Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black Lord Voldemort
Action Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 07/09/2002
Updated: 08/11/2003
Words: 138,239
Chapters: 23
Hits: 26,301

Home is where the heart is


Story Summary:
Harry is stranded at the Dursleys for another horrible summer, when he is 'rescued' by Sirius and taken away to spend a great summer with the ``former Marauders, Padfoot and Moony. But when he returns to Hogwarts, the world of magic is becoming darker and thrown into deeper mystery. You worship the ground that Sirius stands on? Read this fic!

Home Is Where The Heart Is 15

Chapter Summary:
Harry is back in his fifth year, after an amusing holiday with his two favourite adults, only to find that the carefree summer has melted into the grim times surrounding the return of Voldemort. A new, hardly-heroine material DADA teacher, the old and loved-to-death characters including Draco Malfoy, Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. If you love any fifth year stories chock-a-block full of fifth-year could-be's, this is the story for you ^^
Author's Note:
Hey people! Here's chapter 15....I know how much all of you were looking forward to it ^^

Disclaimer: Anything you recognise in this story belongs to the esteemed JK Rowling ^_^

Home is Where the Heart Is
Chapter Fifteen - The Order of Phoenix

Harry didn't go straight to the staff room. Being roughly 3:00pm, it was most likely that Dumbledore was either in his office or eating a late lunch, and Harry didn't want to intrude on him in either place. Instead, he decided to run back upstairs and check the Marauder's Map to see where everyone (namely Sirius and Remus) was.

On the way, he stopped at the portrait of the lion and called softly to see if they were there. There was no answer, so Harry continued onwards to the Fat Lady. "Password?" The painting of the large woman asked him as he halted in front of her.

"Bongo drums," he replied. Nodding her head, the Fat Lady's portrait swung open to reveal the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. It was comfortably crowded, with various groups of people playing exploding snap and chess, or merely lazing in front of the fire, talking. Harry was making his way towards the stairs to the dormitories, when he spotted Fred and George Weasley beckoning to him wildly from a corner.

Curious, Harry went over to them. "Harry!" Fred exclaimed, standing up. "Have you seen Ron anywhere?"

"Yeah," Harry said in surprise, looking from Fred to George. "He's in the library with Hermione."

"What are they doing in there?" George asked, looking scandalised. "It's a Sunday!"

Harry shrugged. "Homework, I think. Hermione's getting worked up over the OWL's."

Fred made a rude noise, while George just shook his head sadly. "Something must have happened to her as a young child," he commented to Fred. "It's the only explanation....."

Here, Harry grinned. "Don't let her hear you say that," he warned the redheaded twins. "So...why are you looking for Ron?" he inquired, unable to hide his curiosity. Fred and George looked at each other, and then Fred reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled looking letter.

"Mum sent us a letter," George said solemnly.

"And it had some very interesting information in it, too," Fred finished. "Some really fascinating news, about our dear Ronnykins. I guess you already know, don't you?"

Harry had a distinctive feeling that he knew where the conversation was going. ".....what, exactly?" he asked, trying to look quizzical.

George looked disgusted. "He's been made a prefect," he said, in contempt. "Our dear little younger brother is an elite prefect, according to Mum. And he never even mentioned it once to us. Can you believe it?"

"He's a disgrace to our reputation," Fred added, looking very put out. "What's happening to everyone, eh? First that Lavender gets the position of normal prefect - it's a miracle, really - and now Ron. The world's gone mad."

"Er...." Harry had a strong desire to laugh at the indignant expressions on both their faces, but felt that it wouldn't be wise. "What are you going to do to him?"

George looked at him evilly. "Oh, nothing that bad. Tease and mock him for the rest of his life, harass him, compare him to Percy....."

Harry felt a wave of sympathy for Ron.

"Well, uh, I've gotta go," he said to the plotting duo. "Don't kill Ron, he's still in shock himself." Waving, he set off up the staircase to the fifth year boy's dormitory. When he was inside he closed the door, and hurried over to his trunk. He opened it, taking the lock off, and began to search the trunk for the precious map. Harry found it near the bottom, looking anything like an old, worthless piece of parchment. But that was just an illusion.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," he said, straightening and prodding the map with his wand. Slowly, the moving map of Hogwarts appeared. Harry sat on his bed and scanned it eagerly. Snape was in his office, thankfully. Dumbledore was in his own office, too, with Fawkes and....McGonnagall? Blinking, he put the oddness of this aside, and kept looking. Malfoy was in his common room, there was Hermione and Ron in the library.....but where were Sirius and Remus?

Glancing at the map again, Harry finally spotted the familiar dot, Sirius Black, in the DADA classroom. But.....he wasn't alone. Remus Lupin and Danielle Rivendale were also in the room. Harry stared down at the map, perplexed. Why on earth would Professor Rivendale be with Sirius and Remus? If she was with them, then she almost certainly knew of Sirius' innocence. And why would they be in that particular classroom?

The Marauders Map was a very handy tool, Harry knew. Without it, he'd have never of discovered the passage into Honeydukes and Hogsmeade, or be able to peek in on where everybody in the castle was. Frowning at the mysterious meeting of people on the Map, Harry absently wiped it clean and flayed back on his bed, staring at the canopy above him. It wasn't just Sirius that he was really worried about.

The whole, whirlwind shock of Dumbledore's proposition still hadn't really sunk in. It seemed impossible that a wizard like the headmaster would ask him - a mere boy, much as Harry didn't like to admit it - into an organisation as important and vital to the wizarding community as the Order of Phoenix. It just felt - weird. And Harry was afraid.

