Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 07/05/2002
Updated: 04/04/2003
Words: 40,751
Chapters: 11
Hits: 15,615

Promise You Won\'t Forget Me


Story Summary:
Ron Weasley has been missing presumed dead for five years. Trying to relax and get her mind off things, Hermione decides to take a magical Carribean cruise. On the cruise she runs into Harry who she hasn’t seen in three years, although they’ve been communicating. Everything should have been wonderful; sunning, swimming, reconnecting with an old friend, and making new ones. Then a red–headed stranger appears, and Hermione’s relaxing Carribean cruise becomes a fight for her life—and her heart.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Ron Weasley has been missing presumed dead for five years. Trying to relax and get her mind off things, Hermione decides to take a magical Caribbean cruise. On the cruise, she runs into Harry who she hasn’t seen in three years, although they’ve been communicating. Everything should have been wonderful - sunning, swimming, reconnecting with an old friend, and making new ones. Then a red–headed stranger appears, and Hermione’s relaxing Caribbean cruise becomes a fight for her life—and her heart.
Author's Note:
Review and let me know what you think.

~Chapter 1: Whatever Floats Your Boat~

Hermione stood in the midst of the chaos, shielding her eyes from the sun. She had chosen to take an airplane from England to Florida because the Floo trip across continents was dangerous, there was a risk of being Splinched Apparating such a distance, and there hadn´t been an available Portkey. So she flew. She arrived at the Orlando International Airport and Apparated to Port Canaveral where the cruise would be leaving in an hour. She had left in the evening and in Florida it was eight a.m. Time changes were too confusing for her. It had been a very long flight.

She stood on the dock, trying to find the specific dock her ship was leaving from. It wasn´t easy. The entire port seemed to be alive with people. People just as confused as she was, people trying to sell things, and then there were the `regulars,' people who actually looked like they belonged there--which was something Hermione definitely didn´t feel. Everyone seemed to have an American accent making Hermione feel she stuck out like a sore thumb. At least once she found the boat she´d be with other witches and wizards.

She had to ask for directions. The person she asked looked at her strangely when she asked where to find the ship in her out-of-place accent and shook his head. She realized belatedly that since this was a magical ship she´d have to ask a witch or a wizard. It was Platform 9 3/4 all over again. It wasn´t as if witches and wizards wore signs.

She finally managed to find the boat on her own. It was immense. There seemed to be a million little portholes and at least ten levels. It looked like it was as large as Hogwarts! She had never been on something so expensive-looking in her life. It had taken quite a bite out of her savings, but as she gazed up at the huge ship and listened to the happy chattering of the people around her, she was beginning to think it was worth it.

It was obvious that the boat and dock were magically disguised in the same way that Hogwarts was. Many people were walking past her, happily oblivious to the huge ship out in the water. A pretty Asian woman came up next to her and looked out at the sea.

"One of us?" she whispered conspiratorially. Hermione nodded. "See you on the boat then."

She melted into the crowd. Hermione followed, trying to blend in with the others. Her luggage had been sent ahead so everything was on board. As soon as she walked up the gangplank, she went to the concierge desk. A man smiled pleasantly at her.

"´Ello, miss. What´s the name, please?"

Hermione signed in on the registrar. "It should be under the name Hermione Granger."

She quickly glanced at the other names on the list. She saw one that looked familiar before she realized the man was glaring at her. She looked up, blushing slightly.

"Sorry," she said. "I was just curious about my fellow passengers."

His face relaxed. "It´s alright. Everyone will get to know everyone else soon enough. Have a bon voyage, Professor Granger."

Hermione had started to turn around when she heard the concierge say her title. She spun around on her heels.

"How did you know that I´m a Professor?" she asked.

The man smiled. "You´re rather famous, Professor Granger. Or have you forgotten what happened five years ago? I´m from the United Kingdom originally, and there were follow up articles in the Prophet about you when you became a professor at Hogwarts."

Hermione blushed. "Oh, right, that ordeal five years ago."

She thanked him, and walked away, searching for her room. A bellhop showed her the way. She was pleased to see that all of her luggage had arrived and she sat down heavily on her bed. The room was gorgeous. The decor was blue and her bedspread and curtains had pictures of tropical birds. The bathroom had a shower and a large bathtub, as well as a sink that was big enough to bathe in and one of the most elegant toilets Hermione had ever seen. There was a well stocked mini bar and a safe hidden behind a painting of fruit.

