Harry Potter and the Loss of Innocence


Story Summary:
Harry is stuck at Privet Drive and has much to think about. A crazed wizard out to kill him. The death of his godfather and friend. The Prophesy looming in front of him. And not even one note from his friends. That's been Harry's summer holiday thus far, so can you blame him for wanting it to end? But should Harry really be looking forward to a year filled with surprises of all kinds and not all of them good? *HP sixth year fic following OotP and not incorporating HBP*

Chapter 36

Chapter Summary:
Will the twins survive through the night? Read to find out if the prank the boys play is in their honor or just for the fun of it... I hope someone remembered to order that miracle...
Author's Note:
A huge thanks to Pixie, who through technical difficulties, inventory time at work, and a little crisis has managed to work on this! A thanks to F.Pixie for being the first to combat with the errors and to Lara, though she's on vaca in NYC... And of course, to Cassie and Chris... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIE!!

Chapter Thirty-Six: Secret Keeper

When you are with me

I'm free.. I'm careless... I believe...

Above all others we will fly.

~Creed: My Sacrifice

"They could die!" Ginny cried out in disbelief. "I thought they would be fine!"

"So did Healer Lemon," Mr. Weasley answered her. "They didn't count on this." Harry shook himself out of his stunned state. He took one glance at Ginny and took her hand under the table. She squeezed it back. "They've offered to allow three people at a time to keep vigil in the room. I think we should take turns. Your mum and I along with Charlie will go first."

Charlie stood up and went to get his and Mrs. Weasley's cloaks. The three left soon after Mr. Weasley had first arrived. The room's occupants exchanged looks and started clearing the table. No one was hungry anymore.

"We should pick who goes next," Bill finally said.

"It should be Ron, Ginny, and you," Remus said in a strong voice.

"I'm not going without Harry," Ginny said wrapping an arm around his waist. Bill gave Harry an evil glare, but nodded.

"Alright, then, Ginny, Harry, and I'll go next," Bill said tersely.

"Why do I have to go with you?" Ginny asked angrily. "Do you think Harry's going to shag me right next to my dying brothers?" Harry felt his cheeks burn red and noticed that just about everyone else was surprised and embarrassed. Bill's ears were a bright red and Ron was choking on the water he'd just swallowed. "Give it a rest, Bill. Harry and I will go with Remus or Tonks or someone else, but you are not going to baby sit us."

Bill stared at her, but Ginny wasn't backing down. Finally, he looked away and sighed. "Alright, then Ron and Hermione will come with me and Remus can go with Ginny and Harry. Harry will need a few more guards, but we can worry about that later."

And so the waiting began. It was worse than when Mr. Weasley had been at St. Mungo's last year. This time, it was the twins who could die. Harry, like Ginny, had never thought about the twins dying, it didn't seem possible.

It didn't seem possible that Sirius could die, an evil voice in his head argued. Yet he is dead. All because of you. You are a danger to everyone around you.

After about thirty minutes of waiting, Harry was about ready to scream. He hated this house so much. It brought back so many memories that hurt. He needed to get out of it. But there was no way he'd be allowed to. Unless...

"Ron," Harry said so that only Ron, Hermione, and Ginny heard him. "How'd you get on to the roof?"

"Why?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"So that I can jump," Harry replied sarcastically. "Come on, Hermione, do you really think I'd do something that stupid? I just need out of this house for a bit."

"Follow me," Ron said shooting Hermione a warning look. They followed Ron up the stairs to the attic. Ron climbed out of the window and onto a ledge. It was almost a foot wide. From there it was three feet up onto the ledge above the window. That was much thinner, but the roof was only a foot or two above that. Harry felt a rush as he balanced on the ledge and knew that he belonged in the air. Ginny was next, and she had no problems with the ledges. Hermione was a different matter. She needed quite a bit of coaxing and help from the other three, but she was finally up there with them.

They stayed on the roof for a long while, thinking their own thoughts. Harry was laying down staring at the hundreds of stars in the sky. He was thankful to be out of the house. He could pretend that he was on top of a tower at Hogwarts and not at Grimmauld. An hour passed and then another. "Ron, it's about time for us to leave," Hermione said from where she sat across from him. Ron nodded and then descended into the attic. Hermione had a little problem getting down, but soon she was safely in the house as well.

"I don't want to go," Harry whispered to Ginny. Ginny heard the plea in his voice and nodded in understanding. She got up from where she had been sitting next to Hermione and lay next to Harry.

"Are you okay, luv?" she asked him softly.

"Not really," he answered her honestly. "It's this house. I can't stand it. I can't stop thinking about all the time we spent here with Sirius. The pranks George and Fred played on him and the pranks he played on them."

Ginny nodded and turned her body to look at him. She propped her head on an arm and ran her other hand through his hair. Harry closed his eyes, concentrating on her fingers. "I'm with you on that, luv. I can't stop thinking about that Christmas. It was a lot like this, only this is worse." She went back to staring at the stars.

