Harry Potter and the Loss of Innocence


Story Summary:
Harry is stuck at Privet Drive and has much to think about. A crazed wizard out to kill him. The death of his godfather and friend. The Prophesy looming in front of him. And not even one note from his friends. That's been Harry's summer holiday thus far, so can you blame him for wanting it to end? But should Harry really be looking forward to a year filled with surprises of all kinds and not all of them good? *HP sixth year fic following OotP and not incorporating HBP*

Chapter 27

Chapter Summary:
Harry spends a few days at Neville's and completely enjoys himself. Then he goes home to the Burrow and he finishs up holidays there, enjoying himself once again... The only problem is the strange new dream he's had two nights in a row... What is it and where is it from?
Author's Note:
A huge thanks to my beta's: DM, RR, Pixie, Babe, and Chris! So many little mistakes slip through the crakes and you catch them all!

Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Little Carried Away

So, thank you for showing me
That best friends cannot be trusted.
And thank you for lying to me.
Your friendship and good times we had
You can have them back.
~Simple Plan: Thank You

The next day pasted in a blur of fun, and Harry found himself back at the Burrow that night. He couldn't believe that three days had passed, but they had. He was even more surprised to find out how fast that last week of break could go. It was already the last Thursday before they had to go back to Hogwarts and he was going to miss the Burrow.

They went skating that afternoon and Harry even managed to win the last race. He thought they let him win, but in reality it was because the other brothers were exhausted from all the racing they had done. One way or the other, Harry won it and the twins decided to let the world know. They put, "Harry actually won!" in huge letters across the sky.

"Fred and George Weasley!" Mrs. Weasley screamed from the kitchen. "Take that down this instant! We don't need the muggles seeing it!" Bill raised his wand and the words come down. "Get in here now!" she yelled, but only to be heard this time.

They walked up to the kitchen talking loudly to one another. Fred and George were the first into the house, but stopped suddenly. Ron, who was talking to Charlie, didn't notice their sudden halt and ran right into Fred's back. Bill pushed from behind and forced his way into the house, herding the rest in as he went.

Once Harry was inside, he understood why the twins had stopped so suddenly. At the kitchen table sat Mrs. Weasley, Tonks, and Remus facing Thia and three strangers. These strangers were something else entirely. The man sitting next to Thia was dressed in well-made robes that were clearly out of style. The woman next to Thia had a smile on her face but took in everything she saw. And the man sitting next to that woman was... 'wild' was the first word that came to Harry's mind.

"Hey, Harry," Thia said brightly. "I'd like to introduce you to your new teachers. This is Druce Keene, your spell master," she said pointing to the man to her right. "This is Althea Cayrs, your healing trainer," she said pointing to the woman to her left who nodded her head in acknowledgement. "And that," she said pointing to the last man, "is Lon Bryant, your physical trainer."

Harry smiled at them and held his hand out to shake hands with each of them. "Thanks for agreeing to train me," he said as he shook their hands. "I want to learn everything."

"We'll see," the woman said in a gentle voice. "Thia recommended you as a student, but her word goes only so far. Then you'll have to prove yourself able to learn what we have to teach you," she added. Harry nodded in understanding and sat next to Remus.

"Druce will be training you during your old Charms slot and Althea will train you during your old Herbology slots," Thia explained.

"What about his physical training?" Ron asked from the other end of the table.

"It will be before breakfast, every day for an hour," Thia answered. "That's what you said would work, right?" she asked turning to Harry.

"Yeah," he answered with a nod. "I have D.A., home work, Quidditch, and training with you after classes, so I can't have it any time but earlier." Thia nodded and turned to her friends.

"So, if you couldn't tell," she said with a smile, "that's Harry. Next to him is Ginny, his girlfriend, and Ron, his best mate. There's also Hermione, but she's at her home right now." She went on to introduce each of the Weasley brothers. She turned back to Harry and smiled at him. "I should tell you that Professor Flitwick was hurt by your decision to quit his class."

"I'm going to miss it," Harry said. "He's always happy and charms is a good class for a laugh." He caught Ron's eye and they both smiled. Charms would always be their favorite.