The first thing she did was take out her valuable jewelry and place it in the safe. Her fingers lingered the longest on a particular piece. It was a necklace with a single pendant in the shape of a book. The book opened and inside was a small diamond. It had been her graduation present from Ron, and he had given it to her right before he vanished. She hadn´t even remembered packing it. She still remembered what he said when he gave it to her.

"I saw this and thought of you, `Mione. Who else would wear a book around her neck?"

The boat rocked and pitched her forward. She assumed it would take a while to get her `sea legs´. She had cast an anti-seasickness spell over herself before she stepped on the boat and she was pleased to see that so far it was working, although it would have to be recast every morning.

She filled the bath with water and bubbles, got in, and let herself relax. She began to think of many things, beginning with that ordeal five years ago...

It had been one week before Harry, Ron, and Hermione graduated from Hogwarts. There had been rumors circulating for weeks that Voldemort was planning to attack Harry on that special day. No one expected that he would attack a week early.

The execution had been brilliant. Voldemort had corrupted one of the younger Gryffindor male students, promising that the boy´s family would be spared if he complied with the Dark Lord´s wishes. The boy, cowering in fear, agreed. Voldemort fed a little of his power into the boy, who later went into Harry´s room, cast sleeping spells on Harry´s roommates, and tied up the Boy Who Lived. This was done silently and without a problem.

Voldemort´s plan would have gone off without a hitch if Hermione hadn´t gotten it into her head to walk into the boys dormitory. She wasn´t sure what made her do it, but she had this sudden feeling that made her get out of bed and walk across the hall. When she entered, she saw that the curtains to Harry´s bed were open, with the covers in disarray. She ran to Ron´s bed and tried to shake him awake.

"Ron!" she said in a hushed whisper. "Wake up!"

But Ron just continued to snore. Hermione shook him and shook him until she realized it was a spell; even Ron would have woken up by now.

"Finite Incantatem," she whispered. Ron sat up sleepily and wiped his eyes.

"Hermione!" he yelped and tried to pull the covers over him. Hermione hadn´t noticed that he was only wearing his boxer shorts.

"There´s no time, Ron!" she said in a hurry. "Harry´s gone!"

Ron jumped up. "What!"

They had rushed out of the room, until Ron suddenly realized he was still undressed. He hurriedly put on a robe and they rushed out of the room. They were down in the common room and unsure of where to go next. They were about to run for Dumbledore when Ron heard a strange muffled sobbing.

Hiding behind one of the armchairs in the corner was Ginny Weasley, frozen in place--literally. Hermione unfroze her and Ginny collapsed sobbing into Ron´s arms.

"Oh, Ron, that boy, Hunter, he took Harry! He had a deranged look in his eyes, and he carried Harry out of here all tied up!"

Ron shook her. "Ginny, this is very important. Did he say where he was taking Harry?"

It took several precious minutes for the story to come out coherently. Finally Ginny managed to gasp out, "He said something about a town. And the house where Voldemort was born."

Ron looked at Hermione. She nodded. "I know where it is. Let´s go. Ginny, go straight to Dumbledore and tell him the same thing. Alright?"

Ginny nodded. Ron grabbed Hermione´s hand and they ran out of the room.

Hermione wiped her eyes. She wasn´t crying, it was the steam from the bath. She got out, toweled off and decided to take a nap. It had been a long day.

* * *

When she woke up, the boat had left the dock and Hermione decided to mingle with the other guests. She pulled on her bathing suit, covered herself with her robe, grabbed her bag of "supplies", adjusted her straw hat, and walked out to the pool.

Hermione had never been proud of her figure. She didn´t think she looked particularly attractive in a bathing suit, but that was a drawback of a cruise. So she headed toward the pool where witches and wizards were swimming, sunning, and ordering drinks. She sat down on a nearby lounge chair and set out her things. She placed a bottle of sun lotion, her sunglasses, and a worn paperback book on the little table next to her. After glancing around suspiciously, she decided that it was safe to remove her robe. No one else seemed self-conscious.

She was so white! Hopefully after two weeks on the ship she would tan more. She blushed slightly when she saw a few men shooting her admiring glances. She was a professor and was not used to being stared at. It wasn´t as if she was wearing a bikini. It was a very simple blue one piece suit. Stretching out on the chair, she put on her sunglasses and picked up her book, Strength of the Spirit. A shadow fell over her, blocking the sun.

"You know, I don´t think I´ve ever seen you in a bathing suit."

