Harry and Hermione Start their Sixth Year


Story Summary:
What happens when two close friends discover they are in love in a time of attacks? Covers late July to early September. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Chapter 09

Author's Note:
The First Night of Term

Chapter IX

Sunday, September 1, 1996

Harry spent the afternoon exploring the collapsed tunnel behind a mirror on the fourth floor between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw towers. All he knew about it was that the Weasley twins had told him it had collapsed.

The mirror opened onto a landing that extended about twenty feet before going down a set of stairs. Ignoring various landings for the moment, Harry climbed well down below ground level. The collapsed area was a good half mile towards Hogsmeade. As best Harry could tell, it was a solid cave-in. He decided to ask George or Fred to check it out from the other end.

There were no exits or doors on the second or third floors, or on the ground or dungeon levels. On the first floor, however, Harry discovered a long abandoned set of rooms through a secret panel off the landing. Checking the map, Harry realized he was near the little-used theater; in fact, the rooms were under and behind the seats. The rooms consisted of a classroom, an office, and a lavatory, although the water was turned off.

Harry used a few of the household charms Luna had taught them that summer and sat in the chair behind the desk in the office once it was cleaned up a bit. He considered, and pulled out a little bell and rang it.

"Master Harry?"

Harry had found Dobby much more pleasant to be around, once they were thrown together that summer. Dobby had tentatively offered his services to Harry once Harry had left school, and Harry had accepted. Dobby had given Harry a bell to use to call him, and begged to be of any service during the year as well. Hermione, to her great surprise, had been offered the same deal by Winky, and had accepted it. They were currently in negotiations over pay. Harry had convinced them both that Winky could wear anything she wanted, even her preferred pillow case.

"Sorry to bother you, Dobby; I know you're all busy getting the feast ready."

Dobby almost swooned, so pleased he was that Harry would think of him and his busy life.

"Do you know where we are?"

"An abandoned place, Master Harry."

"I think I will need a private place, Dobby, a place I can go to be alone."

"And to be with Miss Herminny?" Dobby suggested.

Harry sighed. "Yes, Dobby. And for her to have a private place to study. Anyway, I know I can trust you to keep my secret, right?"

"Yes, sir!" Dobby hesitated. "If Headmaster asks, Dobby would have to tell."

"Dumbledore and Hermione, no one else!" He thought a moment, and added, "Except Winky, if you need to."

"Yes, Master Harry!"

"Do you think the water and drains in the lavatory can be reconnected?"

"Yes, Master Harry!"

"Can you do it?"

"Yes, Master Harry."

"It obviously doesn't have to be done today, but I need the water and drains connected, the fireplace cleared if necessary, the classroom cleared, and the rooms cleaned. A sofa or something we can rest on, some stuffed chairs, and some lamps for this room, lamps and a library table for the classroom. Whatever else you think useful."

"When would Master Harry need this finished?" Dobby asked.

"Certainly not before Friday afternoon," Harry answered. "Don't neglect your other work, or over-work yourself. Okay?"

"Yes, Master Harry."

"Thank you, Dobby."

Dobby smiled, then hesitated. "May Dobby ask Winky to help?"

"If Winky can keep it secret until I show Hermione."

"Winky can keep it secret unless asked a direct question." Dobby hesitated, then said, "House elves very good at not being asked direct questions."

"Fine, do what you think best."

Dobby smiled again and disappeared.

Harry looked at his watch and hustled off. He was to meet Dumbledore to look over the area of the dungeons where the DA would meet that year and where a gym was being set up.

"What the matter, Harry?" Dean asked as Harry paced up and down their room later that evening.

"Just worried about Hermione," he admitted.

"For any particular reason?"

Harry just said one word. "Malfoy."


"Malfoy will look for me to insult me, as usual. Remember, we hexed him at the end of the last two years; I'm just worried he and his goons might catch Hermione alone."

"We'll know soon enough. I'd be more worried about him catching Ron than catching Hermione."

"Good point."

Harry paced some more.

"Harry, this term is going to be . . . rough, isn't it?"

"Let's see, Voldemort and the Death Eaters will likely attack more of our friends' families, if not us; all the homophobes, and some of the secret homosexuals who want to avoid being identified, will be attacking Colin at the least; the Pure-Bloods will be after Colin as a werewolf; Malfoy and his group will be after all of us; and God only knows what kind of Defense teacher we'll have. Add in Fudge, the different werewolf people at the Ministry, the publicity Colin will get as my foster brother, and having a bloody dance once a month. . . ."

"So, pretty much things as usual, huh?"

Harry smiled, then asked, "Do Seamus or Neville . . . know?"

"That I'm gay? Seamus does. He thinks it's a bit odd, but basically he figures the less competition the better."

