Harry and Hermione Start their Sixth Year


Story Summary:
What happens when two close friends discover they are in love in a time of attacks? Covers late July to early September. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Chapter 08

Author's Note:
Return to Hogwarts

Chapter VIII

Saturday, August 31, 1996

In the end, the teens left the valley in the late afternoon on August 31. Knowing they would soon be leaving, Harry screwed up his courage shortly after lunch, asking to talk with Hermione in private.

Hermione looked puzzled. Over the previous weeks, they had become both a comfortable and passionate couple. The intense feelings they had felt during their first kiss had not abated in any way. They had, instead, deepened. At the same time, they had learned how to control those passions and keep them quiet until appropriate times.

"I know we're only sixteen, well, I am and you will be soon," Harry said as Hermione sat in her reading chair. Hermione's birthday would be September 19. "Anyway, I was wondering if you would honor me by wearing this." Harry knelt by her side and handed Hermione a small box.

Hermione's chocolate eyes went very wide at the sight of the box. "Harry . . . " she said softly, "this isn't . . . an engagement ring, is it?"

"No," Harry said with a smile. "It's more of a promise ring."

After a slight sigh of relief, Hermione gently if warily opened the box, and her breath fled. It was a mid-sized blue star sapphire, set in a slightly delicate red Welsh gold setting. "Harry . . . it's beautiful." She pulled it out, admired her birthstone, hesitated, and handed it to Harry with her right hand, and then held it out.

Harry took Hermione's small hand, and looked at it. "You have beautiful hands."

Hermione snorted. "I don't take care of them at all."

"I didn't say you had nicely varnished nails," Harry retorted, "I said you have beautiful hands, and fingers for that matter." Harry slipped the ring on her finger and gently kissed her hand and palm.

"Harry, tell me, is there ANY part of my body you don't think is beautiful?" Hermione teased, as her left hand caressed his cheek.

Harry considered. "Your elbows are too sharp; they really hurt!"

Hermione snorted and shook her head.

"Why don't you take care of you skin and nails, like most of the other girls? Even Ginny and Luna do to some extent. Are you against the idea, or can't you just be bothered?" Harry asked. Hermione hadn't even bother shaving her legs or underarms until that summer, when she had allowed Ginny to totally depilate her. "Obviously, it doesn't bother me," Harry added, "I'm just curious."

Hermione shrugged. "I just never had the time or inclination." She looked at her hands, seeing first the ragged nails, rough skin, and ink spots. Then she saw their shape, and saw them almost through Harry's eyes. It was time to smarten up her act, she decided, at least a little.

When they arrived at Hogwarts, it was late at night. The students retired to their usual rooms with a sleep draught. When they woke up in the morning, they would be fully adjusted back to their usual time zone.

Just before they turned in, Harry turned to Dean. "We're stuck here, but if you want to be with Colin, I won't tell."

Dean looked at Ron. "Go on, you lucky bastard," Ron growled. "It'll even be harder for you than it will be for us after tonight."

Dean smiled a little. "Thanks for being so understanding about all this."

"Cheers!" Ron said, holding up his vial after Dean left.

"Chin-chin," Harry agreed.

Hermione was in the girls' shower room the next morning, having woken up in time to run with Harry. Ginny walked in, and stared at her best friend. "Wow!" Ginny said.

"What?" Hermione demanded.

"You are looking . . . magnificent," Ginny admired. She hadn't seen Hermione nude since the second full day at the cabin. "You must have put on a good ten pounds of muscle in just one month." Hermione was as wasp-waisted as usual, but had added muscle to her legs, shoulders, and arms.

"About six, actually," Hermione admitted, wrapping a towel around herself.

"Are you going to let me keep you all nice and hairless?" Ginny asked.

"Of course," Hermione answered. "And I might even join in on Saturdays." Saturday mornings most of the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw girls, and many of the Hufflepuffs and even some of the Slytherins, came together for a morning of beauty treatments. Lavender and Parvati went every Saturday, while Ginny was known to go about once a month.


"Really," Hermione acknowledged. "How about you and Luna?"

"Luna never went, but it's time to start getting her accepted into the main stream." Both girls had been appalled when Harry had told them of the Ravenclaw treatment of Luna.

Ginny watched her friend take her ring off a gold chain and place it on her finger. "That is a gorgeous ring. I'm surprised Harry picked it."

"He has surprisingly good natural taste," Hermione admitted.

"If there's nothing else going on today, maybe I can give you and Luna manicures and pedicures," Ginny commented.

