Harry Potter Lord Voldemort
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 12/26/2003
Updated: 08/25/2004
Words: 314,830
Chapters: 31
Hits: 230,812

Harry Potter and the Sword of the Hero


Story Summary:
A thousand-year-old oath stands to be fulfilled. The war between Good and Evil has been raging on for a millennium. It has a chance to end, but has the hero of the side of good lost the will to live…``Harry Potter returns to the Dursleys care for the summer, but he finds the loss of Sirius hard to bear. He blames himself for his death. Voldemort doesn’t let him rest though, and soon Harry is flung back into his world. The war escalates, and more people die or join Voldemort. The fear of the Dark Lord reaches beyond the wizarding world and into the Muggle one. Both worlds will collide, as Harry will have to make the ultimate choice between what is right and what is easy. For in this war, some things are more important than life or death…

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
What has become of Harry.... Does he live? What happened after he passed out, where is he now....?
Author's Note:
Sorry this one took a little longer to get out. I had a few personal problmes and didn't finish writing it until Saturday night. I finhed about two minutes before Sunday and my beta, who is eights hours behind in England got it back to me about one in the morning. I hope you like this....


Chapter 9 - Life

You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough.

--Joe Lewis

"Do you know what happened, sir?" asked Hermione.

"Voldemort," was Dumbledore's one word answer.

It had been one day since Harry's collapse at the award ceremony, and Ron, Hermione, Padma and Dumbledore were sitting in chairs next to Harry's bed in St. Mungo's hospital. The sun shone brightly through the high window, but it couldn't lighten the mood in the room.

"Why won't he wake up?" asked Ron quietly. He hadn't spoken much in the past twelve hours, and who could blame him. When Harry had fallen at the podium, chaos had ensued. Ron and Hermione had rushed over to him, along with Dumbledore. When they reached him, he was screaming in pain and rolling around on the floor, once again his scar was bleeding. People were rushing here and there, clearly at a loss for what to do. Harry didn't stop screaming for a full five minutes before he jerked suddenly forward and a loud crack was heard, then he lay still. Fifteen minutes later he was rushed into St. Mungo's barely alive.

Hermione would never forget the way he looked when they levitated his stretcher away into the emergency ward, his face was as white as a sheet and half of it was covered in blood. As the Healers disappeared down the hall, she had heard a few garbled words of their communication: 'Not breathing.'' Spine snapped in three places.' 'Forehead bleeding heavily.' 'Doesn't look good....'

"Why won't he wake up?" repeated Ron.

Dumbledore sighed heavily and rubbed his temple with his fingers. "I do not know... perhaps he does not want to....?"

Ron stared absently around the room. It was a simple room with white walls and a single window looking out over the city of London. He and the others sat quietly in wooden chairs next to Harry in his bed. The silence was immense, suffocating. Ron glanced at Padma and for a moment realised that this was all new to her, Harry was all new to her. She sat nervously in her chair biting her fingernails, looking at Harry.

"There has got to be something the Healers can do?" said Hermione sharply and unexpectedly, rising from her chair. "Can't they revive him...?"

"Every avenue has been exhausted. Spells and potions have absolutely no affect. It is simply a matter of when he decides to wake up...." Everyone in the room turned towards the door as this person spoke. It was the Healer assigned to Harry, a Madam Phelps. "Which could be today, tomorrow? Or never...."

Hermione sighed and covered her eyes with her hand before sitting down again. Padma, meanwhile, stared at Harry quietly. He was lying on his stomach, while the bone-set salve and bandages repaired the broken bones up and along his spine. His glasses had been removed and the scar on his forehead was blood red. The only sign he showed that he was actually alive was the slow rise and fall of his back as he breathed. Breathing had to be a good sign....

Padma felt out of place in this room. This was all new to her, she hadn't spent an awful lot of time worrying over the war or those who would fight it... and now... And now she realised that Harry had been fighting it most of his life and she'd been thrown along in there with him just recently. Harry had been through it all, she'd been through nothing, but had just got a taste of it.... and it had scared her. She felt out of place. Padma sighed and closed her eyes heavily, whilst silently, inside her head she repeated the same solemn mantra again and again: please let him wake up, please let him wake up, please let him wake up....


For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come.

--William Shakespeare Hamlet

The darkness was huge... It was set to consume him, but it didn't. Light shone through the dark from the stars overhead. The amazingly bright stars, millions of them, stretching on through the infinity that is our universe. Standing here in this mass of creation, Harry felt very small... and alone.

Where am I? he thought. Harry took a good look around himself and what he saw didn't encourage him. He appeared to be standing on some sort of glass structure that was suspended in the air. Above, beneath and either side of him was the blanket of stars that the light was emanating from. All of this star-light seemed to be drawn to a point in the distance along this glass road that glowed immensely bright, like a huge door of light unbelievably remarkable against the darkness around it. Harry looked down the other side of this glass path and saw an enormous veil of darkness. He felt as if he was closer to the dark than to the light.

Harry felt compelled to walk along the glass until he reached this darkness. He had taken only a few steps when a voice behind him spoke.

"Harry..." the voice said quietly.

Harry froze and turned slowly, carefully. He knew this voice; it was the voice of a friend. He came face to face with the source of the voice and for a moment didn't say anything, but then... "Sirius," he said weakly.


"Ron," said Mrs. Weasley shrilly as she entered Harry's room and caught her youngest son in a breath taking hug. "Oh, Ron. Are you okay...?"

"I'm fine, Mum," he said quietly. "It's Harry you should worry about...."

Mrs. Weasley glanced at Harry in his bed and felt the wind get knocked out of her. He looked terrible. His face was all pale compared to the scar on his forehead that shone blood red like a beacon against the rest of his skin. His back was covered with bandages and a bone salve. It was hard to tell that he was even alive.

"Isn't Dumbledore here?" she asked Hermione.

"No... He left about an hour ago. Business to attend to... or something." Hermione gave her a look that said plainly he was away with the Order but couldn't say that in front of Padma, who was still sitting quietly in her chair.

Mrs. Weasley nodded with understanding. "Hello, dear," she now said to Padma. "I'm Ron's mother, Molly."

Padma smiled weakly and muttered a small greeting before turning back to Harry. Mrs. Weasley, meanwhile, sat down in the seat previously occupied by Dumbledore. No one said anything, no one wanted to say anything. The same thought was on all their minds. What if he doesn't wake up...?

The minutes ticked by with an agonising slowness. It felt like hours had passed but when Ron glanced at the clock, it had barely been five minutes since the last time he looked at it. It was painful just to sit here helpless while his best friend was so near death.

No one talked much for the rest of that afternoon. Mrs. Weasley left briefly to get a few cups of tea from the tearooms but that was it. Later in the day more familiar people came to visit Harry. There was Tonks, who wouldn't say where she had been the past month, Moody, and Mr. Weasley. They all took one look at Harry and fell silent, it didn't look good....

