General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/28/2002
Updated: 09/21/2002
Words: 145,543
Chapters: 21
Hits: 22,244

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians


Story Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation and discovers more about his new friend, the outspoken American Duo Maxwell, that Voldemort is looking for a person, and not an object. Lord Voldemort is looking for a Scythe Barer who is hiding at Hogwarts with one of his Four Guardians dead and no clue to who or what they may be. Add Quidditch, a confused Malfoy, vampires, anime, and you'll get one hell of a crossover.

Chapter 07

Author's Note:
The tone of this story could switch dramatically from moment to moment. This is my first Harry Potter fanfiction and I decided that since crossovers are my best subject and that I have to beat all the other horrid crossovers out there.

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians

Chapter Seven: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Literally

By: Elf

Trunks was staring and he knew it. He was transfixed at the beautiful female before him. Professor Pluto was lovely, tall, graceful, curvy with her staggering long dark green hair that swirled around her as if it was alive. Her sherry colored eyes were clear, alert, and keen in her bronzed face. She walked to the head of the class, her dark red robe foaming behind her as she almost floated.

As she introduced herself in her deep, husky voice Trunks knew one thing that called out through his Sayan blood.

He had to have her.


Duo noted that all the males in the class were standing at attention, their eyes fixed on Professor Pluto. Especially Trunks. He had this intense, hungry gaze in his blue eyes as he watched the teacher.

"Trunks," Duo whispered.

Trunks was watching Pluto and ignoring him. Duo looked over to notice that Ron was watching Pluto too, much to the annoyance of Hermione. Hermione was scowling and had her arms crossed tightly.

Okay, there's something there, Duo thought to himself with a smile, making sure that he was going to play matchmaker for those two. He looked over at Harry and was slightly relieved to see that he quickly regained himself when Duo tapped the desk with his quill.

Still, Duo had to admit she was pretty hot and was wondering what she looked like under that robe. He heard Hotaru giggle and he looked over to her. Now, he watched her.

She was lovely when she laughed. It lit up her whole face and made her velvety dark violet eyes sparkle. Her cheeks flushed a faint rose as her soft mouth quirked up into a smile, displaying perfect white teeth. Duo smiled dumbly to himself as he watched her, taking note every movement, the way her raven hair swayed around her elfin face.

Pluto said in her incredible voice, "Now, I'm very glad to have you in class today. I am new here and only know one of you. Still, I do not wish you to take this class lightly. I have battled shimia and yoku in my time, and that is only the tip of the iceberg as the saying goes. Now, could someone tell me the greatest threat to the wizarding world?"

Trunks, Ron, and every other male's hands shot up around the class, except Harry and Duo's. Pluto scanned the class, focusing her sherry colored eyes on Duo before moving to Harry. Harry squirmed as Pluto's keen eyes studied his glasses, his unruly Heero-esque raven hair, and the lighting bolt scar on his forehead. Her ruby lips turned up in a smile as she looked past Harry and focused her gaze on Neville. She said, "You, Mr. Longbottom, tell me who the greatest threat to the wizarding world is."

Neville blushed to the tip of his sandy head as he squirmed under the sexy teacher's gaze. He managed, "You-Know-Who."

"No, I don't Neville, who is he?" Pluto countered, leaning against her desk.

Neville squeaked, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!"

Pluto sighed and looked at Dean. She asked, "Can you tell me who?"

"Umm, You Know," he stuttered, ducking his dark head down.

She looked at Ron and asked, "You, Mr. Weasley, can you tell me?"

"The Dark Lord," Ron squeaked in a very high pitched voice, flushing purple to the roots of his red hair.

She sighed and Trunks bellowed, "Voldemort!"

Duo looked down, letting his bangs cover his face so that Trunks didn't see him snicker. Everyone was looking at Trunks in surprise and awe in a few cases. Trunks sneered, "His name is Lord Voldemort."

Pluto smiled at him and Trunks blushed. She said, "Thank you very much Mr. Briefs." She turned back to the rest of the class, her dark red robes swirling around her. She stated, "Mr. Briefs has brought me to my first point in my lesson. Fear itself can be a weapon. An intelligent force of evil can bring you down without lifting a finger just by using your fear against you. Fear in a name puts more fear into the object itself."

