Harry Potter and the Crystalline Darkness


Story Summary:
Continues on from Guild of the Night. Harry's sixth year is over, the Battle has been won and he's off for a summer with Sirius and Remus and then the Weasleys before starting his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. Life seems to be pretty good right now - or is it? What has happened to his old enemies? And what is happening with the looming, crystalline darkness?

Chapter 31 - 31

Chapter Summary:
Voldemort's plans continue and Harry has a really bad day that ends on a better note.

Chapter 31

Voldemort/Draco eyed the tall black quartz obelisk with satisfaction. It had taken some effort to discover a crystalline deposit large enough to fashion an obelisk of the size needed but it was turning out to be well worth it. Tiny bolts of purple lightning crawled over the surface of the obelisk and after just a couple of weeks of preparation the sphere of influence the obelisk supported stood at nearly a foot. Their progress would slow as they continued to expand that sphere but he wasn't worried. He would use the time to prepare for Potter's eventual arrival.

He'd been forced to use his grandparents' manor as it was the only place where he could establish the obelisk but still have the privacy he wished. The obelisk was rooted in the centre of what had once been the main ballroom and the tip reached to about a foot below the high ceiling. The black quartz had been left unadorned and its black massiveness loomed throughout the room. He'd given some thought to using Malfoy Manor but eventually decided against it. It was a little too public for what he wanted to do. The Malfoy name, while somewhat disgraced, still had a certain amount of social power. Those in certain circles were known to drop in, sometimes unannounced. Voldemort/Draco did not want someone inadvertently stumbling over his plans. And there was a certain symmetry to using Riddle Manor that pleased him in many ways.

But for now, as they powered up the obelisk, he would have his Death Eaters concentrate on recruitment. The ranks of his followers had been greatly reduced in the aftermath of the battle at Hogwarts and he would need more to fend off the inevitable rescue mission when he kidnapped Potter. He hoped to gain another spy within Hogwarts and Pansy had been delegated to think of one who might be suitable. He did not even require it to be a Slytherin.

And speaking of those who were not Slytherin...

Much to his amusement, Wormtail had crawled back into Malfoy Manor just the other night. Somehow he had managed to escape the clutches of the Ministry. Obviously those guarding him had been taken in by Pettigrew's pathetic appearance and had not minded him as well as they ought to have. Not that the effort seemed to have been worth it. The Ministry had clearly gone to some lengths to plumb the depths of what Pettigrew called a mind and what was left was...crumbling. Wormtail spent most of his time crouched in a corner of whatever room he happened to be in, muttering incomprehensible words to himself. He responded only to Voldemort/Draco's commands, which made him valuable in some ways. He had instructed Wormtail that he was to obey Pansy as well and that order seemed to have taken root inside the pathetic rat's mind though Pansy had not been overly pleased. She seemed to find Pettigrew offensive.

Voldemort/Draco chuckled to himself as he prowled around the quartz obelisk. He could hardly blame her. Wormtail had never been a promising man and now, with his mind in the state it was, he was even less than he had been. He only bathed because Voldemort/Draco had ordered him to do so every day though he seemed inclined to eat without needing prompting. Still, in spite of his obvious flaws, Wormtail could be valuable. If he was unable to recruit anyone from within the walls of Hogwarts, Wormtail could be used as a spy. He would just have to be ordered to stay away from what remained of his former cronies. Those two would undoubtedly recognise the rat immediately.

Yes, that may be the best use for the man. Pansy had so far been struggling to come up with anyone who might be subverted to their cause. Most of the Slytherins remaining at Hogwarts had sided with Potter in the end and were therefore useless. Crabbe and Goyle remained, of course, but they were of little use, stupid as they were. Good men for physical action much like their fathers but not ones to use for anything else.

His concentration was broken by the sound of the double doors at the end of the room opening and a group of four Death Eaters walking in. The four bowed deeply when they saw him.

"Forgive us, Lord," they murmured.

"We did not mean to disturb you," the leader, Avery, said subserviently. "But we are scheduled to continue the spell-casting. Should we do so or do you wish us to return later?"

