General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/02/2002
Updated: 11/04/2007
Words: 363,688
Chapters: 65
Hits: 101,532

The Eighth Weasley


Story Summary:
Set post-book seven. Voldemort is long gone and the dust is settling. So when the Weasleys are informed that a missing family member has been located, there is a great deal of excitement and nervousness as contact is made with said absentee from the family. However, when it transpires that the missing Weasley has connections with a certain Vampire Slayer, it goes without saying that Hogwarts will never be the same again!

Chapter 50

Chapter Summary:
Chapter fifty -
Author's Note:
I know I said it would be a while before I got this chapter out - I wasn't fibbing, but then the muse struck and I had to write and this chapter is the result :) It's not the biggest one ever, but its nowhere near the smallest and its tidying up some loose ends as well. And I still love Duncan far more than I really should.

The Eighth Weasley - Chapter Fifty

Personal Demons

Notes: Okay, I had an idea for this chapter. Then I remembered that I covered most of it in the last chapter, which was highly stupid of me, so - I know I said this in the last ch. as well, but in this case it should be true - this should be a fairly short chapter. I hope. Really. I want to work more on The Last Potter.


“You’re sure this is going to work?”

Standing in the middle of the medical wing, Buffy nodded, looking up at her former lover. “If the Head Master said it would work, it’s going to work,” she replied. “And it’s a lot quicker than flying or going by ship.”

It was the morning after the demon fiasco in the Great Hall and, after a long night spent in careful deliberations and planning with Buffy and Giles, Angel was departing for America immediately.

If they were to gather all the help they would require to help Buffy in the battle against Glory, they knew they had to leave as soon as possible, so they could join forces with several of Angel’s allies in and around Los Angeles.

Angel dubiously looked at the necklace lying in his hand. “But...”

“Magic, Angel,” the Slayer reminded him. “Makes anything possible.”

The vampire nodded, replacing the narrow, silver chain with an ornate cross on it in the box and tucking it into his pocket. “I’ll make sure it doesn’t end up in the wrong hands,” he said. “You’ll be all right until we can reassemble?”

“I’ll be fine,” Buffy answered, her arms folded over her chest. She glanced past him to the bed where Cordelia and Xander were still asleep, the Seer’s head resting snugly on Xander’s shoulder. “We’ll take care of her for you.”

“You won’t,” the vampire observed, turning to look at the dark-haired girl. “But I’m pretty sure that Xander will.”

Shaking her head, Buffy smiled slightly. “I never thought I’d see the day when those two got back together again,” she remarked, stepping alongside Angel. “Especially in circumstances like these.”

“I don’t like the kid,” Angel admitted. “But if it makes Cordy happy...she’s had a hard time, the last couple of years. It’s a good thing that she’s finally getting a break from all the bad.”

“A poker through her gut and you say there’s no bad here?”

“Better than being impregnated by a giant demon,” the vampire said dryly.

Buffy’s face twisted in a nauseous expression. “Well... yeah...” she agreed. “And, for the record, ew.”

Angel laughed softly. “You know,” he said. “I think it’s really helped both of us, coming here. Not just because we killed some demons, although that was an added bonus, but just to get away from L.A. for a few days...”

“It is kinda nice to see you as well.”

“In spite of everything?”

Buffy turned to look up at him. “Angel, in spite of everything, you know I’ll always be happy to see you. You’re the first guy I loved and I do still love you. I’m just not in love with you anymore.”

“Or with that brain dead commando,” he noted with a touch of glee.

“You leave Riley out of this!” Buffy couldn’t help laughing. “Just because he almost beat you up...” Angel gave her a look. “Okay, just because he picked a fight with you and you kicked his ass doesn’t mean you can insult him.”

“He wasn’t right for you, Buffy. Even thought he knew about the Slayer lifestyle and fought demons... he was just too much of a regular kid.”

“I know.”

Both of them sighed, looking towards Cordelia and Xander again.

“Think they’ll make it this time?”