"I never thought you'd be interested in giving, or receiving, any of that . . . stuff."

Ginny shrugged. "To tell the truth, I don't care about them any more than you do, but it's fun to be pampered and actually even more fun to do." She grinned. "We can always ask Colin if I need help. I bet he'd love to help."

"He was never very macho, but he's really let his feminine side out a bit this summer," Hermione agreed.

Harry was waiting for them in the Common Room. Ron had already gone off to breakfast, while Colin and Dean had not been interested in getting out of bed yet. The students all ate at the Gryffindor table. There was a small pile of mail waiting for all of them, having built up all month. Colin and Dean finally wandered in just as the others were starting in on their mail.

After breakfast, Dumbledore came over to speak with them.

"A number of students sent me a petition this summer," Dumbledore said after his greetings. "They pointed out that they had few chances of meeting members of the other Houses. We will therefore be holding monthly dances once a month on Saturday evenings. The notices went out early last month. Full dress robes are not required; but we are encouraging more than workrobes or the House blazers."

"Something more like good everyday robes or business robes, then?" Henrietta asked.

"Exactly. Representatives from Hogsmeade will be here at Nine. If there are any other things you feel you need, please order it from them as well." He turned to Hermione, Ginny, and Ron. "Would you three be willing to portkey to London at Ten? It would help if you were to take the Hogwarts Express."

"Of course, sir," Hermione answered, happy to do her duty. Ron agreed with a bit less enthusiasm. Ginny's reaction was midway between them.

"Come along, then, Harry. The rest of you may join us when the Hogsmeade people arrive."

As Harry walked with Dumbledore towards the small room where the Tri-Wizard champions had received their instructions, the Headmaster spoke softly to Harry. "I hate to bring this up, but Arthur Weasley has been suspended by Cornelius Fudge. An appeal is in the process. In addition, there is the matter for the school fees for the Weasleys, and for Mister Thomas and your brother."

"And Ron and Ginny also need more supplies, don't they? I'd be glad to take care of them, Colin, and Dean," Harry answered.

"Good. Thank you Harry."

"Why was Mister Weasley suspended? I thought Fudge was being more cooperative?"

"Arthur seems to have been too zealous in supporting programs more pro-active than the Minister is comfortable with. He does not dare discipline the aurors or Madam Bones or myself. Arthur should have been proclaimed a hero, along with the rest of his family. Instead, it has been glossed over. There were three people seen as possible successors to Fudge: Madam Bones; Amos Diggory; and Arthur as the outside possibility. Arthur was the first Fudge struck at."

"So it's still just politics, not what's best for everyone?"

"At it's most simple, yes."

Harry didn't dare say anything more as they entered the room. Harry recognized Doris Crockford and Dedalus Diggle. Harry then saw the third of the four people was the barkeep of the Hog's Head. "My brother, Aberforth," Dumbledore said, "although I hope you shall keep that quiet. And this is Henry Lovegood."

Harry shook hands with both, and started signing documents as Mr. Diggle, who had trained as both a Muggle solicitor and wizard counselor, indicated. Harry gave Mr. Lovegood the inside story on ROMP and Colin.

Just as the last parchments were being witnessed, the door was flung open and they saw Hermione hustling Colin ahead of her while Dean guarded her back. Fudge, Percy, and two others where following them, yelling in scolding tones. Ron, Ginny, and Luna were shouting at them from behind.

"Silence!" Dumbledore commanded. Surprisingly, all obeyed. "Now, what do you want, Minister?"

"We have come to take control of this werewolf! All werewolves who are not fully qualified wizards must have someone responsible for them! As he is an orphan with no close relations, we shall have to . . . make other arrangements."

"And werewolves are NOT to be admitted to schools any longer!" Percy added. "OW!" Ginny had kicked him.

"First of all, Colin was admitted before he was bitten. Therefore, he is here legally," Dumbledore started to explain.

"Creevy was NOT under our supervision during his first transformation!" one of the two other wizards protested. "We have to see if the bite was fully infectious!"

"It was," Dumbledore said.

"Oh . . . well. . . ."

"Still, with no one responsible for him, we have little choice," Fudge stated, with an evil leer.

"What do you intend to do!" Dean demanded.

"There are various werewolf colonies, where these . . . children may be placed," Fudge said.

"Those are no better than concentration camps!" Hermione protested. "Children abandoned by society, forced to give up civilization! It's barbaric!"

