Romance Mystery
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/16/2002
Updated: 05/23/2003
Words: 42,814
Chapters: 12
Hits: 5,532

Magique l'Element

finite incantatem

Story Summary:
The offspring of Fred and George are at Hogwarts, creating some mischief of their own. But things are not as they seem, and sometimes, mischief can lead to danger.

Chapter 03

Author's Note:
Well, this is coming along pretty quickly. Don't forget to review, please, as I love hearing from my readers. Cadey, Erin and Laura Foxx-I love you guys.

Chapter 3-Letters, Conversations and Consequences

The kippers were unusually good that morning. Everything was unusually good. Even Rain was uncannily optimistic that morning, even though there was no due reason for it.

"Ah, good! The mail's here."

Owls of every size and kind came swooping into the Great Hall, dropping packages and letters to their owners. Rain wasn't surprised when her owl Spartan landed beside her pumpkin juice.

"Hello, Spar. Brought my mail from Dad, have you?"

The dark owl gave a hoot. Rain got the letter from his leg and fed Spar some bacon. While she read her letter, she absently stroked her owl.

"To: Airen Weasley, Gryffindor Keeper, Prefect and best little daughter in all of Christendom:


I am still the same-red hair, brown eyes, big Beater muscles-though quite lonely without your sunshiny presence around me constantly. Your letters are a comfort to a strikingly handsome old bloke like myself, no matter how short they are, and I thank you for prioritizing me over Snape's essay.

Yes, Rain, we did play during the first ever EISQC. Your mother was the Hogwarts Keeper, and received the Best Keeper Award for that season. Speaking of Alex, are you keeping her Wishkeeper properly? I know you wear it all the time, so don't roll your eyes at the parchment like you're doing now; I just want to make sure. Alex's own mother (your grandmother, Allana) gave it to her. It's an heirloom, darling, so keep it dangling on that silver chain next to your heart.

My love, do not doubt your abilities. You're like your Mum in so many ways (from your fondness of Muggle clothing and hatred of skirts to your appearance), and I believe you've been blessed with her skills as well.

Like your own, this letter will be heartbreakingly short, as I'm scribbling this during a meeting with some investors in France. Fred sends his love, as well as our new batch of pranks when we get to the shop. In the meantime, take care.

I love you.

A big, horrendously wet kiss
(though I know how much you hate them),
Your Father

Smiling a little, Rain folded her letter again and tucked it into her robes for safekeeping while Spar took off for the Owlery. Words from her Father always made her smile. It was as though she drew her so-called 'sunshiny presence' from him.

"Good morning, Skye," she greeted her favorite cousin as he sat down in front of her.

"Er-yeah" was all he said.

A slight frown creased Rain's forehead. She knew Skye wasn't a morning person, but he rarely looked like this in the morning. The look on his face was filled with dread.

"Alright, what is it you've done this time?"

"Rain, I need to speak with you."

"We're already talking."


Frowning fully now, Rain rose from her seat. Skye was looking from side to side, as though searching for someone. Then, he took hold of her hand and virtually towed her from the Great Hall.

What is wrong with him this morning?

"Where are we going?" she demanded, trying to skirt the Ravenclaw in her way.

Skye did not reply. Instead, he kept on pulling her, out into the Entrance Hall and up the marble staircase, following a path they were both familiar with. Up more staircases, down several corridors until they reached the west wing on the third floor. Skye only stopped when they were in front of the painting of a bald warlock.

"Nufeniel," he said softly.

The painting melted before them to reveal a narrow passageway. Skye pulled her into it, once again, and they made their way to the room at the end of the walkway. They entered. There, Skye let go of her.

This hidden room they had discovered two years ago. It had been used by Skye's parents-for purposes they did not care to expound on or explain. There was a plump loveseat facing the window. In reality, there was no window; it was just enchanted so the inhabitants of the room could see the outside from the west wing aspect.

"Now, kindly tell me what's going on. I don't exactly relish being pulled away from my kippers for no reason at all," Rain spoke, seating herself on the loveseat.


Skye remained standing. He felt better on his feet.