"When will Seamus learn leering doesn't get girls?"

"Or boys." Dean shrugged with a smile. "I hope Neville doesn't take it too badly."

"He's more likely to be upset Ginny is dating Luna," Harry answered. He frowned. "I know I'm oblivious, but ARE there any other openly gay couples here?"

"Not in Gryffindor, although Lee and Oliver were both in the closet, not that they were together that I know of. Katie is sort of out of the closet with Su Li over in Ravenclaw, but they don't parade it. Bulstrode and Greengrass over in Slytherin, and Kevin Entwistle and Stephen Cornfoot in Ravenclaw, aren't exactly out, but everyone probably knows about them, except you. There are a few others, but not couples." He sighed. "Colin and I probably won't parade it, either, unless we have to to back up Ginny and Luna."


Dean shrugged. "I don't think he cares who or what he screws. Barring a person, he'd probably grease up a knothole or a kneazle."

Harry shuddered at the image.

"Why don't you wear out the floor somewhere else?" Dean suggested. Harry took him up on the idea.

Harry was just wandering around the castle. He suddenly heard a sharp, soft intake of a breath, and partially turned, his wand out, as the person commanded, "Legilimens!"

Harry's mind grabbed the intruding thought, and mentally held it in a vise-like grip with his mind. Then he squeezed.

He squeezed until Snape cried out in agony.

Only then did Harry fully turn around.

Snape had partially collapsed on the floor, and was leaning against the corridor wall. "Oh, it's you, Professor Snape," Harry said with faux concern and a nearly-sneering politeness. He dropped the connection, and Snape fell to his hands and knees. "May I assist you to stand?"

"No," Snape said, keeping his eyes on Harry. "No, that will NOT be necessary." He managed to stand on his own. "Well done. I see the Headmaster . . . was if anything under-reporting your progress." Snape cleared his throat. He looked at Harry, as if uncertain how to proceed. Finally, he said, "May I presume you wish the Wolfsbane potion made for . . . your brother, come October?"

Harry remembered it was deemed safe for a werewolf to take the potion for their third transformation and thereafter. "Yes, please. That would be . . . very helpful of you."

"The temporary headmistress started an audit, which might be restarted at any time," Snape said. "There are certain . . . expensive ingredients which we were barely able to account for. Now that everything must be nearly doubled. . . ."

"How much?" Harry asked bluntly. Apparently, everyone now knew he was wealthy and wanted to help him spend it.

"A hundred and sixty-five Galleons would take care of a three year supply," Snape answered.

"Cheque or private transfer?" Harry asked. "I don't think I could easily get to Gringotts to get cash."

"Since you are not going to be my student this year, and thank you for that, by the way, any method would be acceptable."

"Shall I make it an even two hundred, for other supplies and such?" Harry asked.

Snape flushed slightly. "Thank you; any donation to the programs would be welcome."

Snape started to turn, but was halted by Harry's voice. "May I ask you something, Professor?"


"Some questions on wizarding behavior. Not having had the advantage of being raised by my parents or godfather, I have some questions best answered by an adult male Pure-blood wizard, one not as . . . forgiving as the Headmaster or Remus Lupin."

That caught Snape's attention. 'Amazing how like his father the Boy can be,' Snape thought, but his inner honesty finally made him add, 'The difference is, this is the Boy at nearly his most insolent, while this was his father at nearly his most polite.' "Yes?" was all he said, however.

"Once we leave school, is it true that I could walk up to Malfoy, for example, challenge him to a dual, and even if he refuses, I may hex him?"

"Within limits, yes." Snape hesitated, then said, "and if he accepts, and if you both sign off on it, with proper seconds and a judge, it may even legally be . . . to the death."

"I see. And while it's generally seen that one should fight their own battles, isn't also generally agreed that some wizards may exercise a right of protection over those who are his responsibility?"

"While a wizard may protect anyone weak, an escalated response is only justified if the person under attack has been publically placed under the wizard's protection, and that right acknowledged. So, for example, you could not make that statement in regards to Miss Granger at this time. And, to give you a word of advice, I wouldn't suggest you do so in regards to Miss Weasley or Miss Lovegood, either, at least not without consulting them."

"Thank you. And would that public statement really need to be made in regards to Colin being attacked by older students, or by ANYONE with silver?" Harry asked.

Snape looked Harry in the eye, and was a bit surprised by what he thought he saw. "Perhaps I might make such an announcement for you, to certain . . . individuals?"

"I would appreciate it that very much," Harry said sincerely. "And. . . ?"

"And I shall make certain Mister Cr . . . Potter does not have to handle silver in class."

"Thank you, Professor Snape. I really do appreciate that." Harry was obviously sincerely grateful, which surprised Snape a little.

"I will need that bank draft by a week from tomorrow," Snape reminded Harry.

