Draco Malfoy Luna Lovegood Neville Longbottom
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/20/2004
Updated: 05/23/2005
Words: 183,271
Chapters: 28
Hits: 51,099


dan's girl62

Story Summary:
Year six is over, Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Year six is over, and Harry and his friends have moved past UNEXPECTED BEGININGS. Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.
Author's Note:
I am so SORRY!!! The chapter 8 I submitted last was a mistake, it was for UNEXPECTED BEGINNINGS, not Prophecy. PLEASE forgive me!!!

Chapter eight

Harry walked in the room, heading straight to the Gryffindor table. The sight that greeted him was marvelous and welcoming. The hall was filled with students, new and old, the aroma of a great feast filtered up from the tables to welcome him back home. The voices around him seemed to take on a different chatter, more excited and filled with question. Harry didn't care though. He had just one sight in view, a marvelous red haired sight that he had longed for the entire summer.

Ginny looked sad and played more with her food than eating it. She sat next to Hermione, paying little if any attention to what was being said, her heart and her mind was nowhere near Hogwart's. The sound of the doors to the Great Hall opening caused her to look up, the sight that greeted her took her breath away. Walking directly toward her was the tall, rather tanned image of the attractive young man who had occupied her dreams, day and night, for the past six years.

Seamus and Dean stood up from the table, greeting Harry before Ginny could move. He was suddenly bombarded by students and friends, everyone wanting to greet him, find out what he had been up to all summer and why he was late arriving back to school. Several new first years sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table, were in complete admiration of being in the same house as Harry Potter, while other first years from the other three houses giggled, hissed or cheered along with the older students. Sabrina Wagtail sat near one of her friends, smiling and waving to Harry, who smiled back, ruffling her hair softly as he passed her by. One student, a small dark haired first year boy sitting close to Malfoy at the Slytherin table, began to boo and jeer Harry, but was quickly put in his place when Malfoy slugged the little boy hard, causing tears to spring to his dark eyes. Harry, however, didn't care about any of this. All he wanted to do was get to Ginny, who was having a very difficult time getting to him as well.

Neville eagerly patted Harry on the back, followed by Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas, while Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil began cooing over his physical difference developed throughout the summer; slightly larger muscles and a deep tan that made his already killer smile and sparkling green eyes appear all the more endearing. Colin and Denis Creevy both shot out of their seats to greet him, as Colin began snapping pictures as usual. Ron was closest to Harry, piling him beneath a load of questions and Hermione was eagerly pulling at sleeves to make a path to her best friend.

At long last, Ginny was able to get within hand's reach of Harry, touching his hand. That was all it took for him to pull her past the group of admirers and into his arms. Harry chuckled happily as Ginny wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him as tightly as she possibly could. Harry didn't care where they were or how many teachers and students were watching, he had waited for this moment for three long months. He instantly hugged her closer to him, closing the space between their lips in a matter of seconds. Harry didn't even care about the sudden eruption of laughter, applause and wolf calls being cast at them, as his arms tightened around Ginny's waist, lifting her slightly off the ground. All he cared about was having her back in his arms and holding her as tightly as possible to his heart.

"Harry, come on mate," Ron was saying pulling at his cloak. "Sit down and eat before Gryffindor gets docked points for disrupting the feast." Harry pulled away from Ginny slightly, frowning at his best friend.

"When did you become Hermione?" he asked with a smirk.

"Sod off Potter and sit down," Ron snarled. "There's plenty of time to talk when we get up to our tower." Harry chuckled softly, leading Ginny back to their seats. He hadn't realized how hungry he was, until he saw the loaded plate of potatoes, corn n the cob, steak pie, salad and a variety of puddings, cakes, pies and cookies. He eagerly began eating at the large piles of food, his free hand securely wrapped around the waist of the red head next to him.

"Don't worry about Ron," Ginny said with a warm smile. "Look at his chest." Harry raised his eyebrows at her in surprise.

"I would much rather look at your chest," he whispered softly, leaning into her ear and chuckling at the blush that crept up her cheeks.

"Seriously. Look," Ginny insisted. Harry turned to his best friend and nearly choked on the forkful of potatoes he had just placed in his mouth. Pinned to the lapel of Ron's cloak was the bright, shiny new Head Boy badge. On his face was a proud smirk, which caused Harry to drop his jaw.

