Harry Potter
Action Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/02/2004
Updated: 01/11/2006
Words: 217,336
Chapters: 30
Hits: 42,709

Harry Potter and The Tomb of Hogwarts


Story Summary:
Hogwarts seems to be the only place in Europe not under attack by Death Eaters, and it may be next. Lines have been drawn, sides are being chosen, and the entire wizarding world is being engulfed in a civil war. And caught in the middle, Harry Potter begins his sixth year at Hogwarts, and begins to learn more about his Mum and Dad, Professor Snape, and how a medallion he inherited from Sirius may have once belonged to one of the founders of Hogwarts. As he digs into the medallion’s origins and powers, he learns that his final battle with Voldemort may have been foreseen over a thousand years ago by the very same founder, but the one thing he knows for sure is that all the answers he seeks are hidden deep within the Tomb of Hogwarts.

Chapter 23

Chapter Summary:
Harry's found his Animagus form, or forms as may be the case, but what of Ron and Hermione. What forms did they take, and how did they come to find them. Harry sure wants to find out, but before the week is out he'll find more answers than he ever expected when he hears, Hermione's Confession.

Harry Potter and

The Tomb of Hogwarts

Chapter 23

Hermione's Confession

Harry awoke at four Monday morning, wide eyed and ready for a new week.

Focused on preparing for the new day, it was only after he got dressed after his morning shower that he realized how early it was. Since Ron's bed had been made, Harry assumed he'd woke up late and everyone else had already gone down to breakfast. But as he put on his watch he stopped, double-checked the time, then laughed at his own foolishness. Looking through the window proved it. The sun hadn't even come up yet. Musing at himself, he headed off for breakfast.

As he descended the last few stairs he heard Ron's voice in the common room talking with Hermione.

"Morning Harry," Ron called, followed by an "Oumph!" as Hermione elbowed him in his side.

"Keep your voice down," she scolded him. "Some students are still trying to sleep."

Ron, rubbing his ribs, ignored her as he asked, "Professor McGonagall just asked us to come get you. She said she's got a few last minute things to go over with us about the Quest."

"Alright," Harry replied brightly. "Where are we meeting her?"

"In that side room next to the staff table. She said it'd only take a couple of minutes."

"Right. Well, let's get going."

So the three of them headed through the portrait hole, and off towards the stairs when Harry suggested they used his own passage. It was right then that he'd realized just how little time he'd spent with them since they'd arrived back at Hogwarts. His first thought was to use the passage to go downstairs, but Ron and Hermione hadn't even thought about it.

"You know," he said as they descended the stone steps, "we need to start hanging out more. We haven't spent much time together since, well, since I started teaching Duelling."

"Well, you've been busy," Hermione commented. "You've got more on your plate than any of us, and you don't have the convenience of a time turner."

"Yeah, why is that?" Ron asked. "With what happened last year you'd probably be able to get one from the ministry without any problems at all."

"No. I thought about it a little when I first came to school, but after what happened the last time I don't want to start thinking 'what if I had used the time turner? That thing opens a can of flubberworms I don't want to deal with."

"I can see that," Hermione replied. "There were a lot of times when I wanted to use it when I shouldn't have and it took all I had not to use it. Thinking back on it, I'm glad I didn't, but back then I was really tempted."

"That's my point. There's just too many temptations that come with it. No, it's no good."

"My point exactly," Hermione added.

"Right. So, that brings us back to where we started. We need to start hanging out more. You know, like the old days. When I think of seeing my mum and dad hanging out by the tree with Sirius and Lupin, I can't help but think that's the way we should be."

"Right. There's a Hogsmeade Weekend coming up this week. We could all go."

"Oh right. Just the five of us," Ron barked as they headed out the ground floor portrait hole.

"No Ron," Hermione replied coldly. "Just the three of us."

"Sure, that's what you say now, but when Davie and Amanda ask to come I'd just like to see you tell them no."

"Right. Like you'd said no to Parvati if she asks."

"Of course I would. Just because we go out on a few dates doesn't make me forget my friends, and I don't go telling her stuff she doesn't need to know either."

"What's that supposed to mean," Hermione replied angrily.

"Just what is says. I'm not the one going and telling people what they have no need to know. But not you. No, you just go and tell Davie all of Harry's secrets like their public knowledge!" Ron said Davie's name as though it left a sour taste in his mouth.