"But You-Know-Who is evil and the most dangerous dark wizard who's ever lived," Lavender replied, frowning.

Duo had to say, "Still, he's just a man. He can be stopped, be killed if needed."

"You don't know what your talking about," Seamus added, "You're never faced him, right Harry?"

Harry was quiet.

Trunks snapped, "So, he still has a weakness, some point that can be exploited."

Pluto smiled again at Trunks and then at Duo. Trunks looked down at his hands, blushing again. She said, "Very good Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Briefs, five points each for Gryffindor."

Duo saw Trunks turn even redder as he gave his shy grin. He'd hadn't gained any points and had lost several from his classes the other day. Duo shrugged, it was simple logic for him. Nothing was unkillable, everything could die somehow. Except Death. Death couldn't die.

"Voldemort isn't perfect. He's evil, yes. He's also very powerful, but even he fears Dumbledore," Harry finally said, looking up, his green eyes almost glowing in their intensity and determination.

Pluto smiled and said, "You must be Harry Potter. Well said, Mr. Potter. Five points for Gryffindor. Now, that brings me to my lesson." She perched herself gracefully on her desk, crossing her legs at the knees, flashing, long, toned, shapely calves.

She stated, "Fear for a name increases fear of the thing itself. It gives them more power over you, power that will be used against you. Power that you cannot do anything about. Now, if you say the thing's name clear and unafraid, then you gain power over them. If Voldemort thinks that you are not afraid of him, he'd be less likely to attack you and would be nervous about you as well."

Duo shrugged; he already knew all of this. He could have told everyone in this class that, but it seemed that most of them were unsure about this new knowledge. Duo grumbled, "Give me a break."

"What did you say, Mr. Maxwell?" Pluto called out, cupping her hand to her ear.

Duo blinked and laughed nervously, figuring he was going to blow some of his hard earned points. He rubbed the back of his neck as he answered, "I already knew this, Professor Pluto."

"So, Mr. Maxwell, what do you fear?" she asked, her sherry colored eyes gazing as if she could look right through them.

What am I afraid of? Losing people I care about, easy enough, he thought but not voicing it. Almost every situation he could escape with a little luck and intelligence. Except being captured. He feared being captured.

"Being caught," Duo answered, not shifting under Pluto's gaze.

Pluto tilted her head thoughtfully, spilling her green hair around her. She looked at Ron and asked, "What are you afraid of?"

"Spiders," he answered quickly, "Their bodies . . . they just creep me out."

Pluto asked, "Miss Granger?"

"Failing," she answered in an unsteady voice, looking down at her hands.

Pluto stood up and asked Neville, "And you?"

"Professor Snape," Neville stuttered, not able to meet Pluto's eyes.

She asked Parvati, "And you?"


"Miss Brown?"


She smiled and said, "Now, phobias are something else entirely. Out of five of you, two of you had realistic fears. Miss Granger's of failure and Mr. Maxwell's about being caught. Now, Mr. Maxwell, you didn't explain what sort of capture you were talking about."

Duo remembered being in OZ's cell. He remembered being tortured. "We're going to kill you. Hang your body in the colony as an example to the other pilots. You're going to be our weapon against the colonies, Fly Boy."

Duo answered in a tense, angry voice, "By an enemy."

Pluto turned to Hermione and asked, "Why failure?"

"I'm a Muggle-born . . . I want to prove that I'm as good as any witch from a wizarding family," Hermione confessed. Duo watched as Harry and Ron's eyes faceted onto the intelligent girl. "I can't fail or people who think 'Mudbloods' are inferior will only have more fuel to that."

Pluto smiled gently and said, "Thank you Miss Granger. I knew that took a lot for you to say that. That was courage in its best form, the power to admit something. Ten points, Miss Granger. Thank you."

Harry raised his hand and Pluto asked, "Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"What about fearing fear?" he asked, leaning closer to the edge of the table.

Pluto studied Harry as she demanded, "Explain."

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Fear gives power to an object, as you said, so if we're afraid of something we're giving them power, more to be afraid of," Harry answered, looking a little unsure of himself.

