Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black Lord Voldemort
Action Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 07/09/2002
Updated: 08/11/2003
Words: 138,239
Chapters: 23
Hits: 26,301

Home is where the heart is


Story Summary:
Harry is stranded at the Dursleys for another horrible summer, when he is 'rescued' by Sirius and taken away to spend a great summer with the ``former Marauders, Padfoot and Moony. But when he returns to Hogwarts, the world of magic is becoming darker and thrown into deeper mystery. You worship the ground that Sirius stands on? Read this fic!

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
You know the story by now ^^

Home is Where the Heart Is
Chapter Nine - Classes and the New Professor

The next day, Harry woke up at 7:00am. Groaning, he rolled over and groped for his glasses, and slowly, the world came into focus. Sunlight shone through the window, and he could hear the heavy snores of Neville, a few beds away. Another Hogwarts year had begun.

Sighing, Harry got out of bed and searched through his trunk for his uniform and robes. Once he was dressed, Harry attempted to brush his hair, but it was hopeless. His hair had a mind of its own. Giving up, he poked Ron.

"Oww....wha.....huh?" he said sleepily, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

"Time to get up," Harry told him.

Ron grunted, and with a moan he sat up. "And I was having such a nice dream, too," he said grumpily, flopping back onto his pillows in a defeated manner.

Harry grinned. "I'll meet you downstairs."

Harry left the dorm and went down into the common room. It wasn't very crowded, since most sane people were still asleep. Then, Harry spotted Colin Creevy hanging around the portrait hole, and inwardly groaned. Colin came bounding over.

"Hi, Harry!" he said, beaming. "Going down to breakfast?"

"Yeah," Harry replied, trying to edge around Colin and get to the portrait hole.

"Oh! Great! I'll come with you!" Colin looked delighted at the thought of eating breakfast with his hero. "Don't you think it's a bit weird, not having so many first years? I think-"

"Um......erm.......I need to go to - the bathroom-" And with that, Harry dashed through the portrait hole and down the corridor.

Behind him, he heard Colin call out, "WelI, I'll see you then!" Harry kept running. Colin was like an annoying little puppy dog - once he got attached to you, it was impossible to get rid of him. Looking over his shoulder, Harry skidded around a corner and promptly slammed into someone.

"Oof!" The person exclaimed.

They both fell over, and Harry blinked stars out of his eyes. Professor Rivendale was sprawled out on the floor in a very un-lady like position, her books and papers scattered everywhere. Harry was mortified, and struggled to get up. "Professor, I'm really sorry, I didn't see you-"

"It's okay...." Professor Rivendale said, still from the ground. "That happens a lot."

Harry offered her a hand, and pulled her to her feet. She was shorter than he was, which was saying something. "Hmmmmmm.....hiding from someone?" The Professor commented, rubbing her elbow. Harry nodded sheepishly, and then realised, with a jolt, that she had mismatched eyes - one green, one hazel. Professor Rivendale bent down and began to collect up her books. Harry helped her out, picking up the loose papers, which had flown out of her hands.

"Oh, thank you. Just try to look around corners next time...." she winced, and then gave him a lopsided grin. Harry grinned back, and continued on to the entrance hall.

When he reached the Gryffindor table, he saw Hermione eating some toast, and Ron trying to revive over a bowl of porridge. "Hey, Harry. What took you so long? I thought you left before me?" greeted Ron, reaching for some sugar.

"Colin held me up.....and then I kind of knocked our new Professor flying.....almost into the wall," Harry said, sliding into a chair.

"You what?" said Hermione, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't mean to. I was running from Colin, and....well, I collided with her. I didn't hurt her," Harry said defensively.

Hermione tutted. "Honestly......a brilliant way to start the year," she snorted. "I'm beginning to think that everybody is going mad in this place....even the teachers." she added, glaring at the staff table accsuingly.

Harry looked in bewilderment at Ron. "Hermione.....what's the matter?" he asked. Hermione never spoke badly of the teachers (except for Trelawney and Snape.)

"The prefects!" she hissed, shooting a glare down the table at Lavender Brown, who was giggling with Parvati Patil. "Those.....teachers chose Lavender Brown over me! Me! I have the best academic record ever recorded at Hogwarts!" Huffing, Hermione stabbed her toast savagely.

Ron looked like he was fighting the urge to laugh. "Aw, c'mon Hermione. Cheer up......you aren't missing much anyway," he said soothingly, patting her arm. Hermione, however, didn't look the least bit comforted. Soon, Professor McGonnagall passed out their timetables. Ron glanced at his and let out a yelp that was almost a shriek.

