General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/28/2002
Updated: 09/21/2002
Words: 145,543
Chapters: 21
Hits: 22,244

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians


Story Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation and discovers more about his new friend, the outspoken American Duo Maxwell, that Voldemort is looking for a person, and not an object. Lord Voldemort is looking for a Scythe Barer who is hiding at Hogwarts with one of his Four Guardians dead and no clue to who or what they may be. Add Quidditch, a confused Malfoy, vampires, anime, and you'll get one hell of a crossover.

Chapter 09

Author's Note:
The tone of this story could switch dramatically from moment to moment. This is my first Harry Potter fanfiction and I decided that since crossovers are my best subject and that I have to beat all the other horrid crossovers out there.

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians

Chapter Nine: The Dunpiel Hunter

By: Elf

Duo yawned behind his hand as he fought to keep awake in Divination. Trelawney, whom Duo had nicknamed Bug Lady, was giving out their assignment to plot out their fortunes for the whole year. Trunks groaned and leaned over to whisper, "Duo, this stuff is meaningless. And incomprehensible."

Ron leaned over to whisper, "We always make crap up for this class and still manage high marks."

"Whoo, the vague art of creativity," Duo quipped as he tapped his quill onto his parchment, finishing his assignment by signing his name and sketching a tiny Grim Reaper in the margin. Trelawney didn't like the chibi Grim Reaper that he drew, but she didn't take off any points for it either. One time she even circled it in red ink with a smile, scrawling some comment about how he was able to deal with death.

Harry grinned at the little Reaper and asked, "Has she taken off any points for him yet?"

"Naw, so I keep drawing it because it pisses her off," Duo whispered.

Trelawney drifted over to them and placed a hand on her head as she closed her eyes. She predicted, "I see you four talking without permission."

"I saw something dark in my crystal ball, Professor, I just asked these three to see what they thought it was. I thought it was a Grim," Trunks answered quickly.

Trelawney looked into the quartz orb and licked her lips. She studied it as she mused, "I don't see a Grim, Trunks. You were worried for nothing." She stood up and patted Trunks' muscular arm before she drifted away, her jewelry fluttering behind her.

Duo grumbled, "Crack head." Ron laughed out loud while Trunks and Harry snorted.


"So, how was Divination?" Hotaru asked Trunks as they walked to DADA. Hotaru was looking forward to seeing Sestuna again in class and present her findings. Still, she was curious to what Trunks did in that class as well as Duo.

Trunks shrugged and answered, "Useless. I'm hungry."

Hotaru groaned beneath her hand and shook her head. Trunks went on, "I didn't eat enough at breakfast."

"Trunks, you ate ten doughnuts, twelve bowls of oatmeal, twenty sausage links, and fifteen scones," Hotaru chided as she looked back at Trunks.

Trunks nodded as they made their way down the hall and replied, "Yeah, like I said, I didn't eat enough."

"Trunks, that would kill another person," Hotaru exclaimed.

Trunks shrugged and replied, "I'm half Sayan. I burn up more energy and I'm not even at full power."

"Thank Kami because if you were you'd eat this place whole," Hotaru groaned.

Trunks smirked and said, "I burn up more energy." He looked up and grinned. Hotaru did as well, seeing Duo Maxwell talking with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Ron was laughing at something Duo had said while Harry was chuckling. Trunks waved and they waved back.

Hotaru quirked an eyebrow and asked, "When did you become so friendly?"

"When I made Keeper on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. After a couple of practices they think I'm okay," Trunks answered with a grin as he ran over to greet his friends.

Hotaru sighed and leaned against the walls as she watched the four boys do the thing commonly known as "male bonding" with hand slaps and laughter. She shifted her weight on her heels, wishing she had someone that she could be so at ease with. Duo laughed, throwing back his braid as his violet eyes shone with merriment.

Her breath caught in her throat for a moment. She had to admit, Duo was quite handsome, but he was so confident. Still, she could see the first time she had met him and Draco at the train station. Duo had been cursed and Draco had been talking to him.