"No, continue," Voldemort/Draco said dismissively. "The spell-casting is not to be disturbed for anything."

With that he turned and left the room through a smaller door, knowing that the Death Eaters would not disobey him.


Harry, in the form of the great Dire Wolf, Blaze, flopped down in a small clearing deep in the Forbidden Forest. He panted as he recovered his breath then changed back into his human form and rolled onto his back. He stared up into blackness as he continued to pant erratically, using the action to keep the tears that were threatening at bay. The enormous bruise that was forming on his ribs twinged at every breath but he ignored it as best as he could.

Today had been one disaster after another and the whole thing had just gotten too much for him during his training session with Tien and Jun'ko. It had started in the morning when he'd woken up tired and had therefore been working almost on automatic when he gotten up and tried to instigate his Oversight as he headed for the bathroom. Because he was working on automatic, he'd been understandably startled when the Oversight hadn't worked and then he'd stumbled over someone's bag, which had been left in the middle of the room. He'd landed flat on his face with a strangled yelp that had woken up the others in the dorm. He'd been so embarrassed at tripping like that that he'd yelled at all four of the boys indiscriminately before storming out to the bathroom as best as he could.

Ron had followed him and had wordlessly helped him as had become their ritual since he'd lost the ability to use his Oversight. Once he was washed and dressed, Harry had stumbled through an apology to his best friend, which had been quietly accepted. Ron had then apologised himself; he'd been making sure that the other boys didn't leave things out in their usual messy way but had been so tired the night before from training that he'd forgotten. That had made Harry feel even worse since he hadn't known Ron was doing that for him.

He'd then had to face the rather sheepish apologies from his dorm mates since they'd known what Ron was doing and why. Mostly they'd been doing it themselves once they'd realised what was going on and the only reason the bag had been left there was because they'd just been lazy. Neville in particular almost regressed back to old self in his apology and Harry had been forced to spend the time sorting it all out. But had still been some awkwardness left when the five Gryffindors had headed down to breakfast.

Breakfast hadn't gone that well either. Because he was a fraction tired, because he was still unsettled by not being able to use his Oversight and because of what had happened in the dorm that morning, he'd been a little clumsier than usual. He knocked over his own goblet of pumpkin juice which was bad enough but when he knocked over Ron's goblet of pumpkin juice right onto the book Hermione was reading as well as over her uniform and into her bag, he began feeling like he perhaps ought to go back to bed.

His first class, Charms, had actually been the high point of the day. Professor Flitwick had started teaching them how to use a charm that would enable them to identify people in a room. The spell worked on a number of levels depending on your skill level, with the lowest level simply telling you how many people were in the room and higher levels enabling you to determine whether you knew them and even things like their magical power. This one didn't require being able to see and as such Harry began to relax a bit, particularly when he found that he was able to get this one to work without much in the way of problems. Professor Flitwick had told him it was undoubtedly because he knew of and had used the Point Me spell. This spell was related to that one.

Unfortunately everything had just gone downhill from there. His next class had been a private Potions lesson with Snape and that had been an unmitigated disaster. He wasn't even entirely sure what had gone wrong. He'd been brewing Swelling Solution since that was one where he didn't have to rely on colour changes; he could just work on timing. Professor Snape had been marking essays at the front of the classroom but something had obviously alerted him. Harry wished he knew what it was since he hadn't known that anything was going wrong with his potion. All he'd known was that Snape had suddenly yelled out "Evanesco" and then started in on a very impressive lecture about the importance of following instructions. Harry had been stunned and more than a little hurt by this since he'd thought he was following instructions and he'd snapped back without thinking. That had led to Snape snarling at him, twenty points being deducted from Gryffindor's total, a detention on Friday evening and the order to get out. He'd obeyed, simmering with frustration and no little anger.

Lunch hadn't been much better than breakfast since he managed to knock over not only his own goblet again but also Neville's and when he was reaching for the bread, Seamus' as well. He'd then dunked his elbow into the casserole he'd chosen for lunch. Hermione had quickly cleaned off his robes and he'd given up on lunch at that point.

