Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Severus Snape
Mystery Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 03/14/2004
Updated: 04/04/2004
Words: 114,933
Chapters: 32
Hits: 44,255

Dark Gods in the Blood


Story Summary:
A wandering student comes home, a broken man pays his penance, and a gruesome murder is both more and less than it seems. Some paths to self-discovery have more twists and turns than others.

Chapter 29


Chapter Twenty-Nine

It was a moment of triumph for the wilderness, and invading

and vengeful rush which, it seemed to me, I would have to

keep back alone for the salvation of another soul.

-- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

"Are you sure you're alright?" Ron asked worriedly.

The head in the fireplace made a huffing sort of noise. "Ron," Hermione sighed. "I'm fine. I told you. Severus and I managed to find the killer. A Squib named Stan Walker -- he was the carpenter. That's how he picked Harry. And the rest of his victims. The count's up to nine now -- William Summerford's wife identified Walker positively this morning."

He shook his head. "I can't believe it," he said. "Summerford, too? We were so damned wrapped up in the idea that Harry died because of who he was. Because he was the Boy Who Lived." His silence was thoughtful. "Thank you, Hermione."

"For what?" She looked rather mystified.

"For ... finding the guy," he said awkwardly. "If you hadn't butted your nose in like you always do, we would still be standing around the Aurory, scratching our asses, looking for some renegade Death Eater. And what's-his-name ... Walker would still be loose, on the hunt."

"Oh ... well ..." With a pleased look on her face, he could tell she was trying not to blush. "Severus had a lot to do with it as well."

"Severus, eh?" he asked slyly.

The blush was far more pronounced now. "Watch it, Weasley," she warned.

He grinned. "Oh, I wouldn't presume to say anything, my lovely Butterfly. I was just ... commenting. Tell me, does he call you 'Hermione?'"

"Ro-on!" she cried.

"All right," he laughed. "I'll desist. For now. Tell me ..." He cleared his throat importantly in preparation for the subject change. "There's a rumor floating around that Kingsley's offered you a job. Anything to it?"

Hermione stared down at her hands. "Actually, there is. He said I've got a spot in the Academy whenever I want it."

Dropping the teasing façade, his face was earnest. "Are you going to take it?"

With a shrug, she glanced up and he read genuine conflict in her eyes. "I don't know. I don't know if I'm ready to ..."

"Stay?" he asked gently.

Her face twisted with some unidentifiable emotion. "Not as such," she said. "It's just ... I asked you once about the shadows, you know? I asked you how you could stand it. I don't know if I --"

"Oh, you can," he assured her quickly. "Hermione, you didn't just make it through the shadows, you passed through the fucking abyss. Stan Walker was a cesspool of a human being, whoever was at fault for it, him or his loony family. And you beat him. Believe me, I've got no worries about you on that account. I'm more worried that you'll wake up one day and decide that your pet cricket at your ninja master's house might be missing you and run off again."

Smiling nearly involuntarily, she relaxed somewhat. "I'm not going to leave again, Ron. Not with ..." She cut herself off.

Ron's grin was wide and full of mocking promise. "Oh, really?"

"Ron ..." she warned.

"I wasn't going to say anything," he said loftily. "Only that you must really not mind being around him, huh?"

She rolled her eyes. "Ron!" she snapped, more of a threat in her voice.

After a slight pause, he relented. "Oh, all right. I'm sorry. I won't say another word about Severus." He put deliberate emphasis on Snape's name and Hermione made a face at him.

"Actually," she said with a devious smile of her own, "I'm rather glad you said all that -- it means I don't feel nearly as guilty as I did about what I'm going to make you do."

He was confused. "And that is ...?"

The smile widened. "You, my dear Ron, are going to march on over to Françoise's house and tell her all about Stan Walker."

His curse was eloquent and heartfelt.

-- -- -- -- --

Françoise's eyes were tired. "Ron," she said as she opened the door.

"Françoise," he replied carefully.

"I've been meaning to --" she began.

"Yeah," he said. "Me too."

With a little sigh and slump of the shoulders, she stepped aside, allowing him in. "The kids are up in the playroom," she told him. "Would you like something to drink?"

"I'm fine," he said. "Actually, I came here mostly to tell you some good news."

They walked through the foyer and into the sitting room. "Good news?" she repeated, sitting on the sofa, clearly asking him to sit beside her.

