Harry Potter
Action Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/02/2004
Updated: 01/11/2006
Words: 217,336
Chapters: 30
Hits: 42,709

Harry Potter and The Tomb of Hogwarts


Story Summary:
Hogwarts seems to be the only place in Europe not under attack by Death Eaters, and it may be next. Lines have been drawn, sides are being chosen, and the entire wizarding world is being engulfed in a civil war. And caught in the middle, Harry Potter begins his sixth year at Hogwarts, and begins to learn more about his Mum and Dad, Professor Snape, and how a medallion he inherited from Sirius may have once belonged to one of the founders of Hogwarts. As he digs into the medallion’s origins and powers, he learns that his final battle with Voldemort may have been foreseen over a thousand years ago by the very same founder, but the one thing he knows for sure is that all the answers he seeks are hidden deep within the Tomb of Hogwarts.

Chapter 24

Chapter Summary:
Now that Ron and Hermione are back on speaking terms, it's time to have a ball. That's right, it's time for the Holloween Ball. Watch as Ron, Hermione, and Harry ready themselves for a nice, romantic evening with Parvati, Davie, and Amanda. So after a nice trip to Hogsmeade for a few last minute nessesities before the crown event. But keep an eye or your watch or els you just might miss The Halloween Ball.
Author's Note:
Thanks go out to Jason, Jon, and Sarah for thier help cleanin this chapter up, and a special thanks goes out to April for her expertise in today's most exquisite dress fasions.

Harry Potter and

The Tomb of Hogwarts

Chapter 24

The Halloween Ball

Having settled so many of their problems the day before, Harry suggested that they all go together to shop for the Halloween ball. They all agreed, and at nine o'clock Sunday morning they gathered at the front door of the castle.

Amanda and Davie were the first to arrive, followed by Ron and Hermione, with Parvati dropping in a few moments later.

Everyone said their hellos, and then they headed outside, and all gasped in delight. The previous night brought the year's first snowfall and blanketing the grounds a soft white snow.

Harry loved this time of year, not only because of how things looked, but also because ever since he arrived at Hogwarts he could always enjoy the hot fire, something that was not easily done back at Privet Drive.

But quickly his mind moved away from the snow and onto his plan for the day which would start the moment they met Mr. Filch.

Timing was of the essence so he made his way to the front of the pack, pausing in front of Filch as he waited for his name to be checked off.

After Filch waved him on, Harry began patting down his cloak, checking the pockets while Filch was loudly reminding Amanda of what time she was required back on the grounds. Knowing Filch, it wasn't very likely that either of them would live that day down.

Suddenly, Harry's eyes went wide and he stared hard at Ron. Ron looked up and knew immediately something was wrong. Harry again patted his robe and mouthed the words "No map" to him. Ron's eyes lit up. He nodded his head, turned to Parvati and excused himself, then ran back to the Gryffindor tower for the map.

While they waited for Ron to come back, Harry pulled a small pouch of Galleons from one of his pockets, approached Parvati, and dropped it in her hand.

"What's this for?" she asked, abashed at Harry's bluntness.

"It's a hundred Galleons. Fifty for you, fifty for Ron. Get him something nice to wear. If he asks, you saved it up doing chores or something."

Not one to argue when given free money, she smiled back and quickly pocketed the money.

Five minutes later Ron was back, gave Harry the Map which was right in the chest where he left it, and Harry stashed it into his inside pocket.

An hour later they were walking down the snow-drenched streets of Hogsmeade, three handsome couples walking arm in arm.

It was obvious to Harry that Ron still didn't like Davie but it seemed he was at least willing to keep his emotions to himself. Still, Harry could feel Ron's distrustful eyes falling over Amanda from time to time and he began to understand just how little he trusted her. Maybe it was Americans in general, or maybe Ron was just jealous of all the time she was spending with him. Either way, it didn't look like Ron was likely to soften up to her anytime soon.

Still, for the most part they were cordial to each other and they had a pleasant time in town.

