Romance Mystery
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/16/2002
Updated: 05/23/2003
Words: 42,814
Chapters: 12
Hits: 5,532

Magique l'Element

finite incantatem

Story Summary:
The offspring of Fred and George are at Hogwarts, creating some mischief of their own. But things are not as they seem, and sometimes, mischief can lead to danger.

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
REVIEW! Don't forget that! Tell me your comments, because they're very, very welcome. Oh, and unlike in other fics, Dumbledore is still very much alive here. Glomps to Cadey and Erin, and a huge wah to all the readers who reviewed!

Chapter 2-Wanderings

She resisted the urge to giggle. Girls were still oggling at Skye, and the prat was still very much basking in all the attention.

"I thought I told you to stop flirting," she whispered to him across the Gryffindor table.

"Yeah, but you're not Mum, are you?"

"Skye-" Rain got cut off, however, as the Headmaster rose from his seat, signalling the end of the Welcoming Feast.

One day, Skye, you'll get your comeuppance for flirting with those witches.

"Time for bed, my students. Off you go," said Dumbledore cheerfully, as the student body got to their feet.

Rain stood and sighed a bit. She, Jon and Skye had something planned for tonight, but she was the only Prefect who knew the new term's password to Gryffindor Tower.

"Oi, where are you going?" asked Skye.

"Up to my dormitory. I just need to take a very necessary precaution."

Evidently, her cousin got the message. He nodded and waved her off, then turned to speak with Jonathan in low, conspiratorial tones.

Walking out of the Great Hall, Rain spied Jennifer Francis, one of her close friends.

"Jen! Where's Bri?" she said, naming another one of her friends.

"I don't know. Off somewhere, I suppose. You know him, he snogs at every available moment."

Rain rolled her eyes briefly before they continued walking the familiar path towards Gryffindor Tower. At the portrait of the Fat Lady, Rain pushed her way through the crowd of waiting Gryffindors.

"The new password's Argyllshire."

And with that, the portrait swung open and the Gryffindors entered their common room. Rain dashed up to her dormitory and opened her trunk. There, she rifled through her books.

Oh, where are you? Where are you?


Her hand touched a very old piece of parchment. She took it out of her trunk. Yes, it was the right one. Rain left her dormitory.

"Oi, Rain, where are you going? Aren't you sleepy yet?"

"I have an appointment to keep, Jen."


"You have it?"


"Good, now let's act before Rain starts lecturing again."

"I hate you, Skye."

"I love you too, cousin dearest."

"Stop bickering, will you? We're going to get caught before we can do anything if you two don't shut up," Jon spoke up, preventing the argument that was about to erupt.

I love getting her hacked off.

Skye grinned at his cousin and followed Jon down a staircase. They had never pulled a prank on the very first night back before, and it would make for a very interesting twist in the morning.

"Stop," came Rain's urgent whisper. She had been staring at the Marauder's Map.

"What's the matter?"

"Peeves is coming! Quick...run down and enter the first doorway to the left."

"Are you sure about that?" he said, raising a brow at Rain.

Jon made a noise, grabbed Skye's sleeve and dragged him down the stairs, Rain at their heels. Upon entering the first doorway to their left, they shut it and stayed still, panting. In less than a minute, Peeves' cackling voice could be heard on the other side of the door.

"Whew, that was close," panted Skye.

"I'd say," said Rain.

"We would've been here sooner if Skye hadn't wasted two seconds raising his brow doubtfully," Jon spoke rather pointedly.

"Well she still hasn't gotten even for the last trick I played on her. You should've seen it, Jon. She was chasing me all over The Burrow as a raccoon!"

The two boys started sniggering uncontrollably, leaving Rain to shake her head at the infinite satisfaction they seemed to get from playing pranks on her.

"Aren't we supposed to be doing something here?" she said.

They took no notice of her. Instead, Jon choked out, "What else did you do to her over the summer?"

"Oh...lots! You should've been there. There was this time when I put Ton Tongue Toffee in this basket of sweets that she has. She couldn't cast a spell to stop the Engorgement Charm because her tongue was all over the floor..."