Afraid that he wouldn't live up to people's expectations. What if he was accepted into the Order, and then couldn't do anything except sit there and wear the badge? What if he wasn't good enough, or strong enough, to do as Dumbledore or the Order asked of him? And even worse - what if he wasn't up to the same standard as his father? What if Sirius saw this, and felt ashamed of him?

Harry began to experience jolts of panic in his stomach. Maybe he shouldn't join after all - maybe Sirius was right about everything. It wasn't as if he would stop helping Dumbledore, right? He - he just wouldn't accept the badge that Dumbledore gave him. Maybe he should wait until he was older and more experienced. But even as Harry was forming this conclusion in his mind, a voice spoke up in the back of his brain.

You can 'what-if?' yourself until you go mad, it admonished. But imagine what Ron and Hermione will think if you tell them you've backed out. And Dumbledore, too. Do you really want to disappoint them? Do you want to look like a coward?

Harry winced at the word 'coward', and sighed. "This is getting even harder to figure out," he told the ceiling gloomily.

Hey, you're the boy who lived. You've gotten this far......may as well go the whole way to being a hero, eh?

That was such a comforting thought.

He spent at least an hour lying on his back and wondering what he should do. Conflicting thoughts threatened to make him want to start banging his head against a wall. If only all things were as simple as Quiddich......but in the end, Harry knew that he could only do one thing, and stick with his original decision. Even if he seemed like an idiot for doing it.

Sick of brooding, he left the room, and made his way out of Gryffindor Tower, noting that Fred and George were gone. Harry hoped that they didn't humiliate Ron too much.....especially not in front of Hermione. She wouldn't appreciate any taunting of an elite prefect in her presence.

Stopping in the Great Hall, Harry wondered what he should do. It still didn't seem the time to barge in on Dumbledore or Sirius, and he didn't feel like going back to the library. If anything, Harry felt like taking a walk around the lake. But there was no way that he'd be able to, with the new restrictions on being out on the grounds. Eventually, Harry ended up heading for the owlery, to pay Hedwig a visit.


It was late afternoon. But the time of day couldn't be told, deep under the ground. The city of An Domhain had not seen sunlight in many centuries, and would not see sunlight for many a century to come. This did not trouble those that dwelt there - Wormtail, Voldemort, Nagini, the Death Eaters - and the creatures that inhabited the deep tunnels far below the city.....nameless things, that nobody dared to investigate.

Lord Voldemort - formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, a lifetime ago - was in his massive, royally designed chamber, brooding. There were many forces in action, he could sense them. While that fool Dumbledore gathered what allies he could, time would be running short for the Mudbloods and Muggle-lovers. He was mustering his own forces of darkness to storm the Wizarding World.

He idly watched Nagini tear apart the fresh carcass of a goat, below the dais on which his elaborate throne stood. It was making quite a mess on the floor. Nagini was truly a charming creature, he reflected. Powerful, elegant in her species fashion, loyal to him, and dangerous to the core. She was a rare find - not a basilisk, but no normal snake. A man in Brazil had breeded them, long ago - Tom had met him on his many travels before he began his reign of terror. He had purchased Nagini while she was still an egg and hatched her under his careful eye.

He could not have wished for a better companion. While those Death Eater weaklings came crawling back to him after thirteen years, Nagini had always been loyal to her master, living in the wilderness and hiding from discovery. And she had heard her master call her, and came faithfully.

Yes, Nagini was special. Voldemort liked to regard her as he would a favourite dog.

Leaning back against the gilded support of the throne, he assessed his situation with a faint smile, barely a cruel twist of his lips. The Dementors would be his strongest ally - they were precisely what he needed to disable people in a battle. The giants possessed little brains, no doubt of that - but their brute strength would be a good advantage to spread terror and conflicting mayhem. There were his Death Eaters, of course - and they would obviously serve him well, the second time around. Their fear blocked out all reason, turning them into lap dogs.

And then there were the daemons. Ah. Ruthless and evil creatures, which could most likely be bargained with. An army of unfaltering, killing machines. Humans on foot were no match for them, too slow and clumsy. And the daemons were perfect, Mother Nature's reply to the ultimate, living weapon. Everything was proceeding perfectly. After all, he had the key to controlling them, ruling out a possibility of rebellion. That researcher was his servant, kissing his feet. He would ensure that the daemons were properly dealt with.

The only thing that Voldemort had to worry about now was the city caving in on him.

In fact, after so long and so many failures, things seemed almost too good.

Life and death has made you paranoid, Voldemort thought to himself, picking up a giant ruby that was amongst many that were scattered in the chamber. But soon there won't be a difference between the two. Not after I'm finished.

There was a sharp knock on the entrance doors to the chamber. "Enter," he said lazily, twirling the precious stone between his long, spindly fingers. One side of the carved door creaked open, and a heavily cloaked man strode in. His face was completely hidden, but Voldemort knew his identity at once. "Ah. Aiden," he hissed, sitting up in his throne. "What news have you for me?"

The figure stopped several feet from the dais and fell on one knee. "My Lord." he spoke in a deep voice. Voldemort waved his hand, and the man rose, standing as he would to report to a general or such, hands by his side. His heavy travelling cloak was strained with what seemed to be mud, dirt, and something that looked suspiciously like blood.

"I bring you news from the daemons," the man said, keeping his eyes on the dais and not looking at Voldemort. "They have not agreed to any alliance. They want to receive more for their side of the bargain.....and they are very insistent. I had to kill three of them to get out," he added, with amusement in his voice. "It wasn't easy."

Voldemort narrowed his eyes. "You killed them? I was made to believe that these creatures were invincible."