First on the agenda, as always, was to head to the three broomsticks for a round of butterbeers followed by a trip to Honeydukes and a months supply of treats for everyone.

Honeydukes was one of Harry's favourite places to take Ron because it was the one place where he could spend money and Ron wouldn't take it the wrong way. They spent nearly an hour getting all sorts of treats from Gummy Snakes that slithered and Cotton Candy Medusa's to the classic Bernie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and Chocolate Frogs, of which Harry got none. The last thing he wanted was to get a frog and find his face plastered on one of those silly cards.

When they finally left Honeydukes their bags were filled with all kinds of treats and Ron, Harry, and Davie thought their days could only get better from there. An hour later, however, they were begging to go back to school for homework.

They had only made it a few feet from the shop when, as a collective group, all three girls gasped and ran straight for a neighbouring window and pawed at the tailored dresses and suits which were dancing across a miniature dance floor.

Before they could utter a single word, all three boys were swept in with the girls where they were forced to judge each of the dresses before the girls tried them on. Then, after gathering eight to ten dresses each, both Hermione and Pavarti began trying them on, both becoming models for a day.

Harry, however, was held in the dark because Amanda had gathered her dresses too quickly for Harry to have gotten a good look. And, since she tried them all on behind the cover of a screen, Harry never got a chance to see what they looked like, though he hadn't felt too bad about it since the other two boys didn't much seem to enjoy the show.

Though the hours flew by for the girls, trying on one dress after another, the boys felt as though the day couldn't have seemed longer. One dress looked as good as the next to them, yet somehow the girls seemed to find all manners of different problems with the dresses. This one was too short, the next too long. Too many ruffles, not enough, too bland, too bright, too many decisions for them to make. The boys shook their heads with disgust.

It felt like a year before the girls finally made their choices, though truly it was less than three hours, and when they were finally rung at the registers the boys shared a collective sigh, thankful that it was finally over.

They never saw it coming.

The moment they received their receipts and change, each of the girls grabbed their men and brought them over to the seamstresses. Soon there were tapes flying about, taking measurements of their arms, legs, waist, chest, and several other inappropriate places Harry wouldn't touch in public.

And as suddenly as they appeared they vanished, and with a snap of the fingers all manners of different suits and tuxes began wrapping themselves around the boys, then vanishing when the girls shook their heads.

Harry got off mildly compared to Ron and Davie, each having had to try on three or four dozen outfits before their girls would narrow it down to a final selection of four. Luckily Amanda found Harry could wear just about anything and look nice, so before Ron and Davie even finished their first go-around of selections he was at the counter paying the thirty eight galleons for his and another forty-seven for Amanda's. Harry only prayed that she had given Parvati enough to cover both their outfits.

As it turned out, Parvati's and Ron's totalled together at a hundred and twenty galleons, though Parvati hadn't asked for another Knutt. Hermione and Davie's outfits were at the bottom of the price list at an even thirty-one Galleons a piece.

With a bag full of treats in one hand and receipts for six sets of clothes, set to be tailored and delivered by ten o'clock that night, the six of them suddenly found themselves without direction, trying to figure out what they could all do together. Finally Hermione suggested they go to the Hogsmeade-Hogwarts Art and History Museum.

Hermione and Davie headed deep into the museum, stopping at each and every piece of art or historical piece and staring, talking adamantly to each other and telling jokes that only they would have found funny. They almost seemed more entranced with where they were than who they were with, although they were holding hands when they walked off on their own.

Ron and Harry, along with Parvati and Amanda, seemed more content with aimlessly walking around and talking to each other without paying much attention to what they were passing, though Harry couldn't help but catch the growing theme of the place.

As he entered the main hall there were basic descriptions of the Hogwarts and Hogsmeade area before it was occupied. Just as Harry remembered it, it was a very nice, quiet, and serene kind of place. Even after the castle was built it seemed to accept the adjustment of a few visitors easily.

