Original Female Witch/Original Male Wizard
Original Female Witch
Drama General
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/08/2006
Updated: 03/22/2006
Words: 13,094
Chapters: 2
Hits: 654

The Diary of a Witch, Volume V


Story Summary:
The threat of Lord Voldemort grows and Jubilee is drawn into the conflict despite her protests. Meanwhile she's dealing with changes at Hogwarts(none of which are good), growing magic, her future, and her relationship with Owen.

Chapter 02 - Chapter 1: SEPTEMBER

Chapter Summary:
Jubilee returns to Hogwarts to find changes that she doesn't really like and learns that her secret, wasn't as secret as she thought...
Author's Note:
Thank you to those who reviewed the first part. I'm sorry this took so long, school; chapter length and other fics kept getting in the way. Hopefully the next update won't take as long.


CHAPTER 1: September

Sunday, September 1, Hogwarts Express, Compartment,

Damn it.

I was really hoping that this crush on Owen would go away over the summer, because that would mean that it is just that: a crush. Some meaningless little thing that I could ignore. But NOOO. I see Owen today at Platform nine and three-quarters and my heart starts thumping like in those cheesy romantic novels (though I hesitate to call them novels) that Padma and Mandy keep trying to shove under my nose.

So now I have to make a decision: ignore the crush and don't say anything to Owen in the hopes that our friendship won't be ruined, or tell Owen about the crush, possibly go on a date and ruin our friendship when it doesn't work out because relationships in school NEVER last. This was further proved to me by Mandy.

You remember Devon Greengrass, right? The guy who has had the hots for her since around second year and who she has been acting all lovey dovey with ever since the Yule Ball? Well, he dumped her. Yes, I'm serious. Over the summer he sent an owl to her saying he was sorry but they couldn't date anymore or something like that and up and dumped her FOR NO GOOD REASON! I thought Devon was a cool guy. Kind of quiet but for a Slytherin he was pretty decent. His fraternal twin sister Daphne, who is also in Slytherin, was pretty cool too. But now he goes and does this.

Mandy isn't really saying anything about it, despite Hannah, Padma, and Susan's attempts to try and pry the story out of her. We've all been giving her the post-breakup talk. You know: you're better off, he was a jerk anyway, would you like some chocolate bon-bons, etc.

This is why I'm not going to do anything about this crush. I really mean it this time. As a matter of fact, I'm going to start seeing if maybe there's another guy out there for me, one who ISN'T my best friend or a friend in any other way so there's no penalty or problems that will pop up if we start dating. I'm not entirely sure where I'm going to find this so-called guy. I mean I'm on friendly terms with pretty much all the guys in Ravenclaw who are in my year, along with Hufflepuff and one or two Gryffindors. None of the Slytherins, aside from Devon, have never really bothered me but I refuse to date someone who could be as snobby as Draco Malfoy.

Oh well, I'll figure it out. If not, I'll stay single, it's not like it's a big deal if I don't find the love of my life right away.

Later Sunday, September 1, Hogwarts, Great Hall, Ravenclaw Table,

Okay, I know judging from first impressions are not a good thing but I can't help it: I DO NOT LIKE THIS WOMAN. First off her aura is totally funky, I get bad vibes from it, not as bad as when I was around the fake Moody, but not as calming as when I'm around Dumbledore. Secondly, what is UP with that cardigan? Yeah, I'm the first to admit I'm not exactly a fashionista or whatever but still, even I know a horrible fashion choice when I see one, plus it's PINK and FLUFFY. Can we say EW?

Then there's the disrespectful way she interrupted Dumbledore. You DO NOT interrupt Dumbledore when he's speaking, you just DON'T. Not just because it's totally rude either. Also her voice? Ugh. Don't get me started. I'm seriously going to have to listen to this voice all year? I can already tell DADA is going not going to be fun at all. At least I can be assured that I'm not the only one who doesn't like her, McGonagall looks like she wants to clobber her.

Later Sunday, September 1, Hogwarts, Ravenclaw House, Dorm Room,

I think I have discovered why I do not like Umbridge (our new DADA professor): SHE'S FROM THE MINISTRY! What the hell is someone who works for FUDGE doing here? This does, however, explain why the book she assigned was a piece of junk.

This is going to be a LONG year.

Also, get this: Hagrid is gone! He wasn't there tonight! That Grubbly-Plank woman who substituted for Hagrid a little while last year is here teaching Care of Magical Creatures in his place. What's up with THAT?

Another weird thing was the Sorting Hat's song. It was kind of different then explaining what the different houses were. It went on about how all four founders used to be friends, including (if you can believe it) Gryffindor and Slytherin who apparently were best friends. Boy did that friendship go sour. But it was like he was telling us something, like we should all put aside our differences and unite or die or something.