"I DONT BELIEVE THIS!!!" he hollered, causing several third years to stare at him curiously.

"What?" Harry asked, a bit taken back by the horrified expression on Ron's face.

"The Slytherins," he moaned. "They've put us with the Slytherins for Defence Against the Dark Arts!"

"Oh no...." Harry had a sinking feeling in his stomach. Hermione was looking pained.

"Oh, this is bad - very very bad....." she muttered, and examined her own timetable. However, it was her turn to let out a yelp.

"What?" Harry and Ron asked together.

"Care of Magical Creatures!" she said happily. "We're with the Hufflepuffs instead!"

"Well, that's a consolation," Dean commented from a few seats away. "Dunno how we'll survive DADA with the Slytherins...." Harry sighed - it was good that there would be no more Care of Magical Creatures lessons with the Slytherins, but it was rotten luck that they were now together for DADA. How on earth was anyone going to learn anything about defending themselves against the Dark Arts, in a classroom half-filled with Slytherins?

Harry scanned his own timetable. First Transfiguration, then Herbology, then lunch. After lunch, Divinitation and DADA. "Better go get our stuff," Ron said gloomily to Harry. Harry nodded, and they left the Great Hall.


First lesson - Transfiguration. Once everybody was seated, Professor McGonnagall wasted no time.

"This is one of the most important years of your education," she said grimly, fixing each student under her steely gaze. "If you even attempt to fool around or disturb this class, you will leave, and you will not sit your transfiguration OWL. Any questions?" There wasn't a murmur.

Nodding, Professor McGonnagall pulled out her wand. "I am now going to show you how to transfigure a human into an animal." A sudden flurry of whispers raced around the room, but quickly it became quiet again.

"Now this is not the same as Animagi. An Animagus transforms into an animal at will. You, however, are the person transfiguring someone else into an animal. Not them. This is very complex, and if you do not concentrate, you will make mistakes."

At this, Harry saw Neville shudder. He had to agree - it wouldn't be pleasant to have an accident while transfiguring someone. Professor McGonnagall was surveying the students. "Now, I need a volunteer..." she announced. Hermione was the only one to raise her hand eagerly. Ron and Harry cast nervous looks at each other - they still remembered the effects of the Polyjuice Potion on Hermione, and her stay in the hospital wing for weeks after.

"Miss Granger, please stand here." Professor McGonnagall motioned at a clear space out the front. Hermione stood up and walked over. McGonnagall pointed her wand directly at Hermione's forehead.

"Now, everyone watch closely," she said. "You must focus on a particular animal for this to work. Picture it clearly in your mind, and chant the spell." Professor McGonnagall stared straight into Hermione's eyes.

"Animus transfumos!"

Hermione immediately glowed white, before shrinking rapidly. When the white light faded, a tabby cat stood in her place, with thick brown fur and a rather surprised expression (if cats could have an expression) on her face.

"Whoa......" Harry heard Ron mutter, staring transfixed at the tabby currently exploring its body with interest. Professor McGonnagall smiled slightly at the awed expressions of the class.

"So......any questions?" Nobody had any queries, so Professor McGonnagall turned back to the cat-who-was-Hermione.

"Finite Incantaem!" she said sharply. Again, the cat glowed white, and shot up like a beanstalk. It reminded Harry of when Wormtail had been forced to resume human shape. In a moment, Hermione appeared, with an estatic grin on her face.

"That was amazing!" she beamed. "Being a cat is incredible! The senses...."

Professor McGonnagall was actually looking at Hermione with an indulgent smile. "Yes....it is quite thrilling, Miss Granger. You can return to your seat now." Hermione sat back down next to Harry, and straight away pulled out a notebook and started to scribble in it, no doubt writing up detailed notes on the brief experience of being a cat.

After that, the lesson became dull, as Professor McGonnagall began to lecture them about the 'serious consequences' of mis-using animal transfiguration on other students. "If I ever hear of a student transfiguring a fellow student, they will be instantly expelled." she warned.

When the bell rang, Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way to Herbology, Hermione talking excitedly about her animal experience.

"Everything was so sharp, you know? I could hear and smell ten times better than a human...." she said, as they entered the greenhouses. "Being an Animagus must be wonderful."

"Yeah," said Harry, dumping his books onto the floor beside a table. "No wonder...'Snuffles' and my dad wanted to do it."