He had training after lunch and this time it was with Tien and Jun'ko since Master Nhean was back at the Guild Academy consulting with some of the other trainers and Warriors in a continued attempt to find the book he was looking for. His tiredness and the lack of coordination it caused had continued on here as well. Jun'ko had wanted to continue the sparring sessions but Harry hadn't been able to repeat what he'd done to her again. The three of them had gotten frustrated and without Master Nhean there to keep things calm, things had finally come to a head. Tien's frustration had gotten the better of all of them and he'd tried a move that he shouldn't have with a student of Harry's level of experience even if Harry had been able to use Oversight. Not surprisingly Harry hadn't been able to counter it and Tien sword had thumped painfully into his ribs. Jun'ko had been horrified and had yelled at Tien which had set a flare to Tien's temper. Tien had yelled a few things back at Jun'ko and then suggested Harry just wasn't trying. Harry's own temper had exploded at that and after yelling a few choice words at Tien, he'd transformed into Blaze and fled the castle.

Harry flung and arm over his eyes, rather pathetically wanting some kind of excuse for the blackness that he could see and also wanting to hide the few tears that had managed to escape. He was getting sick of this, of not being able to use his Oversight, of having to rely on others all the time, of feeling helpless. And this day of disasters hadn't helped him at all. His train of thought was suddenly halted by the sound of snuffling and a relieved yip.

"Siri?" he said as he removed his arm and sat up.

"Nah, it's me, mate," came Ron's voice then he heard his friend sitting down next to him.

"Hey, Ron," Harry said in a subdued voice.

"Jun'ko told me what happened," Ron said in a casual tone then it became very dry. "Your day's just getting better and better, isn't it?"

The wry question suddenly seemed hilarious to Harry and he began to laugh rather helplessly, his tears flowing even as he did so. He felt Ron's wrap an arm around his shoulders and he leaned against his friend. When the tears and the laughter finally drained away, he wiped his face with his hands and sat up a bit. Ron shifted with him but did not remove his arm.

"Merlin, I hate this," Harry said quietly. "I thought it was bad before but at least then Master Nhean came along with all sorts of possibilities before it could all really sink in. But now it's real and no one knows if it's ever going to end."

"Of course it is," Ron said staunchly. "We know it's being caused by something Voldemort's doing so...eventually he's going to stop then you'll be able to use your Oversight again."

"How do you know that?" Harry demanded.

"Well...eventually you're going to face Voldemort and kill him and then it'll stop because most spells don't survive past the death of their caster," Ron replied. "Either way, it'll stop."

"Doesn't feel like it," Harry said softly.

"Why didn't you tell us it was getting this frustrating?" Ron asked with quiet exasperation. "We'd have helped you, you know? You don't have to do everything on your own. Even Dean and Seamus are willing to help however they can."

"I...just...I don't know," Harry said with resignation.

Ron sighed. "Ginny was right. You really do think you have to do everything for yourself. Hasn't all of this stuff we've been doing with the Battle Guard taught you that you can rely on us to help? And that we don't think it's a burden or a chore or a pain in the arse or anything like that. We're not the bloody Dursleys after all."

Ron sounded so indignant at that last that a soft laugh was forced out of Harry.

"I know you're not," he said with chagrin. "I guess it's just...old habits die hard."

"Yeah," Ron said on the end of a sigh. "I just wish it would die a little faster." He paused for a moment. "Has Master Nhean found anything yet?"

Harry shook his head. "That's why he wasn't there at training today. He's back at the Academy speaking with some people there. He still can't find that book he's so sure exists."

"You don't think it exists?" Ron asked curiously.

"I'm not sure," Harry said with a shrug. "I mean, Master Nhean's so sure he's read about something similar to what's happening to me but the longer it takes the more I think he's mistaken."

"I don't think he would have got your hopes up if he didn't think there was something to it," Ron replied. "He's probably just got to figure out which of the sixty gazillion books he's read holds the information he wants."

Harry gave a snort of amusement. "Not sure he's read that many but I suppose you've got a point there. If it was something he read in passing he might have a problem remembering what book comes from."

