They Shook Hands: Year Four (Original Version)


Story Summary:
Harry Potter's new life with his godfather, Sirius Black, is the stuff his best dreams were made of. As they turn 12 Grimmauld Place into a real home, Harry finally gets to hear all about his father and mother. At the Quidditch World Cup, Harry learns of the upcoming Triwizard Tournament from Mr. Lucius Malfoy. Back at Hogwarts, there's treachery afoot, as Harry is named as a fourth Champion. Can his reputation recover from what the other Houses are saying? Who will stand with him? Who will stand against him? Tasks of immense danger loom, and dark shadows are gathering again. How can Harry survive with life and limb in peril? Will Harry ever be the same again?

Chapter 16 - The Yule Ball

Chapter Summary:
It's the social event of the year! Harry's having quite a wild time. In addition to the students, the school governors, certain Ministry officials, and other important people are present as well. Nobody else's date seems to be going well at all. A party crasher ends up with all the Beauxbatons girls on his arms. Harry and Padma, Draco and Parvati go for a walk in the rose garden and dance the night away under the stars.
Author's Note:
Happy Hannukah if you're Jewish! Merry Christmas to all others! Bugger yourself if you're offended! ===== All chapters are posted on Schnoogle. All chapters and some juicy extras are posted on

They Shook Hands : Year Four

An alternate (but realistic!) universe Harry Potter fic
by Dethryl

Chapter Sixteen - The Yule Ball

It didn't seem as though a single Slytherin above third year had left for the holiday. Nobody cared a whit about the heavy load of homework they'd been given. All anybody could think about was the Yule Ball. Packages delivered by owl contained cufflinks, pins and brooches, or any of a hundred other sundries needed to dress up formally. The students were not the only ones looking fancy.

The Hogwarts staff, demonstrating a continued desire to impress the visitors from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, seemed determined to show the castle at its best this Christmas. The decorations were the most stunning yet seen inside the school. Everlasting icicles had been attached to the banisters of the marble staircase; the usual twelve Christmas trees in the Great Hall were bedecked with everything from luminous holly berries to real, hooting, golden owls, and the suits of armour had all been bewitched to sing carols whenever anyone passed them. It was quite something to hear "O Come, All Ye Faithful" sung by an empty helmet that only knew half the words. Several times, Filch the caretaker had to extract Peeves from inside the armour, where he had taken to hiding, filling in the gaps in the songs with lyrics of his own invention, all of which were very rude.

Snow was falling thickly upon the castle and its grounds just about every day. The pale blue Beauxbatons carriage looked like a large, chilly, frosted pumpkin next to the iced gingerbread house that was Hagrid's cabin. The Durmstrang ship's portholes were glazed with ice, the rigging white with frost. During what little free time was allotted, many student built snow warrens and waged war with snowballs.

On Christmas Day, Harry woke up to a pile of packages at the foot of his bed. Aside from the usual clothes, candy, and quills, Harry received a fine penknife from his godfather. It had attachments to open any lock and undo any knot. What an utterly useful thing, he thought. It could help him with getting in to trouble, or it could be a tool to help him through the tournament. Locks? Knots? Maybe one of the tasks would be to find the right path through a series of locked doors. Maybe the champions would have to retrieve a prize dangling from a rope. He immediately put it with his wand, resolving to try it out later.

The hours flew by without notice as they idly played games in the common room, engaged in a snowball fight in the courtyard, and chatted about how excited they were about the ball. That evening, the entrance hall was packed with students, all milling around waiting for eight o'clock, when the doors to the Great Hall would be thrown open. Those people who were meeting partners from different Houses were edging through the crowd trying to find one another.

Harry's bottle green dress robes looked stunning, according to his enchanted mirror. He'd done his hair just long enough on the top to be a little messy. The sides were cut shorter, at Pansy's insistence. He looked quite dapper.

Draco was wearing dress robes of black velvet with a high collar, which in Harry's opinion made him look like a vicar. Draco wasn't all together pleased with them, but Harry gathered that his mother had selected them and had brooked no arguments.

Pansy, in very frilly robes of pale pink, was on Tim's arm. They were already bickering. She looked absolutely beautiful, but her smile was rather fixed as she glared at the back of Draco's head. Tim wore a simple purple robe made of sheer satin.

Crabbe and Goyle were both also wearing green; they resembled moss-coloured boulders. Goyle had bowed clumsily to Mandy Brocklehurst, who looked radiant in a peach-coloured gown very similar to Pansy's. Where Pansy's began ruffling at the stomach, though, Mandy's began at the hips. Crabbe was being utterly deferential to Ginny Weasley, who had shocked everyone when she'd emerged from the dorm.

Ginny's dress was very daring. Brilliant gold, nearly backless with only a single strip of cloth holding up the front, which had a plunging neckline on its own. Her red hair flowed down to her waist, held back by gold pins and pearls in her hair. Matching earrings and bracelets completed the look, although he doubted anyone would notice when compared to how low cut the dress was. She had a determined expression on her face, and that kept the comments from turning nasty. Harry had to admit, she wore the dress very well.

"Looking good, Ginny," he said teasingly. "Did you borrow that from Laine?"

Ginny blushed slightly. "No, Percy gave me an early Christmas present. Do you like it?" She did a bit of a twirl to show off what was nominally the back of her dress.

"It's fantastic," he said sincerely. "But your brothers look like they want to kill me for talking to you." Fred, George, and Ron Weasley looked fit to be tied, but there was nothing they could say in front of the whole school without looking like tremendously overprotective prats.

"That's nice," Ginny said carelessly. "I talk with whom I wish."

"Good for you."

Millie looked like an angel in white. A wide gold band with silver thread glittering in winter patterns arched across her chest while a narrow band ran from the centre of her chest down to her left hip and flared out to the floor. Even her hard face was relaxed tonight, and she looked almost like a normal girl. Harry grinned at her reassuringly. She made a slight face at him, but resolutely kept on smiling.

