Draco Malfoy Luna Lovegood Neville Longbottom
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/20/2004
Updated: 05/23/2005
Words: 183,271
Chapters: 28
Hits: 51,099


dan's girl62

Story Summary:
Year six is over, Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Year six is over, and Harry and his friends have moved past UNEXPECTED BEGININGS. Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.
Author's Note:
Let's see if I can do this without a beta.

Chapter seven

Harry sat on his bed, his hands supporting his head as his heart pounded in grief and lonesomeness. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He couldn't believe it was so easy for him to turn his back on all that Ginny meant to him, just for a brief encounter with a beautiful brunette. How could he forget everything they had gone through together? How could he forget that she was his soul mate, his one and only love? Was the desire for sex such a driving force, that he would willingly turn his back on a true love, for one night of passion?

With an angry growl, Harry picked up the book he had laying on the bed next to him and flung it across the room, watching as it bounced off the sidewall. He looked at the ceiling, fists clenched and jaw set, his eyes glaring with anger, his heart pounding with frustration.

"I've had enough Mutgeb!" he shouted. "Do you hear me? I've had enough! I want out, I want to go home!" There was no answer; the room remained silent around him as he stood there, his breath heaving in his chest. "I want to go home," he whispered in misery as he walked to one of the chairs near the empty fireplace and sat down. "I'm so sorry Ginny," he said to the silent room. "I love you and I miss you. Please forgive me."

Harry sighed deeply. It was late and he promised to meet Dudley, but he didn't feel much like going back out to that beach, in fact if he never saw another beach again as long as he lived, it would be too soon. But he had to keep his promise to his cousin. Harry stood and gathered together his father's cloak. What a trip this had been. Not only was he trying to help his Muggle-loving cousin discover the reason behind his suddenly emerging magical powers, but he was cheating on Ginny with another girl he'd known less than a day. God, where was Hermione's logical scolding when he needed it?

Dudley sat silently on a large rock, looking out into the ocean when Harry approached him. At first he just stood there about fifty yards down the beach watching him. What was going on? Why was the robust Muggle suddenly developing powers and what was Harry to do about them? All the confusion, all the frustration aided in his rising anger, forcing him to think twice about whether or not just bag the whole thing and fly his Firebolt back to England. As he took a step to move closer to his cousin, eager to tell the overweight, overbearing barbarian to find his own answers, when a dark figure emerged from the shadows nearby. Harry froze where he stood. It was Amanda. What was she doing there with Dudley? Why was she now standing next to him and what were they saying? Harry had to know more. Slowly and silently he stepped toward the two, pausing a short distance away, listening with interest at what they were saying to each other.

"So your cousin hasn't shown up yet?" Amanda was saying as she leaned against the rock. Dudley moved quickly to the other side, as if he had been shocked.

"He will be here soon," the larger one said. "I'm a little early."

"So, Dently, tell me about your cousin. What kind of man is he?"

"It's Dudley and I don't know what to tell you. He's just my cousin."

"But is he an honest person? Is he trustworthy and loyal?"

"Why do you want to know? He has a girlfriend, you know? He doesn't need a quick lay like you, when he can get screwed whenever he likes. And from what I know of her, she'd rip your bloody head off, if she caught you fooling around with Harry."

"So who's to catch us? Tell me Drusty, what you are looking for? A quick lay?" Amanda leaned very close to Dudley, kissing his round cheek as she began humming softly. Dudley froze staring at the woman oddly before nodding. Amanda took the large hand from the rock, placing it on her breast. "Then come with me. I'll give you everything you want and so much more." Amanda stood up from the rock still humming softly, pulling Dudley along with her and out of sight. For several moments Harry just stood there, hidden beneath the cloak. Did he really just see the girl he had made out with, proposition Dudley Dursley? It was enough to make his stomach lurch and his shoulders shudder. Harry turned around with a disgusted frown. If Dudley wanted to know about these powers, if they were even real to begin with, then he would have to find the answers himself. He wasn't going to play these games anymore. As Harry was about to leave, he caught sight of the two dolphins he had spoken with the night before bobbing above the water. Without trying, he could understand everything they were saying and his heart took a leap into his throat, closing off his air.

"The Siren has the Muggle and soon will have the wizard too," the male said.

"I don't like it," the female answered in a chattering voice. "They do not belong with us. They are not a part of us."

"The Siren believes in this wizard and we can not go against her. The Muggles' sacrifice will be necessary to achieve our goals, you know that."

"But it is wrong. Is it not bad enough to have them in our waters, touching us? Why do we need them in our world as well?"

"The Siren has made her decision and that is the end of it. We have to go and wait for them. She will be taking him down soon."

"I will go but I do not like it."