"Tell me what's going on between you and Malfoy."

The look of surprise on Rain's face betrayed the fact that she had not been expecting this. However, she quickly replaced it with a look of thoughtfulness.

"What makes you think this has anything to do with Devon? I never said anything about him."

Damn my big mouth.

"I borrowed your Transfiguration book two nights ago, and there was a certain note tucked in between two pages. It was in Malfoy's handwriting."

She didn't even ask him how he knew it was Malfoy's penmanship. Of course, they were Potions partners.

"You read that." It wasn't a question.

"Of course I did. I asked him about it, but he was rather evasive. Didn't answer my questions at all. So now I'm asking you."

Rain seemed to be considering her answer carefully.

"There's nothing going on between us." was all she said, though she seemed to want to add something.

"Are you sure about that?"

He had the distinct feeling that his cousin's sudden silent phases had something to do with Malfoy, but if she said it didn't....

Wait, wait, wait.

"You're keeping something from me again," he said before she could reply.

Her brown eyes narrowed slightly.

"So what if I am? You don't have to know everything that goes on in my life, Skye. I thought we had this conversation last night." Her voice carried something similar to a threat.

"Rain, look. Jon is going to get himself involved in all of this-whatever it is you're hiding. He's going to start being a pain in the arse...even more than he usually is," he added softly.

At this, Rain stood, looking very peeved. She turned to the window, focusing all her attention to it for a few tense minutes. Then, she spoke in a very controlled voice, "And why would he? He has no right to be so protective of me."

"I sort of let it slip to him last night--I wasn't thinking and I didn't realize he was listening so attentively to me..."


Jonathan Wycheck was, by far, the sweetest boy she had even known. He was a thoughtful sort of boy, the kind never to forget a birthday or anniversary or any significant date. He'd bring a girl flowers for no reason at all, take them dancing when he thought they'd been standing still too long, and serenade them in the moonlight. Rain thought this was the type of boy that she wanted.

"Are you sure?"


Jen Francis, Emily Porte and Esther Doria, the three girls who shared a dormitory with her, exchanged knowing looks.

"So...let me get this straight. You don't have a crush on Jonathan Wycheck anymore." said Jen slowly, as if trying to believe it herself.

"Yes, Jen. Now, please stop asking me about it."

Rain picked a book from her bedside cabinet and walked out of her dormitory with a wave at her friends.

I suppose this is why I always liked playing with boys better than with girls.

She descended to the common room, trying to look for a space free of other students. She found none however, and proceeded to the portrait hole. She needed time alone to think about certain events that both confused and irritated her.

Rain proceeded to the room where Skye had dragged her that morning-the one in the west wing of the third floor. Once alone, she glanced at the book in her hand. La Histoire Magique le Element. It was the book that she had most read since she discovered her powers in her First Year. She found it in her father's library.

"Here to practice?"

"I came here for some quiet time, thank you."

She hoped that he would go, yet Jon didn't move from his seat. Instead, he looked up at her.

"Can I watch you, then?"

As much as she hated it when people watched her when she was practicing, Rain could find no suitable argument to make him leave. Looking down resignedly, she proceeded to leaf through her book to look for the page she had marked. Upon finding it, Rain cleared her throat and began to sing.

Moments later, a small flame appeared in front of her. She stopped singing, fighting to make the flame grow.


Her weak flame disappeared when Jon's voice broke her concentration.

Bugger off, Wycheck.

"Yes, Jon?" she replied, trying to bite back the irritation in her.

"What, exactly, does Devon Malfoy mean to you?"

She raised her left brow.

"Oh. So that's what this is about. Devon. Tell me, Jon, what does it matter to you?"

Jon appeared nonplused. It looked as though he had been expecting this sort of answer from her.

"It matters a lot to me, Rain. You know that."

"No, Jon, I don't know that. You really want to know what's going on between Devon and I? I'll tell you-we're friends. Very good friends."

"You're more than friends," he said softly. It sounded like an accusation.

"So what if we are?" Rain challenged.

She was tired of everybody treating her like she didn't know what she was doing. She was tired of being coddled and protected. Rain was tired of being 'little Ms. Weasley' who had her family taking care of her all the time.

