Harry Potter and the Crystalline Darkness


Story Summary:
Continues on from Guild of the Night. Harry's sixth year is over, the Battle has been won and he's off for a summer with Sirius and Remus and then the Weasleys before starting his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. Life seems to be pretty good right now - or is it? What has happened to his old enemies? And what is happening with the looming, crystalline darkness?

Chapter 37 - 37

Chapter Summary:
The aftermath of the final confrontation with Voldemort.

Chapter 37

Sirius brought his sword down in a vicious blow that nearly severed a Death Eater's arm from his body as he tried to ignore the spinechilling wailing that could be heard coming from the room Harry was in. He kicked out with one foot, connecting with the Death Eater's head then turned to find his next opponent. He'd been using his sword more than his wand in this fight and it was doing his frustration, his anger and his worry a world of good to hit out like that. The Death Eaters that had run from the room had quickly realised they were caught between two immovable forces and had reacted like most people do when they find themselves in a no-win situation. They threw caution to the wind and did their worst. Killing Curses were flying and they were having to duck for cover on a regular basis. Already the Night Warriors who had followed the Death Eaters had lost six of their number though Sirius wasn't sure if they were dead from a Killing Curse or simply unconscious from catching a lesser curse.

As he ran over to help Ginny, the horrible wailing faded into nothing and Sirius grimaced. He needed to know what was happening! His desperation gave him an edge that the Death Eaters lacked and he quickly pounded the one threatening Ginny into submission. He then turned towards the doors to the ballroom and had just wrenched them open when he heard a woman scream "DRACO!" He took that for a good sign and ran in just in time to see his cousin Bellatrix apparate out with a young girl who looked vaguely familiar.

The two women slipped from his thoughts when he saw his godson. Harry was lying on his back and there was blood flowing out of a wound on his side. At his feet lay a headless corpse and one hand gripped his sword tightly. Sirius gave a low moan as he dropped his own sword and he sprinted over to his godson's side.

"Harry!" he whimpered as he fell to his knees.

He got no answer and he quickly felt for a pulse. It was there but it was weak and thready and he saw that Harry had a bleeding wound in his arm as well.

"Ginny!" he screamed over his shoulder. "Did you bring your medical supplies?"

"No, I didn't have time," Ginny yelled back as she ran towards him.

Sirius turned around and Ginny staggered to a halt when she saw his face.

"Get Snape," he said in a grim voice. "Then get Poppy. Hurry!"

The quiet grimness in his voice was more of a motivator than any screaming he might have done. Ginny paled then turned on her heel and sprinted out of the room. Sirius turned back to his godson and ripped off his shirt, bundling it up and pressing it against the wound in Harry's side.

"Don't do this to me, Pronglet," he whispered, his voice breaking. "Please don't die. Please."

He felt someone stand behind him and he briefly glanced over his shoulder to see Harry's Battle Guard standing there, looking pale, scared and so very young. Behind them he could see the Night Warriors starting to examine the obelisk while Fred, George and Tonks ran over to join the Battle Guard. Sirius turned back to Harry, he didn't care about the others. Only Harry mattered to him now and he couldn't lose him. Not now.

"You have to live, Harry," he whimpered. "You can't leave me. I couldn't...I couldn't bear it. And you can't leave Moony either. What would we do without you?"

A dark presence knelt down on the other side of Harry and Sirius looked up through tear-filled eyes to see Snape. The Potions Master was pulling vials out of his robes, keeping some and returning others.

"Severus, please," Sirius choked, the tears starting to fall.

Snape shot him a single glance. "I have no intention of allowing Harry to become a martyr to the cause," he said stiffly. "Has he woken?"

"No," Sirius stammered.

Severus pulled out his wand. "I am sorry about this, Harry," he murmured as he pointed it at Harry. "Enervate."

Harry's eyes flickered open and he moaned piteously before coughing. Sirius sobbed when he saw the blood appear on Harry's lips.

"Do stop snivelling," Snape snapped, his voice taut and full of worry. "Hold his head up."

Sirius couldn't summon any anger at the insult and merely did what had been asked of him.

"Swallow as much as you can, Harry," Snape ordered as he poured the contents of the first vial down Harry's throat.

Both men winced when Harry choked and spluttered. Most of the potion dribbled out of his mouth but Snape was relieved to that at least some of it stayed down. The same thing happened with the next two potions he gave Harry but what little had stayed down had made some difference. The blood flow from both wounds had slowed to nothing more that a sluggish seeping and Harry's breathing was slightly stronger as was his pulse.

The sound of footsteps caught their attention and they looked around to see Poppy Pomfrey running across the room, a large bag clutched to her chest.

"What took you so long?" Snape snapped. "Harry has three stab wounds. One in the left upper arm, which is irrelevant for now. But he was two in his right side, well placed through the ribs. One lung has definitely collapsed and he's been coughing up blood."