"And if it weren't for Davie we wouldn't know nearly as much as we do, or need I remind you that it was him who found the book with the medallions and the location of the second medallion in America."


Harry's face was red with anger. All the pent up frustration of their bickering over the past five years and its recent climax over the past few weeks had finally driven him over the edge. He was not going to be in the middle of their arguments any more.

"We are going to Hogsmeade alone, and we're going to get you two straightened out once and for all. So help me if I have to jinx you into Rugroots I'll do it. And this little bickering stops right now, if not for our friendship then for the school. How do you think it looks to see the two Gryffindor Prefects bickering like first years?"

Both Ron and Hermione were gaping at him, completely stunned by his outburst towards them. Before they could respond, Harry continued.

"And as of right now you two are going to shake hands and make up. There will be no more talking of Davie, Parvati, or Amanda until after this gets settled this weekend and I want to see the both of you acting as though you were friends. Can you do that?"

Ron and Hermione nodded in unison, their mouths still hanging open.

And as quick as a Snitch Harry switched gears, all smiles as they entered the deserted Great Hall he asked genially, "So, did either of you find your forms last night?"

For a moment neither of them answered, so Harry prompted, "Hermione?"

Blinking her eyes as though waking from a dream, she stuttered, "Wha... Yea, I did."

Harry waited for more, but after five seconds of silence he prodded again, "And?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she replied, blushing.

Ron, who also seemed to come back, smiled broadly. "I know what she is."

"Well? Is anyone going to tell me, or do I have to guess."

But he never got the chance to get an answer as the approached the side door because it opened just then and Charlie and Professor McGonagall bade then in.

Closing the door behind them, Professor McGonagall prompted them to sit on the couch which lay on one side of the room while she and Charlie sat in a pair of chairs across from them.

"I know yesterday was an exhausting day for all three of you, especially you Harry, so I wanted to use this time to help you understand the results and to show you how this will further help you on your way to becoming an Animagus. So, let's begin with you, Ron. We'll start with how your quest began."

"Okay. Well, I started out back at home, waking up in my bed. Ginny had screamed and I hopped out of bed to go help her. It was weird cause I knew for some reason that Mum and Dad weren't home which is odd cause at least one of them is always home in the morning. Anyway, I ran downstairs and the place was wrecked and the front door was busted down. I ran for it and saw Ginny being carried away by a pack of wolves."

"So your little sister was being taken by wolves from your house. Very good. Continue," McGonagall Prompted.

"Right. So I started after her, but of course I was too small and slow to catch up to them. So I reached for my wand, but it was gone. I panicked and just, well, ran after then anyway. Then they all turned and the next thing I know I'm fighting for my life. So there I am, punching and kicking and all of the sudden I started growling, and then the wolves started getting smaller and smaller, and then, just like that, I was kicking their butts. Sorry. What I mean was that I was overpowering them. A few moments later they were all running away and Ginny just walks up to me, gives me a big hug and says, 'thanks, you big bear.' And that was it. I knew right then that I'd become a bear and the next thing I know I'm back in the classroom, still a bear, and then you tapped me with your wand and I passed out, and that's it."

"Very good. Very good indeed. It seems you've embraced the theme of Gryffindor House, speaking of course about our sense of loyalty and bravery. Those are two very prominent aspects of the Bear. Very nice, Mr. Weasley. And now you, Miss Granger."

Hermione sat there looking sheepish, obviously not wanting to talk about it.

"Miss Granger?" McGonagall prodded.

"It was stupid. It doesn't mean anything," she rebuked defensively.

"Miss Granger. You cannot proceed in your training until you tell me about your Quest and I would rather not have to use a Pensieve in order to do so. Now, if you please, your quest?"

"I was Alice from Alice in Wonderland and I had to chase the rabbit down the hole so I did and then everyone started chasing me and I became the rabbit and that's how it ended and now I'm going to be stuck with long teeth for the rest of my life." She said this all in a single breath, speaking as quickly as possible and ending it with a defiant look that dared anyone to make fun of her.

"Thank you, Miss Granger. That was very informative, it not brief. And now you, Mr. Potter. With as much detail as you can muster," McGonagall added, glancing quickly at Hermione.

Harry went through the whole story with as much detail as he could remember. He noticed that they were all riveted by his story, especially Ron and Herminie, and when he got to the Raven they seemed to gleam at his every word."