Buffy nodded. “I’d bet on it,” she replied quietly, pushing the sleeves of her robes up her arms. “Seeing them like that... it does kinda make you think it would be nice just to have someone to... I dunno... be with.”

“From what I hear, you’ve got a few guys lining up to do that with you,” Angel remarked. Buffy looked up at him in surprise. “I listen, remember,” he said by way of explanation. “And lurk.”

“I don’t know why,” she replied, raising a hand to tuck loose strands of hair behind her ear. “I’ve been uber-cranky lately and I’m always working and hey! Slayer - not exactly good for a normal life, even with a wizard-guy.”

“You’re you,” Angel answered for her. “And you look as good as you ever did.”

Punching him on the arm, Buffy went a deep shade of red. “Stop that!”

“I’m not joking,” he said sincerely, then winced and rubbed his arm. “And did you have to hit me quite so hard?” Buffy smirked. “You know, you actually look right in this place, as well.”

“So I suit living in a castle?” She grinned. “Told you I should have been a Princess.”

“Or a witch,” He blocked another slap on the arm, nodding down at her. After the battle, she had run back to her room to change out of bloody robes and was wearing her midnight blue, silver-lined ones. “That look suits you.”

Looking down at the robes, she fingered the silver buttons. “I like these ones,” she admitted. “I got ‘em from Giles after a potion went wrong... I think. I just woke up and they were there.”

Angel looked her up and down. “They look good on you,” he said. “Some day, some guy will see just how beautiful you are and...”

“Lemme guess,” Buffy interrupted, blushing. “We’ll live happily ever after.”

“You never know,” Angel replied, reaching down and taking one of her small hands in his. Squeezing her fingertips, he smiled slightly. “That’s the one thing I would wish for you. Happiness.”

“Let’s just get me past this summer with my friends and family intact and we’ll aim for big happies next.”

“One step at a time,” he agreed.


“Oh, this is just perfect.”

Lucius spread his hands elegantly. “I wish I had better news for you, my dear,” he said, approaching the pacing Hell Goddess, who glowered at him, her arms folded over her chest.

As usual, they were in his study, the morning light washing in through the tall panels of glass that lined the wall.

Word had just arrived, from one of the demons that had survived the massacre at the school, that their vampiress had been dusted and the Slayer had saved her sister, as well as wiping out a vast contingent of their brute squad.

“Wishing doesn’t bring me the Slayer’s brat sister or the key, Luce,” Glory growled, her eyes flashing dangerously.

Grey eyes met hers coolly and she had to admire his spunk as he faced her down. “I sincerely doubt that losing your temper will achieve either of those ends, Glory,” he said, his voice crisp with ice. “Stop behaving like a petulant brat.”

“What did you call me?”

He raised his chin in defiant silence.

One of Glory’s hands locked around his throat, yanking him close. Staring him in the eyes, she grinned cruelly at him. “You gonna tell me what you called me, Luce?” she asked. “Or do I gotta choke it out of you.”

“You think this will help?” He gagged as she gripped tighter.

“Sure as hell’ll make me feel better,” she retorted darkly. “I wonder if I squeeze hard enough, will your head just pop right off?”

“Do it,” he wheezed. “And I won’t be able to tell you what I found.”

Blue-green eyes narrowed. “You’re bluffing.”

He smirked. “Perhaps.”

Tightening her grip, she could see colour spreading in his cheeks, trapped blood darkening his usually-pale skin, his hands gripping at her wrist. “You gonna share the news, Luce?”

“That depends,” he croaked.

“Oh yeah?”

“I doubt I’ll be able to... if you throttle me.”

Glory’s expression hardened irritably and she threw him back, away from her. The wizard smacked against the side of the desk, his legs buckling under him, his vision blurring slightly.

“Spill it, Goldielocks,” she snapped.

Stabilising himself against the side of his desk, Lucius straightened up, shaking hair back from his flushed face. One hand rose to massage his throat, which was darkening with bruises. “We don’t know all the details,” he rasped.


