Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/20/2004
Updated: 03/09/2005
Words: 6,863
Chapters: 7
Hits: 4,984

Something Kinda Funny


Story Summary:
Harry returns for his seventh year at Hogwarts only to find he's forgotten something rather important over the summer. Harry/Draco slash, mpreg.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
So, Harry's agreed to help Draco with his pregnancy and then help raise the baby. What's next? Why, naming it of course...
Author's Note:
All I have to say in my defense is that this is not meant to be taken seriously so please don't!

Chapter 3: Great Expectations

"Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside."

- Rita Rudner

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled brightly as soon as he heard my answer. "Ah Harry," he said happily, "I knew we could count on you!"

Snape look a little disgruntled at the news. Not to mention surprised, which was perfectl fair. I was more then a bit surprised at myself too. Guess I'm really a true Gryffindor after all, I thought, only a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff would agree to this.

And I'm so not a Hufflepuff here people.

Draco Malfoy looked about as shocked as I'd felt a few moments before - although I was still in shock, don't get me wrong, but now I was also feeling kind of numb. "Why Potter?" he asked quietly.

"Because it's my fault," I answered promptly, pausing to think about how messed up my life was about to become. I mean really, how was I going to explain all this to Hermione and Ron? I doubted they'd take the whole thing lying down.

Snapping out of my daze I realized Dumbledore had said something while I was lost in thought.

"Um... what?"

"I said, you and Draco will be sharing a room now. Try to get along. Severus?"

Mutely I followed the pregnant boy and the potions professor out of Dumbledore's office, desperately hoping that we'd at least have two beds in the room.


I hadn't been able to decide whether or not I wanted Potter to have a hand in raising our child. He made the decision for me, which I guess was perfectly fair.

Only... he seemed to be doing it because he felt guilty about raping me - now admittedly that's a pretty good reason for him to feel guilty, but it's sure as hell wasn't the way to convince me he'd be a good father to our child.

And ah! There was the problem, glaring at me from the back of my mind.

I thought he'd be a good father because I thought he was nice, smart, caring, loyal, kind, and slightly Slytherin.


Severus led us to a portrait of an elephant a hall or so away from the library and snapped out, "Apple Pie!" Immediately the portrait swung open to reveal a small tunnel that led to a lavishly decorate room.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter," Severus said coldly, "I'll leave you to explore your new chambers." And with that he swept away in an overly dramatic swirl or robes.

"Drama queen," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

Potter giggled behind me. That's right, giggled.

Almost expecting him to say something cruel like 'lady's first' I crawled through the opening to our new rooms and despaired at the thought of getting through the opening later in the year when I was huge.

At least the first trimester was over - no more morning sickness. And let me tell you about this supposed 'morning sickness' you aren't just sick in the morning, oh no, it lasts all bloody day. I'd prefer having strange cravings; unfortunately I seemed to have skipped that stereotype. Or is it a symptom? Ah well.

Potter was staring at me uncertainly and it was bugging the crap out of me.

"What do you want, Potter?"

He blinked stupidly. "Uh..."

I could tell it was going to be a very long and annoying four months plus. Now that Potter had agreed to help me with the baby I doubted he'd leave me alone once it was born. "Is that supposed to mean something to me?" I drawled, "You do realize I don't speak Gryffindor, don't you?"

Potter snapped his mouth shut for a moment before sticking his hand out. "Hello," he said, "I'm Harry Potter, nice to meet you."

At first I wanted to tell him that I knew who he was. Then I remembered our little encounter on the train first year and had an overwhelming urge to tell him to go to hell. However we did have a little girl on the way and it'd probably be healthier for her if her fathers weren't constantly at each others throats.

"Draco Malfoy," I said shaking his hand.

He smiled brightly and walked further into the green and gold room. It was quiet tastefully decorated, which was more then I could say for the Slytherin rooms. It had green carpeting and curtains. The wood on the couches and fireplace mantle was so dark it was nearly black. Potter flopped down on one of the green couches and absently traced the golden detailing on the round coffee table.

"So Draco," Potter said, startling me with his unexpected use of my first name, "do you know what the sex of the baby is? And have you thought of any names for it?"

"It is a girl, Potter," I snapped, uncomfortable with his first name still, "and no... I haven't really thought of any names for her."

Potter grinned at me as I sat down on the couch opposite him, slowly lowering myself down so I didn't jostle the baby around to much.

"I don't suppose you'll let me name her Lily?"

"No," I answered, not even pausing to consider it, "she won't have expectations heaped upon her. Our daughter will live free of the burdens that have been placed upon both of us, you to be the savior and me to be the.... wizarding antichrist. She'll have a name all her own."

Potter looked mildly impressed with my little speech, and I had to admit I was too. Then again, I'd spent my entire life living in my father's shadow - it was only logical that I didn't want my daughter to suffer the same fate.

"Wow, that's really deep. What about Leona?" Potter said.

I snorted and shook my head, "What part of 'name all her own' do you not understand? That obviously comes from you being a Gryffindor... and your mother's first initial."

He thought about it for a moment and then nodded.

"What do you want then?"

"Estelle?" I suggested, I quiet liked the name.

Potter however had other ideas.

"No, it sounds like a grandmother or a transvestite," he said.

I barely stopped myself from laughing aloud - it would have killed my image. Potter had a point.

"Alright, well since both our mothers are named after flowers let's go from there." I was quiet proud of myself for seeing the coincidence and suggesting the solution.

"Isn't that breaking the one rule we have in place?"

"Not really, it's just... following tradition. There's no pressure on her to be a like your mother - and certainly not like mine, god she's a bitch - or, as with Leona, be a Gryffindor."

He nodded and smiled, "Jasmine?"

I shrugged; it was nice but not quiet... something. "How about Clover?"

Right away I knew it was perfect, it was our daughters name without question and if Potter didn't agree I'd hex him until he did.

"It's perfect!" he exclaimed, startling me, "You're a genius!"

"Well I don't mean to brag but I am currently getting the second highest grades in the school."

Potter burst out laughing, surprising me yet again. Maybe, I thought, maybe this won't be so bad after all.


Author notes: >_< I'm sooooooo sorry it took me so long to update! I was... umm... busy? >_> Don't worry though, my next fic wil be up shortly!