The next exhibit displayed the area before Hogsmeade but After Hogwarts and the addition of the animals in the forbidden forest. It was a bit unnerving to see just how strongly the environment changed. Below was a plaque which mentioned the mystery of the forest becoming so dark and dangerous. Harry put it in the back of his mind that, if he survived the final showdown with Voldemort, He would come back and give some of the basic details about how things had changed so much.

Thoroughly depressed by the display, Harry ignored the rest of the exhibits and continued through the museum without taking his eyes off Amanda.

After only fifteen minutes they were all ready to leave, so Harry asked one of the attendants to let Hermione and Davie know that they'd be waiting for them back at the Three Broomsticks in the same room they had been in yesterday. She agreed, and Harry tipped her a sickle for the trouble.

They were in the room for more than an hour before Hermione and Davie showed up, starry-eyed with broad smiles.

Ron and Parvati were at the table talking about the Quidditch finals of the previous year and debating over which team would have the best chances of winning the cup the following year.

Meanwhile, Harry and Amanda were sitting together at the window and watching the traffic passing below, though they weren't paying much attention to the people passing by nearly as much as they were to each other. They hadn't even noticed when Hermione and Davie had walked in downstairs.

They all came together at the table, drinking butterbeers and chatting the day away until it was time to go back to Hogwarts. They stayed together all the way through the Great Hall where Harry said goodnight to the rest of them and escorted Amanda through the portrait and upstairs to his classroom.

A few minutes later they emerged, turned fast for the office and took two steps before Harry stopped in his tracks. He turned around just in time to see the back of a cloak pass through the door before it shut. He sprinted to the door, but when he looked outside he found the hallway completely deserted.

Whoever it was, they were long gone now. It was probably some first year trying to find a copy of next week's test. Of course he and Snape hadn't written it yet, so they would have found nothing.

He smiled to himself, then turned back and brought Amanda into his office for a little one-on-one training.

In all the excitement for the next week, each day seemed to last forever. The anticipation of the ball was in everyone's mind so that by Tuesday night, each student seemed desperate for the day to end.

Wednesday was the worst for Harry because Dudley managed to find himself the centre of attention for yet another school disaster.

A group of Slytherins and Ravenclaws were arguing about prospective outcome for the upcoming game between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. It was abruptly ended when Dudley bumped into one of Slytherins. Soon the Slytherins and Ravenclaws were working together, casting all sorts of jinxes on him until Cho showed up and scattered them, sending Dudley to the Hospital wing.

By itself this wouldn't have been a problem for Harry, but less than an hour after dinner that night he was called to Dumbledore's office where he learned that all but two of the students involved in his attack had found themselves victims of theft. Most of them had lost their dress clothes for the ball, and two of them had lost their pets.

A thorough search of the grounds discovered all of the stolen items, except for the two pets, piled up on the other side of the lake, burnt to cinders and barely identifiable without magic.

Once again Dumbledore asked Harry to watch his cousin, "a bit closer this time," Dumbledore had added with a knowing look, and Harry found himself assigned as Dudley's personal chaperone.

Since he would now have to look after Dudley almost all the time, his first objective was to get Dudley a date for the ball. That way he could spend time with Amanda and use the excuse of Dudley's privacy when he ditched him. This, however, was much easier said than done. Nearly all of the Hogwarts students believed that Dudley was responsible for the attack in the Owlery. Most of the owls that had been left with some chance at life, including Aarol, were still in the Hospital wing being watched over carefully by Professor Grubbly-Plank.

Even the Americans wanted nothing to do with him, and this made Harry's task of pawning him off on some unsuspecting girl all the harder. Eventually, he did find one candidate, Luna Lovegood.

Oddly enough, she volunteered for the assignment and actually said she didn't think Dudley did it.

"Oh no, I don't think he could've done it even if he wanted to, which he wouldn't, now would he," she drawled on in her heavy voice.

"Well, if you really want to," Harry said, holding back his astonishment.

