Harry Potter Lord Voldemort
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 12/26/2003
Updated: 08/25/2004
Words: 314,830
Chapters: 31
Hits: 230,812

Harry Potter and the Sword of the Hero


Story Summary:
A thousand-year-old oath stands to be fulfilled. The war between Good and Evil has been raging on for a millennium. It has a chance to end, but has the hero of the side of good lost the will to live…``Harry Potter returns to the Dursleys care for the summer, but he finds the loss of Sirius hard to bear. He blames himself for his death. Voldemort doesn’t let him rest though, and soon Harry is flung back into his world. The war escalates, and more people die or join Voldemort. The fear of the Dark Lord reaches beyond the wizarding world and into the Muggle one. Both worlds will collide, as Harry will have to make the ultimate choice between what is right and what is easy. For in this war, some things are more important than life or death…

Chapter 19

Chapter Summary:
He came from a nightmare, wrongly sent to prison. For what he fought through to protect Harry, Sirius didn't desevere to die! Harry, although he doesn't remember it, spoke to Sirius on the bridge between life and death. It appears the old Marauder, had one last surprise up his sleeve....
Author's Note:
Well people this isn't the chapter that I said would be up. I've been meaning to write someting on the 'sirius' issue for some time, and this just fit here. Good news is I'd already written most of the next chapter when I remembered about this, so it should be up in three to four days. Here's hoping anyway. Thanks for reading and please review,


Chapter 19 - A Marauder's Last Stand

Life is eternal and love is immortal; And death is only a horizon, And a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

--Rossiter W. Raymond

Harry slowly opened his eyes to the world. He saw the faint lines of sunlight on his curtains and surmised it must be early in the morning. With a groan he yawned and rolled over. Crack, crack, crack, crack....

"Argh!" cried Harry as his limbs and joints protested at the sudden movement. He looked down to see his arms covered in bruises, and he felt to sore to even move. Damn it Dermas... he thought, silently cursing the blade master and his stick.

Harry lay in bed for a few more minutes, trying to fall back to sleep, hoping that when he woke up again his bruises wouldn't hurt so much. He heard the opening and closing of the dorm door from across the room and frowned. His curtains were drawn so he couldn't see what was going on, but he could hear Ron's snores to his left and he and Ron were the only ones using the dorm.

He listened carefully to the approaching footsteps and quietly sat up in bed, his joints cracking again. Almost instantly after that the curtains across his bed were ripped open and sunlight poured viciously in. Harry closed his eyes tight against the light and turned away with a slight growl.

"Morning, Sunshine," shouted a very Irish voice.

"Trask?" groaned Harry, opening his eyes slowly against the light. "What the bloody hell you doing? It's only-"

"SUNRISE! I've been up jogging around the lake, and from now on you're going to be up at six on the dot, we have to get in a few hours of practice before breakfast. Come on!"

Harry only heard half of what Dermas said; he rolled over again and made a futile attempt to close the curtains.

"Not a chance in hell, Harry. Come on, you got fifteen minutes to shower and what not, and then I expect you down stairs."

There was a note of finality in Dermas' voice that Harry couldn't ignore. With a supreme effort Harry swung his legs over the edge of his bed, and pulled himself to his feet.

It was a struggle to get his aching limbs across the landing to the showers, but with much grumbling and cursing Harry managed it and as promised he was down stairs in fifteen minutes.

The pale light of dawn was shining in through the higher windows as Harry followed Dermas down through the castle. He went silent, as he wasn't looking forward to having his bruises bruised. Dermas whistled happily as the two of them exited the castle and began the short walk across the snow covered grounds over to the clearing by the lake, where they had fought yesterday.

"Fine morning," smiled Trask as he picked up his stick from the previous day and swung it absently, but professionally through the cold air.

Harry just mumbled a reply and half-heartedly picked up his stick. It felt cold in his hands, and as he thought this, snow began to lightly fall from the sky. He looked up and a flake landed on his glasses. He sighed and turned. "DEFEND YOURSELF," shouted Dermas.

Harry jumped and in an instant raised his stick, just as Dermas' came crashing down upon it. There was the resounding ring of wood hitting wood, and the training began. Two swift moves later and Harry was once again nursing his sore knuckles, which were rubbed raw and thanks to the previous blow, bleeding.

"Keep your arms up, and closer to your body. It'll give you more force to strike with..."

Harry did as Trask said and successfully, intentionally, parried his blow. I did it he thought. The early morning progressed as the Sun rose higher into the cloudy sky. The snow was still falling lightly when Harry was knocked to the floor for what felt like the hundredth time.

"A mistake that just cost you your life, Potter," said Trask, pausing to give Harry a moment to get up. "Keep your knees bent whenever you can, that'll give you more resistance against falling."

Harry nodded and bent his knees, only slightly, and they resumed training. Harry was a fast learner, always had been. The Patronus, all the spells and charms over the years, his quick thinking in battle. No one could argue he wasn't fast. Though no matter how hard he tried here, Trask always sidestepped him with ease and he ended up back on the snow.

It continued for two and a half hours. Harry would get back up, try again and end up back on the snow. As they went, Trask taught him different stances, and after Harry had taken a particularly nasty fall, he'd show him how to perform a certain move by doing it slowly. Harry could soon see that he would improve with time. I've got months of this ahead of me... he thought, but then immediately despaired as he realised the amount of bruises that were probably on their way. And he's only one teacher he moaned to himself.

