Original Female Witch/Original Male Wizard
Original Female Witch
Drama General
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/08/2006
Updated: 03/22/2006
Words: 13,094
Chapters: 2
Hits: 654

The Diary of a Witch, Volume V


Story Summary:
The threat of Lord Voldemort grows and Jubilee is drawn into the conflict despite her protests. Meanwhile she's dealing with changes at Hogwarts(none of which are good), growing magic, her future, and her relationship with Owen.


Chapter Summary:
It's summertime and Jubilee is bored out of her mind.
Author's Note:
I apologize for the wait on this. Life (pain in the butt that it is) kept getting in the way. Thank you all who reviewed Volume IV and the previous volumes, I hope you enjoy this one just as much!



Monday, July 22, Bedroom, Manor,

Boring. Boring. BORING!

This whole place is so totally BORING!

Sure, I have that sculpture class, but that's only three times a week for a few hours. What am I supposed to do the rest of the time? Sure I can always read, but even I get sick of that every once in awhile. Besides, the library here in the manor? Yeah, all full of business books! What am I going to do with business books?

Normally I would be using this time to do art stuff also but I don't know...it's like my muse has gone on vacation or something, all the stuff I've been doing lately has been well...junk. It's not completely horrible it's just...uninspired you know? Even my sculpture teacher (who was my pottery teacher for last summer) had commented on how my art doesn't seem to be as good as usual. I hope this is a temporary thing because it's driving me nuts; and what am I supposed to do with my life if I can't use art? Most of the careers I've considered so far have had to do with art!

My only solace this summer has been letters from my friends and chatting with animals and plants. I'm trying not to take offense to the fact that a squirrel's life is currently more interesting then mine right now.

Even the Daily Prophet has been dull. There has not been ONE attack made by Lord Voldemort. It's not that I want there to be an attack, it's just that it's surprising. I mean, what is he waiting for? In the history books about him it says he was always attacking somebody somewhere. Now? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Am I the only one who finds this odd? I mean I'm pretty sure he didn't come back to life just to sit back and relax; so what's the deal?

It's probably just as well; I don't want to have to explain to everyone why the front page of the Daily Prophet has a headline stating Dark Lord Runs Amok and Causes Mass Destruction or whatever. See, I haven't exactly told Angela and everyone else about Voldemort. I know, I know, that's probably a bad thing; Mandy has already scolded me via owl about it. But I don't want to worry them and besides, it's not like Voldemort is going to come knocking on my doorstep or anything, he doesn't even know I exist. I'm hoping it will stay that way.

Tuesday, July 23, Manor, Bedroom,

Got a letter from Owen! It's not totally pathetic that this has thrilled me to no end is it? Clearly this not-thinking-about-him thing is not working. Anyway, here's the letter:


Are you sure that You-Know-Who is back? Because there has been NOTHING in the Daily Prophet about it, well, unless you count that thing about Dumbledore and that conference but they hushed that up pretty quick.

Still, whether or not he's back, SOMETHING is going on with Mum and Kingsley. They've been really tense lately and conversations have abruptly stopped when I enter the room. Plus that Auror friend of Kingsley's, Tonks, has been visiting a lot more lately. Of course that could be for my food which I admit is pretty amazing.

It's not just Tonks who's been here either; Mad-Eye Moody (the real one) has been visiting off and on too, and a few other Aurors and some of Mum's friends from the office. I don't know what's going on but it's driving me crazy. Hope you're having a good summer, and don't put off your Potions essay.


Okay, HOW did he know I was putting that off?

Wednesday, July 24, Manor, Kitchen,


They demoted Dumbledore!

Arguably one of the greatest wizards of our time and they demoted him from the Wizengamot which I gather is some wizard government thing. I should be more surprised probably but the Daily Prophet has been making Dumbledore and Potter out to be kooks or something. I don't want to point any fingers at who I think is responsible for this but let's just say his name starts with F and rhymes with smudge.

Friday, July 26, Manor, Gardens,

Well, THAT was fun.


Today started out normally enough: I got out of bed, showered; did all my usual morning preparations; pulled on cut-off denim shorts, a Blondie t-shirt, sandals, and earrings and went down to breakfast. When I got to the bottom of the stairs Angela met me and said that I was going to be having breakfast in the dining room. Here at the Manor that's code for "your grandfather is here, it's time to behave like a proper young lady". Too bad I never got the proper thing down.

It's not that I don't love my grandfather. I do. I think. It's just that I find him very intimidating and hard to talk too. It doesn't help that the two of us are complete opposites. He's the poster boy for upper-class English gentleman and I'm...well an American/British teenage girl. He loves tea, I worship the elixirs known as Coffee and Diet Coke (or Coca-Cola Light as it's been known to be called here in Europe, still don't get that). He reads the newspaper constantly; I read Witch Weekly, the Quibbler, and any book I can get my hands on. He likes eating in the dining room; I find the dining room intimidating (even though I have to admire the person who painted that ceiling, it's pretty awesome) and prefer to eat at the kitchen table with the staff.

