Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Viktor Krum
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 05/04/2004
Updated: 05/04/2004
Words: 5,728
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,598

Ron Weasley\'s Guide to Kidnapping Your Best Friend


Story Summary:
The evening before Hermione\'s wedding to Viktor Krum, Ron realises that he\'s in love with her and always has been. Unable to accept that he\'s missed his chance, Ron devises a way to stop the wedding–by kidnapping Hermione. Needless to say, she\'s less than pleased and things don\'t go exactly according to plan. He has to convince her not to marry Krum while at the same time ensuring she doesn\'t hate him for the rest of her life. The course of true love never does run smooth.

Author's Note:
This story was inspired by the Star Wars EU, where apparently Han Solo kidnaps Princess Leia to make her marry him. For the record, I haven't actually read that novel, I was just told about it.

Ron Weasley's Guide to Kidnapping Your Best Friend

Ron Weasley sat slumped over the bar, his fingers resting in a half empty glass of beer. His best friend Harry Potter sat next to him tossing peanuts up into the air and trying to catch them in his mouth. As his hand-eye co-ordination wasn't up to par, he missed every shot.

"Come on, Ron, cheer up." Harry took another swig of beer and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "This is supposed to be a celebration."

Groggy, Ron lifted his head and blinked blearily at his friend. "Celebration? How can you say that? Hermione's getting married tomorrow to that foul, to that sodding, that bloody--"

"Krum," Harry finished. "Viktor Krum. Whose bachelor party we're at, need I remind you, so you might keep your voice down."

Ron moaned and buried his face in his hands. "I can't do it, Harry. I can't watch her marry him. And do you know what she wants me to do? Do you?" He didn't wait for an answer. "She expects me to give her away! To Krum! I can't give her to Krum. Do you realise what would happen? She'd become Hermione Krum! Is there anything worse? I cannot give her away."

"Well, since her father passed away, I suppose she feels most comfortable having you do it, especially since Viktor asked me to be his best man. Bit of a surprise that was, I can tell you."

"Vicky," Ron muttered murderously. "How she can possibly want to marry him?"

Harry's speech was becoming slurred as his glasses slipped down his nose. "Well, she got tired of waiting for you."

At that Ron shot up, staring at Harry in bewilderment, feeling somewhat less intoxicated. "What?"

Harry cringed. "Oops, I shouldn't have said that."

"Don't start acting like Hagrid, Harry," Ron ordered, his eyes wide. "What did you mean, she got tired of waiting for me?"

Sighing, Harry straightened up and pushed his glasses back into place. "Don't be thick, Ron. Everyone knows Hermione's in love with you."

Ron began to choke. "What? Since when?"

"Since forever. Stop pretending. We all know you're in love with her as well. Problem is, you're both so stubborn neither one of you will admit it!"

He was right, Ron realised, a mixture of horror and excitement bubbling in his stomach. He did love Hermione. He always had, for as long as he could remember. He'd never put into words before, but that was what it was. Love.

It had always just been a given, him and Hermione. They fit together, like pieces of a puzzle, they were best friends. She understood him, probably better than he understood himself as she constantly reminded him. And he knew her, better than she thought he did.

She always impressed him, made him proud to know her. She filled him with a sense of purpose. It was love.

And the woman he loved was marrying someone else in the morning.

"Harry, you have to help me keep her from marrying Krum." Ron started babbling, barely registering what it was he was saying. "You're right, I love her. I can't let her ruin her life like that."

Harry looked at Ron like he had just lost his mind. "It's too late, Ron. She's marrying Viktor in the morning."

"Would you stop calling him that?" Ron said irritably. "And it's not too late. It can't be. She's not Hermione Krum yet. I have to make her realise she loves me instead."

Shaking his head, Harry replied, "Look, I'll admit that we all thought you and Hermione would be the ones to walk down the aisle, but you aren't, so you'll just have to deal with it."

But Ron was now obsessed with this idea. It may have been the alcohol talking, but he was determined to stop this wedding in whatever way possible.

