Harry Potter and the Crystalline Darkness


Story Summary:
Continues on from Guild of the Night. Harry's sixth year is over, the Battle has been won and he's off for a summer with Sirius and Remus and then the Weasleys before starting his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. Life seems to be pretty good right now - or is it? What has happened to his old enemies? And what is happening with the looming, crystalline darkness?

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Draco makes some evil plans and Harry and Sirius spend a night with Moony...with some terrible consequences. And Percy proves his worth as a Weasley.
Author's Note:
Well, I'm going well with NaNo - I've reached 30,000 words. Yay me! So I thought I rewards both myself and all of you with another chapter!

Chapter 7

Draco sat in the small parlour in his rooms, a glass of wine in his hand, and brooded. He still had no idea what effect that little argument he had had with the Dark Lord had done to him. The large crystal remained clear and certainly he had felt no ill effects from what had happened since he had recovered. He took a sip of wine and determinedly turned his thoughts elsewhere. He snorted as they settled on Bella and Pansy. The older woman was incensed when she heard about his impending betrothal. She had come storming into his study this afternoon, bellowing about how she was his lady. He had been forced to check her severely. He smirked as he recalled her expression when he said that she was entertaining and skilled but was in no way his lady. She had then proceeded to make all sorts of threats against Pansy and he had been less than amused. She had rather quickly learnt to temper her words when he had turned the Cruciatus on her. He leaned back in his seat and smiled as he remembered that. He had felt powerful using that curse on Bella and he definitely liked that feeling. He pondered whether to inform Pansy as to Bella's animosity.

Why? A voice in his head said with sly amusement. Wouldn't it be more fun to watch and see who wins?

Draco snorted; well, yes, it would but he couldn't afford to allow any harm to come to Pansy. Tybalt Parkinson would be a strong ally and might just bring the remaining Death Eaters into his camp. And he doted on his only child. Draco tossed the thought around his mind. Maybe if he made it clear to both women that there were to be no fatalities as a result of their skirmishing...and no permanent injuries as well. Yes, that would work and it would keep both of them out of his hair while he went about his business.

His thoughts now turned to the reluctant Death Eaters and he scowled. Damn them for being stubborn! Damn them for assuming he was just like his father! He had less than month before he had to return to Durmstrang and he wanted to get the bulk of his plans in place before then. The longer it took for those idiots to make up what passed for their minds, the less he would be able to do. Maybe he should plan something small, something that he could carry out on his own. He could then wave that success around in front of them with the idea that if he could succeed in such a thing by himself, imagine what they could all do together. But what to do?

Potter, the voice in his head said with malevolent glee.

Draco smirked. Potter, that misbegotten excuse for a wizard. Yes, wouldn't it be satisfying to do something to him.

Not him, his family, the voice suggested.

Draco raised an elegant eyebrow; Potter's family, oh yes, wouldn't it be delightful to see that Gryffindor idiot weep and wail over that. He considered his choices; his first thought was to go after the Mudblood or the Weasel but then another idea had him chuckling. Lupin; why not go after the werewolf? The poor tragic werewolf friend of Potter's father, Draco thought with a sarcastic snigger.

An excellent choice, the voice congratulated him. The full moon rises in four days. Can you manage it?

Hmm, yes, Draco thought, that was a consideration. He would need to find out where Lupin was staying this summer. His eyes narrowed and he clapped his hands sharply. Dibs appeared in the middle of the parlour and bowed respectfully.

"Yes, Master Draco?"

"Could you ask Pettigrew to come up here, please?"

Dibs bowed again. "Certainly, Master Draco."

The little elf disappeared and Draco swirled the dark red wine around in his glass as he waited for the arrival of Wormtail. An agreeably short period of time passed before the door to the parlour opened and Peter Pettigrew scuttled in.

"Y...you wanted to s...see me?" Wormtail stuttered.