"Enough," said Dermas eventually, and Harry dropped his stick to the ground in relief. "Well done, Harry. You've got more determination than most."

Harry nodded his thanks and sat down on the nearby wooden log. As he did, an unfamiliar owl descended from the sky and landed softly on his shoulder. "Hello," he said quietly, raising a hand and stroking the bird's neck. "You after me?"

The owl hooted once and offered its leg to Harry. Attached to it was a small envelope. This envelope was of the purest black, and sealed with a crest that was somewhat familiar, but Harry couldn't place it. He removed the paper and with a final hoot the owl took flight again, back into the sky.

"More owls?" asked Dermas, sitting down next to Harry.

"It would appear so," replied Harry, breaking the wax seal and removing the thin sheet of parchment from within. After placing the envelope in his pocket, Harry unfolded the parchment with a mild curiosity.

From the desk of Gorbag Gort
Head Goblin, Gringott
s Wizarding Bank

Dear Mr. Potter,

Please be aware that as of January 1st 1997...

Harry thought for a moment. The first day of the New Year had been four days ago. He continued with the letter, his confusion increasing.

...1997, the vault of the family Black has been legally transferred to you, as per the instructions in the will of the late Mr. Sirius Black.

Harry stopped and felt his heart catch in his chest. A million images of his godfather reeled through his mind in an instant and he gasped. Sirius he thought... what have you done? Harry had tried his best to overcome the grief and guilt of Sirius' death, he knew he had to be strong for the coming years, he knew Sirius wouldn't want him to grieve like he was, but how could he not? It was always there in the back of his mind, gnawing away at him when he was alone and had nothing to distract him from his thoughts. A silent tear fell, and he roughly pushed it away.

This life isn't fair... thought Harry for the countless time. Every time I find something to hold on to it's ripped away... Sirius. He was angry now, angry once more at life, and death. The anger began to stir and fester, he felt it bubbling in him like a poison. His magic responded and the faint crackles of lightning, of absolute power, began to stir across his skin.

"Harry-" began Dermas.

"Not now," he whispered, but the power in his voice was unmistakable.

Trask stopped talking and for the first time, had a glimpse of the power inside Harry. Trask saw the sparks of magic jumping across him.

Harry willed himself to calm down, commanded it. There's nothing you can do about it he told himself. Just going to have to get over it... This is your life, accept it! Harry breathed in heavily and slowly felt his magic relax, and after a moment it ceased altogether. With another deep breath and a heavy sigh, Harry continued reading the letter:

You're presence is required on the afternoon of Sunday the 5th at 12 noon for the transfer to be finalised, and for the assets to be divided. I'm sure you'll forgive the delay of this letter, Mr. Potter, as there was a large amount of funds to transfer and it took several days and many goblins.

Yours sincerely,

Gorbag Gort
Head Goblin, Gringotts Wizarding Bank

Harry read the letter over again just to make sure he hadn't missed anything, and then folded the parchment in half and placed it in his pocket. Sunday the 5th he thought. That's today. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was coming up nine o'clock. I'll get to breakfast and see Dumbledore...

Harry and Dermas walked silently back up the grounds to the castle, which Harry thought was an achievement in itself because Trask hardly ever stopped talking. They entered the castle together just on nine o'clock and Harry immediately began walking towards the Great Hall. All the while he was thinking about Sirius.

He pushed open the wooden doors and walked in impressively. Everyone at the circular table looked up as he entered, and three of them saw the emotion in his eyes. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were instantly worried. Also sitting at the table was Albus Dumbledore, Mr. and Mrs. Granger who were talking to Dumbledore, several other students who cast awe struck glances at Harry, which he ignored, and little Professor Flitwick, who was talking to Ginny.

Harry covered the distance to the table easily and walked around to its head where he took the empty seat next to Dumbledore. Trask came in unnoticed after him and sat down next to Ron. Dumbledore smiled happily as Harry sat down, but Harry didn't return the smile, and Dumbledore's fell.

"Is something the matter?" asked Dumbledore sincerely.

Harry sighed, aware that most at the table were listening. "It's this," he whispered, pulling the piece of parchment out of his pocket and handing it to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore took it with a frown and Harry gave him a moment to read it. "Ah!" he said and passed it back to Harry. "Sirius... I never knew he had arranged this," Dumbledore had a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Harry smiled slightly now, he realised that this was exactly something Sirius would do. He cared that much, it was touching. He was one of the few that did care. "This is something he'd want, though, isn't it?" Harry said after a moment of reflection, in which only happy memories surfaced.

"Indeed," replied Dumbledore, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. "But is it something you want?"

Harry was stumped for a minute by the question. He looked around the table to see everyone in their own conversations. Ron and Trask were talking, and Ron was laughing heavily. Ginny and Flitwick were discussing Charms, the other student's were chatting amongst themselves, as were Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Hermione was the only one that caught his glance, but Harry ignored her questioning look.

Do I want this? he asked himself. Why wouldn't I? If this was Sirius' wish then I'll respect that. Suddenly, and viciously, Harry had an image of his godfather pass through his mind. It had looked like he was standing on something against the night sky and there was an extraordinary light behind him. With this image came a thought:

Nothing is Impossible!

Harry was sure he'd seen or heard this before. He had the feeling that he'd forgotten something, something important, and it had to do with Sirius. What was it? he asked himself furiously.