Harry's head was pounding, his palms sweating as he began running in the direction Dudley had disappeared in. Somewhere in the back of his mind he could hear it, a soft song sweet and enduring, luring him forward. Harry froze. A Siren, it was the song of the Siren, it lured sailors to their deaths and drove man mad, but he was a wizard, the song had no effect on him other than a feeling of seduction. With a bright smile Harry realized what had happened on the beach that afternoon. It wasn't his desires for the girl that had caused him to kiss her, like a Veela she had a power to make men forget everything but their desires for her, but unlike the Veela, the Siren could not control a wizard without first luring him into her body through sexual intercourse. In that moment of pure release, pure abandonment of his thoughts and control, she would wind herself into his mind like a parasite and strike at the core of his power; his soul. That much he was able to determine in all his readings this summer. With a twinge of amusement, Harry turned the bend in the beach that lead him to the spot he had been with Amanda earlier that day. Hermione would be proud to know he had actually learned something over the summer holiday.

Lying on the blanket, Harry could see two figures. They looked like they were still moving, so Dudley hadn't been harmed yet. As he neared them he could hear Dudley's snorts of passion. He stopped shortly away from the blanket, watching for a moment as Dudley continued to grunt, his arms and hips gyrating against the attractive woman's naked body. It was enough to make Harry actually feel nauseated. He thought seriously about just turning away, let his spoiled cousin deal with the woman on his own, but then something odd caught his attention. He took a step closer, realizing the grunts were not passion and Dudley wasn't humping her, he was trying to pull away from the woman. He wasn't excited, he was fighting.

"Leave him alone!" Harry shouted, causing Amanda to jump to her feet as Dudley rolled away from the blanket, gasping and sputtering for air.

"Potter where are you?" the girl asked, scanning the area for any sight of Harry, her naked form of no importance. "I knew you would come, you had to come. You're loyal and honest. You are the only one I can trust."

"Trust with what?" Harry asked from behind her, where he had gone to help his cousin, his cloak discarded from his shoulders, dropping to the sand in a heaping impression in the sand.

"You came here to find the leader of the dolphins. I can take you to their world. They need you Harry, they need your powers to save them."

"Save them from what?"

"Humans....Muggles. They are destroying the dolphin world. Nothing my kind has done can prevent it. We have tried for centuries to lure the humans away from the dolphins, but they kept coming. Now the only hope they have is you."

"What can I do?"

"Please, come with me. You must save them."

"But I can't do anything. I'm only one person."

"You are the great Harry Potter. There is nothing you can't do. I know you can do this."

"Dudley, go back to the hotel," Harry said turning back to his frightened cousin. "You'll be safe there."

"What are you going to do?" Dudley asked, finding his voice after nearly having it sucked from him permanently.

"I don't know, but I'm sort of used to this. Strange things always happen whenever I'm around."

"Yeah I remember," Dudley said boldly, finding the courage he didn't know he had. "But I'm not going to the hotel. I'll come with you. I can do that, can't I? Help Harry I mean?"

"If you wish," Amanda said in a seductive tone.

"But you can't do any more of that weird mind stuff to me."

"Dudley, no," Harry insisted. "It's too dangerous, now go back to the hotel before anything else happens."

"Harry, don't tell me what to do."

"Dudley don't be stupid. You don't belong here."

"Look Potter, strange things are happening to me and I have a feeling you're behind it all. Now I'm not letting you out of my sight until I know how to get this...stuff, under control."

"Please, we must be going," Amanda pleaded.

"Fine, whatever," Harry snapped. "Just keep out of trouble and stay out of the way when things get rough. I can't afford to save your arse as well as my own." Harry bent and gathered his cloak, then turned to Amanda. "Where are we going and how do we get there?" Amanda smiled.

"Thank you Harry," she whispered. "The only way to get there is to swim. Can you use your magic to make it so you can both breath under water?"

"Yeah, I know a spell. Where are we going?"

"It's not far, but it will be past the sun's rising when we return."

"All right, but if I do this, you have to promise to keep your distance from Dudley. He's big and stupid, but he doesn't know anything about my world or anything dealing with magic. Is that agreed?"

"Agreed, but how is it he knows nothing about you? Are you not cousins?"

"I lived in his house and ate at his table - barely - but he still never noticed my existence," Harry said turning an angry glare to his pale faced cousin. "The only time he knew I was around was to torment me and cause problems between his parents and myself."

"He's a wizard though," Amanda said. "Surely he knows about magic?"

"He's not a wizard and unless it's edible, he doesn't know anything about magic."

"Harry, he is a wizard. That is why my song did not work on him. I was to use him as a lure for you, but my song did not affect him. The only humans that are not affected by my song are magical folks. He has to be one." Harry frowned at his cousin, watching the shock and fear cross his round features.

"Either that or he's under a spell." Harry ignored the look the other two gave him, as he raised his wand and pointed it at Dudley, who immediately began to quiver and back away. Instantly a stream of golden bubbles shot out of the end of Harry's wand, forming around Dudley's head. The bubbles began to unite until they had formed one large bubble that slipped across the rather enormous head. Dudley reached up and touched it, tapping on the hard outer shell with his fat knuckles. Harry shook his head, pointing the wand to himself, repeating the action of his spell.