“The one that escaped,” He gave her a pointed look. “He had to escape through some opening in their defences.” Glory seemed to catch up. “He also may provide some information about the Key...”

“My key...”

“If your vampire saw it...”

Glory’s face creased into a rapturous smile. “If she saw my key, she’ll know what it is and where to find it!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands. Rushing towards Lucius, she caught his face between her palms and pressed a fierce kiss to his lips. “You are so smart!”

Still breathless, Lucius allowed one side of his mouth to rise. “I do try,” he replied.


“You’re sure about this?”


Lorne stared at Dumbledore in amazement. “But I... I’m a demon,” he stated bluntly, spreading his hands. “I dunno if your pupils’ parents are gonna be too pleased to find out that you got a demon on staff. Especially one as obvious as me, cos hello! Horns and green skin - dead giveaway.”

Picking up a crystal bowl off his desk, Dumbledore leaned forward and offered it to Lorne. “Peppermint?” Taking one, the demon looked confused. “I know it is rather short notice, Lorne, but we are in need of a divination teacher and the children appear to like you.”

“But I...”

Dumbledore raised a hand. “My dear fellow, at this school, I have employed a rather charming werewolf, we have a vampire who is a personal friend of the deputy Head Mistress and a Vampire Slayer as a Defence Against Dark Arts Professor.”

“And having a demon as a Divination teacher would just complete your matching set of weirdness, huh?”

The Head Master chuckled. “Your ethnic origins make no never mind to me. All I am concerned with is that you will prove a good teacher in Divining and,” His voice saddened. “As our previous Divination teacher was hardly an expert in the subject, despite her credentials, I do believe you may actually teach them something. Also, you are already present and accounted for. I would rather not risk bringing in anyone new and unknown in, lest Glory has reached them first.”

“You... you honestly think I’d be up to the job?”

“I would not ask, if it were any other way, although,” He leaned forward slightly. “I do have one additional duty that you would have to perform, which I would hope would be less of a chore...perhaps even an act of love...”

Lorne tilted his head suspiciously. “What would that be?”

“I have often longed,” Dumbledore said, leaning back in his seat and interlocking his hands, a pensive look on his face. “To teach the children to appreciate the wonder of music and you... you seem to understand the fundamental power of it.”

“Absolutely!” Lorne agreed. “Nothing in this world can compare to... hey...” A green finger pointed at Dumbledore, a broad smile lighting up his face. “I know you’re not asking me to be a kinda music teacher for your crazy kids...”

“Of course not!” the Head Master retorted. “Would never dream of such a thing.”

“I do have to think about Caritas, though...” Lorne frowned gravely. “After all, it’s my baby and I wouldn’t give it up for anything, y’know. Old-fashioned guy, I am, loyal to my roots and ori...hell, what am I saying? I’ll take the job! If only for the fab-u-lous acoustics you have in this place!”

“Is that the only reason?”

Leaning forward a little, the demon added. “Plus, I always had this thing about living in a castle... kinda wanting to be Prince Charming... but without the pantyhose and cod-pieces, cos major ick!”

Despite the melancholy lingering over him at Professor Trelawney’s death, the Head Master had trouble concealing a small smile. “I can assure you that cod-pieces are certainly not part of the dress code, although, should you wish to acquire one, I am certain Professor Flitwick could provide you with one.”

“Charmed ones, huh?”

“Actually, I think they may be from his personal wardrobe...”

Scarlet eyes widened. “Okay... I kinda wish I had never been to that visual place.”

“If I may ascertain, does this mean that you are willing to remain and begin teaching as soon as possible?”

“Is the Pope a Catholic?” There was a pause. “Actually, is he? I never got a chance to ask.”

“That would be a yes... and I believe it will only be until this summer, then you will be completely free to return to your bar, should you wish to.”

Lorne beamed at him. “Sounds great to me, bright eyes,” he replied cheerfully. “But I do have one eensy, weensy little thing I gotta have changed, if I’m gonna teach these kids how to see the future and the magic of music.”