"He was heartened when I told him that you'll be sitting for the N.E.W.T., though," she said with a smile. "And he was thrilled when I told him Druce would be teaching you."

"Why?" Fred asked curiously.

"Professor Flitwick and I were classmates at Hogwarts and roommates in the Ravenclaw dorm," Druce said in explanation. "We were good friends and we both enjoy charms. It was my first mastery and will always be my favorite."

"What does it mean to be a spell master?" Ginny asked after a short pause.

"It means that I have a mastery in at least three branches of Charms, three branches of Transfiguration, and two other branches of magic," he answered in a slow measured voice. "Over the years I have gathered many masteries, so I fulfill the requirements."

"Is Professor Dumbledore a spell master?" Bill asked.

"He could be if he wanted to," Thia answered after a thought. "He has the required three Transfiguration masters, but I don't think he ever tried for any others. He's always been one to shun that kind of honor and only worries about the worries of the world."

"Is Harry going to learn how to fight?" Ron asked with a wicked grin on his face.

"Harry is going to learn," Lon answered in a quick, harsh tone, "whatever I decide to teach him."

"Now, Lon," Thia scolded him, "let's try and play nice. Harry will learn hand to hand and a few armed combat skills. Mainly though, Lon's main goal is build up Harry's strength and stamina." She looked down at her watch. "Well, we need to be going. We have to meet with Professor Dumbledore in ten minutes and I just wanted to introduce these three to you, Harry. See you three once school starts," she said waving goodbye to Harry, Ginny, and Ron. The four got up and left the house through the kitchen door. Harry heard four distinct pops and they were gone.

"So where did Thia meet these people?" Mrs. Weasley asked Remus worriedly.

"I'm not sure," he answered sounding slightly bitter. "She met them while she was under cover." The others nodded and then left the kitchen to sit in the more comfortable living room. Ron and Harry started a game of chess, but lost interesting in the game quickly. They were, instead, talking about Harry's new teachers.

Ron seemed to like them; though he thought Lon, his physical trainer, was something else. Ginny called him slightly wild and rough around the edges. Harry had to agree, but something else about that man made him believe he was a good warrior.

Harry tried to sneak away to talk just with Ginny, but her brothers didn't believe him. Ginny was at a boiling point; she was furious that her brothers would interfere so. However, Mrs. Weasley called them in for dinner and Ginny had to let it go.

When Harry was finished with his meal he sat listening to all the conversations. He couldn't believe that he'd be leaving for Hogwarts on Sunday, just three days away.

"Come on, Remus," Fred said pleading with the man. "You're a big help and we would love to hire you as product designer."

"Yeah," George went on, "there's no way we'd have figured out the Crying Whoopee without you. You deserve some pay for that."

"And the part you played in making the Marauder's Map," Fred whispered after a glance at his mum.

"Yeah," George agreed. "Without that we would have been expelled long before our seventh year."

"No, I'm not taking the job..." Remus started irritated.

"So, Melissa," Mrs. Weasley asked the smiling girl next to her, "Do you like Bill's hair long?"

"Mum, I'm not letting you cut it," Bill exclaimed in exasperation.

"I love it, Mrs. Weasley," she said as she stroked her hand through his ponytail. "But if you don't really like it, maybe Bill should cut it."

"Why you little traitor..." Bill started ranting.

There was a loud laugh next to him and Harry turned his attention to Ron, Ginny, and Charlie. Charlie was telling his youngest siblings about the numerous close calls he and his colleagues had had over the year.

He heard his name spoken and he turned to listen to the conversation Tonks was having with Mr. Weasley.

"I like them," Tonks answered Mr. Weasley's question. "I've heard of Druce before, but I didn't know he taught students. He's more of a learner than an educator. But Harry'll learn loads from him."

"What do you think about the other two?" he asked quietly.

"I've never met or heard about them before," Tonks added. "I'm not sure what I think about them, but if Thia trusts them, I will. She seems to know them rather well and she trusts them."

"Do you know if they told them about the Prophecy?" he asked after a pause. Harry listened for the answer to this question eagerly; he had wonder that also.