"Yes, sir. That will take care of both Colin and Remus?"

"Yes, it will. Your brother's case will be more difficult; he's a much smaller . . . person than Lupin, and we will likely have to try several minor variations before we hit on the best formula."

Harry smiled. "I have every confidence you will solve any problems, Professor."

Snape sketched a bow, and hurried away. For five full years, he had despised Harry Potter, and had done so because of his hatred of James and the Boy's own traits.

He had just seen Lily's sense of justice and compassion, linked with James' nobility complex, and had, for the first time, gotten a sense of a power he had only seen in Dumbledore and the Dark Lord.

He was very grateful the Boy was NOT in his class this year.

"Any problems on the train?" Harry finally managed to softly ask Ron as yet another student was sorted into a different House.

"Malfoy and his enlarged posse tried, but two aurors showed up right before Neville hexed them."


Neville leaned across the table. "It's my new wand, Harry! Oak and dragon heart-string. Mister Ollivander said more than half my problems were from using the wrong wand!"

Harry grinned. "Great! We can use you in the DA this year!"

Hermione turned her attention back to Ron and Harry. "That's the last! Nine; not a bad haul for us this year."

"How many in Slytherin?" Harry asked.

"Just seven, and all old Slytherin families," Lavender contributed. "And did you see Malfoy's cousin? He looks like a weak and stupid version of Draco."

"We shouldn't judge just by appearances," Hermione stated firmly, but then admitted, "He didn't look very promising though, did he?"

"Are you FINALLY going to tell us who the ring was from?" Parvati demanded. She and Lavender had both been certain at first it had been from Ron, until their distance, and the obvious expense of the ring, ended the idea. Lavender was betting on Krum, Parvati had been undecided.

Harry leaned over and quickly kissed Hermione's temple. Lavender and Parvati looked stunned. "Harry!" Hermione whispered, "NOT in public!"

"Oh," Dean said to the shocked students around them, "there are more surprises than that!"

"WELCOME, TO ANOTHER YEAR AT HOGWARTS!" Dumbledore boomed, quieting the room. "As most of you are aware, attacks from the sources of Darkness have been frequent this summer. We have lost several students, and several more families of students. Therefore, let me state this firmly -- THERE SHALL BE NO MORE TOLERANCE GIVEN TO THOSE WHO ACT IN LORD VOLDEMORT'S INTERESTS!" There was no doubt the group Dumbledore was directly addressing.

"To make certain you all understand what this means, the Heads of Houses will be meeting with their students directly after the Feast. A memorial service will be held late Tuesday afternoon, just before dinner, for those who were lost this summer. Pursuant to that, I am certain you all know most of the Creevy family was killed in one of those attacks, including Denis Creevy, who would have been a Third year tonight, and his sister, Nicole, who would have been a First year. Fortunately Colin, a Fifth year, is with us; however he is no longer Colin Creevy. Harry Potter has invoked one of the ancient rites and enrolled Colin into his Clan, Family, and House, and is now Colin Potter."

Colin, who was tearing up at the thoughts of his family, was not called upon to stand. Harry had been staring at Malfoy the entire time. He had been actually gloating up until the announcement of Colin's new status. That got the entire Slytherin group talking, and Malfoy gave Harry a puzzled glance.

"On happier notes, at the request of a number of students from all four Houses, we will be having a monthly informal dance once a month this term. If these are successful, we shall continue the custom."

This gathered some applause, especially from the girls.

"We have two new members of the staff to introduce. Doctor Tyler Powell will be our new Muggle Studies professor." A youngish, muscular-looking man stood. "Mister Timothy Law is our new Defense teacher." A paunchy late middle-aged wizard of average height and piercing blue eyes also stood, to the light applause both garnered. Both men looked similar right down to their mustaches, although Law's hair was 'salt and pepper'. "Professor Law is a retired hit-wizard for the International." The room went dead silent. Aurors were the law enforcers, but hit-wizards were a small group who, in the Muggle phrase, were 'licenced to kill.' Somehow, he didn't look as jolly as he had a few moments before.

"In addition, Professor Remus Lupin is rejoining us as a security consultant. Now, as most of you know, Professor Lupin is a werewolf. . . ." There was a slight stir at that, especially from the younger students.

"The infection may only be passed on by the afflicted person in their wolf form; that is, during those short hours from when the moon hits total fullness until the moon sets that night. A human bite will not spread the infection, although for forty-eight hours before the full moon and for twenty-four hours after the full moon sets, a human bite will result in a mild fever. Voldemort used dark werewolves to destroy the Creevy family. Mister Colin Potter was bitten in the attack." The noise level rose for a few seconds, but Dumbledore spoke over it. "Both Mister Potter and Professor Lupin will be taking the Wolfsbane potion. So again, there is no need to be alarmed. You are all fully safe."