Well, good luck with that. I personally am not a big fan of the whole keep to groups in your own house thing but I am an oddity among students I guess. Most of them keep to their own houses, though Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw do mingle quite a bit. Gryffindor and Slytherin out right hate each other though; I don't know how the Sorting Hat expects us all to unite when some of us just out right refuse to get along.

If the hat was trying to warn us, I think his message is most likely going to be ignored.

Monday, September 2, Great Hall, Breakfast,



Potions M, F 9AM-10:45AM

History of Magic M, F 11AM-12:30PM

Herbology T, Th 9AM-10:45AM

DADA T, Th 11AM-12:30PM

Charms T, Th 1:30PM-3PM

Transfiguration T, Th 3:30PM-5PM

Astronomy W 10PM-Midnight

Ancient Runes M, F 4PM-5:30PM

Latin W 1:30PM-4PM

Divination M, W 1:30PM-2:20PM/9AM-10:45AM

Potions first on the first day back?! What did I do to deserve this?!

Later Monday, September 2, Great Hall, Lunch,

Lovely day so far. I'm not sure what I loved more: Potions with Snape first thing in the morning, History of Magic with Binns right after that, or the drizzle that is currently fogging up the above ceiling and making it look darker.

Snape of course is his usual grumpy and mean self. I swear, if that man ever smiled I'd either be very scared or worried that the world was coming to an end. For our first lesson he had us do this really complicated potion called the Draught of Peace. Well, that was what it was supposed to be, mine turned out to be a poor version of it; it didn't have the silver vapor thing that it was supposed to have, it was silver though.

Then in History of Magic or as Terry and I have dubbed it: the most boring class IN history, Professor Binns started lecturing us about the Giant War of 1899, which oddly enough, sounds almost exactly like the Giant War of 1895 and the one of 1893. Don't giants have better things to do with their time then go to war?

I already want this day to be over and I haven't even gotten to Trelawney yet. Yep, LONG year.

Later Monday, September 2, Dorm Room, After Classes,

Okay, it's only the first day back and I already have a pile of homework. UNFAIR! To top it all off, Trelawney is having us analyze our dreams this year. Excuse me, but I don't want anyone interpreting my dreams. I'm of the theory I don't NEED to know what they mean; ignorance is bliss as they say. Besides, they're like totally bizarre so probably the only thing they reveal is that I'm weird and like Owen and Hannah so kindly pointed out during class, we all already knew that.

But still, Trelawney is forcing us to reveal dreams to our friends despite the fact that some of them might be horribly embarrassing (I overheard Neville Longbottom telling his partner about one where his grandmother was chasing him with scissors or something like that). Like it isn't bad enough she's added to my homework list that after one day looks like this:

1) One foot essay on the use of moonstones for Potions

2) A foot and a half essay on the Giant War of 1899

3) Keep a daily dream diary of all things

4) Write out the entire Egyptian rune list on a piece of parchment

Thank you Professor Trelawney, thank you kindly.

Later Monday, September 2, Great Hall, After Dinner,

Wow, I sure missed a lot when I was ranting in my head about all the work they were giving. Right now everyone is buzzing about what happened at the Gryffindor's DADA lesson today.

Potter yelled at Umbridge.

Yes, THAT Potter, nice and quiet (not to mention rather cute) Harry Potter YELLED at Umbridge. Didn't know he had it in him...

After getting all the facts from Padma, who got it from her twin sister Parvati, who was actually there to witness the whole thing I can't help but think Potter was totally right to yell at Umbridge. Not only is the woman not going to let us do any magic in class whatsoever (what the hell?) she and the Ministry are flat out DENYING that Voldemort is back! According to them, Diggory's death was a "tragic accident".

EXCUSE ME?! He got Avada Kedavra'd people! There is nothing accidental about your body getting hit by the Killing Curse. God, it must be nice to be Fudge and those idiots and be able to deny the fact that there's a homicidal maniac on the loose, and no, I'm not referring to Sirius Black.

Well, when Potter heard her go on about the "tragedy" of Diggory's accident he outright called her a liar. Go Potter. But she naturally didn't like that very much and so not only took points from Gryffindor, she gave him detention and sent him to McGonagall's office. What really gets me is that no one believes him! I mean, I believe him, but that's only because of the damn vision that the plants decided to send me. Owen believes him, but that's probably because of what Firenze and I told him. My friends kind of believe him and are kind of skeptical. I guess I can understand why. I mean, none of THEM saw Voldemort come back to life. Actually, considering the way things looked, I'm surprised the Minister of Magic hasn't started rumors that POTTER killed Diggory. Oh well, give him time; it's only been about two and a half months.

Tuesday, September 3, DADA Classroom, Before Class,

Another essay due in Herbology. Et tu, Professor Sprout?