"Yes," Draco replied lazily as he eyed the wine in his glass appreciatively. It really was an excellent vintage. "I have a task for you, Wormtail."

"Y...yes, of course," the older man squeaked.

"Find out where Potter, Black and Lupin are staying this summer," Draco said idly. "I would start with Hogwarts and that hovel the Weasleys call a home but I'm sure you would know them better than I." He flipped a negligent hand. "Off you go."

Wormtail stared hesitantly at Draco for a moment then headed towards the door. Just as he was opening it, Draco spoke again.

"You have two days, Wormtail. Don't disappoint me."

Pettigrew swallowed and quickly scuttled out of the room. Draco watched him go with a sneer then turned his mind to what he would actually do to the werewolf. He wanted something painful; not necessarily lethal though he wouldn't mourn if the creature died. Then he chuckled; silver of course would be needed. He mused a little longer then remembered a useful spell he could use.

Don't use a spell. They'll associate magic with you, the voice in his head said warningly.

Then what should I use? Draco thought irritably.

A bullet. A silver bullet from a muggle gun, the voice said calmly. No one would expect the scion of the Malfoy family to use something a mundane as a muggle weapon.

Draco tossed this thought around and then began to chuckle. Yes, what a very good idea. He knew how to use a gun, of course. His father, while despising muggles, wasn't foolish enough to ignore them. And Draco knew where he could get a silver bullet; there was shop in Knockturn Alley that would provide one without asking any awkward questions. It would definitely work. The only question that remained was whether to kill the werewolf. He eventually threw that thought out. He knew how to use a gun but he wasn't an expert with one. He would just have to aim for the largest body mass, the werewolf's torso, and whatever happened, happened. He drank deeply and sat planning the deed and chuckling madly.


Harry sat on his bed in Ron's room and stared moodily out of the window. It was getting close to moonrise and he would have to go down soon. The full moon was tonight and he would be running with Moony and Padfoot. He was a little disappointed that Ron wouldn't be able to join them; Mrs Weasley had expressly forbidden it. She had explained that it wasn't that she didn't trust the Wolfsbane potion, she was just worried. Ron had rolled his eyes but in the interests of peace had accepted his mother's restriction. He jumped slightly as Sirius stuck his head into the room.

"Ready?" he asked.

Harry nodded and stood. "How's Remy?"

"Irritable as usual," Sirius said with a quick grin.

Harry nodded and the two of them walked downstairs and out to Arthur Weasley's shed. He had removed all of the muggle rubbish he had collected to allow Remus to use the place for this night. They didn't intend to stay in the shed. Moony habitually reacted poorly to being confined, even with the Wolfsbane potion, and the Weasleys' house backed onto a reasonable-sized wooded area. As they left the house, Molly smiled at them and locked the door behind them. They walked into the shed to find a moody and slight irritated Remus waiting for them. The werewolf shuddered and stood.

"It's almost time," he said quietly as he began stripping his clothes off.

Sirius nodded and he nudged Harry. They quickly transformed themselves into Padfoot and Blaze and sat down to wait. When he was naked, Remus hunched over in the middle of the shed and stared miserably at the ground then, as the light of the moon shone through the window, he was taken by the transformation. Harry shuddered as he always did as he watched Remus transform into the werewolf. It was bad enough to watch, he didn't want to think about how it might feel to actually have to endure it.

Moony lay still for a moment after the change was complete then rose to his feet. He stared over at the two canines, a challenging look in his eyes when he got to Blaze. The large Dire Wolf stood and walked calmly over to Moony before giving him a nudge and swift lick to the face. Blaze didn't really feel like challenging Moony's status as alpha male tonight; he just wanted to run. Padfoot nudged the door of the shed open and the three of them bounded out into the night.