Duo looked so vulnerable then, reminding Hotaru of her mission. She had uncursed him and left to board the train. Still, she couldn't talk to him, he was always surrounded by people, especially Ginny Weasley. She knew she couldn't compete with the curvy little redhead, no matter what Trunks said.

Still, she had delightful Draco with his gleaming grey eyes and soft, pale blond hair. Duo was all color with his chestnut hair and brilliant violet eyes. He liked to live, he relished life with each chance he had, gathering friends around himself as well as laughter. Draco was more distinguished and subdued, something she could handle. Someone who wouldn't hurt her or endanger her mission.


Trunks felt Pluto near by. He felt his hairs stand up on end as he sensed her presence. He watched as she walked into the class, her long, flowing pink robe bellowing around her dark skin. Trunks knew she would be that lovely, golden brown all underneath that robe and itched to see it.

She set him on edge, bringing up everything in him that was Sayan. He itched to have her, to claim her. He wanted to run his fingers all in that dark green silken mass and imprint the scent of her skin in his brain. He wanted to know all of her problems, her thoughts, her feelings and share everything with her. He wanted to protect and cherish her forever.

The Sayan Prince knew that he found his lifemate, now the problem was letting her know that.


Sestuna knew that Trunks was watching her. She could feel those brilliant blue eyes burning a hole through her robe as she walked to the head of the class. She turned around to study the handsome young warrior and paused.

She really hadn't taken a good look at him before. She had let Hotaru do most of the taking about the mission and she suddenly regretted it. He was handsome, angular, square jawed with his silken lavender hair. He was powerfully build, his body barely able to keep still. He looked as if he needed to be constantly moving or acting.

The way he was watching her made her nervous, and few things made her nervous. He was bringing out feelings in her that she had thought were long dead. Feelings that she had buried as soon as she saw Usagi in Mamoru's arms for the first time. Feelings that she left behind with Mamoru forever.

She mentally shook herself and thought, He's only a boy. No, he's not. He's been through Hell and back. Straiten yourself, Pluto. You have a lesson to begin and someone to introduce.


As soon as Duo sat down in DADA the memory of those freaky crimson eyes looking at him a couple of nights ago entered his mind. He had read his chapters, especially as soon as Hermione told him they were detailed descriptions of vampires and the things that hunted them. The Anita Blake chick was a hoot, talking about how she had managed to fall in love with a vampire.

Vampires were classified as "beings" by the Ministry of Magic. They could communicate with humans since they were, at one time, human. They were super strong, could fly, had mind powers and advanced regenerative abilities, and a few of them could shape shift. They were also immune to magic for the most part. You could bind a vampire for a short time with a charm, but you couldn't curse it or kill one with magic.

To kill a vampire one could use sunlight, fire, a wooden stake through the heart, and beheading could kill all vampires. A younger vampire could be killed with a silver weapon to the heart and silver hurt and bound all vampires. Vampires healed slower from wounds inflicted by silver.

As he was thinking, Pluto strode into the room wearing a soft, pink robe that harmonized with her dusky coloring. He noticed the intense gaze that Trunks was giving her. He leaned over and softly sang, "You've got it bad, so bad, you're hot for teacher."

Trunks pushed him hard enough to almost make him fall out of his seat. He would have if Harry hadn't pushed him in the opposite direction as soon as he began to fall. He gave Harry a thankful smile and Harry shook his head in disbelief.

Pluto gave Trunks a lingering look. Duo watched as their eyes locked before they both looked away. He looked at Harry, who was getting out his textbooks, then at Ron, who was merely gazing longingly at Pluto. Hermione had her quill ready to take notes as did Hotaru. Duo looked around the room. There where no puzzled expressions or anyone looking at Trunks strangely. Apparently, he was the only one to witness the exchange between student and teacher.

Pluto stood at the black board and smiled. She stated, "Almost everyone knows of the vampire that Mr. Maxwell spotted a few nights ago, correct?" There were murmurs of agreement as heads nodded. She continued, "That's why Dumbledore has asked me to school you more than previous instructors about vampires in case you need to fight one. So, that's why I've brought a guest speaker. D."

Duo felt the presence before he even turned around. It was familiar, cold and silent. He knew another person intimate with Death when he saw one.

