Harry Potter and the Guild of the Night


Story Summary:
Harry suffers a terrible injury at the Dursleys that leaves his ability to face Voldemort in doubt. But with the help of Remus Lupin and a mysterious new teacher he has a chance to become more than he was before. Features a grudgingly neutral Snape and a Ginny who knows what she wants or rather who she wants.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Voldemort rears his ugly little head and Harry and Snape avoid insulting each other. Harry finds out something new about himself and joins the Guild of the Night with the help of Remus, Ron and Hermione.
Author's Note:
Vale Ray Charles - September 23, 1930 - June 10, 2004

Chapter 7

Lord Voldemort sat on his throne-like chair, silently waiting for his Death Eaters to appear. Bellatrix Lestrange sat on his right, her chair only slightly less elaborate, and Wormtail cringed to his left, his Mark having been used for the summoning. The first Death Eater appeared in mere seconds, with the last appearing some fifteen minutes after being summoned. Voldemort stood and pointed at the late-arriving Death Eater.

"Come forward and remove your mask," he ordered.

The Death Eater stepped forward and removed his mask to reveal an impassive face.

"Ahh, Severus," Voldemort hissed, "what excuse do you have for your lateness."

Severus bowed low and answered calmly. "I was in a meeting with the Headmaster and the other Heads of House, Lord. I had to come up with a reason to leave so abruptly."

Voldemort examined the excuse, looking for something wrong. "Hmm," he mused, "an acceptable excuse, I suppose. But, Severus, I must not make exceptions. Crucio!"

Voldemort held the spell for a few minutes, watching Severus writhe on the floor in pain with disinterest. He could hear Bellatrix's breath speed up behind him and he quickly removed the spell with a silent snarl.

"Rise, Severus and I hope you have an answer for me this time," he demanded. "Tell me, why is Harry Potter at Hogwarts?"

Severus rose shakily to his feet and brushed his hair out of his face. "My Lord, I have what I believe you will find to be good news," he said after a few deep breaths. "The Potter boy was brought to Hogwarts after receiving an extensive beating from his muggle relatives." Severus continued describing an exaggerated account of what had been done to Potter. "He is still recovering from this but that is not all, my Lord."

He and Dumbledore had spent many hours discussing what to tell the Dark Lord. He had been able to put things off once by saying that Dumbledore was allowing no-one to see Harry and he was unable to discover what was happening without bringing suspicion down on himself. But they had both known that he would have to say something at the next meeting. They had eventually decided that an exaggerated version of the truth would be best. They knew that the truth would eventually get out and therefore lying to Voldemort would only cause trouble to Severus.

Severus took a deep breath. "Potter has been blinded, my Lord."

Voldemort stared at him for a long moment, savage amusement slowly gathering on his face. He burst out laughing. "My great enemy is blind?" he asked incredulously and Severus nodded. Voldemort leaned forward, his red eyes almost glowing. "And how is he dealing with this, my dear Severus?"

"Poorly, Lord," Severus said with contempt. "Though he is moving around somewhat, his mood is depressed and sulky." Severus paused and grinned viciously. "It was made worse when he finally realised that he would no longer be able to play quidditch."

"Excellent, excellent," Voldemort hissed. "This is spectacular news, Severus. I am most pleased with you. You will be rewarded." He rubbed his thin hands together. "Yes, this will take some thought. Leave me, all of you!"

The Death Eaters bowed and apparated away. Wormtail quickly scuttled out of the room but Bellatrix rose from her chair and approached her lord. She stood behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"What are you going to do now, my Lord," she purred.

Voldemort whipped around and struck her across the face, knocking her to the floor. "Never touch me without permission," he snarled. "Crucio!" He watched as she convulsed with pain, then ended the curse. "Leave me, woman, before I give you worse."

Bellatrix picked herself up off the floor and strode out of the room without a backward glance, her back straight with brittle dignity. Voldemort watched her go with a venomous expression. If he'd known that her time in Azkaban had driven her insane, he'd have left her there. Dismissing her from his thoughts, he turned his mind towards Harry Potter and began planning.