"Good," Amanda said. "Come then, the dolphins are waiting." She led the two into the edge of the water, diving beneath it. Harry and Dudley followed her into the ocean, watching as a large fish-like tail flipped through the air, slapping the water's surface. Dudley gasped when Amanda's head emerged, revealing the gills that opened and closed on the sides of her neck. Harry frowned. He had seen mermaids before, but he never knew one who was a Siren. Sensing his confusion and question, Amanda smiled at him, her large, bare breasts bobbing above the water.

"My mother was a Siren," she told them. "My father was a merman. They met in the great war of the humans."

"What war?" Dudley said, his voice sounding hollow and echoed around his own ears, causing him to reach up to hold the sides of the bubble where his ears would have been.

"It was many centuries ago. It was the war of Muggles against witches."

"The Great Witch Hunts," Harry clarified in a soft tone. "When thousands of innocent Muggles were executed barbarically for their beliefs."

"You mean they were witches?" Dudley answered.

"No, Muggles," Harry clarified. "True witches can not be harmed by Muggles. It's a long story."

"Which we don't have time for," Amanda said, flipping her fin again. "Follow me."

"What if it's a trap?" Dudley asked, grabbing hold of Harry's arm, preventing him from following Amanda.

"Then we either escape or die. Trust me, Dudley, you get used to the choice after awhile."


"Where are we?" Dudley asked several hours later. He was tired of swimming, his legs felt heavy and sore, his arms shook with fatigue, but all of that was forgotten immediately once the sights of an ancient city came into view. Harry looked around the large stone pillars and sculptured statues. The streets were laid in marble stone, the buildings large and white, covered in thick vines of green seaweed.

"I'm not sure," Harry answered. "But if I were to guess, I'd have to say we're in..."

"Welcome to Atlantis," Amanda said with a warm smile, as a large dolphin emerged from the darkened interior of a massive, Grecian building.

"Siren, why have you brought humans to our world?" the dolphin demanded. "Is there not enough of them in the boats above us?"

"But this is no ordinary human," Amanda said, her voice slightly quivering. "He can help us, he is very powerful."

"I can assure you, we haven't come to cause any harm?" Harry asked with a frown.

"You can understand them?" Dudley asked, looking around at the many dolphins and emerging mer-people that swam out of the buildings and down from the water's surface.

"Yeah, but it's another long story," Harry told him.

"Is that their leader?" Dudley asked looking at the dolphin in front of them.

"I don't know. Who are you?" Harry asked again, turning his attention back to the mammal.

"We have no names as you humans do. I am just me," the dolphin said. "You understand our language?" Harry nodded. "The Siren claims you are here to help us, but there is doubt in her words."

"I have quite a bit of it myself," Harry said honesty. "I don't know what it is you need from me."

"He is the great wizard we have heard about," Amanda claimed, swimming to the side of the large dolphin. "This is Harry Potter." Immediately the sea became alive with whispered chatter, all repeating his name.

"Is this true Human?" the large dolphin asked. Harry nodded his head again. "Then there may be hope yet."

"Hope for what?" Harry asked. "What is it you want from me?"

"We have lived here since the time of the great appearance," the dolphin explained. "My ancestors were here to witness the arrival. The day our world met with that from above. Many humans died, others survived because of their magic, like yours. They left the land that once was and traveled far away, but this world we now live in was once theirs. They called it Atlantis. Now it is in danger. Muggles are searching for this place from above and it is only a matter of time before they find it. They believe Atlantis is a mysterious and wonderful place."

"Harry, what's going on?" Dudley asked, listening to the chattering of the dolphin as it spoke to his cousin.

"Dudley, be quiet," Harry said bitterly, turning his attention back to the dolphin.

"We must not let them find it," the large dolphin continued.

"I'll do what I can, but I'm not sure what that is," Harry said in an assuring tone.

"Your magic is known even by our kind. There is a land, which we have heard of, where humans and Muggles do not know exists. With your stick of magic, you can use the great stone to deliver us there."

"What great stone?" Harry asked, watching as the dolphin turned and swam toward a building that looked like it could have once been a town hall.

"In there. A stone of great power that only your kind can use. This city once belonged to your people, but at the time of the great appearance, the waters rose and the land became one with our world. This place sank into the depths of our waters and has remained here all these centuries."

"What does this stone do?"

"We know only what our ancestors have told us through stories. It is said the stone was used by the people of this city to transport their island so it would not be found. When the great appearance happened, the island was broken in two. Those above tried to save the city, but there was no time, it sank and the island disappeared never to be seen again. Many days ago a great witch came to the land where you once stood and told us of your arrival."

"You mean Australia?" Harry asked. "One of the three witches of old came to you?"

"Yes. She told us that a great wizard would soon be coming that could save our world, but the way was within your answer. She said you must answer a riddle."

"Mutgeb," Harry said bitterly. "I can't do it. I've been trying to figure that stupid thing out for weeks, but I can't do it. I'm no good with riddles."