"Rain...I love you. Do you hear me? I care about you-and I don't want you to throw yourself at Malfoy's feet because-because I want you for myself. I know I sound like a completely selfish prat, but I don't know what else to do..." Jon said, his words coming out in a rush. After saying this, he looked down, as though ashamed.

If the situation had been different, this short speech would have melted Rain's heart. She would have thrown her arms around Jon, kissed him probably, and reassured him. However, she was nowhere near that situation now.

"A completely selfish prat? Right you are, Wycheck. You're being nothing but a completely selfish prat. You've no right to make these demands, Jon. You have absolutely no right."

"I LOVE YOU! Isn't that a right in itself?"

He was standing now, his eyes blazing with a fire she had never seen before. But Rain wasn't about to back down.

"No, it's not. I've had a huge crush on you since I was in Second Year, Jon, and you never, ever noticed. To you I was just Skye's younger cousin-that little girl who kept on pestering him and bossing him around. For four years I've tried to get your attention; to get you to see me as something more than just a tagalong. You never did." Rain spoke in a voice laced with bitterness.

"You...you never said anything..." he attempted to protest. But Rain cut him off.

"How was I supposed to say anything when you weren't listening? And now that there's another boy in my life, you suddenly come up and tell me you love me. Well, I'm sorry, but you've had your chance. You didn't think I was going to wait around forever, did you?"

With that, she left, clutching her book, not noticing the fire in the grate turning green.


The corridors were empty-as they should be at this time of night. Devon was just finishing his patrol duty when a he caught the sound of footsteps ahead of him. He saw a flash of red hair and the gleam of a silver Prefect badge.

"Rain!" he called, then stopped and jumped to the side to avoid the fireball that hurtled towards his head.

Well, that was new. I've had numerous things thrown at me, but no fireballs before.

Scrambling to his feet, Devon ran after the Gryffindor. He caught her arm and turned her to face him.

"What are you sending fireballs at innocent people for?" he said softly.

Rain struggled in his grasp for a moment, but stopped at the sound of his voice and looked up into his face, alarmed.

"I-what? I sent a fireball at you?"

"Yes. What did I do this time?"

Her shoulders sagged and she dropped her gaze to the floor. She covered her face with one hand, looking defeated. Devon stood there awkwardly, wondering what he was supposed to do.

"I'm sorry," she finally whispered.

"No matter. How did you do that, though? I didn't see a wand in your hand."

"It's...I can't tell you. I'm sorry." she added quickly.

He frowned a bit, but nodded. There were secrets she was unwilling to share with him, as there were things he couldn't tell her. Devon lifted her chin with his hand, looking into her eyes.

"Go back to your dormitory now. You look like you need rest."

But Rain had an odd look on her face. She looked at him as though she hadn't heard what he said. Then, she kissed him.

Devon was caught by surprise. For a moment, he froze, still shocked. Then, he melted into the kiss, slipping his arms about her waist to pull her closer. Her arms suddenly appeared, encircling his neck.

Hmm, she's actually getting better at this.

Suddenly, as though snapping out of a trance, he broke the kiss.


Taking a breath to steel his resolve, Devon turned and started to walk away-but a voice made him turn.

"Don't leave."

"What did you say?"

"Don't leave me like this again. Don't leave me hanging like this. You do it all the time-when you smile at me or glance at me, you leave me hanging like an unfinished story does. Don't do it again," said Rain, avoiding his eyes and looking at the flagstones.

His heart was now beating painfully. He swallowed, searching for a response to give her. It wouldn't do for him to pour his heart out now, but the option of just leaving her without a word and shelving his emotions did not look appealing either.

"Then give me a legitimate reason to stay," he said softly before resuming his pace, leaving her standing in the middle of the hallway with her head bent.


She looked up in time to see a very familiar owl soar into the room.

I wonder what Spartan's doing here at this time of night. Oh, no. Skye got another detention...

Rising from her seat, Calla Weasley retrieved the letter from the owl's leg, just as Fred entered the penthouse via the front door.

"Calla? You home, love?"