“And that is...?”

“You gotta get me outta that tower room. I’m no Rapunzel and that tower is just way to out of the way for the social butterfly that is me. And I kinda wanna have a room that’s actually got some of those acoustics that I was talking about.”

“I’m sure we will be able to arrange that for you, Lorne.”

The demon looked delighted. “This is so exciting! I always wanted to be a teacher, y’know! I adore kids, but no school in the good old U.S. would ever have a demon on the staff... I guess I’m a bit too ethnic for them to deal with, huh?”

“Rest assured that you will always be welcome here,” Dumbledore rose from his seat and rounded the desk. “Perhaps we could find a suitable room for you to base your teaching in?”

“If it’s not too much trouble...”

“Do you have anything particular in mind?”

“Big, round, high ceilings, lotsa light, plenty of room...” Lorne marked them off on his fingers as they approached the door. “And I mentioned big, right? And those high ceilings - pretty much a must.”

“I think that we will be able to find you somewhere in the castle to fit all those requirements,” Dumbledore said genially. “And if we can’t, I’m sure we can adjust one of the rooms to suit.”

“You can do that?”

“Of course, but only if we ask the castle nicely.”

Lorne gave the Head Master a strange look. “Of course...”


The corridor was as dark as it had been the day before, but this time, it wasn’t silent.

A male voice was cursing loudly and proficiently, his words reaching the ears of the only vampire in the vicinity, as Angel walked along the gloomy hall, where one of the paintings hung open.

“I thought I might find you here.”

Whipping around, Spike stared wildly up at the dark vampire. “Oh! It’s just you.”

“Thanks for the compliment,” Angel said sourly.

Spike rolled his eyes, shaking his head impatiently and returning his attention to his previous activity, digging through the ruined furniture and mess that littered the floor of his room.

“It’s not here,” the older vampire said.

“You what?”

Angel withdrew an object from behind his back. It was a hefty, ancient book, with thick parchment pages bound in knobbly black leather. The blond vampire’s eyes went wide at the sight of it and he scrambled to his feet. “Is this what you were looking for?”

Licking his lips, Spike nodded, reaching out for it. “I-I thought she’d nicked it,” he whispered, taking the book reverently and cradling it against his chest, his hands spreading shakily on the cover.

“How did you get it, Spike?”

Blue eyes rose. “He gave it to me,” the younger vampire replied, his voice trembling with emotion. “He... he thought I could use it... I told him I didn’t deserve it, but he said I... do you think I could, Angel?”

The darker vampire started at the use of his name. More often than not, Spike had produced a new nickname for him every time they had bumped into one another, after he had been cursed with his soul.

“Do you want to?”

Pressing the heel of a hand to his forehead, Spike shook his head uncertainly. “I-I dunno,” he replied honestly. “I... I have the chance... and I know I... well, anyone would be interested... not many would be willing, but I... with things the way they are, I wonder if maybe I’d be better that way...”

“And if things weren’t the way they are now...?”

Spike pressed blood-shot eyes closed. “My Sire and the first person I loved is dead, dusted by my own hand. I’m best mates with the Slayer and her happy band of fruit loops. I’m the snuggle-pet of the Deputy Head Mistress of a wizard’s school... I-I can’t even try to imagine what it’d be like, if it wasn’t like this...”

“You happy?”

Looking at the floor briefly, nibbling on his lower lip, Spike slowly raised his eyes and nodded. “Never been happier. Crazy, eh? Can’t feed, can’t hardly fight, can’t do anything vaguely useful and I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my unlife.”

“You know what the legends say about it, don’t you?” Angel murmured, looking at the book.

“Who doesn’t?” the blond admitted. “Only one ever managed... it’s for the ones who have been around so long that what they are doesn’t matter... or those ones who miss what they had... if you’re a sap like that, how’re you meant to get through it?”

“Are you asking me or are you wondering if you’d be strong enough?”

Spike shrugged. “A bit of both?”