Promptly, the two laughed out loud at the vision of Rain, on the floor, trying desperately to cast a spell with her tongue four feet long, lying in front of her.


This was too much for Rain. Ordinarily, she would have rode it out, but she had very little patience that night.

"Boys," she muttered under her breath and slipped out of the room they were in.

Holding the Marauder's Map under a torch, she found that her path going back to Gryffindor Tower was clear. Rain yawned, and quickly decided to call it a night. She tread the flagstones in silence, checking the map occasionally to see if anybody was coming towards her. Finally, she reached the corridor with the portrait of the Fat Lady at the end.

Oh, bloody hell. No!

The portrait was empty. Evidently, the Fat Lady had gone on a nighttime visit. Biting her lip to prevent herself from cursing at the top of her lungs, Rain turned to a nearby window to cool herself. She forced her gaze over the grounds of Hogwarts, drinking in the tranquil surroundings.

"I should report you, you know," came a soft voice that made her jump about a foot in the air.

Rain turned.

"Speak for yourself. We're both Prefects," she forced herself to reply.

His only response was to come closer to her. In the dim torchlight, Devon Malfoy's features were unreadable. Yet, something in his eyes told Rain that he was glad for this chance encounter.

"You're not really going to report me, are you?" she asked.

Devon looked out the window, leaning on the ledge gracefully. Moonlight hit his face, illuminating it partially, making him look like a perfect marble statue.

"Worried about your record, Rain? No, I'm not going to report you. You could very well do the same to me."

Ah. I was wondering when he was going to revert the focus to himself. Malfoys.

"Not all people delight in retribution, you know," she said, trying to get him to talk.

"You're not all people."

Was that a compliment or an insult?

Rain swallowed and looked down, unsure of what she was supposed to do or say next, as she knew that he was a paradox. However, Devon spoke again.

"Why did you tell me that? What was your purpose in saying that not all people delight in retribution when you love torturing your cousin so much with your carefully planned pranks?"

"That's revenge. There's a difference. And besides, I was trying to make a point."

"And it was-?"

Blinking, Rain tried to grasp at how fast the atmosphere of their conversation had changed.

"That I'm not going to report you, whether you do report me or not," she said somewhat lamely.

Oh, damn. Now I've gone and done it.


Something inside Devon shifted, but he kept his face impassive. His father had taught him to control his emotions, after all, and it wouldn't do to show her how much she affected him with her words.

"Why not?" he pressed on, hoping that she would answer with the words he wanted to hear.

"You're my friend, and I'm not going to turn you in, because I don't want to," came her reply, sounding a little proud, a little indignant at his probing.

She lifted her chin a little, looking out into the night now. At the sight of this, Devon left out the breath he realized he had been holding. He knew that they were drifting towards a very uncomfortable silence, and so he said the first thing that came into his mind.

"Whoever told you that we're friends?"

Damn. That sounded childish.

However, Rain looked like she expected his comment. She didn't look at him, though she said, "I didn't say anything about us being friends. I said you are my friend. I don't know how you feel about me, but I want to make it clear now that I think of you as my friend."

"But why?"

Indeed, why? He was very curious to know her reasons. He was a Malfoy, and she was a Weasley. She was a Gryffindor, he, a Slytherin. They had every reason to hate each other. Yet...for some odd reason...she didn't.

Rain was still unmoved.

"Last year, you saved my life from that bog behind Dervish and Banges. But that's not why, even though I'm infinitely grateful for that, because anybody with an ounce of heroism can rescue somebody else, and Slytherins are also heroic in their own ways," she paused then, and lifted her chin to look straight into his eyes.

"Devon, you weren't the only person to notice when I got...depressed last year. But what set you apart was that you were the only one who openly asked me what was wrong."

The revelation made Devon frown.

"You have about half a dozen relatives in your House alone. You've other friends. Are you telling me that not one of them inquired what was ailing you when you were wilting like a flower in the desert?"