Another person with a fixed expression was Blaise. She wore a purple bodice, with a long purple skirt. A white overskirt left a gap in the front to show an embroidered flower pattern. Puffy sleeves, alternating purple and white, ended at her elbows. To Harry's surprise, Terry Boot, in a blue and white get-up, greeted her at the foot of the stairs. Then again, it shouldn't have been so surprising. Mandy and Padma, his fellow Ravenclaws, were going with Slytherin men, and he had apparently decided to return the favour.

Jenna's deep blue gown was enough to set Harry's pulse racing. Not only did it not have straps, it didn't appear to have any sort of fastenings at all! Everything appeared held up by elaborate folds of the cloth. Her date, Charles Warrington the Third, couldn't take his eyes off her, and the Chaser had already gotten lots of compliments from the other lads on the team.

Harry caught sight of Parvati descending from Gryffindor tower and nudged Draco subtly. She looked very pretty indeed, in robes of shocking pink, with her long dark plait braided with gold, and more gold glimmering at her wrists, ears, and neck. She wasn't giggling at all as Draco stepped closer and bowed courteously.

"You look magnificent," he declared, touching his lips to the back of her hand.

"And you look very handsome," she responded. She looked him up and down. "But it's very conservative, isn't it?"

Harry turned his head then and lost his breath. Padma looked just as pretty as Parvati, in robes of bright turquoise. She also had plaited her hair and interwoven it with gold. Bracelets, earrings, and a necklace of the precious metal completed her outfit. His clever flattery that he'd intended to speak was vanished from his brain. He could only stare as she came ever closer.

"Hi, Harry."

"I'm speechless," Harry said. "You look amazing."

Her slight smile grew bigger. "Thank you. I like your robes. We're both wearing sea colours. We match."

"Oh good."

The oak front doors opened, and everyone turned to look as the Durmstrang students entered with Professor Karkaroff. Krum was at the front of the party, with no escort. Over their heads he saw that an area of lawn right in front of the castle had been transformed into a sort of grotto full of fairy lights - meaning hundreds of actual living fairies were sitting in the rosebushes that had been conjured there, and fluttering over the statues of what seemed to be Father Christmas and his reindeer.

Krum made his way over to where Harry's friends were standing. To his utter astonishment, Krum stopped in front of Millie. He bowed low and kissed her hand, just as Draco had Parvati. Millie, her cheeks furiously red, even through her make-up, placed one hand on his shoulder. He straightened, and offered his arm.

"When did that happen?" Harry asked Draco. It was completely sudden, at least to him. Had he not been paying attention?

"Your guess is as good as mine. Why wouldn't she tell us?"

"She probably didn't want you to tease her."

"I would never tease Millie," Draco protested in a hurt tone.

"You were teasing her not five minutes ago about cleaning up real good."

"I wasn't teasing! She looks great!"

"Asking her what prompted her to learn a Glamour Charm was not nice, Draco."

"Her mother designed that robe. I will wager money that there's a Glamour Charm somewhere in there."

Professor McGonagall, who was wearing dress robes of red tartan and had arranged a rather ugly wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat, told them to wait on one side of the doors while everyone else went inside; they were to enter the Great Hall in procession when the rest of the students had sat down.

Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies stationed themselves nearest the doors; Davies looked so stunned by his good fortune in having Fleur for a partner that he could hardly take his eyes off her. Her silver gown looked like it had been painted on. Her legs were wrapped in shimmering cloth, and a long train was looped casually over her arm. Diggory and Cho Chang were close to them, with Harry, Krum, Millie, and Padma on the other side of the doors.

"Good choice," Harry said to Krum.

"Da. All the other girls act too silly. Millicent did not make ein spectacle of me."

"Yeah, I know he's famous," Millie said with a wry grin. "But so are you, Harry, and I can be myself with you. It made it a lot easier to just talk to Viktor as a person."

"She does most of the talking," Krum offered. "I just listen. It is helping to improve mine English."

Once everyone else was settled in the Hall, Professor McGonagall returned. "Champions, get in line in pairs. Follow me."

They did so, and everyone in the Great Hall applauded as they entered and started walking up toward a large round table at the top of the Hall, where the judges were sitting. The walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling. The House tables had vanished; instead, there were about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people.

Dumbledore smiled happily as the champions approached the top table. Karkaroff looked unhappy, but that was nothing new, so far as Harry was concerned. Ludo Bagman, tonight in robes of bright purple with large yellow stars, was clapping as enthusiastically as any of the students; and Madame Maxime, who had changed her usual uniform of black satin for a flowing gown of lavender silk, was applauding them politely. The fifth seat at the table was again occupied by Percy Weasley.

When the champions and their partners reached the table, Percy drew out the empty chair beside him, staring pointedly at Harry. Harry took the hint and sat down next to Percy, who was wearing brand-new, navy-blue dress robes and an expression of such satisfaction, Harry wish he felt half as confident.

There was no food as yet on the glittering golden plates, but small menus were lying in front of each of them. Harry picked his up uncertainly and looked around; there were no waiters. Dumbledore, however, looked carefully down at his own menu, then said very clearly to his plate, "Pork chops!" And pork chops appeared. Getting the idea, the rest of the table placed their orders with their plates too.

"Having fun, Percy?" Harry asked. "Where's Lynn?"

"There's not enough room for her here at the top table, so she's eating with Elan and Bridget."

"Elan's here?"

Percy nodded. "He's sitting with Mister Malfoy and some of the other governors."

"So congratulations," Harry said, suddenly remembering. "Quite the promotion, isn't it? Seems like only yesterday that you were just Crouch's assistant."

"Yes, it's quite fortuitous timing for me. Mister Crouch suddenly became quite ill. His retirement came as quite a surprise to everyone, even me. He told me everything, you see. I was running half of the department from my very first day on the job. Mister Malfoy must have put in a very good reference for me, because Mister Crouch trusted me implicitly."

"It's good to know they recognized the hard work you were doing. They made you the actual department head, right?"

"Yes, they did. They said there was no one more qualified. Youngest in Ministry history. I wanted my folks to be so proud."

Percy looked wistful for a moment, but he took a bite of his fish and changed the subject. "Well done against the dragon. Figured out the egg yet?"