"As far as I know, no, they didn't," Tonks answered. "But I could be wrong. It sounded like they thought highly of Thia's recommendation and I heard something about a few favors being paid for the lessons."

Harry stopped listening to everyone and shut his eyes; the wonderful feast was working its power on him and putting him to sleep. After what felt like seconds he was shaken.

"Harry, luv, wake up," Ginny's voice cooed in his ear. Harry opened his eyes and saw the dinning room empty. "Everyone went to the living room. Did you want to talk to me about something?"

Harry smiled at her and stood up. "No," he said quietly and quickly. He pulled her into an embrace and kissed her. "I just wanted to give you that," he said, grimacing as his voice broke. She giggled at him and hit him over the head.

"So you let me yell at my brothers 'cause they accused you of the truth," Ginny scolded him with a smile.

"Well," Harry said pulling her close for another kiss. He continued with his thought when they broke apart. "You looked like you were having fun yelling, so I wasn't going to stop you." She went onto her tiptoes and kissed him passionately. When they were done she hit him over the head again and pulled out of his arms. She looked over his shoulder and blushed.

"Hello, mum," she said nervously.

"Come on into the living room," Mrs. Weasley said sweetly. "We miss both of your company." She ushered them out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"They weren't making out, were they mum?" Bill asked with a frown on his face. Bill confused Harry. Sometimes he would be all right with Harry and Ginny dating and other times he would freak out.

"No," Mrs. Weasley said, surprising both Harry and Ginny. "They were talking." Harry smiled at her and sat next to Ron who was playing against his dad. Ginny went to talk with her mother quietly in a corner.

"If you can survive her temper," Mr. Weasley told Harry, "Ginny is worth all the world. And if you make Ginny happy and are good for her, Molly will do almost anything for you." Harry nodded wondering how he knew Mrs. Weasley was lying. "After as many years as we've been married, you learn to be able to tell when the other is lying." Harry nodded in understanding.

"Wait," Ron said surprised, setting his queen down by accident. "Does that mean that Harry and Ginny were snogging?"

"Yes," Mr. Weasley said with a smile. Harry couldn't tell if it was because he was thrilled with the relationship they had or the fact that he could capture Ron's misplaced queen.


Harry found himself in a huge, dark room. The only source of light was a tiny window set in the wall about twenty feet above the ground. The edges of the room were cloaked with shadows and the tiny square beam of light illuminated Harry.

He stood there, trying to figure out where he was. This place seemed familiar, but he couldn't place where he had seen it before. He had certainly never been in a room quite like this before. Just then a door opened in the corner letting in a small amount of light and mist floated in. A figure stood outlined by this light and then whomever it was walked into the room. As it drew nearer to Harry, he felt his breath catch in horror.

It was Bill, covered in his own blood. He was walking unsteadily and Harry realized that he was missing a foot. Bill walked on the stump, cringing in pain with each step. Bill started circling Harry, his eyes staring at Harry with accusation. Harry was too preoccupied to notice another figure step into the room, but he did notice the man when he walked into his line of sight.

It was Charlie, but he had no real skin. It had been burnt away and only remained only as a black, charred crust. He joined his elder brother in circling Harry, with the same glare. The next person was Shacklebolt. He was bleeding from a hole right through his abdomen; Harry could see the blackness behind him through that hole. Shacklebolt joined in the circling, shooting him glances filled with condemnation.

Harry watched as two forms stood in the doorway. They limped towards Harry and he almost puked in revulsion. Fred had the right side of his body cut off and George had the left side of his body cut off also. They held onto each other and worked together to walk forwards. They stopped in front of Harry and stared at him; he could feel the unspoken condemnation. They then joined the growing circle and slowly walked around Harry.

Harry felt his throat close as he saw Remus enter carrying the mangled body of Tonks. Remus looked fine, but Tonks had lost her arms and legs and had huge gaps in her remaining skin. Remus shed unnoticed tears and both he and Tonks glared at the boy in disappointment and disgust. They joined the silent walkers that surrounded Harry.

Mrs. Weasley was the next in, but she walked bent over and in pain. Harry saw that her arms and legs were deformed with spells, her right arm completely turned around backwards. Harry tried to step forward, but some force kept him still. He tried to speak out, but that same force kept him silent.