Snape apparated back to the outskirts of Hogsmeade and began the slow walk back to the castle, stripping off the outer Death Eater robe as he went. He folded it across his arm along with the mask and breathed in the crisp night air with relief. He had not expected his news to bring the meeting to an abrupt halt but he was glad of it. He had also managed to avoid being drawn into any of the amusements the other Death Eaters were planning by the expediency of saying that Dumbledore would be suspicious if he was gone long. He only hoped that he would be privy to whatever plan the Dark Lord came up with. He expected he would but his place was not completely assured. Hopefully the news he had delivered tonight would go a long way towards redeeming him in the Dark Lord's eyes. If he was very lucky, it would garner him entry into the Dark Lord's inner sanctum. Snape shivered, not entirely sure he wanted to be that close to the Dark Lord, no matter that it would offer the opportunity for better information.

He quietly opened one of the front doors and slipped silently into the Entrance Hall, closing the door behind him. He turned and was surprised to see Potter standing in a corner of the Hall. As he watched Potter suddenly stiffened and tilted his head to one side. He then tilted it backwards and sniffed, almost seeming to scent the air.

"Professor Snape?" he said with a frown.

Severus had been watching Potter, intrigued with his odd behaviour, and was startled when he was correctly identified. He stalked over towards the boy. "What are you doing out of bed, Potter?" he said suspiciously.

The frown cleared from Harry's face and he gave a cheeky grin. "You can't take points from Gryffindor, sir, it's not school time."

Snape sighed. "Answer the question, Potter."

The grin disappeared and a weary look replaced it. "I...I saw it. The meeting," Harry said.

Snape's eyes narrowed. "I thought I told you to practice your Occlumency, Potter."

"I have been," Harry said indignantly and then settled down with a frown. "It was different this time. I knew this was a real vision. I...I don't really know how to explain it, sir, but this one just felt real. I tried comparing it to the vision of...of Sirius and it definitely felt different to that one." He sighed in exasperation. "I don't know if that means anything. I mean that was the memory of a vision. It's difficult to explain, sir, but I don't think Vol...er, You-Know-Who could do that to me again." He paused again as he tried to find the words he wanted. "I know! It felt not me, if that makes any sense. I could tell it wasn't anything from my mind."

Snape listened to this with growing surprise and listened to the end of it with a raised eyebrow and a pleased expression. "Very good, Potter," he said dryly. "You have finally realised what the purpose of your Occlumency lessons are."

Harry's jaw dropped at the unexpected compliment and Snape was forced to swallow a chuckle at the absolutely gormless expression that resulted from this. He settled for grinning, knowing that Potter wouldn't be able to see. He watched as Potter shook his head almost in disbelief and then frowned again.

"Sir?" Harry asked carefully. "Why did he do that? Punish you for being late? I mean, it was hardly your fault." His voice dropped to almost a whisper but Snape caught it anyway. "And it really hurt...both of us."

Snape flinched at this and grabbed Harry's arm in a tight grip. "What did you mean by that last comment, Mr Potter?"

Harry gasped, he hadn't meant for Snape to hear that one but he now knew better than to try and conceal what was happening. "When Vol...He casts Crucio, I can feel it as though it was being cast on me," he said reluctantly.

"And how would you know what the Cruciatus curse feels like?" Snape asked in surprise.

"The third task," Harry said with a shudder, "in the cemetery. He cast it on me then while I was tied up to his father's headstone."

Snape winced. Potter had felt the Cruciatus curse when he was only fourteen. He sighed, let go of Potter's arm and answered the boy's question. "He did that because he likes to encourage promptness. The last to arrive always suffers what you saw."

"That's a pretty stupid idea," Harry muttered in disgust causing Snape to snort in amusement.

"Go back to bed, Potter. And tell Lupin about the vision in the morning," Snape ordered as he turned towards the dungeons.

"Yes, sir," Harry said and waited until he heard the Potions Master head down towards the dungeons. He leaned back against the wall, letting the coolness seep into his skin. Tonight's vision had been a bit of a shock for him. The pain from the two Cruciatus curses had been bad enough but the shock of realising that he could recognise that the vision was external had somehow seemed greater. He'd known that he was making some progress with his Occlumency training but he hadn't realised exactly how far he'd gotten, particularly after the last few days. Since his breakdown outside the castle, he had felt that he wasn't making as much progress as he had been before. Admittedly it was hard to tell, as Snape wasn't exactly one for compliments.

He pushed away from the wall and started tapping his way back to the suite. He had decided to stay with Remus even though the others were in Gryffindor tower. Partly because he hadn't wanted to negotiate the entrance hole and the stairs until he was more confident about moving around but mostly because he wanted to spend more time with Remus. He planned to go back to the tower when the school year started, as he didn't want to miss out on doing things with his friends. Since he wouldn't be taking classes with them, if he stayed in the suite he'd hardly see them.