"You have got to be kidding?" he asked in a mixed tone of horror and surprise.

"What's wrong with that?" Ron asked, straightening his cloak and brushing the invisible hair from the shoulders of his new robes.

"Nothing, if you're following in Percy's shadow," Harry grumbled.

"Harry, look next to him," Ginny whispered and Harry did as told. Hermione was sitting just as proud as Ron, a matching Head Girl badge pinned to her lapel.

"Hermione I can understand, but Ron? I feel like Mutgeb sent me into another dimension, instead of back to Hogwart's."

"You met Mutgeb?" Hermione asked, suddenly throwing the conversation into another direction.

"Yeah and she's a pain in the arse. You wouldn't believe how many stupid wild goose chances she had me running on, all summer." Harry complained, reaching for a roll from the tray in front of him.

"Like what?" Ron asked, no longer caring about his perfect standing. "Where did those old hags send you?"

"Ronald, be polite," Hermione, scolded. "They are a huge part of the magical history and great witches, aren't they Harry?"

"Yeah, right," Harry grumbled. "Sharane first sent me to Alaska where I met a Lodricuntor named Gilda, who had a wolf that I could talk to."

"You met a Lodricuntor?" Hermione asked in excitement. "What was she like? They are tree dwellers you know?"

"Yeah I know, but Gilda lived in an actual house. She was really great," he added turning to Ginny. "I promised I'd take you t meet her. You'll really like her, Gin, she's just like a grandmother."

"Oh Harry, I'd love to. When?" Ginny asked.

"I was thinking we could see her during the Christmas holidays, if your parents would approve. She's all alone up in the mountains; she only has Nugget as a companion. I'd like to spend the holidays with her and try to give her a reason to come back to the civilized world."

"That would be wonderful," Ginny added with a warm smile.

"What did you mean, you could talk with her wolf?" Ron asked. "Was he an Animagus?"

"No she was a real wolf, but I could talk with her all the same. It wasn't so much talking, actually, it was more like...well, I could sort of see what she was thinking. It was really weird."

"That's marvelous and very rare," Hermione said. "What else did you do?"

"Well, I spent over a week trying to figure out the first riddle," Harry said as he gulped down half a glass of pumpkin juice. "Do you have any idea how much I hate riddles? Anyway, one night I had a visit from Ginny who told me the answer to the riddle."

"I didn't," Ginny said in amazement.

"I know, I think it was actually Mutgeb, but she couldn't reveal herself as helping me. I don't know, maybe it was more my own mind giving me the answer and since I was missing you so terribly, it was just your image that I saw as helping me. Either way, I got the answer and was thrilled to move on, even though I felt bad about leaving Gilda alone again."

"Go on," Ron encouraged with enthusiasm. "Where'd you go next?"

"Mexico. I decided to stop because I was tired and hungry, but I had no idea that I was actually supposed to be there. It was really weird. I saw the Mayan temples and ruins, I met a parrot named Parker who was fascinated by humans and I learned a lot about the history of the Mayan people from him."

"You mean you spoke with the parrot too?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, along with a peccary."

"I went to the Mayan temples with my parents a few years ago," Hermione interrupted. "It was fascinating. Visitors believe the spirits of the Mayan visit the temples, you know?"

"There were quite a few spirits when I was there," Harry smiled, thinking back on the accident he had, revealing his head to a group of tourists. "I learned what really happened to the Mayans and the truth about their history."

"What do you mean, the truth?" Hermione asked, completely transfixed on what he was saying.

"You'll never believe it. Take a wild guess who their serpent god Kukulcan was?" Hermione looked like she was trying desperately to figure out one of the riddles Harry was given, while Ron and Ginny looked on wide eyed, shaking their heads silently. "Does a certain wizard, who talked to serpents and thought all magic should remain with pure-blood ring any bells?"

"Not Slytherin?" Hermione said in complete amazement. Harry nodded his head.