The man snorted. "Invincible, My Lord? To anyone else but myself, they are fatal. Only I can slay them."

The Dark Lord looked down on him approvingly. "You are a valuable servant, Aiden. But I would not proceed to be so cocky in future," he hissed, menacing. "Or have you forgotten whom it is that you serve?"

He bowed his head. "Forgive me, Master."

"You are forgiven. What do these creatures want?"

"Fresh meat daily, and the joy of killing. They desire their freedom to come and go as they please, and to have a leader of their forces elected, one that has a say in where and how they fight."

Voldemort scowled. "They are imprudent, to ask for things like that, when I could wipe them out in one blow."

"Of course you could, My Lord," The man said, in a calming tone. "But they are powerful in their own way, and would be a great asset to your forces. It would be wise to follow their wishes."

At this point, Voldemort would have cruelly tortured any Death Eater that spoke out of turn in such a manner. But Aiden was much different, and far more powerful than any mere Death Eater. And he was not likely to encounter any large amounts of anger from the Dark Lord. Voldemort needed him far too much to damage him. Therefore, Aiden said these words without flinching or hesitation.

"You believe it to be wise?" Voldemort seemed to be considering the idea. "And would they follow every order I gave them, then?"

"If their leader had a say in it, yes."

Voldemort was silent for a moment. "Very well," he finally said, relaxing back into the throne. "Tell them that their wishes shall be granted. A small price for ruthless soldiers."

Aiden bowed deeply. "It shall be done." He straightened and respectfully left the chamber, leaving Voldemort to brood. Nagini was still feeding on the carcass of the goat, having dragged it over to the far corner of the room. There was a streak of blood on the floor, where she had dragged it. It tastes good, she hissed to her Master, before returning to her meal.

He smiled. "Indeed."


That evening, Harry slipped into the staff room, to find that Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonnagall were finally present. Professor McGonnagall looked surprised to see him and opened her mouth to scold him for walking in without knocking.

"Potter, what-" she began, but Professor Dumbledore raised a hand to silence her.

"It's alright, Minerva. I have been expecting Harry," Dumbledore said, smiling at Harry in a knowing way. "I must ask you to excuse us for a while, as we have something to discuss."

Professor McGonnagall glanced at both of them curiously, before issuing a curt nod. She then left. Harry looked at Dumbledore nervously, and tried to think of the right words to say.

"So, Harry. I believe you have come to a conclusion, unless I am very much mistaken...would you like to tell me what you want to do?" Professor Dumbledore asked gently, settling himself into one of the chairs. Harry carefully sat in the chair opposite him.

"Sir, I'd like to be part of the Order," Harry said bluntly, pulling out the gold pin that had belonged to his father. "I'd like to take my.....dad's place as a member."

Professor Dumbledore wore an understanding expression that was also mingled with a feeling of relief. "Of course. If that is your decision, I would be delighted to introduce you to the Order. However......have you informed Sirius of your announcement?"

Harry winced, and looked down at his lap. "Well........no. But I'm going to tell him straight away, right after this. That is, if I can find him. Where has he been all day? I looked everywhere before I came to the staff room, but I couldn't find either Remus or Sirius anywhere."

He didn't mention what he'd seen on the Map. Sirius hadn't looked for him for the whole day, and it was depressing. Harry wanted to talk to him, convince Sirius that he was capable of being in the Order of Phoenix. Even if he didn't believe it himself.

Dumbledore smiled in a secretive sort of way. "Sirius and Remus have been.........sorting out some past issues. They have been hidden away for most of the day because of this."

"Past issues? What past issues?" Harry asked curiously.

"That, I'm afraid, is not for me to say. Perhaps you should ask Sirius yourself," Dumbledore smiled again, before becoming business-like.

"Harry, there is a meeting of the Order scheduled tonight, but I think it would be best if you do not attend. I must inform the Order of your decision, and do some general organising, which I doubt would interest you. Also, you mustn't exhaust yourself. You may not believe it, but dreams can effect people more deeply than you would expect."

There was a tone of finality in his voice, so Harry stood up. "Oh....okay. Do you know where Sirius is?"

"Sirius is currently eating dinner and will be at the meeting tonight. I'm sorry, but I beg you to wait until tomorrow to ask him questions." Dumbledore said apologetically, also standing up. Harry reluctantly nodded, and went to leave. But then, he turned around before exiting.

"Professor, who else is in the Order? I mean, besides you and Sirius and Remus....." Harry had been wondering about this during his short stay in the hospital wing. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

"Ah. I was wondering how long it would be until you asked me. I made a list in advance. It includes both former and current members," he told Harry, pulling out a rolled up piece of parchment from his robes. Harry accepted the parchment eagerly, and pocketed it.

"Thanks Professor. I won't let you down....g'night." he said, and then left the staff room.

Dumbledore stared at the ajar door, before clearing his voice. "Remus. How long have you been there?"

Remus appeared out of the hangings at the side, near the windows. He wore a fairly sheepish expression.

"Er......I overheard the whole conversation, actually." Remus admitted, brushing his light brown hair out of his eyes. He sighed and sank into an armchair. "So he really has agreed to join?"

"Indeed. Harry is quite like James when it comes to duty. His determination is admirable," said Professor Dumbledore, a hint of a smile on his face. "I fear the only trouble he'll cause will be from not being able to fight Voldemort directly."

Remus, despite his disquiet at Harry's decision, had to chuckle. "Too true. Now all we have to do is break the news to Sirius. I doubt he'll be happy with this. Two big shocks in one day might make him very - stressed - he's incredibly protective of Harry, he'll be furious that you're letting him take James' place."

