey are very talented."

"Yeah, Mum's finally come to that conclusion as well," Bill said with amusement. "You might even be able to tell her you gave them their start up money without her yelling at you."

Harry snorted with laughter. "Erm, maybe not."

Bill grinned, something that looked almost frightening with his scars. "How your training with Moody going?"

Harry groaned. "Good but he's a slave driver."

"Best way to learn," Bill replied with absolutely no sympathy.

"Yeah, yeah," Harry grumbled good-naturedly.

"We are getting better though," Hermione said, leaning around Ron. "I could hardly run more than five minutes when we started. I manage about ten minutes before having to slow down now."

"See, told you it was the best way to learn," Bill said with a grin.

The conversation drifted then into more mundane topics and Harry settled in to enjoy his birthday.


Severus stood with the outward appearance of calm from his position beside the Dark Lord and watched Draco approach. The young man looked apprehensive and worried as he knelt with admirable grace before his Lord.

"You failed me, Draco," Voldemort hissed with displeasure. "I gave you a task. Not an easy one, I will admit, but one that I thought was well within your capabilities. But you failed."

Draco wisely did not say anything, not even a plea for mercy. He merely pressed his forehead to the floor and shivered.

"Had Severus not made a promise to your mother, my plan would have failed entirely," Voldemort continued, rising to his feet and walking around the kneeling boy. "I suppose it is just as well Severus was there. He succeeded where you failed. That is why he stands beside me and you...kneel before me." He stood right in front of Draco's head. "Well, boy? Do you have anything to say to me?"

Draco shivered. "No, my Lord," he said, his voice muffled.

"You are wiser than some then who insist on spouting lies and false platitudes," Voldemort said with a malicious smile. "Still, that does not alter anything. It merely saves you from receiving worse." He pulled his wand out and pointed it at Draco. "Crucio!"

Draco writhed on the floor as pain ripped through him and shortly he was screaming. Finally the Dark Lord ended his spell and Draco slumped, panting heavily.

"You have placed Severus in great danger and robbed me of a valuable spy in the Order's camp," Voldemort said almost conversationally. "Severus, I believe that warrants you having your opportunity."

"Thank you, my Lord," Severus said with a respectful bow. He pulled his wand out smoothly and pointed it at Draco. He considered the young man on the floor in front of him for a moment then said, "Crucio."

Draco writhed again and this time his screams started immediately. Severus eyed Draco almost clinically as he held the curse then he finally ended it.

In the silence that followed, Narcissa's gulping sob was clearly heard.

Voldemort whirled around to eye the blonde woman who was standing next to her dark sister. "You weep for your son, do you, Narcissa?" he said as he prowled over to her. "Your son who failed me?" he snorted. "I suppose I should not be surprised. You ran straight to Severus after Draco received his task, didn't you? Begged for his help, I hear. Oh, don't look so surprised. Severus is nothing if not loyal. He informed me of your actions immediately after you left."

Narcissa shot Severus a single look of betrayal that he sneered at.

"Take your son out of my sight, Narcissa," Voldemort said with disgust. "And see if you can teach him what it is to be a Death Eater. I shall call on him soon enough and should he fail again..."

The Dark Lord did not finish that sentence but his implications were clear enough. Voldemort would not tolerate a second failure.

Narcissa rushed forward and knelt beside her son. He moaned as she turned him over.

"Bella!" she demanded and her sister scowled before stalking over.

Between the two of them, the women got Draco up and helped him out of the room. Voldemort looked around the room at the silent Death Eaters.

"Get out," he snarled. "And remember the penalty for failure. Severus, you will remain."

The Death Eaters filed out of the room as Voldemort walked over to his Potions Master.

"What progress have you made with a cure for Nagini?" he demanded.

"It is clear she has been poisoned, my Lord," Severus replied. "But the poison has defied every attempt I have made to identify it. It is either being concealed by magic or is I have scoured my library and have found some new avenues to explore. In the meantime I have brought several restoratives for her. They should slow the progress of the poison until I can identify it."

"I asked for a solution, not more platitudes!" Voldemort snarled. "She cannot die, Severus. Crucio!"

Pain ripped through Severus' body and his knees went from underneath him. He shuddered through the pain, keeping his lips clamped over his screams. When the pain finally stopped, he rose shakily to his feet and brushed his hair back from his face.

"Forgive me, my Lord," he said bowing deeply to hide his tremors.

Voldemort paced back and forth furiously for several minutes, deep in thought. He then whipped around and staggered momentarily before recovering.

"What I tell you now must not be shared with anyone else, Severus," he said menacingly. "Should I find you have discussed this with even one other person, you will not live to tell a second."

Severus bowed again. "You may be assured of my silence, my Lord."

Voldemort eyed him for a long moment before speaking again. "In my youth I discovered the secret to making myself immortal. It was this knowledge that allowed me to survive the disaster with the Potter boy. I discovered the means and the method for creating a Horcrux, Severus."

Severus' eyes widened. "I thought that knowledge was lost?"