"I like riddles," Dudley said, hearing only Harry's side of the conversation. "Maybe I can help you."

"I doubt it Dudley," Harry snapped. "The riddle was made by a great witch, centuries old. I can't believe a Muggle would understand it, no offense."

"Offense taken, Potter. Besides, what harm is there? If you can't figure it out, then what will it hurt to ask me?"

"Fine then, Mr. Smarty, answer this one; you soar without wings and see without eyes, you have traveled the universe from once you've come; you've conquered the world without leaving home. Who are you?" Dudley frowned as he thought about it, causing Harry to roll his eyes.

"Come on Dudley, use your brain. You're the smart one, remember? Just ask your parents, they'll tell you."

"Shut up Potter, I'm thinking."

"That's obvious," Harry snorted. "I can see the smoke rising from your ears." Harry began swimming around as if pacing, waiting for his cousin to come up with a logical answer.

This was growing thin, Harry began thinking. Why did Mutgeb continue to tell him riddle after riddle, just so he could find the Green Flame Torch? Maybe the rumors were right; maybe the torch really was only in the imagination of hopeful witches and wizards who wanted a miraculous ending to an otherwise hopeless situation.

"You soar without wings and see without eyes," Dudley was saying, causing Harry to roll his eyes again, as he continued to pace-swimming. How could a person travel the universe and conquer the world without leaving home? Harry thought. This was impossible. Out of all three riddles, this one was the worse. It was impossible to travel the universe anyway, even witches couldn't do that. And the only one who thought he could conquer the world was Voldemort and if Harry had anything to say about it, his plans would never be anything more than wishful thinking. Harry looked to Dudley and frowned. Every time he needed to solve one of these riddles, the answer was staring him right in the face. Was Dudley the answer? His sudden talents and powers was something Harry would never have imagined, even in his wildest nightmares, though the thought of them coming out on Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon was quite funny. So what was it about Dudley?

Maybe it wasn't the robust figure bouncing at the ocean's bottom. Maybe it was something else. This place perhaps, or the dolphins? Maybe it was the mermaid-Siren. All of these things combined only added up to a wild dream. Maybe that was it, Harry thought. Everything here was a part of most humans' wildest dreams. A dream was something that you could do without leaving home and it was something you could see without eyes. He even saw himself flying in his dreams, but then that really wasn't a dream, he flew all the time on his Firebolt and a few times on Buckbeak, the hippogriff, so flying wasn't a dream, but to any ordinary person it would be more like a...fantasy...imagination...that was it! Harry looked to Dudley, seeing the light shining on his fat face.

"Imagination," they answered together, then turned back to the dolphin who nodded his head, chattering excitedly.

"That's it, isn't it?" Harry asked enthusiastically. "Your imagination can travel without leaving home and can make you soar without wings and see without eyes."

"Yes, Harry that is the answer. You have succeeded," Amanda said as she swam around the large dolphin with excitement. "I told you he was the one."

"Now you can help us Harry?" the large dolphin asked.

"Right now I think I could do anything. Just tell me what needs done?"

"Come," the dolphin said, swimming inside the large town hall building. Harry and Dudley followed through the open archway of the front and stopped almost immediately. Sitting on the exquisitely tiled floor was a large stone, not nearly so much a stone as a crystal prism, clear and see-through, sparkling with lights that seemed to appear without a source. Harry slowly swam around the borders of the stone, watching the images that sparkled and played out within the many spheres clustered together to form the structure. It was like a thousand Muggle movies all playing at once. He could see lives of people who lived centuries ago; he saw images of a life that no longer existed. He could see a great land, with marvelous animals he had only seen in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwart's, or read about in textbooks. Centaurs mingled among the people, bowing and talking like old friends. A variety of different beings, giants, hippogriffs, three-headed hell hounds, dragons, house-elves, imps and pixies, wizards with magical wands and kneazles offering their findings to their masters, a small group of manticores and thestrals roamed the marbles streets, all living in harmony. Then in the last crystal Harry looked in, he saw a great darkness falling across the city. A group of ancient wizards gathered together in the hall Harry now swam, their wands pointing in the center of the floor as chaos circled around them outside the white walls. Together they conjured the stone of crystals, Harry was looking in too. A great light began to glow from the stone, stretching out across the room and through the opening, surround the outer reaches of the city in a glow of pure gold. Immediately the waters encircling the island began to rise as the golden glow continued to grow. The island was raked by quakes, the dark cloud growling in anger as the land was broken in two, the waters developing one side as the other disappeared in a golden puff of smoke. Then there was nothing but water as the half of the island that remained sank, engulfed by the ocean. The elders fought for air, swimming among the many people who tried in vain to swim to the surface, but it was too late. The current of the city sinking into the ocean, created a vacuum that sucked the helpless victims down. The magical powers were of no help to them this time. Images of lifeless bodies sank into the dark depths of an eternal graveyard.