Instead, Ron sat in an armchair, trying not to notice the disappointment in her eyes. "Hermione Flooed me a little while ago. Apparently, she and Snape managed to find Harry's killer."


"She informs me that it's a painfully long story that ends with him escaping from Perkins," he said lightly. "It turns out, though, that she was right -- that name you gave her? The carpenter? He was the guy."

Her face blanched. "Stan? Stan Walker?"

Nodding, Ron shifted in his chair. "Hermione walked in just as Walker was trying to kill Snape. There was some sort of struggle and somehow Walker wound up dead."

If possible, her face whitened further. "He's dead?"


"Oh, sweet Merlin," she said softly. "Stan Walker was a murderer? I'd no idea ... he was so polite. Ron, I let him play with my babies!"

For a horrifying moment, he thought she was going to throw up and was instantly out of his chair, beside her in a flash, rubbing her back soothingly. "Shh," he muttered. "Françoise, you didn't know ..."

"But I should have," she wailed. "I put my family in danger! I let that man into our home!"

Unthinkingly, he gathered her into his arms. "It's all over now, Françoise. He's gone." Continuing to make comforti noises, he began to gently rock back and forth, cradling her as if he was consoling Alice after some small hurt, clucking in her ear.

"My poor, sweet Harry," she cried into his shoulder. "I --"

"No," Ron said firmly, tipping her chin up so that he could look down into her wet eyes. "No, Françoise. Don't think for a second that you were in any way responsible for Harry's death. It had nothing to do with you. Stan Walker was a sick, twisted man, and he's the one who killed Harry. It's his fault. And only his. Do you understand?"

"If I hadn't --"

"No," he repeated, frowning sternly. "I won't allow you to carry that guilt. Françoise, it's not your fault."

Sighing, she relaxed into his embrace again, and Ron curled his arms tightly around her small frame, feeling her back quiver under his touch as she wept. For ages he held her, until she stilled and he thought for a dim moment that she'd actually fallen asleep.

"Thank you, Ron," she said quietly, startling him out of silence.

"For what?" he asked in the same peaceful voice he used with the children.

He could have sworn that she burrowed into his chest, her nose nuzzling against his pectoral muscle. "For being here. For holding me when I need to be held. For helping me cry. Lots of things."

"That's what friends do for each other," he said, discomfort rising in his gut.

Lifting her head, she narrowed her eyes as she studied his expression. "Is that what we are, Ron? Friends?"

"Sure," he replied with a shrug. "I've always thought of you as my friend."

Whatever she'd found in his gaze, it apparently satisfied her. "Good."

And Ron's eyes widened involuntarily as she pressed her lips to his for the second time, sweeping him up in a kiss so sweet that he felt a tear trickle down his cheek. Her hand went tentatively to his other cheek, gently stroking his skin.

His arms tightened further around her shoulders, even as he told himself to pull away, even as he inwardly screamed at himself, he gathered her close and relished the feel of her soft lips against his.

After a long moment, Françoise pulled away, hand still against his cheek. "Oh," she sighed.

And then they were kissing again. Eyes closed, Ron felt all sorts of unwanted sensations washing through his veins. Sweet comfort melting into a hotter lust in his blood, Ron instinctively deepened the kiss, silently delighting as Françoise responded in kind.

Before long, though, his mental state grew t disorienting to ignore, several internal voices crying out at once -- self-hatred, lust, anger, pity, all railed at each other in his mind. Head ringing, Ron jerked away from Françoise and held her shoulders in his hands, a careful arm's length away. "Françoise," he said painfully. "Françoise, no!"

Her face began to crumple, a thundercloud of pain. "Not again," she pleaded. "Don't leave me alone again!"

He hated himself for what he had to do. "Françoise," he said again. "We can't. I can't."

"I just wanted ..."

With a sigh, he shook his head. "No, Françoise."

"We could make the hurt go away," she said, misery coloring her voice.

"But it would still be there the next morning," he said reasonably. "We would wake up and the hurt would be back. We could never make the hurt disappear, Françoise."

"But --"

"Françoise," he said, not unkindly. "Françoise, I'm not Harry."

"But you could be!" she wailed. "So easily!"

