Astronomy Tower
Other Canon Wizard/Severus Snape Harry Potter/Remus Lupin
Harry Potter Remus Lupin Severus Snape
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/23/2004
Updated: 11/16/2005
Words: 30,576
Chapters: 19
Hits: 21,338

Of Hope And Love

Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
Life is not treating Harry Potter lightly. However, he and his lover Remus dare to hope for better even in the middle of War. Only they aren't the only ones having problems -- just what's been eating Snape after Kingsley Shacklebolt was captured by Death Eaters? SLASH & MPREG.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
When Remus goes to tell Severus that his Wolfsbane Potion has to be varied, the Potions Master is by no means nice. Instead, he's really nasty, having Remus almost in tears in the end of their "discussion".
Author's Note:
Remus might seem too emotional, but forgive the poor guy, he's already having troubles with hormones.

Of Hope and Love


Chapter 4:

Nasty Remarks


Remus knocked cautiously on the door of the Potions Master's quarters. After a moment of silence, he heard a snapped, "Who's there?"

"Remus Lupin," the werewolf replied, hoping desperately that he didn't sound as nervous as he felt. He did respect the Slytherin's skills in the difficult and challenging art of brewing potions, but he also knew his skills in sharp words and nastiness. He'd also experienced both personally more times than he really cared to count.

Again, there was a moment of silence. Then, just as he was about to call out again, the door was opened and Severus stood in the doorway.

"Lupin," snarled the darkhaired man coolly. "What's the matter with you?" He sounded to be very eager to get quickly rid of Remus.

Well, Remus was just as eager to get quickly away. So, he just said, "The Headmaster sent me to tell you that the Wolfsbane Potion will need to be varied."

"And of course, the old coot couldn't tell it by himself," Severus muttered under his breath, although not quietly enough for Remus not to catch the words with his sharp werewolf ears. Then the Slytherin sighed annoyedly. "Very well. I suppose it'd be too much to expect you to tell exactly how the potion should be varied, so could you at least tell me why I must use my precious time to vary the recipe that is even originally complex enough to confuse most Potions Masters in the country?"

Swallowing slightly, Remus braced himself to the reaction that would surely follow his answer. "I am pregnant," he then said.

For a moment, Severus just stared at him. Then the thin lips curled into a nasty smirk. "Oh, but isn't this rich," he said, sounding almost amused. "Lupin has got himself knocked up of all things! You do realize that we have a little thing called a war going on around here, don't you?"

"Yes, I do realize that," replied Remus. "And I can assure you, I certainly did not plan on getting pregnant."

"But you obviously didn't realize that you should maybe do something to prevent it," Severus said snidely. "I know you're at least sensible enough not to strengthen people's image of you as a Dark creature by killing the child. So, tell me, what did the father say? Do you have his support, or are you going to raise the child alone?"

"He proposed," said the werewolf simply. "And before you can ask, yes, I did accept."

"Very well," muttered the Potions Master. "And who is the other father? Because if it's Black's and you didn't notice it until now, then the Wolfsbane Potion has already permanently damaged the brat."

"I and Sirius were never lovers," said Remus, putting all his patience to the game. "So no, the child is not his." His smile wavered only a bit as he continued, "So, I'll become Mister Potter in a month."

There were only a few things that could make Severus speechless. Seemingly this was one of those, since he was quiet for a very long time before finally saying, "You're with Potter's child. You're with the fucking Boy-Who-Lived's child in the middle of the Second War." Shaking his head slowly, he continued, "You must be bloody insane, Lupin. You won't live long enough to hold your child, leave alone that the child would ever be born."

"As I said already, I didn't plan it," said Remus very quietly. "And Albus -- Albus promised he'd keep me and the child safe."

"The same was promised to the previous Potters," remarked the spy nastily. "And much good it did."

"I will be kept in Hogwarts," replied the werewolf, forcing himself to stay as calm as possible. However, it was really hard to fight against the tears that threatened to fall. 'Damn hormones,' he thought to himself, then said aloud, "And besides, Harry will be the Secret Keeper this time. If the Death Eaters get him, it won't really matter whether or not they'll get the information about me and the baby from him, since we'll be lost all the same."

"I still think you're insane," snapped Severus. "If not otherwise, then for becoming namely a Potter. That name is cursed, Lupin, mark my words." With a twisted smirk, he added, "And you really must have been out of your mind to become pregnant at the first point. I do recall being taught all about birds and bees by both my father and Poppy Pomfrey, so I'm certain you've got the same information. So, how on Earth did you end up pregnant, in the middle of a war on top of it all, when such a simple spell could prevent it? And what were you thinking when you seduced Potter at the first point -- that Albus would pat you on the head and give a doggy treat for comforting little Harry? Were you thinking at all?"

"I was careless, and I admit that," said Remus quietly. "And I didn't seduce Harry, he seduced me."

"Keep telling that to yourself, and maybe you can live even with your tiny Gryffindor conscience nagging in the back of your mind for sleeping with him," said Severus, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, you'd better be careful in the future, Lupin. You aren't only risking your own well-being now, remember? One time being careless, and you might kill your baby." With the last nasty smirk, Severus finished, "Your potion will be varied, Lupin. So, until the next full moon -- think."

And then, he closed the door, leaving Remus alone in the corridor. The werewolf turned slowly around and started to walk towards the secret room Dumbledore had given to him for temporary use, determinedly fighting against tears.

Author notes: The next chapter: Depression and Discussion

Severus talks with his lover.