"The Isle of Morahana," Harry whispered. "That's why the three witches had me follow this quest, to return the island to whole. But how am I to do this?" he asked in a louder voice. Before the dolphin or Amanda could answer, the stone began to glow, images of Voldemort appeared and Harry drew his wand as though expecting his one true enemy to emerge from the crystals. Instead, he saw the one sight he had thought most about all these years. He saw Voldemort enter a house, quiet and dark. He saw a man appear to confront the Dark Lord, his hair a mess of unruly black, his eyes hidden behind round glasses. He saw his father try and fight off his enemy, as another man appeared from behind him. Both wands rose to confront the Dark Lord, until the shorter image of the second wizard revealed himself. Peter Pettigrew stood as a friend behind James Potter, his wand raised as if to fight Voldemort, but instead it turned to James, catching his attention and throwing him off guard. James turned to his friend as a light shot out of Voldemort's wand, striking him with the unforgivable spell that took his life. James screamed in silent horror as Harry looked on, helplessly watching his father collapse to the floor. Peter Pettigrew stood over his lifeless body, frowning, shaking in fear.

Voldemort took a step closer to his victim, glancing up the stairs, then turned to the short stocky figure next to him, issuing an unheard order. Pettigrew left the room, as Voldemort began climbing the stairs, his black robes flowing around him. Harry watched as he saw the shadow of his mother run into a room, shutting the door behind her. The door's frame began to glow in an orange shimmer, but it was not a strong enough spell to keep her attacker out. With the raise of his wand, Voldemort struck, the door flying off the hinges and into the room beyond. His eyes followed the Dark Lord into a small room with a crib and a rocking chair. His nursery, Harry thought. That's where his mother tried to hide, but it was of no use. Lily Potter stood in front of her son in the crib, her arms stretched out to protect him. She was shaking her head, begging for her small son's life. Instantly a hand reached out and grabbed her by her long red hair, throwing her carelessly aside. Harry watched as Voldemort raised his wand to the small child, but was knocked aside with a hard wooden object - the rocking chair - as Lily struck him from behind. The Dark Lord staggered aside, but not far enough to allow her to collect her child and flee. Instead she lunged at him, catching him off guard again, but her strength was not a match to the evil lord. He easily secured her by the arms, shoving her away from him and backwards against the wall where she hit her head, stunning her.

Harry watched in horror while Voldemort again raised his wand, pointing it to the slender frame of his mother, as she struggled to gain her stance. A stream of light escaped his wand and immediately Lily Potter lurched backwards, her throat screaming the same sound Harry had heard in his dreams for so many years. And then there was nothing. Her delicate frame settled back to the floor, dead. Silence surrounded him, as he looked at the image of his mother, her valiant struggle to protect him useless. He could see Voldemort turn his wand back to the child who watched in silence, unaware of what had happened around him. A stream of light again shot out from the end of the wand, but instead of killing the baby, it bounced off him, striking the dark image in the chest and throwing him backwards into the hallway and over the banister. He lay there unconscious as the light glowing from his chest began to develop him, searing his flesh from his bones, until all that was left was the floating image of a ghost. Voldemort rose, looked down at the remains of his body and began to scream unheard by those in the ancient structure. His anger was visible on his face, but his attention was suddenly drawn to a shadow outside the house. He quickly floated through the door, hovering over the frightened image of a bird sitting on the windowsill. He growled in anger as he began to envelope the bird's body, transporting himself into the helpless creature and flying away. All that remained was a dark, lifeless house.

Harry's heart was pounding with grief, his eyes crying for the first time, understanding the horror of that night. He was about to turn away, when another figure came running into the house. It was Sirius, his godfather. He looked at the lifeless frame of his best friend, falling to his knees and lifting the head of James Potter. He growled in anger, his face distorting in hatred. He slowly lowered his friend's head to the floor again, rushing up the stairs to the nursery. There he saw a small baby, sleeping in a state of unconsciousness in the crib, torched black from the ricochet of Voldemort's attack. Sirius reached in, touching the blood dripping down the baby's forehead. Unconsciously Harry reached up, touching the place on the bubble where his forehead would have been, a scar that reminded him of his mother's sacrifice for him. Sirius turned away from the child, after wiping the blood from his forehead, seeing the wife of his best friend lying just feet away. He slowly walked to her, brushing the hair from her lifeless face, his shoulders shaking in grief and anger as he sobbed over her dead body.

A large shadow filled the doorway and Sirius looked back, seeing the massive figure of Hagrid looming in the doorway. He stood, wiped his tears and squared his shoulders. Hagrid watched as Sirius picked up the baby Harry, wrapping him in a quilt from the dresser nearby. He kissed Harry's small head and then handed him to the giant, saying something to him before leaving the room. Harry watched as Hagrid cradled the small child in his massive arms, tears dripping to the blanket that covered him. He turned and slowly left the room and the house. Straddling a motorcycle sitting outside the house, Hagrid wrapped the now squirming child in a knapsack around his shoulder, kicking the side of the bike he sped away into the night sky.

