Harry Potter and the Guild of the Night


Story Summary:
Harry suffers a terrible injury at the Dursleys that leaves his ability to face Voldemort in doubt. But with the help of Remus Lupin and a mysterious new teacher he has a chance to become more than he was before. Features a grudgingly neutral Snape and a Ginny who knows what she wants or rather who she wants.

Chapter 21

Chapter Summary:
Snape finishes brewing his potions and we find out what Voldemort wants with them. Sorry, can't add any more to the summary without giving things away.

Chapter 21

Severus Snape stared down into the cauldron with a bleak look on his face. The first month of school had flown far quicker than he wanted and now the last of the potions that the Dark Lord had ordered him to make was ready. The Egeovenenum potion, which was highly addictive, bubbled softly and he moved almost automatically to bottle it. Four large potion bottles took the cauldron's contents and Severus then placed them carefully into separate compartments in a potion bag. He placed the bag in the cabinet in his office and locked the door. He then headed out of the office and headed towards the Guild classroom. It was a Friday evening so he knew he would find Potter there.

He knocked on the door to the Guild classroom and carefully opened it. Inside he found Potter and his friends sparring with swords. He watched for a moment. Potter, he could see, was the most skilled of the six students. He was sparring with Longbottom. Severus was startled to see the amount skill that the normally timid and clumsy Gryffindor was showing. He was also startled to see the grim and determined expression on Longbottom's face. The Weasley's were sparring with each other and seemed to be about equal in terms of skill. Granger was sparring with Lovegood and they were clearly the most awkward. Both seemed to be uncomfortable with the weapons they were holding. Nhean spotted him at this point and walked quietly over to where he was standing in the doorway.

"Yes, Severus? How can I help you?" the diminutive little Master asked with a smile.

"Potter needs to accompany me to the Headmaster's office," he said bluntly and Nhean's face became sober.

"It's finished then?" he asked and Severus nodded. Nhean eyed him for a moment and turned back to the students. He walked carefully up to Harry and Neville and clapped his hands twice. The two boys stepped back from each other, sheathed their swords and grounded them. They then turned to look at Master Nhean.

"Harry, Professor Snape would like you to accompany him to the Headmaster's office," Nhean said with a worried look on his face.

Harry looked startled and then thought for a moment. His face cleared and he frowned as he realised what this was most likely to be about. He nodded to Neville and his Master and walked over to the table. He picked up his Runespoor and allowed Orinda to wrap himself around his neck. He then walked over to the Potions Master, his cane tapping in front of him. They made their way up to Dumbledore's office without a word.

The Headmaster welcomed them and offered them tea and lemon drops. They both accepted the former and refused the latter. When they were settled, Dumbledore looked at them with wise eyes.

"It's finished then, Severus?" he asked.

"Yes," Snape replied flatly. "I will go now. I wished to warn both you and Mr Potter." He turned to look at the young Gryffindor. "You must shield yourself well tonight. I do not know if the Dark Lord will act tonight or not but I must assume that he will."

Harry nodded.

"I think it might be best if you remained here, Harry," Dumbledore said seriously. "This room is well-warded which will aid you in your shielding. And I would like to be available to help, if necessary."

Harry nodded again. "Could Remus be here too?" he asked nervously.

"Of course," the Headmaster said kindly.

"I will send him up," Snape said, rising from his chair. "I should go now."

Dumbledore nodded and rose as well. He gripped Snape's shoulders. "Be careful, my boy."

Snape nodded and headed for the door, a grim expression on his face. He had just put his hand on the handle when Harry spoke.

"Be careful, sir."

Snape turned to look at Harry and nodded slowly then left the room.


Snape apparated once again into the formal parlour of Malfoy Manor, startling the house elf who was cleaning the room. It squeaked and then bowed low to him. He ignored it and drew the bag of potions closer to himself. He left the parlour and walked towards Lucius' study and knocked on the door.

It was answered by Lucius himself who raised an elegant eyebrow when he saw what was in Severus' hands. He opened the door to let him in.

"Master, it is Severus," he said unctuously.

"Ah, Severus, welcome," Voldemort hissed. "What do you have to report?"

"The last of the potions is finished, Lord," Severus said respectfully, bowing low before his master and placing the bag on the desk.