Ron entered next and Harry felt his knees start to buckle. Between him and Mr. Weasley was the limp form of Professor Dumbledore. Both walking men carried the distinct look of being under the Cruciatus for long periods of time. They stood in front of Harry and Dumbledore raised his head. Harry felt his heart break as he registered the look in those eyes. They were grief-stricken and cloudy. There wasn't even a slight trace of the normal twinkle that filled them.

As the three men started walking around Harry, Harry turned his attention to the door. Three figures stood silhouetted by the dim light shining in. Two were supporting the third in a similar way as Ron and Mr. Weasley were supporting Dumbledore. Harry watched praying that they weren't who he thought they were.

Ginny hung in the supporting grasps of Thia and Hermione. All three women looked horrible and broken. Harry had never seen these three women look defeated before, but here they stood before him devastated.

"He killed us, Harry," the hoarse voice of Bill informed him as he passed Harry. "He killed each of us slowly, because we were close to you. And only because we were close to you."

"He burnt me to a crisp," Charlie told him. "And the whole time He was laughing about how ironic it was that I should burn to death and not be killed by a dragon," he added with a harsh and biter laugh. "I didn't find it so amusing."

"He sent a spell through me," Shacklebolt told him, "that destroyed my insides. It didn't kill me though. Not right away at least. I would have been luckier if it had."

"Do you like His thoughts on Siamese twins?" Fred asked in a monotone that Harry had never heard either of the twins use before.

"We thought it was hilarious," George informed him in the same monotone, "as He ripped us a part."

"He made me watch," Remus said in a hollow tone, "as He tore off each of her limbs and cut into her skin. He made me watch her die. But He just killed me with the Avada Kedavra, saying that as a werewolf I didn't deserve more than that."

"The pain I went through as He twisted my body," Mrs. Weasley said in a slow voice, "fades in comparison to the pain I went through as I was told about the deaths of my sons. I was dead before He started to kill me."

"We put our trust in you, Harry," Ron said accusingly. "How could you let this happen to us? How could you let Him destroy my family?"

"We took you in as our own," Mr. Weasley said harshly as he passed. "We treated you as our own and worried for you as if you were ours. How could you fail to protect us? How could you let Him do this to us?"

"I tried to protect you, Harry," Dumbledore said quietly and weakly from where he hung between the two Weasleys' grips. "But He was too strong for me, I grew too old. I let Him destroy me and then you. I let Him destroy the world."

The three women stopped and everyone else stopped also. "Look at us Harry!" Hermione commanded in a hurt and devastated voice. "Look at what He did to us!"

"He broke us, Harry," Thia told him crushed. "He tortured us until we broke."

"He let them... You let them..." Ginny's voice cracked and she broke into sobs. Harry's knees finally gave out and he fell to the ground. "How could you let this happen, luv?" she asked, her voice filled with a sense of betrayal.

"You let Him rape my sister!" Bill accused Harry. "You let Him allow his Death Eaters to rape her!"

"They raped Hermione!" Ron screamed from Harry's left. "You let them rape the two most important girls in my life!"

Harry felt his back give way under the guilt and grief. He felt each of their accusations and condemnations and fell to the ground face forward. How could he allow this to happen? How could he allow Voldemort the chance to kill each and everyone he loved?

"I'm sorry," he stated from the ground.

"That's not good enough!" Bill yelled back. "It won't bring any of us back!"


Harry sat up in his bed soaked in cold sweat. He wasn't screaming, but he didn't know why he wasn't. He headed downstairs and walked out the door and into the night. The cold air shocked his body and he stopped trembling. He went back inside and sat in front of the fire staring into the flames. He wished that he could go fly or at least climb one of the towers.

He knew the dream was false, because Ron was sleeping in the bed across from Harry, quite alive. He wanted to know if that was a dream sent by Voldemort or if it was a dream made up by his subconscious. If it was the latter, he wondered why he would dream of such horrid deaths for his friends. If it was from Voldemort, he wondered how the monster had gotten into his mind in the first place.

What should he do? He'd never be able to leave the Weasleys and even if he did, Voldemort would never take them off his death list. He would have to learn to protect them. That's all he could do.