"Harry?" He lost it. As quickly as it had come it had gone again. He wouldn't remember now. "Have you decided?" asked Dumbledore.

Harry nodded. "Yes. I'll go this afternoon."

"Very good," smiled Dumbledore. "I'll have to arrange for some Order members to accompany you of course."

"How is Diagon Alley nowadays?" asked Harry. What he meant was, how was it after the attack, how had it recovered from that. Had it recovered?

A shadow passed over Dumbledore's eyes for a moment. "It is as busy as it ever was, but the fear is now there. Aurors guard it around the clock. I'm afraid it is no longer the friendly place it used to be."

Harry had expected as much. Diagon Alley was one of the cornerstones of magical Britain, it had been a sore blow to lose so many there. Voldemort he thought, you have too much to answer for.... "When do I leave?" Harry asked eventually.

"I'll have to talk to Remus, Harry, but I'm sure we can arrange a floo for eleven thirty."

Harry nodded. "Professor? Did he know about the prophecy?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "Only you and I knew about it up until Christmas, Harry. It was safer that way."

Harry sighed. "So he found out in the Prophet?"

"No. I arranged a meeting of the Order before it was released. They found out the full prophecy from me."

Well that's something thought Harry. He didn't want Remus finding it out in the paper. With a plan arranged Harry pulled a few pieces of toast towards himself and began to butter them. He wasn't completely sure how he felt about this? Sirius had been like a father to him, and, like his real father, had died, apparently leaving him some money. Quite a lot of money from what it had said in the letter.

After breakfast Harry joined Ron, Hermione, and Ginny on the way to the library. He wanted to make sure that no matter how busy his training got, there'd still be time for his friends. Ginny and Hermione had walked ahead a bit, leaving Harry with Ron.

"You met Dermas then?" asked Harry.

Ron smiled and then laughed slightly. "Oh yeah! A lot like Mundungus isn't he."

"Except he's useful," joked Harry. "And absolutely lethal with a stick."

"I can tell. Have you even seen the bruises on your arms?"

Harry groaned. "I've got months of this..."

Ron smiled and patted him on the back. "You'll get better with time. Now what were you and Dumbledore talking about?"

"I've got to go to London this afternoon. Remus is coming with me to Gringotts... here, read this." Harry passed Ron the Gringotts letter.

It took Ron a moment to read it, and then he passed it back to Harry, a concerned expression on his face. "Are you all right about this, mate?"

Harry smiled at Ron's concern, it was genuine and that mattered. "I'm fine. I've had enough time to get to grips with his death...." That was partially true, the grief and guilt still assaulted him in his dreams, but he accepted that Sirius was gone.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were the only ones in the library, apart from the old vulture-like librarian Madam Pince. Before they had left the hall, Dermas had given Harry a slip of parchment with the name of a book he wanted him to read. Apparently it would help him with his training. So it was that Harry was deep in the stacks of the library, searching for the biography of Godric Gryffindor. It didn't take him long to find it, as it was in a section of its own entirely devoted to the history of Hogwart's and its founders.

After picking up the book, Harry walked back through the library and across to the table by the window, where his friends were sitting.

"I don't think it really matters, Ron," Hermione was saying as he sat down.

"What's that?" asked Harry.

"Whether or not you can still play Quidditch," answered Ron.

Harry frowned, he hadn't thought of that. Leaving his regular classes... did that mean no more Quidditch? No.... "I'm still a Gryffindor," he said thoughtfully. "I still live in the castle. It's really just as if I'm taking different lessons than the rest of you...." He wasn't so sure, but he'd ask McGonagall later. "Anyway if I'm not, Ginny could always be Seeker," he added, smiling at Ginny who blushed ever so slightly.

"We're also down one Beater," said Ron quietly.

Harry sighed and nodded silently, twirling his ring around on the tip of his finger. "I don't think we should replace Ethan, you know, as a mark of respect...."

"That's nice," whispered Hermione, smiling warmly.

There was silence at the table for a moment and Harry traced his finger across the image of the Phoenix on the cover of his book. He looked at it and noticed that it bore a striking resemblance to Fawkes, but the thought slipped his mind a moment later when the conversation started up again.

They stayed in the library for another hour, at the end of which Harry checked his book out with Madam Pince, who seemed to be a lot nicer towards him than usual. Maybe because of the prophecy thought Harry. And that's another thing, there's still all that unopened mail up in the dorm... It can wait until tonight.

Harry had to be at Dumbledore's office for eleven thirty, and it was ten thirty now. He thought it probably best if he went and showered, shaved, and put on some nice robes before going to the bank; it was a formal occasion after all. So he bade goodbye to his friends at the base of the stairs in the common room, and went to get ready.

After showering, Harry put on his black jeans and t-shirt, and then went back across the landing to the dorm. He picked out his nicest pair of black robes, and pulled them over his head. He realised with a start that it had just gone eleven.

"What do you think?" he asked the mirror on the wardrobe, whilst making a vain attempt to flatten his hair.

"Very dark and strong," it said. "Just give up on the hair."

Harry smiled slightly. He supposed he did look slightly strong. A combination of the robes, and the recent scars on his face from the shrapnel, did give him a certain look. Almost the part of the hero he thought sadly, shaking his head. Almost....

Down in the common room he discovered his friends had gone on somewhere else. I'll have to make sure to spend more time with them he thought as he exited through the portrait hole. Make sure I don't get too caught up in everything...

