
Not everyone is returning to Hogwarts. But those who do must rely on a new Headmistress, a new DADA Professor, and new and unproven Head Boy, Head Girl, and Prefects. Though Neville returns, he is about to undergo his own journey of self-discovery while at Hogwarts. Crossover with 3x3 Eyes.

Words: 3,566
Chapters: 1
Hits: 134

Set post OotP. A succubus has been contracted to kill Neville. Can he resist her charms or will he be another casualty lost to the Second War?``Told from the POV of an OC.

Words: 10,013
Chapters: 4
Hits: 1,161

Viewing the world from Neville Longbottom's perspective. From the first day, to the latest book.

Words: 17,858
Chapters: 6
Hits: 1,632