"She can't get married tomorrow if I kidnap her," Ron decided, a slow smile spreading across his face.

Harry only stared. "Ron, you're drunk. That has to be the most idiotic idea I've ever heard. How would you possibly go about doing it?"

"Well, I'll need help. You, Ginny, Fred, and George, I bet even Mum and Dad would help." Ron's eyes lit up with an unholy fire. "This is perfect. I'll hold her hostage until she agrees not to marry Krum!"

Regarding his best friend in silence for a moment, Harry said finally, "You do realise that if this goes wrong, Hermione will kill you, right?"

Ron grinned, suddenly feeling better than he had in months. "I'd rather die than watch her walk down the aisle towards Vicky. You'll just have to help me make sure it goes smoothly. Go get Ginny and meet me at our flat. I'll contact Fred and George, and we'll make our plans. Should we synchronise our watches?"

"Ron, have you been watching spy thrillers again?"

"Maybe." Ron pulled a crumpled parchment and beleaguered quill out of his pocket. "I'm going to start making plans. Go get Ginny."

Harry sighed and swung himself off the bar stool. "All right, but I'm only doing this because...well, you're my best friend and I don't want Hermione to kill you."

After Harry had left, Ron bit the tip of his quill, lost in thought. The first thing he had to figure out was how he'd lure Hermione away. It would have to be on some important pretext, something that would tear her away from wedding preparations. S.P.E.W.! He'd tell her he wanted to discuss S.P.E.W. And if that didn't work, he'd say he just wanted to give her some advice before her big day. He'd invoke best-friend rights. There was no way she could resist that.


Ron thought as he scribbled all this down, 'I have to decide where I'll take her. What place will remind her of us? The library! No, that's no good, she'll want to start reading the books and then I'll have no hope of getting her attention. Flourish and Blotts is also out. In fact, best if it's a place with no books at all.'

Then the perfect solution occurred to him. The Shrieking Shack! Not only was it private, so they wouldn't be disturbed, no one would think to look for her there because everyone still thought it was haunted. It would also remind Hermione of the time they stood together against Sirius to protect Harry.

"Check," muttered Ron, writing furiously. "But she won't want to go there, not hours before the wedding. A Portkey! I'll ask Dad if he can arrange one."

Just as he was putting the finishing touches on his plans, Krum approached from behind and placed a hand on Ron's shoulder. Ron suppressed a shudder.

"Vare is Harry?" he asked in his heavily accented English.

Ron turned and got off the bar stool and came face to face with his competition. The Bulgarian Seeker was tall, but Ron had finally grown into his height, so he had a couple inches on Krum. He was still lanky, so Krum had him beat in the muscle department, but Ron didn't figure this would come to a fight.

"Harry had to leave. He's helping me with something." Clearly Ron was still a little drunk because the he added, "We're plotting to kidnap your fiancée, Vicky. There'll be no wedding tomorrow."

Krum was hardly sober himself. He blinked twice and said, "Oh. That is nice," before walking away.

Ron pocked his plans and Disapparated back to his flat where the others would be waiting. This would work. It was fool-proof.


Fidgeting nervously, Ron checked his watch again. It was nearly time. Hermione had agreed to meet with him for a little chat, after much coaxing and his promise to wear a S.P.E.W. button the next time he played Quidditch, but she was still ignorant of his plans. He hoped.

They were meeting at the Burrow where several months ago his mother had promised to help Hermione prepare for her wedding, much to his dismay. But since her parents had been killed in the war, he knew Hermione felt the Weasleys were her family and if she couldn't have her own mother, Molly was the next best thing.

He was now pacing in the kitchen, staring at the empty egg carton that was his Portkey. His mum had been horrified at first when he outlined his plan, but had quickly warmed up to the idea; she had never wanted Hermione to marry Krum. Surprisingly it was his father who raised the most objections. But when he saw how determined Ron was and how he had the support of the rest of the family, his dad only chuckled and gave in.