The person was tall and slender with broad shoulders. His black cape frothed about him elegantly. He was dressed in a dark grey body armor that looked very light but tough. From what Duo could see of his skin, he was pale. Paler than Hotaru, pure white, like milk. Dark auburn hair fell to the middle of his back in a silken curtain. A wide brimmed almost foppish dark blue hat covered up half of his face, but the half that Duo saw was handsome, beautiful even. A bioshonen was the term that Heero would have used.

He turned to face the class, the cape swirling around him like some fallen angel's wings. His hat tilted up, revealing, dark, fathomless, almost tragic eyes. Duo noticed the long, slender, delicately carved sword faceted to his back as well as the bright gleaming blue jewel in his necklace. Duo knew that the jewel was magical on sight, enchanted to protect its wearers from magical attacks.

Most of the girls in the class' breath caught in a collective sigh as "D" looked at them. His dark eyes scanned over all of them, pausing at Hotaru, Trunks, Harry, and finally himself. Duo locked eyes with him, unflinching. After all, he was use to the infamous Yuy Death Glare. This was a piece of cake.

Pluto gestured and explained, "This is D. Now, before I go any further, could someone explain to me what a dhamphile or dunpiel is?"

Hermione's hand shot up as expected as well as Dean and Seamus'. She turned to the tall black boy and asked, "Dean?"

Dean answered, "It's the usually male offspring of a vampire male and a human woman. They have most of the vampire's powers and aren't as effected by their weaknesses as a vamp."

"Very good Dean, a point for Gryffindor," Pluto praised before returning to her lecture, "D is a vampire hunter, a very good one at that. Dumbledore hired him to protect the castle. I asked if he would help me in a few lessons and he kindly agreed."

Ron grumbled, "Wonder why?" Duo chewed on his quill to keep from laughing. Harry did spread into a grin though.

Pluto asked, "Who can tell me a way to kill vampires?"

Trunks immediately raised his hand and Pluto gestured with a nod. He answered, "Beheading, hence D's sword."

"Yes, I expect that most of you are not master swordspeople, but beheading is a sure method to kill a vampire," Pluto explained with a smile.

D said in a hauntingly quiet voice, "Vampires are far quicker than humans." Then he moved.

Actually, a better descriptive word would have been flashed.

D was standing in front of Neville, his sword gently resting on the chubby boy's throat. Neville gasped and gripped the table with white hands. Duo heard Trunks swear softly before Trunks moved even faster.

Trunks was gripping the sword blade, lifting it away from Neville. D's eyes widened before he smirked and gave a satisfying grunt. He sprang away from Trunks, standing gracefully on Pluto's desk. He sheathed his sword with a quiet hiss and smiled softly.

"Speed and strength isn't the vampire's only advantage. They have powers. The older Master vampires can call upon the elements to their aid. Some can shape shift. All have mind powers to enthrall others and immunity to magic. They can also create leagues of ghouls to do their bidding," D explained as he quickly hopped off of Pluto's desk, his cape swishing about his ankles in a way Duo was pretty sure to be magical.

Duo raised his hand and Pluto called on him. Duo asked, "So, how do you repel a vamp?"

"Crosses and faith work, but you have to have faith for the cross to work," D answered.

Duo asked, "And what about prayer?"

"Depends on how strong your faith is," D answered with a shrug.

Duo nodded quietly and settled back down in his chair. Trunks glared and wrote something on a piece of parchment. He slid it between Duo and Harry. Both boys read: I don't like this. Harry nodded in agreement. Duo shrugged.

After all, if a teenage girl could whale up on vampiric ass, then he sure as hell could.


"Oh, there she is, little Saturn. Don't make her angry, D," the dunpiel's demonically possessed left hand instructed smirkly. D looked down at the face in the palm as it continued, "And that one there, with the scar. He's got power. Oh, look at that little girl with the curly hair. She looks tasty."

D clinched his fingers over the face, muffling it. The students were leaving, getting ready for lunch. Sestuna walked over to him, smiling slightly. She said, "Thank you for coming. Your little demonstrations helped a lot today."