"Are you alright, Gin?" he asked her, concerned. He turned to look at her and was surprised to see tears on her face. He sat up and pulled her into his arms. They sat like that for a long hour. Finally, Ginny stopped crying and just rested in his arms. "Are you alright, Gin?" he asked again.

"They can't die, Harry. They just can't!" she screamed at the night. "I don't know what I'd do without them!" Harry didn't know what to say. He felt the same way and he couldn't tell her that they'd be all right any longer.

"We have to have faith in them, I guess," he answered after a long moment of thought. "I don't want them to die either." Another hour passed and Harry thought that they should head back inside. They maneuvered the outside of the building and made it inside safe and sound.

They entered the library and found Tonks asleep in Remus' arms. He motioned for them to enter and to be quiet. Harry and Ginny sat in the love seat across from them and Ginny snuggled into Harry's arms. She was soon fast asleep. Shortly after that, Charlie entered looking extremely angry.

"Where have you been?" he yelled at Harry. Ginny and Tonks both woke up, groggy. "I have been looking for you both!" Ginny bristled, realizing that Charlie was being over-protective. She opened her mouth, but before she could yell, Harry put a hand over her mouth.

"We were on the roof," Harry answered instead. "We needed--"

"What were you doing on the roof?" Charlie interrupted. "I can't believe you, Potter. Why can't you leave my sister alone?"

"Because I don't want him to, Charlie," Ginny answered calmly, restraining her anger. "We needed out of this house. It's horrible in here. I couldn't stop thinking about Christmas, when dad was in St. Mungo's. We were stuck in here back then too. Why do you have to think about the worst possibility?" Charlie stared at her, surprised. "Just trust us." Charlie left the room without saying anything else. "I'm sorry that he woke you up, Tonks."

"Don't mention it," she said with a trace of a smile on her face. "It's a good day when I see Charlie Weasley speechless." She snuggled back into Remus' shoulder and fell asleep. It was soon time to leave. Tonks, Remus, Charlie, and Mad-Eye Moody were accompanying them to the hospital. They carefully made their way to the hospital, stopping frequently. They made their way to Fred and George's room and waited for their turn to enter.

After a few minutes, Ron, Hermione, and Bill exited the room. Remus offered his spot to Molly, who accepted it gratefully. So, Harry entered the busy room with Ginny and Molly. Several healers were working next to the twins, monitoring them with spells. More healers were working with potions in a corner of the room. Several trainees were running between the two groups with messages. And over seeing it all was an old man. Harry assumed that he was Healer Lemon.

Harry then turned to look at the twins. They looked horrible. Their customary smile was missing from their gaunt and tired faces. They had lost a lot of weight and both were sweating from a fever. A young Healer walked over to them and asked them to sit in the chairs placed against the wall. "Sorry, that they're not closer, but you'd be in the way." Harry nodded and the Healer went back to work.

For the amount of working adults in the room, it was extremely quiet. The healers spoke in practiced hushed tones, so as not to disturb the unconscious patients. It unnerved Harry quite a bit. The twins had never been the attention to such a quiet group. They had always been the center of a group of laughing people.

Two hours passed slowly. The Healers worked with measured actions and careful patience. Harry held onto Ginny who was near tears. Mrs. Weasley, on her other side, was crying silently. It didn't seem real, somehow. Fred and George were lying right in front of him, dying, yet it didn't seem real. This can't be happening! he cried out silently.

And then the atmosphere changed; from one of efficient worry to one of mounting panic. Harry realized that the twins were leaving. They had stopped... Or hadn't made it to the water that is life. He remembered the fall that had brought him life before Christmas. He was glad he had hit water, but it seemed that the twins hadn't.

Healer Lemon walked to the door and called in the rest of the family. Mrs. Weasley stood up and walked into Mr. Weasley's open arms. Harry and Ginny stood as well.

"They're slipping fast," Healer Lemon started in a raspy hushed voice. "After I'm done talking I'll allow you to say your goodbyes. However, there is one more option we could take. It is truly a last ditch effort though. It will either heal them or kill them. I've consulted with a Poison Expert who specializes in Death Eater poisons and between the two of us we think we've figured out what the poison is. The antidote though contains high levels of ingredients that will kill them if we're wrong. If we are right, it will counteract the ingredients already in their system and they will be on the road to recovery. And it would explain the reaction they had to the other potion we gave them." He gave them a few seconds to think about it. "The sooner they're given the antidote, the better."

"You are sure they are dying?" Mrs. Weasley asked. He nodded. The Weasley parents exchanged a look and both nodded. "Please give it to them."

"Would you like a chance to say goodbye?" Lemon asked.

"If time is of the essence, please, give it to them," Mr. Weasley answered strongly.