Voldemort's red eyes seemed to flare and he smiled in triumph. "Excellent, Severus. Your loyal service will not be forgotten. Lucius, summon Wormtail and have Croaker prepare for our arrival in the Ministry." Lucius bowed and left the room. "Severus, get the rest of the potions and return here." Severus also bowed and left the room.

He was back shortly with another potion bag. This one held a variety of potions and Severus opened the one he had just brought and lifted out one of the bottles of Egeovenenum potion. He placed this in the other bag and slung it over his shoulder. The door opened and Wormtail walked in, followed by Lucius Malfoy.

"It is done, Master," Lucius said smoothly. "Croaker is waiting for us and will bring us into the Department of Mysteries."

"Excellent," Voldemort hissed. "Come."

The Dark Lord stood and stalked out of the study, Severus, Lucius and Wormtail falling in behind him. They walked through to the parlour Severus had arrived in and Voldemort turned and faced them.

"We shall floo into the Ministry," he said. "Severus, I wish you to be by my side. It will be your skills that will be need most of all. Lucius, Wormtail, you will stay with Croaker. See that we are not disturbed for any reason." He then paused and smiled mirthlessly. "And I think I will make sure that there are no eavesdroppers." He pulled a small crystal amulet out from under his robes and held it in his hand. He concentrated on it and muttered a few words under his breath. The amulet flared brightly then subsided. "That's better," the Dark Lord muttered and Snape became sure that Potter could no longer see them. "Let us go," Voldemort hissed.

The three men bowed and one by one, they flooed out of Malfoy Manor and into the Ministry. Archibald Croaker was indeed waiting for them, under the influence of Lucius' Imperious spell. He had four long black hooded cloaks, which he handed to them. They donned the cloaks and Croaker turned and led them into the Ministry. The foyer was devoid of life and they quickly made their way to the Department of Mysteries. Croaker stopped at the door and Lucius and Wormtail joined him. Voldemort and Severus walked through and the Dark Lord led Snape through the revolving room into the Veil Chamber. A muscle in Snape's cheek twitched; he couldn't imagine what the Dark Lord could want here.

"Wait over there, Severus," Voldemort hissed. "You cannot help me in this part. You must be ready when I am finished."

Snape bowed in acknowledgment and walked over to where the Dark Lord had indicated. As he watched, the Dark Lord once again drew the crystal amulet out and then pulled another small crystal out of his robes. He placed the crystal in front of the Veil and stepped back. He began slowly chanting in a strange sibilant language that soundly oddly, but not quite, like Celtic to Snape's ears. The crystal rose off the floor until it was hovering at head height in front of the Veil and the amulet around the Dark Lord's neck began to glow with a black light.

The Dark Lord continued his chanting and the hovering crystal rose again until it was directly over the Veil. The crystal amulet glowed darker and the Dark Lord's chanting became louder and more forceful. He then shouted three sharp words and the two crystals flared, forcing Snape to look away. When the light died, he turned back and saw the Dark Lord lying unconscious on the floor. The crystal amulet was blackened and burned. He turned to look at the Veil and gasped in shock when he saw a gaunt, shaggy-haired figure lying curled up and also unconscious on the stone floor in front of the Veil. There was no sign of the second crystal.

Snape hurried over to his master and muttered, "Enervate." The Dark Lord shifted and slowly began to sit up. Snape then walked over to the other unconscious figure and turned it over. It was Sirius Black. He looked gaunt and drawn and his breathing was slow. Snape turned to look at his master.

"Do you want him woken, Lord?" he asked a little shakily.

"No, Severus," the Dark Lord said with triumph in his voice. "That will come later. Do what you can to heal him and make sure you give him a dose of the Egeovenenum potion." He stripped off the black robe he was wearing. "Wrap him up in this and levitate him. Lucius has a room set up for him at his Manor. We can do the rest there."

Snape nodded, his thoughts swirling in his mind as he kneeled down next to Black. He followed his master's instructions and then wrapped Black in the cloak and levitated him. They made their way back out of the Ministry and rejoined Lucius, Wormtail and Croaker. The two Death Eaters eyed the levitated body with interest.

"Obliviate him," Voldemort said, waving at Croaker dismissively, "and then join us outside the room you prepared for my guest." Lucius and Wormtail nodded and the Dark Lord and Snape made their way with Black back to the foyer, where they flooed back to Malfoy Manor.