"You will. It's easy enough."

"Maybe if you know the answer."

"That is true. But we mustn't speak of it."

"True. So Ginny says you helped her pick out her dress."

Percy turned red. "I wouldn't put it like that. I gave her a sack of Galleons and turned her loose. In retrospect, perhaps I should have supervised her purchases more closely."

"It must be hard, not being here at school to look after her."

"I'm living my own life now. I'm not welcome at home any more, and Ginny's under a lot of scrutiny from Mum and Dad as well. I worry about her."

"I'm keeping an eye on her," Harry said reassuringly. "She's doing pretty well."

"That's what her letters say. I'm glad. Thanks again for all you've done for her."

"You're welcome, Percy."

"So Padma," Percy said, changing the subject. "What made you say yes to this clumsy toe-stomper?"

Padma giggled nervously. "He's got a great sense of humour."

When all the food had been consumed, Dumbledore stood up and asked the students to do the same. Then, with a wave of his wand, all the tables zoomed back along the walls leaving the floor clear, and then he conjured a raised platform into existence along the right wall. A set of drums, several guitars, a lute, a cello, and some bagpipes were set upon it.

The Weird Sisters now trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause; they were all extremely hairy and dressed in black robes that had been artfully ripped and torn. They picked up their instruments, and Harry, who had been so interested in watching them that he had almost forgotten what was coming, suddenly realized that the lanterns on all the other tables had gone out, and that the other champions and their partners were standing up.

"Come on!" Padma said excitedly. "We're supposed to dance now!"

Harry escorted Padma onto the brightly lit dance floor. He placed one hand on her waist, and held her hand firmly in the other. The Weird Sisters struck up a slow, mournful tune; they were off!

They weren't doing too badly. Harry didn't think he'd ever be good enough to take it on the road, but he wasn't stepping on Padma's feet too much. She let him lead, encouraging him with her smile. He relaxed a bit, having just a tiny bit of fun, and before long, many of the other students also came onto the dance floor, and the champions were no longer the centre of attention.

"Having a good time?" Harry asked his date.

"I am. You?"

"So far."

"Good. You're not a bad dancer. I'm rather surprised."

"I had good teachers. Pansy and Jenna were very patient with me."

"My toes thank them."

When the first song ended, Harry bowed respectfully to Padma, escorted her off the dance floor, and went to find his other date.

Michelle was sitting with Ginny, Crabbe, and Goyle and his date, Mandy Brocklehurst. She stood up expectantly as Harry and Padma approached. Harry pulled out Padma's chair and waited for her to sit down.

Michelle was wearing a simple white dress with a bronze sash across her stomach. It was nice enough, but Harry wasn't really taken with her. She looked like a little girl playing at being grown up. She wasn't quite a woman, and her outfit didn't try to say she was. Padma blew her away.

Still, a debt was a debt.

"Michelle, may I have the next dance?"

"Of course, Harry."

On the dance floor, Michelle proved not so nimble as Padma, and Harry stepped on her toes almost immediately. "Sorry," he said at once.

"Don't worry about it."

They danced in silence for a few moments.

"Good song," she said.

"Yes, it's very melodic. I like the flow of it."

"I wonder if there are any words."

"I don't think so. This sounds familiar."

After a few more moments of silence, Michelle asked, "So are you having fun so far?"

"So far. I hope the music livens up a bit. This is amazingly stiff. Dumbledore should have hired Wand Smasher. I could have put him in touch with their manager, you know."


"Yeah, I'm real good friends with Edgar, the lead singer. I can get tickets to any show I want, hang out backstage, whatever."

"That's amazing."

A few steps later, they encountered Crabbe and Ginny. Ginny looked she needed an Impervious Charm on her toes, because Crabbe kept muttering, "Sorry."

"Rough going, Ginny?" Harry inquired teasingly.

"Oh, it's not so bad," she said blandly. "Ow!"


"That's a nice dress, Michelle," Ginny said to Harry's partner. "Did your mother help you pick it out?"

"No. It's a Bulstrode, you know, the mark of a proper pure-blood young woman from a good family," said Michelle curtly. "I do have to uphold my family name. Ow!"

"Sorry," Harry mumbled. That one was absolutely not his fault. Michelle hadn't moved her foot in time.

"Oh great. Speaking of family, there's my brother," Ginny groaned. "Vincent, please don't hurt him."

Weasley's robes looked about three hundred years out of fashion. They were maroon, a horrible colour with his red hair, and the cuffs looked frayed and ragged. His date, one of the two Gryffindor girls from Harry's Arithmancy class, was well done-up in a simple orange dress that didn't clash at all with her brown hair. She looked like a Chudley Cannons fanatic; it was the same nauseating shade.

"Ginny, don't you have any shame?" Weasley hissed as he and his date danced closer.

"Your dame isn't exactly modest either, you great hypocrite." Ginny's tone was scornful. "Hi, I'm his sister, Ginny."

"I'm Chrissy."

"Fourth year Gryffindor, yeah?" Ginny asked curiously.


"How'd he trick you in to going with him?"

"Ginny!" Weasley yelped, flushing red. "I didn't trick her. I just asked."

Chrissy smiled. "Yes, he certainly did. I do believe it's the first words he ever said to me."

"You and Amy keep to yourselves. But that's not the point. Ginny, where'd you get such a thing? Which one of those evil Slytherins convinced you it was a good idea? They're all depraved! All of them!"

"That's enough, Ron," Ginny said sharply. "For your information, it was our brother Percy who bought me this dress."

"Percy would never have bought you that! Just because he's a prat doesn't mean he's got no sense of decency."

"You really have got your head in your arse, haven't you? Where do you think he's been living since he moved out? He's not staying on Palce or Derrick's sofa, is he? He's living with Lynn, and it would be a stupid bet that they're sleeping in separate rooms."

Percy was shacking up with Lynn Fawcett? The Witch Weekly article hadn't mentioned that!

"Does mum know about it?"

"Yup. If you paid any attention to what goes on at home-"

"It still doesn't mean you have carte blanche to parade around in half a dress!"