"Then I'm going to ask you all to leave," he instructed them. "If we are right, the reaction between the antidote and poison is not pretty." Healer Lemon herded them out of the room, turned, and shut the door behind him. The Weasleys clung to each other: some in hugs, others just by hands. Time seemed to slow. A minute seemed like an eternity.

Several eternities later, several gut-wrenching screams were heard through the door. Harry remembered a potion he had read in Snape's notebook. It was one of the last ones, but if that was the poison and they had given the twins the antidote, then those screams were for the best. However, the Weasley's didn't know that and he didn't want to give them false hope.

Several more eternities later, Healer Lemon exited the room, a thankful smile on his face. "They're over that hurdle." The Weasley brothers (including Harry) let out a huge whoop! and the girls started crying tears of joy. "But they have weeks of recovery ahead of them. But, like I said, they are over that hurdle."

"Who was that Poison Expert you talked with?" Mr. Weasley said through the tears streaming down his face unnoticed. "I'd like to thank him."

"He prefers to remain anonymous so I can't tell you," Lemon answered. "But I will pass along your thanks."

"Thank you," Mr. Weasley replied, shaking the man's hand. "Can we see them now?"


That day passed quickly. The people living in number 12 Grimmauld Place spent the day celebrating and sleeping. The twins were still alive and would recover, eventually. Harry slept rather well, though he had his normal dreams. A huge weight was lifted from everyone's shoulders and they felt free.

Late that afternoon they all headed back for St. Mungo's. This time they were all allowed to see the twins together. Harry thought they looked better, but not by much. Mrs. Weasley looked slightly tortured by the state her boys were in, but she also looked relieved. No one could get over the feelings from the night before. They were all thankful to be here, not visiting for the last time, but just to say hi.

The twins didn't wake from their unconsciousness, and soon a Healer came by to say that visiting hours were over and that they had to leave now. As they were leaving the hospital, Ginny turned to Harry with a smile on her face. "Thanks for always ending up in the infirmary wing at Hogwarts. It's easy to sneak back in after Madam Pomfrey kicks us out."

"You're welcome, I guess," Harry answered her.

"Hey, what's this about you sneaking back?" Ron asked, both intrigued and a bit alarmed.

"I wasn't talking to you, Ron, so butt out," Ginny said sticking out her tongue. Harry caught it and continued to hold it as they walked along.

"I thought I told you not to stick that out," he told her with a laugh. "It's not very lady-like." Ron started laughing hard and, rather reluctantly, Bill and Charlie joined in. Sticking out her tongue was Ginny's favorite come back. Hermione hit Harry's arm and he let go.

"And that's not very gentlemanly of you, Harry," Hermione scolded him. He could tell she was trying not to laugh. Ginny started to pout and sped up to walk between Remus and Tonks. Harry watched her leave and tried not to laugh. She wouldn't be angry for long and Remus was looking very cross, because he had been holding his fiancée's hand.


A few days later, Remus entered the library where Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny were dutifully doing homework. Harry watched as the werewolf sat at the table across from him. "What's up, Remus?"

"Not much," Remus answered. "I thought I should give these back to you." Remus reached into a pocket and took out the friendship necklaces that Harry had gotten for Christmas. "I'm not sure where you got them, but they are works of art. Professor Flitwick said he had never seen finer charm work."

"What charms are on them?" Ginny asked curiously.

"I'm not sure. You'd have to ask Flitwick," Remus replied with a shrug. "All I know is that they're safe and Flitwick recommended that you wear them." The three put them on and Harry felt that wave of magic pass over him again. "And, Harry, you should really wear you dad's ring. He'd want you to."

"Why?" Ginny asked, expecting some prank.

"It's a surprise," Remus said with a laugh. "But it's not a bad one. A rather good one if you ask me."

Later that evening, Mr. Weasley pulled Harry away from the group who where sitting in the library. Harry followed the man into the empty front room, curiosity all but radiating from him.

"At the end of Christmas break," Mr. Weasley started, looking out the window, "I remember telling you that you would need to regain my trust." Harry nodded, a faint blush coming to his cheeks at the memory of that morning. "I believe you have already. This is much sooner than I expected, but I watched you as you helped Ginny through this trial and I can't ever express my thanks for it."

"You don't have to, Mr. Weasley," Harry replied quickly. "I'm just glad Ginny puts up with me." Mr. Weasley smiled.

"I believe I do have to thank you," Mr. Weasley continued. "Ginny is the first girl born in the Weasley family for generations. This, I believe, is one of the reasons for my boys' over-protectiveness. They will forgive you and accept you once they let themselves see how good you are to, and for, my baby girl." Harry nodded, embarrassed by the hidden compliments. "Thank you for taking such great care of her. I couldn't ask for a better man for my only daughter." Mr. Weasley offered to shake Harry's hand and Harry did. He watched the older man stand, slowly, and leave the room.

Harry hadn't thought he'd regain the trust so quickly or easily. But somehow he had, and it was yet another weight off his young shoulders.