She grinned and said, "Excellent point, Mr. Potter. Now we're going to do a little practical lesson about fear. And how to prevent it. I need some volunteers."

Again, all the boys' hands shot up across the room, as did Hermione and Hotaru's. Duo looked over to see Trunks straining and waving to be picked. Pluto said, "Fine, Mr. Briefs, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, and Mr. Longbottom, could you come to the head of the class, please."

Duo leaned over and whispered to Harry, "I wonder what she's going to do."

"I don't know, this isn't like any of the other DADA lessons I've had," Harry replied as he watched as Trunks, Hermione, Ron, and Neville walked toward the front of the class.

Pluto smiled and said, "I know that you've faced boggarts before and know the charm to defeat them. Now, this is just an example. I want you to give me your wands."

Trunks thrust his wand out to her. Hermione looked down at her own wand before handing it to Pluto. Neville practically trembled as he handed Pluto his wand. She laid them gently on her desk as she explained, "I want you to face your fears without the use of magic, but with your mind."

She pulled out a tiny chest that had hundreds of different planets and moons carved into its surface. She unlocked the silver lock and opened it. Standing there was a very angry Snape. He approached Neville and sneered, "Look at this mess, Longbottom. Still, I know I can't expect anything better from you. You'll never make it in this class."

Neville's lip trembled, and Duo knew that this wasn't the real Snape. Snape wasn't this cruel. Was he? Duo liked the Potions Master instinctively and was always right about his first impressions of people. Still, seeing Neville tremble before the scowling, brooding, dark figure made Duo wonder slightly.

The Boggart Snape advanced, sneering down at poor Neville. Pluto asked, "Why does Snape frighten you so?"

"Look at him!" Neville stammered

Trunks said, "He can't hurt you."

Neville looked over at the muscular lavender haired teen. Trunks nodded and Neville whirled on the shape shifter. He shouted, "I'm not a klutz or an invitation to disaster! I'm a Gryffindor! The Sorting Hat placed me in Gryffindor for a reason and I'm glad that I'm not a stinking Slytherin!"

The shapeshifter morphed into McGonagall holding a handful of parchment. She advanced at Hermione stiffen. McGonagall snapped, "I'm disappointed in you Miss Granger. I've expected better from you."

Hermione trembled slightly. Duo saw Ron tense up as if he was going to run up there and save Hermione from the two out of ten on the paper that McGonagall held. She cleared her throat and held her head up proudly, staring the false McGonagall in the eyes. McGonagall spun at Trunks, changing into a hideous insectoid, yet humanoid creature that was bright green with darker green molting. His all too human face cut into a sneering grin as he looked Trunks over.

Trunks sneered and took a fighting stance. Then he punched the creature in the face, sending him knocking into the blackboard. The thing stood up, wiping purple ichor from its face as it, he, smiled at Trunks and said, "Very good, Trunks. Let's try that again."

Trunks grinned and beckoned him closer. He said, "I'm waiting."

The thing shouted as it charged at Trunks, trying to punch him. Trunks spun away, landing a sharp kick to it's mid section before using both of his hands to hammer it at the back of the neck. Then, in a surprising move, that blue energy shot from his palms, destroying the creature, leaving nothing but a black husk.

Duo's mouth dropped open as half of the class cheered and the other half shared Duo's expression. Trunks pushed strands of his hair out of his eyes as he faced Pluto. Pluto frowned at him then at the burned boggart. She walked over to it and tentatively kicked it with her boot toe. It rolled over, still smoking.

Duo noticed that the room smelled of ozone and he could feel power leaking across his skin from Trunks. Harry swore, "Bloody hell, what was that?"

"Beats me with an ugly stick, buddy," Duo whispered, still shocked.

Ron breathed, "How the hell did he do that?"

"Again, beats me with an ugly stick, buddy," Duo answered, gripping the table, suddenly wondering if he should kindly turn down Trunks' invitation of being a sparing partner.

Pluto asked, "Mr. Briefs, why did you just do that?"

"I stood up to my fear. Therefore, it wasn't my fear anymore, just a danger," he answered proudly, an arrogant smile on his face as he added, "Besides, I beat him once and I knew I could do it again."