But I can't do that when he's here, he thinks it's inappropriate to converse with servants or whatever (he's kind of a snob that way, another reason we don't along I think). So there I was feeling very small in a huge room with a table that can seat at least twenty people.

Things were pretty awkward to say the least. Well, awkward for me anyway. I don't really know what was going on through Grandfather's head. He kind of looked at me up and down when I entered, raised an eyebrow (probably because of the black nail polish and yellow smiley faces on my fingers, why do I always choose the wrong time to experiment with nail polish...) and then went back to his newspaper.

I tried to make conversation. Really I did! I asked him about Rome (where he was last known to be) and if he got to see any of the sites. But apparently Rome is A) hot and muggy and B) full of tourists. Apparently he was in meetings and the office most of the time. What is up with that? If I went to Rome I would so be going to all the places I read about there. I guess this is another difference between me and Grandfather.

The rest of breakfast was spent with me sitting there staring at the paper he was reading (and reading the headlines while I was at it) and waiting for food. Luckily for me, Gandalf came with morning post just as the eggs arrived so I was able to sort through my mail instead of trying to start a one-sided conversation.

Why couldn't I have gotten a nice kindly grandfather who likes to dote on his grandchildren and tell interesting stories or whatever?

Sunday, July 28, Manor, Dining Room,

Once again, Fudge continues his campaign to discredit Dumbledore. Now the Headmaster has been voted out of the International Confederation of Wizards because he's "getting old and losing his touch". Excuse me, but how many wits do you really need to be in the International whatever? It can't be that many because I've certainly never heard of the organization until now.

Got to stop writing; Grandfather's giving me a look over his newspaper. I guess writing in my journal during mealtime is another thing that I'm not supposed to do because it's not proper.

Wednesday, July 31, Manor, Outside Dining Room,

I really wish I didn't have to go to in there.

It's always awkward, really quiet, and I always do SOMETHING he doesn't approve of. Is this what dad went through when he lived here? No wonder he moved to America.

Thursday, August 1, Manor, Bedroom,

Okay, Fred and George are GENIUSES!

Seriously! I don't care if according to Ginny they only got about six O.W.L.s between the two of them, Einstein flunked school didn't he? When you look at all the stuff they've invented for this joke shop of theirs you can tell they are freaking brilliant.

They're pretty smart when it comes to business too. Right now they're looking for a store location and before they're opening it they're testing out products that they've come up with on their friends. They've been sending stuff over the week and asking us to try it out and tell them what we think about it. So far the stuff has been great. Last night they sent me a new product that they're calling Extendable Ears. They're basically these flesh-colored string-like things that allow you to hear what is on the other end. You can direct it to go whichever way you want and just tug on it when you don't want to be discovered so it will roll up into a ball.

You know, I've always wondered what exactly Grandfather does in that office of his...

Friday, August 2, Community Center, Outside,

Another dud in sculpture class. It wasn't that the project was bad, it just didn't turn out as well as I thought it would and I'm a little disappointed in myself. What the heck is the matter with me? I used to be able to just visualize something and create it exactly so. Now, I'm feeling not very creative and my works are...well not as good as they could be. Has the art muse abandoned me or something?

Whoa. There it goes again.

My Wild Magic has been acting funky ever since that vision thing. I could be wrong but I think that vision awoke my Earth Magic. I've been pouring through the books Firenze has given me over the year and I have read cases where that's happened to Wild Mages in the past but damn it I don't want Earth Magic too! That's even harder to control then regular Wild Mage powers. With the Wild Magic if you meditate at least once a day and don't do something that will piss off animals or plants you're good. Earth Magic goes way deeper then that. I read one biography of this dude who explored every part of his Wild Magic, including the Earth Magic part and well...let's just say things don't end well for him. I'd rather not have that happen to me thank you very much.

But I have a feeling the magic isn't going to give me much of a choice. Now, I get headaches on a regular basis whenever something upsets the Earth such as drilling for oil or cutting of trees or whatnot. What I felt just now was most likely the earth's irritation of that crew over there who have just come up to a dead tree trunk stump and are trying to remove it from the ground. The grass isn't thrilled either, they're calling the gardeners all sorts of nasty names. They of course can't hear it; wish I could say the same.

Plus, a few days ago I was in the gardens with Gerard helping him with the foundation that's in the back. Grandfather came home early and frowned at the sight of me in my overalls and covered in dirt and it annoyed me a bit. Next thing I know the rocks that we'd been fighting with all suddenly came loose from the dirt. They narrowly missed Gerard and only because he had quick reflexes and jumped back. What if something like that happens again and I end up hurting somebody?