Soon, Professor Sprout came in, her frizzy grey hair flying in every direction. "Ahem. Alright everyone. Today, we will be learning about power-enhancing plants," said Sprout, who then conjured a large map of the world onto the blackboard.

(A.N. - In the greenhouses,do they have a blackboard? It's still a type of classroom.....)

"Now, power-enhancing plants are used to help strengthen wizards during duels, or increase the potency of a potion. However, the use of these plants is highly restricted and monitored by the ministry, for general safety reasons. It wouldn't do to try and light a fire - and instead succeed in burning down a building." At this, both the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors winced.

"Now, turn to page one hundred and seventy four in your books....."


At lunch, Harry was helping himself to some chicken, when Professor McGonnagall hurried over. "Ah, Potter. The headmaster would like to see you tonight in his office - eight o'clock." she told him.

Harry swallowed with difficulty. A meeting with Dumbledore sounded serious.

"The password is Ice Mice," continued McGonnagall, making sure that only he and Ron could hear. Harry nodded, and she swept off to the staff table.

Ron looked at Harry quizzically. "I wonder what that's about?" he said, frowning. Harry was lost in thought. Knowing Professor Dumbledore, it was probably about the events of last year. Or, perhaps he was going to be told off for staying with Sirius and Remus over the holidays?

Harry was shaken out of his reverie when Hermione declared it was time to get their books and go to their next class. "Ugh, Divinitation," groaned Ron, as he and Harry started for the North Tower.

"I wonder what horrible and grisly death she's predicted for me this year?" mused Harry, as they joined the rest of the class below the trapdoor that led to Trelawney's classroom.

"What about death by decapitation?" snickered Ron, as the silvery stepladder descended to their feet. Harry entered the familiar, sweltering hot room with the scattered cushiony chairs. Trelawney sat by the fire, her huge glasses glittering in the light.

Harry had no doubt that she was trying to look mysterious and intimidating. In his opinion, she looked like an oversized, weird drangonfly. Not very intimidating.

"Welcome, my pupils," said Trelawney in her most misty voice. "I was crystal-gazing, when I saw a most horrible apparation...."

You finally got a good look at your face? Harry thought, and fought to hide his giggles.

"I saw one of you suffering a most gruesome and tragic death this year........" she trailed off, looking pointedly in Harry's direction.

Lavender and Parvati were wide-eyed and had terrified looks on their faces. Beside him, Harry heard Ron snort. "Load of bull," he muttered to Harry.

"This year you shall be studying more complex ways of divinitation and future-telling. Today, we will begin with one of the oldest forms of such - Tarot cards." At this, Harry saw that Lavender and Parvati were almost quivering with excitement.

"Please take a pack from the shelves over there, and team up with a partner - only one pack per group." There was a sudden rush of movement, as people went to get a pack. Ron went over, and came back with a deck of cards.

"Well, this should be interesting," Ron said, looking through the deck. He held up a card. It read 'The hanged man', and the picture on it was a man hanging upside-down and smiling. "Weird."

Through the lesson, Professor Trelawney instructed them through the steps. The first lesson, they were only to try the easiest spread, which consisted of three cards.

"Right," said Harry, consulting his book. "You've got the 'Page of Wands', 'Temperance', and the 'Eight of Wands'. It's supposed to mean that in the past you were, um, impulsive and easily bored, and in the present, your problems are going away, and, erm, in the future, you'll have some bad luck." Harry read. Ron was shaking with laughter at Harry's futile attempt to decipher the cards.

"This has to be even stupider than those tea leaves," he snickered. "How can things be getting better, but they'll get worse? Isn't that contradicting itself?" he wondered, and then shrugged. "It's a load of rubbish, anyway. My turn."

Harry watched Ron as he shuffled the cards thoroughly, before placing three face down in front of him. Then he turned them over. "Okay......you've got the 'Five of Cups', 'The hanged man', and 'The Tower'. It's supposed to mean......" Ron scanned his book.

"Um, in the past you had lots of sorrow and troubles, and in the present you are 'going with the flow' and accepting changes - Harry, is there something you aren't telling me? - and in the future, there is going to be a big shock that's also a good thing...."

Harry raised an eyebrow at Ron. "Y'know, I think you're actually showing talent for this - you might even become Trelawney's star pupil - just like her!"

Ron had a look of horror on his face. "Me? Her favourite pupil?! Just like her?!" He wrinkled his nose in disgust and jerked his head towards Trelawney. The mental picture in Harry's mind of Ron peering over those over-large spectacles was too much. He burst into laughter. The class stared at him, and Trelawney looked disapproving.