He ran his hand lightly down the wall of the corridor, brushing the portrait frames until he got to the one that guarded the door to the suite and gave the password. The portrait swung open and he made his way into the living area and slumped down onto the couch. The vision had been a rude awakening tonight, particularly after going to bed so happy. The approval had come through from the Ministry about his guardianship. Although the Dursleys still had not been found, the Ministry had agreed that they could no longer act as his guardians and had approved the joint custody arrangement that Dumbledore had suggested. Remus had been ecstatic; Harry had never seen him smile so much and so widely. Harry couldn't imagine where the Dursleys had managed to hide but they'd certainly done a good job. He'd found over the last few days that he no longer cared about what happened to them. He had bigger and more important things to worry about. Oh, he still wanted them punished but he wasn't going to dwell on it. If nothing else, tonight's vision had reminded him of that.

Harry sighed and levered himself off the couch. He wandered into his room and sat on the edge of his bed. Shaking his head to dismiss the thoughts that had been consuming him, he leaned his cane against the bedside table and fumbled his way under the blankets. Just before he fell asleep, a final thought ran through his mind - he had actually felt sorry for that greasy-haired bugger tonight.


By mid-afternoon the next day, Harry was exhausted. His sleep after the vision and his talk with Snape had been poor and he had given up in disgust at about 6 am. Remus had found him slouched on the couch an hour later and had demanded to know why. Harry's explanation of the vision had lead to a breakfast meeting with Remus, Snape and Professor McGonagall in Dumbledore's office and then to the most intensive Occlumency lesson he had had since they restarted. Lunch had been a relief, joking around with the Weasley twins had improved his mood no end. That good mood had not lasted unfortunately, Master Nhean had been determined to continue the lesson that had been brought to an abrupt end by Harry's breakdown and they had once again made their way outdoors.

"I can't do this!" Harry yelled, almost frozen in fear. He hadn't made it much further than the last time before coming to a halt. This definitely wasn't like moving around the castle. Inside it was so much easier, he knew it so well and even if you did get lost, the portraits were usually pretty helpful. Not that he did get lost much, he'd been really surprised at just how well he had known the castle. When he'd actually had to stop and think about it, he knew that place. But the outside was different, it was almost impossible to tell where he was and that sent him into a panic.

"Harry, Harry, HARRY!"

Harry jumped and yelped, his heart racing. Master Nhean placed his hands on Harry's shoulders and forced him to sit on the ground. He sat down opposite the boy. "Calm down, Harry. Take a deep breath and just calm down."

Harry took in several deep breaths, managing to get his growing panic under minimal control.

"Good work," Nhean said soothingly. "Now just keeping taking those deep breaths and stay calm." He pitched his voice at a level that was almost hypnotic. "That's it, just keeping breathing in and out, in and out. I am here, I am not going anywhere, you are perfectly safe. Just keep breathing in and out."

About fifteen minutes later he cast an appraising eye over the boy in front of him and was pleased to see that the soothing words had taken effect. Harry was sitting calmly, breathing regularly and without panic.

"Feeling better?" he asked and Harry nodded. "Good. Now, I want to you to just listen. You've told me that your hearing has been getting more acute. So use it here. Listen and tell me what you hear."

Harry breathed in and out and let his head drop a little, his eyes closing reflexively. He kept himself calm and listened. "I can hear...birds singing, must be in the Forbidden Forest. I can hear the wind rustling the leaves." His breathing slowed as he concentrated. "I...can hear you breathing, but only just. I can hear...yes, I can hear laughing, but very faintly. It...sounds like Fred and George."

"What direction is the laughing coming from?" Nhean asked softly.

"It's coming from...from my left," Harry paused and listened harder. "Yes, my left which means they're probably at the quidditch pitch."

Nhean kept his voice calm and quiet. "Do you know how to get to the quidditch pitch from here?" Harry nodded and Nhean stood. He grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him smoothly to his feet making sure to not disturb his concentration. "Can you lead me there?"

Harry nodded again and started walking slowly towards the sound of laughing. He had to concentrate fairly hard, the wind was blowing and it made it a little difficult to track the noise. It got easier as he got closer; the noise becoming clearer.

"Hey, Harry!" Fred yelled and Harry jumped, his concentration broken. "Whatcha doing here?"