He recoiled at her words, even as she blanched at the realization of what she'd just said. "No, I couldn't be," he replied, rather shaken. "I'm just plain old Ron. You want me to be Harry, Françoise, but I promise you, I'm not."

"When I'm with you ..."

"When you're with me," he interrupted, "you remember all the good times. You remember Harry. But Harry's dead, Françoise. And he's not coming back."

She made a choking noise that sounded like a mix between a sob and a crazed laugh.

"I know," she gasped miserably. "I know he's dead. And I hate him for dying when I need him the most! For leaving me, for leaving our children, for ..." She gave him a piercing look. "For leaving you."

He glanced away.

"Oh, Harry always needed you far more than you needed him, but you still needed him. Just like Hermione Granger. You always needed each other. I hated Hermione for so long for leaving you two, but I always at least had a good idea of why she left. But Harry ... I don't know if I can ever forgive him. Him or that fucking Stan Walker."

Ron blinked at the expletive, strange and out of place on Françoise's lips.

"So I hate him and I love him and all I want to do is forget for a little while."

His smile was sad. "I could never make you forget. Every time you see me, Françoise, you see Harry."

"I don't --"

"Yes, you do," he countered, taking in a deep breath and dropping his bombshell. The one he hadn't even shared with Hermione. "And that's part of the reason I'm leaving."

Her eyes rounded and her mouth fell open. "What?" she breathed.

"Only part," he repeated. "But I've given it a lot of thought these last couple of weeks. Françoise, I know that you see Harry every time you look at me, because I see Harry every time I look at myself. Every time I look in the mirror, I see Harry's ghost over my shoulder." His laugh was bitter. "I've spent all these years as Harry Potter's friend that I've completely forgotten how to be Ron Weasley."

"You don't have to leave to --" she began.

He cut her off again, knowing that if she asked him to stay enough times, he would. "I do, though. I need some time away from everything to get my head back together. Actually, I've already spoken with Kingsley Shacklebolt about it -- handed in my resignation and everything -- and he's kept it from Hermione for me. I'm planning on leaving in the next couple of days."

Ron could see the acceptance dawning in her eyes -- grim and unwilling, but acceptance nonetheless. "Where will you go?" she asked dully.

"I don't know," he said. "I've never been to Australia ..."

"How long ...?"

With a little shrug, he looked away. "Until I'm ready to come back."

Her hand was unexpectedly gentle on his. "I'll let you go, Ron. I don't want to, but I will."

-- -- -- -- --

Nicholas was alone in the playroom when Ron walked in. "Alice went to her room to get her dolly," he said, correctly reading the question in Ron's eyes. "She'll probably get distracted by something, though. She always does."

Smiling a bit, he nodded. "Can I talk to you for a few minutes, Nicholas?"

"Sure." But he didn't stop setting up his toy soldiers. "But make it quick -- this is going to be a war zone in a bit."

"Between who?" he asked, dropping into a crouch beside the boy.

"Aurors and vampires," Nicholas replied tersely, rearranging a squadron to his satisfaction. "The Aurors have a bunch of dragons on their side, but the vampires've got giants, so it's going to be a tossup, really."

"Nah," Ron said in a teasing voice. "The good guys always win."

Nicholas was pensive. "Not always. Sometimes the good guys get hurt, too. Sometimes they lose, even when they should win."

Sobering, he watched Nicholas studiously put his battling armies into their positions. As soon as they were arranged to his satisfaction, he could order them around like chess pieces -- they'd been a Christmas gift from Albus Dumbledore. "Nicholas, I wanted to tell you, Hermione and her friend caught the bad guy yesterday. The one who hurt Harry."

"The one who killed my papa," he corrected mildly, turning a figure around. "The one who made him bleed."

Ron sucked in a breath. "Nicholas ..."

He kept his eyes focused solely on his toys. "I didn't want to see," he said. "I tried to close my eyes. But I couldn't help it. And then ... even when I close my eyes, I see him. He was hurt badly, wasn't he?"

Deciding not to sugarcoat the truth, Ron nodded shortly. "Yes, Nicholas, he was. Very badly. The man who hurt him was an evil man."

"Was?" Nicholas asked perceptively.

Inwardly, he swore. "He died, too," he replied. "He was trying to hurt Hermione's friend."

"The snake," he supplied with a sage nod. "The dragon was going to eat the snake, but Hermione shouted at the dragon and made it go away."