Hermione looked up abruptly. A handsome tanned youth was watching her with a big grin. He had messy black hair, familiar green eyes, and an odd lightening bolt shaped scar.

"Harry!" she gasped. "What in the name of Merlin are you doing here?"

Harry sat down on the edge of her chair and gave her a hug. "Vacation. I assume that´s what you´re doing here as well."

Hermione scooted over to make more room. "I can´t believe we chose the same cruise! What are the chances of that?"

Harry ducked his head slightly. "Well, actually, Professor Dumbledore owled me and told me you were taking this cruise. I hadn´t seen you in so long, and I needed a vacation, and, well..."

Hermione laughed. "It´s terrific to see you. We haven't written each other in months, have we? How dreadfully lax of us. How has life in Africa been? And where are your glasses?" She had only just noticed that Harry´s black frames were missing.

"I had some witch doctor give me a optometrical spell for the cruise. And Africa is rather boring. Lots of papers, lots of signings. I´m a diplomat, can you believe that? The name Harry Potter is turning out to be something of a blessing there. Arguing ministry men stop dead in their tracks when they hear my name."

Harry´s face was full of laughter and Hermione noticed how healthy and handsome he looked. He was wearing red swimming trunks and to judge by the dampness of his hair, he had already been in the pool.

"So," he continued, "how´s life as a professor?"

"Not too bad," she replied. "The children respect me, and I´m satisfied. But I needed a break."

"I know what you mean."

They sat in silence for a moment while people ran, chattered, and splashed around them. Hermione noticed that everyone was in muggle attire, but that made sense since robes were too hot for the climate. Harry ordered both of them some fruity tropical drink and Hermione took a long sip of hers. It was very good.

"Oh, Harry," she sighed, "it´s really been too long. How did we let our friendship grow apart?"

Harry shrugged tanned shoulders. "We´re here now. Can I show you around?"

"In a little while. I got into this ridiculous get up, I´m going to swim." She stood up, removed her glasses and hat, and tied her shoulder-length brown hair up. Harry gazed at her admiringly.

"That suit really suits you," he said without a trace of embarrassment.

Hermione willed herself not to blush. "Thank you, do you really think so?"

Harry pulled her back down. "Yes, but you´re so pale! Here, don´t forget the lotion."

He rubbed it on her shoulders and her back. Then she stood up and faced him.

"So, what do you think, do I look really ridiculous?" Hermione asked.

"Nah," he replied, standing up. "You look nice. Come on, we´ll swim."

They jumped into the pool and spent a while swimming and splashing one another. It got darker and soon dinner was announced. Harry got out of the pool and gave Hermione a hand up. She shook herself like a wet dog and then began to towel off. Harry laughed as she splattered him with little water droplets. Then he waved his wand and she found herself instantly dry.

"Why don´t you go change for dinner and I´ll meet you in the dining hall," he suggested. She agreed and went off to find her room. The corridors were deserted except for a redheaded gentleman and his two friends down one end. They disappeared into a room as soon as Hermione approached. She unlocked her door with a quick `Alohomora 5950' and went inside.

She still couldn´t believe that Harry was there. Had Dumbledore really told him about it? Hermione shook her head, smiling. Incredible how the other Professors meddled in her personal life. They must not have much else to do.

She pulled out a simple cotton dress from the closet and then changed her mind. According to the brochure, dinner was something of a fancy affair. The guests were encouraged to dress up a bit. So she put the cotton dress back and pulled out a silk one. It was a royal blue, her favorite color, and it had a v-neck. The skirt fell just above her knees and she could wear her nice black shoes.

When she finished dressing she admired the result in the mirror over her vanity. Her brown hair was much smoother than it used to be, thanks to continual slatherings of Sleekeazy´s Hair Potion (although it still curled quite a bit), and was cut a bit shorter than it used to be. It was cooler that way. She looked very nice and much better than how she had looked in a bathing suit (or so she thought).

She left in search of the dining hall. When she finally found it she was a bit short of breath. Harry was waiting for her outside, looking very handsome in a navy blazer and tan trousers. She was struck by how much older he seemed without his glasses. He welcomed her with a friendly smile and offered his arm.

"You look smashing, Herm," he said warmly. Hermione could feel herself blushing again.

They walked inside and Hermione was in awe.