Raising a hand, Angel squeezed the younger vampire’s shoulder. “Spike, after seeing what Dru put you through... after seeing what you suffered to stop her getting to Dawn, I think you could.”

“Hey, now! Don’t you be getting any ideas that I’m turning into a righteous old poof like you!” Spike exclaimed, although it lacked the venom that was usually directed at the older vampire.

Angel grinned a little. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied. “And if you do decide to go through with it...”

“You’ll be the first laughing, if I fail?” The older vampire gave the younger one a look. “Okay, maybe not, but it was worth a guess, eh? You’ll be wanting all the gory details, won’t you?”

“I’m curious,” he admitted.

“You got a deal,” Spike agreed, smiling genuinely.

Angel nodded, turning to walk away, then seemed to remember something. Pausing, he dipped his hand into his pockets. “I found these,” he said, withdrawing an intact pair of glasses. “I thought you might want them repaired...”

Taking his spectacles back, Spike nodded gratefully, pressing his lips together, unable to form a verbal response.

“You’re welcome,” Angel said softly, then walked away.


A quiet tap on the door caused Severus Snape to break off on his tirade about the stupidity of the third year class he was teaching, the Ravenclaw girl taking the chance to scuttle back to her place, her head down.


The door opened, a small, slim figure standing in the frame, blonde hair highlighted by the flickering torches. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

Snape’s brows beetled. “Summers?”

The Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor nodded. “I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute, Professor Snape,” she said quietly, so formal, so serious, so unlike her normal form of address.

Apparently most of the pupils noticed and thought it strange as well, a flurry of whispers only silenced when he turned a dark look on them, all faces bowed over the simmering cauldrons.

She spoke, then withdrew into the hall, as if expecting him to just drop everything and talk to her, as if she were more important than anything he had to do at present.

“Continue with your work,” he snapped briskly, stalking towards the doorway and out into the hall, where Summers was waiting, her arms folded over her chest, gazing up at a gargoyle on the wall.

It was pulling faces at her, but her expression remained serious.

“What is it, Summers?” he demanded irritably, closing the classroom door behind him.

Hazel eyes lifted to him. “I wanted to thank you,” she said quietly.

“For what?”

“Everything you’ve done for us in the last few days. You didn’t need to help us, but you did it anyway. You made that potion to help Cordy... and me. You got Dawnie out of the way of those demons. You looked after her for me.”

“I did what any other teacher in this school would have done, Summers.”

All right, that was generally true for most of the staff, but he had also received several blows in the process of dragging Dawn Summers from the Great Hall, but surely, she didn’t know about that.

“Dawnie told me you got hurt when you were getting her out.”


“A bruise or two. Nothing serious,” he replied stiffly.

“Still,” She stepped a little closer to him. “You did more than you had to.” One small hand rose and centred over his breastbone, her touch so light that he could barely even feel it. “Thank you.”

Hazel eyes held black, the Slayer wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue.

Summers started to rise as he bent towards her, one of his hands cupping her face.

She was shaking slightly, as he came closer, eyes fluttering closed. Their lips were barely a breath apart when a deafening gong sounded and they jerked apart, staring at one another warily.

Snape stepped back a moment before the students started pouring out of the class.

“I-I better get back to my room,” Summers mumbled, clearing her throat. “Got a class to take...”

Turning, she marched away up the corridor, leaving Severus Snape puzzling over what had just happened, that didn’t involve throwing her up against a wall and kissing her like it was their last minute on earth.

Very strange.

For the first time, they had almost shared a kiss that didn’t involve bruises, scrapes or virtually dislocated limbs.

How very odd.


“Is your life normally like that?”

Sitting in front of the dressing table in her room, brushing her hair, Dawn glanced at Duncan, who was sitting on the edge of her bed. “That?” she replied. “That’s pretty much normal. Demons, vampires, oogy monsters. Actually, normally, it’s worse.”

Duncan shuddered. “And I thought facin’ Snape was bad...”