"True," Dumbledore agreed, stroking his long white beard. "But he must face facts that it is Harry's choice alone. Perhaps we shouldn't tell him until the meeting......I'm sure he had had quite a few shocks today......as you also would have had, Remus." Dumbledore added, turning his piercing gaze on Remus.

"Uh........" Remus wasn't sure what to say. Indeed, the shock of meeting Danielle again and hearing her story had staggered him. The sight of Sirius at peace and actually comfortable around her was even more staggering. Danielle's personality hadn't changed a bit - she was still as straightforward and blunt as ever. Remembering past days made him smile faintly.

"Well, the meeting is due to begin in......half an hour," commented Dumbledore, who seemed not to notice Remus' silence. "I do hope Sirius still remembers where the staff room is......"

At that precise moment, there was a crash outside the office, and someone cursed loudly.

"I think he does...." said Remus, fighting down a laugh as he stared at the door.

A moment later, Sirius walked in, muttering, and nursing a bruised elbow. "Damn those suits of armour! I hate it when they move!" He was closely followed by Danielle, who was helplessly trying to control her laughter.

"Th-they always hated you, Sirius," she said between giggles. "I suppose they just couldn't resist the opportunity."

Sirius scowled at the broad grin on Remus' face. "And what are you smiling at, Lupin?" he demanded crossly, slumping in another chair.

"Oh, nothing much........just you." Remus said cheerfully, before turning to Danielle. "How are you liking the job of DADA professor?"

Danielle rolled her eyes. "Oh, it's just spiffy, thanks. Being a teacher is plenty of fun. Especially the piles of homework I have to correct. Do you have any idea how bad some student's handwriting is? It took me almost an hour to figure out a Slytherin third year's essay on Boggarts!"

"Yes.....I do recall some undecipherable assignments........" Remus smiled. "But I know you better that that. You are enjoying some of it, aren't you?"

She shifted, looking uncomfortable. "Well....yes, I do, actually. And I'm no good with kids, either. I just enjoy teaching them and helping them....it makes me feel proud when they manage difficult spells......."

Dumbledore looked understanding. "My dear, you have stumbled across the essence of teaching," he said kindly. "What greater joy can a person have than to teach others? It is one of the reasons that many people become teachers - to pass on their knowledge."

Sirius looked contrite. "I never really looked at it that way," he admitted. "I just figured that people who wanted to be teachers were either desperate, or mad. Maybe both," he grinned, glancing at Remus. "I caused a lot of trouble as a boy.....and never even tried to imagine what the teachers were thinking. But hey, I was a brilliant student-"

"Gee, he's so modest," Danielle commented to the air. She sprawled into an armchair. "I can't believe we're all back to this," she sighed, tucking a strand of hair out of her eyes. "It's like a feeling of deja vu."

Sirius nodded in agreement. "It seems like only yesterday that we sat here, all excited about our first meeting and the chance at being Aurors....." he trailed off, looking thoughtful, as the memories of the old days of Voldemort's reign came to mind.

Danielle had especially painful recollections of her Auror experience. Sirius had dropped out after a while, having to hide as the Potter's Secret Keeper. Remus had acted as more of a healer than a front-line fighter.....it suited his personality better.

She could still remember the fast and furious battles fought against the Death Eaters, the sight of her colleagues and friends hit by the killing curse during a duel, their bodies scattered across a bloody field in the Scottish moors......staggering through the bloodbath, searching for survivors of a brutal massacre. Watching her own father, a wizard, dying in front of her after he was hit by a slashing curse........and then, the endless hours of planning and tactics before confrontations, knowing that there was a fair chance of her own death........

Danielle shuddered. Parts of her old job still haunted her, and the many wars and personal losses made it a dark chapter in her life. Shaking her head to break out of the powerful emotions, she faked a smile up at Professor Dumbledore, who was watching them quietly.

"Albus, do you think the Order will be able to stop Voldemort in time?" she asked seriously.

The elderly wizard bowed his head. "I honestly do not know, at this point. It is too early to presume anything." Dumbledore told her gravely.

Remus sighed. "It all depends on what allies Voldemort has acquired," he said musingly. "God forbid the Dementors march as his army....."

Sirius looked rather pale and sickly at this. Perhaps Danielle noticed, because she hurriedly changed the subject. "What about Hagrid? Didn't you say he'd be back by tomorrow?"

"Oh, yes," Dumbledore answered. "He should arrive either tonight or tomorrow morning. Madame Maxime has already departed for Beauxbatons."

"Where did they go over the holidays?" Sirius asked, interested.

Professor Dumbledore sat down. "As I'm sure that you might have guessed, Hagrid and Madam Maxime were asked to seek out the elusive giant colonies, in an effort to gain their support before Voldemort does. According to the letters from Hagrid, they have been mostly successful."


"Some of the younger, more violent giants wish to leave their options open. The idea of power appeals to them. But Hagrid and Madam Maxime have spent the whole summer attempting to convince the others, and the majority have agreed to help us.....within reason, of course. They do not wish to oppose Voldemort unless they have no other real choice....which is a reasonable request, I suppose."

Sirius frowned. "But I saw Hagrid in The Leaky Cauldron during the holidays......how could he have been negotiating with the giants, then?"

"Ah. You see, there is more than one group of giants, hiding in mountainous areas. There is a colony in Greenland.........and another in Poland, I believe. Hagrid had already visited the giants in Poland, whom were quicker to negotiate with, and Diagon Alley was a stop-over for supplies." Dumbledore explained.

"I see," Sirius mused. "He also saw me in disguise, but didn't react. But I nearly died from shock."