"Exactly," Ron said encouragingly. "I'm sure he'll find it. Maybe it'll even tell us what Voldemort's doing."

"Yeah, I think that's what Master Nhean thinks as well," Harry said with a sigh.

"We ought to get back," Ron said after a short silence. "I've got no idea where we are in the Forest and if you've led me near those bloody spiders again, I'm going to kill you."

Harry laughed and got to his feet. "I don't think we're near Aragog's lair. I'm pretty sure I headed in a different direction but yeah, you're right. We'd better go back. I need to clear things up with Jun'ko and Tien anyway."

The two boys changed into their canine forms and they followed their trail out of the Forest. As they loped up towards the castle they saw the rest of the Battle Guard sitting on the steps, waiting for them. Harry and Ron changed back when they got close to the steps then Ron let Harry take his arm and led him over to the group. A few quiet words told Harry where to sit then Ginny pressed his cane into his hands.

"Okay there, Harry?" she asked softly, letting her hands rest on his shoulders.

Harry picked up one of her hands and kissed the palm. "Yeah," he said. "At least, mostly."

"Tien asked me to ask you if you'd come and speak to him sometime tonight at his rooms," she said. "He looked very sheepish and I think he wants to apologise for whatever happened in your training session."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, okay."

A companionable silence fell among the six friends and Harry felt himself slowly relax. After nearly half an hour he tightened his hands around his cane and got to his feet.

"I'd better go and speak to Tien," he said.

"Need help?" Ron asked bluntly.

Harry smiled ruefully. "No, not this time. I do know how to find my way around Hogwarts."

His friends chuckled and Harry made his way up the stairs and through the door, his cane tapping lightly on the floor n front of him. He knew where Tien's rooms were and it didn't take him long to make his way there. He paused for a moment then knocked on the door.

"Harry," Tien said with relief after Harry heard the door open. "Come in."

Harry walked in and let the Night Warrior guide him to a chair.

"How are your ribs?" Jun'ko asked, her voice coming from next to him.

"Sore. Bruised," Harry replied flatly.

"I am sorry," Tien said with deep chagrin. "I don't know what got into me."

"I was trying," Harry said in an injured tone. "I don't know why I couldn't do anything today. I've been having a really bad day all around. I woke up tired and frustrated and everything that could possibly go wrong today, has gone wrong."

"This damn thing with your Oversight has got us all on edge, I think," Jun'ko said, sounding tired. "If it could happen to you, who's to say it couldn't happen to any other Night Warrior? I think that's the thing that's really to blame for what happened today."

"It's still no excuse for what I did," Tien said guiltily. "Have you seen Madam Pomfrey about that bruise?"

"Not yet," Harry replied with a grimace. "I'll go after I leave here."

"Tell her not to yell at you," Tien said. "Tell it was my fault and she can yell at me."

"I'll hold you to that," Harry said with a small smile. "Don't worry about it, Tien. Let's just write it off to the culmination of my really horrible day. I had the thought at breakfast that I should just go back to bed. Maybe I should have done just that."

Tien made an indistinct noise as Harry got to his feet and headed for the door. As he left the room, he heard Jun'ko say something to Tien in a soft tone but he didn't try and work out what it was. His ribs were really starting to hurt now and he knew he'd better get down to the Hospital Wing. He paused just after he walked in the door and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before speaking.

"Madam Pomfrey?"

"Ah, there you are, Mr Potter," the mediwitch said briskly from the direction of her office. "Miss Weasley told me to expect you."

Harry sighed with exasperation but, after a moment of consideration, mentally forgave his girlfriend. After everything they'd talked about, he could hardly fault her for worrying about him.

"I'm sure she did," he said ruefully.

"What happened this time?" Madam Pomfrey asked as she walked over, her voice full of brisk sympathy.

Harry groped for the nearest bed and leaned his cane against it. He then pulled his shirt up to reveal the livid bruise on his ribcage.

"How on earth did you earn that?" Madam Pomfrey asked, sounding slightly scandalised then he felt her cool hands touch the bruise gently.

From the tone of her voice and the pain that erupted at her touch, he realised the injury was perhaps a bit worse than he'd thought and that his own internal problems had stopped him from realising this until now.