Pluto sighed and said, "That was not what I wanted you to do, Mr. Briefs. That was an impressive show though."

"What did he just do?" Hermione asked, looking down at the burned husk.

Pluto smiled and answered, "Mr. Briefs has a rare ability to focus his life energy. It's like magic, but it's different. Still, he can use magic because all magic is energy, change, and will."

Duo raised his hand and Pluto nodded. Duo asked, "So, are you going to teach us how to do that or what?"

Pluto chuckled and answered, "I don't have that ability Duo. Few do. Still, I will teach you other things, but today, our lesson is over. I want each of you to read chapters one and two in A Field Guide to Deal with Dark Creatures and chapter five in Cursed Creatures by our next class. Thank you and have a good day."


Lunch. Even though Duo had only been at Hogwarts for a few days, he knew the routine. At lunch everybody would get together with their friends, eat, gossip, and watch in complete and utter horror as Trunks fed.

Duo didn't consider what Trunks did as normal eating. No, that was feeding. He shoved food into his mouth in an alarming rate, but they had some sort of clue on why he did.

Hermione figured the reason Trunks had to eat so much because be burned up more energy using his powers. He was eating to compensate for the ultra-quick energy burns. He had a faster metabolism, she had explained to a clueless Ron. That even confused him more until Harry explained that Trunks needed more food to use his powers.

Then, that's when the twins sat down beside Ron and Fred asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Trunks can blow up stuff just by pointing his hand at it," Duo answered cryptically, grinning down into his roast beef. He still hadn't adapted to English food yet. He would kill the Slytherin Quidditch team to get a good-old-fashioned Chicago style pizza with beef, bacon, and extra cheese, easy on the sauce.

George asked, his mouth full of beef, "What?"

"Yeah, he creates chi energy instead of old-fashioned magic like the rest of us. He blew up a boggart today in class after beating the shit out of it," Duo answered, taking a huge swig of pumpkin juice to rinse the taste of flavorless beef from his mouth.

Fred asked, "What the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"Chi or Ki, one Chinese and one Japanese, but they basically mean the same thing; life energy. Trunks gathers his and can shoot it like a blast of energy," Duo answered, remembering some of Wufei's rants on spirituality, "And assuming by the stance that Trunks used before he beat the shit out of the boggart, I'm saying it's a combination of a Japanese and a Chinese fighting style with something else that I've never seen."

George took a drink and smirked at Hermione. He teased, "And you're usually the one with all of the answers around here."

Hermione blushed and Duo shrugged and said, "Like I said, I have a friend who's Japanese."

Fred shrugged and asked, "So, how was DADA?"

"Interesting. Professor Pluto is informative and not boring. She has an usual style of teaching though," Hermione answered between bites.

George asked, "Is Pluto as much of a stunner as we heard?"

Ron's mouth dropped open as he murmured something incoherent and Harry blushed slightly. Duo smirked and said, "Yeah, she's a hottie."

Fred and George gave one of those mind-reading looks that only twins could accomplish, and Duo was really sure that the thought was very dirty. Fred asked, "Hey, Harry, you usually have at least something to say about the DADA teacher. So, why so quiet?"

"Thinking. Something doesn't seem right," Harry answered and Duo suddenly knew that he had another Heero Type on his hands, except Harry wasn't emotionally constipated. Still, Duo knew that Harry had reason to be alert. He would have made a damned fine Gundam Pilot, Duo thought wistfully, wishing that he could at least let one of the others know where he was at.

Suddenly, Duo felt someone watching him. He looked up to see a pair of keen, intense blue eyes watching them from under strands of lavender hair. Trunks watched them with a frightening intensity in his gaze, enough to make Ron clinch, Hermione back away slightly, and Harry glare. Duo smiled and waved.

"You certainly have a pair, don't you?" Fred whispered in a slightly awed voice.

The expression melted off of Trunks face as he started to laugh. Duo chuckled as well as Trunks stood up and walked over to him. Duo said, "I'm telling them about channeling Ki. Sort of."

Trunks smirked and replied, "Good luck."