I think something is up with Blaise. I didn't get an owl from her all summer which I thought was kind of weird but I didn't dwell on it because the two of us, while friends aren't like BEST friends. We're more like the friends who wave, chat when they see each other, send a birthday card; that sort of thing. I waved to her at the Welcome Feast and thought it was kind of weird when she didn't wave back, but I figured she didn't see me amongst all the tall people (one of these days I AM going to grow damn it). But today in Herbology, she TOTALLY saw me, but didn't say hi or anything. Usually we partner up in class because Professor Sprout has been trying to get the houses to interact more lately (I think maybe SHE paid attention to the Sorting Hat's song) and was partnering up the Ravenclaws with the Slytherins. But since Blaise, sat so far away, she didn't pair the two of us up. Instead I got stuck with GOYLE. Yes, THAT Goyle. Yes, I protested but she didn't listen to me so now I'm stuck with the big Malfoy henchman all year long for my partner.

This year kind of stinks so far.

I wonder what's up with Blaise, though? Is she mad at me or something? I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything to make her mad. Weird.

Later Tuesday, September 3, DADA,

Okay, this? Yeah, this is totally pathetic.

I've already read the first five chapters of this lame book. I refuse to read through that dribble again unless it's a life and death situation or something. Considering she's NOT EVEN LETTING US USE MAGIC I highly doubt it will come down to that. So I'm pretending to read and take notes. My book is open and I've put a spell on this book that makes it look like a regular class notebook to other people. I'm the only one who sees the marble cover and stickers. Cool spell, huh? Chang told me about it last year.

Anyway, this class has been as lame as I was afraid it was going to be. The first thing Umbridge did was have us put our wands away and take out our notebooks and quills. All she had us write was this:

Defense Against the Dark Arts, A Return to Basic Principals

Course aims:

  1. Understanding the principals underlying defensive magic.
  2. Learning to recognize situations in which defensive magic can be legally used.
  3. Placing the use of defensive magic in context for practical use.

A lot of pretty words isn't it? Basically all she's having do is READ. Never mind that we have our O.W.L.s at the end of the year. Never mind that VOLDEMORT is back and could possibly kill us all while the Ministry of Magic is up in their office twiddling their thumbs pretending like nothing is happening. Gotta love politicians.

You want to know what the weirdest part of all this is? Turpin and I AGREED on something today. When Mandy raised her hand (a MUST with teacher because heaven forbid we don't raise our hands) and asked her if it was true we wouldn't be using magic at all in this class. Umbridge (looking mildly irritated; probably got asked the same question in all her classes) said yes. I asked her how she expected us to pass our O.W.L.s and (after telling me to remember about raising my hand) said that if we studied the theory we should be fine. I'm sorry, but that's totally BOGUS. I said that too. When she took off ten points from Ravenclaw Turpin protested and said "But Johanson's right! We can't possibly get the spells right on the first try; NO ONE can do that, no matter how much theory they've studied."

SEE? Turpin said I was RIGHT. Is that not totally freaky? I wasn't the only one who thought so, Mandy and Padma were looking from Turpin to me and back to her as if they wanted to be sure the two of us weren't pod people or something. Wow, maybe there is hope for this school. We can all be united based on our hatred of Umbridge.

Later Tuesday, September 3, Great Hall, Dinner,

You know what I've noticed?

EVERY SINGLE TEACHER has stressed the importance of the O.W.L.s and how they can affect your entire future. I guess I can understand that but what good are they going to do ME? I mean the careers I've considered so far don't really place emphasis on grades. At least I don't think they do. My number one choice: artist certainly doesn't place emphasis on them. But now, considering my art seems to have become...well...mediocre, what am I supposed to do with my life? I think I'm going to have to think about this.

Wednesday, September 4, Great Hall, Breakfast,

Dear Ms. Johanson,

Please meet me at my office this Friday at eight o' clock. We have urgent matters we need to discuss. You'll find a map showing you the way on the back. When you get there, the password is Licorice Wands.


Albus Dumbledore

Uh oh. What did I do???

Later Wednesday, September 4, Divination Notes,

-Owen, read this note I got and tell me what you think.

-What kind of password is Licorice Wands?

-Owen! FOCUS! What do think he could want? Though I do agree about the password.

-Well, have you played any pranks lately?

-NO. We just GOT here. Plus with all the homework we've been getting I've barely had time to BREATH much less think up pranks. I don't know how Fred and George DID it.

-True. Maybe he wants to talk to you about your schoolwork?

-My schoolwork's fine.

-Well, then I don't know. I mean I doubt he's expelling you. Unless you've done something I don't know about.

-NO. I haven't. You don't really think he's expelling me do you?