"Luv, wake up," Ginny said shaking him awake. "What are you doing down here?" she asked once he sat up. He turned bleary eyes towards her and smiled.

"Hey, Gin," he said quietly. "I came down here to think and I fell asleep."

"What were you thinking about?" she asked just as quietly, glancing at the door. "Only mum and dad are up, but they're in the kitchen."

"Nothing much, I just couldn't sleep, so I came down here to think," Harry answered. "Ron's snores are too loud to allow me to think clearly." Ginny laughed but looked at him worriedly. "It was just nightmares," Harry whispered to her. She wasn't convinced though; she saw the look that passed over his face and knew he was lying.

"What did you dream about?" Ginny asked gently.

"I don't want to talk about it," Harry said evasively. She glared at him. "It was just something stupid my mind made up and it's not worth repeating." Ginny nodded, but Harry could tell she wasn't convinced. They walked into the kitchen hand in hand and sat at the table.

Harry watched as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley talked to one another, but he knew that there was some unspoken conversation going on between the two. Harry could understand how Ginny knew so much about love; it filled the room and flowed between Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

The day went by too quickly in Harry's opinion. They spent it flying in the orchard, skating on the pond, and making snowmen. Charlie was leaving the next day, so a little family party was scheduled for that evening. Harry enjoyed the food and company greatly. He even managed to out eat both George and Ron by eating eleven pieces of cake.

Harry and Ron headed to bed an hour or so after midnight and were the last two up. They had been in the middle of a chess game when everyone else had headed to bed, but neither wanted to give up. They fell into their beds tiredly and both were asleep almost instantly.

Harry had the same dream as the one from the night before and woke up quivering. This time he just stuck his head out the window and let the cold air calm him. He crawled back into bed and fell back asleep.


Harry cast his glance over the devastation before him. It was a small village or, rather, it had been a small village. Now it was completely destroyed and burnt to the ground. Death Eaters were all around the charred wreck and were still casting spells at the few survivors.

Harry felt his scar explode in pain and wished that he didn't have to see this Revelry. Voldemort turned to look at the devastation behind him and saw a slightly smaller figure stand up from a body.

"Draco," he called out in his cold voice, "how are you enjoying your first Revelry?"

Draco fell to his knees and crawled forward slightly. "I'm honored to be here, my Lord. I'm enjoying it." Voldemort laughed and strode closer to the boy.

"If you'd like, I'll let you play with Potter's girl once we capture her," Voldemort informed the boy.

"I'll look forward to that time then," Draco replied and Harry felt his own anger increase. Then Draco glanced up quickly and then looked down. Harry was confused with the look in the boy's eyes and so was Voldemort. "Look at me, boy!" he commanded. Draco slowly lifted his eyes. "Legilimens!"

He searched through Draco's mind and found all the times Draco had lusted for Ginny. "I thought you'd be pleased with that gift," Voldemort said as he dropped the spell. "For a moment there I thought you were lying."

"Never, my Lord," Draco said, fear creeping into his voice.

"No, but you'll only get her if you complete your task properly," Voldemort said sternly. "Don't fail me."

"I won't, my Lord," Draco replied nervously.

"Have you killed yet?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes, my Lord," Draco answered proudly. "This boy was my work," he said pointing at the still figure next to him.

"Very well. Go and enjoy the night." Voldemort watched as the boy scampered away. He watched as Draco levitated a hiding man to an unbelievable height and then dropped him. The man hit the ground and died instantly. Voldemort laughed in pleasure and Harry felt more pain rip across his scar. He turned and watched as a Death Eater killed the young woman he had been torturing just moments before. He laughed and watched in pleasure as his Death Eaters killed off the rest. "Morsmordre!" The Dark Mark rose into the sky and Harry woke with a start gasping for breath.


"What are you doing down here?" Ginny asked Harry an hour later. He had gone downstairs and sat in the corner trying to figure Draco out.

"Just thinking," he answered truthfully, but incompletely. He placed his wand back into his sock. He had been playing with it absently as he thought about what he wanted to do to Draco once break ended. "What are you doing up?"