“Now d’you get why I’m not scared of the guy?”

The Scottish boy nodded. “One, ye have a vampire for a virtual big brother. Two, ye live where monsters are everyday things you see in the streets. An’ three,” He flashed a grin at her. “Yer a freak of nature.”

A hairbrush sailed through the air and smacked him on the head.


“Don’t call me a freak, you freak!”

“Yer sayin’ bein’ normal is a good thing?”

Dawn turned on the stool she was sitting on, pushing her long hair back over her shoulders. “I guess not,” she admitted. “If I was normal, I’d never have come here and met you and everybody else.”

“Everybody else bein’ the Weasley twins, Snape an’ Harry Potter?”


Duncan grinned at her. “Yer so obvious, ye know, Dawnie.”

“Well, is it my fault that I’m good at making potions that Fred and George think will be good for making prank stuff? And is it my fault that Harry Potter is super-cute and that Snape is way cool?”

“Snape and cool... two words that never ever belong in the same sentence...”

Dawn reached over and slapped Duncan’s knee. “Don’t be mean,” she chastised him, frowning. “Snapey saved my life yesterday, when those demons tried to grab me, so he’s... pretty much a big dork who thinks I can’t look after myself.”

Smothering a grin, Duncan shook his head. “Ye are such a girl...”

“Observant much?” Standing up, Dawn smoothed her Gryffindor robes and dusted her hands off on her trousers. “Come on. We have to go and see Angel leaving. He’s taking a portkey out.”

“I thought he was here tae help yer sister...”

Dawn beamed at her friend. “He is. He’s going to get help for her. He’ll be back.”

“Will there be more demons an’ monster an’ things comin’ back with him?” Duncan asked warily. “Not that the one he brought was bad, but if there are dangerous things, I don’t think I wanna be nearby when they get here.”

The dark-haired girl shook her head. “I’m not gonna tell and ruin the surprise,” she said, a naughty glint in her blue eyes. “And I like seeing you freaking out.”

“Has anyone ever told ye yer mean?”

“Only you and since you’re as bad as I am, I don’t think you count as a good judge of it,” Dawn replied, looping her arm through his. “C’mon.”


With the evening meal in progress and the sun just disappearing over the horizon, Angel was preparing to depart, the portkey arranged to deliver him straight to the Hyperion Hotel, where he lived in Los Angeles.

Dumbledore had arranged it so that the defences of the school that protected against Portkey invasion would only be open for a split second. In that semi-heartbeat, the vampire would be instantly transported from Hogwarts to Los Angeles.

Walking down the steps of the castle with Angel, as twilight descended rapidly around them, Buffy looked out around the grounds. “You won’t take too long, will you?” she asked.

“I’ll be as quick as I can,” Angel replied. “I spoke to the Head Master about it and he said that the Portkey will be powered to bring us back in twenty-four hour intervals, so if I’m not back in twenty-four, I’ll be back in forty-eight...”

“We better just hope that Glory doesn’t try anything in the next couple of days, then,” Buffy murmured, shivering slightly as the air of the early Spring evening seeped through her robes.

“She lost a squad of her boys last night and they’ll take some replacing,” Angel reminded her gently. “I don’t think she’ll be ready to do anything yet and the defences around here seem to be holding.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Standing in the middle of the lawn, both of them glanced back towards the castle when someone yelled their names.

A slender figure with robes hiked up to her waist, over her jeans, was sprinting down the castle steps and onto the open lawn, with another, stockier figure running behind her, tripping over his robes.


“I wanted to say bye, Angel!” the teenager panted. “You can’t just disappear without saying bye!”

“He’s coming back, Dawn,” Buffy said, laughing.

Dawn nodded, gripping Angel’s arm as she tried to catch her breath. “I know,” she breathed, her other hand on her chest. Duncan was bent over behind her, gripping his knees and panting. “But I had to ask... can you bring... some Hersheys chocolate back with you?”

“So you only love me for my chocolate-buying abilities?” Angel tried to look hurt.