Hermione found the silence and the resigned looks on the faces of the members of the Order suffocating. She couldn't stay in this room. Without saying a word she left quietly and walked out into the corridor. The tears that she thought she'd kept hidden so well, started to roll down her face. Briefly, and not for the first time, Hermione wondered what it would have been like if she had never come to Hogwarts, if she wasn't a witch and had gone to a Muggle school. Never met Harry, or Ron. At times it seemed like bliss; at others she wouldn't have had her world any other way. She loved her friends and couldn't imagine life without them.

Hermione turned sharply when the door to Harry's room opened and closed quietly behind her. It was Ron. Without a word she threw herself into his arms and began to cry quietly into his shoulder. Ron, who hadn't expected this in the least, was momentarily stumped. But slowly and nervously he brought his arms around her and let a few silent tears roll down his own cheek. He felt as if he could stay like this forever...

"Hermione," he whispered.

"Hmm..." was the mumbled response from his shoulder.

"I -er- I...." Ron felt his mouth grow dry. He didn't say anything and this caused Hermione to look up. Ron looked down into her brown eyes, which were slightly bloodshot from crying, and his mind drew a blank. Whatever he was going to say didn't matter now. What mattered was that Hermione was in his arms, and he was in hers. He continued to gaze into those tear stained eyes and he felt his world spin. Slowly, carefully, her eyes seemed to grow closer until they were all he could see. And then it happened, her lips connected with his for just a moment and then she broke away. A small touch and then it was gone. Ron, for use off a better word, was floored. He saw Hermione back away slowly, a hand on her lips, confusion in her eyes.


Ron sighed. "Not now, Hermione... not now. We'll sort this out later; right now I think we should get back to Harry, in case he wakes up." It took Ron his all to say these words, but he knew he was right. This wasn't the time. He saw Hermione coming to the same conclusion and slowly remove her hand from her lips. Without saying another word to eachother, the two of them returned to their seats in Harry's room.


Is death the last sleep? No--it is the last and final awakening.

--Sir Walter Scott

"Sirius," he said weakly. "Sirius... how... where...?"

Sirius Black smiled and threw back his head and let out a bark of laughter. "I didn't expect to see you here so soon, Harry?"

Harry was silent and fearful. He looked round at the amazing universe around him in wonder; wonder because he was wondering if this was real. Was any of it real...? Was this all a big joke and soon someone might jump out and yell 'surprise'. Harry rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and for a moment realised he wasn't wearing his glasses, though he could see perfectly.

"Sirius... you are really-"

"I'm here, Harry. Though as I said, I didn't expect you to be here so soon? It's not how it's supposed to be...." Sirius looked at him sadly. This wasn't right....

"Wha- What are you talking about?" said Harry shakily.

"Do you know where you are, Harry?"

Harry shook his head slowly. It looked like Sirius, it sounded like Sirius, but Sirius was dead. "No...."

His godfather smiled. "You're standing on the bridge between life and death, Harry."

"I'm dead!" shouted Harry.

Sirius shook his head. "This is kind of a... waypoint for lost souls. Those who haven't died, but are close to death, sometimes end up here. As I said before you shouldn't be here, it's not your time. There is still so much you have to do...."

"Sirius, I don't- This is unbelievable...."

"You just have to believe me, Harry, when I say you have to go back."

"Back where? To life...?"

Sirius smiled. "Exactly, Harry."


"This bridge we're on. One way leads to death, the other life. It's not hard to guess which one is which."

Harry nodded. This was amazing, but he nodded. "Why are you here, Sirius?" he whispered.

"You're closer to death than you know, Harry. I am here because of that. You see that light in the distance." Sirius pointed to the extraordinary well of light. "That is life. And see the darkness over there.... that way leads to death."

Harry suddenly felt very angry. This was a trick, some kind of cruel joke... it had to be. "Sir- Whoever you are I don't believe this... it can't be...."

Sirius smiled calmly. "Accept it, Harry. Acceptance will be the first step back into life."


"I don't think you understand, Mr. Weasley. It is not in our power to revive him. There is absolutely nothing I or anyone else can do," stated Madam Phelps.

Ron sighed in exasperation. "Wh- Why can't you revive him?"

"We don't know? There has never been a similar case like this in known history. It's as if the lights are on but nobody's home. His body is physically fine, but it's as if there's no consciousness in there. Nothing to revive, nobody to revive. Whatever makes Harry Potter, Harry Potter... is not there."

"Then where the hell is he?" shouted Ron.

"That," said Madam Phelps, "is anyone's guess...."

Madam Phelps finished removing the bandages from Harry's back and turned to leave. The salve had worked its magic and his spine was repaired to a certain extent. As long as Harry stayed off it for the next day it would be fine, and it appeared that Harry would be off it a lot longer than that. The Healer gave one last hopeless glance at Harry, and left.

Hermione's silence was equalled only by Padma's. She had barely strung two words together since they had arrived at the hospital. Hermione put it down to fear. She was scared, scared that Harry could die, they all feared that...

What Madam Phelps had said, Harry not being Harry....? That was new, different. Something to keep the medical staff busy. It was just like Harry to break the rules on medical magic. They had been re-writing the rule book ever since he survived the killing curse. And that itself was an amazing achievement. But no thought Hermione he wouldn't die... he couldn't die. Harry would come back, death wasn't for him.

"I'm starving," said Ron suddenly, holding his stomach.

Hermione smiled to herself. That was Ron, the Ron she had grown to love. No matter what the occasion his stomach always interfered. That was Ron... Ron who she had kissed... Not now. "Here," she said with a quick flick of her wand. A plate of biscuits appeared on the small wooden table in between there chairs.

Ron jumped on them. "Blimey, Hermione. Where'd you learn that?" mumbled Ron through a mouthful of biscuit.

"Been doing some early study for NEWTs," she said simply. "Do you want a biscuit, Padma?"

Padma looked over to her slowly and shook her head silently. "No, thanks...."

Hermione nodded and then turned back to Ron, who seemed to be lost in thought. "What is it?" she asked.

"What if- What if he never comes back....?" Ron practically whispered this.

Hermione hesitated a moment. "He has to come back," she finally said. "He has to...."


Everything you do is triggered by an emotion of either desire or fear.

--Brian Tracy

"Accept it, Harry. Accept that I am truly here and that you are standing on the edge of the abyss. One step left or right could be the decision between life and death."

Harry remained impassive. When he spoke he spoke quietly, his voice even, cold. "Say that it is true... what are you here for?"

"I've come to guide you back, Harry. This isn't your time."

Harry scoffed. "Well we'd better get going then, hadn't we?"

Sirius ignored the sarcasm and began to walk towards the light in the distance. Harry fell into step beside him. "Why is this so hard for you to believe, Harry?" asked Sirius as they walked.

"Maybe because I'm talking to you when you're supposed to be dead? Or maybe it's because you told me I'm nearly dead? Or maybe it's because of this whole place I'm in? Take your pick?"

Sirius didn't say anything for a moment. "I'm sorry I died, Harry. I truly am...."