Poppy paled then her lips thinned and she pulled out her wand. "What have you given him?"

"A blood replenisher and two potions to help his breathing and heart rate," Snape replied. "I wasn't able to get much into him though."

Before Poppy could say or do anything, Tien ran up to them looking rather alarmed.

"We have to get out of here," he said tightly "Right now."

"Impossible," Poppy snapped. "Mr Potter cannot be moved until I have stabilised him."

Tien looked frustrated and torn. "We have to move him anyway. That obelisk is about to explode. There's just too much energy contained in it. We can't even siphon some of the excess off. The thing is just too unstable."

Poppy looked aghast and she glanced at Harry before returning her gaze to Tien. "I wasn't just being obstreperous, Tien. We cannot move Harry. If we try we could make his injuries worse and he's lost too much blood to allow for that."

"What if we shield them?" Hermione asked. "All of us. The Battle Guard, you and Jun'ko, Fred, George, Tonks. Anyone else who can help."

Tien glanced at the Obelisk then down at Harry as he thought frantically. "I don't know if it'll work," he said helplessly. "But we'll have to try it. I'll see if I can get more people to help."

"Keep everyone as close to us as possible," Snape said tersely though his attention remained on Harry. "The smaller the area you have to shield, the stronger it will be."

Poppy had immediately turn back to treat her patient once Hermione stepped forward. "Just don't get too close," she snapped. "I'm going to need room to work."

"Yes, of course," Hermione murmured then she turned to those who were already there and started organising them.

They were quickly joined by half a dozen Night Warriors and finally by Tien, Jun'ko and Remus.

"Dumbledore's busy dealing with the Ministry," Remus reported breathlessly. "He doesn't want to let them in until we get Harry out of here." Remus looked around curiously. "Speaking of Harry, where is..."

The werewolf's voice trailed off as he caught sight of Harry lying on the floor, bloodied and barely conscious.

"Harry," he breathed, his voice almost a moan.

"We need you to help shield," Hermione said with a sharp yank on his arm. "Harry's got Sirius, Madam Pomfrey and Professor Snape looking after him. We need your help to protect him."

Remus tore his gaze away from Harry and looked at Hermione. He saw then that she was as worried, as distraught and as torn as he was. He then looked over at the black quartz obelisk and saw it was almost pulsating with energy now; in fact it almost seemed to be moving in and out. It looked alive, as though it was breathing its last breaths. Remus looked back at Hermione and took a deep breath.

"What do you need me to do?" he said as calmly as he was able to manage, the tremor in his voice soft but audible.

"Can you take the north cardinal point?" Hermione said quickly. "I want to put a dome shield over all of us. It's the strongest type."

Remus nodded and moved over to his position.

"Let's get this done," Tien said, his voice tense. "That obelisk isn't going to hold much longer."

Hermione nodded and took her position. She told everyone the shielding spell they were going to use and then gave the signal. In almost perfect unison using wand or hand, everyone cast the spell, blending it in with everyone else's. The resulting shield was actually visible, a thick shimmering dome arcing over them.

They completed it just in time. Just the shield settled into place the pulsations of the obelisk became stronger and faster then with an earsplitting sound, it exploded, sending crystal shards flying throughout the room. The wave of energy hit the shield first, pounding into it like a hammer blow. It visibly bowed under the impact and everyone holding it in place physically braced themselves, their forehead creased with frowns as they fought to hold it. Seconds after the energy hit, the crystal shards slammed into it as well. Many of those powering it flinched and winced away from the lethal projectiles but once again the shield held. The whole thing took only minutes to end and the shielders looked around warily before letting the shield down.

"Move out of the way!" Snape snarled at them.

The shielder turned to see the Potions Master getting to his feet. He was holding Madam Pomfrey's bag and pulling the mediwitch to her feet. Sirius was already upright and he was cradling his godson gently in his arms. The crowd parted with alacrity and Sirius all but ran towards the door with Snape and Pomfrey hot on his heels.

"Couldn't they apparate from here?" Ron asked as he and the rest of the Battle Guard started to follow.

"Honestly, Ron," Hermione said with exasperation. "There's an anti-apparition ward on the room and we haven't been keyed to it."

"Oh," was all the answer Ron gave, saving his breath.

Sirius headed straight for the kitchen and out the back of the house and when they got out there the Battle Guard saw why. The back yard of the manor was empty, obviously all of the Ministry officials were out the front with Dumbledore. They arrived just in time to see Sirius apparate away with Harry and Snape and Pomfrey followed.

"Apparate or Portkey?" Hermione asked crisply as she pulled a wooden ruler out of her robes.

"Portkey," Ron said decisively. "The Headmaster set it up to return us to the Guild classroom. Apparition'll leave us outside the gates. Classroom's closer to the Hospital Wing."