"Not just that, but he was an Animagus. There was a small group of university students there and Parker was so fascinated by them, he insisted I see what they were doing. I spent the day with them, hidden of course," he added, seeing the look of horror on Hermione's face, for getting caught. "One of the students found a passage of stones that showed Slytherin turning into a snake. Sulong Trong, the wizard I was supposed to meet was there. He used to be a member of the Order with my parents, and he is also a Miramage, He explained the whole story to me, but it all made sense when I witnessed a group of Mayan wizards try to break the curse, Kukulcan placed on the city that drove the Mayan people out. They had wands, a caldron, everything."

"That was never in any of the tourist brochures I read," Hermione said.

"And it probably never will be," Harry said.

"What happened next?" Ron asked, hanging on every word Harry was telling them.

"Well, after that I was sent to Australia, where I met a Siren who was part mermaid, talked with a group of dolphins who really didn't want to speak with me, discovered my cousin is a wizard and helped reunite the isle of Morahana with its missing half, other words known as the lost city of Atlantis. Besides that, I had a great time living in tent, eating junk food, going from freezing cold to sweltering humidity and finally a very hot beach. I have more bug bites on me then I can count and I think I still have seawater in my ears."

"Amazing," Ron said at last.

"The isle of Morahana was part of Atlantis?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"Dudley is a wizard?" Ginny asked. Harry chuckled at all the comments, all the looks and all the amazed reactions to what he had just told them. He knew he would be bombarded with a million questions once they were in their dormitory and able to relax, but until then he felt a very strong need to speak with Dumbledore. Right on cue, the Headmaster stood and cleared his throat, bringing a silence back to the Great Hall.

"The hour grows late and classes start in the morning," he alerted. "Prefects will escort their houses back to their dormitories and I wish all of you a very good night." Harry watched the old wizard, who nodded his acknowledgment to Harry, knowing there was a great deal for them to discuss.

"I have to speak with Dumbledore," Harry told his friends as they stood from the table. "I'll see all of you back in the Gryffindor tower."

"Harry, did you at least find the Green Flame Torch?" Ron asked, as they walked toward the stairs that would lead them in their separate destinations. Harry frowned.

"Sort of, but it wasn't what I expected."

"Potter," a voice said from behind them, stopping Harry from climbing up the stairs. Harry turned to see the tall blond figure of Draco Malfoy fighting his way toward him. "Finally decided to return to school? Thought you'd had enough and dropped out."

"Not bloody likely, Malfoy," Ron said, having his arm tugged by Hermione.

"Aren't you supposed to lead your little playmates up to bed, Weasel?" Malfoy asked, watching as Hermione pulled the tall red head back up the stairs. Harry turned to Ginny, kissing her cheek softly.

"I'll meet you later," he promised her, winking and making certain she understood the undertone of his words. Ginny blushed, turning and walking up the stairs after her brother.

"You have to admit, for a Weasley she has a nice arse," Malfoy commented.

"Watch it Malfoy," Harry warned as the blond laughed in a tone Harry was not accustomed to. He sounded genuinely happy and almost...friendly.

"Did you get my letter?" Malfoy asked after he was certain the others were out of earshot.

"Yeah, right before I left. I have to admit, I was rather surprised to hear you decision. I thought for sure you'd made your choice not to help us."

"I did at first, but I've spent a lot of time thinking and being counseled by Severus and Dumbledore. Look, Potter, I won't go so far as to say I like you, because I don't. But I do believe you're on the right side. After I came to terms with what happened to my mother, I knew I had to make her death mean something. I won't let her death be in vain."

"Thank you, Malfoy," Harry said reaching his hand out. Malfoy stared at it for several long seconds before taking it and shaking it.

"Besides, my being this missing part Dumbledore claims I am, is only going to drive Weasley insane."

"Why do try so hard to irritate Ron?"

"What makes you think I try? It just comes natural." Malfoy smiled brightly as he turned and headed down the stairs to the Slytherin dungeons, leaving Harry to watch after him, shaking his head in amusement.


"Well, Harry, it sounds as if you have had a grand adventure," Dumbledore said, handing a cup of tea to the young man sitting across from him at the small table in his office.

"You might call it that sir," Harry answered accepting the tea. "Professor, can I ask you something?" Dumbledore looked over the top of his half moon glasses at the young man across from him.

"You are curious about your ability to speak with animals, am I correct?" Harry shook his head. Why did he even bother asking the questions? "You are more advanced in your Occlumency than anyone predicted and your skills continue to increase. It is this ability that gives you the power to know what others are thinking. In time, you will be able to read the minds of your friends as well."