"I...er, I don't know," Harry stammered.

The twins laughed and suggested that perhaps the small man behind him might know.

Master Nhean laughed. "Perhaps I might. Now scram, you two. Some of us actually need to do productive work."

"We are wounded," said Fred or George.

"Definitely wounded," said George or Fred. "We shall strategically retreat."

Harry heard the twins walk away, chattering to each other and he turned around. Nhean chuckled. "I do like those two. Now Harry, what do you think?"

"I...I...don't know," Harry said again. "How did I get here?"

"You got here because you knew where it was, just like you know where things are inside the castle," Nhean said benignly. "You just needed to concentrate on that, not on the fact that it's so open out here. You followed the sound of the laughing and you were able to do that because you knew where it was coming from."

Harry's mouth dropped open as the memory of how he had gotten to the quidditch pitch came back and Master Nhean chuckled. "Do you think you could get back to the front door again?"

Harry shook his head to clear it and nodded slowly, a grin forming on his face. He lead his diminutive teacher back to the front door, his weariness disappearing. Nhean stopped him at the door.

"Now I don't want you experimenting with moving around outdoors on your own just yet. I know you have gained a certain amount of confidence just now but remember, there are no portraits to help you out here and, for safety's sake, I do not think you should be wandering around outside alone."

Harry sighed and nodded. "Okay, Master. Would it be alright if it were with Ron and Hermione and the others?"

Nhean thought about this for a moment. "Only if there are at least two others with you. I would prefer that if you come out here without an adult that it is with a larger group though."

Nhean ushered Harry back into the Entrance Hall and they went back to the classroom that had been given over to them for the year.

"Now that I have managed to convince you that you will be able to move around outside, I would like to start on another exercise."

Harry groaned. "Another one? But I'm still working on moving around inside with and without my cane, getting used my improving senses, improving my memory and now getting used to moving around outside."

"I know, I know," Nhean said soothingly. "It is true that I am pushing you through the basics as quickly as possible but I think it is necessary. Your nemesis has a great advantage over you just now and I would like to narrow that advantage as quickly as possible. Now this exercise is quite a simple one and will tell me precisely how far along your developing senses are just now. It may or may not work."

"Okay," Harry sighed, "I suppose I don't have much choice, do I?"

Nhean chuckled and steered Harry over to a seat in front of a table. "Okay Harry, I want you to close your eyes and try and get into the light trance state I've been teaching you the last few days."

Harry closed his eyes and started the calm breathing pattern he had been taught. This had actually been one of the easier exercises he had learnt due to its similarity to his mind-clearing exercise for Occlumency and he very quickly dropped into a light trance.

Nhean moved over to one of the small chests along the outer wall. He opened a black one and took out a crystal orb and a silver stand. He placed the stand on the table in front of Harry and placed the orb on top. He held one hand over the orb and concentrated for a moment, speaking a few soft words. The orb pulsed and glowed softly and Nhean stood back and shifted into Oversight. This was the true mark of the Night Warrior and could normally only be developed by those who were blind. There were rare sighted people who were capable of Oversight and the Guild was always searching for them. Guild Trainers like himself needed Oversight in order to properly train the Warriors. While the orb only glowed softly to normal sight, in Oversight it was shining brightly. Nhean didn't think that Harry would have developed his Oversight just yet but considering the boy's ability with Defence Against the Dark Arts, he thought it was best to check. Oversight technically fell into the category of Defence.

"Now, when I tell you I want you to open your eyes," Nhean said and Harry nodded slowly. The Night Master checked that the orb was still shining brightly in Oversight and turned back to Harry. "Open your eyes."

Harry opened his eyes. "Whoa!" he yelled and lurched backwards, tipping his chair over and falling in a heap on the floor. The entire time his eyes were glued on the orb and he barely seemed to notice what had happened. Nhean watched him and shook his head. He should have known; when it came to Defence, Harry was definitely an over-achiever. While Harry was by no means the quickest at developing Oversight, he was definitely right up there. Nhean knelt beside Harry and placed a hand on his shoulder. Harry turned to look at him and started in surprise at the usual blackness. He whipped his head back towards the table and the glowing orb again and a look of wonder crept onto his face. Nhean helped him up and he walked slowly over to the table. He ran his hand over the orb in fascination.

He slowly turned around. "Master? What just happened?" he asked in a whisper.