"Now, boys! You are disturbing the clairvoyant vibrations!" she scolded, coming over to their table. "Oh...." she frowned down at Harry's cards. "You certainly need more practice," she tutted. "I will read your cards...." Trelawney gazed at Harry. His heart sank - she was going to predict his death any moment now......

Luckily, just then the bell rang. Harry hurriedly stuffed his book into his bag. "Let's go," he said to Ron. They climbed down the ladder and started to make their way to the DADA classroom.

"Damn, you just missed a dramatic reading of your death, Harry," Ron said ruefully. "I don't know what possessed us to choose Divinitation with that crazy old bat."

"Yeah....oh no, we're with the Slytherins next...." Harry moaned.

Ron was looked thoughtful. "I wonder what this new professor's like? What are odds of her managing to control the Slytherins?"

"Slim to none," Harry replied honestly. "She doesn't look like she could control a pixie, let alone a class with rowdy teenagers in it....make that rowdy Slytherins........"

They turned the corner, and saw Hermione waiting for them. "The Slytherins aren't here yet," she told them. "Neither is the new professor." They entered the classroom and sat at the side near the windows. Gradually, more Gryffindors trickled in. Seamus, Dean and Neville sat behind them.

"This is going to be painful..." Dean sighed, as a large group of Slytherins swaggered through the door, led by Draco Malfoy. His face twisted into a sneer, as he saw the Gryffindors (who were all glaring back at him.)

"Oh, look. Potty and Weasel are here. Not to mention the Mudblood," he spat. Hermione and Seamus had to grab the back of Ron's robes to stop him from hurling himself at Malfoy.

"Go jump off a bridge, Malfoy. No one would miss you," Ron snarled. Crabbe and Goyle were flexing their muscles angrily, when the door opened again, and Professor Rivendale strode in, carrying a rucksack.

"Hello, everyone!" she greeted the class, completely oblivious to the open hostility between the students. The Slytherins just scowled at her. "Maybe you should sit down - you won't learn anything standing up." the professor continued. Reluctantly, the Slytherins sat as far away from the Gryffindors as possible. There was a brief silence, as the class surveyed Professor Rivendale.

Harry hadn't had time to really look at her when he had collided with the tiny woman. Professor Rivendale had a plain, loose grey robe on, but Harry could see that she was wearing jeans and a baggy jumper underneath. Not to mention sneakers. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, which was rather curly. The professor looked up and saw everyone scrutinizing her.

"No, I am not a professional teacher, and no, I will not stand for any messing around," she announced. "This is my first turn as a professor, but I do know what I am doing. So don't think that you can get away with anything in this class. I've been there and I've done all that. I'm familiar with every trick in the book, and if any of you try anything stupid in my class, you will regret it."

Harry and Ron exchanged amazed looks - she had known exactly what had been going through most of the student's minds. The Slytherins were looking disappointed. Rivendale noticed the apprehensive expressions on many people's faces, and dropped her stern manner. Her face softened as she saw the people sitting in the front row looking plainly scared at her announcement.

"Okay.....that was my pep talk. Sorry about starting the lesson like that - I just had to get the impression across that I'm not gullible," she grinned sheepishly. "I hope the little speech got the right idea through?" The class shifted and there was a quiet muttering amongst the students. This teacher was a strange one to figure out.

Still oblivious to the heavy scrutiny from both sides of the room, Danielle rummaged through her bag and pulled out the roll. "I'm going to call the roll, so raise your hand when I call your name." And so Rivendale began to read through the list. When she came to Harry's name, she glanced up and winked. Harry went bright red and tried to take a sudden interest in his quill.

Once she finished, Professor Rivendale clapped her hands together. "Right. Well. As I said before, this is my first experience as a teacher. I've never taught before, so please bear with me."

At this, the Slytherins looked particularly scornful. Professor Rivendale sat on her desk.

"The main focus for this year in DADA is duelling. Now, before you get too excited, I must tell you that you will be studying both theory and practical. There's no point learning spells if you don't understand them. Professor Dumbledore was very insistant about this."

Hermione looked rather happy - there was no doubt that she was far ahead of everyone else in the book department. "But before we begin, I think it is wise to give you a bit of an idea about how dueling in real life works, when your life is under threat."

Harry's ears pricked up. Professor Rivendale didn't look like an expert at duelling, but still........

The rest of the class also showed signs of interest, although Malfoy looked bored.