The others immediately held out a finger, placing it on the ruler when Hermione held it out in front. The bushy-haired girl then spoke the key word and the Battle Guard were yanked back to Hogwarts. They stumbled into each other when they arrived back in the classroom but managed somehow to keep their feet. Hermione quickly discarded the ruler and the five friends set off for the Hospital Wing at a run.

They got there just in time to see Sirius and Harry, Pomfrey and Snape disappear inside and they followed.

"Out, all of you!" Pomfrey snapped.

"Poppy!" Sirius protested.

"No!" Poppy said with exasperation. "Out!"

Snape grabbed Sirius' arm and dragged the animagus out of the hospital wing, using just a glare to get the students to do the same. Once they were out in the corridor, Sirius shook of the Potions Master and glared at him.

"What are you doing?" he snarled.

"Think, Black!" Snape snapped, his eyes full of worry. "She needs to treat Harry properly and some of it probably won't look very pretty. She doesn't want any of us in there overreacting and getting in the way. He is not going to die."

Sirius' anger fell away and he looked almost desperate. "Are you sure?" he asked almost plaintively.

Snape was still for a moment. "Yes, I am sure," he replied firmly. "The wounds are serious but between the potions I gave him and what Poppy was able to do at the manor, he has been stabilised. The rest is simply a matter of healing. Poppy will be able to do some now, the rest will take time."

Sirius stared at him for a long moment then he nodded once and started pacing. Snape watched him for a moment then, once he was sure that the animagus wasn't going to do anything stupid, he leaned heavily against one wall. After a few minutes, Ron joined Sirius in his pacing while Ginny and Hermione stood next to Snape and stared at the doors to the Hospital Wing as though willing them to open. Luna sat down cross-legged on the floor, her face calm and patient while Neville looked liked he wasn't sure whether he wanted to join Ron and Sirius or Hermione and Ginny. As they stood there, Remus ran up and joined them.

"Harry?" he demanded breathlessly.

"Poppy is working on him," Snape said calmly. "We don't know anymore."

Remus nodded, his eyes full of worry and he quickly joined Hermione and Ginny.

"They found all the Death Eaters except for Bellatrix Lestrange and Pansy Parkinson," Remus said after several minutes of silence.

"They...apparated out," Sirius said absently. "I saw them do it when I got into the room. Who was the headless body?"

"Draco Malfoy," Severus replied grimly. "He must have been the one who stabbed Harry."

"Why?" Hermione said curiously. "If I remember correctly what Harry told us, the spell you found in Voldemort's journal should have freed him from Voldemort. Why would he then kill Harry?"

"Because he is a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor," Snape said sourly. "Even though Harry freed him, he was still thinking of his own aims. Killing the Boy-Who-Lived would be quite the cachet for a new Dark Lord."

"He did have delusions of grandeur, didn't he?" Neville said dryly.

"Not quite delusions," Ron replied, his voice as sour as Snape's. "He nearly succeeded, didn't he?"

Just then the door to the Hospital Wing opened and Poppy Pomfrey stuck her head out.

"You can come in if you're calm and quiet," she said severely though there was a light in her eyes that put heart into all of them.

They group nodded and Madam Pomfrey let them in. She led them back over to the bed Harry had been placed in and they were delighted to see he was awake. He looked pale and tired and there were hints of pain in his eyes but he was definitely alive and well.

"Harry," Sirius said in something close to a sob as he sat down on the side of the bed and took Harry's hand.

"Hey, Siri," Harry said in a voice barely above a whisper as he looked blindly in the direction of his godfather. "Where's Remy?"

"I'm right here," Remus said moving to sit on the other side of the bed.

"Ginny?" Harry whispered.

"I'm here," Ginny said, a tear smile on her face. "And if your great oaf of a godfather will move for a minute I'll give you a kiss to prove it."

"Move, Siri," Harry whispered with a hint of a smile on his face.

Sirius chuckled and smiled, feeling his worries slide away. "Well, I can see where I stand," he joshed as he got up and let Ginny through.

"Some things...are more important," Harry joked weakly.

"Very true," Ginny said as she leaned over and kissed him gently.

Harry's smile was much more genuine when she pulled away and the others all smiled in response. Sirius moved back to where he had been sitting and took Harry's hand again.

"Voldemort's dead," Harry whispered. "Really dead this time. I can feel it. The link's gone. Can't feel him in my head anymore."

"Thank Merlin," Sirius breathed. "It's over."

"Finally," Remus said, a smile ghosting over his face.

"I killed Draco too, didn't I?" Harry asked, the words dropping from his lips like stones.

"I am afraid so, Ha...Mr Potter," Snape said calmly. "But as I gather he stabbed you twice in the chest, I would call it self-defence rather than anything else your ridiculously Gryffindorish brain is currently coming up with."