As Harry walked through the quiet, empty corridors of the castle, he thought of all the good memories of Sirius that he had. They weren't many, but he was happy with the few he had. Like the one where he was escaping the castle, flying to freedom in third year or the time he'd come to watch him play Quidditch as Snuffles. His eyes misted over slightly as the cold realisation hit home that those times would never be again, not in this world....

His thoughts had taken him all the way to Dumbledore's office. Thankfully the gargoyle was up, so he didn't have to waste any more time guessing the password. It was coming up for eleven thirty. Harry ascended the stairs slowly, wiping his eyes as he did. No tears he thought. It's better not to make anybody worry...

The door to the office was also open and Harry could see two friendly, familiar faces within. He walked through the door and smiled. "Hello, Remus," he said.

"Harry," smiled Remus, walking over and placing a hand on his shoulder. "How have you been?" It was an everyday question, but Harry could tell from the concern in his eyes, and the strength of his grip, that Remus was undoubtedly concerned.

"I'm fine," he replied automatically and Remus nodded. Now that Harry stood closer to Lupin, he thought that the man had never looked so... old. His hair was several shades closer to grey and the rings around his eyes were extremely visible. When was the last full moon? Harry thought, wondering if it could have been even last night. That said Remus was wearing a clean pair of robes of a dark green colour. They weren't patched or frayed like his usual ones.

"You sure you're doing all right? I mean... with the Prophecy and all?"

Remus' concern was touching, but slightly annoying. "Yeah... don't... don't worry," Harry said this sadly, but with enough force that Remus got the message. Stop asking! Harry didn't see the look that passed between Lupin and Dumbledore.

"Well if you're ready then, Harry," began Dumbledore, offering him a pinch of floo from a bag. Harry took some, as did Remus. "Take care," he said finally, with the slightest of nods to Remus.

Harry stepped into the fireplace. "Goodbye, Professor," he said, and smiled slightly at Dumbledore. "Diagon Alley!" Harry braced himself for floo travel and pulled his arms in towards his chest. He closed his eyes tight against the blur of colour and made ready to fall out when he heard a deafening roar. Out on the other side, he stumbled but didn't fall, and with a shake of his head to get the soot out of his hair, Harry looked up and around The Leaky Cauldron. As it was still the morning, the pub was practically empty, and no one took much notice of the fireplace anyway.

A moment later, and he moved out of the way of the fireplace, Remus came spinning into the pub as well. He managed to step gracefully from the flames and onto the floor, and seemed to be covered in very little soot. "How do you do that?" asked Harry, waving his wand across his robes, clearing them of soot.


"Land without falling and manage to come out with hardly any soot," said Harry.

Remus smiled. "Oh! Well... it just sort of comes with age, you'll figure it out. It's all about how you hold yourself when travelling."

Harry shook his head. "Shall we get going?"

"Hmm..." agreed Remus, but with a thoughtful look in his eyes. "You'll find Diagon Alley isn't what it was, Harry. Just stay close to me, and try not to draw too much attention to yourself."

Easy said than done he thought, trying to flatten his fringe against his scar but to no avail. He noticed as they walked through the pub that Tom, the publican, nodded to Remus and then to him. Thankfully he had the sense not to shout his name in greeting. Harry and Lupin exited through the back door and stepped out into the cool London air. It was then that Harry saw how much Diagon Alley had really changed.

The cobblestone wall that guarded it's entrance, and the trashcans that made it appear as nothing more than a back alley, were gone, to be replaced by a strong iron gate, through which some of the street cold be viewed. It stretched up and along the wall, effectively barring the entrance. But that wasn't the only new addition. Stationed behind a wooden desk, which was connected to the wall as well, were two men. One was seated and the other was standing with his wand drawn at Harry and Lupin.

With a thought Harry called for his wand from the holster on his arm and had it in his hand an instant later. The man at the gate tensed, his eyes hardening. Lupin put a hand on Harry's shoulder. "They're Aurors," he said, walking over to the small desk as Harry returned his wand to the holster. The other man kept his wand trained on the two of them.

Harry and Lupin approached what Harry now realised was a guard desk. "Name and business?" said the Auror that was seated, poising a quill on some parchment which already had a few names on it. He looked up slightly as he said this, and Harry saw he his eyes flicker momentarily to his forehead.

"Remus Lupin," said Lupin. "Going to Gringotts."

The Auror scribbled this down and then turned to look at Harry. "Well?" he asked, his tone a bit rough.

Harry frowned, not at all liking the man. "Harry Potter,' he said, and the quill in the man's hand jumped slightly on the page. The Auror standing behind him almost lost his grip on his wand. "Also going to Gringotts...." As Harry said this he looked at his watch, it was almost noon, he didn't want to be late.

"Very good," nodded the man, reaching into a box under the table and pulling out two small pieces of plastic. They were red and about the size of a galleon, on it was written two words. Civilian Cleared. He handed them to Remus. "Attach these to your robes. In light of recent events it has been deemed by the Ministry of Magic that all visitors to Diagon Alley must be identified as having passed through a security checkpoint, such as this one. Please know that these badges are to be returned before leaving and that they must be worn at all times whilst visiting the Alley. Failure to do so may result in prosecution, as you will be classified as dangerous by the Aurors inside if no security clearance badge is identified on your person. The Ministry of Magic hopes you have a happy day shopping, and bids you come again."