"As you would. Until he found out about your innocence, he was ready to rip you from limb to limb," Remus told him airily.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Sirius and Remus exchanged panicked looks. "Who is it?" Dumbledore called, standing up and sweeping over to the door.

"Professor Dumbledore?" A man's voice called. "It's Bill Weasley. I'm here for the meeting."

Sirius breathed in relief. For one moment, he had thought it might have been the Ministry. Or worse, Snape.

Dumbledore opened the door to let in the tall, good-looking redhead. Bill still wore a fanged earring, and his long hair was tied back in a ponytail. "Am I early?" was the first thing he said, as he looked around at the other people in the room.

"Nah. Just fashionably on time," Sirius informed him. "Good to see you." The two men exchanged a friendly handshake.

Really, it's remarkable how much Bill reminds me of Sirius at that age, Remus thought in amusement. Danielle winked at him - she had spotted the similarities too. Bill then turned his attention to Danielle, and looked at her appraisingly.

"And who is this pretty young lady? Someone introduce us." He nudged Sirius, who suddenly looked a bit annoyed.

"Right. Bill, meet Danielle Rivendale. Danielle, meet Bill Weasley." he said stoutly.

Bill's eyebrows shot up. "You're the DADA professor?"

He stared at her. She had to be one of the shortest women he had ever met - height wise, she barely reached his armpit. However, Bill had to admit to himself that she was a good-looking woman - curly, light brown hair with gold streaks that fell down her back, entrancing eyes that were different in individual colour, long eyelashes to frame them, a friendly smile-

"Bill? Are you alright? You seem a bit distant...." Remus (quite rudely, in his opinion) cut in on his thoughts.

"Oh! Er....." Bill still wore a slightly glazed look, but Danielle didn't seem to notice.

"To answer your shocked question, yes, I'm the Defence professor." Danielle grinned, looking up at him. Why was it that all men just had to be taller? "My disadvantage in the height category, however, does not interfere with my teaching ability," she added dryly. Sirius snickered quietly, but fell silent under her glare.

"Anyway........Weasley? You must be one of Ronald's brothers.....or should I say Ron? I know he hates being called that. I should have guessed earlier by your hair." said Danielle, eyeing Bill's ponytail.

"Yeah.....I'm Ron's eldest brother. Curse breaker for Gringotts.........or, I was, until I took time off to join the Order." Bill explained.

"Oh. So you're another crazy one who's in on this. Well, welcome to the club." Danielle held out her hand to shake, and was rather surprised when Bill took it and kissed it, with a flourish.

"I look forward to working with you, Ma'am."

Danielle laughed out loud and cuffed him lightly on the shoulder, since she couldn't reach his head. "Don't try charming me, lad. I'm quicker to yell than to smile, and I happen to be quite a bit older than you, too...."

Bill wore a mock-pained expression. "Who said I was trying to charm you? This is how I usually am - young, dashing, handsome and charming......"

Sirius snorted at this, and Remus fought to keep his face straight.

Yes, he certainly does reminds me of Sirius at twenty-one.......

"Besides, older women are always far more mature and interesting," he continued.

Sirius frowned as Danielle began to giggle, and then laugh in almost a hysterical manner. "Mature?"

Dumbledore stood in the corner, watching these antics with a bemused smile. Obviously, he was enjoying the exchange. And yet.....dark times were ahead. Soon the times of jokes and laughter would be gone, and war would consume everyday lives. History always repeats itself.......

Albus Dumbledore had to remind himself to think more optimistically - he was beginning to sound like Sybil Trelawney! He moved into the center of the room. "Well, I daresay that the others should be arriving shortly-"

Is if on cue, there was another rap on the door. "Who is it?" Dumbledore called.

"It's Minerva. Alastor and Mundugnus have arrived.....shall I bring them in?" came the familiar voice of Professor McGonnagall.

"Yes, show them in." Dumbledore replied, glancing at Sirius.

The door opened once again, to reveal the stooped figure of 'Mad-eye Moody' and Mundugnus Fletcher, a man in his late fifties with a suspicious expression that seemed permanently etched on his face. Behind them stood Professor McGonnagall, wearing a stern look that quickly transformed into a stunned one, as she spotted Sirius. The three entered the room, and Mad-eye Moody stopped in his tracks.

"Well....long time no see, Black. I was wondering how long until I caught up with you," he growled, both magical and normal eye fixed on Sirius. "Happy to see me, eh?" He began to reach for his wand.

Both men stared at each other. Sirius wondered if he dared to stand up, and risk getting blasted by the tough old Auror. Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Ahem. Alastor, I believe the situation has already been explained. Sirius is quite innocent, I can assure you. He has my trust, and I would hope that you would extend your own trust as well." The headmaster said, in a slightly reproving voice. Mad-eye was silent for a moment, before his gnarled old face formed a twisted grin.

"Dumbledore, you don't have to remind me," Moody chuckled, his magical eye swivelling to look at Professor Dumbledore. "Don't deprive me of an old man's amusement. Easy, lad-" he told Sirius, humour on his face. "Stop looking at me as though I'm an army of Dementors. Just a bit of fun."

"Right," Sirius said in a shaky voice. A bit of fun? I nearly wet my pants!

Mundungus Fletcher snorted. "Aye, I'm sure. So, Black. You look in good health to me, for a wanted man."

"You too, Gus. Cursed any innocent visitors lately?" Sirius asked, his expression blank. The memory of 'Gus' attacking him was still fresh in his mind. Mundungus Fletcher scowled.

"Don't you be cheeky to me, boy. I'll tan your hide so fast you'll see stars. How was I supposed to know you were innocent? When a murderer shows up on your doorstep, you hex first and ask questions later."