"I'm wearing just as much dress as a lot of other girls here. More than some, in fact, so I really think you should shut up. I'm a girl, Ron. When things like this come along, I get to dress up and act girly just like anyone else."

"Well that's completely off the point, isn't it? Mum would be having words with you too, and since she isn't here-"

"So who appointed you my chaperone?" Ginny demanded. Harry thought her question extremely pertinent. "I'm not about to give the whole school a bleeding show with full frontal, am I? I just want to look nice, but if that's not okay with you, if you want me to wear a potato sack and a bag on my head, say so."

Weasley looked like he wanted to agree with that, but he didn't seem to have the eloquence. He didn't dare to imply he wanted Ginny to not look pretty. Harry wouldn't have either, with the way she was giving him the evil eye. His arguments defeated, Weasley glared daggers at Crabbe. "You just keep your hands to yourself. I don't want to see you pawing all over her tonight."

"Fine!" Ginny exploded. "Vincent, my apologies. My all-wise, all-knowing brother has forbidden me to dance with you." She turned to Harry. "Harry, may I cut in?"

Oh, Weasley was going to have a stroke. "Sure. Michelle, we're due to switch up anyway."

Michelle looked very unhappy at that, but she stepped back a bit from the cluster. Behind her, Harry saw Draco and Parvati coming closer.

"Potter, don't you even think about touching my sister!"

"She's the one who wants to dance with me, Weasley. Who am I to refuse a beautiful lady?"

"If it would help the situation," Draco interjected, and Harry grinned, knowing full well in advance that whatever he was about to suggest would be guaranteed to do anything but help, "I could dance with Ginny and let Parvati dance with Harry."

"No dancing with Malfoys!"

"That's a lovely idea, Draco," Ginny said brightly. "Harry, do you mind?"

"Not at all. Save me one later."

"Of course I will!"

Draco smirked at Weasley as he bowed to Parvati, passed her hand to Harry, who also bowed. He respectfully held her by the waist and hand as the next song began. Draco bowed to Ginny, held her in a very close proximity, and they danced off in to the crowd. Weasley's date hauled him away, probably so he could have apoplexy in private.

Elsewhere on the dance floor, Dumbledore was waltzing with Madame Maxime. He was so dwarfed by her that the top of his pointed hat barely tickled her chin; however, she moved very gracefully for a woman so large. Mad-Eye Moody was doing an extremely ungainly two-step with Professor Sinistra, who was nervously avoiding his wooden leg.

Harry felt a bit nervous about dancing with Parvati. What did you say to someone you'd manipulated?

"Having fun?"

Parvati giggled. "Yes. Much more than I thought I would have. I never knew Draco was so romantic! He's been reciting poetry to me all night. I don't know what I was thinking when I said I didn't want to go with him. Why didn't you tell me he was so charming?"

"I thought you knew."

"I never suspected he had such a silver tongue."

"He's full of surprises, Draco is."

When the dance was done, Harry brought Parvati over to the table where the gang was maintaining base camp. Padma was sitting there, looking curiously as Harry and her sister approached.

Harry decided to go for a joke. "You two are trying to plays tricks on me. I already have two dates. Do I really need a third?"

"Sorry, sis, I just couldn't resist. You can have him back now."

"Thank you. If we see Draco, we'll send him back over."

"I can't wait."

The twins giggled wickedly. Harry held out his arm to Padma and led her back to the dance floor.

"Did you and Parvati enjoy your dance?"

"Yes. She kept trying to lead, though."

"She never has been much for following."

"Which explains Gryffindor."

"Yes, it certainly does. I was a bit disappointed when she didn't join me in Ravenclaw, but I've always been more studious than her anyway. I think it was a good thing. We are pretty identical, so this let us develop some space separately from each other."

That was pretty profound, and Harry didn't really have any response. They danced in silence for awhile. Then, as the song was reaching an exciting crescendo, Michelle wandered up and tapped Harry on the arm.

"May I cut back in? Seeing as how my last dance was interrupted?"

"So that gives you the right to interrupt me?" Padma asked cuttingly. "Wait your turn."

Michelle bristled. "I'm just as much his date as you are, Patil. I get equal time."

"Can't it wait a few seconds, Michelle? The song's almost over."

"I suppose."

Michelle danced by herself, but still near Harry and Padma. His enjoyment in the dance sucked out by her hovering presence, Harry leaned down to whisper an apology in Padma's ear. "You don't know a good Sleeping Charm, do you?"

"As a matter of fact, I do."

Harry bowed to Padma when the dance was through, and she made her way off in to the crowd as Harry took Michelle in to his arms for the next dance.

Jenna and Warrington were dancing nearby. "Oi, Warrington-"

"The Third!"

"The Third," Harry agreed. "Are you treating my friend right?"

"I shall be more respectful of her than we are of Bole's sister."

"That's not saying much. What about your sister?"

"Sam doesn't just demand respect, she hexes you to oblivion and takes it out of your pocket."

"Jenna will slay you with her sarcasm," Harry warned. "She'll wither your with her wit and pummel you with her punchlines."

"And annoy me with alliterations," Warrington riposted.

"Ooh, nice one," Harry said admiringly.

"Stuff it, Potter."

"Nice dress, Michelle," Jenna said neutrally. Harry took a quick look at her face and noted the tightness around her eyes. Knowing Jenna as well as he did, he hoped Michelle didn't say anything too stupid. If Jenna worked up her wit, Michelle would probably run from the hall in tears.

"Thanks. It's a Bulstrode, but I got a really good price on it, so I didn't have to ask Daddy for it specifically. He was very pleased when I told him I'd saved and planned for it specifically."

"That's very responsible of you."

"Thanks. Yours is very nice too."

That was a vast understatement. Jenna's gown made Harry feel very uncomfortable if he looked directly at her. She was absolutely stunning, and he didn't know how to respond to it. She was his friend, and aside from a single kiss one year ago, she'd never given him indication that it could be otherwise. Harry just wasn't quite sure of how to deal with her very apparent femininity.