"You're welcome, Sestuna. Still, it's dangerous," D warned, looking at the Keeper of Time.

The graceful woman shrugged, sending her long hair flying. She replied, "I know, but thank you."

He smiled slightly at her and asked, "Why do you think the vampires are attacking here?"

"Rumor has it that Voldemort's after a weapon, a child that's currently attending Hogwarts and he's gathering vampires and dementors to his aid," she answered, looking down at her hands.

His hand said, "I bet it's the kid with the . . ." D clinched his fist again and said, "I apologize for my hand."

"It's alright. Besides, I find him fascinating," she replied with another one of her shy smiles.

"Ooh, I think she likes you, D. Pretty thing too, those long legs, that hair. Love'd to get my teeth into," again, D clinched his hand.

Sestuna chuckled. She swept away, saying, "Well, I have to get ready for the next class. Thank you again, D."

"You're welcome," he answered, allowing himself a small grin as well.


"So, did you see that D guy?" Duo asked Ginny as they walked to the Gryffindor locker room. The tiny redhead nodded and grinned. He saw the pinkish blush on her cheeks.

She answered, "Yeah, I saw him."

"Was he in your DADA class too?" Duo pressed, grinning, wishing that Harry could have been her to watch Ginny's reaction.

She shook her head and sighed, "No. I just saw him prowling around the grounds, looking things over. A stunner, that one is."

"Maybe Harry should know that he has some competition," Duo suggested, opening the door to the locker room and letting her in first.

Ginny giggled and replied, "I can't do that."

"Why not?" Duo asked, lifting his eyebrows at her.

She blushed again as she answered, "I just can't. Now drop it."

"No. You're too shy, Red," he chided with a grin.

She replied, "And you're too bloody forward." She pushed his arm.

He moved out of the way with a teasing smirk. He taunted, "Well, one of us has to be."

"Then why haven't you started flirting with Hotaru yet?" she bantered back, smiling.

Duo laughed nervously and scratched the top of his head. He answered, "Well, umm, you can't go up to a girl to Hotaru like that and just say, 'hey baby'. It's not kosher."

Fred was sitting on the locker room's bench, looking as if the world had ended. He looked up at Ginny and Duo. Ginny was over by him at an instant. She asked, "Fred, what's wrong?"

"I'm not Captain," Fred answered in a dejected voice.

Duo asked, "Did George get it?"

"No," George grumbled as he emerged from some lockers, dressed in his padding and screaming scarlet robe, "And neither did Harry. Angel got it."

Angel was what George called Angelina Johnson. Duo shrugged and asked, "What's wrong with that? I mean, she's been on the team as long as you have, right?"

Ginny giggled and answered, "She's George's girlfriend."

George blushed and stammered, "She is not."

"Then why do you two make doe eyes at each other in Potions behind Snape's back and became her partner in Astronomy and left me with Tristan Mayburn?" Fred asked with an impish grin.

George ran his fingers through his fiery hair and snapped, "Umm, you're just imagining things!"

"Sure, and the fact that you sent owls to her all summer," Fred taunted.

Duo said, "Okay, I wanna hear more about this."

Ginny nodded and answered, "Poor Pig was almost exhausted from all the flying. In and out, in and out. Always for Fred. Hedwig always delivered it for Harry and Ron when they talked."

"Oooh, I see where this is going," Duo replied in a knowing manner as the twins got into a shouting match with George getting redder and redder with each taunt.

George drew out his wand and shouted a spell. Fred started jerking uncontrollably as he did the same. Ginny pushed Duo down and cried, "Duck!" Duo ducked behind the bench as did Ginny. The two of them peered up to see the two cursing and uncursing each other as they became more agitated.

Harry walked in, tying on his arm guards as he suddenly noticed Fred and George's "duel". Harry ducked behind the lockers and made it to the bench where they had sought refuge. Harry asked, "Who started it?"

"Angelina's been made Captain and Fred brought up the fact that she's George's girlfriend," Ginny answered as they were now throwing bolts of different colored sparks at each other.

Harry sighed and said, "Oh, this is going to be a while."