The room looked like a ballroom and was at least as large as the Great Hall at Hogwarts. A large chandelier had descended in the center of the room over a large dance floor. An orchestra was warming up along one wall. Each table sat six with fancy china and silverware. Hermione felt a little out of her depth, but Harry pulled her toward one of the tables.

He pulled a chair out for her and she sat down. Other people joined them and they got into a nice conversation. Alexa Freiburg was a lawyer from Sacramento, California. She had short blond hair, dark brown eyes, and a fondness for practical jokes. Monty Grover was the first recipient of one of her jokes. He was a tall man with little sense of humor and light, wispy brown hair. The other two people at their table were a newly married couple, the Richmonds. The two were obviously very much in love and quite young. One or two years younger than Hermione herself.

They were chatting happily when a short little man came to the front of the room and cleared his throat. His voice was magically magnified.

"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to our cruise. The ship is on it´s way! We will be spending two days on the lovely island of Nassau, then it´s off to San Juan, an extended stay at Cozumel, and Barbados before we return to Port Canaveral. Are there any questions? No? Alright, then please enjoy tonight´s meal and let´s strike up the band!"

The orchestra had a wide repertoire and while Hermione ate, she enjoyed listening to blues, swing, rock and roll, and the Weird Sisters´ latest hit. After the plates disappeared, Harry stood up and held out his hand.

"Would you care to dance?" he asked Hermione.

She was surprised. "Oh, I don´t know, I´m not much of a dancer..."

Harry smiled. "Come on, you dance divinely. Please?"

"Oh, alright, I suppose."

She stood up as well and Harry led her onto the dance floor. The tune was light and breezy and the two fell into a sort of foxtrot.

"So tell me more about your life in Africa," Hermione called as Harry spun her around.

"Not much to tell," Harry said with a shrug. "I was living in Egypt for a while. I have a place there, it´s really brilliant. You should come some time."

Hermione laughed as she was spun in another circle. "Remember that summer when Ron--" She stopped. There was a moment´s uncomfortable silence between them before Hermione tried to cover her inadvertent blunder. "Er, when the Weasleys visited Egypt?"

Harry nodded in time to the music. "The magical community there is fascinating. The curses that were placed on the tombs were complex."

There was another pause. The fast song ended and a slower waltz began. They moved closer together and began to waltz.

"Do you miss him a lot?" Harry asked softly.

Hermione hesitated before responding. "Of course, don´t you?"

"Yes. Of course I do." He was going to continue, then he changed his mind. "So, tell me about the men in your life."

Hermione accepted this change in the conversation with a nod. "It´s just Luke now."

"Luke." Harry looked thoughtful. They whirled around the floor. "Is he the accountant?"

"No." Harry dipped her. "That was Paul. Luke´s the regional district supervisor for Quality Quidditch Supplies."

"Ah." Another dip. "And does he stand a chance?"

"Not really," Hermione confessed. "Alright, now, I´ve confessed. It´s your turn. Any future Mrs. Potter prospects on the horizon?"

Harry thought about it. The tempo changed and Hermione, breathing hard, walked back to the table. Harry followed closely behind.

"No, not really. I haven´t met any potential mates lately. I´ve actually been rather busy."

They resumed their seats and Hermione got into a discussion about the muggle world with Alexa, who was also Muggleborn. Then Harry and Alexa pointed out to her all the important passengers.

"Strange as it may seem," Alexa said, "Harry here isn´t the only celebrity on board. That man over there, he´s the Ambassador from America to the Bahamas for the American Magical Government. And over there is the American actress Claudia Rampart." Hermione stared unashamedly. It was the pretty Asian woman who spoke to her before they got on the boat. "And over there," Alexa pointed to yet another table, "is one of the richest men in France. I´m not sure what he does exactly, but he´s very rich and very single."

She exchanged a glance with Hermione who only laughed. Apparently Alexa was one of those women.

Then Monty asked her to dance, and Harry asked Alexa to dance. She lost track of him as she was passed along to none other than the captain of the ship. They made a funny sight as the top of his head only came up to her eyes. He was a fair dancer, though, and gave Hermione quite a whirl before moving on to another female passenger. Not without a final comment, however.

"You want to have fun, you let me show you the sights on the islands, okay?"

Hermione laughed. The way he wiggled his eyebrows made his proposition absolutely ridiculous.

"Thanks, maybe I´ll take you up on it."

She walked back to her table where Harry was sitting.

"You know, I´m awfully tired, what with the time change and all. I´m going to go to bed now. I´ll see you in the morning, Harry. Save me a seat at breakfast."

