General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/28/2002
Updated: 09/21/2002
Words: 145,543
Chapters: 21
Hits: 22,244

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians


Story Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation and discovers more about his new friend, the outspoken American Duo Maxwell, that Voldemort is looking for a person, and not an object. Lord Voldemort is looking for a Scythe Barer who is hiding at Hogwarts with one of his Four Guardians dead and no clue to who or what they may be. Add Quidditch, a confused Malfoy, vampires, anime, and you'll get one hell of a crossover.

Chapter 08

Author's Note:
The tone of this story could switch dramatically from moment to moment. This is my first Harry Potter fanfiction and I decided that since crossovers are my best subject and that I have to beat all the other horrid crossovers out there.

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians

Chapter Eight: The Grim Fate

By: Elf

"Don't you ever sleep?" Harry's amused voice asked as Duo had made it to the Gryffindor Commons.

Duo turned around and smirked. Harry wasn't visible, so he was wearing his Invisibility Cloak. Harry's head was visible, floating around in the darkness. Duo crossed his arms and replied, "Not really. I was going to take a peek at that Forbidden Forest."

"You're not serious?" Harry asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Duo smirked and answered, "Maybe."

"Don't you sleep?" Harry asked as his head bobbed beside Duo.

Duo shrugged and knew why his Presomnia was bothering him; he was out of Sleeping Drought. Still, since everyone feared Snape or hated him, he couldn't just walk up and ask the Potions Master for it while everyone was watching. Harry frowned and asked, "You're going to go see Snape, aren't you?"

Duo gave him the thumbs up as he answered, "Yeah. I've always had trouble sleeping during the night."

"Duo, he'll try to expel you," Harry warned seriously.

Duo snorted at that and turned to walk out. He'd been breaking rules all of his life. This wasn't anything new to him. Besides, he actually liked Snape. He asked, "You coming?"

"No. Despite the fact that I hate the bugger, I'm not getting expelled," Harry answered.

Duo smirked and replied, "You're sounding like Hermione." With that, he walked out of the class.


Professor Severus Snape was feared and loathed by almost all. Most of the time it didn't bother him, and sometimes Malfoy metaphorically kissing his feet made it worth it, but other times he was lonely. He was an outcast in two worlds: Voldemort's and Dumbledore's. He had betrayed the Death Eaters and sold himself out as a spy.

He looked at Sirius Black's handsome, chiseled face in the flames and asked, "Anything?"

"Voldemort's looking for something big, I know that. And he's gathering the dementors and vampires on his side. He's even got a veela or two to join him. And that's all he's doing: gathering. I think he's planning an attack," Black answered, frowning.

Snape frowned, knowing that Voldemort was after something very dangerous indeed. He reasoned, "Or he's going to capture someone."

"He could be after Harry," Black replied, his voice cracking ever so slightly with fear.

Yes, precious Potter, Snape thought grimly, but Harry Potter wasn't Voldemort's focus now. After Voldemort acquired what he was searching for, then and only then, he was going to try to kill Potter. Still, he had to give Potter and his friends credit, they were tough and resourceful.

Snape waved his hand dismissively as he stated, "I don't think so. Not yet. Mark me, he won't do anything serious until your precious godson is dead."

"I won't let him touch Harry," Black snarled fiercely.

Snape frowned and accused, "You're coming here, aren't you?"

"Yes. I want to see the new students for myself," Black answered, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Snape sighed and wondered if he should rely this next bit of information. He knew he might regret it later, but Black would be furious at him if he didn't explain himself. He stated, "G's ward is here, at Hogwarts."

Black's dark brown eyes widened as he asked, "You've seen him?"

"Yes, he's in one of my classes. My top fifth year actually," Snape admitted as he thought, Yes, the appealing little demon he is.

Black grinned as he said, "You're grinning. I take it you like him."

"He's admirable enough for a Gryffindor," Snape retorted, brushing his hair from his eyes.

Black's grin transformed into a proud smile as he said, "Ah, a Gryffindor. Hah. Bet you're loving that."

"Enough, Black. Do what you will. It's rather late and I have class bright and early tomorrow. And there's the fact that Quidditch trials are being held so I'll have enough trouble controlling the students," Snape snapped.