Snape followed his master down the corridors of the Manor, still directing Black's unconscious body in front of him. He was thinking desperately, trying to work out what the Dark Lord planned to do with Potter's godfather. He wasn't worried about the addiction that the Egeovenenum would cause. In the course of developing the potion, he had also developed a counteragent to it. He had, however, not informed the Dark Lord of that particular development. He resigned himself to having to find some way of getting Black out. Dumbledore, as well as Potter and Lupin, would want it.

Voldemort finally came to a stop in front of a door that had three large locks on it and a small closed aperture. He opened the door and gestured for Snape to guide Black into the room. Snape did so, settling the unconscious man onto the bed in the room. He then looked curiously at his master.

"Give him some Veritaserum and then wake him," Voldemort ordered.

Snape nodded and did as instructed. Black slowly woke at Snape's "Enervate" and looked curiously around the room. Relief and joy slowly flooded into his face. He sat up gingerly and looked down the front of his shirt. He grinned and finally looked up. Snape was barely able to keep his surprise off his face when Black showed no sign of recognition of either of them.

"Welcome, Sirius," Voldemort said with amusement. "Did I not tell you I could free you?"

Snape was shocked when Sirius laughed. "So you're my 'friend'? And yes, you did. Though I confess I did doubt you at times."

Voldemort hissed laughter. "That is understandable. It took some time to achieve. Tell me what do you remember?"

Sirius frowned. "I remember my name is Sirius and I remember a couple of faces. I also remember a couple of names but I don't know who they are."

"Describe the faces."

Sirius obediently did so and Snape was easily able to recognise the faces as being those of James and Harry Potter. Voldemort also recognised them and smiled maliciously.

"And what about these names?" Voldemort asked.

"I remember the names Harry and Voldemort," Sirius said, scratching his head, "but I don't know who they are. Do you?" He looked up, genuine confusion on his face and Snape struggled for a moment not to react.

"Yes, I do," Voldemort said smoothly. "But you do not need to worry yourself about them just yet. Get some sleep, Sirius. You must rest to get better."

Sirius nodded and absently rubbed his chest. "Yes, I think you're right." He then stopped and looked at the two of them with a relieved, boyish smile. "Wait! Won't you tell me your name now? And your friend's?"

Voldemort hissed laughter. "Yes, why not? My name is Tom Riddle and my...friend's...name is Severus Snape."

Sirius' smile widened. "Well, thank you, Tom, Severus, for rescuing me."

"Your welcome," Voldemort said, his eyes glinting. "Now get some rest."

He gestured for Snape to leave and closed the door behind them, engaging the locks. Lucius and Wormtail were waiting for them outside the room.

"Lucius, these locks are not to be undone except in my presence. He is to be well fed. If I find any signs of neglect, Lucius, I shall be most displeased." Voldemort glared at him and Lucius paled and bowed. "You are to see that a dose the Egeovenenum potion is placed in his evening meal every day." Lucius nodded and Severus handed him the bottle he had in his bag.

Voldemort eyed his three Death Eaters with satisfaction. "I am well pleased with your work today, especially yours Severus. You have proven your loyalty most satisfactorily. You may all go."

They all bowed deeply and Severus made his shaky way back to the parlour and apparated to Hogsmeade. He paused after he apparated and looked towards the village for a long moment. He had a tremendous urge to head to the Hog's Head for a long stiff drink. He sighed and headed back up to the castle. The Headmaster would need to know what had just happened...and Potter...and Lupin.


Half an hour later Severus was sitting in a chair in the Headmaster's office, glass of Firewhiskey in his hand. Dumbledore and Potter were sitting watching him, the Headmaster sipping on a cup of tea and Potter fidgeting with his cane. Lupin had apparently gone back to his rooms briefly and Severus insisted on waiting for his return as he refused to tell this tale more than once. A knock came on the door and, on the Headmaster's word, Lupin came into the office. He turned a confused and concerned look on everyone in the room and sat down on the couch next to Harry. Dumbledore put down his cup of tea and turned to Severus.

"Well, Severus?" he asked gently.

Severus looked down into his glass then looked up at Harry. "At what point did you stop seeing what was going on, Mr Potter?"

Harry looked at him with surprise. "How did you know?" he stammered. "It was when you were all in the parlour, before going to the Ministry. He said something about stopping eavesdroppers and then the vision stopped."