Before Ron or Harry was ready for it, it was time to head back to school. Ron and Harry spent the whole ride back to Hogwarts playing games and joking around. Hermione and Ginny were both trying to study, but they found themselves joining in on the fun every so often.

But then they arrived at Hogwarts, and Harry realized that he had left all the homework he had done over break at Grimmauld. He told Ron his predicament and all Ron could do was laugh. Ginny told him to write Mrs. Weasley and ask her to look for it. Hermione suggested that he re-do the Potions and Transfiguration essays, just in case. He wrote Mrs. Weasley a note and handed it to Ginny who had agreed to send it to her mum for him. He ate quickly and then went to the common room to work.

The next morning, Harry was glad that he had followed Hermione's advice. Mrs. Weasley sent a note telling him that she couldn't find his essays, but she'd keep looking. Harry walked with Ron and Hermione to their first class, Potions. Snape was in a foul mood. Harry was glad he had re-done the essay.

"Map how this poison reacts with the body," Snape said waspishly to the class. "Then identify it and show how the antidote and poison reacts to each other and the human body. When you are done, bring it to the front and get your night's homework." Harry looked at the paper Snape had just put on his desk. A very complex poison was described on the paper using only its ingredients. Harry took out his quill and ink and started the potion map. About half way through he recognized the poison.

Harry dug through his backpack, looking for Snape's notebook. Having found it, Harry paged through it, until he found the potion he was looking for. This poison was the same poison the twins had been given. Harry finished the map. He stared, horrified, at the damage the poison did to the body. Snape had named it the Silent Killer. It was aptly named. It caused the victim horrible amount of pain, but rendered the victim unable to show the pain. The poison dulled the nerves between the brain and muscles, making it impossible to move or speak. And then it tore the body apart from the inside out.

Harry read the notes Snape had made about this poison. The antidote could only be given at certain times. Depending on the progression of the poison, the antidote had to be changed. Which antidote did Snape want them to use?

Harry raised his hand. Snape ignored it for a while, but finally called on Harry. "Professor, which form of the antidote do you want us to use?"

"You are already done with the map?" Snape asked, striding over to look at Harry's paper. "Use the last ditch effort." Harry nodded and then realization hit him. Snape was the Poison Expert Healer Lemon had spoken with.

Harry finished mapping the antidote's reaction to the poison and the body. Ron was flipping through the notebook looking for the poison and Hermione was about halfway through the last step. Harry walked to the front and handed Snape his work. Snape looked it over and then handed Harry that night's homework. Harry stared at it as he went back to his seat. It was the most complex map Snape had ever asked any of them to fill out. Three poisons working in tandem. It also meant that the antidotes would have to be doctored. He could already hear Ron's complaints.

Harry dutifully started work on that night's homework. He showed Ron the page the poison was on so that the boy could start working on the last map. As Harry worked, he was glad they had two nights to work on this. The bell rang a long while later. Harry packed up his bag and headed to the Great Hall. Keene had decided that this room was the best for his class. He spent the time drilling Harry's memory and was pleased that Harry remembered all of the spells he had learnt.


"Are you sure this is going to work?" Ron asked Harry Wednesday night. He had to yell over the noise of the wind.

"No idea, really," Harry shouted back. Harry maneuvered his broom next to Hermione's dorm room window. It was open and Harry flew in. He touched the floor carefully, but nothing happened. "All clear," he shouted out to Ron. Harry walked over to the door and locked it. Neville was going to keep the girls occupied downstairs, while he and Ron put their plans into action.

Ron waked over to a bookshelf and started pulling out the textbooks. "Don't pull them all out, we need to put them back the way we found them," Harry scolded. Ron stopped and picked up one of the books.

"Deleo," Ron whispered, clearing Hermione's Defense book. Harry grabbed her potion's text and cleared it the same way. They slowly made their way through all of her books. When they had finished with all but the book she was using at the moment, Harry went to her desk.

"The girl's sure have large dorm rooms," Ron muttered to Harry. "Look, they each have a desk, a bookshelf, a bed, a dresser, and room for their trunks. We're stuck sharing just about everything." Harry just shrugged. He didn't care that much. He looked in the drawers until he found all of Hermione's notes for the year.

"Put these in your bag," Harry said handing them to Ron. "Don't mess their order up. I don't want to get in that much trouble." Ron slipped them into his book bag and mounted his broom. "Go check Ginny's room and make sure to lock the door." Ron nodded and flew out the window. Once Ron left, Harry took out one of Hermione's books and wrote a quick note to her. He put it back. Harry, then, unlocked the door and flew out the window also. They repeated the prank with Ginny's books and notes.

Back in their dorm room Harry and Ron showed off their treasures to Dean and Seamus. "I can't believe it worked," Seamus said in awe.

The boys split up Hermione's notes and started to copy them. This whole plan had started when Hermione had decided not to share her notes. She had yelled at Ron, Harry, Dean, Seamus, and Neville when they had asked to borrow them over break. Needing the notes, the boys had worked out this plan. Hopefully, Ginny and Hermione would be too distracted with the blank books to notice the missing notes.