Harry sighed and without realising he was doing it, rubbed his scar with the back of his hand. "Don't be... It wasn't your fault. It was- It was Lestrange and Voldemort...."

"Yeah...." said Sirius bitterly. "Voldemort...."

Neither of them spoke for a moment and they continued to walk in silence. Eventually Harry did. "...I have to kill him, Sirius...."

"You're scared?" he said.

Harry glared at him even though he knew it was true. "Wouldn't you be if you had to kill Voldemort? If it was your job to do it and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it? Defeat the most powerful dark wizard that ever lived. There is nothing I can do to change it, nothing. I wasn't given a choice."

"That shouldn't-"

"Listen, Sirius. Listen very carefully. I don't want this, I don't want it. But no matter how hard I try to get away from it, I can't. I am scared. Scared of failing, scared of letting Voldemort win. And what's worse at other times I think 'why not?' Why not just end it and let Voldemort be someone else's problem.... I can't take it...." Harry was practically shouting by the time he'd finished.

Sirius stopped walking and grabbed his godson by the shoulder. His hand slipped right through, they couldn't connect. Sirius ignored this and spoke anyway. "Harry, the world needs you, they need you. You may not know it, but the wizarding world looks up to you. They see you as a ray of hope shining through in all the darkness. You can't take that away from them... I know it's not fair, life rarely is. But you have to fight... you have to. Because if you don't, who will...?"


Sunday the 17th, one of the longest days Hermione could ever remember, was drawing to a close. It was coming up eight o'clock and she, Ron, and Padma had now spent fifteen hours next to Harry in his bed. To say they were tired was an understatement. Ron was snoring loudly in his corner, Padma was still awake but her eyes were heavy. Hermione was barely keeping her eyes open.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had promised to return and take them to Grimmauld place at nine o'clock, only an hour away. But Hermione didn't think she would make it that long. In fact, ten minutes later she was asleep.

Padma sighed heavily as she stared at Harry for the millionth time that day. God he looked terrible. He was still pale and his scar still shone blood red against his skin. She glanced at Ron and Hermione and saw that they'd fallen asleep. Slowly, carefully, she moved her chair closer to Harry and grasped his hand in her own. This wasn't fair she thought. He doesn't deserve this, no one does. His hand was stone cold, but as she held it it started to warm.

As Padma sat there quietly, she found herself staring at the long vertical bruise that ran up the length of his back. "Harry," she whispered quietly, "wake up, Harry."

Harry didn't move, he didn't do anything, he hardly breathed. Padma let a silent tear roll down her face. How could this happen... Padma wasn't sure when it happened; all she could remember was closing her eyes and then sleep took her.

About half an hour later the door to Harry's room opened and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley entered. They took one look around at the sleeping forms of Ron, Hermione and Padma, Padma still holding Harry's hand, and let them be. It would be better not to wake them up.

"Let's leave them, Molly," whispered Mr. Weasley.



The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

--Edmund Burke

The light was growing ever closer. Harry and Sirius walked towards it with a purpose. Harry thought strongly that he would go back, had to go back; he was a fool to think he could take the easy choice above the right choice. That wasn't his way.

"We're almost there, Harry," said Sirius quietly.

Harry nodded. They were a good deal closer to the well of star light; it was huge when once it had been small from a distance. "How? How do I get back?"

"I don't know," said Sirius with a sudden jerk of his body. He stumbled back but didn't fall.

"What was that?"

"I- I'm not sure?" Sirius walked forward and again is 'body' was jerked violently back. He stared ahead for a moment but then a look of understanding spread across his face. He raised his left hand and swung it down through the air. It seemed to stop halfway down, though nothing was pushing against it. "Ah. Well I should have expected this...." he said solemnly.


"I can't go any further, Harry. This is as close as I can get to life." He pointed towards the light. "I'm dead, I can't go there."

Harry was quiet. A million and one different emotions surging through him; anger, love, fear, loss.... "This is goodbye then...." he eventually muttered.

A pained look passed over his godfather's face. "Yes, Harry. You have to go the rest of the way yourself. But you'll do all right. You're very independent...." Sirius' voice trailed away.

"Do you... do you think I'll ever see you again?"

"Nothing is impossible, Harry. I want you to remember that, you'll need it. Nothing and I mean nothing is impossible...." He paused and smiled affectionately at Harry. "We will meet again, a teenager can defeat the Dark Lord, and you're more powerful than you know." Sirius said this with such force that Harry felt taken back. He could tell that Sirius believed what he was saying one hundred percent.

"I'll remember, Sirius...."

His godfather nodded and then let out a bark of laughter. "Goodbye, Harry," was the last thing he said before his image slowly faded and disappeared completely. Leaving Harry quite alone on the bridge of souls.

Harry didn't know how long he stood there staring at the place Sirius had last stood, but eventually he turned away and continued towards the light of life. After five minutes he arrived at the end of the bridge. It just ended in the middle of the air. Harry saw the light below the edge and up above it as far as he could see.

What do I do he thought. "Jump," said a little voice in his head that sounded like someone he knew but couldn't place. "Jump."

Why the hell not? thought Harry, he had nothing to lose. And jump he did. Closing his eyes tightly Harry jumped off the edge of the bridge and into the light. No hesitation, no fear, no nothing. Just a fall.... and then an immense feeling of life, all the while Sirius's last words echoed in hi mind; "Nothing is impossible...."


Ron woke first the next morning of Monday the18th. A quick glance at his watch showed him it was eight thirty. He looked first at Harry and saw Padma holding his hand, her head lying lazily on his bed. Harry was still out of it. He then glanced at Hermione and saw her slouched in her chair, her hair obscuring most of her face. That kiss he thought. Did I dream it...? Not now....

With a yawn he stretched is aching limbs and decided to go get a cup of tea. Ron left the room and walked casually through the empty, early morning halls of St. Mungo's. Ten minutes later he came back bearing three cups of tea, he didn't know if Hermione or Padma would be awake, but he could reheat the tea for them if they weren't.

When Ron returned to the room, he didn't expect to see someone else there, standing over Harry. "Ethan...?" he said curiously. "What are you doing here?"

Rafe looked up and stared at Ron for a moment. As far as Ron knew, Ethan had gone back to Hogwart's the night of Harry's collapse. "I came to see how he was doing," he finally said honestly.

Ron nodded, though he was still confused. He briefly glanced at the still sleeping, unmoving forms of Hermione and Padma. "How'd you get here?" asked Ron, placing the tea on the bedside table and offering Ethan a cup which he declined.

Again Ethan paused before answering. "Just a little trick I know...." He was talking about Apparation, but Ron wasn't to know that. "What's wrong with, Harry?"

Ron considered Ethan for a moment but eventually let the issue lie. "Nothing physically," he sighed. "But he just won't wake up. It's as if he's not there...."

Ethan shook his head. "I've never heard of anything like that before...."

"Neither have the Healers in this place," said Ron. "It's got everyone stumped."

"Well, give it time, I suppose," mumbled Ethan walking towards the door. "As long as he can play Quidditch on Saturday," he added reaching the door.

