Harry Potter and the Guild of the Night


Story Summary:
Harry suffers a terrible injury at the Dursleys that leaves his ability to face Voldemort in doubt. But with the help of Remus Lupin and a mysterious new teacher he has a chance to become more than he was before. Features a grudgingly neutral Snape and a Ginny who knows what she wants or rather who she wants.

Chapter 27

Chapter Summary:
Harry discusses the implications of what he saw last night with his friends. Dumbledore makes a decision about Draco.

Chapter 27

When Harry came down to breakfast the next morning he looked pale and tired. He, Sirius and Snape had spent half the night closeted in Dumbledore's office discussing what Harry had seen. He was thankful that at least it was Sunday and he didn't have any classes. As he picked at his breakfast and his friends watched him with concern, he looked up at the Slytherin table. Draco was not there, he was not due back until tonight, but there seemed to be a certain amount of whispering going on amongst them. He looked back down at his plate.

"Harry, is everything alright?" Hermione asked quietly.

"Yeah," he said heavily, "I'm just tired but can you get everyone together and meet me in the Room of Requirement after breakfast?"

Hermione nodded and they both turned back to their respective breakfasts.

Half an hour later, Harry and friends, along with Master Nhean, Remus and Sirius were in the Room of Requirement. Harry watched the three adults walk in and raised an eyebrow at Hermione. She looked nervously back at him.

"I thought it must have something to do with what you and Sirius went and saw Professor Snape about last night and I thought they should know too," she said defensively.

"I'm not angry, Hermione," Harry said reassuringly. "I'm just surprised. I had planned on telling Remus and Master Nhean." He grinned at her. "You know, you're ability to anticipate me is getting kind of scary."

Hermione rolled her eyes and they wandered over to where the others were gathered.

"You're going to telling everyone what happened last night?" Sirius asked and Harry nodded.

"Well, I did promise that I wouldn't keep things to myself this year," he said with a shrug.

There were chuckles from the others and everyone settled themselves in various chairs and cushions. Harry sat on the couch with Sirius lounging on one side and Ginny sitting on the other.

"Okay," Harry said, "most of you know about the question Hermione asked last night about why I wasn't feeling anything or seeing anything from Voldemort anymore and that Sirius and I went down to see Professor Snape."

Everyone nodded and Harry proceeded to fill them in on what Professor Snape's conclusions were and what had happened after that. The news that Draco had taken the Dark Mark didn't surprise any of the Gryffindors but the news that he had been ordered to either kill the Potions Master or deliver him to Voldemort did.

"You don't Malfoy would actually try to kill Snape, do you?" Ron asked incredulously.

"I don't know," Harry said with a shake of his head, "but I think he might."

"What's Professor Dumbledore going to do?" Hermione asked.

"He going to be waiting for Draco when he gets back this evening and he's going to ask to see Draco's arms," Harry said grimly.

"He's going to expel him?" Ginny asked.

"He has to, doesn't he?" Neville said quietly. "I mean, Professor Snape's one thing, we know that he's a spy, but you can't allow an actual Death Eater to run around the school. He'd be hexing us all the moment our backs were turned." Neville smiled wryly. Of the six friends, Neville was the one who had changed the most this year. What the fracas in the Department of Mysteries had started, this year's lessons with Master Nhean and his aptitude for them was rapidly completing. The new air of confidence that was now around Neville only tended to fade when he faced Professor Snape.

"I wonder how many other Slytherins will get expelled then," Ron speculated.

"Well, that's the other thing I wanted to talk to you all about," Harry said. "I've decided to get the DA going again, this time as a proper school group." He turned to Remus and Sirius. "I was hoping that you two would consider helping."

Remus nodded. "Certainly, Harry, though if what I've been told is true, I don't think you really need my help." He shot a mischievous look at Sirius. "I do think that Sirius should get involved. It's high time he stopped freeloading and started contributing."

Sirius spluttered as the others laughed. "I'm not freeloading," he said mock-indignantly. "I'll have you know I am enjoying my newly acquired freedom." He laughed and became interested. "But, sure, I'll help. I was always good at Defence and Transfiguration."

"Good," Harry said with a smile. "Okay, it's Sunday today. How about we set the first meeting for Tuesday after Quidditch practice?" Everyone nodded and Harry pulled out the fake Galleon that Hermione had given all of the DA members last year. He concentrated and changed the date and time on it. "We'll have to tell everyone as well, just in case they aren't carrying their fake Galleon, and I'll let Professor Snape know when it's on."