"Why'd you take Ginny's?" Dean asked quietly.

"So that Hermione doesn't catch on to the true reason for the prank," Ron answered. They copied the notes for a while and then headed downstairs.

"You missed a good game of Exploding Snap, Neville," Dean told the boy. It was the code to tell Neville that everything went all right. "And we didn't disturb you wonderful ladies."

"Shut up, Dean," Hermione said waspishly. "I'm going to go get my Transfiguration book to study from. Anyone want to study with me?"

"Why would we?" Seamus asked. "Exams aren't for another month."

Hermione stalked off with a muttered, "Lazy." The boys broke into laughter.

"I don't know how you two put up with her all the time," Dean told Ron and Harry. "She's so uptight. It'd drive me insane."

"But she's got the best notes in the year," Ron answered. "Do you think she was serious about not letting us use them?" Harry shrugged. He had to conceal a smile when they heard Hermione's shriek.

"What did you guys do to my books?" she yelled at them as she ran down the stairs. The room became deathly quiet. "They're blank! How will I be able to study if my books are blank?"

"Why is it our fault?" Ron asked, trying to wrap his arms around her waist. "What happened, 'Mione?"

"My books are blank," Hermione screamed, pulling away from Ron. "And who else would do that?"

"Hermione, did you slide down the stairs?" Harry asked logically.

"No, and what does that matter, Harry!" she yelled in response.

"Because if any guy tries to climb the stairs to the girl's dorm, the stairs turn into a slide, remember?" he asked rhetorically. "Your books were safe and sound in your room, right?" Hermione nodded. "Then we couldn't have done it."

"Is she going to apologize?" Seamus asked hesitantly. "Because if I would have accused her of something without proof and then shown the error of my ways, she'd demand one." Hermione turned on her heel and ran back up the stairs, slamming the door shut.

"Whatever you guys did, you should be ashamed of yourselves," Ginny told them. She stormed up the stairs, going to comfort Hermione.

"Do you think we went too far?" Neville asked quietly.

"Nah," Ron and Harry answered together. Ron continued, "She's just shocked and confused. She knows we did it, but she can't figure out how."

"Harry Potter, I'm going to wring your neck!" Ginny screamed as she flew down the stairs. She launched herself at him, but Harry caught her wrists in his hands. He turned her around and wrapped her in his arms.

"Why are you trying to wring my neck?" he asked curiously.

"My books are blank too!" she yelled.

"Like Harry told Hermione, we couldn't have," Ron told her. "Now stop trying to kill my best mate."

"Over my dead body," Ginny said through gritted teeth.

"Don't joke about that, Gin," Harry told her, letting go of her. She stormed up the stairs. "I hope this is worth it," Harry said to the other guys.

"We'd better go finish the notes," Neville finally said.


The next morning was rather uncomfortable at the Gryffindor table. All the girls were mad at the sixth year boys. All the boys were defending the sixth year boys, whether they knew the truth or not. The seating on the table was boys at one end, girls at another. This wasn't missed by the Head of House, who walked over to question the nearest prefect.

"Is anything the matter, Mr. Weasley?" McGonagall asked Ron.

"Oh, no, Professor," he lied to her smoothly. "The girls are blaming us for a prank that we couldn't possibly have committed. But other than that, nothing is amiss." McGonagall gave him a piercing glare and then went back to her seat at the teachers' table. "I can't believe she didn't talk to Hermione about it."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Harry cautioned. "She might talk to Hermione later."

"How long do we keep this up?" Neville asked the others.

"Until the notes are all copied," Dean replied. "No use going to all this trouble if we give up halfway through." The others nodded.

The day was a long one. It was hard without Hermione or Ginny talking to them, but the day did pass. None of the other teachers commented, and McGonagall didn't ask to see them after their Transfiguration class at the end of the day. Thia didn't even mention it at the training session.

When Harry made it back to the common room, he noticed his roommates sitting in front of the fire. He walked over to them. "Is all well?"

"Oh yeah," Ron said happily. "I'm all done with the notes I borrowed from you. Do you want them back?"

"Sure," Harry followed Ron up to their room. Hermione and Ginny were sitting on their beds, the notes in their hands.

"So how did you guys do it?" Ginny asked sounding impressed despite herself.

"We couldn't tell you that!" Ron said disbelievingly.

"So you admit to it?" Hermione asked hopefully. Ron went over to her and hugged her.

"Ewww... PDA!" Ginny yelled covering her eyes.

"PDA?" Harry asked curiously.

"Public display of affection. It's a phrase Fred and George came up with when Bill first started dating. I think they've forgotten all about it, 'cause I'm sure they would used it with Remus and Tonks," Ginny explained. "That's just disgusting," she said as Ron and Hermione started kissing.

