The Tutor by ginandironic
12/07/2005Jane Eyre in the Harry Potter universe.
Words: 3,638
Chapters: 1
Hits: 3,415
De Novo by ginandironic
08/09/2005After Harry regains his memory, Ron must see things as they are. Sequel to Post Bellum.
Words: 1,256
Chapters: 1
Hits: 346
The Army of Souls by ginandironic
04/24/2005Post OoTP. Snape is assigned to a dangerous and all but impossible task by Voldemort, and it is in the Order's best interest for him to deliberately fail in achieving any end result. However, when Harry finds out about Snape's assignment, the necessity of failing clashes with Harry's agenda.
Words: 2,733
Chapters: 2
Hits: 531
Post Bellum by ginandironic
04/01/2005Harry has memory loss after the last battle with Voldemort; Ron tries to help him regain it.
Words: 16,633
Chapters: 3
Hits: 2,311
Disscrentus by ginandironic
01/28/2005Because of the Ministry, Snape's status as a vampire is revealed. Harry's got a Defense project on 'dark creatures.' You do the math.
Words: 3,679
Chapters: 1
Hits: 521
Harry Potter Day by ginandironic
01/16/2005Draco is poor, Harry helps the helpless, and Draco really wants to kill him.
Words: 2,687
Chapters: 1
Hits: 394