"Why are you letting Snape know?" Ron asked with surprise.

"Because he thinks some of the Slytherins might be interested," Harry said. "That was the other thing he told us last night. Apparently not as many Slytherins as we thought are interested in joining the Death Eaters. A lot of them are pretty proud of Snape for his spying job."

"Huh," Ron grunted. "Well, I suppose they can't all be like Malfoy."

"Of course, they're not," Hermione said archly. "And this is probably what the Sorting Hat had in mind?"

Luna, who had been lying back on a cushion and staring at the ceiling, sat up and fixed Master Nhean with her penetrating gaze. "You don't believe that Draco's task is something we should worry about much, do you?" she said with her normal directness.

Nhean raised an eyebrow; he had indeed been thinking something along those lines. He knew better than to ask Luna how she knew though. This was not the first time she had done this to him this year and every time he asked how she knew she would go all wafty and vague on him. He had eventually chosen to respect her secrecy.

"Yes and no," Nhean said with a wink at Luna. "We should certainly take it seriously enough to ensure that the boy does not succeed but I do not feel that we should concentrate too much on it. This is merely a distraction; Voldemort lashing out at one who has betrayed him. You are still his primary target, Harry, and I think that is what we should concentrate on."

"In what way?" Harry asked.

"I think I will come to some of these DA meetings as well," Nhean said calmly. "It would not hurt for a few more people to have some knowledge of what can be done in battle conditions. Oh, it won't be anything like the concentrated training that the six of you have been doing but some basic knowledge wouldn't go astray."

"You think that Voldemort is going to indulge in something fairly big, then?" Remus asked.

"Yes," Nhean answered. "From what I understand of his personality from my discussions with Albus and Severus, he will feel that he has to do something grand in response to what we have done. To successfully invade his own domain, even if it was on a very directed hit and run mission with a single goal, would be very damaging to his ego and credibility. I think he will respond with a substantial attack and I think it will be here at Hogwarts."

There were indrawn breaths and grim faces from all in the room.

"I don't suppose I can get in on these training sessions?" Sirius asked. "I used to be an Auror once and I was a pretty good one. I wouldn't mind expanding my repertoire."

"Certainly," Nhean said, "though I warn you, you will not find the training easy. It is much harder for adult bodies to adapt to it, particularly one that has been through as much as yours has in the last few years. If you choose to do this I must ask two things of you. Firstly that like the students, you will not be able to discuss much of what you do with others. Remus and Albus are fine but some of the techniques I will be teaching you can be quite dangerous if not taught properly. I do not want others attempting them without proper supervision from a Guild trainer; the consequences could be quite fatal. Secondly, if I tell you to stop, you will stop. Your body has suffered extreme stress over the last ten or so years. It will take time for it to recover fully. I will be watching carefully to ensure that you do not overstress yourself. I will expect you to obey me implicitly. Can you do this?"

Sirius stared at Master Nhean for a long moment, realising that this was not a joking matter. Then he nodded.

"I did it during my Auror training," he said seriously, "I reckon I can do it again."

Master Nhean nodded. "Very well, be in the Guild classroom on Monday morning. You can start your training then."

Sirius nodded and looked at Harry, who had been sitting very quietly. As he watched Harry looked up at his trainer.

"Master Nhean?" he said in a distracted voice. "There's something that's been bothering me since we got back from Malfoy Manor."

"What is it?" Nhean asked with interest.

"With my Oversight," Harry began slowly, "I can see some detail, like facial expressions and stuff, and I've noticed that the better I know someone the more detail I see. Like for Remus and Ron and Hermione and the others I can see a pretty clear, kind of ghostly version of their faces. Sirius' is getting clearer every day and for some of the teachers that I haven't really had anything to do with, like Professor Vector, there really isn't much detail at all. But when we went to Malfoy Manor, well, Voldemort's face was pretty clear which kind of makes sense. But I could hardly see anything of Lucius Malfoy and Wormtail's faces. I would have thought I would have seen more. How does this part of Oversight actually work?"

Nhean leaned back and tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair. "I believe I mentioned that the books that were written about the theory behind that part of Oversight were lost and that the theory wasn't well understood. So I can't really answer your question very well, but I can offer my own theory. I'm assuming that you think you probably know Lucius Malfoy and Wormtail as well as, if not better, than Professor Vector?"

Harry nodded. "I've never had her as a teacher and I've never really had much to do with her. I've probably spent more time with Lucius Malfoy than Professor Vector, I've certainly spent more time with Wormtail, though I suppose most of that was when he was a rat. Yet her face is clearer than theirs were."