"My lord, Mr. Potter, but you did have yourself an adventure. Very interesting, yes. Well, I'm quite certain that I can help you with your training, but before we begin I would suggest you have a word with the Headmaster. I think he could help with a few of those detail better than I. But I'm very proud of you, all of you, truly. It takes a certain kind of Witch or Wizard to become an Animagus and here we find all three of you quite suitable for the job. Very impressive. Well, now that the hard part is through we can return to our previous schedule of two sessions per week. Harry, I'd like you to meet with me on Tuesdays and Charlie on Thursdays. I believe your Occlumency training could be invaluable to you working with both forms and there's no question that Charlie is better suited for that than I. Again, congratulations to you all, and I'll see each of you tomorrow evening, seven o'clock sharp."

They all nodded in agreement and headed back into the Great Hall for breakfast.

After so much happening on Sunday, the rest of the week flew by, and true to their word, everyone told their significant others that they would not be going together to Hogsmeade for the weekend.

Harry found it very hard telling Amanda that she would not be invited to come with them to Hogsmeade. He felt as though he were letting her down, and her response, though completely expected, was still heartbreaking. And the worst part for him was that he didn't really want to have to spend this time exclusively with Ron and Hermione. Not that he didn't like the idea of spending the time with them, but he didn't like having to exclude Amanda from the trip. He told her as much and she understood, but neither was happy about it.

By the time Friday came along, Harry found himself split somewhere between excitement at spending a full weekend with his two best friends and depression for not having any time to spend with Amanda. So when Dumbledore stood at the start of breakfast, Harry's heart leapt with excitement at the headmaster's announcement.

"After the events which have happened over the past few weeks, both here at the school and throughout the rest of the nation, I have decided that we are in need of some serious cheering up. Therefore, I have decided that, instead of our standard Halloween celebration, we shall have a Formal Halloween Ball."

There was an immediate round of applause at this announcement, and all but Hermione seemed pleased by the news.

"Depending on how well things progress, we may consider making this a permanent change to the yearly schedule, but then, I'm getting ahead of myself. Now, a few notices regarding the Ball. First and foremost, the Ball, or Balls as would be more accurate, will be held in three locations throughout the school. Our First, second, and third year students will meet in Professor Firenze's Divination classroom where you will enjoy a relaxing, outdoor style Ball."

A roar of applause erupted from the younger students, many yelling and whistling until Dumbledore settled them down with a wave of his hand.

"For our forth and fifth year students, our new Duelling classroom will host a ball celebrating the mystery and suspense that brings out the inner child in us all. Be forewarned, for I am told that our local poltergeist has offered to aid in the decorations."

A mix of applause and moans filled the room as many of the students pondered what kind of mischief Peeves could cause if his help was actually accepted for decorating the Ballroom.

"And finally," Dumbledore added before the noise could get too loud, "for our eldest students I will be personally be overseeing the decorating of the Great Hall to recreate the same ball that was hosted at the Ministry of Magic's Grand Ballroom in celebration of the Minister's inauguration back in 1990."

This caught Harry's attention, noting that Fudge was elected to the position just one year before he arrived at Hogwarts. Until just then, the timing had never occurred to him. Harry blew of the thought just then and turned his attention back to the Dumbledore as he continued.

"...and dinner will be served promptly at six, followed by a short show performed by the school ghosts, with the floor being opened for dancing afterwards. Curfew will be extended to ten thirty for all students of third year and below and midnight for our fourth and fifth years. All sixth and seventh year students will be allowed to remain until the end of the ball at three."

A great deal of hushed whispering drifted through the Hall, most especially amongst the sixth and seventh year students.

"And finally," Dumbledore called a bit louder, getting everyone's undivided attention once again, "since the Halloween ball will be taking place next Thursday, I felt it might be a nice way to start a three day, Hogsmeade weekend."

If the celebration before was loud, it was nothing compared to the eruption that flooded the room this time. Two consecutive weeks of Hogsmeade weekends could not have come at a better time, especially for Harry.

All that free time, he thought. What a wonderful weekend he could have. Thursday night with Amanda at the ball, then back to the office, and then two more days of rest and relaxation before his weekly lessons on Sunday.

A broad smile came over Harry's face that would not go away, even more so when he, Ron, and Hermione all agreed that Saturday would be enough time to spend together which meant that they could take their dates to Hogsmeade on Sunday. Of course Harry would only get a few hours between his lessons this week, but it was just a short time until next week, and that was more than he could ask for.