He watched as his statement spread a faint blush in her cheeks. He had, indeed, meant it as a compliment, but he couldn't be sure how she would take it. Rain shook her head with a slight smile that looked bittersweet.

"Everybody who knew me well enough to ask automatically assumed that I was thinking about my Mum-"

"They were right," he interrupted before she could continue.

"But what if it wasn't? What if I had some other problem that nobody knew about? I don't ask for help until the last possible moment, you know. What if it was already too late when I reached out? What if-"

Feeling the need for yet another interruption, Devon put his forefinger to Rain's parted lips, hushing her without a word. Her brown eyes widened a bit, but he didn't take it away.

"You talk too much. Has anybody ever told you that?"

She was going to reply when he hushed her again.

"You also worry too much. Fate has a way of working things out. Not everything is in your hands, you know."

At this, Rain turned her head, as though Devon's words had hit a nerve. In doing so, she also lost the pressure of his forefinger on her lips.

"You need to get back to your dormitory before anybody catches you. Both of us will get detention if anybody comes along,' she said, her voice devoid of emotion.

"Detention? Does a little thing like detention scare you?"

She didn't reply. Instead, she turned her back on him and started walking away. But he caught her her hand and pulled her before she could take more than a few steps. Then, to prevent her from saying anything, he planted his lips on hers.


This is not happening to me.

Days turned into weeks, and life at Hogwarts had started again. Rain did not permit herself to think of what had happened between her and Devon that night-partly because she had to concentrate on her studies and partly because she was afraid to.

Skye seemed to notice the change around his cousin, yet made no mention of it, even though his mere presence spoke louder than any other words may have. He kept popping up whenever she least expected it now-in between classes, while she was in the library, before or after Prefect meetings. Always, he had a perfectly good excuse for his being there.

"Hey," a gentle voice made her look up. It was Jon.

He sat down in front of her, soft green eyes filled with concern. His light brown hair he brushed back with one hand as he waited for her to reply.

"Hi. What are you doing here? Where's Skye?"

"In the Owlery. Rain, is there anything going on that other people should be aware of?"

No. It's not something other people should know about, that's for sure.

"Jon, I'm fine. Female hormones, you know. It's a stage."

As she spoke, she turned her eyes to the other side of the Great Hall, towards the Slytherin table, where a group of them were seated, studying. Devon Malfoy was among them. From the distance, she observed him, and liked what she saw.

Closed. Mysterious. As Malfoyesque as he can possibly get. Give it up, Rain.

As though he felt her gaze upon him, Devon looked up from his parchment and gave her a brief smile that sent a jolt through her body. Before she could react, however, his eyes were back on his parchment, as though he had not done anything.

"Oi, Weasley, what's gotten into you?"came Jon's voice, jolting her out of her reverie.

"Wha-oh. Sorry, Jon. My mind just wandered a bit there."

She went back to her work, trying to focus her attention on it. She had started her concentration when it was interrupted again, this time, unintentionally.

"Slimy git," Jon muttered under his breath.

Rain chose to ignore this, though she closed her eyes for a second at the sound of Jonathan's tone. She never told him about what had transpired in Hogsmeade last year. She was sure he wouldn't believe her...

She was walking down the High Street, looking for any sign of Skye. Mouse, the huge eagle owl belonging to her Dad and Uncle Fred, had delivered their weekly supply of 'materials'.

It was a cloudy day, yet all students above Third Year were enjoying the village's shops, regardless of the snow that still lay upon the ground. Spring was in the air, yet still far enough to prevent the melting of the snow. Rain abandoned High Street, for Skye obviously wasn't there.

"What an idiot I am," she suddenly berated herself.

Where else could Skye be except for Zonko's, hanging around and comparing the pranks there to what their own fathers created?

Instead of sloshing all the way up High Street again, Rain went behind Dervish and Banges. There was a shortcut to Zonko's there that she had discovered a few years back. However, it had been quite some time since she had set foot there, and this passage was rarely used by anybody.

"Oh, damn this snow!"