"Hmm, well, my theory," Master Nhean held up a cautionary finger, "and it's just a theory mind you, is that Hogwarts in some way aids you with your magic. Magical dwellings such as Hogwarts gain a certain amount of sentience after a while and they can actually aid those within. How do you think the Headmaster always seems to know what's going on? The school makes sure he knows." Harry and the others looked surprised at that. "My theory is the school is aiding you by enhancing your magic."

Harry looked stunned. "Why?"

"I don't know," Nhean said honestly. "I've had a few discussions about this with Albus which is how I came about my theory. A few times when you've cast magic during training, there has been an odd feel to it. Guild trainers are very sensitive to the feel of individual people's magic. At first, I merely thought it had something to do with the link you have with Voldemort but, after seeing him cast magic and getting the feel of it, I have come to the conclusion that the link has nothing to do with it. Albus mentioned to me that you consider Hogwarts to be your home. Magical dwellings tend to be very sensitive to that and they tend to like those who like them."

"You're saying that Hogwarts likes me and so it's helping me?" Harry said incredulously.

"Yes and that's why your Oversight works better here," Nhean said. "At Malfoy Manor, your Oversight was reduced to the level it should be at normally. Theoretically, you shouldn't have been able to see Voldemort's face as well as you did as you really haven't spent enough time around him but I suppose the link was the determining factor there."

"Oh," Harry said weakly, startled into speechlessness. He finally managed to gather himself together. "You mean, what I saw in Malfoy Manor is what I should really get used to?"

"Outside of Hogwarts? Yes," Nhean confirmed.

"Oh," Harry said again.

"Don't worry about it," Nhean said calmly. "You'll be spending most of your time at Hogwarts for the next couple of years anyway and your summers will be spent with those you know well, so you will have plenty of time to get used to it."

Harry nodded his head and Sirius ruffled his hair. "Yeah, in summer you'll either be with Remus and me or with the Weasleys so everything'll be fine," he said encouragingly then poked his godson in the ribs. Harry yelped as Sirius continued. "Now, you have to tell me a bit about what I'm going to be learning tomorrow. I want to be prepared."

Harry smiled gratefully at Sirius for changing the subject and began giving him an only slightly exaggerated description of how hard it was all going to be.


Sunday evening found Albus Dumbledore waiting in the middle of the Entrance Hall. He had teachers stationed around the Hall to keep the other students away. He saw a flicker of black from the corner of his eye and turned his head to see Severus approaching him, a grim look on his face. Albus nodded solemnly as Severus came to stand beside him and the two of them waited.

It was about twenty minutes before the doors opened and a pale but triumphant-looking Draco Malfoy strutted in. The expression on his face faded slightly when he saw the Head of Slytherin and the Headmaster standing in the middle of the Hall, clearly waiting for him.

"Mr Malfoy," Dumbledore said seriously, no trace of his normal twinkle in his eye.

"Headmaster," Draco responded warily.

"Mr Malfoy, would you mind coming over here and showing me your forearms?" the Headmaster asked sternly.

Draco's head reared back and anger flared in his eyes for a moment before he got himself under control. He glanced at Snape who was looking at him with an indecipherable expression.

"Why?" Draco asked harshly.

"Because I have been led to believe you have taken a rather irrevocable step," the Headmaster said calmly, "and I am rather hoping to be proven wrong."

Draco glared at Snape. "You shouldn't always believe everything you're told, Headmaster. Particularly if it comes from Snape," he snarled.

"Professor Snape," Dumbledore reproved gently then his face hardened. "Your arms, Mr Malfoy."

"And if I don't?" Draco asked defiantly.

"Then I will have to ask you to leave," the Headmaster said firmly.

Draco sneered and proudly shoved his sleeves up; displaying the Dark Mark he had gained the night before. Dumbledore sighed and the gaze he rested on the blond-haired Slytherin was regretful.

"Mr Malfoy," he asked, "did you do this willingly?"

"Yes," Draco said proudly, "I did! And I don't regret it!"

Dumbledore sighed and a look of contempt flickered across Snape's face.

"Mr Malfoy," the Headmaster said sternly, "I am afraid I have no choice but to expel you from Hogwarts. Professor Snape and I will accompany you to your dorm where you will pack your belongings. We will then go to my office where I will inform your parents to come and pick you up."

Draco's face paled as he realised that he would not be able to carry out his instructions but he raised his head in defiance. "Very well, Headmaster," he said loftily.