"Are you going already?" asked Ron.

Ethan surveyed Ron for a moment. "I've got to go... check on a few things."

Without further explanation Ethan left, robes billowing out behind him. There's something about him thought Ron as he watched him go. Something he's hiding....

His thoughts were soon forgotten though as Hermione awoke. She yawned and stretched and the finally looked at Ron. A moment passed in awkward silence, neither forgetting the previous night's events. Ron least of all.

"Tea?" he asked her quietly.

She stared nervously, her feelings mixed. "Ron...."

"Yes," said Ron quickly and eagerly.

"...do you.... have... any feelings for me...?" This was practically whispered. Ron had to strain to hear it.

Without hesitation and with a courage surprising even himself, he answered. "Yes. For about two years now. How... how do you feel...?"

Hermione blinked and didn't say anything for a moment. Ron felt his heart sink to his stomach. But then she smiled and that told Ron all he needed to know. He thought nothing, absolutely nothing could stop him from rushing over to Hermione and wrapping his arms around her, he was wrong.

Ron had barely moved two steps when an amazing scream filled the room. He immediately turned to Harry in time to see Padma wake up suddenly and fall backwards of her chair, but that wasn't what kept his attention. Harry continued to scream and then started thrashing around on his bed. He closed his mouth, the screaming ended and he lay still. And then he moved and opened his mouth again, Ron had expected a scream, more thrashing, what happened was very different. An unbelievably bright white light shot out of his mouth and hovered above him for a moment. The light spread and soon encased his entire body, nothing of Harry was visible and only a thin white outline remained.

Hermione screamed as did Padma, but Ron didn't move. He was in shock. What the hell was happening...? "Get help," he cried to Hermione and Padma. Ron had to turn away from where he knew Harry to be now because the light had grown so bright it was almost blinding. Hermione and Padma couldn't or wouldn't move. Ron was about to go himself when something happened and he knew everything was going to be all right.

At the exact moment when Ron thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, and that this light was going to kill Harry, a wondrous sound filled the air. He'd head it a few times.... Phoenix song.

He shielded his eyes slightly and turned back to the light. It was growing hotter and he could feel an immense heat coming from it. Whatever this stuff was, he could tell he'd do well not to touch it. The phoenix song was coming from the light and it made Ron feel that the light was a good thing. He chanced another look at Hermione and Padma; they were all right, though looked a little scared. Hermione had pulled Padma back against the wall.

Ron's attention was brought back to Harry when he heard the Phoenix song getting weaker. It was still there, but a lot less loud. The light also seemed to be fading. Ron turned away again when the door to the room burst open and was wrenched of its hinges, flying into the wall barely half a meter from Ron's head.

Into the room walked the powerful presence of Albus Dumbledore. He took one look at Harry and then in turn turned to Ron, Hermione and Padma. As he did the light casing around Harry faded away almost to nothing, but Harry himself still wasn't visible.

"What happened," said Dumbledore quickly, unease in his voice.

Padma spoke first. "He- Harry just started.... glowing. Though it's almost gone now."

Ron and Hermione nodded in agreement but Dumbledore still looked uneasy. Ron moved over the room towards a shocked looking Hermione. He placed an arm around her shoulders but that was all. It wasn't until then that he noticed a small buzzing in his ears. It was growing louder.

Dumbledore heard the buzzing to and looked quickly at Harry, and for the first time since Ron and Hermione had known him, the most powerful light-wizard in the world looked frightened. He raised his hand and muttered a few words that none of them could hear. Almost instantly Dumbledore withdrew his hand as if bitten and the look of fear increased.

When it happened, it happened fast. Dumbledore cried and jumped in front of Ron, Hermione, and Padma. Casting shield charms and other defensive spells with his wand as he went. At the same time that the light surrounding Harry returned with renewed force. This time it glowed amazingly bright and the phoenix song was nearly deafening. But that wasn't the worst.... sharps bolts of the white light spewed forth from the core, where Harry supposedly was. The bolts hit everything, walls, windows, cupboards, chairs, and Dumbledore's shields. The window exploded into a thousand shards of glass as a bolt came into contact with it. The walls were almost instantly pockmarked with long scars and burns, they were on fire but luckily they held. The tables and chairs were obliterated into nothing but dust.

Dumbledore was not faring much better, but thankfully there was a very good reason he had been given the title as the greatest wizard of the age. His shield charms held, and protected the four of them but Hermione could tell it was an incredible strain on the old man. She watched as Dumbledore raised his hands to keep the charms steady. Beads of sweat began to pour down his face and after a moment he fell to one knee. The shields were glowing faintly blue and sometimes flickered as if they were going to collapse, but the constant barrage of white bolts from the bed seemed endless.

Every part of the room, except the parts protected by Dumbledore's shields, was completely and utterly destroyed. But Ron could tell that Dumbledore couldn't give out much longer. His fears were confirmed when one of Dumbledore's arms fell limply to his side. This caused the shields to flicker for a longer period of time and a bolt flew through. Instinctively Ron pulled on Hermione's and Padma's robes and the three of them fell to the floor, the bolt missing Padma's falling form by an inch.

They landed hard on their backs but Ron kept his eyes trained on Dumbledore. The old wizard forced his arm back up into place and the charm was restored to its full strength. Bolt after bolt hit the thin shields but Dumbledore didn't falter again. After a few minutes, though it seemed much longer, the light subsided and the bolts ceased. Ron, Hermione and Padma breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and Dumbledore lowered his arms and took down the shields, it was over.

Dumbledore turned and looked at each of them in turn; satisfied that they were uninjured he turned slowly towards Harry. What met his eyes wasn't pretty. The light had subsided and disappeared, leaving a pale looking Harry on the bed, which was on fire in several places. A quick glance around the room told him that there were a lot of little fires around the place.

He took only one step forward when three Healers ran into the room, fear and bewilderment etched all over their faces. Madam Phelps was at their lead. She opened her mouth once or twice before finally saying something. "What....?"

"Not now," said Dumbledore sharply. "Help put out the fires." Ron, Hermione and Padma were all already running around the room, putting out fires here and there before they got out of control, not that it really mattered. The room was destroyed beyond recognition.

The Healers did as they were told and soon the fires were out, but the walls of the room creaked uncertainly, as if they could collapse any moment. Dumbledore thought just this, and quickly levitated Harry with a quick flick of his wand, and beckoned the others to follow him. He moved down the hall with the limp form of Harry floating in front of him. When he passed an empty, unused room he entered it and placed Harry carefully on the bed.

Ron, Hermione, and Padma entered it, though somewhat cautiously, as if Harry could explode again. Dumbledore didn't seem to be worried that it could happen again, and he told them so. Madam Phelps entered a few minutes later; she looked to be at a loss for anything else to do.

"Should I- should I examine him?" she asked.

Dumbledore shook his head. "No... There is nothing we can do for him. He is beyond normal magic."

Madam Phelps left without another word, clearly relieved that she didn't have to examine Harry just yet. Meanwhile, Dumbledore placed a hand across Harry's forehead. Hermione noticed that he did not touch the lightning bolt scar.