"Exactly," Duo chuckled as Trunks walked away, his laughter echoing throughout the great hall.

Fred suddenly said, "I wonder if he'd be any good at Quidditch."

"Yeah, I was sort of wondering about that. What about the teams? Wood, and Katie graduated while Alicia says she doesn't want to be on the team this year," Harry asked.

Duo wanted to fly. He felt at home in the air, piloting anything be it a Gundam, a shuttle, or even a broomstick. He had his new Nimbus 2002, not as good as Harry's Firebolt, but pretty damn good. He figured that he would make a good Chaser or Beater, but he wanted to try his hand at being the Seeker, but he had heard that Harry was the best Seeker that Hogwarts had in years.

George shrugged and said, "We're having Tryouts next Tuesday after classes. You're already Seeker, Harry, so don't worry about that. We just need two more Chasers and a Keeper."

"What about a Captain?" Harry asked.

George and Fred said at the exact same time, "I am."

Ron chuckled, "You both can't be captains."

"Well, McGonagall is going to choose the new captain Tuesday and she's going to choose me," Fred proclaimed, sticking his chest out.

George shoved him and snapped, "The devil she will. She'll pick me."

Duo chuckled as he gathered up his books. He said, "Well, I'm going to head to the library for a few minutes before Charms. See ya later." He started to walk out of the Great Hall to see Malfoy talking to a very attentive Hotaru.

Duo stopped in his tracks and watched as Malfoy chatted while Hotaru's white flesh was tinted pink. He ducked behind a suit of armor as Hotaru's charming laugh drifted back to him. He peeked to hear Hotaru say, "Thank you. I'll see you in Potions tomorrow morning."

"No, thank you, Hotaru. I'll save you a seat," Malfoy said with a tiny bow as they walked away.

Duo stood there, his fists clinched in anger. He emerged from the suit of armor and Malfoy gave him a cunning smile. He asked, "So, did you hear anything interesting, Maxwell?"

Duo did his best impression of the Heero Yuy Death Glaretm before settling on the Manic God of Death Glare. The one that made enemy pilots wonder about their foe, the one that sent men to their graves all on the laughter of the Shinigami. The glare that made people like Quatre and Hilde wonder about his sanity.

Duo didn't claim that he was sane or that he was insane for that matter.

He figured that he was doing pretty well for all of the shit he'd been through in his short life. Hell, all of the Gundam pilots were slightly insane. At least he didn't start off conversations with, "I will kill you."

Malfoy's cold grey eyes sparkled as he leaned close. He asked, "Jealous?"

Duo ignored that, shoved him slightly, and started to walk to the library. Malfoy's laughter followed him as he walked. Peeves hovered by and his ghostly eyes widened as he saw Duo.

Duo smirked and whispered, "Go do something nasty to that blond asshole."

Peeves smiled and laughed wildly as he floated down the hall. Duo paused a few moments before Malfoy's voice shouted, "Damn you, Peeves!"

"Mally Malfoy! Dark Lord's Student! Mally Malfoy, Potter always follys! Mally Little Malfoy!" Peeves teased as Duo smiled to himself.

Duo felt another ghost appear and thought it was going to be Nearly Headless Nick. Most of the ghosts avoided him for the most part. He also knew that they did his bidding if he asked. He felt the power spark in his veins as a ghost approached and most strayed from him due to this.

Duo turned and instead of Nearly Headless Nick, he was faced with something that looked like a cross between Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and one of the Ring Wraiths from The Lord of the Rings covered in a silver substance that looked like blood. Duo had heard things about the frightening Bloody Baron of Slytherin and knew another killer when he saw one. Duo crossed his arms and glared.

"So, you're the one that has every ghost in a flurry," the ghost stated in a rich, cultivated Sean Connery in an English accent type of voice. Duo smirked to himself. He had definitely gotten into 21st century culture while he had been here.

Duo smirked and replied, "And you're the infamous Bloody Baron."

"And you're not afraid," the ghost made it a spirit and not a question.

Duo smirked and replied, "Few things frighten me."

"You should be cautious," the ghost warned, crossing it's transparent arms.