Rain had slipped and fallen flat on her bum, though cushioned thankfully by soft ground. She tried to struggle back up, but discovered that she couldn't. She was stuck.

Stuck? How could she be stuck? Snow didn't suck people down into...

"HELP!" she screamed, struggling to think what to do.

Realizing where she was, Rain thrust into her pockets for her wand. She had fallen unwittingly into a small bog. There was, of course, a reason why the villagers didn't use this shortcut behind Dervish and Banges, and this was it.

She combed her pockets. Where was it? Suddenly, her hand tightened around the piece of wood-which gave a squeak and promptly turned into a rubber mouse.

"If I ever get out of here, I will kill Skye."

Skye, being the loving cousin he is, had obviously snuck this fake wand into her pocket and made off with her real one. Rain turned her head desperately, as though hoping to see someone answer her pleas. However, several moments later, she was up to her chest and nobody was in sight.

"Oh no...oh no...oh no...oh no..."

"Grab this!"

Her heart turned over at the sound of the voice. She whirled-or, rather, tried to-and saw somebody standing at the edge of the bog with a rope in hand. He threw the end of the rope to her. Rain made a wild lunge...and grabbed it. Next thing she knew, she was out of the bog.

"Oh, my God...thank you. Thank you so much."

She looked up to see who had rescued her. His hair was silver...almost white. His blue eyes held something intangible.

Devon Malfoy was standing in front of her.

"Jon, pass me that quill, will you?"

Sighing, she turned her complete attention to her revising. Maybe Skye was tolerant of her friendship with a Malfoy, but Jon surely wasn't going to be as easy to win over.


Devon fumbled with his bag, standing.

"I'm going to the library," he told his companions, who had looked up.

He had to get away. He couldn't think straight with all these people around him. Devon needed to sort a lot of things out, and being in the same room (be it as cavernous as the Great Hall) with the cause of his confusion was not helping in any way.

The Slytherin Captain walked out of the Great Hall, hurrying to the library. At least in the silence of the library he would be able to think. That place always offered him the escape he needed.

What the bloody hell did I do that for?

Ever since that nighttime snog with Airen Weasley, he had not been able to get her out of his thoughts. He had been harboring feelings for her over the summer-oho, God knows how hard he tried to fight those-and they were only intensified by that one kiss.

"Watch where you're going, Malfoy," said someone.

He had unknowingly bumped into Skye Weasley.

"Excuse me, then, Weasley," he replied, quickly walking away.

"Oi, Malfoy, stay here a moment, will you? I need a word."

Devon stopped and turned, but didn't come any closer. The hallway was mercifully empty, so nobody would know about this conversation with Weasley, but it never hurt anyone to be a little suspicious. He was a Malfoy, after all, and he had a reputation to keep up.

"Say what you will, I'm in a hurry."

"Do you have any idea what's up with Rain?" asked the Gryffindor Chaser.

His heart stopped momentarily.

"Your cousin? How am I supposed to know? You're always with her. You tell me."

"Yeah, but...she's been quiet. And, Malfoy? Why is there a piece of parchment in her Transfiguration book that bears your handwriting, saying to meet you at the Charms corridor at midnight?"

His stomach contracted. She kept that? That note he gave her last term? She kept that? Much as his thoughts were reeling, Devon forced himself to keep his face straight and answer Skye's question.

"It's really no concern of yours, is it? She's a big girl now, she can take care of herself," he said in that perfectly neutral tone he knew drove Skye crazy.

"It is a concern of mine, Malfoy. Rain's my cousin, and whatever it is that involves the two of you does concern me. I know you two are friends, and I have no problem with that - even though it keeps me up at night - but I swear, Malfoy, if you try to take advantage of her..."

Shaking his head, Devon silenced Skye with the look of indifference he always used on the other boy during Potions, the only class they had together.

"Really, Weasley, you worry to much. Way too much for your own good. And the next time you want to know if I'm taking advantage of your cousin, ask her, because I don't have the patience to deal with your overprotective nature."

Devon walked smoothly into the library, not allowing Skye to reply.

