James Potter Lily Evans Peter Pettigrew Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/20/2002
Updated: 05/07/2005
Words: 22,922
Chapters: 27
Hits: 11,760

Of Deer and Flowers


Story Summary:
Before Harry came to Hogwarts, before Sirius was arrested, even before Snape's hair became greasy, there was Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.``Oh and a very anoyed Lily too!

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Before Harry came to Hogwarts, before Sirius was arrested, even before Snape's hair became greasy, there was Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.
Author's Note:
I'm sorry this took so long. Please forgive me!

Chapter Six


August 1,

Dear Kate,

My summer is going perfectly. Petunia has taken me shopping and you wouldn't believe the stuff I got. Petunia must be the greatest shopper I know. She does however have an uncanny taste for pink, YUCK. Nearly every outfit she wanted me to try on was that color. Personally I prefer blue.

I can't write much. Petunia's taking me to meet some new friends of hers, including a boy she happens to have a major crush on. Vernon Dursley. I wonder what he's like? Guess I'll find out . . .

August 2,

Dear Kate,

I don't know what Petunia sees in Vernon, He's a total creep! How she could even . . . Uh oh he just walked in the front door. I better go before I get caught insulting Petunia's new boyfriend . . .

August 28,

Dear Kate,

I can't understand how anyone could be such a Pratt! No I' not talking about James Potter. I'm speaking of the idiot Slytherin Severus Snape. Petunia decided to come with me to Diagon Alley and he managed to dump FrogSpawn all over her head! Snape then tried to blame it on Potter, But even he wouldn't be that mean . . .

August 31,

Dear Kate,

I feel just horrible. I bought a Shape-changing Teacup from Zonco's in order to better explain how Transfiguration works with out using actual Magic, and Petunia picked it up! It was during her Birthday Party and we were running short on glasses. It was just terrible. She won't speak to me and I leave for school tomorrow . . .

"I'm sorry Petunia you can't come in here."

"But mother."

"I'm frosting your cake and it's supposed to be a surprise."

"But the balloons."

"I've got them."

"Thanks Lily!"

"Mom will dad be home in time for the party?"

"Yes, dear."

Lily had to laugh while her sister threw herself in to a panic over the littlest things. Petunia was rather nervous as she had invited all of the 'popular' kids from her school, and all of them had agreed to come.

An hour later they had finished the decorations and Petunia was going through her checklist making sure every thing was perfect.


James looked across the breakfast table at his father who was just opening up his newspaper. His mother was still asleep, and James was only half awake himself. His usually messy hair hadn't even been combed.

"Old Apollyon Pringle's past away."


"The Hogwarts caretaker," Richard Potter looked up in surprise. "You haven't met him?"

"Oh you mean the grinch!"

"That certainly sounds like him." James's father laughed. "Tell me son, have you met Hagrid yet?"


It was a wonderful party. Every single person Petunia had invited turned up. The entire house was decorated with streamers and Balloons. (Well at least the lower floor) there was a pile of presents on the living room coffee table. The guests were sitting around finishing off the last of the cake, and Petunia was fawning over one Vernon Dursley.

When they nearly ran out of cups Petunia was forced to resort to using the tea things. Unfortunately she picked up the one cup that wasn't supposed to be touched. As soon she began to pour the punch the teacup changed. With an almighty squeak it turned in to a large white rat. Petunia screeched.

"Lily, you monster! You did this on purpose!"

"Petunia I'm . . ."

"Stay away from me you . . . you freak!"


Vernon Dursley disappeared up the stairs after her, and Lily was left to play hostess. The rest of the day Petunia wouldn't speak to her, and Lily spent the majority of the night awake trying to find a way to apologize.