-I doubt it.

-Ugh. This is going to drive me crazy all week.

-Should I book you a room at St. Mungo's?

-Ha ha.

-Look, don't worry about it. I'm sure it's nothing.

-HELLO! I'm being sent to the Headmaster's office! NOTHING good can come out of this!

-You're going to be very stressed out about this, aren't you?


-Well, at least I'm warned.


Thursday, September 5, DADA,

More wasted time.

Can't we have ONE DECENT DADA TEACHER? I mean one besides Lupin. Man, I really miss him. I wish he'd come back. Blaise has continued to ignore me so I'm doing the same to her. I don't know what her problem is and quite frankly I have enough to worry about right now.

Friday, September 6, Great Hall, Dinner,

Two more hours until I finally find out what Dumbledore wants. Or until I'm possibly expelled. Damn Owen for putting that idea into my head.

Later Friday, September 6, Dorm Room, After The Meeting,

Well, that just up and skewed my entire perception of my ability to keep a secret.

Dumbledore KNOWS. About THAT.

He knows I have Wild Magic. Apparently he's known since the moment I walked into the school because he CAN SEE AURAS. Figures. I mean he's one of the most powerful wizards in the world, why wouldn't he be able to see auras, he learned it from the centaurs like I did, though he didn't learn it from Firenze. So all that worrying I did about him, or one of the staff finding out about my magic was for nothing. But that isn't the irritating part.

The irritating part is that he knew about my magic before me and DIDN'T SEE FIT TO TELL ME. How unfair is that? I could've not been wigged out about hearing voices and could've learned about it right away. I could've been PREPARED for all this junk. But NO, he thought it best to let me discover the magic on my own. It's probably just as well, I mean if he had called me up to his office that first week of school and told me that I had some sort of rare ancient magic power I probably would've laughed in his face or outright call him a liar. So I guess me discovering this and learning about it on my own was for the best but STILL, he KNEW ALL THIS TIME AND DIDN'T SAY A WORD! Adults.

Whatever, it's over and done with. That wasn't really what he wanted to talk to me about though. What he wanted to talk to me about was what I was planning on DOING with this power. Of course I just kind of sat there and was all "Huh?" because honestly, I try to ignore the magic. I do what I can to keep it under control. I meditate about twice (three times if I'm particularly irritated or stressed) a day to keep the shape-shifting from going out-of-control. I heal animals when I either come across an injured one or one comes up to me. I chat with plants and animals and politely listen to their gossip (animals gossip more then humans do) and occasionally I like shape-shifting into birds and flying around for fun but really, I don't plan on using it that much.

Of course that was before the magic started acting all funky. I was right about the problem being the Earth magic getting awakened. Stupid Voldemort. This is his entire fault. If he hadn't felt the need to be a Dracula wannabe and come back from the dead (or wherever he's been these past fourteen years) then the Earth wouldn't have gotten upset. I wouldn't have gotten that vision and thus awaking my Earth magic. Stupid bad guy; I hope he gets his butt kicked this time.

Anyway, Dumbledore says that Earth Magic is too powerful to ignore, so once again, I'm stuck going to extra lessons. Only this time, HE'S going to teach me. Where he learned about Earth Magic I don't know, but then he seems to know everything so I just won't bother asking. I'm going to be going to his office (which is pretty cool by the way, LOTS of books) once a week from now on after dinner. I have to be discreet about it though. He didn't say why but I have a feeling it's because of Umbridge. That's just fine with me, I don't want her or the Ministry to know about these powers; God knows what they would try to make me do with them.

Hey, I just thought of something, if Dumbledore has known about my magic all this time, does that mean all of my professors know???

Saturday, September 7, Library,

Well, apparently I am the only one shocked that Dumbledore knew all this time. I just told Owen about him knowing and the lessons I now have to go too and he didn't really seem all that surprised. When I asked him why he just sort of shrugged and said, "It's Dumbledore, isn't it? He always seems to know everything that goes on in this castle."

Which, when you think about it, is kind of true.

I hope he doesn't assign homework at these lessons because I've got enough already.

Sunday, September 8, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Finish Potion, HoM, and Ancient Runes reading assignments.

2) Finish up list of uses for daisy roots in Potions.

3) Herbology drawing

4) Update dream diary with dream from last night; exclude Owen's name at the kissing part.

5) Try to figure out possible future careers.