Duo nodded and answered, "I'm getting that a lot here. Let me guess, Voldemort?"

"Yes, rumor has it that the Dark Lord is gathering dark forces the likes none have seen before to search for the Scythe Barer," the Baron explained as he studied Duo, "That it is one of the new students. Power clings to all of you as a frightening, almost touchable thing, but you . . . You're different."

Duo retorted, "Everyone tells me that. Now, excuse me, I wanna get to the library." The ghost moved out of Duo's way. Duo didn't even give it a second glance as he head for the library.

Still, he was giving his words a second thought.


It felt good to be on a broomstick again, the wind at his face, whipping back his hair as he flew. Harry whooped to let out some of the tension that had been building. He looped in the air, enjoying the weightless feel in the pit of his stomach.

"Watch it, Harry," a familiar, teasing voice called to him as a flash of black and blue passed him and stopped in front of him. Cho smiled her pretty smile and tossed her raven hair from her face.

Harry was speechless. He knew that she would be here. Anyone with any talent on a broom was practicing for Quidditch tryouts. Still, he hadn't expected her to come up and talk to him like this. She edged closer to him with a warm smile. She asked, "Do you want to race?"

Harry nodded mutely, licking his lips. She chuckled and positioned her broom so it was even with his. She said, "On your mark. Get set . . . GO!" She took off like a rocket. Harry stooped lower on his boom and sped after her, smiling as he did.


Duo watched with a smile as the pretty Asian girl teased Harry, causing him to quiet up and blush right before she challenged him to a race. He watched as the two flew around on their brooms, laughing and playing all the while. Duo thought about cheering Harry on, but he knew that would quickly embarrass the other boy so he only mounted his broom.

Until he saw a flash of red speed past him, climbing up the castle wall and pulling down. Duo cursed, "Who the hell was that?"

"Ginny," Fred answered, pulling his broom beside Duo, "She's a natural on the broom."

George grinned and added, "We've talked her into trying for Quidditch this year."

"Really, cool," Duo added as the red head flew gracefully.

Duo mounted his broom and took to the air. He used the wind current to send him into a spin right before he pulled down to zoom across the ground. He made quick, controlled turns as the wind whipped at his face and braid.

He slowed to see Harry and the girl talking again. Then he noticed the bright red head in the distance as Ginny watched. Duo guided his broom so that he could fly to Ginny and buzz Harry in the process.

He almost touched the other flyer as he passed, chuckling evilly as he did. Harry shouted at him and Duo grinned. He slowed to a stop in front of Ginny and watched the sad look on her face. Duo knew the look of a broken heart when he saw one and gently reached out and touched the small girl's shoulder.

She whirled around to him, her brown eyes wide in her adorable face. She asked, "Duo, what are you doing here?"

"You seem kinda bummed. What's up?" Duo asked, resting on his broom. He looked down to see Trunks on a broom of all things, catching whizzing Quaffles and throwing them with amazing speed. He saw a green robed Malfoy curse as he avoided one of Trunks' rapid throws.

Ginny gave him a dazzling smile, but Duo saw right past it. She answered, "Don't worry about it, Duo."

Duo shrugged and replied, "Whatever then."

"Wanna race me to the castle?" she asked mischievously, her eyes sparkling.

Duo smirked and replied, "Love to. Now, on your mark . . ."

"Get set," she chanted.

"GO!" they shouted as they took off.

Duo grinned as he leaned into it, using both his body and the wind to speed the broom up. Ginny was doing the same, her long red hair flying behind her. They were neck and neck and Duo smiled at her. Ginny gave him a challenging grin before she edged closer to him, throwing him off course so they wouldn't crash into each other.

"So, you wanna play it that way, huna?" Duo taunted as he swerved into her. They crashed and Ginny squealed as they straitened their brooms. They stopped, hovering in mid air as Duo laughed.

"You horrid, horrid, git!" Ginny squeaked as she hit his arm repeatedly.

Duo laughed as he caught her fist, "Easy there, Red, don't wanna go tipping off your broomstick."

"Maxwell, what the bloody hell do you think you're doing with my sister!" Fred roared as he stopped beside him.

George was at his side asking, "Ginny, did he hurt you?"