"Sure. I've never really had a chance to meet a Slyder before. It might be fun. Maybe I could talk him into doing an interview for my dad's paper if I give him a kiss," she added sheepishly.

Harry nodded before making a quick exit, praying he could escape before he she told him what she'd do for an exclusive and ended up losing his lunch.

He told Dudley of his success and got the exact response he'd expected.

"Loony Luna? Have you completely lost it? I'd be better off going out with Professor McGonagall."

Harry, in no mood to argue, countered quickly, "Well, that's the only choice you've got. Either take it or stay in your dorm all night, I don't care. But I won't have you tagging along with me all night. Now Loon, err, Luna is a nice girl and she's willing to see past your thousands of flaws and go with you to the ball. Take it or leave it. Your choice."

"I'll have to think about..."

"No!" Harry interrupted. "Right now. Go with her or stay in. Choose."

"I don't know. I mean, she's so..."

"ARE YOU TAKING HER OR NOT!" cried Harry. His patience for Dudley was long since up.

"FINE! I'll go with her."

"Good. Now I've got other stuff to get to. I'll see you after dinner," he finished, then turned and left before Dudley could utter a word. He wouldn't stay to see how Dudley pawed for sympathy. Not this time.

Thursday morning was ablaze with excitement. Already the corridors were being prepared for the festivities and the whole castle seemed to be alive with anticipation. Even the ghosts seemed to be brighter and excited by the upcoming ball.

Harry didn't want to drag down the day with a lot of paperwork so he asked Snape if he'd mind letting the students practice their actual duelling skills against each other, and Snape agreed.

"I doubt anyone would produce a worthy paper today in any event. I'd rather not waste my time having to repeat myself on Monday."

Harry just nodded in agreement. Snape had become more casual with Harry, accepting his role as a Deputy Professor, but his distaste for the students in general had not wavered much, and Harry felt it was likely Snape was still holding back. For this he was grateful because if Snape ever went loose on what he thought, Harry just might have to duel him for real.

Lunch was downed quickly and everyone was done with classes at two sharp. At ten minutes after the halls were deserted by all except a few professors running about to finish any last minute preparations for the ball.

Harry was dressed and ready to head down to the Hall before either Ron or Hermione. Ron took nearly thirty minutes longer than Harry. When he finally came down he looked as nervous as when he'd first heard his dad had been attacked by a snake the previous year.

"What's going on with you?" Harry asked.

"Wh-what?" Ron said, stumbling over his words. "Nothing. Nothings wrong. Nothing at all, thank you."

"Right. And I'm a Horntailed Dragon."

Ron made for a retort but at that moment Hermione came around the steps of the girls Dorm-room and left both boys completely speechless.

She was wearing a long, silky black dress which conformed to a figure neither boy had ever known she had. Strapless, only her womanly curves held the dress up, though there was no question of it falling. Never had Cho looked as sensual as Hermione did just then and for the first time Harry truly understood why Ron was so crazy over her. If it weren't for his having Amanda he would've had some very questionable thoughts.

With black high-heels and her hair both straightened and pulled back into a ponytail, her shoulders glistened against the light and made the boys hearts beat at unhealthy rates. Long black gloves rounded out the perfect outfit.

"Hello boys," she cooed seductively. "Ready for the ball."

"Mmm," the boys replied together.

"Well then, I guess we're almost ready. Parvati will meet be down in a minute." Nothing could have shaken her smile off her, Harry couldn't help but look at her as a woman instead of the snippy little girl he'd met on the Hogwarts express those six years earlier.

Ron was caught up as well, but when he heard a soft cough from the stairway his eyes diverted just long enough to catch a glimpse at his date. Suddenly, all thoughts of Hermione had vanished.

Parvati was wearing a long, billowing red dress which split as is draped over her shoulders, showing off the crease of her back and exposing an eye-popping amount of flesh. A pair of crimson heels and a fully blossomed rose in her hair completed the look and left Ron completely speechless.