Friday had flown by after that, and soon enough Harry, Ron, and Hermione were passing by Mr. Filch and walking along the path to Hogsmeade. For a while it seemed a bit uncomfortable, the three of them together with nothing to talk about.

Ever since they had arrived at school their paths had split in different directions, and now they had thrust themselves back together and they couldn't remember how to act around each other. Of course, some of this was likely from the sexual tension between Ron and Hermione, but that couldn't hardly account for all of it.

As they walked past the lake and along the forest, Harry decided to open a general topic that they could all discuss, hoping maybe it would relax them a bit.

"So, I was thinking about hosting a duelling competition after the start of the new year. You know, a kind of tournament between the different houses."

"You mean like those wrestling and karate competitions they have in the Muggle world?" Hermione asked.

"Exactly. We could have an open audition for each house and the best two of each year would represent their house. Then we could have a series of monthly competitions with the finale at the end of the school year."

"I like it," added Ron, his eye's gleaming. "It would give me a chance to show Malfoy a thing or two."

"I hope you do, cause I sure as heck can't participate, being the professor and all,"

"Why not?" cried Ron.

"Because he's the one putting the competition together, and frankly there's no students in the school that could hold a torch to him. For god's sake, Ron, he's getting lessons from Dumbledore himself."

"So what? He's supposed to be punished for learning from the master? Come on..."

"Don't worry about it, Ron," Harry interrupted. "I'm more than happy to be out of the spotlight on this one. Honestly, as long as a non-Slytherin wins, I'll be happy and proud of the whole bunch. I mean, it's weird but I really like teaching."

And he really had. He hadn't thought about it much recently, but as he thought back over the past few months he realized that he really loved teaching. Maybe he'd stay on after graduating and try teaching for a few years. Then again, he might become an Auror, or a Quidditch champion, or one of another half dozen other things that crossed his mind.

"No way he could have done it," Hermione continued as Harry brought his attention back to the three of them.

"Who did what?" asked a slightly confused Harry.

"Dudley," answered Hermione. "Ron is convinced he was the one that went after the owls, but I don't think so. In fact, I'm positive of it."

"And how could you be so positive about it?" Ron replied gruffly.

"Well, for one thing Dumbledore doesn't think he did it, and when was the last time Dumbledore was wrong about something like this?"

"Are you bonkers? He's almost always wrong about things like this? I mean, don't get me wrong, Dumbledore's the greatest wizard alive, but we've learned about things tons of times before him, and what about not telling Harry about the whole telepathy thing between Harry and You-Know-Who."

"He had his reasons, Ron, and for God's sake can't you just say his name?"

"Okay, that's it," Harry said softly. "This is what I'm talking about, right now. You two have been at each other's throats for too long. We're going to walk right into The Three Broomsticks and we're not leaving until you two get all this stuff settled."

Ron and Hermione were silent the rest of the way to Hogsmeade which, luckily, was only another five minute's walk.

Harry let them in and, with a few extra sickles, was able to get them a private room upstairs.

It was a small room, about the same size as Harry's room back on Privet Drive, but with only six chairs and a small table, it didn't feel cramped. A small window on the far side provided a view of the main road of Hogsmeade.

They all remained quiet until after the Butterbeers arrived. Harry waited until the door closed, then launched at both of them.

"Okay, we're going to get this over with once and for all. I don't care if we're here till bloody Christmas. Nobody leaves until everything's out and all resolved. Is that clear?"

"Yes," they said in unison, both looking like scorned puppies.

"Good. Ron, you're first, since it seems you're upset with both of us."

Ron looked at both of them, shots of fire bursting in his eyes. Harry could tell he was going to explode and he was going to make sure it happened. That would be the only way to get things out in the open.

"Come on Ron, give. What's going on?"

"That's what I'd like to know," he spat back.

"And just what is that supposed to mean?" Harry retorted.

"Just what I said. What's going on with you two?"

"And just what is it we're supposed to have done?" demanded Hermione.

"Bloody hell," Ron cried. "I can't believe you two are so thick about it you can't see it for yourselves. It's those ruddy Americans. Two weeks after they arrive their in your pants, snogging you and making you..."


Hermione's slap echoed through the room as Ron reached his hand up to his face, rubbing where his cheeks burned bright red.

"You know what, you can slap me all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that they're just snogging you to get to Har..."

"SMACK!" came Hermione's hand again, matching Ron's right cheek to his left.

"Stop slapping me!" he cried loudly. Harry would have laughed his head off if the situation weren't so serious.