This was going to work. Ron was sure of it, more sure than he had ever been of anything. After the alcohol had worn off, he took the planning a little more seriously, but was still determined to go ahead with it and had held a conference with Harry, Ginny, Fred, and George to work out the details. There were several contingency plans in case Hermione somehow managed to escape. Oddly, Ron was sure she'd be proud of how well they'd planned.

He heard footsteps on the stairs and his breath caught in his throat as she walked into the kitchen. She was radiant. A nervous smile emphasised the change in her teeth which still struck him after all these years. Her hair was done up in an elegant twist and a small amount of makeup graced her cheeks. Ron was forcibly reminded of the Yule Ball.

'I missed my chance then and nearly ruined things altogether. I won't make the same mistake twice,'

Ron thought, swallowing heavily.

"What do you think?" Hermione asked, glowing. She came to him and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you so much for being here, Ron. It means the world to me."

Ron stared blankly. 'Please don't let her hate me for this. Give me a chance to convince her.'

Clearing his throat, he managed to say, "You look lovely."

She tilted her head and gave him an odd look as if she sensed he was up to something. "You insisted you had something to say to me, so what is it?"

"Oh, er, I just wanted to make sure you're sure you're doing the right thing."

She raised an eyebrow. "A bit late for this, isn't it? I'm getting married in three hours."

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Ron muttered. Fortunately he didn't think she heard him.

"Well, if that's all," she said beginning to head back upstairs, "I have to get ready. I'll probably take me the better part of an hour to get into that dress!"

"No, wait!" This was it. "Hermione, I was sort of hoping that we could talk...like we used to. Once more for old time's sake."

Her smile softened and she came walking back towards him, taking his large hand in her small one. Ron felt as if he'd been electrocuted. "Of course, Ron. But it isn't as if we'll never speak again once I'm married. I'm hardly going to give up my friends!"

"I know that," Ron said, stalling for time as he checked his watch. Thirty seconds. "But you can't deny things will be different."

"Of course they will. But soon you'll find someone, Harry will have someone, and we'll all be married, starting families, and our children will be friends."

At this Ron started, nearly forgetting to keep an eye on his watch. Him? Married to someone else? He couldn't even think about it.

"Ron, are you all right? You're a bit fidgety."

He took a deep breath. "You trust me, right?"

"What sort of question is that? Of course I trust you!"

"Good." Ron held on tightly to her hand as she stared at him in astonishment. "Then hold on."

And he touched the egg carton with the hand that was holding hers. He felt a familiar tug on his navel as things began spinning out of control. He heard Hermione shriek and then as the colours and wind swirled around him, he fell out of the air heavily onto the floor of the Shrieking Shack.

Hermione, of course, remained standing. She hauled him to his feet and started to prod him in the chest, looking absolutely infuriated.

"Ron Weasley, what is the meaning of this? What's going on? Why are we here? What have you done?"

"Now, Hermione, just calm down. I just wanted us to be able to talk in private. You know, without my entire family listening in."

Her fists were clenched and he took a step back. "So you brought me here? Why here of all places? Never mind. I have a wedding in three hours, take me back!"

"I can't. Look there's some breakfast."

Her eyes glanced quickly over the extensive breakfast that his mum had prepared, claiming that she didn't want either one of them to starve and that if he was going to kidnap Hermione, they had both better have breakfast beforehand.

"I don't want breakfast! Give me that Portkey!"

Ron quickly incinerated it. He knew they wouldn't need it again. Once Hermione agreed not to marry Krum, they could leave through the tunnel or Disapparate.

Hermione was gaping at him. "Have you lost your mind?"


She went to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. Her eyes wide, she turned back to Ron, staring at him like she had never seen him before. He flinched.

"Sorry about this, Hermione. Expelliarmus!"

As her wand flew out of her hand and into his, Ron realised he had never seen her so furious. She looked ready to explode, and her hair was starting to come out of its twist. Her brown eyes flashed and her face was on fire. 'She's gorgeous,' Ron thought dazedly.

"Give me back my wand," she demanded in frozen tones. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but it isn't funny."

Ron gulped. "This isn't a joke. I'm, er, kidnapping you."


Slowly, Ron said, without looking at her, "I'm keeping you here until you agree not to marry Krum."