"It almost was," Voldemort said with a sly smile. "But I found it again. And that is not the limits of what I managed to do. For having just one Horcrux did not seem safe to me and certainly it did not seem powerful either. I discovered a method of creating more than one." He chuckled maliciously. "It was far easier than I thought. I created the first when I was still at Hogwarts. I was seventeen, Severus, and they dare to say Dumbledore was more powerful than I. What had he done at seventeen?"

"Most remarkable, my Lord," Severus said with admiration. "How many did you create?"

"Six," Voldemort said with smug pride. "To create seven sections of my soul. A magically powerful number, seven. That is why I did not die when my curse rebounded off the Potter boy. Five sections of my soul remained safe and thus I could not die."

Severus blinked. "Five, my Lord?"

Voldemort chuckled. "Yes, I thought you would pick that up, my clever Potions Master. Your intelligence has always been your greatest asset. Yes, five. I meant to create my sixth Horcrux that night. The Potter boy's death was to be the catalyst. After my restoration, I was able to complete my plan." He paused and whipped around to face Severus, once again wavering for a fraction of a second. "And that is why Nagini must not die, Severus. She is my sixth Horcrux. The injuries I sustained last year still hamper me. I do not have the strength to create another Horcrux at the moment. She must live, Severus."

Severus was silent. "My Lord, I have never deliberately lied to you and I will not now, no matter the consequences. I believe the poison that afflicts Nagini was created especially for her. I cannot be entirely sure but it seems the most likely option." He paused. "If that is the case, I may not be able to cure her before she succumbs."

Voldemort stared at Severus furiously and he mentally braced himself for another round of the Cruciatus. But the Dark Lord stayed his hand.

"You give me honesty now and risk my anger rather than lie and ensure it," Voldemort murmured, almost to himself. "Once again, I say your intelligence is your greatest asset, Severus. Very well, I shall take your warning under advisement."

"I shall bend all of my efforts towards identifying the poison and creating an antidote, my Lord," Severus said in a mollifying tone. "I merely wished to...prepare you for the possibility of failure."

Voldemort cocked his head to one side, his red eyes resting in near benevolence on Severus. "You are the rarest amongst my Death Eaters, Severus. One so confident of his place at my side that he can admit to failure."

"My place at your side is entirely at your command and your command alone. If you wish another to take my place, I will stand aside," Severus replied carefully. "If I am confident then it is merely in my own abilities. My Mastery was well earned."

Voldemort chuckled. "Your place is assured, my clever Potions Master. You rid me of a considerable thorn in my side and for that you have been well rewarded. Do your best for Nagini. Her survival is of great importance."

With that the Dark Lord turned and stalked out of the room. Severus sighed and sagged where he was standing for a moment then he too left the room.


The party was in full swing and Harry was deep in conversation with Moody and Bill when a trickle of pain ran through his scar. He gasped and his eyes widened as he flinched. It had been over a year since he'd felt anything through the link.

"Harry?" Bill said with concern. "What wrong?"

"Uh, I'm not sure," Harry said as he waited to see if anything else would happen.

"Potter?" Moody growled when the silence stretched on.

Harry shook his head. "No, it's alright. I...just felt something through my scar."

"What?" Moody asked sharply.

"Pain but not much and it went away almost immediately," Harry said, rubbing his forehead.

"I thought all of that stopped," Moody barked.

"Yeah, it did," Harry replied feeling a little taken off guard. "But the Headmaster said it was because of Voldemort realising I was getting information from him as well as the other way around."

"Settle down, Alastor," Bill said calmly. "I don't think we need to worry just at the moment. Maybe something happened that got the better of Voldemort for a moment."

Moody stared at the two of them for a long moment then nodded curtly. "If it happens again, tell someone, Potter. We can organise for an Occlumens to train you."

Harry nodded then he frowned. "I thought there weren't that many Occlumens around."

"There are plenty of them around," Moody growled irritably. "True, there aren't many as good as Voldemort, Snape and Dumbledore but they could train you irrespective of that. Every Auror receives at least some instruction in Occlumency."

"I think we should add that to our training schedule then," Harry said decisively.

Moody nodded. "It was already on there. I wanted to get you lot a bit more proficient in non-verbal spell casting before we started on that."

"Good," Harry replied. "Thank you, Alastor."

"I'll bet you're giving him more horrible ideas about how he can torture us," Ron said suspiciously as he and Hermione wormed their way into the group.

"I don't need to do that," Harry replied dryly. "He comes up with all of his horrible ideas on his own."

Moody and Bill chuckled but Hermione ignored them as she grabbed at Harry's arm.

"Harry?" she asked hesitantly. "Did...did you find...anything in those crates?"

Harry nodded. "Lots of things, Hermione," he said softly. "But in terms of what you're asking about, yes. There was a goblet with lions carved on it that matches one on the lists Bill and Minerva gave us. It's definitely got a lot of magic involved in it" He grimaced. "You get this little magical charge, like an electric shock, whenever you touch it."