Harry looked back and forth between the two girls and wondered what Amanda would look like. Surely she would not be as elegant as these two. Of course she would look nice in anything she wore, but for some reason he couldn't imagine her wearing something quite so flashy. It just wasn't her style. Still, he was anxious to see her so he clapped his hands, adored them both with a half dozen praises for their outfits, then began herding them out the portrait hole and to his passageway.

When they were all in the tunnel Harry turned to Ron and nodded, holding the girls back.

Curious, the girls looked at each other in wonderment, but they soon got their answer when Ron pulled out his wand and conjured two large, square metal plates and handed them to Harry. Harry then used his own wand to enchant the plates before dropping then on the steps. There was no sound.

Again the girls looked puzzled until Ron put his hand out for Parvati and stepped onto one of the plates, guiding her to stand beside him. As soon as both of her feet were planted, Ron said softly "Deorsum" and the plate began to slowly descend the stairs, smooth as silk.

Harry stepped forward onto the second plate and held his hand out for Hermione who followed in suite. He gave the command and soon they too were riding it down the passage.

"Ron and I thought this would be easier than walking down all those steps with your nice dresses. This way they won't get wrinkled."

Hermione smiled back. "That was awfully thoughtful of you," she replied. Then she bent over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Even knowing that he would never get together with her, Harry still blushed from the kiss and several thoughts regarding how beautiful she looked crossed his mind as they descended the corridor.

They came to a light stop at the bottom of the corridor and found Ron holding the portrait open for them. Hermione stepped out first, giving Ron a courteous nod, then gave way to Harry who stepped out, aimed his wand, and whispered "Casso" and the two plates disappeared. Then he closed the door behind him and stuck his arm out which Hermione gladly encased in her own. Ron and Parvati had already done so and were walking towards the Great Hall

Upon entering the Hall Harry allowed a soft gasp to escape at the wonderment of the new hall. Where once lay four large benches there were now forty large tables, all ivory white and glistening from their fine polish.

Above the sky was filled with hundreds of small pumpkins and squashes, each carved in their own unique way and lit so that their eyes and mouths could provide enough light to fill the hall.

Each of the house banners had vanished and in their places were banners of the season, with only one Hogwarts banner which rested above the much smaller staff table. In front of the staff table and off to the right resided a small platform on which were several wizards music instruments, all identified as belonging to the Weird Sisters. Dumbledore had definitely gone all out for this.

And finally, taking up the largest amount of space in the hall was the dance floor, sparkling with floating fairy-dust and small spotlights floating from some unseen lamps.

It was truly a picture-perfect scene and could not have looked more majestic. Everything just looked so perfect.

Harry felt a light tug on his arm and realized that Hermione was trying to pull him towards the front of the hall. When he looked where she was leading him he understood what her impatience was all about.

Davie was standing at the other end of the great hall, talking with a girl Harry didn't recognize when he suddenly stopped talking as he watched Hermione enter the hall. He smiled broadly as as Hermione rush into waiting his arms, gave him a long, deep, sensual kiss before she finally broke away, dancing around in front of him and showing off her new dress.

Meanwhile Harry began looking for Amanda, but he didn't look long before he realized his foolishness. She was the unknown girl standing next to Davie.

Harry had to take a double-take look at her, looking straight into her eyes to be sure it was her. She looked so completely different in all the best ways.

He started with her face which was, for the first time he could remember, made up. It was only a small amount of eye shadow and lip-gloss, and her eyelashes seemed a bit longer, but it was nothing compared to the change in her hair. Now flowing freely over her shoulders and streaked black over blonde, it was a transformation that by itself was incredible.

But none of this compared to the change which occurred when he looked at her figure in that dress. Expecting a short shirt or skirt with a top, he never expected to find her dressed in a long, billowing white dress, glittered around the fine silk ruffles which wrapped around the length of the dress. A single white rose was pinned over her left breast which itself was all but exposed with such a skin-tight dress.