"Oh, this old thing?" Jenna said facetiously. "I just reached in my wardrobe and grabbed the first thing that came to hand. Does it look all right?"

"More than all right," Warrington the Third assured her. "You've seen how admiring the lads have been."

"I do so love attention from Quidditch stars," Jenna admitted. She winked at Harry.

The top table was now empty; Professor Dumbledore was dancing with Professor Sprout, Ludo Bagman with Professor McGonagall; Madame Maxime and Hagrid were cutting a wide path around the dance floor as they waltzed through the students, and Karkaroff was nowhere to be seen. When the next song ended, everybody applauded once more, and Harry saw Ludo Bagman kiss Professor McGonagall's hand and make his way back through the crowds.

Harry switched partners again, leaving Michelle at the table and bringing Padma back out. They danced to a fast number, whipping frenziedly about the dance floor as the bagpipes wailed. He was breathing heavy when they finally stopped banging the drum.

"I need air," he gasped, as they headed to the doors of the Great Hall, which were thrown wide open. Harry was shocked to see Sirius sauntering over the threshold. He wore fancy dress robes in a multitude of reds. He spied Harry and changed his direction.


"Harry! Looking good, my boy! Padma, you are enchanting."

Padma smiled.

"Why weren't you here for the feast?"

"I didn't get an official invitation. I'm a bit of a gate crasher."


"This place looks plenty fun. You kids keep dancing. I'm going to go find a pretty young teacher."

"Well, he could mean Professor Sinistra or Professor Vector," Padma suggested after he'd gone. "I certainly hope he doesn't mean Snape."

"Hah! No, I doubt that. Looks like it's Vector."

The Arithmancy witch wasn't much more than thirty, if she was a day. She was almost as stern as the Deputy Headmistress, but tonight she looked completely different in a pale yellow dress that set off blue tones in her black hair. She was smiling and laughing at some outrageous thing Sirius had said, and they began to circle the dance floor.

A little further on, they encountered Draco and Parvati on the edge of the crowd. She had her arms around his shoulders; he held her close to him at the waist; they weren't even really dancing with the beat of the music. Draco had his mouth very close to her ear, and Harry knew he was reciting more poetry to her. Not wishing to intrude, Harry and Padma whirled away.

The song came to an end, and Harry regretfully escorted Padma to the table. Michelle was waiting eagerly for him, and Harry dutifully extended his hand to her. This was getting awfully tiring. The girls got to rest between dances, but he had to perform double duty. He resolved on the spot never to get involved with two girls at once ever again; it was exhausting!

Back on the dance floor with Padma again, Harry found himself near Elan and Percy, who were having a grand old time of things. Percy looked about as splendid as he'd ever been. His get-up was simple but fine, and the navy blue perfectly complimented Lynn's crimson.

Harry vaguely remembered Lynn Fawcett and Bridget Sawyer as being in their same year, but Elan had always been the centre of attention in that crowd. He rather was tonight as well, with his fancy dress robes in brilliant white and vibrant green.

The most bedazzling, though, was definitely Bridget. Her dress was the same bright green as Elan's robes -- or rather his robes matched her dress -- with a full skirt and a slit clear up to the top of her stockings. There were no straps involved, and Bridget was showing a great deal of skin. She looked just about as good as Fleur Delacour.

"Evening, Harry," Elan said casually.

"Evening, Elan."

"I see you managed to solve your little dilemma."

"Yes. It was the only decent thing to do, strange as that sounds."

"The truth is often stranger than fiction."

"I'll drink to that. So how long have you and Bridget been together?"

"Oh, about since I got back from Durmstrang. Jamie and I broke up last Easter, and I asked Bridget out sometime during summer."

"I was shocked," Bridget said with a giggle. "Gratified, but shocked."

Harry tried not to think about how that break-up had affected his relationship with Blaise. She had taken her sister's side, and Harry had taken Elan's. Though the curse he had used to disarm Jamie when she had tried to hex him had been brutal, Harry knew Elan to be absolutely upstanding. Rescuing him from the Muggles back during the summer before second year had landed Elan in a bath of hot water, and Harry hadn't forgotten it. The resulting tension between Harry and Blaise, coupled with Blaise redirecting some of her hostility towards Draco as proxy for Elan, had poisoned their budding romance. That she wouldn't let him go had finally killed it.

"Father is much happier about her than he ever was about Jamie. Not that it was a principal factor, but it is rather nice to have a girlfriend he approves of."

"Will we see you at New Year's?" Bridget inquired, changing the subject. "I told my sister to invite you."

"She did, and we will." Harry turned to Padma. "I haven't had a chance to ask yet, but would you like to go to a New Year's Eve party with me?"

"Sounds fun. Sure."

"Outstanding!" Bridget cheered. "Take the Floo to Sawyer Point."

"We'll be there," Harry promised.

"Bridget, darling, I see my parents. Would you mind terribly if I pass you off to my father? I should dance with my mother."

Mrs. Malfoy looked the very picture of sophistication. Her blonde hair was coiled at the nape of her neck, held in place by jewelled pins. Her shoulders and arms were bare, revealing smooth, creamy skin. Black silk ribbon was knotted elaborately across her chest, while twinkling clusters of stars on black fabric hugged her from ribs to hips to knees before flaring out and reaching the floor.

Mr. Malfoy was smartly dressed in a rich blue robe. He twirled his wife around the floor with the ease of a skilled dancer. They were clearly having loads of fun, and Harry hoped that he too might someday know that same closeness.

Elan bowed deeply to Mrs. Malfoy. "My enchanting mother, a beauty to rival all the goddesses. Will you dance with me?"

Mrs. Malfoy's smile could have illuminated a small village for a year. "Of course, my son."

"Father, will you keep Bridget company until I return?"

"Of course. Miss Sawyer."

"Mister Malfoy."

Elan and Mrs. Malfoy took a turn around the floor. Mr. Malfoy turned to Harry.

"Harry, you seem to be spending a great deal of time with two particular ladies, I notice."

"My dates, sir."

"Dates plural?"

"Yes, sir. It was sort of a necessity."