The Headmaster's face hardened. He and Snape took flanking positions next to Draco and escorted him down to the Slytherin rooms where they watched him pack. The Headmaster then levitated the trunk and they left the dorm. When they walked back out into the common room, they found many of the remaining Slytherins waiting for them. Snape watched the students of his house and was pleased that more than half seemed disgusted by Draco. He dismissed many of these students from his thoughts and turned his surreptitious attention to the others, mentally taking note of those that seemed upset or supportive of his soon to be ex-student.

The three of them walked up to the Headmaster's office where Dumbledore gestured peremptorily for Draco to take a seat. Snape took a position behind the seat he chose as Dumbledore made a quick floo call to Malfoy Manor. The Headmaster then took his seat behind his desk and they waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally after nearly forty minutes, the fire flared green and Narcissa Malfoy stepped through and calmly brushed herself down. She gave her son one cool, almost contemptuous gaze then looked at Snape. She gave him a small, tight smile and a graceful nod which he returned then she walked over to the Headmaster.

"Headmaster," she said coolly, "I understand there is a problem with my son."

"Yes, Mrs Malfoy," Dumbledore said politely. "It appears that Draco has taken a...step that makes it impossible for him to continue as a student here at Hogwarts. Perhaps he may be better suited to complete his education at Durmstrang."

Narcissa's face hardened and she turned to her son. "Is this true, Draco? Have you chosen to follow your father's...path?" Her lip curled slightly at the last.

"Yes," Draco said defiantly and his mother's gaze turned to ice.

"I expected better from you, my son," she said coolly. "You have disappointed me greatly. It seems you truly are your father's son and not mine."

Draco jerked slightly as though he had been slapped and a strange look crossed his face. "Mother?" he began.

Narcissa interrupted him with a look that was positively glacial. "I think I would prefer it if you did not refer to me as that anymore, Draco. You are your father's son now. Come, we shall return to the Manor and I shall arrange for your transfer to Durmstrang."

Draco paled even further and a look of entreaty and loss crossed his face as he looked at his mother. She steadfastly refused to look at him and crossed to the fire and took some floo powder from a jar on the mantelpiece. She turned to face Dumbledore.

"Headmaster," she said with a polite nod. She turned to look at Snape. "Severus," she said with a small smile and a look of delight entered her eyes. "Congratulations on your excellent and elegant deception. I was most impressed."

She then turned back to the fire and threw the floo powder in. "Malfoy Manor," she said and gestured imperiously for Draco to go through. He obeyed her, looking somewhat stricken as he left the office. Narcissa followed him and his trunk through without a backwards glance.

"Will she be alright?" Dumbledore asked with concern.

"Yes," Snape said, still staring at the fire. "Lucius cares little for her opinions and I believe she has found a way to safeguard herself."

"And Draco?"

Snape sighed and turned to look at the Headmaster. "That, I believe, is largely up to Draco. He has failed his first task before he had a chance to start it. The Dark Lord will not be pleased but Draco may escape that one. I do not believe that I am the primary target. I am sure that the Dark Lord wishes me dead and no doubts every Death Eater will be instructed to kill me if they get the chance. But the fact remains, Potter is the Dark Lord's main target and he will not be diverted from that."

"Mmm, yes," Dumbledore mumbled, his brow furrowed in thought. "Well, perhaps this will keep Lucius' attention diverted for long enough."

"Headmaster?" Snape queried, confused by the comment.

Dumbledore's head snapped up. "My apologies, Severus," he said with a smile. "I have been keeping you and the others in the dark, haven't I? There is likely to be some upheaval at the Ministry, Severus. It seems a large group have gotten together and are making moves to oust Cornelius Fudge as Minister. The Order members in the Ministry have been making contact with them. We want to ensure that this happens at a time that is most advantageous for us and that Cornelius' successor is someone we can work with."

"There is no way of stopping it?" Snape asked.

"No, not any more," Dumbledore said. "The best we can do is join in and hope that we can influence things enough. Our advantage is that much of it is being driven by Madam Bones and Professor Marchbanks. Both women are too strong-willed for Lucius Malfoy and any other Death Eater sympathisers. Arthur and Kingsley are liaising with them for us."

"And their candidate for Minister?" Snape asked.

"I believe Madam Bones has agreed to take on the role."

Snape nodded; he had been impressed by her handling of the Dursleys' trial. "That would work well. The Dark Lord gives scant attention to women. He believes them unintelligent and useless. He would spend much of his time trying to work on the men surrounding her, believing that they were the ones truly exercising the power of the Minister. He would believe her to be nothing more that a figurehead."