Harry shook his head. It was obvious that the man had had that little speech memorized, he sounded just like an automation. "Thank you," said Lupin, passing a badge to Harry and then pinning his own on. Harry did the same.

They began to walk towards the gate but the second Auror, the one who hadn't said anything stepped forward, effectively blocking their way. "Excuse me, Mr. Potter," he said nervously, his voice had a slight tremble to it.

"Yes?" said Harry, who noticed that Remus had his hand in his pocket, and was eyeing the Auror suspiciously.

"Well... I -er- I... just wanted to say good luck and all. You know, because of what it said in the Prophet...."

Harry blinked in surprise, but then nodded. "Thank you," he said, offering his hand to the man. The shook hands and then separated; Remus was still casting suspicious glances around the place. "Thank you," Harry said again and followed Remus over to the iron gate, which opened automatically as he approached.

"The whole Division is behind you, Mr. Potter," the man called from behind him. "If there's anything you ever need. Minister Weasley has made it clear we are to aid you in anyway that we can."

"Yes, thank you," Harry called a third time, finally stepping through the gate and on to the familiar street of Diagon Alley, making sure his badge was firmly attached and visible on his robes.

Well as he and Remus walked, the alley still looked the same. The same sights, sounds, and smells, that made Diagon Alley what it was, were still there. But Harry could sense the change, even if it wasn't there for his other senses. It was in the atmosphere of the place, the tension in the air. The look that many gave him and Lupin as they passed by. The people in the alley were scared; they cast worried glances from one person to the next, fearing attack. Also Harry noticed that there was really no one under his age on the street, parents hadn't brought their younger children.

That was just the feeling he got from the place, to look around you wouldn't know anything was different. But war had changed this place, Voldemort had changed this place. Stationed at the doorway of every other shop were Aurors, clearly identified by their shining white robes, complete with Ministry crest, and the wand they held in their hands. Harry counted at least twenty on this part of the street alone. He and Lupin entered the square amidst a crowd of other shoppers, which was another thing, people were travelling in groups. Harry's gaze was drawn across the square to the memorial shining brightly in the sun against the wall. He could see the long list of names from where he stood and he saw Lupin shake his head slightly. Harry recalled standing there with Rafe when the street had been nearly deserted.

The continued walking through and passed the square, onto the white shining building of Gringotts. The bank towered up imposingly against the rest of the street, but it was also the brightest place. Harry looked down the intersection to Knockturn alley on his left and walked swiftly passed it, coming in time with Lupin to the steps of the bank. Together the two of them walked up the steps and through the burnished bronze front doors of the building. Harry nodded to the goblin, in his scarlet and gold uniform, as they entered and the small goblin nodded back.

Through the front door, he and Lupin came to the next doors. A pair of silver ones engraved with the rhyme Harry had seen many times before:

Enter stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure their.

As they approached, two more goblin guards pushed the doors open and Harry and Lupin passed into the main hall. The large chamber stretched across the way and the long counter was filled with hundreds of goblins, all busy working, counting and weighing coins, writing in ledgers, and examining precious stones. The hall was full of people going about their daily business, and Harry saw with a frown that there were no Aurors on guard in here.

Harry followed Lupin over to a goblin at the counter who was sitting on his large stool, weighing some coins and placing them in a bag. "Good day," said the goblin, looking up from his work. "How can I help you?"

"Mr. Lupin and Mr. Potter to see Mr. Gort," whispered Remus, not wanting Harry's name known in the bank.

"I see,' said the goblin, looking Harry up and down. "Do you have any identification?"

Remus blinked. No Harry thought. It was odd that things like that weren't carried in the wizarding world...?

"We received a letter," continued Remus, not missing a beat while pulling out said letter from his robes pocket and handing it to the goblin. "Required to come see Mr. Gort about Sirius Black's will...."

Harry had never seen any man look or sound as sad as Remus did right then. His eyes became unfocused at the mention of Sirius and a bitter pain surfed across them, casting his face into shadow. It made him look older than he already did. Harry fully appreciated at that moment how the loss of Sirius had affected him, and how being here today made it true, made it final. He felt an enormous amount of pity for Remus right now, but he knew that Lupin wouldn't like that, so he didn't say anything.

"Ah yes, very well," agreed the goblin. He then proceeded to tap three times on a small spherical globe sitting on his desk. The globe glowed blue for a moment and then the goblin tapped it a final time. "Mr. Gort will be here shortly," he said and then returned to his coins after handing Remus his letter back.

Harry and Remus didn't have to wait long. After about three minutes a short, finely dressed goblin came walking through the crowds of people, a slighter shorter goblin trailing behind him. "Mr. Gort," said Lupin, moving forward and kneeling slightly to shake the hand of the goblin.

"Good day, Gentlemen," he said with a nod to Harry. "If you please, we'll discuss this in my office."

Harry and Lupin followed the small goblins back through the crowd of people, dodging them one way or another. He saw several people look at him and recognition dawn on their faces, but thankfully he got away before anyone could say anything. They followed Gorbag Gort over to one of the many side doors that connected to the main hall they were in now. Through this door they were led to another long chamber, this one was dark and was lit by only a few torches on the wall. It was a long narrow corridor with a velvet carpet and strong oak doors with plaques nailed to them. Soon they came to one labelled Gorbag Gort, Head Goblin.