She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down, and held her hand out for her wand. "Clearly you've lost your mind," she said serenely, "but I'm getting married in three hours, so unlock the door and give me back my wand!"

"I won't! You can't marry Krum!"

"And why bloody not?" Hermione growled.

"He's Bulgarian!" She was very angry, somehow he had to get her to realise she was throwing her life away.

She shook her head as if disgusted with him. "That's not good enough."

"He's a Quidditch player, you hate Quidditch!" Ron protested.

"Ron, you're a Quidditch player."

"That's completely beside the point!"

"Ron, I know you've never liked Viktor, but I'm going to marry him. There's nothing you can do about it." Was it his imagination or did she look a little sad at those words?

"You can't!" He was getting a little desperate now.



"Because why?"

"You'd be Hermione Krum! That's a terrible name!"

"Ron." She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples as if to make this all go away.

"Think of the children, Hermione. Just think of the children. Do you really want to inflict that unibrow on them? Picture them with his nose, his eyebrow, and your hair?"

"I think you're being ridiculous--" She paused. "My hair? What about my hair?"

"Nothing! Your hair is beautiful! On you, that is." Hermione had him backed up against the wall; despite her short stature she was very intimidating, and, panicking, Ron dropped her wand down his pants.

There was a pause. Then in a dangerously soft voice Hermione asked, "Ron, did you just put my wand down your trousers?"

He smiled weakly. "You need to hear me out."

She backed up with her hands raised and took a seat at the rickety table where his mother's feast lay, but she didn't touch it. Instead she crossed her arms and glared at him.

"Why are you doing this? Is it just because you don't like Viktor? I'm the one marrying him, not you. Don't you want me to be happy?"

Silent for a moment, Ron could only say, "You just can't marry him."

Huffing, Hermione got out of the chair and started to pace. "Let me go, Ron, this is absolutely ridiculous. We're going in circles. Clearly you need to be admitted to St. Mungo's."

Ron said nothing which only made her angrier.

"Give me my wand, you sod!" She sounded near tears which broke his heart. He wasn't trying to hurt her, he was trying to make things better for them both. For a moment he contemplated giving her back her wand and letting her go on with her life. But then he shook his head. This was better. She wasn't meant for Krum.

"Ron," she was practically begging now, "why are you doing this? I thought you were my best friend. I can't believe you're doing something so stupid on my wedding day."

That hurt, it really did, and Ron couldn't help but snap, "It's because I'm your best friend that I'm doing this."

She turned to him and said, "That doesn't make sense, what do you mean?"

Now Ron was the angry one. Didn't she get it? Wasn't it obvious? "I can't watch you throw your life away by marrying Krum, and I most certainly can't be the one responsible for giving you to him!"

Practically spitting, Hermione said angrily, "It's hardly throwing my life away, you arse! Give a better reason! Because you don't want me to marry him isn't enough! Stop giving me these pathetic reasons, and just tell me why you don't want me to get married!"

"Because I'm in love with you, all right?" He clapped a hand over his mouth. Oh no, he hadn't meant to say that, not like that. He just wanted to stop her from marrying Krum. He hadn't intended to confess he was in love with her. How could he have blurted it out like that? How could he have been so stupid?

Hermione only stared at him, dumbfounded. Then she shook her head. "This isn't funny! How dare you play a practical joke on me at a time like this! Do you have any idea how on edge I am right now? I can't believe you'd do something like this. This sounds like the work of Fred and George, not you!"

The tips of his ears were bright red, he knew, and he stared fixedly at he floor as he muttered, "I'm not joking."

It took a moment for that to register with her, but when it did she flipped out and started yelling. Ron cringed.

"You're not joking? You wait until now, hours before I'm supposed to get married to tell me you love me? Fourteen years, Ronald Weasley, you've known me fourteen years and you wait until now? I thought we were friends, you couldn't tell me? How long have you been keeping this from me? How long have you been lying to me?"

"I didn't really realise it until yesterday at Krum's bachelor party."