Dumbledore had barely removed his hand before Harry sat up quickly and his eyes opened suddenly. He looked around himself for a moment and then fell back down, his eyes coming to rest on Dumbledore. Harry raised his arm and grasped the headmasters shoulder. "Nothing is impossible...." he whispered before falling back and closing his eyes.

Harry slept most of that morning. Dumbledore told Ron, Hermione and Padma that it was because he was exhausted. He also explained what the white light was.

"You see," he said. "What we witnessed was magic in its purest form. Pure, white, powerful magic. Magic in its natural form, unused by anyone. Few have ever seen it and few believe it truly exists. Harry has once again rewritten the rule book." Dumbledore smiled gently to himself, but Ron could see that he looked troubled.

"What else is there, though?" he asked.

Dumbledore's smile faded. "The magic entered Harry, it became part of him. And in turn, he part of it. He had a huge amount of it already;" the power the Dark Lord knows not thought Dumbledore, but didn't say this. "This will increase his magical power quite significantly...."

"That's good, isn't it?" said Padma, mirroring Hermione's thoughts.

"Perhaps...." answered Dumbledore thoughtfully.

Their conversation ended as Harry stirred and groaned. Slowly he opened his eyes and took in his surroundings. "Where...?" he croaked when he saw the blurred images of people in front of him.

"St. Mungo's, Harry," said a familiar voice at the same time someone placed his glasses over his eyes.

His vision became clear and he recognised the people around him. There was Hermione and Ron to his left, Padma at the foot of his bed, and Dumbledore to the right. "Where am I?" his voice croaked in his throat as he spoke.

"St. Mungo's," repeated Padma.

This time Harry nodded. Slowly but surely his senses were returning to their full strength. What happened? he thought how... why am I here? "Why... am I here?"

"You collapsed, Harry," said Dumbledore. "At the awards ceremony. That was two days ago."

Harry now remembered that. He remembered standing at the podium and then his scar exploding with pain and then his 'discussion' with Voldemort. He'd argued, enraged the Dark Lord and had payed for it dearly at the end. But what happened after that....?

"How am I doing...?"

"You are physically fine, Harry," said Dumbledore. "Though there are... difficulties."

"Such as?"

"Nothing to worry about now. Tell us, what did you see while you wee asleep?"

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Where had I been....? There was something.... He thought about this but then something else struck him as odd. "Why didn't Voldemort kill me...?" he directed this question towards Dumbledore.

The headmaster sighed. "I've pieced together as much as I can, Harry. I believe he attacked you through your scar?" Harry nodded and Dumbledore continued. "Occlumency would have help-"

Harry cut him off. "No it wouldn't. What happened between us was.... deeper than occlumency. He was reading or planting thoughts in my mind. He was there and so was I. We talked and... Well things took a turn for the worse and, and he could control the pain on my scar. He could've killed me, though it appears that I am still alive."

Dumbledore nodded. "It was very close; the Healers said that your heart did stop beating for a time. But I don't think Voldemort intended to kill you now?"

Harry shook his head. "No... He has," Harry glanced at his three friends as he said this, "other plans before he tries to kill me." Voldemort wanted them dead first.

Harry could tell that Dumbledore understood his meaning. "I also believe that he would think it unwise to kill you this early in the war. Now that everyone's hope is restored in you after the dementor attack in Diagon Alley."

"What- Why?"

"Think about it, Harry. I know you don't like to hear it, but you are a hero. What was Voldemort going to do? Promote you to martyr? I do not think so. Your death would cause anger throughout the world and Voldemort would risk turning our quest to defeat him into a crusade. The Light-side would fight with renewed ferocity if you were to die; Voldemort isn't strong enough to challenge that yet." Dumbledore blinked as he said this. "Though the time is coming...."

Harry sighed and then turned to his friends. They had been quiet while he and Dumbledore ha spoken. "And how are you three?" he asked, his gaze mainly on Padma who looked a little worse for the wear.

"Tired," admitted Ron honestly. "You've got to stop putting us through this, mate," he finished with a small laugh. Hermione nodded vigorously.

Harry looked at Padma and saw that she was smiling slightly, with what looked like extreme relief. "Harry, I," she began but then stopped. Without another word she through her arms around him and leaned on his chest. Harry, caught by surprise, didn't react at first but then placed his arms around her. After a moment he saw her blush and then look sheepishly up at Dumbledore.

The headmaster had the familiar small lines of amusement around his face and a raised eyebrow. Padma coughed slightly and then sat up. "Do you remember where you where, Harry?" asked Dumbledore a minute later. "The Healers believe that you may have been experiencing something beyond our grasp while you were asleep, do you remember anything?"

Harry blinked and then shook his head. "No...."

"You woke up earlier, Harry and said one thing; 'Nothing is impossible'. Do you know why you would have said that?"

Harry, whose strength was rapidly returning, sat up and frowned. Those words 'nothing is impossible' had triggered something in his mind. What was it....? He felt the answer on the tip of his tongue, in the back of his mind but couldn't remember for the life of him. For some reason he knew he had to remember those words, though. "I haven't a clue?" His voice cracked when he said this and the croakiness disappeared. His voice returned to normal.

Dumbledore sighed and nodded. "Do tell me if you remember anything." Harry nodded and promised he would.

Harry spent the rest of the day catching up on all the information he'd missed the past two days. Nothing had been seen nor heard of Voldemort or his Death Eaters. Harry was touched at how many people visited him while he was unconscious and was not so pleased to hear that the Daily Prophet, along with several other papers, had reporters camped on the first floor of the hospital, waiting to hear news of him.

But what shocked him, scared him, and amazed him, was the recount of the mornings events, namely his explosion in the room down the hall. When Ron, Hermione, and Padma went to get some lunch, Dumbledore remained behind and told him his theory about the power the dark lord knows not. Harry accepted it, it made sense. Though he was still scared by the power amount of power that he possessed and what it could do if he wasn't able to control it. He spoke none of this to Dumbledore; he'd cover this one himself.

Harry spent the rest of the day regaining his strength. A woman named Madam Phelps examined him late in the afternoon and said that she could find nothing wrong with him, he had a clean bill of health for which he was very thankful.

After many visits (mostly from Weasley's) Harry asked everyone to leave for an hour while he showered and sorted himself out. It had been three days since his last true wash and shave, and he felt dirty and hairy. When he stepped out of the shower, Harry felt a small twinge of pain in his back. He stood in front of the mirror, which was opposite another mirror. So if he looked in the first one he could see his back in the one behind him. He winced when he saw the deep purple bruising and a long, vertical scar that ran up his spine.

Sighing, Harry turned away from the mirror. He looked at the hospital clothes that he had been wearing and decided that something new was needed. The hospital supplied a simple blue smock that wasn't at all comfortable. He realised he didn't have his wand but wasn't deterred. Harry raised his arm and pointed it at the hospital smock. With a quick flick of his wrist and a thought the smock transformed into a black shirt and jeans.