Bill laughed. "Typical Auror."

Danielle cleared her throat. "Excuse me?"

"Oh - right. Not that there's anything wrong with that philosophy....."

Dumbledore smiled. "Alastor, any news from the front?"

Mad-eye shook his grizzly head. "Not a thing. It's too bloody quiet for my liking. All this sneaking around annoys me," he replied, in a disgusted voice. "Better to fight and get it over with." Moody lowered himself into an armchair with a groan.

"Damn leg."

Danielle came over and looked at him sympathetically. "How are you, Alastor? I suppose you're still recovering from last year?"

"Oh, I'm over that, lass. Now all I have to worry about is getting my hands on that bloody 'Wormtail'.......I've got a few bones to pick with him." Moody said, with a predatory smile.

Sirius nodded, his eyes fiery. "I'll be giving you a hand with that. Unless I get there first."

The room was strangely quiet for a moment, before Professor McGonnagall turned to Sirius with an odd expression on her face. "It seems I'll never get rid of you," she commented, frowning at him. Sirius gave her his most dashing grin.

"Oh, Professor. I know how much you missed me...." Here, Remus let out a little cough that might have been hiding a snigger. Danielle bit her lip to stop herself making a sarcastic comeback. And Professor McGonnagall looked fairly exasperated.

"You haven't changed your ways since you left Hogwarts, Black. I assume there won't be any more 'disturbances', as you have had a bad habit of creating in the past?" Minerva McGonnagall eyed him carefully. She had never properly recovered from the experience of teaching the Marauders, and could remember several incidences in which she had gained grey hairs at their expense.

Sirius gave her an innocent look that clearly said Who, me? "Oh, of course not, Professor."

Danielle again had to stop herself making a comment.

Over the next half an hour, other members arrived - Arabella Figg, the elder, Amos Diggory, Fidelius Flitwick, Elaine Sinistra, and Arthur Weasley. Snape appeared at 7:45, his normal sneer in place, and the moment he saw Sirius, he shot a look of loathing, which Sirius quickly returned. Snape settled himself in a chair as far away from Remus and Sirius as possible. Dominick Ollivander came in soon after, carrying a small satchel. As each person arrived, Sirius received stares of curiosity and mistrust. He made himself look back at them, expressionless.

At 8:00 sharp, Dumbledore called them to order.

"Welcome to the Second Calling of the Order of Phoenix," he said, turning his gaze on each person in the room. "Once again, we gather under the same symbol, for the same principle. Voldemort has returned, and is no doubtedly gathering his forces as we speak."

Nobody in the room winced at the name.

"Each of you has already experienced the task of fighting in the Order. As the Ministry and Cornelius Fudge refuse to acknowledge Voldemort's resurrection, we must take the matter into our own hands, to stop him."

There was complete silence, and the words seemed to hang in the air.

"Hagrid and Madame Maxime of Beauxbatons have journeyed to the existing giant colonies in hope of gaining their friendship and trust. It would be most unfortunate if we had to oppose them in battle. They have had limited success, but the Dementors, however, are another story. Amos, if you please.......?"

Amos Diggory stepped forward, standing tall. "I have been documenting the actions of the Dementors of Azkaban. They've been more restless than usual, and someone reported seeing a flying......thing over the fortress a few weeks ago. Whether or not it was a trick of the eyes, we can't say, since no guards stay the night. But it would be safer to assume the worst - that someone visited them," he explained to the room full of people. "If so, it is likely that it was a messenger of Voldemort."

"Thank you, Amos." Dumbledore nodded, and Amos Diggory sat down. "I'm afraid that we cannot remove the Dementors from Azkaban because of the Ministry and Fudge. Instead, I must ask a few of you to stand guard on the mainland and watch the fortress closely, in the event of a breakout."

There were some murmurings around the room, and Danielle spoke up. "Well, it can't be any of the teachers, since we are obligated to stay at Hogwarts and teach," she said quietly, turning to Remus for support.

Dumbledore looked around the room. "That is very true. Will anyone volunteer to do this?"

"I will," Mad-eye Moody said gruffly. "I've got one mean Patronus."

"And me," added Bill, after a pause, who was leaning against the wall. "I've had some experience with Dementors, myself."

Arthur Weasley looked at his son sadly. "Bill, your mother won't be very happy about this," he mumbled to his oldest son.

Bill shrugged casually. "Mum'll have to come around."

Professor Dumbledore adjusted his spectacles. "Very well. Tomorrow, it is best if you depart to the post. I apologise for the short notice, but the sooner we have an eye on Azkaban, the better." Bill and Moody nodded their assent.

"Next, I must address you all on a rather.....delicate matter. You have all heard of the events at the third task of the Triwizard Tournament?" Dumbledore asked the assembled group. Everyone nodded, and Sirius noted the stony face of Amos Diggory with pity. Remus was watching him, too. "Yesterday, I approached Harry Potter in a request for him to join the Order."

The room erupted in cries of surprise and shock. "Potter? He's just a boy!" Mundungus exclaimed.

"He's only fifteen!"

"How could he possibly help us? He's been through hell as it is....."

"Potter doesn't need this - it presents him as more of a target," Snape suddenly said, surprising the people around him. "He is a fifteen year-old boy with a small amount of talent in duelling. Isn't the general idea to protect him? Unless I am very much mistaken....."

Dumbledore waited patiently for the babble to die down. Sirius watched him with his fists clenched. "Dumbledore, I won't have my godson endangering himself any more than he already is!" he growled fiercely. "He's all I've got - he's the only Potter left, for God's sake!"