"So you were drunk, was that it? It took a little Dutch courage? I can't deal with this right now." Walking away from him, she immediately turned around and continued to rant. "So was this kidnapping ploy your idea of a romantic gesture?!"


"What kind of idiot would think this was romantic!"

"Well, Harry thought it was a good idea."

"Harry knew?"

"Ginny thought it was romantic."

"Ginny knew!"

"Fred and George thought it was great."


She looked as if she were trying to rip her hair out and Ron wisely hid the silverware in case she took into her head to come at him with a knife.

"Was there anyone who didn't know before I did?" she demanded.

Ron thought a moment. "Percy didn't. Neville didn't, I don't think. I'm pretty sure Dean and Seamus had no idea. But if they had known I bet they would have thought it was a brilliant idea."

Hermione fumed. "Men."

Indicating the breakfast that Molly had prepared, now that Hermione seemed slightly less homicidal, Ron said, "There's all this breakfast, we really shouldn't let it spoil."

"I can hardly think of eating at a time like this," she snapped. "How can you?"

"Well, Mum went to all this trouble..."

Her expression softened slightly. "Well, it was very nice of Molly to prepare all this food--wait, your mother was in on this idiotic plan, too?"

"She didn't want us to starve."

Coldly, Hermione retorted, "How kind of her."

She stormed away from the table and began to bang on the door with her fists. Once she tired herself out, she shouted, "Okay, enough is enough, this just too much for me. I'm getting married in three hours! How long are you planning to keep me here?"

Ron scratched his head. "Until you agree not to marry Krum. Merlin's beard, Hermione, I thought you were the smart one."

"It's done, Ron, I'm going to marry him. Everything's planned, you're not going to ruin this for me. I have to get married."

Bewildered, Ron asked, "Why?"

Between gritted teeth Hermione replied, "It's part of my ten year plan."

Ron couldn't help but grin at this. "You have a ten-year plan?"

"Yes, don't you dare make fun! And part of that plan is that I get married today so that there's time for me to have children while it won't interfere with my career...and I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this! What do you think...I'm going to marry you instead?"

There was an awkward silence and Hermione looked horrified. "Oh...no...Ron, I was just kidding. I didn't mean it!"

He looked thoughtful and said, "Well, why not?"

"Why not

? I'll tell you why not! You've kidnapped me, held me here against my will, offered me cold breakfast and you expect me to marry you!"

"Well, I've already made a fool of myself and told you how I really feel. Now I need to know how you feel about me. How do you feel about me?"

Ignoring him, Hermione started looking for another way out while Ron just watched her. It hurt him to see her so agitated, but he couldn't stop, not when they were making progress.

After she exhausted herself searching for an exit, Ron said quietly, "You're avoiding the question."

"I'm avoiding nothing," she snapped. Her beautiful hair was falling around her face and she irritably brushed it away. "I'm looking for a way to escape you, you maniac."

"Then tell me how you feel about me."

"No. I will never forgive you for this, Ron Weasley. Never."

He walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders as she began to shake. Guiding her towards a chair, he said softly, "Please, calm down. Have some tea and take a moment to think about this. Would I be doing all of this if I really didn't believe in it?"

She was ignoring him, he could tell, but at least she sat down and poured the tea. As she took a sip, he had an evil idea. Morally wrong, of course, but if it would get the appropriate response, then Ron decided it was worth it.

He sat down opposite and took a piece of bacon off the plate while she watched him over her teacup. Then casually he said, "I put Veritaserum in the tea."

She spit it all out in his face. The look of horror in her eyes was nearly enough to make him reveal that, no, he was just kidding, there was nothing in that tea but a bit of milk. But the opportunity could not afford to be missed. He figured that she was upset enough that the added threat of Veritaserum would force her to confess everything.

"How--How could you?" she spluttered, practically shrieking. She quickly calmed herself. "No, you're lying, aren't you? Trying to trick me. That's low, you utter bastard."

Quickly Ron improvised, wiping tea from his eyes with his sleeve. "Don't forget, Hermione, Fred and George are in on this plot as well and they can get their hands on anything."