Black smirked as he said, "Sure, Snape. Still, watch out for werewolves." With that last jibe, the fire swirled as Black disappeared.

Snape growled, "Werewolves indeed. Coward."

He froze as he heard a gentle footfall in his classroom. He grabbed his wand and crept into it. Standing there, his braid swinging wildly behind him, was Duo Maxwell.

"I should curse you for breaking in here again," Snape threatened, aiming his wand at the boy.

Duo sheepishly shrugged and ran his hand through his obscenely long bangs. He replied, "I couldn't sleep. Sorry if I woke you."

Snape relaxed and lowered his wand. He said, "You didn't wake me, Maxwell. I have something other than the Sleeping Drought if you want to try it."

"Actually, I wanna talk," Duo confessed, shoving his hands into his sweat pockets.

Snape lifted an eyebrow at him. He asked, "About what? Your grades? A potion?"

"About G," Duo nervously answered, shifting back from one foot to another, a hand playing with some sort of silver chain around his neck. On closer inspection, Snape noticed he was playing with a cross. It seemed strange to see the confidant boy so out of his element.

Snape relaxed a bit. He pointed to his office and swept into it, he didn't have to look back to know that Duo was following him. He settled into his favorite chair at his desk and motioned for Duo to sit in the stiff, high-backed chair that he used when he was scolding students. Duo sat down in it, slouching, making himself comfortable.

Duo tucked the cross in his shirt and asked, "Does anyone know why I was hidden?"

Snape frowned and knew that he was going to eventually ask this question. He remembered G fondly, this strange man who looked rather like a scare crow with a dry wit and a keen intelligence that went hand in hand for his thirst for knowledge. Still, he didn't expect that Duo was going to come to him and ask it. He did know that G called him "little demon" for some reason whenever he spoke to Dumbledore. That was the most knowledge that Snape possessed, because it seemed that Duo would use it to his advantage, unlike Potter.

Snape shook his head and answered, "No, I don't. Dumbledore might."

"I don't think I can talk to him," Duo replied softly, sounding a little unsure.

Snape quirked an eyebrow and asked, "Why not?"

"He's one of the Good Guys, you know, someone so good and noble . . . And I can't talk to someone like that," Duo answered with a shrug.

Snape smiled softly and asked, "Why not?"

"Are you a parrot or something?" Duo quipped, smirking slightly.

Snape demanded, "Just answer the question, Maxwell."

"I'm not one of the Good good guys, Snape. I fight dirty. I fight to win. I can pull the trigger without blinking. Death doesn't scare me," Duo answered, "And it scares almost everyone else in their right mind. At least the Death I bring."

Could Duo be the one that Voldemort was looking for? Snape studied him and those huge, violet eyes peered at him. The Potions Master froze as he looked into those intelligent, keen violet eyes. Eyes like Hotaru Tomoe had, but brighter.

Eyes that reminded him of the Senshi of Destruction and Rebirth.

Could Duo Maxwell be who Voldemort was looking for?

Snape asked, "You've killed before, I take it?"

"Yeah. I've lost count how many people I've killed. Thousands. Some of it I couldn't help, it was self-defence or to prove that I wasn't going to be anyone's meat. Some of it though . . . War's a harsh thing, Severus. Don't wish it," Duo answered darkly, looking away.

Snape would have growled and taken points off anyone other student who decided to use his given name. Except he couldn't. He vaguely knew why Voldemort wanted him, if Duo was indeed the one he wanted.

If Duo was truly the one he wanted, the Specter, the Shadower, the Barer, he wouldn't have a chance against the Dark Lord. Voldemort would use him like a weapon and the wizarding world would fall to its knees to him. Dumbledore would be gruesomely killed in a show of power. Traitors like Snape would be tortured slowly for their punishment until they were begging for death. People like Lupin and Black would fall like Potter did.

Armageddon for the wizarding world.

And Voldemort would rule as Lucifer in the Hell he created.

Snape didn't want that to happen. That's why he made trips to various lands over the summer, giving Dumbledore any clue that he needed, anything he thought was useful. He gathered his knowledge of the Dark Arts and even used them in his quest. It hadn't been enough.

Still, for now, Duo Maxwell was safe and sound with three of his Four watching him.