He hissed with pain. "Uh, Tien got a little overly enthusiastic this afternoon."

Madam Pomfrey guided him over to the side of the bed he was standing next to and urged him to sit. He felt her touch the bruise again then she murmured a few words under her breath. The pain subsided to a mere whisper and a great deal of the discomfort disappeared as well. He heard her bustle away and then the clinking of glass. He then heard her return and she pressed a goblet into his hand.

"Drink all of that, Mr Potter," she said kindly.

Harry did as she asked, grimacing at the bitter, slightly acidic taste of the potion. Madam Pomfrey took the empty goblet from his hand and he heard the soft thunk of it landing on the nearby bedside table. He then felt Madam Pomfrey's fingers press against the bruise almost experimentally.

"How much does that hurt?" she asked.

"Not that much," Harry said with surprise. "Kind of like pressing on an ordinary bruise."

"Well then, Mr Potter, I won't require you to stay here overnight," Madam Pomfrey replied, chuckling a little at Harry's sigh of relief. "You were very lucky. Whatever it was that caused that bruise could quite easily have broken your ribs. I think I shall be having a little chat with Mr Nguyen about his training methods."

Harry swallowed a grin and groped around for his cane. Once we found it, he lowered himself off the bed.

"May I go now?" he asked as politely as he could.

"Yes," Madam Pomfrey said with amusement. "But if those ribs of yours start to hurt again, come and see me immediately. Immediately, Mr Potter. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," Harry said quickly then he tapped his way out of the Hospital Wing as fast as was polite.

When he walked out of the door, the sound of quiet voices alerted him to the fact that there were people waiting in the corridor. A moment later he recognised the voices and he grinned in that direction.

"She said I don't have to stay," he announced with a reasonable amount of cheer.

"We noticed," Ron said dryly. "How did you manage that? She usually likes to keep you there for at least one night."

"Tell me about it," Harry said with a groan. "But once she finished treating my ribs it didn't hurt enough for her to make me stay."

"Lucky you," Ginny said as she slid her hand into his.

"You told on me," he said to her with a small smile.

"Yes and I freely admit I had no compunctions about doing it," she said airily. "If Jun'ko was as worried as she was then I knew it couldn't have been something petty."

"Fair enough, I suppose," Harry said, sounding rather put-upon though the smile was still on his face.

"You're not upset?" Ginny asked carefully.

"No," Harry replied, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm trying to remember that whole I should let other people help me thing after all."

"Gee, not bad, Harry," Ron said with a grin. "It's only taken you seventeen years to figure that out. I'm impressed."

Harry's eyes narrowed as he judged where Ron was by the direction of his voice then he quickly lifted his cane, stepped forward so that he could get around Ginny and poked his best friend in the stomach.

"Nice one, Harry," Neville said with amused admiration as Ron complained with vociferous amusement.

"Yes, I thought so," Harry replied with smug satisfaction.

Ron snickered then reached around his sister and whapped Harry lightly on the back of the head.

"Hey! No hitting the blind, injured guy!" Harry protested with a laugh.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again...the blind, injured guy could single-handedly wipe the floor with my backside," Ron said, struggling to hold in his laughter, something that was common to all of them by now.

"That doesn't mean you can just go around hitting me," Harry protested while trying not to laugh.

"Why not?" Ron countered.

"I'll get all bruised and then Madam Pomfrey will yell at me," Harry said logically.

"He's got a point there," Hermione said with mock-seriousness. "No one wants to get yelled at by Madam Pomfrey."

"She won't be yelling at me so why should I care?" Ron asked airily.

"Because I'll tell Ginny, she'll tell Hermione and she'll get you for me," Harry replied with a grin.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Ron protested, ignoring the snickers from the others.

"And hitting me is?" Harry said calmly.

"Well...yeah," Ron said in a tone that had connotations of 'well, duh' in it.

Harry paused for a moment then said with incredible dryness, "Gee, thanks, Ron."

That was enough to set everyone off and the whole group burst out into roars of laughter as they walked into the Great Hall.

Thanks once again for all the reviews!