Monday, September 9, Great Hall, Breakfast,

Oh my God, there are so many things wrong with this article I don't know where to begin:

Ministry Seeks Educational Reform

Dolores Umbridge Appointed First-Ever High Inquisitor

In a surprise move last night the Ministry of Magic

passed a new legislation giving itself an unprecedented

level of control at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and


"The Minister has been growing uneasy about

goings on at Hogwarts for some time," sand Junior

Assistant to the Minister, Percy Weasely. "He is now

responding to concerns voiced by parents, who feel the

school may be moving in a direction they do not


This is not the first time in recent weeks Fudge

has used laws to effect improvements at the Wizarding

school. As recently as August thirtieth Educational

Decree 22 was passed, to ensure that in the event of

the current headmaster being unable to provide a

candidate for a teaching post, the Ministry should

select an appropriate person.

"That's how Dolores Umbridge came to be

appointed to the teaching staff at Hogwarts," said

Weasley last night. "Dumbledore couldn't find

anyone, so the Ministry put in Umbridge and of

course she's been an immediate success, totally

revolutionizing the teaching of Defense Against the

Dark Arts and providing the Minister with on-the-ground

feedback on what's really happening at Hogwarts."

It is this last function that the Ministry has now

formalized with the passing of Educational Decree 23,

which created the new position of "Hogwarts High Inquisitor."

"This is an exciting new phase in the Ministers

plan to get to grips with what some are calling the "falling

standards" at Hogwarts," said Weasley. "The Inquisitor

will have powers to inspect her fellow teachers and make

sure they are coming up to scratch. Professor Umbridge

has been offered this position in addition to her own

teaching post, and we are delighted to say that she has


The Ministry's new moves have received enthusiastic

support from parents of students at Hogwarts.

"I feel much easier in my mind now that I know

that Dumbledore is being subjected to fair and objective

evaluation," said Mr. Lucius Malfoy, 41, speaking from his

Whitshire mansion last night. "Many of us with our children's

best interests at heart have been concerned about some of

Dumbledore's eccentric decisions in the last few years and

will be glad to know that the Ministry is keeping an eye on

the situation."

Among these "eccentric decisions" are undoubtedly

the controversial staff appointments, described in this

paper, which included the hiring of the werewolf Remus

Lupin, half-giant Rubeus Hagrid, and delusional ex-Auror

Mad-Eye Moody.

Rumors abound, of course, that Albus Dumbledore

once, Supreme Muguwomp of the International Confederation

of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, is no longer

up to the task of managing the prestigious school of Hogwarts.

"I think the appointment of the Inquisitor is a first

step toward ensuring that Hogwarts has a headmaster in whom

we all repose confidence," said a Minister insider last night.

Wizengamot elders Griselda Marchbanks and Tiberius

Ogden have resigned in protest of the introduction of Inquisitor

to Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts is a school, not an outpost of Cornelius

Fudge's office," said Madam Marchbanks. "This is a further

disgusting attempt to discredit Albus Dumbledore." (For a

full account of Madam Marchbanks alleged links to

subversive goblin groups turn to page 17).

Later Monday, September 9, History of Magic,

God, first that disgusting article this morning and now this.

This morning Professor Snape informed us that from now on he's grading on O.W.L. level Wonderful, so nice of him to tell us AFTER WE TURNED THE DAMN THINGS IN. So I got an A instead of my usual E or low O. Evidently, Binns is following the same practice because I got an E on my giant war essay. Though I think that was unfair considering I went into a great deal about how the war could've been avoided. Oh well, at least I got my Strengthening Solution right this morning in Potions.

I'm still in a bad mood though. It's that article that did it. I'm so disgusted at the Ministry and at the state of our society right now I don't know where to begin. I mean, my God. It's bad enough that the Ministry is enforcing laws on a SCHOOL. But now things are just getting downright tyrannical. I personally think Hogwarts is just fine the way it is we don't need some Ministry spy telling us what to learn when she can't even teach in the first place. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure stuff like this was why the United States was created.

Later Monday, September 9, Ancient Runes,

I don't know whether to giggle with glee over Trelawney finally being exposed for the fraud that she is or feel sorry for her because as loony as she is, the woman is harmless and Umbridge was totally unfair and cruel to her.

Divination was the first lesson that I saw get inspected by Umbridge (I refuse to call her Professor or High Inquisitor). Basically all she does is sit in on a lesson, walking around with a clipboard and generally making a nuisance of herself. Today we were going over dream interpretations again so Trelawney was doing her usual thing where she goes and asks you about your dream. Umbridge basically followed her, taking notes and asking questions every once in awhile.

Of course, this happened to be a day when neither Hannah, Owen, nor I had a dream the night before so we spent the first few minutes deciding whose turn it was to come up with a fake dream by a game of rock, paper, scissors. Owen lost which is not a surprise because he sucks at rock, paper, scissors. So when Trelawney got to our table he beguiled her with a dream about him and some girl on a flying carpet. I couldn't help but start humming "A Whole New World" from the Disney version of Aladdin softly. I mean really, can you blame me? Of course none of the people from wizard families got it, but Dean Thomas was snickering at the table next to ours and winked at me so I knew he got the joke. Trelawney didn't seem to notice my humming, though Umbridge gave me the evil-eye over her clipboard.