Harry was surprised that it had worked so well. He had expected the transfiguration to be a lot harder, the fact that it wasn't unnerved him slightly. His magic felt different. Harry put on the clothes and exited the bath room. His room was empty and Harry didn't feel like company at that moment anyway. He walked over to the window and looked out in the dying light at the streets of Muggle London.

His thoughts were dark as he followed the progress of a small family up the street beneath him. A man and woman with their child, they looked happy. His mind flicked back to the scar on his back, and of course he had thought about one scar so he thought about the others as well. Harry made a list. There was the one on his forehead obviously, the most recent one on his back. He thought a little harder and remembered the one that Wormtail had given him. He lifted the sleeve a little on his black polo shirt and there it was. Blood of the enemy. And then the other big one was on his leg where Bellatrix had hit him with that curse back in September.

Harry sighed and rested his head against the glass of the window; he wondered how many more he would have before this war was over. And whether or not he would be alive to worry about them. A brief image of Sirius briefly passed through his mind and again Harry had the feeling that he'd forgotten something. Whatever it was he'd remember it in time. Nothing is impossible.


"Nagini," hissed Voldemort. The huge snake slithered out of the darkness and circled her master's feet. All the while a nervous looking man stared apprehensively at the snake. Voldemort said more in Parseltongue but Wormtail couldn't understand it so he paid more attention to the snake.

After Voldemort finished Nagini hissed and slithered away, clearly with a task to complete. Meanwhile Voldemort was staring at Wormtail, who couldn't hold his gaze for long and soon looked down.

"Do we know anything of Potter's condition?" It wasn't a question; if Pettigrew didn't have an answer it would be painful.

"Y- Yes," he squeaked.

"Well!" shouted Voldemort impatiently. "What of it?"

"He lives, my Lord." Wormtail said this quietly, not wanting to anger Voldemort. And if there was one sure way to anger him it was to mention Potter.

"Fear not, Wormtail. Lord Voldemort does not punish those who are honest in their answers." Wormtail relaxed a bit, but was still understandably nervous. "He lives," mused Voldemort. "Well that is to be expected. I would expect no less of Potter."

Wormtail stood to attention like the good, loyal Death Eater he was. Since his rebirth, Wormtail had been amongst the highest Death Eater circles. The Dark Lord's reward for helping him return to a body. And now he was sometimes privy to Voldemort's most secret plans. He had grown used to the new power he wielded among the ranks of the Death Eater's, if truth be told he considered himself Voldemort' s right hand man. And he wasn't foolish enough to throw it all away with a lie.

"Wormtail," said Voldemort suddenly. "We must fulfil my promise to Mr. Potter. I'm giving you this task."

"Thank you, my Lord," Pettigrew said automatically. Whatever it was, murder, destruction, terror, torture; he would do it, to refuse was death.


Harry returned to Hogwart's on Thursday the 21st of November. The Healers had tested him continuously over the week and had failed to find a single thing wrong with him; he was released in full health. Ron, Hermione and Padma had returned two days previously and Harry was looking forward to getting back to what he felt was normal in his life, school.

It had just gone one thirty when he and Tonks stepped off the steps of the big purple Knight bus, saying goodbye to Stan. Tonks had lime green hair today and bright pink eyes.

"Here we are, Harry," she said happily, her hands on her hips, looking up at the castle. "Let's get inside."

Harry and Tonks entered the castle. The entrance hall was deserted, as everybody would be in lessons at this time. The two of them climbed the stairs but at the top they had to go different ways, Harry to his class, Tonks to Dumbledore. Harry said his goodbyes and thanks and headed off up the staircases to Defence Against the Dark Arts.

When he arrived, Malfoy and Neville were returning to their seats. Moody had obviously had them duel, and not surprisingly, Malfoy had won. Neville was rubbing his chest and sighing heavily.

"Potter," growled Moody. "Glad to have you back. Take your seat."

Harry nodded. "Glad to be back," he said truthfully and took the empty seat near the back next to Ethan.

"Right," said Moody. "Next we'll have Patil, Parvati and Longbottom. Get back up there, Longbottom." Neville nodded glumly and rose from his seat.

"How are you, Harry?" asked Rafe once the duel had begun and they couldn't be overheard.

"Fine," he replied. "Bit of a sore back, but that's just from the bruising."

Rafe nodded. "You'll play Quidditch on Saturday?"

Harry had forgotten about the match against Hufflepuff this Saturday. But of course he'd play. "Yeah I'll play. Take a lot more than a broken spine to stop me playing Quidditch."

Ethan laughed. "That's good. But what about," he lowered his voice to a whisper, "Apparation. You're almost there, a bit more practice and you'll have it down."

Harry nodded. "After the match. We'll go to the Shack."

The morning of the Quidditch match dawned bright and early. Katie had had the team out for one last practice last night, and Harry was confident that they could win. At the table in the Great Hall, Katie made sure that they all got a good breakfast before marching them down to thew pitch half an hour early.

After the team changed into their robes, Katie decided that everyone should do a few laps around the pitch to check out the conditions, everyone agreed. While the rest of the team took off together, Harry, Ron and Ethan flew slowly behind them, talking seriously about the conditions and visibility they could expect. It was a cloudy day and it was threatening to rain, but that also meant that the sun wouldn't get in their eyes.

In what seemed to be no time at all, the stands were filled and the Gryffindor team was waiting to fly back out onto the pitch. When the entire school was seated above them, the doors flung open and they flew out. Forming their line, Harry saw Katie shake hands with the Hufflepuff captain. It was friendly; this would be a good, fun game. Not if they were playing Slytherin, though.

Madam Hooch looked up at them, recited a few of the main rules and then released the all the balls. Immediately the game began.

The Hufflepuff chaser caught the Quaffle and was soon zooming off towards Ron on the goals. His fellow chasers falling in line next to him. Harry immediately fell in to his routine and flew high into the air, higher than most Bludgers could reach him anyway, and began scanning the pitch for the Snitch.

He saw out of the corner of his eye, the Hufflepuff chasers were almost on top of Ron. He wondered what the Beaters were up to letting them get that close? He saw the problem instantly. The Hufflepuff beaters had already beaten them to the Bludgers and were hitting them towards Ginny, Lavender, and Katie; stopping them from getting near the Quaffle.

The Hufflepuff chasers reached Ron and quickly passed the ball between themselves to confuse him. Harry hoped he would stop it; otherwise he would lose his confidence and miss more saves. Thankfully, when it was thrown, he did save it and instantly passed it to Lavender. Harry realised he'd been watching the game for too long and began searching for the snitch. He saw the Hufflepuff Seeker, a very timid looking second year girl, trailing him nervously. Ignoring her he scanned up and down the pitch, though he was distracted when a shout went up from the crowd and a voice rang clear through the air.


Harry turned away again and continued his search for the elusive golden ball. He decided to fly lower in hopes of a bit better visibility. The Hufflepuff seeker followed his example. No sooner had he flown down, that a bludger cut across his path causing him to spin on his broom to avoid it. But as he did there was a flash of gold out of the corner of his eye, but it was gone a moment later; leaving Harry to wonder if he had seen the Snitch at all.