Bill nodded. "That makes some sense. The spells used to contain magical energy can do that before they're completed."

"So this is most likely the proto-Horcrux?" Hermione asked.

"Without seeing it, I'd say yes," Bill replied with a shrug. "That could change after I have a look at it." He paused and grinned at Harry. "I assume you'll let me have a look at it?"

Harry nodded. "You're the cursebreaker. You'll undoubtedly know more than we will."

"I'd be interested in seeing the real Horcrux as well," Bill added.

"Okay," Harry said after a short pause.

Before he could say anything else, Fred and George came charging over, huge grins on their faces.

"Presents!" they bellowed as they grabbed Harry by the arms and frogmarched him into the living room, everyone else laughing and trailing in their wake. They hauled the laughing Harry over to the table where all the presents had been piled and picked up the first one, shoving it in Harry's hands. Harry paused for a moment then, with a certain amount of childish glee, he ripped open the wrapping paper.

Half an hour later he was surrounded by ripped wrapping paper and there was a pile of unwrapped presents on the table. Mrs Weasley eyed him with amusement as she waved her wand and the wrapping paper disappeared.

"Thank you, everyone," Harry said as he turned to face his guests. "This has been a great birthday. Now everyone get back to enjoying themselves."

Everyone laughed and did just that.


Severus apparated into an alleyway in Hogsmeade and carefully made his way to the Hog's Head. He slid in through the back door and then down to the Headmaster's room. Albus was sitting in an armchair, reading a book. He looked up when he heard the Potions Master enter and his face became grave.

"What has happened?" he asked with concern.

Severus pulled off his cloak and draped it over the back of the couch. He then dropped down onto the couch and scrubbed his face with his hands, his lank hair falling forward. Albus rose and poured a glass of wine, handing it to the Potions Master when he raised his head.

"Thank you, Albus," he murmured.

Albus sat back down and chuckled. "If only your students could see you now, Severus. They would not believe that you are the real article."

Severus directed a half-hearted scowl at the Headmaster and let his head drop onto the back of the couch.

Albus sobered. "Ah, it went that badly, did it?"

"Draco was punished at the Dark Lord's hand and my own," Severus replied, a hint of self-loathing in his voice. "His mother has reclaimed him and he will only receive one more chance. The Dark Lord will not tolerate further failure from that family."

"I am sorry, Severus," the Headmaster said quietly.

Severus waved one hand absently as he raised his hand and sipped at the wine. "I am aware of that. Something of more importance happened this evening."

"Yes?" Albus asked, seeming to be a fraction distracted.

Severus saw this and his eyes narrowed. "What is it? Are you well?"

"Quite well, Severus," the Headmaster replied. "Please continue."

Severus eyed the Headmaster suspiciously for a moment. "The Dark Lord told me of the reason why Nagini must survive," he said.

Triumph flared in Albus' eyes. "He told you of the Horcruxes?"

Severus nodded. "He did not tell me what they were other than Nagini," he warned. "Though he did say he created one when he was seventeen."

Albus nodded, looking unsurprised. "Yes, I know. Do you think he will trust you with the knowledge of the others?"

"Unknown," Severus replied, looking a little thrown by the Headmaster's response.

Dumbledore caught that look. "Forgive me if I keep a few cards close to my chest, Severus. But you can not be suspected of having more information than you should rightly possess."

Severus scowled then sighed and nodded. "Very well." He paused and eyed the Headmaster curiously. The older man seemed oddly subdued and even sad. "What is wrong?"

Albus was quiet for a long time. "Do you know what day it is today, Severus?" he said in a thoughtful tone then he answered his own question. "No, likely you do not."

Severus frowned. "It is July 31st." He paused and blinked. "Ah, it is Potter's birthday if I recall correctly."

Albus looked at him with surprise. "Indeed it is, Severus. I was not aware you knew that."

Severus scowled. "After six years of dealing with the irritating boy you expect me to have missed that tiny detail? With the way the rest of the Order prattle on about it every year?"

The twinkle returned to Albus' eyes. "Then perhaps you also know how old Harry is today?"

Severus' eyes narrowed then he sighed. "Seventeen. He is of age."

"Indeed," Albus replied, still with that twinkle in his eyes. "I wonder how this will change things."

Severus leaned back on the couch. "The Dark Lord is rather distracted," he mused. "I would have expected him to have...prepared something for Potter. It is his style."

"Has he even remembered?" Albus asked with surprise.

"He did not mention it," Severus replied. "But he will remember at some point."

As though that sentence had been a harbinger, Severus felt pain flare through his left arm and he swore quietly.

"Ah, perhaps he has remembered," Albus said sadly. "Go, dear boy, and be careful."

Severus put the wine glass down and pulled the back cloak around his shoulders. "I am always careful, Albus," he said a little more sharply than he intended.

He stood and stalked out of the room, remembering to revert to a more subtle method of moving as he opened the door at the top of the stairs. He then slid out the back door and, after a quick look around, apparated back to the Dark Lord.