Snape spoke again, "G wasn't really a professor here. He was more of a researcher who used the vast library at his disposal. True, he did teach an advanced class or two, but his main focus was his curiosity. Then he found out about you and disappeared. He spoke to Dumbledore on occasion, but that's all I know, Duo."

That felt strange as well. If Duo had been older, he would have been proud to have him as a friend and confidant. Duo asked, "Why did he leave? I'm not anyone special."

"Don't be too quick to doubt yourself," Snape snapped, scowling.

Duo snorted and replied, "Why?"

"What is your wand's core?" Snape asked, needing proof.

Duo pulled out the black wand and looked it over. Duo answered, "Munin. A Munin tail feather."

Snape smiled and thought, Proves the first part of my theory. He asked, "What about the unicorn cores? Did you try any of them?"

"They burned my hands as soon as I touched them and the same happened to the unicorns in Hagrid's class," Duo replied, looking down at his hands. Then he grinned and stated, "But unicorns like people who are pure, right?"

Snipe nodded.

Duo smirked and it reminded him of Sirius Black back in their younger, more carefree days. Sirius Black with his knowing smiles and his scores of female classmates hanging on him. James Potter holding Lily's pale hand and beaming at her beautiful face.

Duo quipped, "Well, I don't fall into the virginal category. And I've killed a lot of people."

"Voldemort survived on drinking unicorn blood. Being a murder doesn't factor into that," Snape corrected, seeing Duo's mouth drop open at that.

Duo cursed, "Well, fuck."

Snape looked away so Duo wouldn't see his smile. Duo jumped to attention and apologized, "Sorry, Professor. I didn't mean to say that and it sort of slipped out."

"I'll let it slide this time, Maxwell," Snape replied threateningly.

Duo grinned and said, "Thanks. Anyway, why would he hide me?" Duo's face darkened before his eyes widened as he thought of something else, "My parents? What about them, Prof?"

"Ask Dumbledore, Maxwell. I don't know," Snape sighed.

Duo shook his head and stated, "Well, I also couldn't sleep."

"I knew that. I'm correct to assume that you're trying out for Quidditch?" Snape replied, knowing fully well from listening to his Slytherins that Duo was as well as the Weasley's little sister.

Duo nodded and answered, "Yeah. I wanna be able to sleep tonight so I won't fall asleep on my broom tomorrow."

Snape smiled as he stood up. He explained, "I'm not giving you a Sleeping Drought this time. I'll make you something else that can help you get to sleep and not put you in as deep of a sleep as before."

"Thanks, Professor Snape," Duo replied, smiling.

Snape didn't want to admit it, but he liked the fact that someone was smiling at him and not sneering or smiling to be condescending. He turned away so Duo wouldn't see his answering smirk. After all, he had a reputation to maintain.


Sirius Black wasn't a careful man, then again, none of his friends were. They were all headstrong and reckless, except for Wormtail, but he just followed the strongest. Remus had an insatiable curiosity while Harry had an appetite for adventure. Well, until Lily had came into the picture.

Not that Sirius had disliked Lily, just the opposite actually, it was just that Lily had calmed down James considerably.

When Sirius had been younger girls where more for use than anything. You snogged and got on with your life. Then it became you shagged and got on with your life. They understood that you didn't want a connection and were using you as well. It was a mutual partnership.

Lily had proved him wrong with her dark red hair and flashing, brilliant, bright green eyes. He could easily see why James fell for her. She was also kind and gentle but had an inner fire when she needed. The prefect counterpart for James.

Then Voldemort came like a plague, killing all that stood in his way.

That was why Sirius found himself on the banks of the Thames. He had placed a Finding Charm on London, looking for anyone who had used the Unforgivable Curses. There had been a few Imperious curses, but that wasn't his main concern. Someone had used the Avada Kedavra.

"Summous," he whispered, pointing his new wand toward the water. The greyish water started to foam and bubble and a figure drifted toward the surface. It was dressed in a white robe the Muggles called a lab coat and had longish grey hair.

Sirius froze when he recognized the face, especially the long, pointed nose. It was Professor G.