The small goblin, which was the assistant to Mr. Gort, pushed open the door and the three of them entered. Inside there was light streaming in through a window which overlooked Diagon Alley. Harry briefly saw the shoppers and Aurors. There was a desk in the centre of the room with two chairs in front of it. The walls were lined with odd books and loose pieces of parchment, which rightfully gave the room a messy look. Harry sat down in the offered chair next to Lupin.

"Right, Gentlemen," began Gort, seated on a heightened chair. "Thank you for coming in today, and I apologise for the lack of notice the letter offered."

"It's okay," whispered Lupin, while Harry just nodded.

Mr. Gort nodded and proceeded. "Straight to business then," the goblin gave a smile that could have rivalled Voldemort's for evil and pulled out a piece of parchment from a pile on his desk and began to read. "Division of assets and funds of the late Mr. Sirius Black, meeting commenced at five past twelve on the afternoon of Sunday the 5th 1997."

As he spoke, the smaller goblin that had been silent so far began writing furiously on a long roll of parchment, obviously documenting the meeting. Mr. Gort continued. "All present are Gorbag Gort, Head Goblin Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Fliktrask Sant, Personal Assistant to Mr. Gort. Remus John Lupin, beneficiary number one, and Harry James Potter, beneficiary number two."

Harry and Lupin remained silent as a moment was given while Gort searched the piles of parchment on his desk for something. He soon found it and produced quite a thick folder from the mess. "Here we go..." mumbled Gorbag, opening the folder and passing Harry and Lupin each a single letter. Harry looked down to his and realised with a start that his name was written on the front in Sirius' untidy scrawl. This was a letter from Sirius.... It was quite thick as well. Harry looked over to Remus and saw pure emotion running across the man's face.

"Shall I begin the reading?" asked Mr. Gort.

Remus was silent and staring with wide eyes at the letter in his hand, so Harry answered. "Please," he said hoarsely, his voice catching in his throat.

Mr. Gort straightened the small glasses on his nose and began reading. "Dispersion of Assets and Funds belonging to the late Mr. Sirius Black, as requested by him to be divided after the first of January 1997 is as follows." He stopped reading there and placed the parchment on the desk. Mr. Gort then ran his finger down the length of it and whispered a word that they didn't catch. The next moment a voice echoed around the room. It was a voice that Harry had longed to hear, but knew he never would again in this world. It was Sirius.

"I hereby divide the entire Black family portfolio between the two beneficiaries, Harry James Potter and Remus John Lupin. To my good friend, Moony, I leave 12 Grimmauld Place and all possessions therein. The Black Family Estate in Cardiff and all possessions therein. I leave the Hippogriff Buckbeak, take care of that animal Moony, it took good care of me. 10,000 shares in Bertie Botts Every Flavour Bean worth at the current market value ten galleons a piece. I don't know why but my father loved those beans? 10,000 shares in Nimbus worth at the current market value fifteen galleons a piece. And finally, as the last Black upon this earth and sole owner of the family's vault, I leave you twenty five per cent of the funds in the Black Family Vault, which is roughly seven million galleons. I bet that nearly gave you a heart attack, didn't it, Moony?"

Remus' eyes grew even wider as he processed what he had just heard from the will. "Sirius...." he whispered. "I...." Remus faltered and Harry put a hand on his shoulder. The parchment was speaking again.

"To my godson, Harry. I leave several Black family properties around the world. Including the Black Family estate in France, the Black family estate in Australia, the Black Family estate in North America, the Black Family estate in Germany, and all the possessions therein. Some of the things in those houses could be pretty nasty, Harry, be careful if you ever use them. 10,000 shares in Bertie Botts Every Flavour Bean worth at the current market value ten galleons a piece. He really loved those beans! 10,000 shares in Nimbus worth at the current market value fifteen galleons a piece. And finally, as your godfather and all around nice guy, I leave you the remaining seventy five percent of the Black Family vault, Number 711, which is roughly twenty one million galleons. Have a good life, Harry. As your guardian I'm ordering you to spend that money quickly and on junk that you don't need. I'm sorry I won't be there to see you grow up, but have some fun as you do."

Harry was speechless as the voice died down. He had tears in his eyes, as did Remus. They both couldn't believe it; Sirius had left them so much. Harry had had no idea that Sirius had been so wealthy. Though, Harry thought, he'd rather have Sirius back over all the galleons in the world. Remus felt the same. "Is everything in order, Gentlemen?" asked Mr. Gort.

"I believe so," whispered Harry, clutching his letter close to himself as Gort searched through the file for something else. After a moment he removed two black folders and handed each Harry and Remus one.

"Share and property portfolio's, Gentlemen," he said. "Land and house deeds, shares in certain companies. It's all in there."

"Thank you," said Remus hoarsely, wiping at his eyes.

"The galleons were transferred from Mr. Black's vault over the past five days, as the sum was in the region of thirty million this took a while and caused the delay. Gringotts would like to apologise for this inconvenience." Harry and Remus nodded, each of them looking down at their unopened letter. "The money transfer was complete as of seven o'clock yesterday evening. Mr. Lupin the sum of eight million galleons, two hundred and thirty four thousands sickles, and three thousand knuts, has been successfully transferred into your vault." Remus nodded numbly. Gorbag turned to Harry. "Mr. Potter the sum of twenty four million galleons, nine hundred and two thousand sickles, and nine thousand knuts, has been successfully transferred to your vault as well. Congratulations, Gentlemen. You're are both now very wealthy."