So after Owen finally finished off his story telling (he gets carried a way sometimes, it's cute to watch) Trelawney dished out some yarn about how the dream was telling him that this girl was his soul mate and the carpet symbolized that they were going to have a long journey together or something. Surprisingly Umbridge didn't say anything about the interpretation, just raised her eyebrow and scribbled something on the clipboard. When Trelawney went over to the next table the three of us leaned in so we could hear her talk with Umbridge.

It started out innocently. Umbridge asked her how long she'd been working there (sixteen years, Divination teachers must be harder to find then DADA ones) and during the questioning we found out that Trelawney is the great-great-granddaughter of the seer Cassandra Trelawney. Huh, who knew? After that surprising revelation Umbridge asked her to make a prediction for her.

Well, Trelawney didn't like that at all and was all "the Inner Eye does not see upon command". This naturally didn't help matters. Umbridge obviously thinks what we all (minus Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown) think: she's a big fat fraud. Who likes to torture us all with homework. After Umbridge started to leave, Trelawney (probably realizing that she had made a bad move) went on one of her usual "you're in mortal danger" act. Needless to say Umbridge didn't buy it. I'm the first to admit that I find Trelawney to be annoying on top of being a fake but even I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Tuesday, September 10, Great Hall, Breakfast,

Wow. Sucks to be Potter today. Angelina Johnson (who is the new Gryffindor Quidditch Captain this year) was yelling at him just now for getting detention. McGonagall interrupted her for causing a scene but then turned around and chewed him out for it as well when she found out the cause. You just can't win sometimes can you? All this excitement and I haven't even had my morning coffee yet.

Later Tuesday, September 10, DADA,


"Revolutionizing the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts" my ass! This is so BORING. If Voldemort doesn't kill us all, this lady will kill us with boredom. How am I going to pass my DADA O.W.L. now? Because spouting off the definition of defensive spells is not going to cut it on the practical. Lousy old toad.

Thursday, September 10, Charms,

Damn! I missed seeing Umbridge inspect McGonagall's class. She inspected the Gryffindor lesson instead. I wanted to see McGonagall put her in her place. Oh well, maybe someone will tell me what happened. Hey, Hermione is in that class! I'll ask her what happened!

Wednesday, September 11, Dorm Room,

Quidditch is starting up again! Woohoo!

We just had our first team meeting of the year. Davies was all "please try your best this year; I would like to have a trophy for my last year." Jeez, no pressure or anything. Everyone is pretty much the same. Though Michael did get rid of his glasses; he looks a lot better without them.

Chang is a little quieter though. Not as "look at me, aren't I pretty?" I guess she's still pretty shook up by Diggory's death. All the Ravenclaws have been acting like she's made of glass or something. She's been able to get away with murder. It's kind of annoying to tell you the truth. I know I should be sympathetic, I mean her boyfriend WAS murdered by a psycho, but she seems to be handling it fine so I say treat her like normal. But whatever. No one ever asks my opinion.

Thursday, September 12, DADA,

I just thought of something. Shouldn't there be an Inquisitor here to inspect UMBRIDGE? I mean, she IS a teacher. It's not fair to have all the other teachers go through inspection while she gets out of it. If you ask me SHE'S the one that really needs to get inspected. She's torturing us here! If I have to read one more of these damn chapters I'm going to scream. I would ask her about this now but I'd probably get detention for "being cheeky" and the Davies would yell at me for missing Quidditch practice. Still, someone should bring it up.

Later Thursday, September 12, Dorm Room,

Okay, THAT was embarrassing. I stayed out a little bit after Quidditch practice last tonight to fly around some. I haven't flown in ages and honestly being outside and in the air always feels more calming to me then being inside. I think it's something to do with my magic, I don't know. It helped me feel a little better though. It's been a hectic month so far: homework, finding out Dumbledore knows my secret and getting more lessons, Umbridge screwing things up. Can you really blame me for wanting to stay outside?

But I eventually went in since we have a curfew of ten o'clock. As I turned the corner to go through the tapestry that hides our dorm entrance I stumbled upon Michael Corner making out with Ginny Weasley. What is it with me and walking in on kissing couples?

I tried to walk past them really fast so I didn't disturb them but Ginny saw me and pushed away from Corner in embarrassment and apologized quickly. I waved off her apology and tried to be cool about it. "No, no...it's okay. So uh...when did you two start dating?"

Ginny blushed and Michael said, "At the end of last year."

I kind of nodded and then said, "Well...as you were." Then I got out of there as fast as possible. You know, Ginny is younger then me; the fact that she has a boyfriend while I haven't so much as kissed anyone isn't completely pathetic is it? Yeah, I thought so.