Duo watched with interest as they did things to mainly irritate the other. "Hey guys, what's with those two?" Trunks' voice came so unexpectedly that they jumped. The lavender haired youth sheepishly grinned as he pushed strands of his hair from his blue eyes.

Duo answered, "George is dating the Captain."

"Angelina?" Trunks asked.

Harry asked, "How did you know?"

"I was the first one here. She told me a few things about the team, like don't let Fred and George get to me and no matter what circumstances don't let Harry get hurt," Trunks answered as he leaned back on his haunches. Even Duo would have fallen after a few minutes in that position and Trunks was holding it with ease.

Angelina Johnson was a tall, elegant black girl whose red robes harmonized with her coloring. She shouted, "Fred, George, for the love of God, stop it, both of you!"

Fred and George had long given up on using magic and had resorted in good, old fashioned brawling. George looked up from his head lock and blushed. He dropped Fred to the ground and stammered, "Congratulations, Angel."

Angelina flashed him a nervous smile and said, "Lets get practicing, okay?"

"Yes!" George shouted as he practically flew out of the locker room.

Fred looked back at the four standing up behind the bench, "Told you."


They were good, really good. Duo grinned as Ginny caught the Quaffle and tossed it into the goal post. The two of them didn't need to talk to communicate as Angelina suggested ways that they could improve their play. Duo thought that the team was really good.

Harry could catch the Snitch in less than a minute after giving it a five minute head start.

Fred and George pounded the shit out of the two Bludgers.

Ginny and Duo used a combination of wit and speed to pass the Quaffle around. Angelina added her knowledge into the mix, making them unstoppable.

Then there was Trunks.

No matter what stunt they pulled, no one could get a Quaffle past Trunks. They even tried shooting both Bludgers out at him as Angelina tossed the Quaffle. Trunks slammed the Bludgers at George and Fred and caught the Quaffle one handed with ease. He moved so fast that Duo could barely see his arms as he did. Then there was the fact that his muscular bulk could cover up most of the goal post.

Still, Trunks was amazing, and during all of this, he looked board.

Hell, Duo even tried to sneak behind Trunks and tried to smack him upside the head with the Quaffle. Trunks had spun around and practically sent the Quaffle into orbit with a grin. Duo gaped and Angelina wondered, "Have we slowed down or is he that good?"

Trunks only scowled.


Harry was troubled. Not Voldermort-is-here-and-my-scar-hurts troubled, but slightly suspicious against a certain lavender haired teen. Angelina should have gotten a Quaffle by Trunks. From what he had seen of Ginny and Duo's flying and team work, they should have gotten several.

Trunks moved to fast. Too unreal almost. Duo had mentioned something previously about Trunks being a master martial artiest and being quick was part of that description, but the way Trunks moved was unreal.

Harry, who could spot the Snitch at forty meters, didn't see his movements.

Still, Ron was being skeptical and Hermione was offering the same reasons that Duo had flippantly explained last night after practice.

They were sitting together at breakfast and again Trunks was feeding his face. Duo asked, "What's eating you, Harry?" He smirked at his own joke and Harry chuckled.

Harry asked, "What do you think of Trunks?"

"He's shy and has the hots for Prof. Pluto and could kick my ass in an instant," Duo answered as he spooned up some of his oatmeal. He frowned at it and pushed it away. He grunted, "I'm never going to get use to the British food."

Ron suggested, "Sausage is pretty American, isn't it?"

"I'd love to have a bowl of Star Puffs right now," Duo sighed as he continued to eat his oatmeal.

Hermione asked, "Star Puffs?"

"You know, the colonies and everything. There was this really sweet, I mean, rotting your teeth off in you head sweet, cereal called Star Puffs. They were puffy blue, yellow, and red stars and planets. They were crunchy and turned the milk funky colors. Good stuff," Duo answered with a wistful grin, "I remember one time I got Heero to try some." He only shook his head and chuckled in remembrance.

Harry felt sorry for Duo, not that he would let that on. It had to be hard to be taken from a world that you knew to suddenly be dropped into a world that was nothing like your home in any shape or form. He had to leave his friends without telling them good bye. He learned that the life he had been living was a lie.