Harry turned to look at Remus. He was shaking his head and seemed to be laughing slightly. "Oh... Sirius," he said. "Thank you, Padfoot."

"Did you know his family was that rich?" Harry asked Remus.

Remus sighed and dabbed at his eyes with a pocket handkerchief. "I knew they were rich, but this...."

"The Black Family Vault had accumulated an enormous amount of interest over the past fifteen years," said Gorbag. "Owing to Mr. Black's incarceration and the subsequent death of all his family members, the money fell into disuse, and the interest accumulated. Now, if you two would please sign here, and here, and here, we can conclude our business."

The man offered Remus a quill which he took and signed his name with. "Thank you," he said again quietly under his breath. Harry took the quill next and he too signed it.

"Well, Gentlemen. Thank you both very much for coming down. I'm sorry to say that I have other business to attend to now, but Fliktrask will show you out," he nodded to the assistant goblin standing by the door in his scarlet and gold uniform.

"Thank you, Mr. Gort," said both Remus and Harry, standing to shake the small goblin's hand, both in a little bit of a daze.

Harry and Remus followed the assistant goblin back through the corridor and out into the main hall of the bank. Harry was lost deep in his thoughts as they walked, thinking more about the letter now in his pocket, than about the millions of galleons he'd just inherited. This was just like Sirius he thought with a smile. God I wonder what he wrote in that letter?

Harry and Remus fell on to a bench against the side wall opposite the counter and regarded each other silently for a moment. "Are you okay?" asked Remus, his eyes searching Harry's for any sign about how he was feeling.

"I certainly didn't expect this when I woke up this morning," he said with a small smile. "It's just like him tough, isn't it?"

"What? To have millions of galleons he never mentions and then to prepare a will giving it all to me and you in case he died? Yeah, that's just like old Padfoot, God bless him." Remus smiled sadly, and again wiped away a tear.

"Always liked his jokes," whispered Harry. "Never one to disappoint...." Harry briefly realised that he and Remus had never talked like this. They'd needed too, desperately needed too... but with everything being how it was, they hadn't had chance. So it happened now, as the crowds of Gringotts customers passed them by, he and Remus remembered Sirius.

Remus truly smiled now. "No... never one to disappoint. I remember this one time at the Halloween feast in fifth year he charmed all the plates in the hall," Remus was laughing now, and fighting to finish his sentence. "Charmed all the plates in the hall, except his and James', to eat anything that was placed on them...." Harry smiled and Remus continued to laugh. "Every plate and I mean every plate. Dumbledore's and all the professors as well. Even mine... at exactly eight thirty each plate sprouted teeth and began to eat itself."

Harry began to laugh as he pictured this. "I bet it was chaos...."

Remus wiped away a tear of mirth from his eyes. "Oh yes... Dumbledore set it right with a wave of his wand, though, and McGonagall immediately identified the culprit."


Remus was laughing again and it was a long moment before Harry could get an answer. "At the last minute Sirius had this bright idea, and charmed his own plate to do the same, so the only plate in the hall not affected was James'. Of course your father didn't know about this and by the time the plates went off it was too late." Harry laughed even harder now and felt the tears of laughter in his own eyes. Remus continued. "And if that wasn't enough Sirius drew in the air with his wand, in big bold blue neon letters, above James' head that said: Potter did it!. There was also an arrow pointing to him..."

Harry laughed again. "What did McGonagall do?"

Remus smiled with the memory. "Well... James pleaded not guilty of course, but Sirius had done too good of a job placing the blame. A month's worth of detentions with the caretaker."

Harry laughed again. It felt good to laugh, not just to grieve. "And what did my dad do?"

"Oh James swore vengeance?" smiled Lupin. "And he got it, viciously...." Harry waited for Remus to continue. "Your dad waited a whole four months before taking his revenge. He waited one night until Sirius was asleep, then placed all these Muggle dolls and soft toys in his bed with him, took a picture of it, made about a thousand copies, and taped them to every single seat in the Great Hall." Harry burst out laughing, holding his sides. Remus was laughing too. "It took him all night to do it and about a hundred rolls of tape. Next morning everybody went down to breakfast to see Sirius cuddling up to a soft toy."

Harry shook his head with laughter. "What did Sirius do?"

Remus sighed, holding the letter tightly in his hand. "Swore vengeance, and the cycle continued. McGonagall was at her wit's end by the end of the year. And Sirius never saw the end of those photo's for the rest of his days at Hogwarts." Remus voice seemed to die away at the end as he fell into his memories. "God things have changed in the past twenty years...."

"And now they're both gone," whispered Harry, saying what they were both thinking. He was also holding his letter in his hand, fearing to open it. "Both died trying to protect me...."

Lupin turned to look at him. "Don't blame yourself, Harry," he said calmly, sadly, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. "James chose to fight Voldemort. He died honourably. And Sirius... Sirius loved you as if you were his own son, he couldn't not come to help you back in June. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could have stopped him from coming to the Department of Mysteries that day. Whether that was a good or a bad choice it doesn't matter now, he made it and we should respect him for it."

"I do," said Harry, who again had tears in his eyes. It had been a very emotional day. "Did he? Did he know of the prophecy, Remus?"

Lupin's grip on Harry's arm tightened considerably, and his whole body became tense. "I don't think he did. I didn't until a week ago when Dumbledore told us all. James and Lily knew of course, they tried to hide you from it...."

"Didn't work," Harry said pragmatically, truthfully.