A look of realisation settled itself over her face and her body sagged. But Ron wasn't fooled. She was still trying to think of a way out of this mess. He restrained the urge to grin like a fool.

"So...how do you feel about me, Hermione?"

Her eyes were wide in horror and she shook her head, but the words came bubbling out anyway even as she tried to put a hand over her mouth to keep from speaking.

"I love you. I have for a long time. I didn't think you felt the same so I never told you. I watched, and I waited for you to get a clue. But you never got it. So I started looking somewhere else. I got tired of waiting for you. But I never stopped loving you. And now that you've humiliated me, can I go?"

She looked so unhappy that Ron felt a pang of guilt. But then he laughed out loud, unable to hold it in any longer. "Are you crazy? You just told me you love me! I told you I love you! Are you missing the connection here?"

"Let me go, Ron. This changes nothing. I'm marrying Viktor." Hermione's voice was trembling slightly.

"This changes everything! You can't get married, I love you, you love me!"

"I'm getting married. It's too late, Ron. It's just too late."

"It's not too late. And besides...you can't get married without a groom."

Sitting up straighter, her eyes narrowing, she said, "What do you mean?"

"Well, there was a contingency plan."

"While I applaud you for thinking ahead," her tone was biting and sarcastic, "what are you talking about?"

"Fred and George. They're...taking care of Krum."

Hermione moaned and buried her face in her arms. "Sweet Merlin. What are you, the Weasley Mafia?"

"What's a mafia?"

"Never mind. You're a lunatic."

Ron was a little proud. "Yes, but a romantic lunatic. Marry me, Hermione. There's nothing to stop you."

Her eyes flashing again, Hermione stood and dumped her cup of cold tea on his shirt. Looking incredibly satisfied, she raised her chin in the air and said, "You just don't get it. I can't marry you. I won't marry you."

His initial reaction was to leap up and start swearing, she had ruined his favourite sweater, but then he realised that was just what she wanted. Instead he cleaned up the mess with a wave of his wand.

"Look, I know I can be pretty stupid sometimes, but you can be stupid sometimes, too. If you'd just told me all of this ages ago, we wouldn't be here, I wouldn't have had to kidnap you, and it could have been us in that church right now!"

"If I had told you how I felt all those years ago, you would have run screaming from the room and never would have spoken to me again!"

He could feel his ears burn. "That's not true! I would have come back...eventually."

"Of course you would have, but you never would have spoke about it again, things would have got awkward between us, and eventually we would have had to go our separate ways because being in a room together would have been unbearable. It would have ruined our friendship!"

"That's a chance you should have been willing to take!" Why was he on the defensive now?

"Well, it wasn't, all right? Your friendship meant too much for me to take that risk!" She sounded like she was near tears.

"Well if you had clued me in all those years ago I wouldn't have had to have Harry tell me I was in love you! I would have much preferred to hear it from you!"

Quietly Hermione said, "I would have preferred to be the one to tell you."

He brightened. That sounded like progress. "Well, now you've told me, I've told you, we're in love, let's go get married! We'll find Harry and Ginny, and make a small private affair. I even have the appropriate attire."

"Ron, I've spent the last six months planning this wedding, I'm going to get married in that church!"

"Not if you can't get there."

"Ronald Weasley, I'll kill you. I'll kill you with my bare hands, I don't need a wand."

Backing away quickly from the enraged little lioness, his mind was still working furiously. "Okay...so you want to get married in that church...is there anything that says you have to marry Krum in that church? You'd be Hermione Krum, Hermione. Hermione Krum!"

"I'm tired of going in circles. I'm getting dizzy, Ron." She sounded defeated, lost, and almost afraid. For a moment Ron was afraid he'd damaged her character.

Seriously, without a note of mockery, he asked, "Why is it Krum? You don't love him."

To his dismay Hermione started to cry. "I do. Let me go."

Taking a few steps toward her, he took her by the shoulders and gave her a little shake. "You don't love him. You love me. You can't possibly love him if you love me. We're nothing alike."