Dumbledore took a great breath of relief. "Let the Feast begin!"

"What?" Dean demanded to the rest of the table a few minutes later. "Stop staring at Colin!"

"Dean, calm down," Ginny said. She turned to the first years under her charge. "I spent the last month with Colin and some of my other friends. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Alright?"

"Eventful summer, I take it?" Lavender asked Hermione.


"We'll talk about some of it when we get the Firsties and Seconds off to bed," Harry said. He looked up the table at the Seventh years. Katie Bell, the Head girl, nodded.

McGonagall had lectured the entire House on proper behavior for ten minutes, then another ten on how to try and avoid trouble, and then sent the first two years off to bed after making the Quidditch announcements. She had then lectured the remaining students for five minutes on setting a good example.

Katie took over the meeting as the Professor left. "Anyone have anything to say before I start?" she demanded.

Colin stood up. "This has been a very . . . difficult summer for me. I lost most of my life this summer. I thought I would be coming back with a dark secret, but instead, I've decided to be totally honest with all of you. I hope . . . I hope even if some of you hate what I am, that you can tolerate me being here."

One of the Fifth year boys stood. "You all know me by sight. If you don't know me by name, I'm William Lloyd." Harry was a bit worried, as he was by far the loudest pro-Pure-Blood in Gryffindor. "You all know my background, as I've been told I've spouted off about it too often!" That brought a few titters.

"Colin, I'm sorry for everything that happened to you this summer. To you and your family. I don't hold it against you, mate."

William started to put his hand out, but Colin stopped him. "Before you shake my hand, you should know . . . I'm gay."

Dean stood up and walked over to just behind Colin, and put his hands on Colin's shoulders. "And I'm his boyfriend."

"About time you got out of the bloody closet," Seamus said. "Well done."

William stared at the pair for several seconds, then burst out laughing. In seconds, he was actually on the floor.

"What's so amusing?" Hermione demanded.

"My parents. . . ." William managed to get out. "Mother was a Slytherin; Father, a Ravenclaw. . . . Both hate Muggles . . . and 'deviants.'. . . And my best friend is a gay Muggle-born werewolf, dating a Muggle-born black! . . . They'll have fits when my sis writes 'em!"

"If anyone has a problem with either issue, I ask you keep it to keep it to yourselves," Harry said with quiet authority. Every eye went to him. "The Dark Lord is after me. That makes all of you targets to some degree. I'm sorry; it's not by my choice, I assure you. I would like to think none of you would side with the Death Eaters, but. . . ." He trailed off, not totally certain how to go on.

"So, when's the first meeting of the DA?" Parvati asked. There were sounds of agreement.

"Are you certain you want to keep it up?" Harry asked.

"Listen, Harry," Lavender told him, "I'm not the bravest person around. I still don't know why I was put in Gryffindor rather than Hufflepuff like most of my family. But I do know one thing. The Dark Lord threatens us all. The only way we have a good chance of getting out of this, if it lasts much longer, is by sticking together. You know how to fight; you know how to survive. I intend to do both. Teach me, and I'll follow you."

"I've known you for over five years now, Harry," Parvati said. "You're a lousy date, but you are the one person I trust to lead me. I'm with you."

The entire group of students agreed with Parvati and Lavender. In short order, Harry had them seated to listen. He told them the inside story of his first year, and then he and Ginny told them about the Chamber of Secrets. Harry went on to tell them a shortened version of Sirius and Wormtail, and a slightly fuller version of the Third Task and the Battle at the Ministry. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Neville added their perspectives as well.

Then Harry told them the Prophecy. Everyone was quiet as they contemplated what Harry faced. "Well," Harry said when he was finished, "what do you all say now?"

Lavender stood up, tears running down her cheeks, walked over to Harry, and to his shock, kissed him. "Thank you, Harry," she said. "I wouldn't want my worst enemy to have a burden like that. I promise, I will help you carry that burden." She turned to Hermione. "I'll help you help him, too."

Parvati hugged Hermione and agreed.

As silence went over the group, Margery Cadfael, a very small, very shy Third year came out from her usual dark corner. She never spoke unless spoken to. The general consensus had always been she should have been in Ravenclaw, as most of her family had been since the founding of the school, or Slytherin, for her family was even older than Lloyd's, predating the druids.

"Harry?" she said in a soft, high voice.


"You won't give in, to Him, I mean, will you?"

"No, I won't," Harry promised.

"Then I swear my allegiance to Harry Potter." She looked around. "Either we stand up to evil, or we deserve what happens to us. We know there are people here, especially in Slytherin, who will support the Dark Lord. I say, we support Harry!"

The cheering nearly woke up the younger students.