"I suppose I should tell you a bit about my own experiences. Back when the Dark Lord was in the height of his power, Aurors battled constantly with the death eaters, every day, someone was injured or killed. I....."

Here, the professor stopped, hesitant, before continuing. "I was an Auror, and worked with some of the best Aurors of our time. I learnt more about duelling in real life than in mock-duels in the classroom."

The class stared at the painfully short, stocky woman. "An Auror? Her?" Seamus whispered. Malfoy and his cronies obviously were thinking along the same trail of thought, because many of the Slytherins were openly snorting in disbelief.

Malfoy then raised his hand. "Mr Malfoy?"

"Er, Professor, what exactly did you learn in the field?"

Rivendale's face became unreadable for a moment. She locked eyes with Malfoy, until he looked away.

"I learnt that duelling isn't as glorious as it's made out to be. If you want to survive in the field against Dark Wizards, you haveto be adept in blocking and casting curses and hexes."

There was a tense silence, as the students from both Gryffindor and Slytherin absorbed these words. Then, quickly as it had come, Professor Rivendale's serious mood disappeared, and she smiled at the class again. She paused, and her eyes fell on Neville.

"Hands up anyone who has Aurors in their family." Several people raised their hands, including Neville. Harry was very surprised to see that even a few Slytherins had tentively put their hands up, feeling brave enough to do so.

"Well, then, you probably know how dangerous their job is." A few students nodded their heads mutely. Neville was staring straight at the ground. Rivendale must have noticed, because she hurriedly changed the subject.

"You need quick reflexes - so we will be looking at many types of curses and hexes, as well as how to block them. Later on, you will have the opportunity to try them out on each other - in a friendly duel." She emphasized 'friendly'. Glancing around, Harry saw some of the Slytherins looking gleefully at the teacher.

I'll bet they can't wait to try and hex us into next week, he thought darkly.

Rivendale suddenly looked brisk. "Could you all turn to your books, page three. Mr Malfoy, would you please read the first paragraph?" Malfoy lazily opened his book and began to read in his trademark drawl.

"The art of dueling can be very complex, because not only must a wizard think of curses and attacking spells, he or she must also be able to instantly block any spells thrown their way. This means that, in order to duel properly, you must have extensive knowledge of curses and counter-curses."

Malfoy went on, and Harry listened and read with a mild interest. Duelling was something that he definatly needed improvement in. Unbidden, memories of his encounter with Voldemort resurfaced. He could hear Voldemort's sneering, feel the pain of the crutiatous curse, see the cage of light....and the shadows from the wand.....Harry violently shoved those pictures away. They were still incredibly painful. He discovered that he was shaking.

He felt Ron nudge him, and looked up to see the whole class staring at him curiously.

"Mr Potter?" Professor Rivendale raised an eyebrow.

"Read - line twenty six," Hermione muttered so that only he could hear.

"Oh - yeah - er...." Harry found the line and kept reading.

When the lesson was over, Professor Rivendale called out over the noise. "No homework - just scan over chapter two in your books!" As Harry was leaving, Rivendale tapped him on the shoulder.

"Harry? A word, if you don't mind....." They waited until the classroom had emptied of students. Harry shook his head at Ron's inquiring glance, so Ron and Hermione left too.

Professor Rivendale looked up at him (which was slightly annoying for her) and Harry looked down at her expectantly. She studied his face for a few moments, before smiling in a sad sort of way. "Harry, I understand that you may have more experience than most of the class.....especially since the incident of last year."

Harry gaped at her in shock - how did she know? Had Dumbledore told her?

Professor Rivendale was watching him intently. "However, it doesn't mean that you should daydream in class. Just try to put up with a boring in-experienced teacher like me for a while...." She squinted at him, smiling ruefully.

"Yes, miss." Harry breathed a sigh of relief - he wasn't in any trouble.

"Well.....run off, then. Scat!" The professor shooed him out. Harry grinned at her, before leaving.


Danielle stood in the same spot, gazing after Harry. "So much like James.......he even smiles the same......" she sighed sorrowfully. Danielle then went to her desk and opened the top drawer.

She pulled out a photo-frame, and watched the group of teenagers in the photo laugh and joke. A familiar redhead.....Lily.....James and his group of mischief-making friends. And one other girl standing at the side, smiling shyly, and waving. She had long, light curly hair.

"Oh Lily.....if only you could see him...." Danielle whispered. She stayed like that for a long time, clutching the photo. Finally, she placed the frame back in the drawer.

"I'll protect him......watch over him......." she whispered, before slowly packing her bag, and left the silent classroom.