"It's the law! Give me your wand, Creevy!" the second unidentified man demanded.

Harry had been looking at Dumbledore the entire time. Dumbledore now looked at Harry, as if to say, 'It's up to you.'

"Colin," Harry said with authority, "come here."

"Stay out of this, Potter!" Fudge blustered. Percy was about to say something, then saw the looks on Ron and Ginny's faces and silenced himself. Colin came over and partially hid behind Harry and Dean, who had followed him.

"I am afraid that there is no Creevy here," Dumbledore stated quietly.

"Weasley! Isn't that Colin Creevy?" Fudge demanded.

"Well, it looks like him to me, Minister," Percy said, puzzled.

"This was Colin Creevy," Harry said with authority. "I have brought him into the House of Potter."

"What!" Fudge, Percy, and one of the two other officials cried out.

"I have brought Colin into the House of Potter as my foster brother. He is now Colin Potter."

"And since Harry has nine O.W.L.s, he IS a fully qualified wizard, even if he is not legally an adult," Hermione put in.

"The dislike you and your faction have for me is well documented," Harry stated, looking right at Fudge. "Your assistant Umbridge set a pair of dementors on me, tortured me, and tried to use an Unforgivible and Veritaserum on me."

"She did all that without my authority!" Fudge cried out.

"Oh? So, you finally admit the charges are justified! Great!"

"Lovegood! that was off the record!"

"Nonsense," Mr. Lovegood stated. "It was an unguarded admission."

Percy leaned over and whispered in the Minister's ear. Fudge frowned, but took a deep breath. "Very well, Lovegood. Give up your Ministry authorizations if you wish to go against your craft's so-called code of ethics."

Luna, who had moved to stand next to her father, started to protest. Lovegood smiled and quieted her with a hand on her shoulder. "Since you've both forgotten, let me remind you those privileges were revoked after I published the interview with Harry Potter here. So, don't try and threaten me." He turned to Diggle. "I take it you have all the paperwork on Potter's enrollment of this young man?"

"I do, and I can assure everyone, it's all in proper form," Diggle replied.

"Then I do not believe there is anything here that need detain you, Minister," Dumbledore said, his voice carrying a tone of authority that made Fudge cringe.

"But Headmaster, perhaps the Minister would like to answer Mister Lovegood's questions on his attempts to remove the political dissenters who oppose Voldemort from the Ministry," Hermione said viciously. Harry realized that the Weasleys must have sent news of Mr. Weasley's suspension.

"Not to mention those who defend the rights of the Muggles, the Muggle-born, and those of mixed-heritage," Ginny added.

Fudge fled, followed by Percy, who looked at his siblings apologetically. The other pair, however, stayed.

"Sorry, Mister Creevy . . . I mean, Mister Potter," one said. "We, as representatives of the various werewolf offices, still need to talk with you. I am sorry, but there is still a large amount of paperwork we need to go through."

"Mister Diggle. . . ?" Harry asked.

"Yes? Oh, of course my boy! My pleasure!" Diggle jumped up. "Stay available, Harry," he added. "I believe there will be a number of things you'll have to sign as well."

"May I stay?" Dean asked, putting a protective hand on Colin's shoulder.

"I don't know. . . ." the more sullen of the two Ministry men started.

"Mister Potter?" the other asked Harry.

"Of course Dean may stay, if it's okay with Colin," Harry answered.

Everyone else evacuated the room. Harry turned to Ginny. "Before the Hogsmeade people show up, could you get Hedwig for me?"

Ginny looked indecisive, but said, "Sure, Harry."

Harry put his hand on Ginny shoulder as the others went on ahead. "Please, Ginny. Let me help you two, at least this one time," he said softly.

"Ron will have a fit," Ginny said.

"I know," Harry acknowledged. "Just order him the minimum if he fusses. Don't feel you have to limit yourself to the same."

"Really?" Ginny said.

"I know I can trust you not to go crazy. Please, Ginny? If you would take it from Bill or George, please, take it from me."

Ginny managed to smile. "Alright."

"Don't forget robes for the dances," Harry added. "I think you'll need at least three different ones."

She smiled a bit broader. "I won't forget." Harry looked around, and whispered in her ear. Ginny grinned in return.

As Ginny walked out, Harry sat down and borrowed quill and parchment from Hermione. "Harry, could I borrow some money?" Hermione asked.

"You may have anything you want," Harry answered, glad he had access to his Gringotts account.