He drew the body out of the water and poured a simple Evil Finding Potion that Snape had devised over it, knowing that the bloated, stinking body would glow with a black light if Voldemort had cast the spell. The body didn't glow black. It glowed a faint, flickering green.

G had cursed himself, committing suicide by magic.

Sirius placed his wand back into the waist band of his jeans and frowned. He figured out why G had done it. Voldemort was probably about to torture him for answers and G didn't trust himself not to betray his ward. So, he killed himself.

Sirius tilted his head so that he could stare at the old man's corpse. He had only spoken to G once or twice. He had a sharp wit and a love for irony and sarcasm. Snape, on the other hand, had the man as a tutor for a short time.

He started a fire and summoned Snape. Snape's angry face appeared on the screen as the Potions Master glared. Snape snarled, "What do you want, Black?" In the back ground of Snape's office, Sirius could see a broad shouldered youth with a long braid. "I've got a student here."

Sirius was puzzled. Snape actually taking time out to talk to a student who he wasn't angry at. Maybe he had changed. Maybe he could be trusted, despite the fact that trusting his former rival was the only option he had not to keep Harry safe. Said student asked, "Who's that?"

Sirius watched as Snape stood up and briskly grabbed the boy by his very long hair. The boy cursed quite profoundly as Snape pushed him into the classroom and slammed the door to the office. Snape swept back over to the magical fire, his black robes billowing behind him.

Snape glared and sneered, "I will ask again. What do you want, Black?"

"I've found G's body. He killed himself with the Avada Kedavra. to get away from Voldemort. Voldemort knows about the ward, Severus. Knows what he is," Sirius replied, crossing his arms. Voldemort could kill without a curse if the boy's true powers were called upon.

Snape sighed and pushed his long, greasy black hair from his eyes as he replied, "And Duo doesn't even have a clue to who or what he is."

"Duo?" Sirius asked, not knowing who or what Snape was talking about.

Snape smirked, which was like a fond smile for him. He answered, "The boy that I just drug out of here. He suspects something though."

"Sounds like a smart kid," Sirius replied gently.

Snape smiled and it wasn't pretty. He snorted, "Too smart and too devious. He's sneaky and cunning."

"Snape, if I didn't know better, I'd say that you were fond of him," Sirius teased, still liking to provoke the other wizard from time to time.

Snape straitened out his robes and sneered, "Don't let it get out." As always, Snape was up to the challenge, "The other students will start to fall behind and won't fear me."

Sirius sighed and asked, "Still, won't Voldemort be able to track him here?"

"Lady Pluto as well as Saturn. There's another boy, despite the fact he's quite clumsy, that may be the Third. Also, Dumbledore is here. Voldemort won't try anything too severe," Snape calmly answered as he started to mix some sort of potion.

Sirius asked, "What's that?"

"A sleeping aid for Maxwell. The boy hasn't been able to sleep since he arrived," Snape answered.

Sirius asked, "What potion?"

"Warm milk," Snape chuckled, "An old, yet effective, Muggle remedy." Snape placed the small caldron on one of the fires that seldom went out. He set a spoon to mix it without his supervision. He turned back to Sirius and asked, "You're still coming here, aren't you?"

Sirius smiled softly and answered, "Of course." He wasn't as sure as Snape was. He had to see Harry safe and to meet this Duo Maxwell himself. He snuffed out the fire, only to hear Snape snap, "Bloody hell," before it went out. He turned back to G's body and gently pushed it back into the water, saluting it.

"Godspeed, Professor," he whispered before he turned away.


"So, I'm not really clear on Quidditch. Could you explain it to me?" Hotaru asked Draco as they were settling into Potions class. Draco's grey eyes sparkled proudly as he rested casually on the desk, smiling up at her. He had been talking about it non stop for the past couple of days as they walked to classes that they shared together.

Draco grinned as he answered, "There's seven players: three Chasers, one Keeper, two Beaters, and a Seeker. I'm Slytherin's Seeker."

From Hotaru's understanding, that was the most dangerous position. She replied, "You must be very good on a broomstick."

"Thank you. But what about you, Hotaru?" he asked as he placed his potions materials on the table.

Hotaru looked down at her pewter cauldron and confessed, "I'm not very good at sports, and I'm afraid of heights."