Severus grunted and took a drink. He looked at the Headmaster. "I don't know what kind of magic it was that the Dark Lord discovered, Albus, but I saw the effects of it tonight. Twice. The first was when the Dark Lord stopped Mr Potter's visions. The second was...later. He used a crystal amulet of some kind and the amulet in conjunction with another crystal at the later point."

Albus frowned. "Crystals," he mused. "How unusual. Well, I have somewhere to take my research now. Please continue, Severus."

"I am sure that Mr Potter has informed you of what happened up to the point where he was blocked," Severus said and shifted in his seat. "When we got to the Ministry, Croaker took us down to the Department of Mysteries. Lucius and Wormtail remained with Croaker at the entrance at the Dark Lord's instruction. He and I continued until we got to...the Veil Chamber." Harry gasped and paled, his hands shaking until he gripped his cane tightly. "The Dark Lord used the crystals I told you about to perform some kind of...ritual. It involved chanting of some description, Albus. It almost sounded Celtic but I didn't understand it and there were distinctive sibilant undertones to it."

Snape paused and took another drink. "The crystals flared at the end of the ritual and I did not see precisely what happened but when I turned back the Dark Lord was unconscious and...and Sirius Black was lying on the floor in front of the Veil."

Harry leapt to his feet, all of the colour draining from his face and his cane clattered to the floor. He stared at Snape with disbelief for a long moment then his eyes rolled back into his head and he crumpled at their feet. Remus, who had been staring at Snape with equal disbelief and an equally pale face, started at Harry's collapse and swore. He jumped to his feet and lifted Harry onto the couch. As he did Harry groaned and his eyes fluttered open. He stared blankly at Remus for a moment and then gasped and sat up. He turned to Snape, his eyes pleading.

"Sir, are...are you sure it was S...Sirius," he asked anxiously.

Snape nodded solemnly. "Yes, Mr Potter. It was Black. After he had recovered, the Dark Lord and I returned with Black to Malfoy Manor. Croaker was obliviated. The Dark Lord had had Lucius prepare a room in Malfoy Manor for Black. When we got him there, the Dark Lord had me enervate him. He...does not remember much. He remembers his first name, your name Potter and the Dark Lord's name. He also remembers two faces, yours and your father's, Potter. But he does not remember the significance of the names or the faces. He does not even remember his own family name."

Harry had started shaking at this list, his face filling with distress and Snape was forced to take some pity on the young man.

"The condition can be corrected, Mr Potter," he said calmly. "Unlike the muggle world, the wizarding world has Memory Restoring Potions."

Harry calmed a little then calmed even further when Remus lay a hand on his shoulder and spoke. "He's alive, Harry! That's all that is important right now."

At those two statements, Harry began to lose some of his shock and slowly, slowly a smile began to curve his lips. Tears filled his eyes and he threw himself into Remus' arms, crying and laughing at the same time. Remus drew him into a deep hug and held him until he calmed down, tears standing in his own eyes. Eventually Harry pulled out of his guardian's arms and settled back down on the couch. He looked up at Snape, his eyes red-rimmed but containing a carefully suppressed glee.

"I'm sorry, sir," he said and Snape waved the apology away.

"The Dark Lord has instructed Lucius to make sure that Black is well cared for but has not chosen to inform us as to what he has planned," Snape continued wearily. "Albus, the Egeovenenum was for Black. I have brewed the counteragent." He paused. "It appears that the Dark Lord was able to communicate with Black...wherever he was. He had clearly gained Black's trust. Black referred to him as 'friend' and asked for our names. And thanked him for rescuing him."

Harry started frowning. "Sir? You said that Sirius recognised the...the Dark Lord's name? Then why didn't he react to the name."

Snape raised an eyebrow. "Because the Dark Lord referred to himself by his real name, Mr Potter. Tom Riddle."

Harry nodded slowly and then looked at the adults in the room, his face becoming determined. "So what are you going to do?" he demanded. "How are you going to get Sirius out of there?"

"Not going to try anything yourself, Mr Potter?" Snape said silkily.

Harry looked soberly at him. "No, sir, I learnt my lesson. I'm not going to do anything rash." He paused and his face became hard and a touch of accusation and anger crept into his eyes. "Not unless all of you do nothing. He's my godfather. I want him out of there. I want him back."