"I decided to wake up and check on you," she told him. "If you were down here I was going to sit with you." Harry smiled at her. "So what are you thinking about?" she asked sitting against the wall.

"The Revelry I saw tonight," Harry answered. He held a hand up to stop Ginny's next question. "Don't ask me what it was about. It's connected to the Christmas Eve vision and I'm not telling anyone about that." She nodded and they sat in silence.

"Have you used my gift yet?" she asked after awhile.

"No," he answered. "I haven't had any time alone to write in it." Ginny nodded and they sat in silence. Harry watched her carefully. She looked so pretty and Harry was surprised that she wasn't wearing a dressing gown over her pajamas. She was in a blue tank top that had been darker at one point and he noticed the straps of the sports bra she was wearing underneath. She was also in thin flannel pajama bottoms that settled low on her hips. He gulped and turned his attention away from her body.

He thought of his dreams the past two nights and remembered the hidden threats in them. Was he worth the risk to her? He didn't know what he'd do without her, but if she was safer without him, maybe he should distance himself from her. No, that wouldn't work; Voldemort would still go after her. And anyways, he wasn't going to lose such an important person by choice.

They sat in silence with their own thoughts. Harry realized how much her presence calmed his fears and steadied his thoughts. "Thanks for being down here, Gin," he told her quietly. "It beats sitting here alone."

"Don't mention it, luv," she said with a smile. They sat in silence again and after a long while a clock in the house chimed the hour.

"I think I'm heading to bed," he said standing up. "Thanks for sitting here with me, Gin."

"I told you not to mention it, luv." He smiled at her and helped her up. "I wish you'd tell me what's bothering you though, luv."

"I'm sorry, Gin," he told her sadly. "I can't, not yet at least." She smiled at him in understanding and then pulled his neck towards her. They kissed passionately and broke only for air.

"Wha's tha' for?" Harry asked surprised and breathless. She pointed up and Harry saw that the mistletoe was still up. He smiled at her. "You know, the last time I kissed a girl under the mistletoe, she was crying." Ginny hit him hard.

"Do you have any idea how rude it is to talk about ex-girlfriends on a date?" she asked in a mock angry voice.

"Yeah, that same ex-girlfriend talked about her dead ex-boyfriend on Valentine's Day," Harry said lowering his lips to hers. She didn't resist him, but instead deepened the kiss. Harry held her close to him and forgot about the troubles life held.

He broke the kiss for a breath, but descended once again. They stumbled over to the couch, completely out of control of their actions. Harry sat Ginny down onto the couch. He trailed kisses along her neck and sat next to her. He returned to her lips and they kissed for long moments, unaware of the time passing.


"What the bloody hell is going on here?" Ron's furious voice carried into the room. Harry and Ginny sprang apart, Ginny pulling her shirt down and Harry glancing around the room for his.

"Nothing," Ginny tried to say, but her voice broke halfway through the word.

"Potter, what the hell were you doing with my sister?" Ron asked Harry, livid. Harry gulped and spotted his shirt a few feet in front of Ron who stood a few feet into the room.

"We, um," Harry stopped and looked at Ginny. She was beet red and Harry knew he was just as embarrassed. "We just got a little carried away."

"It sure looks like it!" Ron yelled. Ginny walked over and stood in front of Harry, but he couldn't decide if that helped the situation or not.

"Get out!" Ron yelled, but Harry couldn't tell whom he was talking to. "Get out, Potter! I trusted you with her and you... you...."

"We did not!" Ginny replied angrily.

"You would have!" Ron retorted incensed.

"We would not have!" Harry replied angrily his face growing even redder. "I'd never do that to her or you, Ron!"

"Then what the bloody hell was going on?" he asked again. Harry was still at a loss for words. He couldn't figure out what had happened. "Get out," Ron said in a quiet, dangerous tone.

"Don't threaten him, Ron!" Ginny said angrily. "It was my fault as much as his."

"I'll deal with you later," Ron told her in the same tone.

"Don't threaten her," Harry said drawing his wand from his sock. "Go ahead and beat me up, I don't care, but don't you dare touch her!"

Ron looked at Harry surprised and then drew his wand. "And why do you think you have any right to protect her?"

