Harry and Hermione Start their Sixth Year


Story Summary:
What happens when two close friends discover they are in love in a time of attacks? Covers late July to early September. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Chapter 10

Author's Note:
The first day of class, Draco seeks information

Chapter X

Monday, September 2, 1996

By the end of August, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Dean had been running every morning, although only Harry and Dean were running the whole hour. The Gryffindors runners therefore jogged out of their Common Room at 6:25 and went towards Ravenclaw, where they picked up Luna. Harry cut the time short, since they had to jog back up the many steps to shower. They all made it to the Great Hall by 7:30.

Ron was already there, eating his second portions. He handed the Sixth years their schedules. Ron, Harry, and Hermione compared theirs, as they had every year since their Third.


Charms . . . . . . .M. . . . 8:00- 9:20
Care/Creatures . . .M. . . . 9:30-10:50
Muggle Studies . . .MW . . . 1:00- 1:50
Transfiguration. . .T. . . . 8:00- 9:20
Medicine . . . . . .T. . . . 9:30-10:50
Defense. . . . . . .W. . . . 2:30- 3:50


Charms . . . . . . .M. . . . 8:00- 9:20
Care/Creatures . . .M. . . . 9:30-10:50
Transfiguration. . .T. . . . 8:00- 9:20
Medicine . . . . . .T. . . . 9:30-10:50
Defense. . . . . . .W. . . . 2:30- 3:50
Runes. . . . . . . .R. . . . 8:00- 9:20
Arithmancy . . . . .R. . . . 9:30-10:50


Charms . . . . . . .M. . . . 8:00- 9:20
Care/Creatures . . .M. . . . 9:30-10:50
Herbology. . . . . .MWF. . .11:00-11:50
Ministry . . . . . .W. . . . 8:00- 9:20
Divination . . . . .W. . . . 9:30-10:50
Defense. . . . . . .W. . . . 2:30- 3:50

Ron smiled. "No Potions."

Harry returned the smile and raised a glass of juice. "No potions!"

None of the Sixth year Gryffindors were taking the subject, and so all raised their glasses in the toast. Even Hermione, although she caste a nervous glance at Snape as they all said, "No potions."

Harry glanced that way, and saw Snape lift his coffee cup and mouth, "And no Gryffindors!"

The N.E.W.T. Charms class was huge, with twenty-eight students from all four Houses. "No Malfoy," Ron pointed out with satisfaction.

"With luck, we won't have many classes with him," Harry muttered back.

Hermione said nothing, knowing that Malfoy, for all his faults, was intelligent. He would no doubt share Runes and Arithmancy with her.

They were meeting not in the usual Charms classroom, but in a large, dusty cellar, far away from the Potions Dungeons. Professor Flitwick pointed out that this would be a very full term: they would be learning most of the household charms in one term that the 'Practical Charms' class would be learning over the next two years, while the next term and the first term of their Seventh year would be mostly devoted to theory.

Professor Flitwick then made each student go through two minutes of wand work, making certain their motions were crisp. The quartet, having had the chance to practice for a month, all won points for Gryffindor.

Creatures was a more reasonable size, with fourteen students from all four Houses (Hermione, Millicent Bulstrode, and Megan Jones from Hufflepuff were the only girls). Malfoy was again missing, although Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott were still there.

"Mornin' all!" Hagrid greeted. "I've got us some interestin' critters this year!"

All the students groaned slightly.

"Now, now, now! None of that then! How many of you own familiars?" Nine of the students raised their hands. "Let's see, six owls, two cats, and a toad?" The students nodded.

"Good, some practical experience takin' care o' living things outside of class." He pulled a sack out from behind him. "Now then, these puir things 'ave been underfed since birth, aye, an' abused, too. I want them perfectly healthy and well-fed by the last class in December."

"Puffskeins?" several students demanded.

