Astronomy Tower
Other Canon Wizard/Severus Snape Harry Potter/Remus Lupin
Harry Potter Remus Lupin Severus Snape
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/23/2004
Updated: 11/16/2005
Words: 30,576
Chapters: 19
Hits: 21,338

Of Hope And Love

Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
Life is not treating Harry Potter lightly. However, he and his lover Remus dare to hope for better even in the middle of War. Only they aren't the only ones having problems -- just what's been eating Snape after Kingsley Shacklebolt was captured by Death Eaters? SLASH & MPREG.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Ron is truly surprised to find out that Harry is going to get married and become a father -- he's merely sixteen! Even more surprised, however, the redhead becomes when he hears just who is to be Harry's spouse and the "mother" of his child.
Author's Note:
More grown-up Harry jumps up. Or maybe not. I just like to think about him as such.

Of Hope and Love

Best Mate


"Well, what was it, Harry?" asked Ron curiously. Then the redhead noticed his friend's distracted expression, and turned completely serious. "It wasn't something bad... was it?"

Harry sighed deep and shook his head slowly. He hadn't lied to Remus -- he truly wanted to be with him, and with the baby. But it wasn't until now that he truly understood just how serious the matter was. "Ron?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah?" replied the redhead immediately, dropping down to Harry's bed next to him.

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Sure, mate," his friend replied cheerfully, although the slightly concerned tone in his voice revealed it to be fake.

Again, Harry sighed, this time in relief. Then he drew the curtains shut around his bed, placing several Silencing Charms over the place. Ron stared at him questioningly.

"So, what it is?" asked his friend, frowning. "Has -- has somebody been killed?"

"No." Harry chewed his lip for a moment, then collected all his courage. "Ron... I'm going to be a father."

For a moment, Ron just stared at him, the blue eyes very wide. Then he stammered, "But... Why... How?"

"The usual way, Ron," Harry sighed. "You know, birds and bees?"

"Yes, I know," the redhead replied. "But -- I wouldn't have expected this from you, Harry. You, too, know all about birds and bees. Why weren't you more careful?"

"I didn't know I had to be careful," he replied dryly. "It seems that nobody remembered to inform me about one detail -- the fact that in the Wizarding World, men can get pregnant as well."

If Ron had before stared at him, now the redhead's eyes practically popped out. "A... a man?" he stammered. As Harry simply nodded, he continued, "Woah... I never knew you swung that way."

"Do you mind?" Harry asked worriedly. Not that he would give up Remus anyway, but he didn't want anything coming between Ron and himself.

Ron, however, merely snapped his tongue. "Mate, you know me better than that," he said. "I'm just surprised, okay? Just give me some time to adjust." Then, the familiar mischievous glint entered his eyes again. "Whom did you knock up, by the way?"

Harry met his gaze steadily. "Professor Lupin."

At that, Ron fainted.

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. Then he pointed his wand at his best friend and said, "Enervate."

Ron stirred, then blinked a couple of times, and sat up. "Um... You were kidding, right?" he asked with a hopeful tone.

The bespectacled boy, however, shook his head. "Alas, you have no such luck, my friend," he said. "I am truly engaged to one Remus Lupin, who's also carrying my first-to-be-born child."

The redhead glared at him. "If you're going to treat me like an idiot, at least speak properly," he grumbled.

"I'm going to treat you like an idiot exactly as long as you're going to behave like one," Harry replied levelly. "I know that it is a big surprise to you, but you still shouldn't faint. I have enough problems with a fiancé and a child on the way, not to mention the war. I simply don't have for fainting best friends."

Ron watched him oddly. "Erm... Harry?" he asked then. "When did you grow up all of sudden?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well, you're all the time so calm and controlled and... I don't really know, an adult, I guess. When did you become that?"

"I had a lot of time to think over the summer," the brunet teen answered. "Talking with Remus helped a great deal, too. Besides, in my situation, there aren't very many options but to grow up," he added gloomily. "The fate of the world practically lies on my shoulders. My godfather was killed in front of my eyes, and only because he wanted to save me. I'm getting married in a month, and becoming a father in eight months of time. Do I seem to be able to stay as a child?"

"No," replied Ron truthfully. "No, I guess you aren't."

"Thought so." Harry fell to his back, closing his eyes. Then a slight grin curled his lips. "Our wedding is going to be very small, just us two, Dumbledore, and two best men or groomsmaids for us both," he told. "What do you think, as just a few are allowed to know about this yet, will Snape accept to be my best man?"

Ron, as expected, smacked him on the arm. "Brat," the redhead huffed. Then he added, "If I can be a godfather and if you ask very nicely, I might accept to be your best man."

"Good," Harry grinned. "That godfather thing I have to discuss with Remus, but otherwise, it's a deal."

Ron grinned back. "That's good. And... Harry?"



"...Thanks, mate."

Author notes: Next chapter: Nasty Remarks
Remus faces Snape, who's on a nasty mood.