Friday, September 13, Library,

So I am apparently the only Ravenclaw who did not know about the great Michael/Ginny romance. Boy, I've been out of the loop. I talked to Ginny today and she says she and Michael met at the Yule Ball and hit off. They started dating by the end of the year. Interestingly enough she hasn't found a way to break the news to her brothers. She's apparently waiting to find "the right time". I'm kind of glad I'm an only child now. This sibling stuff sounds complicated.

There's no lesson with Dumbledore today. He sent me a owl this morning apologizing saying something came up so we'll be starting our lessons next week.

Saturday, September 14, Library,


-Hengist of Woodcroft: founder of Hogsmeade (can add on history of Hogsmeade to make up for space requirements)

-Gifford Ollerton: giant slayer (ditto space requirements with detailed writings of battles)

-Bowman Wright: creator of the Golden Snitch

-Gamhilda of Gorsemoor: healer who found the cure for Dragon Pox

-Artemisis Lufkin: First witch to be Minister of Magic

-Alberic Grunnion: Inventor of the Dungbomb

-Circe: Witch who turned lost sailors into pigs (excuse to reread The Odyssey)

-Cliodne: Druidess (Druids are always interesting)

-Queen Maeve: Teacher before the establishment of Hogwarts

-Uric the Oddball: weirdest wizard to ever live

-Cornelius Agrippa: author (an awesome author, some of his books are great!)

Sunday, September 15, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Finish Herbology and Charms essay

2) Practice vanishing spells

3) Choose person for Bio essay due October 10

4) Ancient Runes and Latin translations

5) Write letter home, send Angela her birthday gift

6) Start studying first year notebooks for O.W.L.s

7) DADA questions at the end of chapter 3

8) Try not to murder Umbridge before the end of the year. Remember it gets you life sentence in Azkaban.

Monday, September 16, Great Hall, Breakfast,

I just got another owl from Dumbledore. Our lesson will be on Saturday this week at eight AM IN THE MORNING! UGH. Doesn't he realize I'm not a morning person? For all of this he better get me coffee.

Tuesday, September 17, DADA,

I do believe I have found a teacher who drives me crazier then Binns and his droning voice.



-Jewelry store owner/designer

-Work at Fred and George's joke shop when it opens


-Possibly get a job at magical creature store of some kind

-Book illustrator

-Work at plant store/greenhouse

-Work at bookstore

Wednesday, September 18, Latin,

Okay, Hermione is definitely up to something. She's got that look in her eye; the one that says: I'm irritated about some unjust thing and I'm going to do something about it; woes befall anyone who tries to get in my way. This is the same look she had on when she started S.P.E.W. (which seems to have dissolved thank God) and helped her drive Rita Skeeter out of the reporter business (even though it didn't really help, the Daily Prophet has picked up where she left off).

She was asking us all what we thought about Umbridge's teaching and if we'd be willing to learn from another student; stuff like that. Of course we all think Umbridge is pretty much a joke. I am right now at the point where I don't care if I have to learn spells from a student. ANYONE would be better then Umbridge. I don't know what Hermione's up too, but if it's something involving pissing the old toad off, then I'm in.

Thursday, September 19, DADA,

If I screamed right now, I wonder what would happen.

Saturday, September 21, Dorm Room, 7 AM in the Morning!

Dumbledore better have a big cup of coffee waiting for me when I get down there. Because he OWES me damn it. Why on Earth would anyone in their right mind get up this early?

Later Saturday Morning, September 21, Forbidden Forest, Outside of Cave,

Just when I think I don't have to go into the Forbidden Forest I get dragged back in by a loony Headmaster. Lets face it, Dumbledore is a loon. He's a harmless loon; but a loon nonetheless. Because only a loon would walk carelessly into the Forbidden Forest with nothing but his wand, and a sleep deprived Wild Mage and waltz up to the centaurs like it's nothing. I don't know what Dumbledore thinks he's going to accomplish here. I mean, it's no secret that the centaurs (with the exception of Firenze) think humans are pretty much scum. So what does he think he's doing in that cave?

But I think I know why he made us go in the morning: Umbridge. Every little precaution taken this year goes back to that old toad. Oh well, it was kind of nice to see Firenze again. I haven't seen him since last year and it looks like he's doing okay. Well, some of the centaurs were kind of rude to him when Dumbledore and I arrived but they seem to be a rude bunch anyway. Plus, they're probably still ticked that he decided to teach me against their wishes. Yeesh, it's been like four years; get OVER it.

Man, it's been half an hour. If this keeps up I'm going to be late to breakfast and Terry and Anthony will eat all the biscuits again. What's going ON in there?