Harry breathed a nearly silent laugh.

"That's enough," Madam Pomfrey said, coming forward and starting to shoo them towards the door. "Mr Potter needs rest now. You can come back later."

"I'm staying," Sirius said firmly.

"So am I," Remus added, equally firmly.

Poppy eyed them for a moment then she nodded. "Let him sleep," she said with emphasis. "No messing around."

"I don't think that's a problem," Remus said with an indulgent look, gesturing towards the boy in the bed.

They all looked down at Harry and saw that he was fast asleep, his face peaceful and calm. No one had any desire to change that so they crept out as quietly as they could.


"The Ministry wants to throw a big party in his honour."

"I think I know how he's going to react to that idea."

"Yeah, Albus already said something along those lines but they want to do it anyway."

"He's not going to like it."

"I know that, Remus. I don't think he's going to be able to get out of it though. Voldemort's dead and gone. For good this time. That is something worth celebrating."

"I agree," Harry croaked out as he opened his eyes.

"Harry!" came the mutual yelp from both Sirius and Remus before Sirius continued, "How are you feeling?"

"Water?" Harry asked as he gingerly instigated his Oversight.

Much to his relief the energy colours he was expecting to see bloomed into life around him and he looked around to see Sirius offering him a glass. He took it in one shaking hand, not arguing when Sirius helped him take a several long sips. Sirius then put the glass back on the bedside table and sat on the side of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" he asked again.

"Tired. Kind of sore," Harry replied. "My side hurts a bit and so does my arm."

Remus came around and poured something from a large flask into a goblet. "Poppy said you should have some of this if you were still feeling sore when you woke up."

He offered the goblet to Harry and he drank it down with a grimace at the taste. The pain started to recede almost immediately and Harry leaned back into his pillows with a relieved sigh.

"Where is everyone?" he asked.

"Probably lurking outside the door of the Hospital Wing," Sirius said with a laugh. "You were the only one badly hurt. The Death Eaters weren't kidding around. They were using Killing Curses if they could manage it." He sobered. "There were a fair few deaths. Mostly among the Night Warriors."

"Anyone I know?" Harry said with trepidation.

"No," Remus said firmly. "Tien and Jun'ko are fine. So are Nhean, Tonks, Fred and George as well as your Battle Guard. Sirius was right when he said you were pretty much the only one badly hurt. Everyone else was released yesterday."

"How long have I been asleep?" Harry asked with a frown.

"About two and a half days," Sirius replied. "I was a bit worried until Poppy assured me that you were fine, just very, very tired."

Remus snorted with laughter. "You mean until Poppy threatened to throw you out of the Hospital Wing for being a panic merchant."

"Thank you, Moony," Sirius said wryly. "Like you were any better."

Harry chuckled then he sobered again. "Did any of the Death Eaters survive?"

Remus and Sirius were silent for a moment.

"Bellatrix and Pansy Parkinson apparated out just after you killed Draco," Sirius admitted reluctantly. "There's been no sign of them anywhere but the Ministry's got everyone it can looking."

Harry grimaced. "Wonderful. It would have to be those two." He paused. "What about Pettigrew?"

Again there was silence from the two men.

"He was found in a room upstairs," Remus said quietly. "He's...completely insane. He didn't even recognise Sirius or I nor did he recognise Padfoot. They've taken him to St Mungos. The Healers think he's...irretrievable. He just sits in the corner of the room they've got him in and rocks back and forth."

"The lights are on but there's definitely no one home," Sirius added sourly.

"They know he's an animagus, don't they?" Harry asked.

Sirius nodded. "Yeah, don't worry. They've got the room warded so deeply it practically makes your hair stand on end. He's not going anywhere. Except maybe Azkaban if he ever regains his sanity."

"Good," Harry said firmly. "So...when can I get out of here?"

Both Sirius and Remus roared with laughter which brought Madam Pomfrey out of her office. She smiled to herself at the sight in front of her then cleared her expression and bustled over to the bed.

"Well, it's good to see you awake, Mr Potter," she said briskly.

"Thank you," Harry replied. "Can I go?"

Poppy gave him a stern look. "Certainly not," she said in a scandalised tone. "That chest of yours needs bed rest. You had a collapsed lung and lost a great deal of blood. You are staying right where you are for at least the next three days."

"What?" Harry grumbled. "Three days?"

"Three days," Poppy replied firmly.

"I thought a hero was supposed to get rewarded, not punished," Harry muttered under his breath, causing Remus and Sirius to snicker.

"I heard that, Mr Potter," Poppy said with stern amusement. "Be careful or I'll make it four."

With that the mediwitch walked back to her office, allowing her laughter to emerge after she'd reached her sanctuary. If that last exchange was anything to go by, Harry was going to be fine.