Harry was entranced. He'd never imagined that Amanda could look so elegant and beautiful. It reminded him of Cinderella, only she was the princess and he was a lowly peasant. But apparently Amanda saw things differently.

She approached him with purpose, and before he could say one thing about how nice she looked he was suddenly in her grasp, taken deep into a lingering kiss which seemed to obliterate the rest of the world. Now it was only him and her, embracing each other as though their lives depended on it and kissing as though it was their only salvation.

A sharp slap on the shoulder broke Harry out of it and made him turn around, searching for the git that had broken him away from her embrace. It was Hermione, but when he saw the reason he responded not with anger but gratitude. Dumbledore had entered the Great Hall and was heading straight for them.

By the time he was within ten feet, Harry could feel his face turning beet red.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Potter, Miss Johnson."

"Afternoo..." Harry squeaked. Coughing, he tried again, "Good afternoon Headmaster."

"Harry, I just wanted to drop by to inform you that due to this weekend's events I thought it would be best we met next Sunday."

Harry smiled. "That would be nice, Sir."

"Very good. Also, as we will only have two of our staff at the table today, you and Miss Johnson here are invited to eat with us, if you like."

Harry looked at Amanda. Her eyes sparkled for a moment, then Harry nodded and replied, "That would be very nice Headmaster."

"We welcome you. However, there is one rule I must insist upon. No formal titles are to be used."

Harry paused for a moment before replying, "Yes sir."

"Very good. I believe we should have many of the students coming in over the next few minutes, so I have a few last minute things to attend to. I will see you in a few minutes."

"Right. Until then," Harry smiled, and Dumbledore turned to continue his business.

Harry told Ron and Hermione of this development which they took in stride. Ron was too engrossed with Parvati to think about it and Hermione simply replied, "Well, I guess that makes sense. And while you're up there you can ask him if he knows anything about the whereabouts of the Medallions."

"Oh, come on Harry. You're not going to waste a perfectly wonderful night talking shop with the boss, are you?" Amanda asked seductively, an index finger tickling under his chin.

"Uh, no. No, of course not. There will be plenty of time to talk to him during our training session next Sunday."

Hermione gave Amanda a quick snarl, but Davie pulled her into a kiss before Harry and Amanda were able to notice.

So Harry and Amanda sat down at the Staff table, just to the right of Dumbledore, with place settings for two other professors to Dumbledore's left. Harry knew that the first would be for Snape, but he was curious who the other would be for. When he found out who it was, he felt truly ridiculous. Of course, it was the American Professor, David.

The students filed in slowly but regularly, the first arriving moments after Harry and Hermione and while the late arrivals didn't show until just before dinner. In the meantime, many of the students were milling about on the outside of the dance floor, drinking pumpkin juice and butterbeers, snacking on crackers and a large bowl of Bernie Botts Every Flavour Beans, and comparing outfits, their choice of dates, and many Harry noticed were sneaking peeks at Amanda.

Each time this would happen Harry couldn't help but give a little smile before turning back to his conversation with Dumbledore or David.

But when Malfoy walked in with Pansy Parkinson wearing a dress that showed more flesh than cloth. It was a Racy black dress which looked a lot more like a pair of silk draped sewn together at the waist with a V line slit running all the way down to her navel and a matching one revealing just as much of her back.

Harry hadn't seen so much of the female body since his biology classes at his Muggle school. And seeing it in real life for the first time from Pansy, Harry thought it was possible he just might throw up.

And there was Malfoy, Smiling like she were the Queen of England, yet more disturbing was the look he gave Amanda. It wasn't snide or demeaning, nor was it flirtatious. It was something different. Something he couldn't put his finger on, but he was sure that he didn't like it. When he turned to look at her he found she was getting up.

"Where you going?" he asked somewhat despondently.

"I just wanted to get us some butterbeers," she replied with a smile.