"AND THAT'S TEN FOR HUFFLEPUFF," shouted Seamus. Harry looked up to see Ron throw the ball to Katie, whilst cursing himself for not saving the shot. He needn't have worried.

Over the next fifteen minutes Gryffindor scored another six times, whilst Hufflepuff only scored once. Bringing the score to 70-20. Apart from that one quick glimpse earlier, the Snitch hadn't shown itself and Harry was getting annoyed. The small Hufflepuff seeker had decided to search on her own, and if she got it before Harry, Gryffindor would still lose no matter how many goals they had scored.

Harry successfully dodged two consecutive Bludgers and soared higher into the sky to escape a third. He shot across the pitch above the Gryffindor chasers as they tossed the Quaffle between them. He wheeled around the goalposts and nodded to Ron as he passed. That was when he saw it. Hovering near the goalpost on the other side of the pitch was the golden Snitch.

He looked up quickly and saw the Hufflepuff seeker half the pitch away; she was a lot closer and would beat Harry to it if he wasn't careful. He tried to fly casually up the pitch, but his eyes never left the golden ball. He passed the beaters of both teams and the chasers of Hufflepuff. After flying innocently passed their Seeker, Harry put on a burst of speed and dived towards the goalpost.

It was all over three seconds later. Harry flew back up into the air, Snitch in hand and the crowd exploded with cheers. Harry landed and his team mates did the same soon after and congratulated him. They shook hands with the Hufflepuffs and made their way out of the stadium. As always, Harry got swept up in the crowd of Gryffindor's as they walked back up to the castle, separating him from Ron.

Though, it wasn't that bad because it swept him over to Padma, whom he'd only seen twice since he'd got back on Thursday. "Harry," she said smiling when he tapped her on the shoulder. "Well done, I was cheering for Gryffindor of course."

"Of course," he said with a grin. Harry took her hand in his and they walked back up to the castle in the throng of students.

They decided to stay outside the castle and talk for a bit before going back inside and returning to their respective common rooms. After most people had left, a few were still scattered around the grounds, Harry and Padma sat alone on the steps outside the entrance and talked quietly.

Harry, who was still very high on adrenaline from the Quidditch, felt brave after a few minutes of conversation and leaned over and kissed her quickly. She responded immediately, as if she'd been waiting for him, and returned the favour. They sat there for a few minutes, undisturbed, they talked, kissed a little more; Harry savoured every minute of it. This was one of those rare moments where Harry enjoyed his life. No fights, no wars, no death, no pain. Nothing but happiness... which he felt he'd earned through it all.

"Harry," said a voice from behind him.

Harry turned and located the source of the voice. It was Ethan. "What do you want, Ethan?"

"Do you remember we have to go do that thing," said Ethan, mindful of Padma. Apparation couldn't be spoken in front of anyone; it was a major breach of the law, but a justifiable one.

Harry sighed. "Oh yeah..." He looked at Padma. "Sorry... but I do have to go...."

Padma nodded. "It's okay...."

Harry wasn't convinced. He knew he hadn't been the model boyfriend that he'd wanted to be, or that he felt that she deserved. If anything he had been as unpredictable as a Snitch, it was amazing she put up with him. "I won't be too long, I'll come find you in a few hours, okay?"

She smiled. "I'd like that."

Harry kissed her quickly once and walked with her back into the castle. He said goodbye a final time, and then turned and walked back outside. Ethan had already begun walking towards the secret entrance under the willow and Harry had to jog to catch up with him.

Ethan nodded as Harry fell into step but didn't say anything. They walked in silence the rest of the way and Rafe didn't say anything until they were in the tunnel beneath the grounds. "You might be able to do it today, Harry. That is, if you want too?"

"I do... it's just..."


Harry didn't say anything for a moment. He wanted to ask Ethan about his past, about where he'd come from. He didn't know much about him except his name, and Harry had to know if he was to be trusted. So far he'd been rather too trusting with Rafe, made him privy to one or two things that most people didn't know. This secret tunnel for one.

"What do you want?" repeated Rafe.

"Who are you, Ethan?" asked Harry, a little more forcibly than he'd planned.

"Who- What do you mean?"

"I mean, who are you? Where are you from? Where have you been the past sixteen years? Why do you keep your past hidden?"

Rafe stopped moving and stared at Harry emotionlessly. "I'll tell you what," he said quietly, "you Apparate today and I'll tell you a few things."

Harry stared at Rafe, he was set. The way his jaw clenched, that look in his eyes. This was the best deal Harry was going to get. "All right.... if I Apparate then."

They talked sparingly the rest of the way down the tunnel and only a little in the shack. With Harry preparing himself to try to Apparate, Rafe sat down on one of the old chairs he had repaired. He thought to himself about what he would tell Harry if he actually did Apparate, and there was a very high possibility that he would. Well he mused were could I begin. I couldn't tell him about the Mark or my father.... that would definitely lose me his trust and I'd probably by cursed from here to next week. That still leaves a lot I can tell him....

"Apyraceus," cried Harry.

Rafe only just saw it and then he saw nothing. Harry disappeared with a loud crack and reappeared almost instantly on the other side of the room, all in one piece. He'd done it, he'd Apparated. Ethan sighed, he had expected no less.

Harry was momentarily shocked, he hadn't even felt it. One moment he was looking at one wall the next he was staring at Rafe in his chair. Harry had Apparated. He had jumped across space in an instant, he had covered the distance between two points in an instant, he had severely broken one of the wizarding world's laws.... But that didn't matter right now. "Apyraceus!"

Again it happened instantly; he was back on the other side of the room. He hadn't heard a crack as when other people Apparated around him, but he supposed there was one. It was difficult to grasp the quick changes in his vision. It was like looking at one thing and having it instantly changed into another before you could even blink. It was certainly different.

He turned to Ethan when he heard clapping and saw a smile on his face. "Well done," Rafe said honestly.

Harry nodded his thanks. "We had a deal, Ethan...."

"That we did. Well... what do you want to know?"

Harry stared at Ethan for a moment. "Tell me where you grew up?"


"Where in England?"

"A little orphanage south of Manchester. I forget the name... Tontee, Tongre, Taloo?" he said, appearing to be lost in thought.

"So you didn't live in America?"

"No, I did. I... moved there when I was eleven...." He knew Harry's next question before he asked it.


For the first time since Harry had known him, he saw a flicker of pain cross Ethan's face. "I gave up a few things... to find out what I didn't need to know?"

"And what didn't you need to know?"

"That, Harry, is the only question I won't answer. And nothing you can say will change that."

"Then how can I know that you can be trusted?"

"You can't. All I can offer you is my word that I'm on the light side of this war, and always will be."

Harry gazed at Ethan, he sounded honest enough. "That will do for now, I guess. But god have mercy on you if you cross me. You don't want me as your enemy."