Remus didn't have anything to say to that. "Listen, Harry. I'll be there to help you every step of the way. You don't have to face this alone; I owe it to James and Sirius, the best friends anyone could ever ask for, to stick by you more than ever now. This prophecy, Harry. It doesn't have to rule your life. You can make your own choices, no one should ask anymore beyond that."

"It's my job, Remus. My job to end it. I can't walk away from that...."

"I don't expect you too, Harry. You're too much like your father to back down from a challenge. All I'm saying is don't carry it all, share the burden. I'm here if you need me...." Remus' eyes brimmed with tears as he said this, and the force of his words really touched Harry. "I'm not really the best father figure, Harry, but I'll try my best to help."

I'm not alone he thought. Mum, Dad, Sirius... wherever you are... I'll be all right. "I think we should get going now," whispered Harry, again wiping away the tears and looking around the busy bank. It was still there, everything was still moving, still changing.

"I really miss him," said Harry two minutes later, as he and Lupin walked back up towards the Leaky cauldron.

"Me too, Harry," agreed Lupin. "Me too...."

They returned their badges at the security desk and walked quietly back into the Leaky Cauldron. It had just gone one thirty, and the pub wasn't quite as empty as it was two hours ago. He and Remus dodged and weaved through the crowds, trying to get to the fireplace. Eventually they managed it after pushing passed three men with extraordinarily long beards that reached the floor.

Harry took a pinch first, while Lupin looked anxiously around at the growing crowd. Harry knew he was fearing attack, so he was quick. "Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts," he said, dropping the powder and letting the green flames engulf him. It took a few moments, but eventually he stumbled into Dumbledore's office, clutching the folder of shares in his hand with the letter as he did.

"Welcome back," smiled Dumbledore, standing from behind his desk. "I trust everything went well?"

"As well as to be expected," said Harry, once again dusting away the soot. "Considering Remus and I just became multi-millionaires."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and Harry saw the amusement in his eyes. It was then that Remus came spinning into the room, he landed without much fuss. "Welcome back, Remus,' Dumbledore said, walking out from behind his desk and into the shadow of the window. "Harry tells me you had quite a surprise when you reached the bank."

"Indeed," nodded Remus. "Sirius always did like surprises...."

As Dumbledore and Remus talked Harry looked down nervously to the letter in his hands. It was from Sirius, obviously written should he die... which he had. Harry, at the same time, wanted so much to read it but was also terrified of the idea. His mind was a conflict of emotions, but it all came back to one thought. If I read it, I might be able to find closure? But what if I don't like what it says...? How will I know if I don't open it?

"I have to sort a few things out," Remus was saying when Harry jumped out of his thoughts. He noticed with a start that Remus was looking at him. "This is goodbye again, Harry," he said sadly. "Hopefully it won't be for too long. I'm sure I'll see you around Easter."

"Yes, thank you, Remus. I'm glad we finally talked about... everything," laughed Harry nervously, and Remus smiled knowingly.

"It was long coming," he nodded, walking over to the fireplace and once again taking a pinch of floo powder. "Goodbye, Albus, Harry. Take care," he ended finally, desperately, a pleading look in his eyes as they connected with Harry's. And in a rush of green flames, he was gone.

"Is something troubling you, Harry?" asked Dumbledore, returning to his seat as Remus left.

Harry remained standing, clutching his documents in his hands, especially the sealed envelope. "It's a letter from Sirius," he mumbled, looking into Dumbledore's eyes. "Written for me should he die...."

"Ah," nodded Dumbledore. "Well I can't tell you what you should do there, Harry. Just know that the choice is yours. I, personally, would open it. You see there are many possibilities as to what that letter may bring. I think one of them may be acceptance over guilt. Sirius would have known what he was doing."

Harry nodded. "I will open it," he said strongly. "It just scares me to do so...."

"As it should," began Dumbledore. 'These things in life are not meant to be easy, why would anyone bother if they were? I believe you won't find blame or guilt within that envelope, Harry. Only love...."

Harry didn't say anything for a moment, but his hand shook slightly as he held the envelope. "Thank you, Professor. I think I'll go have a think about this," he said with a sniff, holding back the tears that had appeared so frequently that afternoon.

"You do that, Harry," Dumbledore agreed warmly, sympathy in his voice. "But please know that your friends and I will be there if you need help."

Harry nodded his silent thanks. He really wasn't alone in this. People he cared about did so in turn for him. He had a family of friends should he need them soon, and it was most likely that he would.

So Harry found himself, fifteen minutes later, sitting on his bed in the dorm, the curtains drawn, staring hard at the creamy white envelope in his hands. Harry James Potter it said on the front, in a messy black ink. The common room had been deserted on his way through, so thankfully he had time in which to do this.

Harry didn't actually know how much time had passed as he sat with the envelope in his hand working up the courage to read its content's. After what seemed like hours of deliberation, he slipped his finger across the break, and tore the envelope open. "Okay.... Sirius," he said aloud to himself. "Let's see what you've got to say...."


Author notes: Another chapter down. Actually I hadn't planned this chapter and wrote it quickly two nights ago because of some future plot I thought up that will require it. Next chapter is almost fully written so I should have it up in a day or three. Thanks to all my reviewers, you know who you are, please remain loyal and review again. It keeps this fic going!

Details of next chapter at the review board for this one. Read and REVIEW people....

Once again, thanks to everyone,