His jaw dropped as he realized that the boy was making a fair amount more than a modicum of sense. "How did you ...?"

Nicholas finally looked up at Ron with a sad smile. "I dreamed about it again. Last week. After you went away and Mum started crying again."

That hurt.

"Have you come back to stay, Uncle Ron?" he asked, cocking his head. "Mum doesn't cry as much when you're here."

"I ..." he began, trailing off when he realized he didn't know how to phrase it delicately enough.

With a calculating gaze far beyond his seven years, Nicholas frowned at him. "Are you going to marry my mama?"

For the second time in as many minutes, Ron's mouth fell open. "Nicholas ... what on Earth ...?"

"You spend all your time with her, when you're not at work or with Hermione. And I asked Hermione and she said she doesn't want to marry you. And Alice likes you. So I thought ..." Pausing, Nicholas looked rather confused.

Alice likes you, he heard. "And what about you, Nicholas?"

He would not meet his uncle's eyes. "I don't mind," he said quietly. "Especially if it makes Mama happy." He sounded very young

Nothing short of Harry Potter walking this Earth again would make Françoise happy, Ron thought ruefully, but he kept it to himself. "Nicholas ..." he began.

"After Papa ... after he went away, you tried so hard to do what he did," Nicholas continued, turning a single soldier over and over in his hand. "You tried to be Alice's papa and you tried to be my papa. But I don't want you to be my papa. You're okay as my uncle, but you're not my papa." He spoke hesitantly, as if he was afraid of making Ron angry.

Feeling an overwhelming rush of compassion for Harry's son, Ron put a steadying hand on his shoulder. "I don't want to be your papa, Nicholas,"he said quietly. "I prefer being your uncle -- no one is able to replace your father. And don't worry, kiddo -- your mum and I aren't going to get married."

He stifled a chuckle as Nicholas sighed with obvious relief.

"Actually," he continued. "I wanted to tell you something else, too. Preferably before your mum tells you all about it. She's not very happy with me, you see."

"Oh, I knew that," he replied with a little smile. "Ever since you went away, she's been mad at you."

"No, Nicholas, it's something else." His face was unreadable. "Nicholas, I'm going away for a while."

He perked with interest. "Where to?"

"I don't know."

"For how long?"

"I don't know," he repeated.

Wrinkling his nose at him, Nicholas put down his soldier. "Uncle Ron, you don't sound very good at planning trips."

He tried not to smile. "Nicholas, this is serious, all right? I'll probably be gone for a long time."

"Like a month?" he asked cheerfully.

"More like a year or two," he said.

Probably failing in the attempt, Ron tried to mask his delight as Nicholas' jaw dropped. "A year?" he cried. "But that's ... forever! What're you leaving like that for? Are you mad at us?"

"Oh, Merlin's ass, Nicholas," he exclaimed. "Of course not! It's just ... something I need to do."

"Like when Hermione left when you were young?" he asked timidly.

Ron considered it. "Actually ... yeah, sort of. Only, unlike Hermione, I fully intend to write letters. I also plan to come back sooner than thirteen years from now."

"Oh ... okay," he said, turning his attention back to his soldiers. "When are you leaving, Uncle Ron?"

"In a couple of days."

"So soon?" He nudged another formation into position.

Ron watched him shove a lock of hair impatiently out of his eyes and was reminded achingly of Harry. "It's for the best, Nicholas."

They were quiet for a bit, Nicholas meticulously organizing his armies and Ron regarding him as if this were the last time he would ever lay eyes on the boy.

"Hey ... Uncle Ron?"

He hummed questioningly.

"Erm ... I was wondering ... maybe you'd like to play armies with me?" Nicholas asked, suddenly shy. "'Cause I have two. You can even be the Aurors," he offered graciously. "And I even promise not to cheat, even though both armies would listen to me."

Ron laughed and ruffled Nicholas' hair playfully. "Sounds like fun. You do realize, though, that I'm going kick your ass, right?"

"Uh-uh," he retorted stoutly. "I'm going to kick your ass."

Sighing, he frowned at Nicholas. "Uh, Nicholas? Don't say 'ass' in front of your mum, okay?"

"Okay, Uncle Ron," he agreed with obvious glee, meaning that he was probably going to say 'ass' in front of his mother, as often as he could.

-- -- -- -- --