Harry smiled and nodded, turning his attention back to Dumbledore, but when he saw out of the corner of his eye that Malfoy was on his way to the drink table Harry turned his attention back to her and found her just turning back. She had two bottles in her hand and ignored Malfoy as he walked past her, whistling. Harry just smiled.

The dinner that came that night was second to none. Normally they would have a great feast with turkey and ham and tons of stuffing, pumpkin pies and cakes. But what they brought instead was beyond imagination. T-bone steaks, crabs and miniature lobsters, duck and lamb chops for the main course with all types of pasta, salads galore, exotic fruits and pies of so many variations it took some longer to decide what to eat than it did to finish it.

Harry could see Ron over at his table with Hermione, doing his best to be polite with such a glorious feast in front of him. And the pies and cakes were second to none. All kinds of berry pies, Apple pies, Lemon Meringue, even some ice-cream pies. Chocolate and vanilla cakes were everywhere, but so too were strawberry and pineapple, blueberry with pink and black frosting, and so many others Harry wondered if he'd ever stop eating. Of course, Amanda took care of that problem.

Ten minutes after the deserts were brought out the Weird Sisters came out and began to play. Most of their songs were on the softer side, romantic tunes inducing the ladies to bring out their boys for a spin on the dance floor. Harry couldn't escape.

Amanda grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out on the floor. Harry felt like a fool, having little rhythm and no wish to be out there for long, but when the next song was a very long, very slow song which invited Amanda to bring him in tight, Harry found a new respect for dancing.

They spent most of the night on the dance floor, as did Hermione and Davie. Where Ron and Parvati had gone so quickly, Harry didn't know, though he had an idea.

After a few songs Harry and Amanda swapped partners with Davie and Hermione, and so things continued. Harry found that he was required, as the school hero, to swap to another girl at least once out of every four songs, and it was just beginning to wear on him when Cho cut in.

"Enjoying the dance?" she asked softly.

"I am now," he replied provocatively. He wasn't sure why, maybe it was the way she looked in her soft brown dress, but he felt he needed to flirt, just a bit. Of course it wouldn't go anywhere, so where was the harm.

After a few moments she nodded over at Amanda who had a whole flock of guys trying to cut in with her. "She cleans up pretty nice."

"Yeah, she does."

"Is it serious?"

This was a good question. "I think it is," Harry replied, mildly surprised how true this statement felt.

"Well, I wish you two all the best."

"You too. How are things going with you and..."

A loud screeching sound from above cut out his next words. Harry and Cho, as well as many of the other students, looked up in surprise. It was much too late for mail, yet half a dozen Owls were flying down from above.

When the owls came to their owners Harry noticed that only the professors were getting mail. Then a strange owl dropped a letter off to him.

A sinking feeling erupted deep in his gut. Slowly he slipped his finger under the wax stamp, but before he could open it he saw that Dumbledore too had received a letter, finished reading it, and the look on his face said it all.

With his fingers trembling, Harry opened his letter. Inside was a very short note. Harry read it quickly, then re-read it three more times. Finally, he looked up towards Dumbledore and saw him walking with a purpose directly for him. Harry nodded, Dumbledore pointed up, and Harry knew that at this moment the entire Order was converging in the Headmasters office.

Harry held up his hand, nodded to Cho, and without missing a beat Dumbledore turned and headed for the Staff door.

"What's going on, Harry," Cho asked in a frightened tone. "It must be something horrible with the way Dumbledore was just looking at you."

"It is. You've got to collect the students and send them back to their dorms. I doubt the news will stay contained for long."

"What news. What's happened."

"There was another attack, this one inside the Ministry itself. And now it's official. He's wages an all out war against us."

"What are you talking about?" Cho shouted, truly mortified.

"It's Fudge. He's dead."

Coming Soon

Chapter 25

Author notes: Once there were only two places in the world a person could feel safe. The Ministry of Magic and Hogarts. But after the attack at the Ministry and the loss of Minister Fudge, who can truly feel safe. Find out what happened at the ministry and what's going to happen next in Chapter 25, The Ministry Massacre.