Harry seemed a little disappointed, but he nodded. "Will do. Goodnight."

She made her way back to her room, a little unsteady on her feet, whether it was just the rocking boat or the alcohol she didn´t know, and collapsed on her bed. It was very comfortable. She only had time to change out of her dress, wash her face, and collapse back in bed before she fell asleep.

Despite the comfort of the bed and the soothing ocean sounds, Hermione slept fitfully. She dreamt, dreamt of that ordeal five years ago...

Hermione wasn´t sure how she found the place in her nervous state, but she did. Ron was one step behind her, muttering under his breath the entire time. They approached the rickety old mansion from the back, and were crouched in the shrubbery. Hermione had lit her wand softly, but all they could see were broken windows, glowing lights inside the rooms, and from somewhere not too far away they heard a disturbing high-pitched laugh.

The moon above was nearly full and provided some light. Hermione was being bitten by miscellaneous insects and the bushes scratched her arms. Ron turned to her and held a finger to his lips.

"We have to be silent," he whispered. "Do you have your wand ready?" Hermione nodded silently. "Alright, follow me and be quiet!"

Hermione had never seen her red-headed mate so determined. The look on his face was almost frightening. He had a cold-blooded gleam in his eye and Hermione knew he wouldn´t stop until he had rescued Harry.

They approached a back door silently. The rotted wood opened with a tiny squeak. The room they entered was as quiet as a tomb. When Hermione´s eyes adjusted, she saw that it was a kitchen. Mice squeaked across the floor and there was a decayed smell that lingered under her nose. They moved through the kitchen and into the hall. The noises, laughter and screams, were coming from upstairs. Ron stopped.

"What is it?" Hermione hissed. "What´s wrong? We have to save Harry!"

Ron turned to her, the moonlight, streaming in through the broken window, glimmered in his hair. Hermione saw a foreign look in his eye, one she had never seen in her usually-lighthearted friend´s eyes before.

"Hermione, don´t argue with me on this," Ron began. Hermione was scared. "I want you to stay here and I´m going upstairs. Don´t come up unless I´m dying."

"But Ron--" Hermione started to argue; she hated being ordered around. But she didn´t get a chance to finish her complaint. Ron stopped her diatribe with his mouth.

By the time she got her senses back, Ron had gone upstairs and she was rooted to the floor.

"Wow," she murmured.

She crept closer and inched up the stairs, one step at a time. Screams ripped through the air like a scalpel and she abandoned the pretense of stealth. She ran to the door where the terrible noises were coming from and listened through the keyhole.

"It was touching that you came for your friend, Mr. Weasley, but it was also foolish. Now I´ll kill him and have the added bonus of killing you as well. Crucio!"

Ron´s screams filled the air. Hermione thought she heard someone call out, "Ron!" but it might have been in her mind. Voldemort chuckled evilly.

"And now to do away with you and the meddlesome Potter. Avada--"

Hermione burst into the room without thinking of the consequences. She was grabbed almost instantly by a man she recognized as Peter Pettigrew a.k.a. Wormtail. She squirmed and bit the hand that covered her mouth. Wormtail swore. Voldemort laughed.

"A fierce warrior, eh? This is the mighty army that was sent to rescue Potter? A teenage boy and girl? I am truly frightened."

Hermione saw that Harry was tied up in one corner, unconscious. It looked as if someone had beaten him before they tied him. Ron looked up at her from the floor, his face twisted in pain.

"Hermione, run!" he screamed. Voldemort shot him with a blast of his wand and Ron was silent.

"Well, young lady," Voldemort said, grinning like a mad man, "it appears you have two choices. Stay and be killed, or run and let your friends die. What will it be?"

Hermione woke in a cold sweat and trembled. She got out of bed, hugged herself to get warm, walked to her window and closed it. She stared out at the water for a few moments. The light from the moon shone down on the waves which rippled in the wind. Out in the middle of the ocean without any city lights meant the stars were clearly visible. It was calming, watching the water flow.

She returned to bed. She lay awake for some time after that, just looking up at the ceiling. She had changed since those days, and she knew the cause of it.

Ron´s mysterious disappearance had made her suddenly aware of her mortality. Life was for living, not studying all the time. She learned to have fun occasionally, although never at school. Everyone at Hogwarts, students and staff, believed she never had fun. But she did. And when she did, she always dedicated it to Ron.

"For you, Ron," she whispered out loud, before she fell into a dreamless sleep.