Later Saturday Morning, September 21, Great Hall, Breakfast,

Hmph. When Dumbledore came out of the cave he didn't tell me what happened but I must say, whatever happened he didn't look happy about it. Plus, Firenze kept apologizing for his herd on the way back but Dumbledore waved it off, saying it wasn't necessary. But neither mentioned WHY Firenze was apologizing. Grr...I did however find out why Dumbledore wanted me to come, though. You see, he wanted to get to the centaurs as quickly as possible so Umbridge wouldn't get suspicious and go looking for him. Now, while he can get through the forest fine on his own, he'd be delayed quite a bit by all the plants and creatures attacking him or generally making nuisances of themselves. So he brought me to get them off his back. See, I don't know why but for some reason animals, plants, etc. all seem to have an unspoken agreement not to attack Wild Mages. We're seen as their kin or deity or something like that. That's why I've never gotten bothered in the forest before.

I myself have never understood it but hey, if it keeps me from getting attacked by those Acromantulas that are hiding out there then who am I to argue?

Still, I wish I knew what had gone on in that meeting. I try and ask Dumbledore at our lesson next week (he swears it will happen this time).

Sunday, September 22, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Potions and Charms essay

2) Practice spells from Transfiguration and Charms

3) Answer questions from the end of chapter four in DADA book

4) Draw Bowtruckles that are down at hut before Professor Grubbly-Plank takes them away

Monday, September 23, History of Magic,

Is Professor Binns kidding me? How are we supposed to come up with a twelve foot essay on the Giant War of 1900? NOTHING HAPPENED! It lasted like a week, no one even died. I don't get why it's even considered a war! I swear he comes up with these things just to torture us.

Tuesday, September 24, DADA,

More reading. Why am I not surprised?

Wednesday, September 25, Divination Notes,

-Please tell me one of you had a dream last night.


-I never remember my dreams so I couldn't tell you one even if I wanted too.

-Ugh. Whose turn is it to come up with a fake dream?


-Double ugh.

-Relax, Jubilee. I'm sure you'll be fine.

-Yeah. Tell her about the Candyland dream.

-What's the Candyland dream?

-NOTHING! Owen, you better not tell her!

-The Candyland dream is a dream she had in first year, I think. Apparently all of us were characters in the land of candyand lived in places on the board game.

-Okay...so this Candyland is a board game of some kind?

-Yup. Muggle one. My Mum has an old edition back home. I'll see if I can bring it to show you.

-Wicked! We could have a game night!

-Uh, guys. Trelawney's heading towards our table....thank God. I'm never telling Owen about any of my dreams ever again.

Friday, September 27, After Classes, Ravenclaw Common Room,

So THAT'S what Hermione was up too. Just after Ancient Runes finally ended Hermione talked to Anthony, Padma, Mandy, and I about getting together with other students and forming this sort of homework help/defense group thing that she, Potter, and Weasley are thinking of starting. Basically the group will be learning the spells we SHOULD be learning in DADA but aren't. At least, that's what it sounded like to me.

I'm all for it because not only does it have the potential to piss off Umbridge, it could help us at least be PREPARED for whenever Voldemort decides to make his presence known. Because let me tell you: this whole sitting and waiting for him to make his move thing is getting old fast. So anyone who is interested is going to meet during the first Hogsmeade weekend which is the first weekend of October. I wonder who else is going to show? Should be interesting.

Saturday, September 28, After Dinner, Dumbledore's Office,

You know, this office is seriously cool. Not just because of all the books either. Dumbledore has all this weird stuff on the tables. Some of the stuff I recognize from the wizard catalog I subscribe too, but other stuff I have no idea what it's for. Then there's the fact that he has a real live PHOENIX here! His name is Fawkes and he's BEAUTIFUL. He's also been giving me all sorts of fun stories about our Headmaster. Let's just say he hasn't always been this dignified.

Dumbledore has left momentarily to go get some books he's found for me to read. He's being nice and giving me about a month to read them all because when he mentioned reading I kind of went on this rant about all the school work we've been given. I was kind of embarrassed afterwards but he took it pretty well (I think he was kind of amused to tell you the truth) and so said official lessons wouldn't start until around Halloween since he was sure I had more then just schoolwork going on this year. Now I could be wrong, but I swear he wasn't just talking about Quidditch and the Charms Club that started having meetings last week. Could he know about that group that Hermione is thinking of starting?

You know it wouldn't surprise me; like Owen said: he knows everything that goes on this castle.

Sunday, September 29, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Finish HoM, Herbology, and Astronomy essays

2) Practice spells for Charms

3) Memorize potion recipe 519 in book for tomorrows practical

4) Come up with fake dream for dream diary

5) Start reading the ten books that Dumbledore gave yesterday.