Draco frowned sympathetically and replied, "I'm sorry. Maybe I could take you flying one time."

Hotaru smiled, pleased that a handsome boy like Draco had taken interest in her, "Thank you, I'd like that."

Draco smiled and asked, "So, did you get your assignment done?"

"Hai, but I needed a little help from Hermione," Hotaru answered as she pulled out said assignment.

He nodded and replied, "Oh, that's good. Still, are you going to watch the Tryouts today?"

"Of course. I can't wait to see you fly," Hotaru answered, smiling brightly at him.

Trunks Briefs walked into the class room. Hotaru waved at him and Trunks glowered at Draco. Draco glared back. Hotaru took note of this and lightly touched Draco's arm. She asked, "What's wrong?"

He smiled brightly at her and took her hand. There was something lurking in his grey eyes that she didn't like. She smiled weakly as he answered, "Nothing, Hotaru. Don't worry."


"Duo, Duo, are you there?" Ron asked as he snapped his fingers beside Duo's ear.

Duo glared as he watched Malfoy hold Hotaru's hand. He was thinking of various ways to kill the blond boy. His favorite was squishing him with Deathscythe HELL's foot.

"Help me!" Malfoy screamed as the giant black Mecha foot barreled down toward him. There was a satisfying squish as the mobile suit lifted its foot, leaving a bloody imprint and a black scrap of fabric on the grass.

Duo cackled inside of the cockpit, "The God of Death is back from Hell!"

"Earth to Duo, come in Duo," Harry chanted at his other ear, waving his hand in front of Duo's face.

Duo jumped and spun his head to look at Ron and Harry. Ron chuckled, "You've got it bad, don't you?"

At that moment, Hermione stepped into the class. She waved at Ron and Harry. Ron turned slightly pink as he waved back. Duo quirked an eyebrow and smirked. "Shut up," Ron grumbled before he sat down.

Harry sat down beside Duo and leaned over to whisper, "What happened last night?"

"Snape gave me warm milk and sent me to bed. I asked him about Prof. G and my parents and he freaked, telling me to see Dumbledore," Duo confessed.

Harry asked, "Why haven't you gone to Dumbledore yet?"

Duo sighed, about to say the same thing he said to Snape last night, "I'm not one of the Good good guys, Harry. You know that. I fight dirty. I fight to win. I can pull the trigger without blinking. Death doesn't scare me. Dumbledore is one of the Good Guys."

"Duo, Dumbledore probably knows about that life. He can surprise you," Harry replied confidently.

Duo sighed and remembered the man who had contacted Snape using fire last night. He told Harry, "And last night this guy calls up Severus. from the middle of London using that fire thing."

"What did he look like?" Harry asked excitedly, not happy excitement perhaps, but excitement none the less.

Duo answered, "Handsome, pale, broad and he was dressed in Muggle clothing."

"Sirius," Harry chirped as he reached over to tap Ron's shoulder. Hermione, who had been explaining the uses of Arrowroot to Ron, looked over as well. "Sirius has been keeping in touch with Snape," Harry stated.

Sirius . . . Was that the same Sirius that was Harry's godfather? Duo asked, "Hey, is that Sirius Black you're talking about?"

"Yeah, it is, Duo, did he tell you anything?" Harry pressed, his green eyes sparkling.

Duo shook his head and scowled. "No, Snape drug me out into the class room by my braid and locked the door until he was finished."

Ron chuckled, "Sounds like Snape."

"And Snape was asking me questions about my wand and stuff. I told him I wasn't anything special. At least here, I'm not," Duo sighed, remembering his friends. Heero would have already gotten all the answers to his questions. Quatre would have soothed and comforted every dark thought that Duo was having. Trowa . . . Well, Duo wasn't that fond of Trowa and Trowa never talked. Wufei would have screamed about the injustice of it all before helping Duo track down Voldemort and killing him.

Harry said, "I'll write Sirius and ask him."

Harry's assurance sounded hollow to Duo. Ron, who was the sidekick type, chirped, "Besides, there's the Quidditch tryouts today. You need to be at your best."

Hermione asked, "Are you trying out, Ron?"

"Naw, I wouldn't stand a chance," Ron answered bitterly, "With Ginny. She's a better flyer than me, perhaps better than the twins. Charlie even admitted that he didn't want to fly against her."