Fred cracked his knuckles and threatened, "If you hurt our sister in anyway, Maxwell . . ."

"He didn't hurt me. It was my fault, really," she explained, flushing crimson.

Duo pointed and let her fist go. He added, "Yeah, she started it."

Fred cast a nasty glare at Duo as he asked, "Are you sure, Ginny?"

Ginny nodded and George growled, "Still, if you hurt our baby sister Duo . . ."

"Yeah, you'll rip out my spleen and use it as a Quaffle," Duo finished, waving his hand dismissively.

Fred and George burst up laughing and Fred clasped Duo's shoulder. Fred asked, "Did you know that you're an odd one, Duo?"

"Get it all the time," Duo replied with a smile.

George stated, "You're all right Duo. Plus, your flying's amazing. Try out for Quidditch. We could use a player like you." Then he sped away, with his clone following.

Duo smirked at Ginny and said, "I'd feel sorry for any boy who tries to date you with those two running around."

"Oh, Ron's just as bad, and don't forget the fact I have three other older brothers," Ginny confessed with a giggle, "But then again, I don't have a boy looking at me so I'm safe."

Duo lifted an eyebrow and asked, "Why not?"

"Why would they?" Ginny replied, looking down self-consciously.

Duo sighed and shook his head. He patted her shoulder good-naturedly as he said, "Come on, lets go buzz Harry again."

"I'd rather buzz that trollop Chang," retorted Ginny.

Duo lifted an eyebrow and teased, "Sounds like Ginny has a grudge."

"Last year her boyfriend Cedric died and now she's all over Harry," she bitterly replied, her pretty face marred by her scowl.

Duo gasped, "Ahhah."

"Ahaha what?" Ginny asked, looking at him.

Duo looked down at Cho and Harry. Sure, Cho was pretty and good on a broom, but there was something lacking. Something that Ginny, Hermione, and Hotaru had. Warmth. Courage. Fire. Steel in their spines. The things that made them Gryffindors while Cho was a Ravenclaw.

Duo snorted, "He could do better."

"Of course he could. He's Harry Potter after all," Ginny flippantly replied, but Duo could see right through her.

"What, given up on Hotaru and going for a girl more suited to your station?" Malfoy's sneering voice replied behind them.

Duo spun his broom around and gave a nasty smile. Ginny crossed her arms and glared. It seemed like no one except other Slytherins could stand Malfoy. Surprise, surprise.

Duo taunted, "Liked your visit with Peeves today, Mally Malfoy?"

Malfoy's eyes hardened as he glared at Duo. He sneered, "How did you find out about that?"

"I have my ways," Duo replied, studying his fingernails with a smile.

Malfoy fixed his eyes on Ginny. He sneered, "You'd be as good going after this American as Potter, Ginny, they're both out of your league and are too busy noticing other women that are more appealing."

Ginny snapped, "Shove it, Malfoy." Then, suddenly, she had her wand in her hands as she grinned impishly. "Petificus Totalus!" she chanted as Malfoy became stiff and fell flat on his broom. The broom started to speed toward the ground right as Ginny waved her wand and giggled. Malfoy became pliant and living again, managing to save his broom from crashing into the ground.

"Damn you, Weasley! You and your wretched family! You'll go down for this. I swear it!" he raged at her, his pale face pink with anger.

Duo laughed and gave her a high five. He said, "That was pretty good."

"You know my brothers," Ginny replied with a shrug. She smiled as she spun her broom into action, shouting, "Catch me if you can, Duo!"

"Oh, you got it, Red!" Duo shouted back, laughing as he flew after her.

Author notes: [center][b]To Be Continued! [b][/center]

There was a reason why I wrote Ringtail instead of Wormtail. Remember, most of this story is from Duo's POV. Originally, I was going to write it mainly from Harry's, but as always, Duo took over.

Oh, I'm building a web site, sort of, and I would love to have fan art. Please!

And no, this isn't going to be Duo/Ginny. So don't worry about it.

As to how I'm writing Ginny, well, with Fred and George as her older brothers, I'd think as she got older she'd be more spirited. Plus, she's a redhead and redheads have a temper.