Slowly the crystal changed scenes and Harry was watching Hagrid hand his small bundle to Dumbledore who cradled the sleeping child in his arms. McGonagall was close by and touched the tip of her wand to Harry's head, healing the wound as best as she could. Dumbledore stepped to the front door of a house Harry knew well and dreaded seeing every year, Number 4 Privet Drive, the home of the Dursleys. He laid the sleeping bundle of a child on the doormat, placing with him a small envelope and a bundle of belongings. That was how Harry Potter had come to be The-Boy-Who-Lived, and how his parents died to give him a future.

"Harry," Dudley said from behind him. "I am so sorry." He reached out and placed a hand on Harry's wet shoulder. "I never knew."

"She died just as I've been told," Harry whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks, to be absorbed among the air of the bubble surrounding his head and face.

"They died fighting. That makes them heroes." Harry turned to his cousin, seeing the tears gleaming in his own eyes. He smiled softly.

"Not quite the worthless drunks your parents have always claimed them to be, were they?"

"Nothing even close to it." Dudley tried to smile, but his lips quivered with emotion. Harry in turn cleared his throat and shook his head.

"Enough of this," he said boldly. "We have to figure a way to get this part of the island back to the isle of Morahana. But how?"

"The walls have writings on them," the large dolphin stated. "There are words we do not understand. Perhaps if you could translate them, they will help?" Harry began swimming around the room, staring at the oddly decorated room. He had no idea what any of the symbols meant, but was certain if Hermione were here, she would be able to understand them with little difficulty.

"I can read some of it," Amanda said. "I was taught many years ago, but I'm a little slack on it. This part here tells the story of the island known as Atlantis," she began pointing at the carved stones. "Here tells of a dark force that was rising after a battle on a nearby island. Many of the elders wanted to conquer the island and collect the women who were beautiful beyond imagination, but the others forbid it. A great battle arose and the dark elders chose followers and grew in power. A battle was fought and the dark force became strong. The elders tried to fight off the forces, but were not strong enough, the evil followers were many. The last thing ever written was a spell they hoped would protect the island."

"Does it say what the spell was?" Harry asked, close by her side.

"It has some very odd words; defendo nostra solum, fundo malum absentis infractus duo."

"Defend our land, send evil away that divides us in two," Harry said with a deep frown, glancing back to Dudley and Amanda who stared at him with wide eyes. "I know magic, remember? I have to understand a spell in order to know the outcome. I think I know what happened. During the battle from what we saw in the crystals, the elders entered this room and created this stone. The battle was raging outside and I think what they did was say the spell backwards. Instead of saying defend our land, send evil away that divides us in two, what they said was defendo nostra solum, infractus malum duo absentis; defend our land, divide evil in two and send it away. That would explain the dividing of the island. We saw the dark cloud circling around this building remember? And then we saw the golden light circle around the other half of the island. That explains it. The part of the island that was not being attacked was spared and sent away to become the isle of Morahana and this side, affected by the evil dark clouds was sent into the depths of the ocean. Divided and sent away."

"That makes sense," Amanda said, her tone filled with admiration.

"You're incredible," Dudley said with continued wide eyes. "I can't believe you figured all that out."

"It comes from being friends with the smartest witch Hogwart's has seen in twenty-years. Okay, I think if we reverse the spell, say it the way it was meant to be said, maybe it will bring the two parts back together."

"But what about the evil that surrounded it?" Dudley asked. "What would prevent it from coming back, or worse, what would prevent this isle of Morahana from coming back here? They want this place hidden from the humans, you may just bring into view."

"I don't think so, Dudley," Harry answered. "The isle of Morahana is protected by the three witches of old. It has been hidden for centuries. If I'm right, that's why they gave me riddles they knew would lead me here. They needed the island brought back together, but if they left the isle of Morahana, it would have left it vulnerable to Voldemort or any other evil force. All we can really do is try."

"So how can I help?"

"I don't know that you can. The elders created this stone and there must have been at least a dozen of them, all with wands. There is only the two of us and I'm the only one with a wand."

"But it's a prism," Dudley said after a few minutes. "It reflects light, wouldn't it do the same thing with your wand?" Harry looked at his cousin in amazement.

"I can't believe you figured that out," he said softly.

"What? I said I like riddles. This one was easier than the last one. Well, just look at it. Light is reflected through all these little pieces. Even your image is being reflected like a million times."

"All right, lets try it," Harry said with a smile. He swam to the edge of the stone while the dolphin, Amanda and Dudley stepped away. He raised his wand and tapped the end on the crystal stone. "Defendo nostra solum, fundo malum absentis infractus duo," he said boldly, as though he expected to produce a silver stag to fight off the Dementors. Harry stood there, watching the swirling of images pass through the crystal and then without warning, the room began to shake, the water began to slosh in waves around them. Harry stood there with his wand against the stone, trying to keep his balance as the room continued to shake. Harry felt his head spinning; the ocean around him seemed to take on an action all its own as it swirled and splashed against everything. Dudley fell against the wall behind him, the dolphin trying to maintain his position in the water, but found himself flipping over and twisting in the current. Even Amanda found it difficult to remain still, grabbing hold of a nearby pillar for support.