Still, Harry was slightly jealous to admit that Duo was fitting into Hogwarts very well. Except for Transfiguration. He was still having difficulties with that. And Harry was glad to have him on the Quidditch team, but he knew that there was something else going on.

At that moment, the owls flew into the Great Hall. Hedwig landed at his shoulder and dropped a letter beside his hand. He stroked her snowy feathers and handed her a piece of toast coated in strawberry jam. She hooted contentedly and nibbled on it, taking her time as she nuzzled against Harry.

Harry opened the letter and smiled when he saw Sirius' familiar scrawl.

Dear Harry,

I wish I could write about something more comforting, but I felt that you needed to know this.

When your father and I were at school there was a Professor G. G, we never had a full name, was more of a researcher than a professor. I never had him in a class, but I believe Snape did. Anyway, right before you were born, he disappeared with a baby.

Rumor had it that he went into hiding from Voldemort, protecting the child so that he couldn't get his filthy hands on it. You're probably wondering why a researcher was doing so much to protect one baby. (Like everyone did with you, Harry, but for different reasons.)

Because of your mother, you were a threat to Voldemort and wished to see you dead. Before that though, he was searching for the baby because he could twist the child to be used as a tool. A weapon of mass destruction.

That's probably sitting right next to you.

Harry looked up to see Hermione blushing as she read a letter. Probably from Krum, he figured, and beside her, Ron was looking rather gloomy and cross. He looked to his other side to see Duo Maxwell glaring over at Malfoy, who was seriously studying something in a letter that his Eagle Owl had sent him.

I'm not sure how the whole story goes, but I know that G's dead. I found his body myself. He killed himself so Voldemort wouldn't get the answers that he needed. The answers I'm coming to Hogwarts to find.

I'll be there soon, Harry. Snape knows about this more than I do. Still, keep inside at night. I've heard from an informant that Voldemort's gathering even more forces to storm the castle.

Keep on your toes, Harry and get out Lily's Singing Crystal. I want you to put it on, please.



AKA: Padfoot


"So, okay, since Saturn is in Mars' orbit, next Tuesday I'm going to get sick for about a week. Next Thursday, Mars is in Saturn's orbit, I'm going to get killed by a rampaging," Duo flipped through his Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them as he said, "Quintaped."

Ron studied his star charts and said, "Well, since Mercury is in Jupiter's orbit, next Friday Percy is going to get eaten by a Kappa, but due to his . . ."

"Amazingly boring speeches about caldrons, the Kappa falls asleep, dumping his head over," Fred joked as he looked at their assignments.

Harry held up the sparkling crystal to the light. It swayed, singing softly. Sirius said that his mother wore it for luck and happiness. He wondered how that would help him. He slid the chain around his neck and clutched at it, thankful that Sirius had been able to recover it.

Hermione walked over as Duo and Ron's "predictions" were becoming more and more outlandish. She chided, "Do you think that Trelawney is really going to believe this?"

Duo only shrugged and grinned. Ron answered with a shrug, "She always does." Harry nodded absently in agreement. Trunks only looked confused.

Harry held up the crystal for Hermione to look at. He asked her, "Do you know what this is?" It swayed gently in his fingers, humming softly as it did.

Hermione gasped, "A Singing Crystal. They're very rare you know. They are said to bring good luck and happiness. They also warn the wearer when they are in danger by emitting this high, keening cry. Quite fascinating, really Harry, however did you get one?"

"It was my mum's," Harry answered as he stuffed it back into his shirt, "Sirius gave it to me. He told me to wear it."

Trunks looked up and asked, "Who's Sirius?" The look of confusion was replaced by intense concentration and focus. The change was eerie at its quickness.

Duo looked at the star chart as did Ron. Hermione looked at Harry questionably. Harry answered, "A friend." Trunks' intense blue eyes narrowed thoughtfully. He scowled for a moment and looked back at the star chart.

Duo sighed with relief. Harry knew why. Duo probably had been in Sirius' position in his life a few times. Ron grinned as well. Hermione said, "Well, I'm going to help Hotaru with her Arithmancy homework." With that, she started to walk away.