"Aye, Puffskeins. They're a bit more sensitive than most people think; you need to feed 'em without overfeeding them. An' you need to get this tonic into 'em, at least once a day, fer at least six weeks. You need to stroke them. Right now, they weigh between about one hundred and one hundred an' thirty grams. They should weigh between six hundred and seven hundred grams by December. You all got O.W.L.s, so you should know what yer doin' by now!" Hagrid looked uncharacteristically fierce. "If any die due ta neglect or abuse, you fail, an' I'll boot your arse out o' class! Now, bring 'em by once a week."

"That's it?" Hermione asked.

"Barrin' one gettin' sick, yeah, that's it for this term. Extra credit for each trick ya manage to teach yers. Twenty-two per cent of yer N.E.W.T. will be askin' ya questions about a creature's care and behavior. This time, it's puffskeins. Three per cent will be on handling 'em." Hagrid handed each student a wicker cage, pamphlet and thin ledger. "The pamphlet explains basic care; the ledger is to keep track o' feedin' an' such, fer extra credit." Hermione perked up. "If one gets sick, that's no points off, unless it's fer neglect or abuse." Hagrid glared at the three Slytherin boys. "That includes bein' poisoned or hexed. Ye may be aware that's why there're no Slytherins who've managed to get into the Seventh year class fer several years."

The class broke up shortly there after. Hermione had, of course, taken the smallest and weakest puffskein, and she and Neville had stopped to ask for pointers. The group had also arranged to come to tea later that week.

Walking back, the Gryffindor quartet saw the Slytherins having it out. "What're you lookin' at?" Crabbe groused at them as they approached.

"Millicent, may I have a word?" Hermione said sweetly. Harry, Neville, and Ron looked at each other in surprise.

"What do you want?" Millicent demanded, suspicious as she walked over.

"May I make a suggestion? I think you should take care of those three puffskeins. If your roommates don't like pets, find some Third or Fourth years who can."


"Do you think those three could keep a fly alive?" Hermione demanded. "If you want all three to fail, don't pay any attention to me."

"They won't learn anything, then!" The Gryffindors merely looked at her. Millicent scowled, but then sighed. "You're partially right, of course. Vincent doesn't have the brains, and he and Ted would probably prefer to roast them than care for them." She stalked over to the three Slytherin males. Nott said something, which made Crabbe laugh. Goyle slugged Crabbe, while Millicent flattened Nott. When Nott stood up, he and Crabbe stalked off. Goyle and Millicent took the four cages.

"Why did you do that?" Ron asked. "What?" he demanded, as Harry and Neville rolled their eyes.

"She did it so those puffskeins have a chance to survive," Harry said proudly. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'm very proud of you."

Now Ron rolled his eyes, and went off to Herbology with Neville, both leaving their puffskeins in Hermione's care.

"Where to, Milady?" Harry asked.

"To the dorms, to water our puffskeins," Hermione said severely. "I need to introduce them to Crookshanks."

"Yes, dear," Harry said affectionately. Hermione gave Harry a dirty look.

Harry and Hermione introduced the four puffskeins to Crookshanks, who seemed very uninterested. They spent the rest of the time before lunch comforting the First years, who had had their first Potions class that morning. As Harry and Hermione guided the Firsties to the Great Hall, Hermione thanked Harry for everything he had done the day before.

Harry smiled to himself, knowing Hermione didn't know the half of what he'd done. Knowing Ron would be in a hurry, they saved him a place.

Draco Malfoy caught Millicent Bulstrode as she made her way to lunch from Herbology.

"What do you want, Draco?" she asked in a neutral tone.

"You sound . . . displeased, Millie, dear," Draco managed to drawl, despite her fast pace.

"You talked me into joining that damned Inquisitorial Squad. It was fun for a while, but we are damn lucky all we officially lost was three prefect positions."

Draco winced. "What. . . ."

"Don't think people like Macmillan and Entwhistle have forgiven us, Draco. Don't think that the Hufflepuffs or the Ravenclaws couldn't jump you and your trio and whack the shit out of you. And never think the Gryffindors might not do worse."

"They have no real sense of organization," Draco scoffed. "Potter is the only potential leader, and he doesn't like leading."