"You're telling me," Harry said. "Stop it or I'll destroy your notes, Hermione." Hermione pulled out of the embrace.

"You wouldn't?" she asked horrified.

"Of course I would," Harry answered stoically.

"How do I fix my books?" Ginny asked, diverting the coming row.

"Recreo should do the trick," Harry answered. Ron and Hermione went to fix her books. Hermione had taken them all downstairs and spread them out over two of the long tables. Though it had many fifth and seventh year students angry, Hermione had been pouring over her books, trying to figure out how to fix them.

"You want to do something Saturday?" Harry asked Ginny.


"Meet me in the kitchens at 6:30 Saturday night," Harry told her, kissing her forehead.


"Does Ron know you're taking me out tonight?" Ginny asked curiously.

"No, he doesn't," Harry answered with a shrug. "I don't see why he'd have to know." Harry was carrying their brooms and a large blanket, while Ginny had a large basket filled with food they had just made in the kitchens. The house elves were a little put out when Harry had told them that they'd be making the food. However, he and Ginny needed so much help the elves felt much better.

"I hope you don't get him angry at you," Ginny warned him. "I heard Ron yelling at Bill and Charlie over break. I can't remember any other time when Ron yelled at both of them at the same time."

"If he wants me to check in with him," Harry said, leading the way to the Quidditch pitch, "he can tell me when and where he's taking Hermione out. Until he starts, I'm not telling." Ginny started laughing. "Race you to the center of the pitch."

"That's not fair. You don't have such a heavy load," Ginny pretended to complain. Harry grabbed the basket and she took off. Harry chased after her, his long legs catching up to her. But the heavy basket held him back and he couldn't keep the sprint up. Ginny fell to the ground in the center and Harry set the food, blanket, and brooms down, before he collapsed next to her.

They caught their breath and lay staring at the thousands of stars above them. "I always wanted a star," Ginny mumbled under her breath.

"Let's go catch one, then," Harry said jumping up. He picked up his broom and waited for Ginny to grab hers. When she didn't, he asked her confused, "Why aren't you on your broom?"

"I was wondering if I could fly with you?" she asked embarrassed. "There's no way my broom could reach the stars; maybe yours will be able to."

Harry laughed and made room for Ginny. She wrapped her arms around his waist and Harry kicked off the ground. He went into a vertical climb. Harry felt Ginny's arms tighten and he laughed. He loved climbing and diving. Harry leveled out when the broom started to shudder under them. He had never been so high above the ground before.

"This is amazing," Ginny whispered in his ear. They looked down at the miniature Hogwarts castle and its grounds. It was so tiny. Harry could only pin point Hagrid's hut by the smoke coming from the chimney. The mountains were astoundingly clear and huge.

"Can you reach a star?" Harry yelled back at her, a smile on his lips. Harry felt Ginny laugh behind him.

"Nope," she said in his ear. Harry laughed and dove straight down. Ginny screamed in fear and her arms tightened even more. Harry let out a whoop! He loved this. He leveled out the dive and hovered a decent distance above the ground. "Harry Potter, you could have killed us!" she shouted at him.

"No way, Gin," he told her. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt that beautiful face of yours!" Ginny hit him over the head, but then hugged him.

"Thanks, luv," she whispered in his ear. Harry smiled at her and then dove for the ground. This time Ginny yelled with him, enjoying the freedom of the dive. She got off and pulled Harry into a passionate kiss. Harry leaned out of the kiss and stared at the girl in his arms.

"You hungry?" he asked her. He was rewarded with another kiss and a hit across the head. They sat and ate the picnic meal they had made. "I think we'll have to live with your mum, 'cause we're both horrible cooks!" Ginny laughed, but agreed with him. They ate it happily and then sat back to look at the stars. They pointed out different constellations and created a few new ones.

Ginny scrunched up a corner of the blanket and lay down, using it as a pillow. "I love it out here! I want to live somewhere where you can see all the stars."

"How about next to an ocean?" Harry asked her innocently.

"I'd love that too," she said softly. Harry looked over at her nervously. "What's the matter, luv?" Harry turned his back to her and laid his head on her stomach, looking at the stars.

"You don't mind, do you, Gin?" Harry asked after a little bit.

"Nope," she answered, running a hand through his hair. Harry felt his body relax. They lay like that for a long time, Harry trying not to fall asleep. He hadn't slept well the night before or the night before that. I am not going to fall asleep! I am... not... gonna... fall......


Ginny smiled at the sleeping form of her Harry Potter. He needed every moment of sleep he could get. She shook her head at the boy. Harry thought he kept his weariness from her and the others, but it wasn't that hard to see.

She looked at the constellation she had created. She hadn't dared point it out to Harry though. He might ask when she had first named it and she was too embarrassed to admit that she had found it her first astronomy lesson all those years ago. It was a lightning bolt. She called it 'The Harry.' She laughed at her foolish eleven year-old self. But here she was four and half years later, with Harry sleeping on her stomach.