Rafe nodded with understanding. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, one more question. Why didn't you come to Hogwarts? You must have received a letter?"

"I did receive a letter, and it was the worst thing I've ever received. Not everyone can be happy when they find out who they truly are?"


"Righ' now gather 'round," said Hagrid gruffly on the cold Monday morning down on the grounds. "Don' be frightened now'."

The Sixth year Care of Magical Creatures class approached Hagrid with caution. He was standing on the outside of a fence paddock that he had obviously built. There was a box in the middle of this paddock. A big wooden box about twice the size of Hagrid. None of them would have minded so much if it hadn't been for the words on the side of the box in red letters. Caution, Do Not Open, Highly Dangerous.

Hagrid seemed oblivious to their fear and began to explain. "Now this creature will appear on yer NEWT so pay close attention."

"Hagrid," said Harry before he continued, "is this your 'special delivery?"

"Aye, Harry. This is it. Took me awhile ter get 'old of one," he said proudly.

"What is it?" voiced a nervous looking Ravenclaw.

"Yer'll see in a minute?"

As Hagrid explained the finer points of the creature's native habitat, without actually naming the creature, Padma and Harry moved closer to eachother and she grasped his hand.

"Well, now I want one of yer to open its box," continued Hagrid. "Stay out of the paddoc' an' levitate the lid off."

It was with more than a slight apprehension that Hermione moved up and towards Hagrid, her wand out. She stood on the first tier of the wooden holdings and raised her wand. "Wingardium Leviosa," she said with a slight shake in her voice.

The lid of the box flew off and this caused the four side panels to fall to the ground. Harry felt Padma move closer behind him as they fell. When the box was down it revealed a sleeping lump of, well Harry didn't know what it was?

Hermione did though, as did several other people who stepped back quickly. "Oh, Hagrid," she said. "Oh....."

The creature stirred and began to stand. Harry saw it clearly for the first time and was momentarily stunned by its size. It was twice as wide as Hagrid, but fell just short of the half-giant's height. What struck him the most though was what the creature appeared to be, or didn't appear to be. From what Harry could tell it was a little bit of everything.

"This," said Hagrid, beaming at the creature, "is a Chimera."

Harry nodded with understanding, but instantly noticed that he was the only one with in twenty metres of the chimera besides Hagrid. The rest of the class had fallen back to a safe distance. Harry was curious though and he moved up onto the fence with Hagrid to get a better look at the beast.

Fro what he could tell it had the body of a goat, though bigger than any normal goat, the tail of a dragon, he recognised it as a Hungarian Horntail, and its head was that of a lion. The chimera had a proud mane and eyes. Its gaze fell on Harry and for an instant he was sure the creature nodded at him.

"Did you see tha', Harry?" said Hagrid. "It acknowledged yer.... get in there and bow to it, Harry. Trust me, yer'll be sorry otherwise."

Harry was torn for a moment. The chimera could probably, definitely rip him apart. But there was a touch of nervousness in Hagrid's voice; Harry did as he was told. He climbed over the fence and jumped into the paddock. Moving a few steps forward, he came within three feet of the chimera. He took a deep breath, and then bowed.

The chimera roared with what Harry assumed was approval. He turned and looked at the rest of the group, most were staring with bated breath and Padma was biting her nails. Harry turned back to the chimera, with another bow he started walking away slowly. He made it out of the paddock.

The rest of that lesson was devoted to a long explanation of the chimera from Hagrid and soon enough Harry found himself heading back up to the castle for lunch. Ron and Hermione walked next to him and Harry couldn't help but notice that the two of them kept smiling at one another and every so often their hands brushed together. Harry didn't comment, he just took hold of Padma's hand and smiled. When had that happened...?

The weeks seemed to fly by to Harry and soon enough he found himself waking up on the first of December, and to the first snowfall of the season. It didn't settle though, as the ground was wet from a recent rainfall. Harry felt that that didn't matter, there would be plenty more snow falls soon enough.

Today was Sunday and Harry had promised Padma they'd spend the day together. They would have yesterday but Harry had wanted to practice Apparation, he hadn't told Padma this of course but it had taken a sizeable chunk out of the day. His progress was excellent. Harry could now Apparate across the room with a single thought and could get up and down the hill outside the shack. No need for a wand or the magic word, he had technically passed Apparation training.

Harry absently ate some toast as the hall filled up for breakfast around him. He kept glancing at the door every time it opened but Padma failed to enter. Harry wasn't worried, he'd meet her soon enough. Once the Hall was pretty much full to capacity, Harry had another look around. Ron, Hermione and Ethan were sitting on the table around him. He looked over at the Ravenclaw table in hopes of seeing her there. Instead he caught sight of Luna Lovegood, whom he hadn't seen or spoken to in a while, except for DA meetings. She still had her wand stuck behind her ear for safe keeping.

Harry moved on but still couldn't see Padma. With a small frown he said goodbye to his friends and promised to see them later. He exited the Hall and came upon the entrance hall. It was deserted. Harry had a feeling in the pit of his stomach now. If everyone else was in the hall, where was Padma? Was it too much of a coincidence that it was her who wasn't in the hall or couldn't be found. Harry tried to rationalise, over the past few weeks he and she had taken long strolls around the lake. She was probably there he thought, trying to convince himself that everything was fine, all the while the uneasiness in his stomach grew.

Harry stepped out into the cool December morning. The snow was still falling lightly but Harry could still see for miles across the grounds. What he saw didn't encourage him. As far as he could tell the grounds were empty. The lake was partially hidden from view and Harry decided to check there. He was sure he would find her there.

Harry set off at a jog, but soon found himself running. Why he was running he didn't know? She could be fine and well up at the castle but Harry felt that that wasn't true. Harry was panting when he came up on the banks of the lake. A slight film of ice had hardened on its surface and the snow fell on it, creating the illusion that the lake was actually a snow field. Harry ignored it though. She wasn't there. He stared into the forbidding looking forest that began a few metres away and wondered if she could be in there. No, that doesn't make sense...

As Harry turned to the lake and then back to the eaves of the forest a resolution dawned on him, the Marauder's Map. That would tell him where she was, and if she was on Hogwart's grounds. Harry found new hope in the map but had barely taken a few steps before it was shattered and his worst fears were confirmed.

There was a screech above him and Harry looked up in time to see a black eagle with a blood red beak soar down through the white sky and land sharply on his shoulder. Harry felt his strength leave him as he quickly removed the parchment around the bird's leg. Once he had, the eagle took off, digging its claws painfully into Harry's shoulder.

Harry stared at the note in his hand for a moment and then, with his stomach in knots, he opened it.

We have her. Come to the Shrieking Shack alone if you want to see her alive. You have until half past the hour. Come alone, Potter.


Author notes: Well that one was different wasn't it. Sorry about the cliffhanger, couldn't help myself. Let's just hop I write the next one quickly. Trust me when I say this, they didn't want to piss Harry off!
Please review, all opinions are welcome. Hope to have the next chapter,

uploaded in a week or so.

Thanks again and please review,