"Granger might be able to stiffen his spine," Millicent warned. "Or maybe the events of last June will. After all, the Potter we think we know wouldn't have adopted that little pest."


"So," Millicent answered, "that's a statement, saying he'll stand up for what he believes in. Tell me, did you have the guts to take the Dark Mark this summer? I can't believe you weren't at least given the opportunity!" She leered at Draco. "Or is the rumor going around Knockturn Alley about His ancestry true?"

Draco went even paler. "We don't know," he admitted softly. "Potter did make the claim during the Battle. Aunt Bellatrix told my Mother."

"Then Potter believes it's true," Millicent said simply. "You know none of that bunch would have the imagination to think that one up! Especially not Potter, and not in the heat of battle! So, it's either true, or Potter at least thinks it's true."

"That doesn't help much," Draco complained. He glanced around and verified they were alone. "None of the . . . followers who are . . . out of commission want to continue their association if He is a half-blood of the worst sort. How could He really believe in Pure-Blooded power if He's not a Pure-Blood?"

"There's an old Muggle saying, Draco; 'converts are the greatest believers.' He believes so strongly in us because we have what He wants."

"Well, if it's true, we don't want Him!" Draco said fiercely. "But how can we prove it, one way or the other?"

"Well, there is one simple way," Millicent answered, forcing Draco to look her in the eye.

"What's that?"

"Ask Potter."


"Ask Potter." She considered. "There's no way he would trust you enough to meet you alone." She looked at him. "Who else needs to hear this besides you and me?"

"Pucey, Bletchley, and Montague . . . and I guess Nott."

"Not Vinny and Greg? Or the younger students?"

Draco shook his head. "If the five of us agree, they'll all go along. Plus, if you're there, that would make six of us, and that's almost too many." He hesitated. "There is one other, but I'll talk to him first. So Potter and six others."

Millicent nodded. "I'll try to get them to include some of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. That way we can probably exclude Weasley."

"Not Granger?"

"Resent her for being a Mudblood, or, like me, dislike her on her own merits, but admit she's the most brilliant student to come through Hogwarts in decades. We want her there, Draco. Weasley would just say something stupid to get someone angry."

"Alright. You set it up, hopefully before next Monday."

She nodded. "Agreed. I'll try for tonight."

Harry found Muggle Studies more interesting than he had anticipated. Powell's revamped curriculum helped, and the man seemed to be a knowledgeable and interesting teacher. Harry was still a bit puzzled by him, however. He seemed to be more than just another teacher, but Harry wasn't certain what that meant. He decided he would talk it over with Ginny and Luna at some point after they had him for class.

Harry was not surprised to see Hermione waiting for him as he came out of the Muggle Studies class. He was rather more surprised to see Dumbledore waiting with her.

"Please walk with me," Dumbledore said. They walked in silence into the mostly-deserted third floor. Dumbledore led them past the area where the trapdoor had been located. He led them into what had been a mid-sized classroom.

"Have you been practicing your wandless magic, Harry?"

"Some," Harry said. "You SAID to keep it totally secret."

"Ah . . . yes. From now on, please feel free to tell Miss Granger everything you feel comfortable with."

Harry gave him a dirty look for that.

"After today, on Mondays and Fridays at Two, Professor Lupin, and perhaps Professor Law, will be coaching you on fighting. When they deem you ready, Professor Powell will also join you. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Mistress Merry will again be coaxing you on wandless magic. Miss Granger is invited to both. Who else should I consider allowing to join you for the fighting practices on Mondays? We should have an even number."

"Ron, Ginny, Neville, Dean, Colin, and Luna," Harry stated.

"Are you agreeable, Miss Granger?"

"Of course, Headmaster," Hermione said in her poshest tones.

"In that case, I leave it to you to inform them," Dumbledore told them. "Professor Law wishes to speak to you after class, before you restart the DA." Dumbledore smiled at them, and went on his way.

Hermione and Harry stared after him. "I understand why he makes you so angry at time," Hermione finally said. "It almost feels like he's playing with us."

"Exactly," Harry agreed. He held out his hand. Hermione looked at it.