"Because she's my friend, my girlfriend, and my best friend's little sister," Harry answered evenly. "I'd die for any of you, but I won't let anyone threaten Gin." Harry felt her hand grab his healed left hand and he squeezed it.

"You're not my best friend!" Ron screamed at him angrily. "Best friends don't try to shag each others little sisters!"

"I wasn't trying to shag her!" Harry screamed back. There was a long stand off, neither boy saying or making a move. Ginny glared at her brother, but didn't move from in front of Harry.

"What is going on here?" Remus's angry voice came from the doorway. Harry withered slightly as he saw Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Mr. Weasley, and at the back Mrs. Weasley. He knew that the brothers guessed something near the truth by the murderous looks that covered their faces. Remus and Tonks (who was standing next to Remus in the doorway) kept the other brothers out of the room.

"I don't know," Ron asked sarcastically. "Why don't you ask Potter?" Ginny took a step forward, but Harry held her back. He leaned his mouth next to her ear so that he could whisper in it.

"Don't hit him," he told her, "because they'll all start firing at me." She glanced up at him and nodded. He turned to the now livid brothers standing in the hallway and sighed. "I have to date a girl with five older brothers," he whispered to her. She smiled and laughed quietly. "If they promise to behave or, at least, not to try to kill me," Harry spoke to Tonks and Remus, "they can come in."

None of the brothers said anything and Remus decided to keep them out in the hallway. Bill tried to push past, but Tonks hit him below the belt causing him to double over in pain.

"Nothing happened," Harry told them honestly. "And nothing would have happened." He wished Mr. and Mrs. Weasley weren't in the hallway also.

"It sure didn't look like nothing to me," Ron said angrily. "I come looking for Harry and I find him on top of Ginny pulling her shirt up." Harry felt his cheeks redden and knew Ginny was just as embarrassed. He stepped from out behind her and put his wand in the waistband of his pajama pants.

"Nothing else happened," Harry clarified raising his hands in submission. "We just got a little carried away, that's all." Tonks and Remus braced against the pushing brothers and Ron took a step forward.

"Stop it!" Ginny yelled at them, grabbing Harry's wand from his waistband. "I was okay with that and most of it was my idea!" she yelled at her stunned brothers. "Leave Harry alone, or I'll hex you all." Harry tried to keep his smile off his face, but couldn't. He loved the power she had over her brothers when she held a wand in her left hand. They went still and calmed down. "That's better."

"It's not just her fault or her idea," Harry said honestly. "And it's not like I was complaining--"

"Harry, shut up," Ginny told him turning around. "I'm trying to get you out of deep trouble," she whispered so that only he could hear, "and you're not helping." He closed his mouth and let her talk. "It was mostly my idea. Though I completely agree that it got carried away. I'm sorry, mum," she said to her stunned mother, who had pushed her way to the front of the pack and past Remus.

"I want both of you to go to your rooms, now," she told them sternly. "And I want you boys to go into the kitchen now!" They all departed to go to their designated places, Harry stooping to pick up his shirt as he passed. He smiled at Ginny reassuringly as she entered her room and then climbed the rest of the stairs to the room he shared with Ron.

Author notes: So.... what'cha think? About everything... the dream (which later on is called the Death Parade for good reason) the loss of control, the anger, the hate, the problems? What is Hermione going to think about this when she finds out? Whose side is she going to be on? All these questions, and I can't answer them!

A huge thanks to those of you who reviewed: Melindaleo2000, Pheonix Run, Erika014, sherriola, BodoMikE, Aryell, Violent_storm, mysterious_bludger, and CelestBlack! You make writing this fun!

Ok.... so when you get this (as of this moment) no one guessed the answer.... which is too bad, for I really wanted to hand those chapters over... maybe I'll look through the guesses and see who had the most creative guess or the closest guess.... hmmm, that's an idea....

what else to take care of right now.... um... next chapter is entitled "The Aftermath" for the obvious reasons... It is also the chapter where Hermione explains Ron's sudden dislike for the couple back in November and the all out disgust he has for Harry now... I'll get that up either tomorrow or the day after.... but no promises...