“Uh huh?” Dawn grinned at him, blowing out a breath. “Man, there are a lotta stairs in that castle... and is that a yeah?”

“Why would you want Hersheys?”

Nodding towards Duncan, who waved his fingers, Dawn replied, “He’s never tried it and he wants to taste it.”

“I guess I could manage that,” Angel sighed with the expression of a martyr.

Dawn threw her arms around him with a squeal. “You are so great!” she exclaimed, hugging him tightly. “And...” Stepping back, she looked over at Duncan, who nodded nervously. “Can you do me a huge favour?”

“That depends...”

“Duncan’s never seen a vampire all grry... can you?”

“Dawn!” Buffy exclaimed.

“What? It’s not like it’s a big deal!” Dawn pouted, her hands still latched securely onto Angel’s arm. “Please, Angel?”

The vampire looked down at her, then at Buffy, who shook her head, rolling her eyes expressively. Turning his attention back to Dawn, he grinned a little. “You’re just like your sister,” he said, tutting. “I can’t resist you either.”


Angel gestured Duncan forward, the boy looking apprehensive. “Don’t be afraid of me, kid,” he said. “I don’t bite...” His face morphed, fangs glinting in the evening light, his eyes glowing gold. “Much.”

Duncan uttered a faint squeak, then keeled over, only to be caught by Buffy before he hit the ground.

“He fainted?!?!” Dawn stared down at her friend.

“Well, he’s not used to seeing demons, Dawnie,” Buffy remarked, swinging the boy up in her arms. “And you better let go of Angel, so you don’t get sucked in with the Portkey as well.”

Stepping back, Dawn nodded. “We’ll see you soon,” she said.

“You can count on it,” Angel agreed.

There was a whooshing sound and a pop and the vampire was gone.

“C’mon, Dawnie, let’s get your boyfriend back inside.”

“He’s not my boyfriend!”

Buffy gave her sister a look. “He’s a boy, he’s a friend, so he’s a boyfriend.”

Dawn pulled a face, trailing after her sister as they made their way back up the lawn and Buffy jogged up the long staircase, Duncan’s head bobbing against her shoulder with every step.

Stopping at the top of every flight of stairs, the dark-haired teen was out of breath by the time they reached the door that lead into Great Hall, where Duncan moaned pitifully and opened his eyes.

“You okay, Duncan?” Buffy asked.

Placed back on his feet, the boy swayed unsteadily, then nodded. “Aye... I-I think I’m gonnae be fine,” he replied, Dawn holding onto his arm as she tried to both hold him upright and catch her breath. “Thanks.”

Buffy looked him over, then nodded. “I’m gonna head to the teacher’s entrance. See you inside,” she said, before hurrying off down one of the side passages and leaving the pair of them standing at the door.

“I can’t believe...” Dawn panted. “That you fainted... you wuss...”

“Fainted?” Duncan smirked. “Who said anythin’ about me faintin’?”

“I... saw you...”

The Scottish boy assumed his most innocent expression, blue eyes round. “Dawnie, lass, what ye saw was me hitchin’ a Slayer-shaped taxi, so I didnae have tae run up all those stairs all over again... an’ if ye want tae see why, just look at us. Which one is out of breath and which one looks like he just had a nice wee rest?”

Dawn blinked.

Duncan grinned. “And ye thought ye were the only one who would be sneaky around here, eh?” he laughed, looping an arm through hers. “Come on. We best get in and get somethin’ tae eat.”

“You... you’re sneaky...”

“Aye,” he agreed, giving her a proud nod. “And don’t ye forget it.”


Author’s Notes: YAY! It’s short! It STAYED short! Happy day! Although, I honestly never thought there would be a day when I classed an 11-page chapter as short, but here it is!

Coming fairly soon (Not giving deadlines cos I usually break ‘em) in the next chapter of The Eighth Weasley: Buffy’s allies start arriving, Draco decides that he has had enough of Glory, a fugitive takes shelter in Hogwarts and more!