Looking at it logically, he would have to contend with Skye if he liked Airen Weasley-but that was the easy step. The other steps were what he was worrying about.


Rain sighed and looked at her finished letter to her Dad. It read:

"TO: Mr. George Weasley, Co-owner of Gred and Forge's, English Beater, and greatest father on earth:

How are you? It's only three weeks into term and already I wish for the summer holidays to come. It's hard to get used to waking up in a four poster again after sleeping in my own bed.

Dad, I want to ask you something: Did you play at the first European Inter-School Quidditch Cup? (Whew, that was long) Rumor has it that it's going to take place again this year, and I was curious, as most of the Quidditch stories I've heard about Mum suggest that she and Aunt Calla were on the same team-which, if there were no EISQC, is rather impossible, as Aunt Cal is a Slytherin. So, Father of mine, tell me about it. You know I always love hearing about my mother.

Leonard Wood has started practices again, and I can't tell you how glad I am that he made me first string Keeper last year. I suppose I did make a big fuss over being a Reserve, but Weasleys have never been Reserves on the Gryffindor team. You and Mum certainly weren't.

I'm afraid this one will be short, Dad. Professor Snape made us write an essay which is to be handed in on Monday, and I need to start on it if I'm to finish the two rolls of parchment that slave driver wants.

Your only daughter

P.S. Snape's hair is STILL black. Yup, I reckon all that grease contains a Hair-Colouring Potion, like you said.

That looked good enough, yes. There was no reason for her to include her worries about Devon Malfoy. Her father wouldn't worry anyway-he'd tease her until the next year.

"You studying again?" came Skye's voice from behind her.

"Not really. Why d'you ask?"

"Nothing. Just wondering what you want for your birthday."

Her birthday. She had almost forgotten that her birthday was in two days. She cocked her head to the side as Skye went and stood in front of her, arms folded across his chest.

"Er-I don't know. Maybe you could get me that new Firebolt Series III that came out last month? I always love new brooms," she said with a perfectly straight face.

Skye snorted.

"Right. Seriously though, what do you want? Something that a seventeen-year-old boy can financially stomach."

You can always give me your Potions partner.

"Skye, surprise me, okay? I'm knackered, and I need to get to bed."

"Yet you're going to start writing your Potions essay," Skye said.

"Wha-how did you know? Oh."

He was looking at her letter, which lay unfolded on the table.

"Rain, what is it you're not telling me?" Skye spoke again, this time in a gentle voice.

I should've known this was coming.

"It's something I really don't want you to be concerned about. It's something I can handle by myself, alright?" she replied in a soft voice, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

Not knowing what else to do, Rain stood and gathered her things. She paused momentarily to kiss Skye softly on the cheek, then made her way to her dormitory.


Still won't tell me. I wonder...

It wasn't like Rain to be all quiet. She was usually very emotional and expressive; bottling emotions was supposed to be his role. Skye's mind wandered to the his conversation with Malfoy that afternoon.

The Malfoy brothers were, as everyone had expected them to be, decidedly nasty. However, Devon was the better of the two; he could actually be civil with other people when he put his mind to it. Skye knew that Devon was a decent fellow, even though the mere thought made him want to spew, and he had nothing against the elder Malfoy's being friends with Rain.

Then again, there was still the fact that he was a Malfoy, first son of Draco.

Skye turned and looked for his best friend, whom he found perusing a piece of parchment. He made his way towards Jon and sat beside him.

"Hey," he said by way of greeting.

"Hi. So, I take it she didn't tell you?" Jon replied, looking up at him.

Skye shook his head.

"Nope. I can't figure out why she just won't talk to me about it. I even asked Jen Francis, but she said that Rain hadn't confided in her either. I don't know, Jon...I'm getting a tad worried..."

"Ask your Mum, then. Or your Uncle George. She might have told them."

"Nah. I just read her letter to Uncle George, and she made no mention of Malfoy whatsoever."

He was unaware that he had said the name until he caught Jon glowering.

"Malfoy? What does he have to do with all this?" Jon snapped.