"In the parlour, Fred."

Her husband entered the parlour and kissed her briefly. He was going to sweep her into an embrace when Calla put both her hands up in front of her defensively.

"I take it you came home directly from practice. Off to the showers with you."

"But Cal-"

"I love you, darling, but even I can't bear you when..." she trailed off, smiling a bit.

"Oh, alright. I'll bathe. Just-"

"Just what?"

Ah, I knew there was a condition to it. Honestly.

"Just tell me you love me again and I'll leave you in peace."

Calla smiled again. Without actually touching her husband, she gave him a full kiss on the lips.

"I love you, dear. Now, take a bath."

Fred signed resignedly and tired unsuccessfully to hug his wife again before giving up and going into the bathroom. Shaking her head, Calla turned her attention back to the piece of parchment in her hand. She sat down and read it.

"Dear Aunt Calla,

Before anything else, I'd like to ask you not to read this in the presence of your beloved husband. The last time he read one of my letters to you, he told Grandmum about my crush on Jonathan Wycheck. To make matters worse, she teased me about him in front of the whole family (and I do mean the whole family). You don't know of this because you had a game that night.

Now that that is out of the way, how are you doing? Word has it that you brought Transylvania down during your last match. Going to the semifinals, are you?

I'll stop beating around the bush now. I wrote to you because I want to know about relationships of people who aren't of the same age. After all, you're two years younger than Uncle Fred. How do those things work? I know I sound terribly naive, but I'm curious to know about what goes on behind all the snogging, hand holding and lovemaking. There's no guarantee that an older boy will be mature enough to handle this type of relationship (Skye is living proof of that), as is the same for a younger girl. Tell me the advantages and disadvantages of such a relationship.

Aunt Cal, I'm confused. How do you know what's going on in a Malfoy's mind? You are, once again, the only logical person to be asked a question like this. I don't know how to interpret a certain blond boy's actions towards me. He smiles as he passes me by, and he's kissed me. Each time he catches my eye, I feel like I'm melting into a puddle. But after the moment has passed, he goes on and behaves as though he didn't do anything. It's even more confusing that my crush on Jon was, and you know how I hate being confused about anything (And to that, your son says I have too much of Aunt Hermione in me).

Don't worry about Skye; he's not using his powers unnecessarily-and neither am I, in case you wanted to know. I have one more question, though, regarding these powers. Why does Dad have the same powers that I do? I know Mum inherited them from her own mother, but Dad never explained to me how he got his own powers.

I'm cutting this letter short, as Skye is trying to peek over my shoulder. All my love to Uncle Fred, and I do hope they got those French investors he and Dad were meeting last night.


Calla sighed. She had been expecting this all summer, of course, after Rain had confessed having taken a fancy to Devon Malfoy. It still seemed too soon, though.

Even though quite a number of years and passed since, she couldn't remember her boyfriend before Fred without a pang. It cost her to reminisce about such things, and even though she couldn't imagine life without Fred Weasley by her side, she couldn't help but think about how different things might have been if only...

"Stop it. You can't turn time back."

She wasn't quite sure she would have turned time back if she had the chance anymore. Fred was the only wizard that could make her happy, although they probably could have made it if they had tried-

But that's just it. He didn't try, did he? He gave me up, and that's the end of our little love story.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she went to her desk and retrieved a quill and some parchment.


"It's one in the morning. What are you doing down here, Rain?"

"Speak for yourself, Celestia."

She was surprised to find Celestia Faber down in the common room. Rain hadn't been able to sleep, and she had gone down to read.

"I couldn't sleep," offered the older girl.

"Same here."

Celestia was in Skye's year-a year older than Rain. The two were friendly towards one another, once having accidentally exchanged their History of Magic essays when Peeves had entered the library.



Rain sat down on the rug in front of the fire beside Celestia.

"Can I talk to you about-girl stuff?"

"Girl stuff, Rain? Of course."

She sighed, placing her chin on her knees.

"I don't know why, but I feel like I can't talk to my other friends about stuff like this. They gush and giggle and gossip about it, and that really isn't what I need. Don't even ask me about my cousins-they'll know about it soon enough. News spreads fast in the Weasley clan, you know."