"Then you stop saying that. Davie and I have never snogged before, not that it's any of your business."

"Now that you mention it," interrupted Harry, "What's your problem with them anyhow?"

"You really don't see it, do you?" Ron asked, his astonishment both blaring in his tone of voice and written all over his face. "You don't think it's just a bit coincidental that these strangers come in, and right off the bat two of them just happen to start dating you, and they all make friends with Dudley? You guys seriously don't see what's wrong with this picture?"

"No, Ron, we don't," replied Hermione.

Harry nodded in agreement, though he thought he had an idea where Ron was going.

"I can't believe you two are this dim," Ron replied, shaking his head. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe they were plants by You-Know-Who? I mean honestly, don't you think it's odd that there's only a dozen of them, three hundred plus students here, and yet two of them just happen to hook up with you?"

"Maybe they just have good taste," spat Hermione. "After all, I don't see you dating one of them."

It was obvious to Harry that this was supposed to be a sharp jab to Ron's pride, so it was a bit of a surprise when Ron smiled at her.

"But they did. I've had two of those girls hitting on me every day for the first two weeks before I finally told them to bugger off. You see, they tried to get to all three of us."

"And why did you turn them down? What do you have against Americans?"

"Nothing. I think they're just fine. I just think it's suspicious that it only took them two weeks to have you two completely bamboozled. Now we've got them knowing all Harry's business, looking for the medallions, and going off like they've been here all the time. It's just the type of thing You-Know-Who would do."

"Wait a minute," said Harry. Some things were starting to fall into place in areas Harry didn't like. "Are you saying that Voldemort might have sent the whole group here?"

"Well it looks like someone's decided to see the obvious," Ron replied sharply.

"But Dumbledore approved it. He wouldn't have done that if he thought that there would be any danger from them, especially now."

"But they're foreigners. Not even Dumbledore could watch over the whole world. What if all that activity over the summer was to cover up that he was talking to them over there."

"Oh for God's sake," Hermione finally shouted. "They're not working for Voldemort. He didn't have anything to do with them coming here."

"How do you know? How can any of us be sure? For all you know, this Davie character is just smooching with you to keep tabs on Harry?"

"What? You don't think a guy can just think I'm attractive?" Hermione cried. "Am I really that repulsive to you, or are you just so bloody blind that you can't see a good thing when it's right in front of you."

"Blind? Me? You're the one who's going and telling all of our secrets to the first guy you meet. You've known him for what, two months now? And miraculously he finds the book on the medallions, finds out where the map is, and a week later he's coming up with news that he's found the second medallion. And you just think he's all that, like he's the greatest. You just don't see him for what he is."

"Ron," Hermione said softly, "I've been with Davie for nearly five months."

Harry and Ron stood dumbfounded.

Finally, after a few moments of prolonged silence, a soft squeak of a noise came from Ron, apparently trying to respond but too shocked to speak.

"That's right. We've been together since before school started."

"B-but, how's that possible," Harry managed to croak.

"Because I met him in the States, and that's how I know they're not working for Voldemort. It wasn't his idea they come here, it was mine," she declared proudly.

If Harry and Ron thought they were confused before, they were completely lost now.

"I'll explain, and I'll use small words so even Ron can understand."

Ron would've responded, but he was still recovering from her previous announcement and hadn't even noticed the insult.

"When Mum and Dad took me over to the states, we started out in San Francisco and worked our way east. Well, it was during that first week that I met Davie, and we got along really well right from the start. He showed me how to email him on the computer, and it wasn't long before we were writing to each other every day, sometimes two or three a day."

"Do you have any idea what the blood heck she's talking about?" Ron asked Harry.

"Muggle stuff," Harry replied quickly.

"So we would visit a few hours each time I went back, and by the end of July we were officially dating. But then he realized that it wouldn't be long before we'd have to go back to school, and that's when I had the idea that he could come here."

"So you organized a whole group of kids to come to Hogwarts just so you could be with that git?" Ron exclaimed.

"No, Ron, I didn't. I simply wanted to see if I could invite just him to come to our school, and that's when I wrote Dumbledore and asked if he could come here for a year. Well, initially he wasn't that happy with the idea and we didn't think he'd say yes. Then, just before your birthday he wrote me back and said that, if the Americans were truly interested, he would speak to Professor David and he'd set it up. That's how the whole group got started."