Several minutes passed by, before things around them seemed to be settling. Slowly the waters started to recede and Harry and Dudley found themselves standing a head above the water level. Harry looked to the dolphin and frowned as it swam away quickly, followed close behind by Amanda and the city's mammal occupants. Harry and Dudley looked at each other, stepping out of the building and into the bright light of day. Birds flew around them and the sky was clear and beautiful. Harry reached up to his head with his wand and tapped, allowing the golden bubble to dissolve into a million tinier bubbles before disappearing completely. He then tapped Dudley's head, watching as his bubble followed suit.

"Where are we?" Dudley asked in a hushed tone, walking beside Harry as they stepped into a white wet Marble Street.

"I'm not sure, but I think we've found the isle of Morahana," Harry answered, hearing the clattering chatter of dolphins near the end of the street. The two hurried to the sound, looking out at the hundred or so heads bobbing above the water's surface, dolphin and mer-people alike.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"You saved our world," the dolphin that had helped Harry said.

"How? It's above water. You can't live here now."

"Our world was below this city. Your making the island whole again, gives us back our land after all these centuries. Many secrets of our species lie beyond these stones. We thank you Harry Potter. You truly are a great wizard."

"You're welcome, I guess."

"I knew you were the one who could do this," Amanda said from the edge of the water, her eyes filled with admiration.

"I just hope I did the right thing," Harry said with a frown.

"You did Harry, a voice said behind him. Harry and Dudley turned to see the three witches of old approaching them. Dudley quivered slightly in fear as Harry took a step forward.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate riddles?" Harry barked, less angry then he did a few hours ago. Mutgeb stepped forward wearing a warm smile.

"You have done well Harry," she said with a chuckle. "Even with all your doubts, you succeeded to make whole that which was torn apart."

"Don't tell me, all of this was just to bring this island back together?" Harry demanded, picking up on the hint behind the words.

"No Harry, it was perhaps a lesson for you to learn that which your school could not teach you."

"What kind of lesson?"

"In your first two tasks you learned loyalty and compassion, this one you learned love. These are lessons you could never learn in a classroom."

"What was the love I learned?" Harry asked with a frown. "I nearly betrayed Ginny with a woman I later learned was a Siren."

"But you didn't betray her, Harry," answered the slender frame of Sharane.

"Your love was stronger than the Siren," replied the stockier frame of Frynani. "There was also your love for your cousin."

"You saved him from the Siren, when you easily could have turned around and left. Instead you felt the need to rescue him, just as you always rescue those closest to you," Sharane added.

"You see Harry, your mother's powers, her love, compassion and loyalty run through your veins, as does your father's," Mutgeb continued. "They are a part of you, in all you say and all you do. As long as you can hold onto your faith and imagination, you will always have them with you."

"It would have been easier, if I had a little help you know? I mean outside of the hints that were staring me in the face."

"You are so much smarter than you think yourself, Harry," Sharane said with a smile.

"Stop doubting yourself and start looking at yourself the way others do," Frynani said in a scolding tone. "You have admirers, not because you are the great Harry Potter, but because of your abilities and your inner soul. Stop hiding from the image that looks back at you in the mirror and embrace it, rejoice in all that you are." Harry was silent for a few moments, suddenly feeling the fatigue and loneliness of the past weeks close in around him.

"You said when I completed the three tasks, I would find the Green Flame Torch," Harry said. "I haven't found any torch. Where is it?"

"Have you not looked within yourself, Harry?" Mutgeb asked. "All you need is there, it always has been."

"If this is going to be another riddle, so help me..." Mutgeb, Sharane and Frynani all laughed together.

"No Harry, it is not a riddle," Mutgeb said, stepping closer to him and placing a hand on his wet shoulder. "We all have a flame of passion within us. It is that flame that keeps us growing, keeps us searching for more. You have that flame deep inside you, we all do, all you need to do is reach inside for it."

"But according to history, you created the Green Flame Torch, a torch so powerful that evil could not speak of it."

"Harry, we did not create the Green Flame Torch, we discovered its powers. Evil has but one true weakness," Frynani said. "One thing it can not touch, the one thing that kept you and Voldemort separated. Don't you know what that is?" Harry thought for a few moments.

"Dumbledore said the reason Voldemort couldn't touch me was because of my mother's love," Harry said. "But he bypassed that gift when he took my blood to create the potion that brought him back to life."

"That's right Harry. It is your blood that courses through his veins. Your love, your compassion, your loyalty. How do you think someone so evil is going to be able to cope with that, when those three portions of your blood comes to life?" Harry frowned again.

"What do you mean, comes to life?"

"One day, perhaps sooner than any expected, a challenge will arise that will forge all that you are in one massive breath. It will test you to the depths of your very core. In that instant you will truly be alive, your blood will awaken and all that you are will be born at last. Your blood will burn in your veins. It is this flame that will ignite truth and defeat evil. But be warned, Harry. You must not confront that evil unless you are ready for it."