Duo let the conversation swirl around him as Snape entered the class. He took one more look at Hotaru and Malfoy talking and glared. After all, what would she see in a street rat anyway?

Duo took out his caldron and sighed.


Trunks grabbed Hotaru's arm before they headed to Herbology and said, "We need to talk."

"About what?" she asked, looking up at him.

Trunks glared and answered, "Malfoy."

"What about Draco?" Hotaru asked, shifting her weight from foot to foot.

Trunks' blue eyes were focused and intense as he answered, "His father works for Voldemort. He's one of his Death Eaters, Hotaru."

"Draco seems harmless enough," Hotaru snapped, trying to pull her arm away from him. He held tight, gripping her arm hard enough to leave bruises. He lifted her easily up to his eyes and glared.

He growled, "I don't like him, Hotaru. I don't. Stay away from him."

"Why?" Hotaru asked, pulling out her wand, not the transformation wand, but her magic wand.

Trunks sneered, "Because he's not on our side. He wants you Hotaru. Can't you see that?"

"He's just lonely, that's all, with only Crabbe and Goyle to talk to. He isn't like the other Slytherins," Hotaru replied, even though there was something nagging in the back of her brain. The first time she had seen Duo Maxwell, lying flat on his face while Draco talked to him. Someone had cursed Duo, but she didn't think it was Draco.

Besides, everyone had their dark sides, including her.

She calmly threatened, "Let me go, Trunks. We're working together. Besides, you don't want me as an enemy."

"Hotaru, please, listen to me," Trunks pleaded, his sharp features going soft as he gently let her go, "There is evil here. I can feel it. I hadn't noticed it until recently, but it keeps growing and searching for him."

Hotaru nodded and sighed, "Yes, the Barer. He's safe for now, but we really can't help him. He can't know anything or Voldemort will be even quicker to find him, Trunks."

Trunks grinned and replied, "And that's why I'm trying out on the Quidditch team. If I get picked, I can spend more time with him and have a reason to do so. Maybe you should get closer to him as well."

Hotaru blushed at that. She couldn't. Besides, what would he see in her? She asked, "What would he see in me?"

"Hotaru, have you looked in the mirror lately," Trunks replied as he swept off, his robes swirling around him like a cape.

"He is right, you know," Setsuna's amused voice stated behind her.

Hotaru spun around and let her "aunt" hug her. She replied, "No, he's not."

"Have you seen the way he looks at you Hotaru, especially when you and Malfoy are together? It's eating him up inside and he doesn't even know why. I can't tell you were to go on this, Firefly, but follow your heart," Setsuna instructed, ruffling her raven hair.

Hotaru looked up into Setsuna's brilliant sherry eyes and replied, "Thanks, Setsuna. Still, I don't know where to go."

"Well, Quidditch try outs are in four minutes," Setsuna reminded, looking at her watch.

Hotaru's mouth dropped open as she turned to run. She cried back, "Thank you, Setsuna!"


"Look at her, watching him. Malfoy's not that impressive," Duo grumbled at Ginny, who in turn laughed. They were at the Quidditch field, waiting to try out and watching the other teams fly. Hotaru waved at Malfoy as soon as he jetted out onto the field, his green robe flying behind him.

She placed her hand on Duo's arm and said, "Duo, she'll notice you. She'd have to be blind not to."

"Yeah, but it use to be so easy, Red. I had to beat people to keep them away. Hotaru doesn't even know I exist," he confessed.

Ginny chuckled, "Yes, the amazing, God of Death, right?" Duo nodded as Ginny went on, "The amazing, beautiful, God of Death. The War Anti-Hero."

"Okay, now you're just being cruel," Duo chided, poking her in the ribs.

She giggled and said, "Still, it's so queer to believe that you were a soldier."

"Terrorist is the term I prefer," Duo corrected as Malfoy did a couple of barrel rolls to the shouts of many Slytherins and the boos of many Gryffindors.

Ginny pushed strands of her long, red hair behind her ears and scowled. She cursed, "I wish I put it up."

Duo smirked as he said, "Turn around, Red."

"What are you going to do?" she asked, doubt plain in her bright, brown eyes.