Remus' lips quirked; for the first time, Harry sounded like his father as well as looking like him. Albus' eyes twinkled as Snape raised a very acidic eyebrow. They too had recognised from where Harry had drawn that strength. Albus nodded to himself.

"We will get him out, Harry. I would not be so cruel," the Headmaster said quietly.

Harry nodded and relaxed.

The Headmaster looked at Snape. "Is there anything else you need to tell us, Severus?"

Snape shook his head and downed the last of his Firewhiskey. "No, Headmaster. And I would prefer not to start planning anything right now, if you please. I am tired."

Dumbledore smiled and nodded. "Indeed you are correct," he said with a smile. "I think we all need some rest. Do not worry, Harry. We know that Sirius will not be harmed and clearly whatever Tom is planning will not happen immediately. We have time to plan properly. For now we should rest. You have had a tumultuous evening."

Harry looked mutinous for a moment then shut his eyes and nodded. They all stood and Snape, Remus and Harry left the office.


Harry deliberately lagged behind Snape, allowing the Potions Master to get a good head start on them. Remus kept pace with him, eyeing his young charge with worried eyes.

"Harry?" he said, not entirely sure what he was asking.

"Can...can we go back to the suite?" Harry asked tightly.

"Of course," Remus said and they turned towards their home from the holidays.

After they walked in, Harry headed for the couch and slumped down onto it. Remus sat next to him and Harry leaned into him. Remus put his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Sirius is alive," Harry said wonderingly.

"Yes," Remus replied with a smile.

Harry laughed with growing delight. "Figures," he said.

Remus laughed; a wonderful youthful laugh. "Yes," he said with a voice full of mirth. "Sirius always did have the ability to fall face-first into a pile of garbage and come up with a mouthful of diamonds." He looked at Harry and his smile wavered a bit. "You've got your godfather back, Harry. Your...real guardian."

Harry grinned then his expression faltered. "I...but Remus, I still want you to be my guardian. I...don't know..." His voice trailed off.

Harry was genuinely lost. While he was thrilled to have Sirius back, he didn't want to lose what he had forged with Remus. He looked at his guardian, a forlorn expression on his face.

The expression on Harry's face wrenched Remus' heart. He didn't want to lose Harry but he knew that Sirius was the boy's proper guardian.

"It's alright, Harry," he said with a tight smile. "I'm sure Sirius and I will be able to work something out."

Harry hugged Remus. "I hope so," he said shakily. "I don't want to lose anybody else...in any way."

Remus nodded wordlessly and the two of them sat in silence. After a few minutes, Harry frowned.

"What did Snape mean about the Egeovenenum potion and the counteragent?" he asked.

Remus' breath caught. Albus had told him about the Egeovenenum three weeks ago and he'd been horrified. He still hadn't decided whether he was horrified that the potion existed or that Severus had been forced to develop it. He did have a certain admiration for Severus for developing the counteragent hand-in-glove with the potion itself, particularly as he'd done it all under the eye of Voldemort when he first joined the Death Eaters. He sighed and braced himself to answer Harry's question.

"Egeovenenum was developed by Severus," Remus said slowly, "when he first joined the Death Eaters, before he came back to our side. It's...purpose is to create an addiction. It only takes one dose and your addicted to the potion. You must have it every day. If not, the side effects are terrible. Something like being subjected to the Cruciatus curse and being pounded by sledgehammers at the same time. If you have been taking it for long enough, the withdrawal can kill you."

Harry was staring at Remus with growing horror. "Snape developed that?" he asked, aghast.

Remus looked at him and hurried to reassure him. "Oh no, Harry, Severus didn't do it willingly. He's not that kind of man. Voldemort wanted it for some sick purpose of his own. But Severus was able to develop a counteragent to the Egeovenenum and he did it while he was developing the potion. Under Voldemort's nose. That took a lot of courage and cleverness. The counteragent strips the Egeovenenum out of the bloodstream."

Harry was a little surprised at the admiration in Remus' voice as he spoke of the Potions Master's cunning but had to admit his guardian had a point. The news of the counteragent did have the effect of calming him; no matter how badly Sirius became addicted, they could at least reverse it. He leaned back into the couch and fiddled with his cane.

"Remus? Could I stay here tonight?" he asked quietly.

"Of course," Remus replied and they lapsed back into their separate silences.