Duo asked, "Where is she?"

"I'm not sure, but she's not with Malfoy, thank goodness," Hermione answered with a wiry smile.

Trunks asked, "What's wrong with Malfoy anyway?"

"He's a stuck up rich brat with a stick shoved up his ass is my guess," Duo quipped.

Ron chuckled, "That's part of it. And he's a Slytherin."

"His father's a Death Eater," Harry answered darkly.

Trunks asked, "What's a Death Eater?"

"One of Voldemort's closest followers," Harry answered, "Snape was one but he turned to our side. Now he sort of spies around."

Duo's violet eyes widened as he asked, "Snape was a Death Eater?"

"Yeah, but he's on our side now. I think," Harry answered as Duo looked toward the window again.

Duo asked, "And Malfoy's pops is still a Death Eater?"

Harry nodded grimly. He remembered Voldemort addressing the faceless specters, chiding Malfoy before welcoming him back. It was obvious that Draco Malfoy was following in his father's footsteps.

Trunks asked, "What does Hotaru see in him?" The way he asked that reminded Harry of the way Fred and George became over protective over Ginny sometimes. It was in a brotherly fashion.

Duo answered in a helpless groan, "He's handsome and graceful and rich and courtly and can play the gentleman."

"Duo, half the birds around in this school adore you. Don't worry about that bloody wanker, Malfoy," Ron advised.

Trunks nodded and added, "You could beat him into a bloody pulp."

Hermione advised, "Duo, if you really like her, tell her."

Duo shrugged, chewed on his quill, and quickly changed the subject by saying, "Hey, what about our homework?"


"Anything?" Hotaru asked, looking up at the handsome dunpiel hunter. D shook his head, causing his lovely dark hair to fly around his face. She couldn't see his eyes because of that huge hat of his. His black Thestral stomped impatiently at the ground.

Many of the wizards thought that the black, winged horse was a symbol of bad luck. Hagrid almost paled when Sestuna told him of D's mount. Flitwick almost fainted. Still, it was D's mount and D needed something fast and stealthy.

"You know, it's a waist of time being here. There's no vampires. But the money's good," D's left hand grumbled before D tightened the reins over the parasite's mouth.

D answered in his quiet voice, "I'm not sure, Hotaru. Tell Sestuna that I'll continue to look."

Hotaru petted the horse's shining neck and said, "Thank you, D."

"You'd better get up to the castle. It's dark. If there are vampires, you'd be safer inside," he advised, looking up at the velvety night sky.

Hotaru smiled and replied, "I can take care of myself, but thank you anyway, D."

"You share the same eyes as the Scythe Barer, Saturn," D warned.

Hotaru sighed. Yes, the violet eyes, except the pair of violet eyes that haunted her were a lot more brilliant than her own. She wished that she didn't have a connection with the Scythe Barer. She wished she didn't have that heat with him.

Draco was safe. He wouldn't hinder her mission. She didn't have to worry about falling in love with him. He was kind, gracious and handsome. At least the former to her. She wouldn't get hurt because of him.

She said, "Thanks again, D. I'm going back to my dorm." D gave her a pained smile.

D's left hand whispered, "You know what the vampires are going to do to her if they get their hands on her. They'll leave her a bloody, broken mess just because it'll be fun and I'd be jealous."

Hotaru's fingers clutched on her transformation wand. She had the urge to transform into Sailor Saturn. Then she would slice D's left hand off with her Silence Glave and have Trunks blast it into hell.

She was back in the Gryffindor tower in moments, sitting at the Girl's Dorm window. She had it open, breathing in the night air. She looked at the lake and the silvery reflection that the moon was casting upon it. As she watched, she saw figures moving rapidly within the darkness.

She narrowed her eyes and looked down. Then something jumped on her window sill. She backed up as she saw the pair of crimson eyes watching her.

The vampire grinned and licked his fangs. He pressed closer to her and she lifted her transformation wand and started to shout, "Saturn . . ."

He sent her crashing to the ground. The wand slid out of her hand. She turned over and reached for it as the vampire drew her close by her robes. She turned around as he lifted her up, getting a good look into his crimson eyes.