Cel nodded, but didn't say anything, waiting for her to continue. Rain took a breath, then spoke again.

"What would you make of a boy who catches your eye and smiles at you?"

"Well...I would think that this boy is being quite friendly with me. But if he's going completely out of his way to do this, then-hold on. There's a boy who has the nerve to catch your eye and smile at you?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Cel laughed a bit, but Rain noticed the slight blush that had come into her cheeks.

"Skye, you know. He sort of breathes down other boys' necks when they talk about you. I don't think he even cuts Jon Wycheck some slack when it comes to talking about you."

Rain frowned slightly.

"Talk about me? Boys talk about me? Anyway, back to the subject. Yes, he goes completely out of his way to do those things. And...he's kissed me."

"Then I think he likes you. The question is, do you like him as well?"

A small laugh escaped Rain's lips. Devon Malfoy was, after Skye, the most sought-after boy in Hogwarts. The fact that he was a Malfoy was often overlooked when his good looks were the topic of the conversation.

"I believe I do, actually. But it's all rather confusing. I don't think I can last in this sort of uncertainty for long."

"It's always confusing at the start-or so my friends tell me. Has he done anything about it? Oh, and by the way, who's the lucky bloke who doesn't seem to have your cousin breaking his arm?"

"Devon Malfoy."

The older girl's eyes widened.

"You're pulling my leg" Celestia half-whispered.

"Sorry, I'm not. And he hasn't done anything about it, because I think he's waiting for me to take some sort of action. The trouble is, I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing."

Celestia sighed a bit.

"Well, I'm still rather surprised that Skye isn't taking any kind of violent action against Malfoy...though he is cute and all...what made you say that he's waiting for you to do something?"

"Oh, just something he said to me. He told me to give him a legitimate reason to stay."

"Awfully cryptic, that. It could have other meanings."

"I know."

Now all I have to do is figure out exactly what it means.


Skye cracked his eyes open, but didn't get out of bed just yet. He wasn't keen on facing Jon, who hadn't said two words to him last night. Jon had wandered into their dormitory late last night, glowering and brooding about something, and looking altogether downtrodden.

It's Rain's sixteenth birthday today. Right.

He parted his hangings slightly, trying to see if anyone was awake yet. It was still relatively early to get up on a beautiful Friday morning like this one, so Skye felt that he was safe from an encounter with his best friend.

Going to his bedside cabinet, Skye pulled out a package from inside. It was big and rather heavy, and he needed to get it into Rain's dormitory before she woke-which wouldn't be easy. Rain was usually an early riser; she did her advanced reading and heavy studying in the morning where everything was sure to be quiet.

Ack, this is heavy. Oh, hell. Am I a wizard or not?

After making sure everybody in his dormitory was still asleep, Skye pointed a finger at Rain's gift. It floated out of the cabinet and stopped in front of him, still suspended in midair. This way, he was able to bring his cousin's gift to her dormitory without straining himself (though he constantly had to stop and check if anybody was awake).


A noise from the staircase made Rain turn her head with a start.

She checked her watch. It was half past five. Nobody aside from her was supposed be awake at this hour. Cocking her head to the die, she listened for any more noises.

Must be Emily's cat again.

Rain heard the door to her dormitory open and parted her hangings. No cat would be able to open a door.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed at the person she found standing in the doorway.


"Come here, quickly, before anybody sees you."

The girls' dormitories were naturally off-limits to all those who weren't female. Skye was no exception to this, even though some girls would be rather put-out about that little fact.

Skye sat on his cousin's bed and she pulled her hangings shut. She turned to him, a brow raised.

"What, praytell, are you doing here at this time in the morning?"

"Giving you your birthday gift," he replied, "You didn't forget it was your birthday, did you?"

Rain pursed her lips. She had, in fact, forgotten that it was her birthday. It had completely slipped her mind. Skye, however, had obviously remembered, for her pushed a rather large parcel towards her.

"Open it."

Evidently, her distrust showed on her face because Skye laughed softly.