The three canines bounded through the woods, occasionally stopping to mock-wrestle with each other and enjoying the tremendous freedom that seemed to come over them at this time. It was a time when they forgot that they were wizards and had responsibilities and just allowed themselves to exist; to be. It seemed the night was too short as always and when the werewolf sensed that moonset was approaching they headed back towards the Burrow with reluctance. They were just leaving the shelter of the woods when there was a loud report and Moony suddenly howled and convulsed. Blaze and Padfoot whirled around and saw the werewolf lying on the ground, a small, red wound in his right side that was bleeding sluggishly. Moony snarled and whimpered as the pain of the wound shot through him. Blaze carefully approached the larger canine as Padfoot disappeared back into the woods to try to find out where the loud report they had heard had come from.

Blaze sniffed gently at the wound and yelped. Silver; the wound smelled of silver. The great Dire Wolf froze and whimpered then whipped around when he heard barking coming from the direction of the house. Ron's Red Setter, whom he had taken to calling Rohan after Hermione had told him that the name meant red-haired, was running towards them. Mr and Mrs Weasley were standing in the doorway calling after him. Rohan quickly reached Blaze and Moony and Blaze nudged him towards the wound. Rohan sniffed at it and whimpered as well as he scented the silver. Blaze barked once and grabbed a mouthful of Moony's pelt. He started to drag the werewolf towards the shed. Rohan shook himself and quickly joined in. Both canines were often forced to let go of Moony and duck away as the werewolf snarled and thrashed in pain. They were helped when Padfoot returned from the forest and shortly had Moony back in the shed. Blaze pushed Rohan out of the shed and transformed. Rohan also changed back and Harry grabbed Ron's arm without bothering to re-establish his Oversight.

"Ron! Go back inside and get Madam Pomfrey, Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape," Harry ordered, staring blindly at his friend. "Tell them Remy has been shot with a silver bullet!"

Ron swore then nodded and quickly changed back into Rohan; the dog could run much faster than he could. He darted back to the house and disappeared inside. Harry changed back into Blaze and slipped inside the shed. He nudged Padfoot who was watching Moony whimper and convulse with pain and the black dog turned and nuzzled him. It seemed an eternity before the change hit Moony though they suspected it was only a few minutes. The pain of the wound seemed to make the transformation worse though and Remus was pale and sweating by the time it finished. He was barely conscious and lay on the floor, moaning as blood continued to run from the wound.

Sirius and Harry had changed back the moment that the transformation had begun and Sirius quickly snatched up Remus' discarded shirt and used it to put pressure on the wound and stem the bleeding. Harry quickly instigated his Oversight then bundled up his guardian's cloak and gently lifted Remus' head to place the makeshift pillow underneath.

"I sent Ron to get Madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore and Snape," he said quickly. At Sirius' quick frown, he continued. "Snape'll know whether anything Madam Pomfrey wants to use will react badly to the Wolfsbane."

Sirius nodded and continued to place pressure on the wound in Remus' side. The werewolf had quickly passed out and both Harry and Ron watched him with worried eyes. They both looked up as the door to the shed banged open and the Hogwarts mediwitch came running in. She fell to her knees beside Remus and pushed the two of them aside. Harry and Sirius stood and moved away slightly as she gently pulled the shirt away from the wound. She turned and looked at them.

"Silver?" she said shortly and Harry and Sirius nodded.

Poppy grimaced and pulled out her wand. She held it over the wound and muttered a few words. Under the influence of her spell, the bullet slowly worked its way to the surface. As soon as it was out, she grabbed it and threw it aside. It was picked up by the Headmaster as he came into the shed, slightly behind Snape and Molly Weasley. Harry slid up next to Sirius and the older man threw his arms around his godson and drew him close.

Snape knelt down on the other side of Remus from Poppy as Molly placed a bowl of water and some towels next to the mediwitch. She glanced over at Harry with a worried expression then quietly slipped out of the shed. Poppy looked up at Severus.

"Silver poisoning. It's going to affect the way the wound heals," she said tersely. "Will the standard remedies be affected by the Wolfsbane potion?"