She started laughing through her tears. "You're wrong, you know. You're very much alike, that's why I chose him. I thought, if I couldn't have you, I'd have him. Someone brave, and caring, who makes me laugh..."

Ron scowled. "You think he's all of that?"

"No, you dolt, I think you're all of that!"

That was it. Ron lost what was left of his sanity and tipped her head back, finally doing what he had wanted to do for so long. He kissed her deeply, and for a moment she froze, but then she kissed him back with equal intensity.

When they broke apart, the first thing Hermione said was, "Oh no, what am I going to do about the wedding?"

Laughing lightly against her lips, Ron kissed her again. "Don't worry, Mum and Dad are taking care of it."

"Your mum and dad? Oh no, what are they doing?"

"Well, while Fred and George...er, 'take care' of Krum, Mum and Dad are using the fellytone to inform his family and guests that their presence is no longer required."

"Telephone," Hermione murmured, resting her head on his chest. "Oh, no, they aren't."

"They are." He felt amazing. This was what had been missing from his life for so long.

"Well I guess I have no choice now, do I?"

"You never did," Ron said, laughing, bending down to kiss her again. He never wanted to stop kissing her. "You just wanted to think you did. You're really stubborn, you know."

Hermione laughed softly. "So are you. Just how long were you planning to keep me here if I didn't give in?"

"Oh, well, I figured when we got hungry I'd get Harry to send in some food. I was prepared to stay here as long as it took. But I knew you'd crack."

"Oh really? Maybe I just ought to change my mind then..."

She started to move away, but he reached out, grabbed her arm, and pulled her close again. "Oh no you don't, you can't change your mind now. Now go on, you have a wedding to prepare for. Get out, it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding...or so I've heard."

Hermione couldn't help but laugh again. Ron grinned; he loved to hear her laugh, it was the most beautiful sound in the world. "I can't get out, remember, the door's sealed."

Stepping back, but still holding onto her hand as if he never planned to let go, Ron called out, "Oi, Harry, Alohomora her already!"

"Harry was there the whole time?" she gasped.

"And Ginny. Another contingency plan."

With a creak the door to the shack opened, and Harry and Ginny climbed in, with Harry offering Ginny his arm to get out of the tunnel. When they were both inside, they grinned at Ron and Hermione.

"It's about bloody time," said Ginny. She went and took Hermione's arm, escorting her out of the room. "You're not too angry, are you, Hermione?"

Hermione glanced over her shoulder and smiled at Ron who returned it. "No," she said. "I'm not mad at all."

"Good, because I thought it was just the sweetest thing. A bit misguided perhaps, but that's my brother for you."

Ginny continued to chatter in Hermione's ear as the two girls left the Shrieking Shack, and Hermione turned once more to look over her shoulder at Ron. Her eyes held promises for the future, and Ron swore to himself that he'd make sure she kept them.

"Well, mate, you did it," said Harry, clapping Ron on the back. "Only do me a favour would you?"

"What's is it?"

"Don't change your mind. I'm not sure we could all take it."

Ron smiled. He thought only of Hermione. "Don't worry, Harry. There's no chance of that. No chance at all. You know, I'm thinking of writing a book. I'll call it 'Ron Weasley's Guide to Kidnapping Your Best Friend.'"

Shaking his head, Harry said, "Ron, do you really think this situation is common enough to require a book?"

"I'm hardly the only stupid git in love with his best friend in the world, Harry. It'll sell."

Harry considered it. "When you put it that way...maybe you're right. Any advice for me?"

Annoyed, Ron frowned. "Why would you need to know how to kidnap your best friend? You don't fancy Hermione, do you?"

"Oh no, she's completely your territory, my friend. Perhaps best friend isn't the right term."

Now Ron scowled. "What would be the right term? Best friend's little sister, perhaps?"

Harry smiled secretively. "Perhaps."

"Don't go getting any ideas, Harry."

"Hey, I'm only following in your footsteps," Harry said, shrugging.

Ron grinned, getting a dreamy look in his eyes. "Well, when you put it that way...I guess you don't mess with success."