Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Neville Longbottom
Humor Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 10/13/2005
Updated: 11/18/2005
Words: 7,179
Chapters: 4
Hits: 1,671


Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
When Severus forces Draco to sacrifice his free time by tutoring Neville Longbottom in the art of Potions making, it is meant as a punishment. Or that's at least how it appears at first. A small, stinky snake, a sneaky Godfather with an even sneakier lover, a lecherous father with his past affairs, Death Eater involvement, and of course the tutoring lessons force both boys to abandon their old masks of (respectively) coldness and incompetence and face each other as they are. Perhaps tutoring isn't such a bad idea after all... SLASH SS/RL DM/NL LM/SB, past SLASH LM/SS LM/RL.

Chapter 01

When Severus forces Draco to sacrifice his free time by tutoring Neville Longbottom in the art of Potions making, it is meant as a punishment. Or that's at least how it appears at first. A small, stinky snake, a sneaky Godfather with an even sneakier lover, a lecherous father with his past affairs, Death Eater involvement, and of course the tutoring lessons force both boys to abandon their old masks of (respectively) coldness and incompetence and face each other as they are. Perhaps tutoring isn't such a bad idea after all... SLASH SS/RL DM/NL LM/SB, past SLASH LM/SS LM/RL.

Words: 1,467
Hits: 540
Chapter 02

While tutoring the nightmare of all Potions instructors, Draco attempts to actually make a conversation with Neville. However, it doesn't take long from him to put a foot in his mouth.

Words: 1,634
Hits: 376
Chapter 03

Neville thinks about his feelings for Draco, and Draco opens up a bit.

Words: 2,074
Hits: 332
Chapter 04

Remus and Severus like scheming together, as well as certain other activities that involve the two of them. Meanwhile, Draco is suffering of a horrible nightmare.

Words: 2,004
Hits: 330