So I think I'm going to have to do something about this eventually. But I think I'll wait until I get to Hogwarts and ask Firenze. I would write him but he sent a letter with Gandalf earlier this summer asking that I please not write letters to him for the time being. What's up with that?

Saturday, August 3, Kitchen, Afternoon,

Gerard and Giselle are at it again. I don't know why Gerard bothered to say anything, he should realize by now that his wife's temper is stretched way thin. Not that it normally isn't, it's just worse now because she's about seven months pregnant and really showing it. Angela has tried to get her to stop working so much but she refuses saying how will we eat if she takes time off. Which I think is a very good point.

Sunday, August 4, Manor, Bedroom,

Got a letter from Artemis! Here it is:

Dear Jubilee,

You asked me what being a reporter was like and I'd love to tell you but I can't because as of now I'm what is charmingly referred to as a "grunt" here in the office. What is a grunt you ask? Well, basically it means I am the lowest of the low here newspaper country. I'm right above interns, but not good enough to do any 'real' reporting.

So far all I've been able to write are obituaries, classified ads, that sort of thing. I also have the lovely task of getting the important reporters coffee and filling in for photographers if one is needed. Never mind that I've never had photography experience before in my life.

Now don't misunderstand me, I actually like my job and the editor says if I keep my eyes open and do good work I can move my way up. Plus, there's this really adorable photographer here and I love working with him merely for the pure reason of being able to look at him. Even better, I think he's looking back!

So how are things going with you? Your O.W.L. year is coming up isn't it? Best of luck to you on those, if they're anything like the French version, they're murder. But you have that photographic memory of yours so it'll probably be a lot easier for you then it was for me. I still hate you for having that by the way.

Write back soon!


Monday, August 5, Manor, Bedroom,


I really have to give Luna's father props for this month's issue of the Quibbler. I honestly kind of liked the cartoons of Fudge throttling the goblins. Though I highly doubt he's out for control of Gringotts; now put a picture of the editor of the Daily Prophet in place of the goblin and you probably have a real story.

But this little article is what really had me rolling on the floor:

SIRIUS-Black as He's Painted?

Notorious Mass Murderer OR Innocent Singing Sensation?

For fourteen years Sirius Black has been believed

guilty of the mass murder of twelve innocent Muggles and

one wizard. Black's audacious escape from Azkaban two

years ago has led to the wildest manhunt ever conducted

by the Ministry of Magic. None of us has ever questioned

that he deserves to be re-captured and handed back to the



Startling new evidence has recently come to light

that Sirius Black may not have committed the crimes for

which he was sent to Azkaban. In fact, says Doris Parkiss

of 18 Acathis Way, Little Norton, Black may not have even

been present at the killings.

"What people don't realize is that Sirius Black is a

false name," says Mrs. Parkiss. "The man people believe

to be Sirius Black is actually Stubby Boardman, lead singer

of the popular singing group The Hobgoblins, who retired

from public life after being struck in the ear by a turnip at

a concert in Little Norton Church Hill fifteen years ago. I

recognized him the moment I saw his picture in the paper.

Now, Stubby couldn't have committed those crimes, because

on the day in question he happened to be enjoying a

candlelit dinner with me. I have written to the Minister of

Magic and am expecting him to give Stubby, alias Sirius, a

full pardon any day now."

THIS is why I subscribe to the Quibbler. It's too damn funny.

Thursday, August 8, Manor, Dining Room,

Okay, how weird is it that Grandfather is STILL HERE?

Usually he's gone by now! We had a system: He'd go on business trips to wherever the hell it is he goes for about two to three weeks or every weekend or so. When he didn't do that, he stayed out of my way and I stayed out of his. Usually that meant he was around for about half the year if that. I LIKED that system. It was a good system.


Monday, August 12, Manor, Bedroom,

Scratch my feelings of Grandfather breaking tradition. He just informed me over dinner tonight that he's leaving this Friday for another business trip (didn't catch the list of places this time) and won't be back until after I get to school. Nice to know some things will never change, huh?

It'll be nice to have everyone back to normal after he leaves. When Grandfather's here we all have to act proper when he's around and well...proper means I can't hang out with anyone. It also means that Jessie can't dance to her discman while she dusts, or Gerard and Giselle can't be arguing one minute and then making out the next which while annoying at times can also be highly entertaining. Jacob no longer shares teas or swaps stories about Dad with me and Angela is usually more busy then usual too.

It's like Grandfather's gloom sucks the happiness out of the place when he's here or something. So you can kind of understand why I'm very happy he's leaving.