Severus frowned in concentration for a moment then shook his head. "No, they should work as per normal."

"Good," Poppy replied and she held out her hand.

Severus opened the bag he had at his side and pulled out a small vial containing an orange potion. Poppy quickly uncorked it and poured it onto and into the wound. Remus howled in agony and convulsed, the action of the potion bringing him around though he seemed unaware of his surroundings. Severus and Poppy quickly grabbed him and tried to hold him down though the werewolf's strength soon began to overwhelm them. Poppy glanced over her shoulder.

"Don't just stand there," she yelled. "Help us!"

This spurred Harry and Sirius into action and they leapt forward and grabbed at Remus, trying to hold him as still as possible. Between the four of them they began to meet with some success. When Remus finally stopped convulsing, Poppy gestured for Harry to move around behind him and prop the man up. Harry swiftly obeyed and began murmuring quietly into Remus' ear as Poppy gestured impatiently to Severus for the next potion. He pulled a vial containing dark blue potion out of his bag and Poppy uncorked it and held it Remus' lips. Harry murmured a few words and Remus obediently swallowed the potion and shuddered. Harry tightened his grip on his guardian and Sirius moved around to help him. Poppy sat back on her heels and watched Remus intently.

Remus eyes slowly opened and they were filled with pain and confusion. When Harry saw this, he began talking again.

"It's alright, Remy," he said soothingly. "It's going to be alright. Just relax and do what Madam Pomfrey tells you to do." He stopped as his throat became tight and Sirius quickly leaned forward and ruffled his friend's hair.

"Come on, Moony," Sirius said quietly. "Just let us help you."

Remus closed his eyes and shivered then he slowly began to relax in Harry's embrace. Poppy looked gratefully at the two of them and grabbed the third vial out of Severus' hand. This one contained a sludgy-brown potion and Poppy again poured this one down Remus' throat. The werewolf grimaced and slowly succumbed to the effects of the potions and passed out again. Poppy watched this with a look of relief on her face. She gestured for Harry to let Remus rest on the ground and then waved her wand. The wound in the werewolf's side was quickly bandaged and he was swathed in blankets. A second wave of the mediwitch's wand had him floating in the air.

"He's past this crisis," she said softly to Harry and Sirius. "But we've got to keep him quiet and resting for at least a week. He'll need those potions twice a day until the wound is healed and the silver is out of his system. You must keep him relaxed and make sure he doesn't fight the potions. It's very important that he doesn't fight the potions. That will certainly make his recovery longer and could even kill him."

Harry swallowed and Sirius wrapped an arm around him comfortingly. Poppy gently directed the unconscious werewolf out of the shed and up to the house, Harry and Sirius following closely behind them. Severus picked up his bag and rose. He walked over to the Headmaster and plucked the silver bullet out of his hand. He examined it carefully then snorted in disgust.

"No identifying marks," he said sourly. "It could have been made anywhere."

"Indeed," Dumbledore replied calmly. "But this attack had a clear target."

"Did it?" Severus said thoughtfully.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow and Severus continued.

"If I were wishing to attack Potter without it looking like I was attacking Potter, who would I go after?" He arched an eyebrow at the Headmaster.

"His family," Dumbledore replied softly. "Those he loves."

"Precisely," Severus said archly. "Look to Draco, Albus. Or one of his lackeys. You will find your answer there."

The Potions Master placed the bullet back in Dumbledore's hand and stalked back up to the house. Albus stared down at the bullet for a long moment, his expression hard and his eyes steely. Then he turned and headed back to the house as well.


Percy sat next to the window in his old bedroom and looked out into the yard. He and Penelope had escaped up here as soon as they could. The atmosphere downstairs was rather grim and he wasn't sure he could handle it right now. It had been a hell of a shock when they had heard the loud bang from outside and Ron had gone tearing out...as a dog. Percy hadn't known that his youngest brother was an animagus though he found it somewhat amusing that Ron was a red setter. They had seen the werewolf that was Remus Lupin on the ground and the three canines drag him back into the shed but they hadn't been sure of what had happened until Ron had come pelting back into the house, heading straight for the floo.