Harry started to murmur something in his sleep and Ginny looked down at him. She couldn't make out his words. Carefully, she lifted up his head and sat up. With his head resting in her lap she leaned close to his mouth, listening to his words.

"No, no, please, no," he mumbled. "Not another, no, please..." Ginny felt her heart break. She hated that he suffered at night with these nightmares. The visions weren't any better.


"What is the weapon?" Voldemort screamed at the prostrated form of Rookwood.

"I don't know, my Lord," Rookwood answered in a wavering voice.

"What was that?" Voldemort asked the now terrified man.

"I don't know, my Lord," the man muttered. Harry felt himself hoping that the man wouldn't be tortured yet again that night.

"You don't know?" Voldemort said sadistically. "Crucio!" The man writhed on the ground, screaming his throat out. After several moments Voldemort released the man. "I want it! I didn't waste my time going to the States for nothing. It is important to get such a weapon! With a weapon such as that, I'll be able to destroy Hogwarts once and for all! Dumbledore trusted that traitorous scum Carrigan with that weapon, and I want to know why! I want to know where it is! DO NOT FAIL ME!" Voldemort finished in a soft, but deadly tone. Harry would have rather had Voldemort scream then use the tone he did.

"Yes, my Lord," Rookwood managed to say.

"Avery, come forward!" Voldemort said in the deadly tone. Avery crept forward on his knees. "The poison failed. You administered it, correct?" Avery nodded. "Crucio!" The man struggled against the pain, before the scream was ripped from his lips. Even after the curse was lifted, the man still screamed. "Nott, come forward." Theodore Senior made his way forward on his knees.

"How may I serve my master?" he said in an oily voice.

"Did you brew the poison given to the blood-traitor twins?" Voldemort asked. Nott nodded, his face losing its look of pride. "Very well, Crucio!" Harry screamed with Nott, his scar ripping open.


What's the matter, luv? Ginny asked silently. Harry wouldn't wake up, no matter how much she shook him. She remembered the time back in February when he wouldn't wake up and started to sing to him.

"You're safe while you're asleep in my arms,

Two arms holding you tight,

Makes everything right.

I'll hold you again but until then.

Just sleep my luv...I am here beside you.

I am here beside you."

She sang through the song twice and Harry calmed down. She started the song again and sighed when his eyes opened. "You have a beautiful voice, Gin," he told her softly. Ginny smiled and hugged him.


A guy could get used to waking up to such a beautiful face and such a hug, Harry thought to himself. She finally let go and Harry sat up. He needed to speak to Dumbledore. "Want to go to Dumbledore's office with me?" Ginny nodded, but motioned to all the stuff they had brought. "We can leave it in the locker room and take care of it later." Ginny nodded and helped gather everything. Soon they were in the castle and on the stairs heading up to the Headmaster's office.

"Come in," Dumbledore's voice called. As soon as Harry entered the room, he cursed his luck. There was an Order meeting going on, and all of the Weasleys that were able were there. Bill and Charlie shot glares at him. "What can I do for you, Harry?"

"I was wondering if I could speak with you alone," Harry asked with more authority then he felt he had.

"If you'd wait until after the meeting, I'd be more than willing to speak with you," Dumbledore answered with a twinkle in his eye. Harry nodded and led Ginny out of the office and down the stairs. They sat on the floor opposite the gargoyles that guarded the entrance to Dumbledore's office.

"You're a coward, Harry," Ginny laughed at him.

"I'm not going to willingly tell your brothers that I fell asleep on your stomach!" Harry told her incredulous. "And I'm not going to tell them that I woke up in your lap." Ginny laughed and Harry joined in. "Sorry about falling asleep. I'm not very good with dates, am I?"

"I don't mind, luv, you are rather cute asleep," she answered him. "And don't worry about my brothers. I'll deal with them." She smiled viciously.

"Don't repeat yourself from last week," Harry told her. "That was humiliating."

"What?" Ginny asked innocently.

"Telling them that I'll shag you somewhere inappropriate," Harry informed her. "You did a nice job with Charlie later though."

"There you are, Harry," Hermione said out of breath. "We've been looking for you."

"Yeah," Ron said, before he collapsed against the wall next to Harry. "The necklaces grew warm and Hermione and I knew that you weren't okay."

"Where have you been, Harry?" Hermione asked him from the other side of Ron.

"We were on a date. He fell asleep, and I let him sleep on," Ginny explained. "Only he had another vision. We went to talk to Dumbledore, but he's in the middle of an Order meeting. We're waiting for that to get over now."

"Thanks, Harry," Harry told her sarcastically. "I thought I was Harry, but I guess you are." Harry turned to Ron and spoke to him, "She's annoying, I don't know how you put up with her, Ron."

"I just ignore her," Ron told him. "She usually goes away after awhile."