Friday, August 16, Manor, Front Steps,

Grandfather just left.


Monday, August 19, Manor, Bedroom,

All right! Look at this!


Remember way back when my Mum and Kingsley decided to get engaged and then we never heard about a wedding date? Well, they finally set a wedding date! They're going to be getting married on May 1, 1996. So it looks like I'll be booked for the holiday. A house full of the Hollins clan. That's going to be a joy; at least Kingsley's family is normal.

Oh well, at least they're finally getting it over with. They're practically married anyway, this is just a formality. Mum says that you're invited by the way and I'm welcome to invite the rest of our friends (she'll probably regret saying that later on I'll wager) and yes, you do have to dress up. Sorry.


Well, it's about time. I almost forgot Owen's Mom and Kingsley hadn't married. Though I have to wonder: Owen's Mom is a Muggleborn witch like me, so her family members are all Muggles, yet they're the odd ones? What heck are they like???!!!

Friday, August 23, Manor, Bedroom,

Hmm...don't I usually get my Hogwarts letter about this time? I wonder what's taking so long. Angela was asking me about it earlier and I just kind of shrugged. Weird. I hope it gets here before I leave on the thirty-first to get to London.

Sunday, August 25, Manor, Bedroom,


Nimbus 1900; Quaffle

Cauldron and Potions kit

Telescope (remember to take it down!) and charts

School books (all to study for O.W.L.s)

Parchment and Ink (get refills of black ink)


Easel, paint palette, paint brushes, paint box

Drawing pencils, current sketchbook, charcoal pencils

Collapsible Pottery Wheel and clay that is still available (don't waist! Remember it's expensive!)

First, Second, and Third Year notebooks to study for O.W.L.s

Book bag

Current reading books



Sanitary items

Jewelry box/accessories

Thank God for magic trunks. No way would I be able to get all this stuff into a normal trunk...

Monday, August 26, Manor, Bedroom,

I hate clothes shopping with Angela.

Actually, I hate clothes shopping in general but with Angela it's ten times worse because my taste totally differs from what she thinks I should be wearing. All the stuff she picks is bland. I finally ended up negotiating with her saying really I don't need totally new stuff because I haven't really had much of a growth spurt this summer (which is sadly true, I'm doomed to be a midget for the rest of my life) and most of my clothes pretty much fit.

So I finally ended up with a new pair of jeans, a new denim jacket (that is going to get decorated immediately when I get home as do all my denim jackets), a sweater, a few pairs of socks, and a pair of black converse sneakers.

Why oh why won't I grow?

Thursday, August 29, Manor, Bedroom,

Well, my wayward Hogwarts letter finally arrived! It's about time.

Dear Ms. Johanson,

Welcome to your fifth year at Hogwarts! The fifth year is an important milestone in a Wizard and Witches' education. This year you will not only be taking your O.W.L.s at the end of the year but you will be taking the first steps towards your future. Your Head of House will be speaking with you at some point during the year about possible careers you might be interested in. Whatever career you decide to choose we wish you the best of luck.

The term starts on September 1 and your train leaves from Platform nine and three-quarters at King's Cross Station at 11:00 A.M. Your book list and ticket have been enclosed. We hope you have a wonderful year!


Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress


-The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5 by Miranda Goshawk

-Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkard

A theory book for DADA? What's up with that?

Friday, August 30, Manor, Bedroom,

HA! I totally lucked out! I not only have one or two friends who are Prefects I have FOUR! Hannah has been made Prefect for Hufflepuff in our year (along with Ernie MacMillan, big surprise there, he's such a suck up...) and Padma and Anthony have been made Prefects for Ravenclaw in our year. I also got a letter from Ginny who said that Ron Weasley and Hermione have been made Prefects too! I get Hermione, but what's up with Weasley being made Prefect? I figured it would be Potter...

So I have four friends who are Prefects. No way am I getting any points taken off this year! Ha. Okay, so the teachers can, but my friends can always find ways to add points to make up for it! This is great!

I'm kind of surprised Mandy didn't make Prefect though...oh well.

Saturday, August 31, London, Leaky Cauldron, Room 21,

Man, it feels so great to be in the wizard world.

I ran into a bunch of people from school today, including Mandy who apparently doesn't feel like talking about Padma being made Prefect. I think she's a little jealous because when I mentioned how great it was she kind of pursed her lips and went, "Hmph." I decided to change the subject after that.

I've been reading through this defense theory book and you know what? It kind of sucks. I mean, none of the stuff is remotely helpful in anyway and the author is totally biased on stuff. Don't get me started on what he said about werewolves, the jerk.

I hope this isn't an indication of how the class is going to be...oh well, I'll find out this week I guess. I better get to bed because tomorrow I finally get to go back to Hogwarts!