"Yes, that rather what we expected," Dumbledore said with satisfaction. "It will work well for us if that happens."

"Fudge cannot be unaware of this," Snape observed.

"No, he's well aware of what is happening and is desperately shoring up his position," Dumbledore said. "It seems that he has offended a fair number of people in the last year or two, particularly those who knew the Potters and have kept a weather eye on their son. They knew as well as we did that many of the articles on Harry were coming from his office and they were not happy about it. That the Minister would attack a young boy was something they did not like. Add those people to the ones who believed us when we said Voldemort had returned and you are actually talking about a decent number. Still we are well aware of what Cornelius is up to and will be able to counter many of the moves he makes."

"How?" Snape asked curiously. He wasn't aware they had anyone who was that close to the Minister.

"Percy Weasley," Dumbledore said with a pleased smile. "It seems the young man has thought long and hard about what happened last year and has come to the conclusion that he was wrong. Quite courageous of him really but then, he was a Gryffindor." Snape snorted and the twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes deepened. "He approached his father privately to apologise for what he had said and done and Arthur suggested that he remain where he is and work for us. It is not easy for the young man. He desperately wishes to make amends to his mother and family but must maintain the distance for now."

"Will he be able to carry it off?" Snape asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I believe so," Dumbledore said. "He is aided by the fact that Cornelius tends to only see what he wishes to see."

Snape nodded with a sneer of contempt for the Minister. "I must go, Headmaster. I daresay some of my students may wish to approach me tonight. I wish to be available for them."

"What a good idea," the Headmaster said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Snape bowed shortly and left the room.

Author notes: Thanks once again for the reviews.

Jack T. Wyatt, Captain Wibble, Chief - Thanks for picking up the error with Barty Crouch and with Legilimens. I wrote Bartholomew in there and had planned to check the book but ended up forgetting so thank you for picking that up! And I'd been writing Legilimancy so many times over the many chapters of this fic that I obviously had some kind of brain fart at that point - I certainly didn't see it in the many times I reread the chapter! *LOL* Thanks again!

Captain Wibble - Yes, Harry will go with Remus and Sirius at the full moon but unfortunately I won't be wrting about that in this fic - looks more likely to occur in the sequel. (Yes, I am planning on writing a sequel to this. In fact probably two sequels.)
I have actually finished the story and will probably post the rest of it in two 'chunks' - this one and one more. I just want to go over the last two chapters once more. I think there are a couple of things I want to add.

ESINED - There is more Draco-badness to come both in Guild of the Night and in the sequel. You'll see Draco again (sort of) in later chapters. (Was that a nice hint?)

SuperNimbis - Sirius took care of registering after his trial when he was flying around Diagon Alley (I originally wrote a more extensive description of that but had to take it out because it didn't work well - I may release it as a 'missing scene' type piece) - Kingsley kind of insisted on it.

Hogwartsstollaway - Thank you for the lengthy review - I love it. I actually wrote the rescue of Sirius about three times before I got to the version I liked.
You'll see abit more about the mind work Harry and Snape have been doing a bit later on. I tried to do something interesting with it, I hope I succeeded.
Keep up the reviews!

Peachy - I do kind of have Sirius and Severus declare a truce. After all, they do end up both having Harry's best interests at heart but they'll never be friends. Too much water under the bridge. I suppose you could say they kind of orbit around each other warily. :)

draconis diosa - Yes, I know it was a bit odd. But remember he does have a bit on his mind with the whole Voldemort coming after Harry thing. Who is to say what he might do when he has a bit of time on his hands???? (Hint, hint for the sequel - More Dursley action!)

garthmaul - No, no jam in the automated posting machine. I've just finished the fic so I want to get everything posted before I move on to other fics. (Have got two sequels to Guild of the Night planned and am working on a couple of other HP fics that I got ideas for in the middle of this. Also have an original fic I am working on - when will I ever get the time!!!!!! *L*) There will be one more big battle scene in this fic though I did try to make it interesting!

flashgordon - Yes the story does end at the end of the year but Harry doesn't go home on the Hogwarts Express for what I think should be obvious reasons (Remus and Sirius). And yes, there will be a seventh year and a third sequel that will cover something that was mentioned when Harry was inducted into the Guild. Nah, Severus and Sirius won't ever become friends. Too much water under the bridge but they will declare a truce, they do have at least one common interest after all (Harry). Don't worry, I will always write snarky, sarcastic Snape.