"Your Oversight is starting to develop," Nhean said with a smile. "All blind people develop it but most never learn how to use it. It requires a spell to be truly effective and that is the great secret of the Guild of the Night. The first Night Warrior, a man by the name of Ishii Sato, developed the spell nearly two thousand years ago and he established the Guild. At first he only trained the blind but then he met Hiroko Watari. They became friends and one night Sato told Watari about the spell he had developed and the fledgling Guild. He wanted Watari's advice. Watari was a samurai and Sato felt that there was much he could learn from him. Watari spoke the spell and was startled when he too was able to see using Oversight. For there are a very few sighted people who also develop it. The Guild spends a great deal of time finding them and convincing them to become trainers."

Nhean stood silent for a moment. "Harry, I cannot put this off any longer. It is an absolute requirement that before we train anybody in the use of Oversight, they must be a Guild member. I cannot make an exception for you."

Harry stared for a moment and then a slow smile grew on his face. "I've don't have any problems with that, Master," he said. "I kind of figured this might happen."

"Are you sure, Harry?" Nhean pressed.

"Of course," Harry said easily, then hesitated. "Unless there's some deep, dark secret you're not telling me."

Nhean laughed. "No, no, nothing like that. It's just that the Guild may call on you in the future and you will have to respond. You can deny a request from anyone other than the Guild."

Harry considered this and nodded. "That makes sense. I mean you're putting all this effort into training me and telling me closely guarded secrets, it only makes sense that there would have to be some kind of payback at some point. I don't have a problem with that, Master."

"Good," Nhean sighed in relief. "I had hoped you would see it that way. Now, there is a little ceremony involved in joining the Guild and you are permitted to have three witnesses attend part of it. There will be one section that they will not be permitted to see but the rest is fine. Who did you want to come?"

"Remus, Ron and Hermione," Harry said without hesitation.

"Very well. I think we should do this tonight. I had not expected you to develop your Oversight so quickly but now that you have we must start getting it trained. Go and let your three witnesses know about tonight. We'll conduct the ceremony here at 8 o'clock."

Harry nodded and Nhean ended the spell. The glow faded from the orb and Harry made a disappointed sound.

"Don't worry, Harry. You'll learn how to do that yourself soon enough," Nhean said with a smile. "I know you have questions but they will have to wait until after the ceremony. Now go and inform you witnesses."

Harry sighed and left the room. Nhean picked up the orb and stand and put them away. He turned towards a large chest he had tucked under a table in the corner. With a flip of his wand he pulled it out and settled it on top of the table. He opened it and started pulling out the things he would need for tonight's ceremony.


"So what's going to happen at this thing tonight," Ron asked.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Remus were walking along the corridor towards Nhean's classroom. It was ten minutes to eight and Harry was more than a touch nervous.

"It's a ceremony to admit me to the Guild of the Night," he said with some asperity. This was the fourth time Ron had asked that question.

"I know that," Ron said, "but what are you going to have to do? And what do we have to do?"

"I don't know on both counts," Harry said. "I don't think you guys have to do anything though. I think you're just there as witnesses."

Remus laid a hand on Ron's shoulder. "Enough, Ron. I think Harry's nervous enough as it is."

Harry nodded as the four of them came to halt in front of the classroom door. Master Nhean was waiting in the doorway, wearing the most elaborate robes that any of the sighted members of the party had ever seen him wear. They were black with intricate markings embroidered in silver and crimson. He had in his hands a cane remarkably similar to Harry's and with the light from the classroom at his back; he looked both wise and strong.

"Welcome, Harry Potter," he said solemnly. "Welcome, witnesses. Please enter."

The four entered and Master Nhean indicated to Remus, Ron and Hermione where they were to stand. He guided Harry to his place in front of a table and looked around to see that everything was ready. The room looked very different to its normal appearance. All of the tables and chairs had been cleared out except for one table and Master Nhean's chests had been covered with black velvet. Candles glimmered everywhere and incense burned in one corner, filling the air with the scent of sandalwood. On the table lay a goblet filled with a shimmering silver liquid and another filled with a dark red wine. A small gold knife lay between the two goblets and in front of these items lay a ring and chain of white gold. The chain had a small charm attached to it. Master Nhean stood behind the table and faced Harry.

"Welcome all to the Initiation Ceremony of Harry James Potter," he intoned. "Would the witnesses please state their full names?"

"Remus Julius Lupin."