"I should be intrigued to hear the story."

"I had already asked Padma when Michelle told me she wanted to call in a favour. I owed her, and she wanted to be my date tonight."

"So you brought both girls."


Mr. Malfoy shook his head. "You boys get yourselves in the strangest predicaments."

"Yes, sir."

"Miss Patil, you look radiant tonight. I hope Harry is being a gentleman."


The music changed at that moment, and Mr. Malfoy scanned the crowd.

"If you will excuse me, Harry, I must go find my wife. Miss Patil, good evening."

Mr. Malfoy took Bridget off in to the crowd, leaving Harry and Padma alone. It was nominally time for Harry to switch partners again, but he really didn't feel like leaving the dance floor only to have to fight his way back on.

They danced a bit in silence, the music too loud to carry on any meaningful conversation. A few turns on, Harry spied his public relations agent and began to manoeuvre his way towards her.

Laine was present with Thomas Lapointe, a fifth year from Slytherin. She was wearing a simple purple affair that hugged in all the right places.

"Hey, Laine. Looking good."

"Thanks. I spent a fortune on it."

"Having fun?"

"Oh, it could be better. My graceful date here managed to trip over his own feet and spilled punch all over me."

"Oh no!" Padma gasped. "Is your dress okay?"

"I thought I was going to have to kill him, but he knows the proper spells. I'll have to throw the dress out, naturally, but I can keep wearing it tonight, at least."

Laine's dress didn't look any worse for wear. If he hadn't been told, Harry wouldn't have noticed anything amiss.

The mention of punch made Harry realize just how thirsty he was. After all the dancing, Harry was a little winded. He really wanted a cold glass of something to wet his whistle.

"Drinks. That sounds like a wonderful idea. Break?" he suggested to Padma.

"Yes. Good idea."

"Laine, I'll see you around. Lapointe, no more messes."

He escorted Padma back to the table and hurried off to get drinks: one for him, one for Padma, and one for Michelle. He sat down, glad to rest his feet.

Tim and Pansy were sitting, as they had been all night. She was riveted by the couple slowly turning off in the corner. She hadn't taken her eyes off of Draco and Parvati. The scowl on Tim's face was growing larger and larger.

Pansy sighed deeply, and Tim finally snapped. He stood up and glared down at Pansy. "Do you want to dance or not?"


"Fine." He turned and stomped off.

Startled, Harry followed him. In the entrance hall, Tim clattered down the stone steps to the dungeons.

"Hey, Tim! Wait!"

"What do you want, Harry?"

"What's going on?"

"If I'd wanted a miserable holiday, I would have gone home."

"What's that mean?"

"My dad hasn't left his laboratory for months. Now that I'm not there, I don't know if he's taking care of himself. I don't even know if he's alive, because he hasn't answered any of my letters!"

"Is that why you've been such a miserable sod for the past three months?"

"Piss off!" Tim snapped.

"Well you have been, haven't you? Look, I'm sorry about your dad, but how is treating all of us badly supposed to help?"

"I'm going to bed."

Harry watched Tim storm down the stone steps to the dungeons, feeling all together different than he had when the same scene had played out earlier in the year. Whereas he'd previously wondered what could possibly be wrong with his brilliant friend, now Harry's heart ached with sympathy. No wonder Tim had been so surly. If Harry had been worried about Sirius, he probably would be in the same state. It still didn't excuse his behaviour, Harry reminded himself. He wasn't going to let anyone talk about his mum like Tim ranted on about Muggleborns. But still; love the sinner, hate the sin.

Back in the Great Hall, Harry really didn't feel like dancing, but he made himself go to Pansy and quietly ask her if she wanted to dance. Just as quietly, she declined.

Blaise, who was watching Harry as she had done all night from a nearby table, said something to Terry and left the hall without waiting for his response. Terry watched her go with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Harry absently held out a hand to Padma, who took it. They walked over and joined the sad-looking Ravenclaw boy.

"So Merlin's white horse goes in to a bar," Harry said to break the ice, "and the bartender says, 'Why the long face?'"

Terry chuckled slightly. "Hey, Potter. I should thank you for ruining my night."

"What? Why?"

"Blaise didn't want to do anything except watch you. I know you're not doing anything to encourage her. She's fixed on you. I thought I could distract her, but I guess I was wrong."

"Sorry, Terry."

"Nah, it's fine. If she wasn't mooning over you, she was ranting about how much she hates Elan Malfoy."

"Do you want to dance with Michelle? Or Padma? You don't mind, do you, Padma?" Harry asked belatedly, realizing he rather ought to consult his dates about this before he started making offers of them.

"Certainly not," Padma said, shaking her head. "Terry, I'm so sorry. Let's go have a dance or three."

"Sure. You don't mind?

"Harry's nice enough," Padma said with a grin shot Harry's direction, "but he's got another date to keep him busy."

So Terry and Padma danced together for awhile, leaving Harry stuck with Michelle. It wasn't that she wasn't a pleasant enough person, but her conversation was very vapid. He really didn't care what the latest issue of Teen Witch Weekly had to say about lace frill. Thankfully, he did have a bit of an escape. Terry eventually asked Pansy to dance, and she said yes. They swept formally around the floor, even cracking a few smiles. Harry took the opportunity to reclaim his real date.

At half-ten, the music livened up. It was less formal dancing now, and everyone was having fun. On the floor, people were jumping and grooving to the throbbing beat of the music. Now Harry's whole group would dance together, and Harry found himself with both his dates at once.

"Hey, Harry."

"Hi, Ginny."

"I owe you a dance. Shall we?"

"Michelle, do you mind?"

For the second time, Michelle stepped aside with an unhappy expression on her face. She headed for the drinks table.

Harry took Ginny in his arms. She was taller than either of his dates tonight, and a quick glance at the floor revealed that she wasn't even in heels. It was also very troubling to find a place to put his hands. At her waist and back, there was a great deal of skin and not a great deal of dress. The only feasible option would be to grab a handful of bum, and Harry knew that would be entirely inappropriate.