"So Voldemort couldn't have had anything to do with it cause he wasn't even involved. It was between you and Dumbledore. But then why didn't you tell us sooner?" Harry wasn't sure why, but he felt somehow betrayed that Hermione hadn't said anything earlier about it.

"Because I didn't want you two going off on how I'd done all this just to be with Davie."

"But that's exactly why you did it. You just said so."

"I did it for lots of reasons, Ron, and yes being with him was one of them, but it wasn't the only one."

"Alright. Give me one other good reason why he's here and I'll shut up about it forever."

"Fine," Hermione snapped. "I did it cause he'd learn more about magic at Hogwarts in one year than he did in his first three years in America. I did it so he could put on his college applications that he explored other countries and their traditions. I did it because I thought it would be one of the only ways he'd be able to get a wand, and he deserves one. I did it cause I didn't want him to have to got back to living with his ungrateful grandparents who only keep him cause they get paid by their government for it. I did it, Ronald, because over there he's treated the same way Harry is treated at the Dursleys and Davie deserves better than that. He deserves to have friends who'd take care of him and that's exactly what I plan to do. It's not about his being my boyfriend; it's about him being my friend."

Momentarily stumped, Ron finally replied grumpily and with gritted teeth, "I only said one reason."

For half a minute they stood there, looking at each other and not saying a word. Then, as though a dam had broken, they all erupted in laughter, baffled at their own silliness.

Another round of butterbeers came and the subject moved from Davie to Amanda, though not in accusation as with Davie, but more in curiosity. Harry told his friends all about her, and Hermione told them all about Davie, and Ron even dropped a few small tidbitts about Parvati.

For the rest of the day it was just the three of them, laughing and joking and reminding themselves why they were truly the best of friends. Even after they got back to Hogwarts they spent the rest of the day together in Harry's office playing Exploding Snaps and talking the night away.

They were so engrossed in their own activities that none of them even noticed the classroom door creak open as Dudley's head poked around, watching them for several moments before re-closing the door.

Harry's head whipped around as the lock closed, but when he saw that no one was there, he brushed it off and turned his attention back to his best friends.

That night, after Hermione headed up to her room, Ron and Harry sat in bed, talking of the fun they'd had when Ron became suddenly very quiet. He stayed like this for several minutes, and when he finally he spoke up Harry knew that what Ron had to say was a long time coming.

"Harry, do you think I'll ever have a chance with her?"

It took Harry a second to adjust to the question, but after a moment he replied, "I'm not sure. When Cho and I got together I thought it would be the greatest thing in the world. Now that I look back on things I can't figure how I ever thought things could work out between us. Maybe you two are different, maybe not. But if I were you, I'd stop worrying about what might be and start looking at what is."

"What do you mean?"

"Parvati's a nice girl, and she's pretty smart. And you can't tell me you don't like walking around with her on your arm. If I were you, I'd stop thinking about Hermione cause it doesn't look like she and Davie are going to break up any time soon. You should accept things for how they are and be grateful for what you have."

"But I barely even know her." Ron shook his head, rubbing his temples.

"Well you've got all day tomorrow to find out, and I can't imagine a better setting than the Halloween Ball to explore new possibilities. Who knows where things might lead from there. Maybe you'll find out there's nobody out there for you but Hermione. Then again, you just might find out that Parvati's everything you could have wanted but never stopped to look for. Give her a chance. You never know."

Ron nodded his head.

"Maybe you're right, Harry. I guess we'll see what happens."

And with those final words Ron turned over, and seconds later he was snoring up a storm.

Harry's thoughts turned to Amanda and the day they had laid out for them. A smile crept over his face.

Two years ago he felt like the luckiest guy in the world to be with a girl like Cho and now he couldn't imagine himself with her. But Amanda, sweet, beautiful Amanda...

And soon Harry was swept away by his own expectations of his blossoming relationship with this incredible American girl he knew so little of, yet cared for so deeply. Tomorrow he'd talk to her, ask her more about herself, and open himself to all the possibilities that were held behind those beautiful blue eyes.

Coming Soon

Chapter 24

The Halloween Ball

Author notes: With Ron and Hermione finally getting along, at least for the time being, Harry puts his focus on the upcoming ball and the few short moments he will be able to spend alone with Amanda, and with the ball just days away, Harry’s nerves are running rampant. Watch as they first prepare for the upcoming ball, then experience the majestic scene unfold as the Harry, Ron, and Hermione join the rest of the school at The Halloween Ball.

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