"Fine. If you don't trust me, I'll open it for you."

And, true to his word, Skye quietly undid the wrappings of the parcel he had brought. Then, he looked at Rain expectantly.

"A Pensieve. Thanks," she said, smiling.

Skye shook his head, making Rain frown.

"ER-so it's not a Pensieve? What is it, then? A soup bowl?"

"It's a Pensieve. But it's not for your thoughts."

"What do you mean?"

Why else would Skye give her a Pensieve for her birthday if not to unload her thoughts in? It didn't look like anything she'd seen her Dad and Uncle Fred make...

"I know what you want more than anything else in the world, but it's something nobody can give you. It's torn me apart when we were small to see you cry during your birthday, and it probably still will if you cry tonight. So, I decided to give this to you."

Using his wand, Skye swirled the contents of the Pensieve around.

"Care to join me?" he asked Rain. Not waiting for her response, Skye let himself fall into the memory.

It's not like I have a choice.

Rain followed his example, and found herself crashing into Skye.

"Ow! Geroff!"

She stood, rubbing her backside.

"Well I'm sorry, but I didn't plow into you on purpose, you know."

"For someone so small, you sure are heavy, Rain-"

Rain slapped her cousin on the arm sharply, making him shut up and grin. She was always very touchy about her height, which she had inherited from her mother.

"Anyway, Skye, why are we in the common room?"

"Just watch," Skye said simply, as the portrait hole opened and two figures emerged from it.

A seventeen-year-old George Weasley ran into the Gryffindor common room and ducked behind an armchair. A girl with rich brown hair followed him quickly. Both seemed to be struggling not to laugh.

"The look on Trelawney's face! I can't believe you did that, Alex," said the boy.

The brunette looked at her red-haired companion, smiling in a very mischievous way.

"What, you thought I was all bookish and boring? You still have a lot of things to learn about me, George Weasley."

Rain felt her jaw drop. She turned to Skye, who was smiling at her, running a hand through his dark red hair.

"Those are-my parents? Skye, whose memories are these?" she demanded.

"Uncle George gave some. Then, of course, there's Mum, and Dad, Uncle Harry, Dumbledore...the list goes on, actually," Skye said, holding up his fingers as though ticking off a list. "I researched and found a way to collect different people's memories in one Pensieve, and I asked some of your Mum's friends to contribute their best memories of her."

"You mean, these are memories of my Mother. You collected them. All for me."

Skye turned red and looked down, but nodded. Lower lip trembling, Rain hugged her cousin tightly. He held her for a moment, rubbing her back.

"Thank you," she managed to choke out when she had let go of him.

But Skye just smiled again.

"C'mon. You can thoroughly explore these memories later. I'm hungry."

Well, he may be the sweetest cousin on the planet, but he still thinks with his stomach.


"Well, somebody seems to be getting a lot of attention on her birthday," remarked Jennifer Francis.

Pontiard turned his head slightly to avoid being seen by the four Gryffindor girls, who descending the staircase, walking towards the Potions dungeon. Rain Weasley was standing with her three friends, apparently oblivious to any outside distraction.

He entered the dungeon, seating himself in front of Professor Snape's desk. Sitting at the same desk during Potions was never a problem for Pontiard, as he was rather influential with the other Slytherins, and the Gryffindors generally hated being anywhere near the Potions Master.

"Enough nattering. The potion we shall be working on today requires full concentration, and the simplest mistake could lead to catastrophe," sneered Snape upon entry into the classroom.

Forcing himself to concentrate on his work until his opportunity came, Pontiard took out his ingredients and opened his book to the specific page he had been reading last night. After all, he wasn't at the top of Potions just because the teacher favored him.

"So, where were you last night? You weren't back in the dormitory until midnight," he heard someone whisper behind him.

"Just out. Jen, stop whispering," came another very familiar whisper.

"Would you want me to shout, Rain?"

"Five points from Gryffindor," Professor Snape said, walking over to the desk behind Pontiard, and startling the two Gryffindors.

He turned his gaze to his classmates and tried very hard not to smile. Snape had walked away now, and the two were making faces at his back.