Percy shuddered; Remus had been shot, with a silver bullet no less. He swallowed as he remembered the look on Harry's face as he and Sirius had followed Madam Pomfrey and the unconscious Remus up the stairs. The desperation and despair had been terrible to see and Percy hoped with all his heart that Remus was going to be alright. From his studies, he knew that his former teacher was undoubtedly suffering from silver poisoning; an affliction exclusive to werewolves. There were potions that could alleviate the symptoms but other than that they were just going to have to wait until the silver worked its way out of Remus' system. Either way the werewolf was in for a nasty week or two.

Percy felt a hand rest on his shoulder and looked up into the concerned face of his fiancée. He still thanked his lucky stars that Penelope had had the patience and understanding to stay with him during the last couple of years. The first of those years, when he was being what he now admitted was an unmitigated prat, must have been hard on her and the second had been hard on them both. He had told her about what he was doing for the Order. He knew he could trust her and he also knew he'd need her help and support.

"Percy, brooding about things isn't going to help," Penelope said softly.

"I know," Percy said with a sigh. "It's just that I feel so helpless. I...spent so long persecuting Harry that I'm not sure he'd accept my help now."

"Of course he would. He said he accepted your apology and that he understood why you did what you did," Penelope replied. "He's not petty, Percy."

Percy took one of his fiancée's hands in his. "I know, Penny. It's just..." He sighed and looked around the room in frustration. He was just about to turn back to Penelope when a small movement caught his eye. He stood up and slowly started pulling his wand out, keeping the action concealed behind Penelope.

"It's just...I've never been good at this sort of thing," he continued, trying to act as if nothing was wrong. Penelope looked at him oddly and he gestured with his head towards where the sound had come from. She looked over surreptitiously and her eyes widened. There scuttling along the wall, staying behind the furniture as much as possible, was a rat. She looked back at Percy with wide eyes.

"Scabbers?" she mouthed and Percy nodded. Penelope swallowed and tried to maintain the impression of normality. "It doesn't matter if you're good at it or not. In something like this, it's definitely the thought that counts."

Percy had his wand out by this time and, in a swift movement, he ducked out from behind Penelope, levelled his wand at his former pet and very firmly said, "Stupefy."

The spell caught the rat squarely and thumped him against the wall. Percy walked over warily and when he saw that the rat was indeed unconscious, he dashed over to his wardrobe. After a minute or so of rummaging, he pulled out his old rat cage and quickly stuffed the unconscious Wormtail inside. He cast an unbreakable charm on the cage and looked up at Penelope with a triumphant look. She returned the look with a proud smile.

"Well done, love," she said as she walked over and kissed him on the cheek.

Percy blushed. "Now I feel like I've done something for Harry," he said firmly.

He picked up the cage and ran downstairs with Penelope in tow. The first person he saw when he ran into the living room was Professor Dumbledore.

"Headmaster," he said slightly breathlessly. "I found him! I've got him!"

Dumbledore looked over at Percy in surprise. "Who do you have, Mr Weasley?"

"Scabbers!" Percy blurted and the room promptly erupted.

"Silence!" Dumbledore shouted and as always gained immediate obedience. He turned his full attention on the former Head Boy. "Are you sure?"

Percy nodded and held up the cage. "Yes, sir! I had Scabbers as my pet for years. I'd know him anywhere and Harry and Ron told me a little bit about...what happened in the cemetery. Look at his paw, sir!"

Dumbledore carefully examined the unconscious rat and saw that the little animal did indeed have one silver front paw. He looked up at Percy again.

"Well done, Mr Weasley," he said and Percy puffed up his chest with pride, much to the amusement of his family. "Where did you find him?"

"He was creeping along the wall in my old room," Percy said. "I think he was heading towards the door."