"How will I know if I'm ready or not?"

"You will know. Harry, quit looking away and start looking within. All of your answers are there, waiting for you to ask their questions."

"So what do I do now?" Harry asked, feeling a little let down and extremely tired.

"Go back Harry. Go home. The time will come and when it does you will be ready."

"What about Dudley?" Harry asked, sensing his cousin next to him. "Why are these things happening to him?"

"You once wondered why your mother received a letter from Hogwart's and not her sister," Sharane said. "What makes you believe she didn't?"

"She hated my mother, she hates me. She hates all things magical."

"Not because of the magic, Harry, but because she herself could have been what you are, what her sister was. Petunia Evans did receive a letter as her sister did, but she chose to reject it. She had found the love of her life and feared what he would say if he knew the truth, so she returned Dumbledore's letter. That is what he meant by a blood oath, Harry. Petunia promised Dumbledore anything if he would remove her name from the school list. It was on the night of your parents death that her promise was forced to be paid."

"Once you were gone, that promise was repaid and her obligation to you over," Frynani continued. "You were a wizard because of your parentage, but because you were not of the Dursley blood your heritage was not repressed beneath the promise made to protect you. Dudley's was. Since you left, his powers are free to develop and grow. Now is a very critical point in Dudley's life. He must be trained and taught to use his powers. It will not be easy for his parents to accept, but there is nothing that can be done to repress it any further. Just as they were unable to keep you from becoming what fate had destined for you, so they can not prevent Dudley from becoming all that he is."

"What's going to happen to him? How is he going to learn about his powers and how to control them?"

"He will be taken under the Ministry's hand," Mutgeb said, smiling warmly to the robust young man, edging closer behind Harry. "Have no fear, you are about to discover a world filled with ideas and wishes and they can all be yours once you've been taught to develop and control those powers."

"What about his schooling?" Harry asked again.

"He will be taught privately for now, perhaps he will be able to join in a wizarding university someday, but for now he will be under strict supervision."

"It's time for you to go home Harry," Sharane said. "This is the land where time has no meaning, but in the outside world, life continues. Your school has already begun and there are those who are concerned and miss you."

"You said once I completed the tasks, you would grant me a wish," Harry told them eagerly. "I've done as you've asked."

"Yes you have," Mutgeb said, removing a chain with a small crystal on the end of it, from around her neck. "Take this Harry."

"What is it?"

"The means of your wish. When you are ready to make it, simply rub it in your hand and say, 'a wish was promised, a debt repaid, this wish is mine, I make this day', then say your wish."

"I already know what I want to wish for," Harry said, rubbing the crystal. Mutgeb reached out and closed her hand around his.

"Not yet Harry. The wish you think you know today, may be a wish wasted tomorrow. Be patient. You will know what to wish for when the time is right. Today is not the day."

"But I know what I want," he insisted. "I want Sirius back, I want my parents alive. I need them in my life."

"Do you? Are you sure? Perhaps that which you seek as your heart's desire, truly is nothing more than a fantasy of hope. Trust me Harry, today is not the day to make your wish."

"Then when is it?"

"You will know. When the desire is greater than all else, when the need to make your wish is stronger than the beating of your heart, then you will know what your wish is to be." Harry frowned, but slipped the crystal around is neck, tucking it beneath his now drying shirt.

"Your belongings have already been returned to Hogwart's which is where you belong," Frynani told him, rising her wand and pointing it at Harry. Instantly his clothes became the uncomfortable, itchy jumper he had grown accustomed to over the past seven years, complete with cloak and tie. Harry watched as Sharane waved her wand and created a green and gold swirling portal.

"Your path is set, you have yet to take it," Mutgeb said with a smile. "Don't forget Harry, there are those who will join you if you only ask. You do not need to take that path alone." Harry nodded and turned back to Dudley who was white as a sheet.

"Write me and let me know how things are going," he told his cousin. "And don't look so scared. The things you are about to see are going to outweigh everything you have ever imagined."

"Mum and Dad are going to kill me," Dudley said fearfully. Harry chuckled happily, eager to return to school.

"Remember the pig's tale?" he asked with a wink. "Make sure they remember it as well. It may come in handy."

Harry smiled brightly as his stomach took a leap up into his throat. He was going home, going back to school and back to Ginny. With a quick step he passed through the protal created for him, closing his eyes to the swirling sensation all around him. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing outside the doors to the Great Hall.

"Many wonders await all first years," Dumbledore was saying. "So let us not delay. Let the feast, begin." The uttering of voices could be heard throughout the castle and Harry knew within the breath of a moment the meal had appeared on the golden plates of each table. With a warm smile that seemed to reach his very soul, Harry pushed open the heavy doors to the Great Hall. He was home at last.

Author notes: Please continue to R/R. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE hearing from everyone. I know the chapters are coming quicker, but don't get too used to it. I eventually have to get a job that pays.