"That may not be a blessing," Harry chuckled, thinking about Ron's thoughts, especially when he was around Hermione.

"You also have concerns about your cousin?" Harry nodded. "Mr. Dursley will be in need of guidance and training, but more than that, he will need support."

"You mean from me?"

"Can you do that Harry?" Harry thought for a moment before answering.

"I can't forget the past, Professor. Dudley and his parents were less than supportive to me. A part of me wants to tell him to deal with it on his own."

"But there is a stronger part that can't turn your back on him," Dumbledore added. "It was that part that could not leave him in the hands of the Siren. It was that part of you that allowed him to join you in your final task."

"Why should I care?" Harry asked with a frown. "Why can't I just let him hang himself?"

"Because that part of you wouldn't allow you to be sorted into Slytherin seven years ago. It is your choice, conscious or not, that dictates your feelings and your actions. You know the struggle your cousin is experiencing and the difficult path that lies ahead of him. On your journey you learned compassion. It is this compassion that keeps you striving for freedom, Harry. It has always been a part of you, but until this summer you never completely accepted it. It is also your compassion that will not allow your cousin, regardless of your past feelings for him, to endure this torment alone."

"Do you remember when Sirius was killed?" Harry asked, watching the old man nodd his white head. "I threw myself into a very serious, probably poorly chosen, routine of exercise. I hated everyone and was determined to ignore all of what happened the past summer. If I had such a great compassion inside me, why didn't I find it then? Why didn't I have compassion for myself?"

"What makes you think you didn't, Harry?"

"Because I hated everything around me. I didn't care anymore, remember? I even challenged Snape."

"What was it that brought you out of that state of self pity?"

"Ginny," Harry said honestly. "And because of my feelings for her, she was captured by Voldemort and nearly killed by Fudge."

"But what was it about Miss Weasley that brought you out of your sorrow?" Harry thought for a moment, remembering her birthday kiss, the night she held him while he confronted the death of his godfather.

"It was her love that brought me through all of that."

"What else?" Harry frowned, thinking harder.

"It was her compassion." Dumbledore smiled. "But it was her compassion, not mine. I never felt compassion before...well, I don't even think I felt it this summer."

"What made you confront Draco Malfoy that day on the Quidditch pitch, after his mother died? What made you tell him how sorry you were for his loss, when you knew he wanted you dead?"

"I don't know, it just felt like something I had to do. I do understand his loss, you know?"

"Look deeper Harry," urged the wizard. Harry frowned, closing his eyes and pulling his thoughts inward. He remembered that day when he and Ron were outside. He remembered seeing Malfoy sitting alone and couldn't resist the urge to speak with him. He felt the pain of his enemy. Looking back to Dumbledore he saw the smile creeping up across his aged lips.

"Because I could feel the pain Malfoy was suffering, makes me compassionate?"

"Because you can feel for your enemy, you have the power you need to succeed in life's most difficult struggles. That is what is needed now, Harry, not just for you cousin." Harry drew a deep breath.

"I think I'm tired," he said at last. "None of this is making any sense." Dumbledore chuckled softly, walking around the table and patting the young man's shoulder.

"It has been a long summer for you Harry. I am sure you are in need of a soft bed and a good night's sleep." Harry nodded, standing and walking with the old wizard to the door. "We will have plenty of time to speak in the weeks to come."

"Professor," Harry said, stopping outside the door. "The Green Flame Torch, Mutgeb said I had it inside me all along. Why was I sent on this crazy quest, if I'd always had it?"

"Lessons come with many faces," Dumbledore said. "Perhaps the final lesson is yet to be learned." Harry rolled his eyes and drew a heavy breath.

"I hate riddles," he said, leaving the old man to chuckle behind him.


Harry stepped through the portrait hole, having issued the password offered by Nearly Headless Nick. Inside, the common room was dark and vacant with the exception of three lone occupants. Harry smiled as he walked toward the three he knew would still be up waiting for him. He sat on the couch next to Ginny, pulling her hand in his. Immediately, Hermione and Ron began asking questions. They wanted to know all about Gilda, why Harry could speak with animals, everything about the Mayan, Trong, Parker and the curse Slytherin placed on the Mayan city. It wasn't until Harry began relaying the sorted details about Amanda - the Siren-mermaid that Ginny's attitude began to shift to the offensive. Harry didn't realize the distance the young woman had taken with her feelings and continued to explain about Amanda, telling how he was tempted by her Siren ways only to have Dudley fall for them. Hermione noticed the odd expression crossing Ginny's face and pulled Ron to his feet.