"Oh, well, I don't want that," Harry said, kissing the tip of Ginny's nose. "I like her too much to want her to leave." Ginny smiled up at him and opened her mouth to reply when the gargoyles jumped aside. Professors Snape and McGonagall walked toward them.

"Professor Dumbledore will see you now," McGonagall told them. "He's waiting for you." Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione walked forward and waited as the stairs took them to Dumbledore's office. Out of habit, Harry knocked on the door.

"Come in, Harry," Dumbledore said cheerfully. Once again, Harry cursed his luck. The Weasleys had all stayed, along with Thia, Remus, and Tonks. "I see Ron and Hermione are joining us as well." Harry nodded, looking at Ginny. How do I start this? Harry thought desperately. "What do you have to tell me?"

"Harry and I were on a date earlier this evening, Professor," Ginny said, coming to his rescue. Dumbledore's eyes were positively glittering. "He fell asleep at the end and I let him sleep. He doesn't get enough as it is."

"I slipped right into a vision from Voldemort," Harry continued. He explained what he saw. The Weasleys took interest in the fact that it was Avery that gave the potion to the twins and Nott was the one to brew it.

"Is that all?" Dumbledore asked.

"I was just wondering what Voldemort is looking for," Harry asked; bring the attention back to Dumbledore. "Whatever it is, the Carrigans died because of it and he wants it extremely bad. Rookwood was looking for it at the start of the year."

"How do you know that?" Remus asked him intently.

"A different vision," Harry answered with a shrug.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that, Harry," Dumbledore responded sadly. "I'm not able to actually."

Harry felt his temper rise, but he didn't let it control him. He wouldn't blow up yet again at Dumbledore. "May I ask you why, sir?"

"It's simple, actually," Dumbledore told him. "I'm not at a liberty to say because the Fidelius Charm protects it and the keeper." Harry nodded. "May I ask a question?" Harry nodded again. "If you were on a date, how did Ron and Hermione find about your predicament?"

"The necklaces, headmaster," Ron replied, taking it out. "They became warm and we knew that Harry wasn't alright."

"Oh, yes, those wonderful charms," Dumbledore answered. "Those were better gifts than even you know, Harry. Is that all?" Harry thought about it for a bit.

"Yes, sir," Harry finally answered. "See you tomorrow, Thia, Tonks, and Remus. Nice seeing you all," Harry said to the Weasleys. Ginny hugged her mum and dad. Then the group left for the common room.

"She completely ignored us," Charlie said amazed.

"Well, it might help if you two weren't staring daggers at the love of her life," Thia told them honestly. "But that's coming from a little sister whose brother actually yelled every time he saw his sister with her boyfriend."

"I did not, Thia," Remus said following her out the door. "Only when I walked in on--" The door shut behind Thia, Remus, and Tonks.

"What aren't you telling him this time, Albus?" Molly asked. The Weasley men recognized that tone of voice. Each was glad it wasn't focused on them.

"Nothing on purpose," Dumbledore answered. "I can not tell him, because the secret is guarded by that charm. And that is for the best. The fewer that know about it the better off we'll be."

"If this comes back to haunt us..." she said warningly.

"It won't be my fault this time, Molly. It will be the secret keeper's," Dumbledore said honestly. He stood up. "Well, I think that was a productive meeting, don't you? Until next time." They heard the dismissal in his tone of voice and left.

"So, we're not telling them that you are the secret keeper?" Phineas Nigellus asked the Headmaster sarcastically polite.

"I can not tell her secret. She deserves the little protection I can give her," Dumbledore told the portraits of the ex-headmasters and mistresses. He rubbed his temples, all the twinkle gone from his eyes.

Author notes: Well, I couldn't kill the twins and talking with Chris about your reactions to their poisoning, I realized that I will never be able to kill them off... I think I can kill off just about anyone else, but the sole reason for the twins is to get a good laugh in, so, no, I can't kill that off...

Seeing that HBP will be out in a week, I'm thinking of doing a mass submission on Tuesday... whether they're beta'd or not... what do you guys think? I really can't believe how unlucky Pixie was this month... of all the months to have an interesting month it had to be this one... And I couldn't find a replacement for her... she's just too good to replace... send any and all complaints to her... she's posted her e-mail somewhere... check like chapter 33 or there's about...

Ewww, a crain fly died on the collar of my coat...

sorry, back on topic: A HUGE THANKS TO YOU WONDERFUL READERS!!! gone_crazy, hermz, jainasanri4321, PadfootLives1212, Aynran, Pheonix Run, PadfootLives1212, jeep044, Melindaleo2000, DannyBoi, MuggleMomma, jainasanri4321, illuminatichic89, mzaznesther, Erika014, and Cassie_Lee are this A/N list... Hope to hear from you on your reactions to the twins survival!

Nothing much else to do, but promote the next chapter... so...

Chapter 37 ~ Few In Written History in which Harry finds out that he's among a few select wizards in two catagories among being the only known survivor of the Killing Curse...

Good evening!