Again, the room was quiet. Remus went to grip his shoulder, but Sirius pulled out of his reach. "It's his OWL's this year! He doesn't have the time or energy to do what you're asking him!" stormed Sirius. Albus Dumbledore and Sirius locked eyes for a long moment. Bright blue eyes met dark, angry ones.

The headmaster shook his head. "Harry has already visited me this evening, to inform me of his decision to join."

Sirius went to argue, when Danielle grabbed his arm and glared at him. "Stop it!" she hissed. "I'm sure Harry knows exactly what he's getting in to......besides, either way, he'll attempt to stop Voldemort. Just like James, remember?" she ended, with a sad expression. Sirius stared down at her for a long time. And then he sighed.

Dumbledore watched Sirius intently before continuing. "Harry has dreams - visions, if you like - and a strange ability to defeat obstacles in his way. Then, there is the fact that he possesses a huge amount of power. Once fully learned and graduated, Harry is destined to be a strong wizard. He also has personal reasons for fighting in this war.....as I'm sure you all have."

Glancing around the group, Danielle watched each face darken. Indeed, everyone had lost family and friends to Voldemort. Minerva McGonnagall had lost her own sister. Sirius and Danielle had both lost their families. In the quiet, Professor Sinistra stood up, her face grave, and raised her voice to address the group. "Let him join." she said firmly.

Slowly, each person nodded in agreement. Snape was silent, before he looked up from the ground. "Potter should join," he said reluctantly. "For all the good it will do." He couldn't help but add. As much as Severus Snape disliked Harry, it didn't mean he wanted the boy to die. This foolishness is pointless.....Potter will be more of a hindrance than a help, he thought darkly.

Dumbledore smiled faintly. "Then Harry is officially a member of the Order. I expect you all to treat him as such. Ignore his young age and listen to his suggestions."

There was a pause, and then Professor Dumbledore coughed. "Moving on. I have one last thing. Arthur, Dominick? Would you please step forward?" The two men moved to the front.

"Since I have access to many areas in the Ministry, I was able to view all the files regarding you, Sirius," Arthur began. Sirius sat up straighter. "And because it is customary to keep all evidence and records of arrested persons, I managed to smuggle out a few personal items which I knew you would appreciate. They most likely won't be missed for a fair while."

Sirius gaped at him. "You smuggled evidence out of the Ministry?!" he repeated.

Arthur nodded sheepishly, and Mr Ollivander stepped forward. "I have been fixing them up for you. Here." he said, and passed over the satchel to Sirius. Sirius slowly opened the flap and reached inside. The first thing he pulled out was his wand.

"I....." For the first time in ages, Sirius was temporarily speechless. It had been fourteen long years since he had last held his wand. It was newly polished and looked in top condition. With shaking fingers, Sirius placed it in his lap, and reached into the bag again. This time, he pulled out a small photo album.

"That was taken from your house after you were arrested, for evidence." Arthur told him gently, from where he watched. Sirius carefully opened the front cover with shaking hands, and on the first page he saw a photo of James and himself at Remus' eighteenth birthday party. They were both grinning and waving madly. Gently, Sirius placed it carefully in his lap, too.

Lastly, Sirius pulled out a framed piece of paper and a small book. It was his diploma for graduating Hogwarts, and the special yearbook for 1976. "My God," he whispered. Opening the yearbook, he found it covered in signatures and funny drawings, as well as photos stuck in from various points of the year. The diploma clearly stated his name in loopy writing, as an honoured graduate of Hogwarts.

Sirius looked up to find the whole room watching him keenly. Remus and Danielle wore similar expressions of understanding. Dumbledore was again inspecting his face, and even Snape wore an odd look. "I.....thank you, Arthur." he finally said, his voice cracking slightly.

Mr Weasley smiled awkwardly. "You are mostly certainly welcome, Sirius. I know how much this must mean to you....." Sirius just stared down at the long-lost treasures in his lap. Dumbledore chose that moment to speak again, and move Sirius out of the spotlight.

"Well. I think that concludes the meeting for tonight. Arthur, Amos, I am counting on you to keep your eyes and ears open for the time being, and alert me to anything you deem suspicious in the ministry. Dominick, observe Knockturn Alley for any strange movements or large gatherings. Arabella, please watch over the Dursley's, as it is quite possible that Voldemort may attack them because they are easy targets.

Arabella Figg, the elder, nodded her head. "I'll do all I can. That family is the biggest pack of Muggles I've ever met," she commented dryly. "It should be easy enough to keep an eye on them."

Dumbledore turned towards Moody and Bill. "Alastor and William......be at my office at 9:00am, sharp, with a small amount of things packed. Avoid being seen by the students, if you can, and be ready to leave immediately. And.....I believe that is all for tonight." he finished, rising from his chair. "Please be careful, all of you."

The members of the Order seemed to shake their bodies out of a trance, and slowly everyone rose out of their chairs, and began to talk amongst themselves. "Well, I'll guess I'll be off tomorrow," Bill said cheerfully. "Should be interesting, spending some quality time with ol' Mad-eye."

"I wish you luck. You'll need it." Danielle said frankly. "You'll be spending your time far too close to the dementors and Azkaban for my liking." She shuddered.

Bill grinned. "I'm honoured that you would worry about me. Never fear, fair lady. I promise to return with all my body parts intact......" And with that, he and Mr Weasley bid them goodbye, and left, soon followed by Mr Diggory, Mrs Figg, Mundungus Fletcher (who warned Sirius not to pay him any more surprise visits, unless he wanted to be blasted into the next country) and Mr Ollivander. Soon, only the teachers were left. Danielle yawned.