"'Mione, what are you doing?" Ron snapped, looking at her with a deep frown.

"It's late Ron," Hermione insisted, pulling him toward a portrait on the wall of a beautiful woman in a red velvet dress. "We need to get some sleep."

"But I was talking to Harry," he grumbled.

"Ron, now," Hermione insisted, whispering the password to the portrait that opened and revealed a small hallway to the Head Prefects private dormitory. Once inside Ron turned to her, offering a bitter, angry glare.

"Care to tell me what that was all about? I was talking to Harry."

"Ronald, you so thick some times, I swear it." Hermione turned and started to her own room when Ron grabbed by the waist, pulling her back into his arms with a seductive smile.

"If you wanted to be alone, all you had to do was say so," he told her through husky tones. "Harry and Ginny would have understood."

"You really are thick," Hermione snapped, pushing out of Ron's embrace. "I didn't want us to be alone, I wanted them to be alone. Didn't you see the look on your sister's face? She was really upset that that Siren tempted Harry. I was afraid if we didn't get the hell out of there, she was going to let Harry have both barrels. At least now maybe they can straighten things out without being bothered."

"So you don't want to..."

"Good night Ronald," she said, turning and going into her room, closing the door behind her.

"Great," he grumbled pushing the door to his room open. "Not only is she ticked off at me, but she has my toothbrush."


"Ginny, do you want to go for a walk?" Harry asked several minutes later. They had just sat there on the couch, not speaking and not looking at each other since Ron and Hermione went to their own rooms. Harry sensed the instant the room was silent, that the red head was angry with him, but for the life of him, he couldn't imagine why.

"No, it's late," Ginny answered standing up and stepping around the couch and toward the stairs.

"What did I do?" Harry asked immediately, his tone filled with confusion and anger.

"How could you kiss her?" Ginny asked a little louder than she had intended, then glanced up the stairs to make certain nobody else heard.

"Who?" Harry asked in a loud whisper.

"That Siren. How dare you forget all that we meant to each other?"

"I didn't forget on purpose. She was a Siren; you know the power they have over wizards. Besides, I stopped myself from falling under the spell of her song, because of you. Doesn't that count for anything?"

"No. You could have fought her you know? A wizard has the ability to fight off the charms of Siren, by eating fresh oranges."

"I didn't know that and it wasn't as if I was sitting under an orange tree anyway."

"You should have read up on it," Ginny hissed in a soft whisper.

"If I had known I was going to meet a Siren, I would have done my homework. Who would have expected I would find one on a beach in Australia?"

"You were on a mission from the three witches of old, you should have anticipated everything."

"Including my cousin showing up and telling me he's a wizard? You're right, how could I not have expected that?"

"Don't be a prat," Ginny scolded. "We weren't talking about Dudley, we were talking about you and your infidelity."

"I was not unfaithful. I was tempted, there is a difference you know?"

"Not much of one. Do you know how much I missed you? Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to see you? You leave me behind when I begged you to take me with you and then I find out you had an affair on a beach, with a beautiful Siren."

"I did not have an affair," Harry snapped in a normal tone, then glanced up the stairs. "And you know I couldn't take you with me. And for your information, there wasn't a single night that went by that I didn't wish you were there. I was ready to throw the whole thing away and come home to you about a million times." Harry drew a deep steading breath as he stepped closer to where Ginny stood leaning against the banister leading to the bedrooms. He leaned into her slowly, his eyes set and the intent stare filled with anger and frustration.

"I thought about you every second I was away," he whispered. "I made a wish on the moon every night, hoping you would hear it and not forget how much I love you. I thought about our reunion every night before I fell asleep, but in all that time never did I expect to be accused of having an affair or betraying you. And never did I dream we would spend our first night back together, in separate rooms. Good night Miss Weasley." With that said, Harry pushed his way past her and went to his room, shutting the door behind him.