"I know what we said about being seen in public," Harry said, "but do you want to stick to that?"

"Yes," Hermione decided quickly. "I love you, Harry. I love you more than I ever suspected I could love anyone." She took both his hands in hers, and they kissed.

After nearly five minutes, they broke the kiss. Hermione smiled and let go of Harry's right hand. "It's a lovely day. Shall we walk together by the lake? After all, this time is booked after today."

"Sounds like a brilliant idea."

They walked slowly across the grounds, drawing the attention of students from the different Houses. The rumors that had been flying were now confirmed.

"An eventful few days," Harry said.

"Very," Hermione agreed.

"How are your parents?"

"Glad to be at work. If you and Ron think I'm a fussy workaholic, you should see my parents. I mean, they love me, and care about me, but this world, our world, frightens them. They don't show it when we're with the Weasleys, but they are afraid. Afraid of this world, afraid of my powers." She looked down. "Afraid . . . of me."

"Odd, isn't it? The Muggles are afraid of us whenever they find out about us, and the Pure-Bloods are really afraid of us," Harry said. "Stuck between both worlds, unable to fit into either, and they're both afraid of us, because they each think we have more access to power they don't have."

They stood near the lake, and Harry stood behind Hermione, hugging her around the waist. "I miss you, Harry."

"I'm right here."

"No," she said very softly, "I miss having you to snuggle against at night. I miss being held. I miss being pleasured, and massaged, and pampered. I miss tasting you."

Harry nuzzled Hermione's neck, which made her weak in the knees. "I'm thinking of a solution," Harry whispered in her ear.

"Good," Hermione said softly back.

"Have you told your parents about us?" Harry asked.

"I've written letters since the First of August but haven't sent any of the detailed ones yet," Hermione replied. "May I borrow Hedwig?"

"Ask Remus to check her out," Harry answered after a moment's thought. "We don't want any tracking spells on her."

"Good idea," Hermione replied. "In fact, I'll have him teach us both how to check."

A few minutes later, they were interrupted by the snapping of a twig.

Harry instantly had thrust Hermione gently to the side and had his wand pointing at the noise. Hermione had her wand out and was looking behind them, checking for any attackers from the rear. Millicent raised her hands. "I come in peace, Potter."

"Really? I thought perhaps you just wanted to twist some arms," Harry sneered. Hermione flushed at the reminder.

"Your friends more than exacted revenge," Millicent pointed out. "Now, shall we maintain our . . . opposition, or find common cause?"

"What cause is that?" Harry asked.

"You hate the Dark Lord, because he will destroy everything you believe in. Draco, and his crew, want to know if the Dark Lord really is a half-blood. Because, if He is, then He has betrayed what we believe in. And what many of Draco's friends' families believe in. They want to know what evidence you have for what you told Bellatrix Lestrange last June."

"And you're a disinterested party?" Hermione asked sarcastically.

"Compared to you two and Draco, yes, although I can see why you wouldn't believe it. I believe in Pure-Blood, but the Dark Lord's way is NOT the best path to keep us where we belong, no matter what His bloodlines might be. So, I'm here to arrange a meeting. From Slytherin, it would be Pucey, Bletchley, Montague, Nott, and of course Draco and myself. Draco said there would perhaps be one other. You two; Macmillan and Finch-Fletchley from Hufflepuff; Turpin and Boot from Ravenclaw; plus any person you want."

"No Crabbe and Goyle?" Harry asked.

"No. And no Weasley. Things will be volatile enough as they are."

Harry and Hermione whispered for a few seconds. "We're going to ask two more," Harry said. "Susan Bones and Luna Lovegood. Why don't you ask Blaise Zabini?"

Millicent thought, and then agreed. "When and where?"

"Seven thirty, in the trophy room," Harry suggested.

"Sounds reasonable."

The sixteen students confronted each other. "Well, Potter?" Draco finally said.

"Who's your friend?" Harry asked. The unknown student was still unknown, under a heavy hooded robe.

"He prefers to be anonymous," Draco said with a slight sneer.