"Ronald Bilius Weasley."

"Hermione Jane Granger."

"Thank you." Master Nhean inclined his head towards the three witnesses. "The Guild of the Night is an ancient and honoured association established long ago to aid those in need and to fight the Dark forces that exist in our world. To be a Night Warrior is a great honour but also a great responsibility. It requires a pure heart and a kind soul. It also requires dedication and selflessness. A Night Warrior fights not for his own selfish purposes but to aid those that cannot or are unable to fight. A Night Warrior is also one who has faced a great personal challenge. For all Night Warriors are blind, facing the world without sight, in a darkness that is absolute. And yet each and every one has overcome this challenge and become stronger than they were before. Has become a Warrior not just in name but in fact. Before me stands one who would take the first steps on this path."

Nhean turned to face Remus, Ron and Hermione. "Witnesses, please take your place behind the postulant."

As they lined up behind Harry, Master Nhean picked up the goblet containing the silver liquid. He walked over to Remus and held the goblet out to him.

"Remus Julius Lupin, you stand here as witness to this ceremony on behalf of the postulant. State your relationship to him and why you believe he should be permitted entry to the Guild, then take the goblet and drink."

"I am Harry's guardian," Remus said firmly. "I believe Harry should be permitted entry to the Guild because he...he has a pure heart and a kind soul. Because he already is a warrior for the Light. Because I can think of no more deserving future for him." Remus' eyes welled and he blinked back those tears. He took the goblet out of Master Nhean's hand and, after eyeing the silver liquid suspiciously for a moment, he drank, trusting that Master Nhean would not use anything that would harm him. Master Nhean took the goblet back from him with a small smile indicating he understood Remus' hesitation and moved to stand in front of Ron.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley, you stand here as witness to this ceremony on behalf of the postulant. State your relationship to him and why you believe he should be permitted entry to the Guild, then take the goblet and drink."

Ron gulped nervously. "Harry's my best friend and I guess he's also kind of my brother now. I think he should be allowed in because he deserves it and he needs every bit of help he can get and his friends can't always give that help. I don't know why Vol...Voldemort keeps coming after him but he does and we won't always be there to help Harry. And..." Ron paused and said with a rush, "And he deserves this! It's about time something went right for Harry 'cause nothing much does." Master Nhean smiled kindly at Ron as he took the goblet and drank from it. He handed the goblet back and Master Nhean stood in front of Hermione.

"Hermione Jane Granger, you stand here as witness to this ceremony on behalf of the postulant. State your relationship to him and why you believe he should be permitted entry to the Guild, then take the goblet and drink."

Hermione drew in a deep, shuddering breath. "Harry's my best friend as well. I believe he should be permitted entry into the Guild because...I know of no finer person than Harry. He is brave, kind, selfless, funny, in all ways a good friend, even when he's driving us crazy. He always does what he thinks is best and his loyalty to his friends and those that he loves cannot be questioned." Hermione stopped and her voice became choked. "He would die for us, for those he loves, without hesitation." She stumbled to a halt and took the goblet from Master Nhean. He watched her drink with shining eyes and took the goblet when she handed it back.

He moved to stand in front of Harry. "You have heard the words of your witnesses, Harry James Potter. Now tell me why we should permit you entry to the Guild of the Night."

Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. The words of his friends had moved him in ways he hadn't thought possible. "I wish to be permitted entry to the Guild because I need to be. I am the only one who can kill Voldemort." He heard gasps from Ron and Hermione. "If I don't, he will kill...many. He will kill the muggle-born and muggles, he will kill anyone who opposes him and I...cannot let him do that. He has already killed and maimed too many. He must be destroyed and I cannot do that without the help of the Guild...and my friends."

Nhean pressed the goblet into Harry's hands and he drank from it, the silver liquid cool and smooth as it ran down his throat. Nhean took the goblet back and walked back behind the table. He put the goblet down and picked up the golden knife.

"We have heard the words from the postulant and his witnesses. Now we shall see the truth of them." Nhean muttered a quiet word and used the knife to prick his finger. He allowed three drops of his blood to fall into the silver liquid remaining in the goblet. He closed his eyes and muttered a second word and heard Harry, Ron, Hermione and Remus gasp. All five of them were now seeing the same images in their minds. Images of Harry's actions throughout his time at Hogwarts. The images flashed through their minds for about five minutes and then they were all released. The liquid in the goblet glowed with a bright light for a moment and when that light faded, the colour of the liquid was now a deep crimson, flecked strongly with gold. Nhean smiled and his eyes filled with triumph. Had the liquid turned to a gold colour, it would have indicated that Harry's strength lay in physical fighting. If it had turned a pure crimson colour, it would have indicated that Harry's strength would lie in the casting of magic. But this combination of the two colours indicated that Harry would be strong in both; the best possible outcome.