Duo lifted his braid up for her examination and said, "Just get your hair out of your face, Gin."

Ginny turned around and Duo finger-combed her long, fiery hair. He deftly wove the silky strands into a braid and tied it off using his wand. She moved her head back and forth, feeling the braid sway. She smiled up at him and said, "Thank you. That's much better."

Duo gave her a little bow and stated, "Anything for a beautiful lady."

"You're horrid, you know that," she teased, lightly punching his arm.

Duo grinned impishly at her and waggled his eyebrows suggestively. He replied, "Ah, but I must teach you the Art of Flirting so you can win the heart of one Mr. Harry Potter."

"Duo," she gasped as she turned bright red.

Duo smirked and leaned down to whisper, "You can do it, Ginny, I believe in you."

"Gryffindors, get ready," McGonagall shouted.

Duo mounted his broom and said, "Let's make a statement, eh Red?"

"Ah, but what are we going to say?" Ginny asked with mock nervousness.

Duo grinned as he kicked off into the air, "We're here to kick ass and take names."


Duo was actually exhausted for once. After being named one of the new Chasers, along with Ginny, and Trunks as the new Keeper, the Gryffindors had celebrated. Duo had taught all four Weasley's the words to Queen's "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" to sing at the beginning and end at every match. The twins had disappeared for about half an hour to return all breathless with their arms loaded with wizarding candy and a delicious drink called Butterbeer.

Still, Duo found out that Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans meant that there was every flavor. Including a poop flavored one which almost made him vomit. Still, the Chocolate Frogs were good and he didn't want even get into how heavenly Fizzing Whizbees were. Ron had warned him that if he didn't stop eating them, he'd be levitating for days.

Trunks had asked, "Anything wrong with that?"

At that comment, and Trunks' sheer skill in the air had finally won him over with the others.

Duo smiled as he snuggled into his blanket. Right as he was drifting off to sleep, he heard something outside of the window. He crept out of his bed and walked to the window. He opened it and looked around, peering out into the dark, velvety night.

Then a pair of red eyes met his own. Duo swore and dug out his wand, aiming to blast the creature. "Come back here, you son of a bitch," he cursed as he looked out again, swearing that someone with red eyes had been looking at him. Then, a bat whizzed by his face, causing him to loudly shout, "Fuck!" He fell back, stumbling right into Trunks and Dean.

Dean asked, "What is it, Duo?"

"Someone was out there," he breathed, managing to stand up, "Red eyes . . . Then this big fucking bat flew right past me!"

Harry ran to the window and looked out. He closed the door and snapped, "Everyone, get out a garlic clove."

No one argued with Harry Potter, it seemed as all of the boys rushed around, gathering garlic. Harry hung the strands around the window and in front of the door. Trunks asked, "Doesn't a vampire have to be invited in?"

"I'm not taking any chances," Harry replied as he washed his hands at the basin. He looked at Duo and asked, "Did it bite you?"

Duo shook his head and asked, "Ever face a vampire before, Harry?"

Harry shook his head as he settled back into bed. Duo walked back to bed as well. Except he didn't fall asleep.

Something was after someone, and if what Snape had hinted about, it was him. Just fucking great, Duo thought as he finally fell asleep.

Author notes: [center]To Be Continued! [/center]

I got to use two of my favorite HP characters: Snape and Sirius! I've always had mixed feelings towards Snape, part of me loved him for being the pain in the ass teacher and the other part hated him being so mean to Harry. Then, as the books went on, I became more and more fond of Snape. Except for a few moments in POA. He would be one of my favorite teachers if I ever went to Hogwarts because I would actually learn something from. Sure, Hagrid's class would be a breeze, but I would have to work hard in Potions due to Snape, and there fore, I would learn. Learning is what teaching's all about.

Sirius, on the other hand, I loved on sight. He was just too cool. A "dark" wizard who was good. There's just not enough of him in the books!

Oh, I'm sorry that I wrote Snape OOC. It's just he seems like the teacher that Duo would bond to the most. Dark attracts darkness and all of that.

Yes, read and review! I live on reviews! And I'm still looking for fanart!

Review! Review! Review!

Duo: Elf says review, so, dammit, review!