Inside he began pacing. He couldn't have imagined what happened downstairs in his worse nightmare. How could he have anticipated meeting a Siren? Until a few weeks ago, he didn't even know one existed. How could he have anticipated Ginny's reaction to the news of it? How could he have been so bloody stupid as to tell her in the first place? Frustration and fatigue finally won out and Harry kicked his shoes off, along with his robes, then fell on his familiar mattress. He didn't undress; instead he just lay there staring at the ceiling. If he had a single nerve left in his whole body, he would march straight into Ginny's room and finish this once and for all. Unfortunately, he didn't have the courage or the power to get past the spells protecting the girls' dormitory.

Harry sat up on the end of his bed. He couldn't sleep. Now that he was home and in his old bed, he was wide-awake. In frustration, he chose to abandon the snoring of his sleeping roommates and go in search of a snack. He pulled his invisibility cloak out of his trunk and slipped it across his head, ignoring his shoes kicked under his bed, he padded down the carpeted stairs softly and was nearly to the portrait hole when he heard sniffling from behind him. He turned to see Ginny curled up on the end of the couch, her eyes red and swollen from crying, her legs pulled up underneath her as she leaned her cheek against her knees. Guilt raked Harry's heart. He couldn't believe how he was angry one minute and feeling like a bloody arse the next.

Silently, he stepped around the back of the cough, softly blowing against Ginny's hair. She brushed a hand through her long red tresses absent mindedly, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand. Harry reached out quietly and ran a finger very lightly down the side of her neck. Ginny shrugged and scratched the spot he had touched. Harry was actually finding this amusing and in doing so, slipped around her to the other side. Finding the arm of her jumper pushed up, he softly and tenderly brushed a finger up the underside of her arm. She twitched, looking down at her arm as though expecting to find a spider crawling on her. Harry stifled his laughter, leaning across the back of her, blowing softly on her neck again. Ginny was finally starting to catch on to what was happening and for a moment she allowed him to torment her. After several more wisps of hair was brushed aside and about a million goose pimples later, Ginny spun around, her hand stretching forward as she found her target and pulled. Harry was revealed from his seclusion, a warm smile turning his lips upward.

"You prat," she scolded, sniffling again. "How long have you been here?"

"Just a few minutes," he promised, reaching out and moving the stray hair that fell across her cheek. "I wanted a snack."

"Oh," she whispered, turning around, offering him the back of her head. Harry frowned. This was ridiculous. He knew the only reason they were arguing was because of the frustration building between them from a long three-month separation. Harry smiled, leaning down to her and kissing her neck, his tongue searing a hot, moist path up her neck to her ear. Ginny shrugged her shoulder in an attempt to discourage him, but he sensed her quickening surrender and felt her goose pimples beneath his lips. Once his tongue touched her earlobe, he heard her draw a deep shuddering breath. Quickly he began suckling the tender flesh, smiling when she leaned her head to the side, allowing him a fuller range of access.

"I'm still angry with you Harry Potter," she whispered.

"I know," he said with a soft chuckle. "But it won't last."

"What makes you so certain of that?"

"Because I know how to change your mind," he told her, reaching around her and cupping her breast. The warmth of his hand on her chest burned through the layers of clothing, making Ginny suddenly regret not having changed to something more convenient earlier. Harry continued to kiss her neck, teasing her breast with a warm caressing touch. Ginny moaned softly, her hand reaching up to cover his, pressing the warmth against her in a tighter action. Harry smiled knowingly. He had her, he had her surrender and would soon have her forgiveness, but more importantly, he would soon have her body quivering in his arms.

"I suppose if you're still angry with me, I should probably leave you alone," he whispered against her ear, slowly moving his hand off her breast. Ginny instantly recaptured his hand, placing back where he had taken it from.

"If you even think about it, Harry Potter, I will make an encounter with Voldemort seem like a picnic." Harry laughed happily, standing and walking around the couch, his hand slowly pivoting on her breast.

"Let me guess, you'll hex me into next week?" he teased.

"Don't be a prat."

"What do you want me to be, then?" Ginny reached up and slid her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her.

"Mine," she whispered, capturing his lips with her eagerly awaiting ones.

Author notes: Okay, if you can forgive me, then please R/R. Chapter 9 will be up soon. The correct chapter 9!