"Thank you, Harry," Hermione said, leaning over and kissing his temple. "I made a complete list of thing to pick up if I don't have time to be more than measured. What are you up to?"

"I have letters from all the media," Harry answered. "I'm writing back, saying I would give them interviews, except I understand that Minister Fudge will pull their Ministry access and other press privileges if they print anything I say that he doesn't like, just as he did with The Quibbler."

Hermione smiled. "Good boy." She kissed the back of his neck.

Just as the Hogsmeade people started setting up in the Great Hall, Ron sidled up to Harry. "Harry, mate. . . ." Ron sighed. "Harry . . . I hate to ask. . . ."

Harry didn't look up from his letter writing. "Consider it gift, or a long-term, interest free loan if you want, Ron, or consider it your Christmas and birthday gift."


"Talk with Ginny, to make certain you don't forget anything."

Ron grumbled, and then said, "Alright."

After sending Hedwig away, Harry saw there was a goblin sitting at a small table. Harry walked over. The goblin nodded. "Mister Potter; I am Gosbeak. How may I be of service?"

"I need to set up three small vaults and a larger one," Harry answered. "Plus I'll be paying for myself and five others today."

"Are the four people you are opening vaults for available now?"

"Miss Granger is over there, talking to the person from Glad Rags. My brother and his friend are talking with the Ministry people right now."

"Brother?" Surprise -- it was the first real emotion Harry had seen in a goblin, other than slight annoyance.

"Foster brother," Harry clarified.

"Ah," the goblin said. He went on. "Miss Granger already has one of our smallest vaults." Seeing Harry's puzzled look. "Her family has been transferring small amounts via their Muggle bank these last two years. They earn a better exchange rate, which nearly pays for the vault. And the fourth?"

"I see," Harry said, ignoring the question. "Tell me, will the smallest vaults hold at least two thousand Galleons?"

"Yes, but little more."

"Please transfer a thousand Galleons into Miss Granger's account. Please arrange the same size vaults for my brother, Colin Potter, and for Dean Thomas. Deposit fifteen hundred in Colin's, five hundred in Dean's. Here is a copy of a statement of incorporation -- I need . . . a vault which can hold at least thirty-thousand Galleons for this account, but only transfer in twelve thousand. I also need four school fees transferred to Hogwarts, in addition to my own."

"Please have the three come over to sign the vault papers when they are available," the goblin said, filling out forms with rapidity.

"Of course. Thank you for your efficiency."

The goblin smiled, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "Gringotts guaranties efficiency and honesty, Mister Potter."

"As long as you read any fine print," Hermione said, coming up behind them. Harry quietly handed her the paperwork the goblin had just handed him.

"You don't have to do this, Harry," Hermione whispered, when she realized what the papers said.

"No, I don't, but I will," Harry responded.

"How much do you have in your vault?" Hermione asked.

"Gospeak?" Harry asked.

"I was only been informed of the approximate contents of your current account, Mister Potter. With the recent addition of the liquid assets from the Black estate, it went from 160,578 Galleons to 494,871 Galleons, after taxes. As of right now, no monies from your investments are to be added to your current account until you are older, but I do know your current account is just a small portion of the total."

"Approximately?" Harry asked.

"No sickles or knuts, or any other articles of value," Hermione said.


"Mister Potter does have various incomes, which are all still being reinvested automatically for the time being. Some are freed up when he turns seventeen, the others will be freed when he turns eighteen, twenty-one, twenty-five, or thirty," the goblin said.

"Alright," Hermione said. "Do what you want with part of the current account."

"You two must sign here to activate the ROMP accounts," Gospeak stated.

Hermione smiled and signed, and then dragged him over to the wizard optometrist Dumbledore had arranged to come just for Harry.

After Hermione, Ginny, and Ron left, Harry had a few words with Dean and Colin. He only had trouble with Dean.

"Harry, my parents weren't rich, but we were far from poor."

"And you're going to need that money when you leave here," Harry argued back. "Do you or Colin have any idea what you're going to do once you leave? I mean, there aren't any wizarding universities . . . I wonder if we could even get into a regular university. . . ."

Dean smiled. "Idiot. We have . . . what was it McGonagall called them? . . . 'special relationships' with Oxford, London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, not to mention other schools. I'll be going to art school in London, remember? Still, thanks, Harry, for everything."

Colin grabbed Harry with a strong hug. "Thanks, brother." He rested his head on Harry's shoulder, and pulled Dean into the embrace as well.

Harry smiled. He really had an official family that cared, as well as a wonderful unofficial one.