Childish, but cute.

The class dragged on, and Pontiard was growing impatient. So far, Rain hadn't left her seat.

"After your potions have simmered, get a sample in a vial and bring it here to test it," said Snape.

Pontiard allowed himself a small grin. This was his chance...yet it had to be timed perfectly so as not to give himself away...

As was usual, Rain was first to finish her potion. She stood, carrying a vial of the yellow liquid in her hand. He looked behind again, waiting for a chance to - there. Her seatmates were busy with their own work. Slipping a hand into his rucksack, Pontiard withdrew a slender package wrapped in velvet and levitated it onto Rain's empty chair.


Rain was trying not to look smug. Her potion was faultless. She walked back towards her seat-and stopped short.

"Hullo, what's this?"

Jen turned her head to look.

"Oh, Rain, who gave you this?," Jen whispered.

Moving the slim parcel so she could sit, Rain lifted a corner of the velvet wrapping and smothered a gasp. A crystalline rose lay there, sparkling where it caught the light of fire under her cauldron.

"Oh, my...this is beautiful. Jen, who left this here?"

"I-I don't know, Rain. I just saw it there when you spoke."

She looked around her, taking in the scene. All her classmates were busy with their own work-except for one. Pontiard Malfoy had cut his eyes towards her for a split second. Rain opened her mouth to speak when the bell rang, signalling the end of Potions.

"C'mon, Rain. You have Quidditch practice, don't you?"

"ER-yeah Let's go."

Throwing her remaining Potions things into her cauldron, Rain left the classroom, holding the rose in her hand.


The sound of crystal shattering was heard all over the corridor.

Rain looked up, eyes narrowed to slits. Skye stood in front of her, looking sheepish.

"Um, did I just make you drop that?"


Moonlight flooded the Charms corridor. Footsteps echoed off the stone walls, betraying the approach of the Gryffindor Prefect. Devon remained in his position, looking outside the window, not moving.

"You wanted to meet me?" came the soft voice of the newcomer.

"Yes," he replied.

"Well, I'm here. What is it?"

At this, he turned to look at her.

"I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday."

Rain looked down, blushing slightly.

"Thank you," she said, "Well, if that's all...good night."

And to Devon's horror, she began to walk away.

"Rain, hold on. Stay."

She stopped and looked back, raising her eyebrows inquiringly.

"Don't go just yet."

Stooping, Devon got a box that he had hidden in the shadows. He handed it to Rain, who looked surprised.

"Devon, you didn't have to-"

"You didn't think I wouldn't get you anything, did you?" Devon said, smiling at her reaction when she opened the box.

"Devon...this is...this is beautiful," said Rain, looking up at him.

A red cloak cascaded out of the box, flowing smoothly like a river. He gently got it from Rain's hands and put it around her, adjusting the fastenings so it fit snugly about her shoulders.

Of course it's beautiful. You're wearing it.

"I had that made especially for you. I figured that it was the least I could do," he offered.

"Least you could do for what? You owe me nothing," she replied, moving towards him, stopping only when they were a few inches apart.

"Yes, I do."

"What, then?" Rain said, now looking slightly amused.

Looking into her eyes, Devon stroked Rain's cheek. He wanted to say it-yet he couldn't. Instead, he changed the topic.

"Has anybody told you that you look sinfully beautiful up close?" he half whispered.

Rain blushed again, but did not look away this time. Instead, she moved even closer.

"No, nobody's ever told me that," she replied softly, "You're the first one."

Giving in to the strong temptation to kiss her, Devon closed the gap between them, gathering Rain in his arms. He parted his lips, drinking in the taste that was intoxicatingly Airen Weasley. Finally, he pulled away, stroking her long red hair.

"Rain?" he whispered.


"How would you react if I started calling you my girlfriend? How would you feel?"

Rain looked down briefly, as though thinking. When she looked at him again, she said, "Why do you want to know? Is there a specific reason?"

"Yes, there is, but I'd like to know your answer before I tell you."

"Well...I don't know how I'd feel. It all depends on one factor."

"Which is?"

"If you asked me to be your girlfriend."