"Vincent had the same problem," Ginny said knowingly. "I'm not going to burn you, you know."

"Yeah, but your brothers might," Harry joked.

"Let them try."

"Will you defend me?"

"Of course!" Then she began to turn red.

"That's very comforting."

Ginny chuckled slightly. "You don't need to worry about them, you know. They wouldn't dare make a scene. Mum would kill them."

"It's later that I'm worried about, when I might not see them coming."

"You can outsmart them; they're not too clever when they're angry," Ginny said before pausing. "And it's just a dance. Don't worry. It can't be worse than the looks some of the other girls are giving me for dancing with you."

"Which other girls are these?"

"Michelle, Laine, and Blaise, before she left. If death glares were Galleons," she joked.

"Let's not talk about Blaise," Harry requested. He didn't want to hear about how she'd been watching him all night.

"Okay. Want to talk about Michelle? Because we're all dying to know why you asked her too."

"I'd rather not get in to the details, but I just owe her a favour. This was a fun way of paying her back." Harry fervently hoped that Ginny would let the subject drop. He didn't really feel like spelling out exactly how he'd come to owe Michelle a favour of such magnitude.

"Fair enough. I'd ask how you thought you could get away with two dates, but I see you've had bad influence."

"What do you mean?"


Harry turned his head and saw Sirius dancing with no fewer than four of the girls from Beauxbatons.

"Sirius is not a bad influence. Take it back."

Startled by the heat in his voice, Ginny immediately apologized. Mollified, Harry gave her a twirl and kept on dancing.

Many people had found the official party to be a bit boring, because the crowd had quite thinned out by eleven o'clock. Pansy had retired; Blaise and Tim were already long gone. Crabbe had lured Ginny outside with an invitation to look at the stars with him. Goyle and Mandy were seen walking hand in hand towards the rose garden.

"What do you say we get some air? This place is a bit stuffy," Draco said.

"I agree." Harry had done quite enough dancing. His two dates had tired him out thoroughly. The night air would do him good. "A stroll to smell the roses?"

"Walking?" Michelle complained. "After all that dancing? Do you know how sore my feet are? Whoever invented heels needs to be put under Cruciatus immediately. I can barely stand!"

"You get used to them as you get older," Padma said with a quiet smirk. "I feel like I could go on for hours."

"Isn't that Cushioning Charm wonderful?" Parvati asked.

"It is. Wherever did you find it?"

"Lavender's older sister Rose is pretty important on the Committee For Experimental Charms and saw the patent application."

"It's brilliant. I barely feel anything. I'm more than up for a slow walk under the stars."

Harry felt his neck get hot. A slow walk in the moonlight with Padma could likely turn in to snogging in the moonlight with Padma.

"Oh yes," Parvati said, turning a wicked eye on Draco. "I've heard all about the stars tonight. And the moon. And the sun, waterfalls, rainbows; it's been lovely."

Draco stood up and bowed rakishly. He held out his hand, which Parvati accepted.

"I'll bring you back some fresh air," Harry promised Michelle. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Shall we?"

"We shall."

As Harry and Draco exited the castle with the prettiest girls in fourth year on their arms, the crisp bite of the night air felt invigorating.

The front doors stood open, and the fluttering fairy lights in the rose garden winked and twinkled as they went down the front steps, where they found themselves surrounded by bushes; winding, ornamental paths; and large stone statues. Harry could hear splashing water, which sounded like a fountain. Here and there, people were sitting on carved benches.

Draco and Parvati turned left. Harry and Padma turned right. There was no discussion of what was to be done. Along the winding path they strolled, hand in hand, until they came to a small burbling fountain hidden behind a particularly colourful bush. They sat down on the stone bench, and Harry looked deeply in to Padma's brown eyes.

"I had this really crushing poem I was going to say to you," Harry confessed, "but when I saw you in the entrance hall, it completely abandoned me."

"Harry Potter recites poetry?" Padma sounded amused.

"He does. Girls like that sort of thing, I've heard."

"We do. It makes us all kinds of silly."

"I like silly," Harry declared with a smile. "'Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying: And this same flower that smiles to-day, To-morrow will be dying. The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, The higher he 's a-getting, The sooner will his race be run, And nearer he 's to setting.'"

True to her word, Padma was getting very silly indeed. Her eyes were a touch unfocused, and a dreamy smile played across her lips. When he finished, she sighed breathlessly.

"Oh, that's just beautiful."

Harry was startled as Padma's hand found his jaw, and her lips were mashing his. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and Harry slid his around her waist. Her lips were soft and tender. Harry felt fireworks going off in his head, and there was a definite stirring in places Harry was coming to associate with thoughts of the fairer sex.

"I don't see what there is to fuss about, Igor."

Harry jumped at the familiar voice. He'd been warned about getting caught!

"Severus, you cannot pretend this isn't happening!" Karkaroff's voice sounded anxious and hushed, as though keen not to be overheard. "It's been clearer for months! I am seriously concerned, I can't deny it!"

"Then flee," said Snape's voice curtly. "Flee like the craven you have always been. I will make your excuses. I, however, am remaining at Hogwarts."

There was a flash of light, and squeals rang through the darkness. Through the branches, Harry could see Professor Snape standing on the path with Headmaster Karkaroff.

"Ten points from Ravenclaw, Fawcett!" Snape snarled as a girl ran past him. "And ten points from Hufflepuff too, Stebbins!" as a boy went rushing after her.

"We have to get out of here," Padma whispered to Harry.

The rosebush concealing them suddenly lost all of its flowers and leaves, and the thornless branches disintegrated.

Karkaroff, Harry saw, looked slightly discomposed to see them there. His hand went nervously to his goatee, and he began winding it around his finger.

"Mister Potter," Snape said, sounding for all the world like he could kill with a mere well-turned phrase, "What are you doing out here?"

"Just getting some air, Professor," Harry said casually. "It was awfully hot in the Great Hall, don't you think?"

"Quite. Have you sufficiently cooled off, then?" Snape's eyes were glittering.

"Yes, sir. Very much, sir. We were just about to head back."

"Do so."