"You have the eyes, but you're not the one we were sent to get," he hissed, "But, I'll take you anyway." Then he jumped.

Hotaru screamed as he grabbed her, screamed high and loud with fear as she fought.


"Okay, since Venus is intertwined with Mars, Trunks, you're going to have your virginity taken by a beautiful vampire," Duo chuckled.

Trunks blushed bright crimson as he stammered, "What, where in the world do you see that?"

Harry chuckled as Ron asked, "Oooh, do I get to snog with a beautiful vampire too?"

"Why would you want to snog a vampire? Wouldn't she be cold?" Harry asked with a laugh.

Ron blushed bright red as he asked, "Have you ever seen the Wizards' Vampire Assassin?" Harry laughed as he shook his head. Ron smirked as he opened up one of his DADA books. Standing in the color photo was a tall, pale, slender, athletic yet gracefully feminine woman dressed head to toe in black. Her hair was down to her waist, an impossible golden blond. She had huge indigo eyes, a sensual mouth, and an Aristocratic nose. She leaned against the wall in the photo and then stood up strait. Every few moments she would move her tailored leather jacket to show off a huge pistol.

Duo whistled, "Man, she's got a .44 Super Mag! Who is that hottie?"

"Her name's Forest and she's part of the Aurors. They pay her money to kill things that can't be killed by magic, like vampires and werewolves. She's also hunted down dementors," Ron answered, still blushing.

Trunks read down the page and gave an admiring smile, "It says she's a master of several martial arts. Cool."

"Still, those have to be the best pair of legs I've ever seen," Duo went on as Ron nodded with a goofy smile in agreement.

Harry chuckled as he studied the photo. He replied, "Her nose is too long."

"Forget her nose, look at those legs!" Duo exclaimed as he pointed to the photo, "Trunks, I'm going to kill you know so I can have her."

Trunks laughed, "Remember, you said it yourself."

"Aww, but you'd choke, Trunks," Duo teased.

Ron asked, "What about me? Can she leave Trunks for me?"

"Yep, when Venus crosses over with Pluto, Trunks' vampire lover dumps him for a redhead boy who's best friend has a lighting shaped scar on his forehead," Duo proclaimed only to chew on his quill again.

Harry laughed, glad not to be thinking about things like Voldemort Then, suddenly, a high pitched scream came from under his shirt. He looked down and drew out the Singing Crystal. It swayed wildly while screaming.

Then, suddenly, Hotaru Tomoe's voice screamed from the Girl's Dorm.

Trunks asked, "What is it?" Pandemonium raged in the common as Hermione as well as Dean and the other Perfects tried to calm the other Gryffindor's down.

Duo whispered, "Hotaru." He brought out his wand and Harry heard the familiar Summoning Charm. A few heartbeats later, Duo's broom came flying into the room.

Duo mounted it and started toward the Girl's dorm. Harry shouted, "Where are you going?"

"To save Hotaru, what the hell do you think?" Duo shouted back.

Harry brought out his wand and did the same. He mounted his Firebolt and grumbled, "Bloody hell. You'd better be important to go through all of this."

Author notes: [CENTER]To Be Continued! [/CENTER]

Special thanks to Ying who gave me this awesome picture of the Scythe Barer! It's really cool. :)

Now, if you've read "A Shade Darker" or "Alex Night: Vampire Hunter Extraordinaire", some of the stuff in the next chapter is going to make a whole lot of sense. Plus, there's going to be some hilarious in-jokes and a reference that will be more understandable. Not story wise, but it will help you understand the writer a little bit better.

I have a Buffy reference sprinkled in here. I'll give you a cookie if you can find it . . .

As to D's appearance, well, after seeing Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust I've wanted to write a story with him in it for a long time. Since April. Really, and I figured out where he could make a short appearance in this story. Don't worry, it'll make sense when all the blood is spilled.

Next chapter you'll see something else I'm good at writing: Duo killing vampires. Really.

Hey ever since JKR talked about vampires in HP I've been impatiently waiting one. I mean, her werewolves are cool. Right Lupin?