"Probably trying to spy on Harry," Ron said belligerently. "Or see what's happened to Remus."

"No doubt," Dumbledore said absently as he eyed the unconscious rat. He gave himself a small shake and looked at Percy. "Well, that was some very excellent work, Mr Weasley. I couldn't have done better myself. If you would be willing to leave this small matter in my hands, I shall see that this...miscreant is delivered to the appropriate destination."

Percy smiled proudly and nodded. The Headmaster smiled at him again and raised an eyebrow at Severus. He then disappeared with a small crack. The Potions Master scowled at the spot where the Headmaster had been standing then looked over at the oldest of the Weasleys.

"Where are your parents?" he barked.

"Er, I think they're in the kitchen," Bill said with surprise.

Snape glared at him for a moment longer then swept out into the kitchen. The others watched him go then turned back to Percy.

"Well done, Perce," Bill said, clapping his younger brother on the back.

Percy grinned a little uncertainly but before he had a chance to answer Ron came up and shook his hand.

"Thanks, Percy," he said respectfully and Percy was once again forced to re-evaluate his opinion of his youngest brother. "I know Harry will appreciate what you did when we get a chance to tell him. So will Sirius and Remus for that matter."

"I just hope it will make up, at least in part, for what I did to him," Percy mumbled.

Ginny came over and gave her brother a hug. "He stopped blaming you a while ago, Percy. He was more angry that you'd turned your back on your family than because you'd turned your back on him."

Percy blinked. "Really?"

"Oh yes," Ginny said with a small laugh. "He considers family to be the most important thing in the world. Nothing should come before it. You heard him the other day, he was always terribly jealous of Ron because of us, our family."

"I still don't understand that," Ron said incredulously. "We should be jealous of him!"

"Why?" Ginny asked softly. "Because he has all that money? He doesn't care about it, Ron. And remember he grew up as poor as we did. He's only ever wanted a family and that's something all the money in his vault can't buy."

Both Ron and Percy looked incredibly ashamed at the quiet words from their sister.

"And Draco knows that," Neville said suddenly. Everyone turned to look at him and he blushed. "I mean it's obvious isn't it? Particularly after Percy found Wormtail. We know that Wormtail has been working for Draco so the attack on Remus must have originated from him." He paused and looked sad. "And Draco attacked where Harry's the most vulnerable. His family."

Scowls graced the faces of Harry's Battle Guard and the others looked angry.

"We're going to have to get that little ferret," Ron ground out between gritted teeth.

Before he could say anymore, Professor Snape walked out into the living room again accompanied by Mr and Mrs Weasley.

"Bill, Charlie, Percy, Penelope, Fred, George," Mr Weasley said. "We're going to start strengthening the wards on the house. Could you lot come and give us a hand?"

Those named jumped up and agreed eagerly. Snape gave them an impatient glare and led them all out of the house. Only Harry's Battle Guard remained in the room and they all looked at each other with frustration. Finally Hermione sprang to her feet.

"I'm going to help them," she said sharply. "I know most of what they're going to do anyway and they can teach me the rest."

Ron stood as well. "I'll join you," he said firmly. "You can tell me what to do."

Hermione smiled at him and the two of them followed the others outside. Neville also stood.

"I'm going to head down to where Remus was shot and see if there is anything there to be found," he said.

"I shall join you," Luna said calmly and the two of them headed out to the back yard.

Ginny sat where she was for a moment, a little torn. Then she made her mind up and headed upstairs. She was going where she could do the most good. She was going to stay with Harry.

Author notes: Thanks once again for all the reviews!

Okay to answer a couple of questions that I'm sure you all have.

- Yes, Draco is going to find out what happened to Voldemort...in the next chapter in fact.

- As a result of what happened in this chapter, Sirius and Remus have to delay their prank on Fred and George but don't worry, it is coming! There is no way I would not let them not get their revenge! Mwahahahaha! :)