"That's not a very becoming color, Zacharias," Luna said. The Slytherin group jumped, the other group frowned at the cloaked figure. "You may as well take it off."

The figure hesitated, and then Zach Smith showed himself, very red in the face.

Harry gave Zach a very dirty look, but turned back to Draco. "And if I convince you?"

"We will not follow a half-blood to prove Pure-Blooded superiority," Draco said simply. "Neither will our families. He becomes our common problem. We don't like you; you don't like us. The Dark Lord threatens us both." His allies agreed.

Harry had asked Ginny for permission, and so simply told everyone the story of Tom Riddle Junior and the Chamber of Secrets, as he had learned it. Riddle's award was behind them, his full name on the list of Head Boys not far away. Hermione reproduced the trick of changing Riddle's name into Voldemort's. Harry also told the stories of Sirius, the Third Task and the Department of Mysteries. He did not, however, tell them the Prophecy.

The pro-Death Eaters were looking very confused and angry by the end of the stories. They finally went over to a corner and talked quietly while Millicent and Blaise stood apart. After nearly ten minutes, Draco turned around. "We are not backing Riddle any further, and we'll be writing to our families."

"Anything else?" Ernie Macmillan demanded.

"Such as what? Sucking up to Mud . . . Muggle-borns?" Draco sneered.

"No, but why don't you recognize the real advantages you have," Hermione snarled. "You know how the system works; everything is stacked in your favor."

"And don't think we despise wizarding culture," Harry added. "Be glad you're not trapped between two cultures, like we are."

"We don't need you!" Nott snarled.

"You need us, and you need the Muggles," Hermione retorted.

"Really?" Montague said disdainfully.

"Want to give me fifteen minutes?" Hermione dared.

"Go ahead," Millicent said.

"What?" three of the boys cried out. Millicent gave them a dirty look, and they all quieted down. "Talk, Granger."

Hermione talked, fast and cogent. She pulled out every fact she knew that showed how much the wizarding world depended on both the Muggle world and the Muggle-borns and Mixed-bloods. She moderated some of her opinions, pointing out how the Pure-Bloods still stood at the apex of the Wizarding world. Reminding Malfoy that there were families older and purer than any of those present, both in Hogwarts and those who refused to associate with 'common' Pure-Bloods like the Malfoys and Blacks (and Longbottoms and Weasleys, for that matter) by even coming to Hogwarts, made the Pure-Bloods wince.

"What do you want from us, Granger?" Millicent finally demanded.

"If you don't like me, or Harry, because we're the individuals we are, fine." Hermione smiled sweetly. "After all, we don't like you. But just as we don't hate you because you're Pure-Bloods, don't hate us because there are Muggles in our immediate ancestry. Help us learn more about the wizarding world. We WANT to become better members of the magical world. We all know that what we learn in class isn't what it's all about. Being able to do every spell or make every potion perfectly isn't even half what it means to be a witch."

"You'll never be a real, full-fledged witch," Millicent said firmly. "But you're a lot closer than I ever thought you were. You do belong." The other pro-Pure Bloods grimaced, but didn't dare openly disagree. The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws looked very much in agreement with Hermione.

"Anything we find out, we'll get word to you," Draco said, going back on topic. The Slytherins turned to leave, Blaise giving Harry a wink. Zack Smith scurried away.

"Do we believe them?" Susan asked.

"I don't know," Harry asked. "What do you think, Ginny?"

Ginny disillusioned herself from the area where the group had caucused. Tonks had taught the entire group how to do disillusion others that summer (they all still had some trouble disillusioning themselves, but Harry and Hermione could totally disillusion anyone else). "They seemed as sincere as they get."

"Dean? Colin? Ron?"

The three disillusioned themselves, grinning. "We can't trust the bastards," Ron said, "but I don't think they're as much of a threat as I thought they were. So, yes, I'll agree to a truce. And we can't forgot that there might be others around they don't know about who don't agree with Malfoy, let alone Bulstrode."

Led by Ernie, the others burst into laughter, congratulating Harry and Hermione on a fine plan.