"Good night, sir."

They found Draco and Parvati at the front doors of the castle.

"Caught by Snape?" Draco asked curiously.

"Yep. Get off scot-free?"

"Yep. Up Slytherin."

"Up Slytherin."

"Not fair," Parvati pouted. "Professor McGonagall would have taken points from us."

The Weird Sisters played a few more songs to the die-hard ball-goers, but things appeared to be winding down. When they wrapped up their show at midnight, everyone remaining gave them a last, loud round of applause and started to wend their way into the entrance hall. Many people were expressing the wish that the ball could have gone on longer. Perhaps they should have hired another band.

Harry waited in the entrance hall with Padma. Eventually the throng dissipated, and Harry found Sirius, who now had all of the girls from Beauxbatons hanging on his every word.

"This is where I say au revoir, ladies. I must bid my godson good night."

"Au revoir, Monsieur Black!"

The French girls all gave Sirius kisses, though some were more daring than others. Harry felt strange watching, yet he couldn't look away.

Sirius looked a bit abashed when he caught Harry staring.

"I'm notorious. I can't help it. And I speak French. I know I should probably be behaving myself. I should be setting a good example. But by Merlin's beard, James would be having a laugh at me, because without any sort of prompting from me, you're here with two dates of your own. I'd have to tell him, 'James, I was far too late on that front.'"

Harry grinned. Sirius absolutely had a right to flirt with the girls from Beauxbatons if they were receptive. And they were certainly that.

"It's been good to see you, Sirius. Thanks, by the way. I really like the knife you got me."

"That's not a Potions knife, but surely you'll find some good use for it. See you in three weeks."

"Three weeks." The next Hogsmeade weekend couldn't come fast enough. Hopefully they'd be able to puzzle out the mystery of the egg.

After his godfather had gone, Harry escorted Padma to the stairs that would take her up to Ravenclaw tower.

"I had fun tonight. Next time, leave the other girl home."

"So there's to be a next time?"

Padma giggled. "Yes, silly. New Year's, remember?"

"Oh. Right."


Harry cleared his throat. "Well, I suppose we should say good night, then. It's very late."

"It is." She leaned closer. "Good night, Harry."

Harry lost himself in her embrace once more. The sky could have fallen, and he would not have cared. Was it warm in here all of a sudden? How could it be warm if the front doors were still wide open?

Padma broke the kiss, gasping for air. "I forgot to breathe," she said sheepishly.

Harry laughed softly. "Don't do that. Breathing is very important."

"Good night."


Harry turned to go, just in time to see Draco bend his head towards Parvati on the stairs to Gryffindor tower. Their parting was more passionate; Harry saw open mouths and could imagine the rest of what was going on.

Unfortunately, Harry's night was not quite over yet. His second date was waiting for him outside the common room. She took his arm as they headed inside.

"Did you have a good time, Michelle?" He'd done his best to keep her in jolly spirits. This whole dog and pony show would all be for naught if she didn't enjoy herself, and her measure was the only one that counted. Harry was incredibly anxious that she was going to declare she'd had a horrible time and try to stretch this favour out as long as she could.

"Yes. Despite a few irritations, it was a good night. Thank you. There's just one more thing to be done, and our debt is concluded."

"And that is?"

"The goodnight kiss, of course."

Harry felt himself start to turn red. Sweat broke out all over his body. Blood surged through his veins, propelled by his thumping heart. He should have expected something like this.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea."

"Why not? It's the customary ending to an evening out."

"Yes, but- Michelle, I don't like you like that. I'm sorry, but-"

"I know that. And I'm not saying we need to go find a secluded spot in the Astronomy tower or anything, but I want your lips on mine for not less than ten seconds."

Helpless to argue, eager to have the matter finished and forgotten, Harry leaned in and closed his eyes. He felt her arms go around his neck, and her lips mashed in to his. Her nose was poking him in the cheek. She was very strong, it seemed, and Harry wondered if she was even keeping track of the time.

After what was surely much longer than ten seconds of snogging, Michelle finally released him. "There, was that so bad? Thank you for a wonderful night, Harry. See you tomorrow morning."

She walked away, swinging her hips. Harry didn't watch her go. Glad to have his debt discharged, Harry went down the boys' corridor to the dorm.

Crabbe and Draco were undressing, throwing their nice robes in piles next to their trunks. Tim's curtains were drawn, but Goyle was nowhere to be seen.

"Did he get lost on the way back?" Harry asked.

"I think so. He told me not to wait up for him," Crabbe grunted. "He and Mandy went for a walk."

"That's so tally. Good for him," Draco said. "Did you see Jenna walking off with Warrington?"

"The Third!"

"Yes, the Third."

"No, I didn't."

"We'll have something to tease her about tomorrow, then."

"Teasing Jenna is like taunting a poisonous snake, Draco. It might be fun for awhile, but then she'll bite."

"That could be fun too."

Harry was tired, but his mind was still racing. He'd had a blast tonight and wanted to relive it all. The lads talked late in to the night, waiting up for Goyle. He finally returned a little past one o'clock, traces of lipstick on his face. They promptly started in with the teasing, but it was all good-natured. When they were done for the moment, they did try to get some sleep. Harry was the last to drop off, and his last thought was of Padma Patil's kisses.

to be continued...

You can join my Yahoo group Deth By Fanfiction to participate in an open forum for discussing all things about this fic. Chapter updates go out here first before I post to Schnoogle. Come and join us at PotterFicWeekly where the story never ends! Podcast discussion of tons of awesome fics, including this one. Join the discussion group as we pour through fics chapter by chapter. Many thanks to my loffly beta readers, Elle and Aerion. This fic would not be possible without Elle and all her tireless work. She's working on Green With Envy again, her Percy POV picking up from Halloween in TSH Y2. I'll let you all know when it's finished. I myself am plotting a Ginny POV over the same time period. I know some people at least would want to read that. Special shoutout to rae, for all of her patience. One last thing! I would just like to announce that I have finished the rough draft of the final chapter of this story. Our total length will be 25 chapters, so you're currently more than halfway there!