"Well, I'm tired. It's been a long day. I guess you two will be staying overnight again?" she asked the Marauders. Sirius shrugged, as he held his possessions. "I guess. I'm planning on an interesting chat with Harry sometime tomorrow.........."

She rolled her eyes. "If you think you can change Harry's mind, you're crazier than I originally thought."

"Then I'd be well over the brink of sanity," Sirius admitted.

Remus cleared his throat. "Well, I agree with you, Danielle, it has been a long day. I suggest we all retire for the night."

Dumbledore chuckled. "Yes, that is an excellent idea. I myself am quite tired....an early bedtime for me, I think. Goodnight, everyone."

"Goodnight, Albus," Danielle replied, smiling.

The older wizard left the staff room. Professors McGonnagall, Sinistra, Flitwick and Snape remained. "Well, against my better judgment, I am going to leave you to get to your rooms without blowing anything up, Black," Minerva finally said. "Do not come down to the Great Hall tomorrow. I will send the house elves up with food for Remus and yourself."

And then she swept out of the room, without saying anything else.

"I think the shock of seeing you in the staff room has gotten to her," Remus muttered to Sirius. "Minerva nearly fainted when she walked in."

Professor Flitwick gave them a kind smile. "It's good to see you again, Sirius," he said warmly. "You were among some of my best students." Sirius preened himself, feeling rather pleased at receiving praise off a former teacher.

"Oh, I wasn't that good," he said modestly. "Lily was better."

Danielle grinned and nudged Sirius. "Yeah, you and Lily were rivals when it came to charms. You just hated the competition....."

Flitwick suddenly seemed distant. "Ah, Lily Evans......possibly my best student. Now there was a witch who could cast perfect charms....even better than myself, at times," he said, with a glazed look. Danielle coughed, and he shook himself out of a trance. "Oh. Yes. Well, good night, all!" he squeaked, before the tiny Professor tottered out of the staff room.

Professor Sinistra looked at Sirius nervously. "Well.....erm, see you tomorrow Danielle, Remus, uh.....Mr Black." And then she quickly left, at top speed. Remus frowned at Sirius. "You intimidated her, Sirius." At this, Sirius shrugged. Snape was the only other teacher left in the room. "Black. Lupin." he said curtly, barely hiding a snarl. "If either of you possess a brain cell, you'll keep away from the classes tomorrow. It wouldn't do if a student 'accidentally' discovered your presence."

Sirius was about to reply rudely, when Danielle cut in. "Oh, don't bother yourself about that, Severus," she said lightly. "As long as they aren't seen and stay in their rooms, everything should be fine."

Snape stared at her for a moment, before inclining his head slightly. "Hn. Well, good night, Danielle." he said quietly, before shooting a sneering look at Sirius and Remus. Then, he too departed. There was silence, before Sirius growled deep in his throat.

"Slimeball," he glared at the closed door. "I'll bet he'll do everything tomorrow to try and get a student to see us."

Remus frowned. "Watch your temper, Sirius. You can't go around swearing at Snape all the time." Danielle nodded grimly.

"Get a grip, Black." she told him. And then she grinned self-consciously. "I haven't called you that in years." Sirius grinned back.

"Feel free to call me that as often as you like. Reminds me of old times.....young Danni."

She raised an incredulous eyebrow. "Danni? You haven't called me that, ever! You preferred to call me other names...."

Sirius blanched and wore a sheepish expression. Remus chuckled. "Well then, all the more reason to start calling you that now. Danielle sounds so.....long. And important."

'Danni' gave him a friendly shove. "Goodnight, you two," she said. "I've got the fifth years for DADA first thing tomorrow.......I'll need all the strength I can get."

"Hang on. We'll walk you to your rooms," Sirius said in a cheerful voice. "Haven't got much else to do."

"Excuse me? Walk me to my rooms? I don't think so. I'm not some wimpy little pansy," Danielle said indignantly, wrinkling her small nose in disgust. "I can manage quite well on my own, thank you. See you lot tomorrow." Danielle winked at them, and then disappeared out the door.

Sirius and Remus looked at each other. "She hasn't changed one bit," Remus commented.

"Nope. Still as tough as always." Sirius agreed.

Together, they left the staff room, and made their way back to the painting of the lion, keeping an eye out for any students. Remus gave the password ("Jelly Legs!") and they entered the suite. "Are you up for a game of exploding snap?" Remus asked Sirius.

"No thanks. I'd rather hit the hay. Hard to believe that only today we met Danielle for the first time in years and attended a meeting for the Order. Doesn't that make you feel.......strange?" Sirius trailed off questioningly.

Remus paused. "Yes. But I'm glad that it turned out the way it did." he admitted. And he meant it.

"Yeah...me too....." Sirius said quietly, looking thoughtful.

"Goodnight, Sirius."

"'Night, Moony." Sirius saluted him and shut the door to his room. He changed into some pyjamas a house elf had laid out for him and got into bed. "What a day." he muttered to himself. Flopping onto his pillows, he stared up at the canopy of his bed.

And to think that only that morning, he had grimaced at the thought of facing the day and confronting Danielle. Sirius remembered, with a pang of guilt, the look of shock and horror on her face when she had seen him for the first time.

Am I really that scary when I'm mad? he wondered idly.

It wasn't pleasant, to see an old friend terrified of him. And despite her light hearted attitude that afternoon, he still saw her strong caution in dealing with him. Well. All he could hope for was to try and rebuild the strange friendship they had established in sixth year.

Even then, it wasn't really a friendship. More of an understanding, he mused sleepily.

Turning over, he buried his face into the pillows, and dreamt.