"So mote it be," Nhean said with pride. "The postulant stands with his entry confirmed. Welcome to the Guild of the Night, Harry James Potter." He turned his attention to the witnesses. "Would the witnesses please leave the room for just a moment?"

Remus nodded and led Ron and Hermione out of the door. Nhean walked around the table and picked up the chain and the knife.

"Hold out your hand," he ordered and Harry obeyed. "You are now a Guild Member, with all the privileges and responsibilities that that entails. Your oaths must now be made. These are private things, known only to you and, as your trainer and sponsor, to me. They are not to be spoken of to others, not even fellow Guild Members." Harry nodded and in a quick movement, Nhean grabbed his wrist and slashed open a shallow wound in the palm of his hand, placing the charm on the chain in the middle of it. Harry gasped and froze, his eyes wide. After a moment he began to speak.

"I swear an oath of allegiance to the Guild and my fellows. I swear it by my blood and my heart. Never shall my loyalty be in doubt. I swear an oath to guard, guide and protect all those that need such things and for this oath the Guild shall stand at my side, giving to me all that I need."

Harry swayed and breathed deeply for a moment. The charm glowed softly and Nhean could see the wound heal beneath it and the blood was drawn into it. When Harry's hand was completely healed and all the blood gone, he picked up the chain and placed it around Harry's neck, tucking it under his shirt so that it was hidden from view. He picked up the ring from the table and placed it onto Harry's still outstretched hand.

"The charm holds your oath, Guild Member. Take this ring and wear it as symbol of your new role."

Harry shakily slid the ring onto the third finger of his right hand and Nhean walked over to let Harry's witnesses back into the room. He indicated they should stand behind Harry and he took his place behind the table again.

"We welcome Harry James Potter as the newest member of the Guild of the Night. May he serve wisely and well."

Nhean picked up the goblet of wine and drank from it. He walked around the table and pressed the goblet into Harry's hands and urged him to drink. Harry took a small swallow of the wine and it seemed to settle him a little. Nhean took the goblet back and passed it to Remus, indicating he should drink and pass it to Ron. When the three witnesses had drunk, Nhean reclaimed the goblet and placed it back on the table. He relaxed and conjured up a chair for Harry, who was still looking a little shell-shocked.

"Come, Harry, sit down," he said with a chuckle. "I think you need to."

Harry gave a wan laugh and collapsed into the soft chair. "I think you're right," he said a little dazed.

Remus crouched down beside the chair and placed a hand on Harry's arm. "Alright there, Harry?"

"Yeah, Remus, I'm okay," Harry said. "It was just...I guess I wasn't expecting that."

"Me neither," Ron said emphatically. "But, mate, it was worth it, wasn't it?"

"Definitely," Harry said firmly.

Master Nhean smiled benignly. "Good. Now, I think you three should take Harry back to his room. Sleep would be the best thing for him right now and for the three of you as well. Off you go." He flapped his hands at them in a shooing motion until they pulled Harry up out of the chair and escorted him out of the room.

Author notes: Once again thank you all for reviewing. I am writing furiously so that I can keep posting as quickly as possible. Gee, you're a demanding bunch! :)

flashgordon - Could you really see Fred and George treating Harry any differently after their antics in COS? "Stand back, seriously evil wizard coming through!" :) And thank you for noticing Ginny's reaction - yeah, Harry'll put a stop to that, if one of his friends doesn't get to her first!

stonegnome1 - yes, it is partly the fact that they no longer rely on their sight (obviously) but their other senses are unbelievably good. I was friends with a blind girl at school and her hearing was phenomenal, even in crowded rooms. In fact it was almost scary some times. Ditto her sense of smell. I don't know whether everyone's senses are like that and the rest of us sighted people are just lazy but it is quite something to witness.

Elanor154 - Yeah, I love Remus too. That 's why I was determined to make him a major character in this story. Poor guy's been through so much - not many people lose four friends in one night. And I thought David Thewlis was wonderful in POA.