Draco Malfoy Luna Lovegood Neville Longbottom
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/20/2004
Updated: 05/23/2005
Words: 183,271
Chapters: 28
Hits: 51,099


dan's girl62

Story Summary:
Year six is over, Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Year six is over, and Harry and his friends have moved past UNEXPECTED BEGININGS. Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter Six

The sun shone brighter than Harry had ever imagined it could. He had left Mexico the day after receiving the last of his three tasks, bidding his new friend Parker good-bye. With the aid of his wand, he was pointed in the direction of the land down under, known to Muggles as Australia. There Harry found a secluded spot on the beach and using the same spell he used in the Mexican jungle, he set up his tent unseen by the Muggles sharing their holiday with the Australian waters. Harry had been here for over two weeks already, his time edging closer to August every day. He was starting to grow nervous, pacing the beach at night when the Muggles had retired from their day of swimming, playing with the dolphins and snorkeling among the coral reefs of the crystal clear waters. Patience was slowly slipping away from him, he was unable to get the dolphins to speak to him, even though he had a very distinct feeling they knew what he was saying to them.

Harry sat on a nearby rock, allowing his feet to dangle in the cool water. So far this summer, he had froze in the Alaskan snow, melted in the sweltering humidity of a Mexican jungle and now he was sitting on a rock, on a beach in Australia. If it wasn't for the tasks at hand, he may actually be enjoying himself. After all, he had never been on holiday before, with the exception of summers with the Weasleys. With the thought of his friends, the oddly shaped burrow and the tricks often played on him by two matching brothers, Harry found himself feeling more alone and homesick for the Weasleys then ever before. He missed Ginny more with every long, silent night that passed by. Looking up at the moon, he again whispered a soft wish of love to the one person who held his dreams and courage in her delicate, brave hands.

"If only you were here," Harry whispered softly to the night breeze. There was something oddly familiar about the way the hair suddenly stood up on the back of his neck. Reaching cautiously into his pocket, Harry gripped a tight hold on the shaft of his mother's wand, he had been using all summer. The soft shuffle of feet in the sand, assured him he was not alone, as he had thought. Slowly, Harry turned around to see a dark shadow edging cautiously toward him. He frowned at the lumbering outline of a massive figure as it neared. The night sky was dark and the moon was barely visible among the stars, shining only a sliver of light to bounce off the crystal waters. He watched the figure near him, cursing himself for not gathering his father's cloak before leaving his tent. He was used to being alone on the beach at night, with the occasional lover's escapade, which he avoided adamantly. He was so comfortable with his surroundings that he had begun to ease up on his precautions. Now he wished he hadn't.

"Oi, someone there?" a voice called out, as Harry shifted position on the rock. For a moment he considered not answering, slipping behind the rock and praying for a miracle. With a second thought, Harry drew a deep breath, his hand still wrapped around his wand.

"Yes," he answered softly.

"Who is it, then?" Harry frowned. There was something very familiar about that voice. Just as he was about to answer, the shadow came into view, causing the frown on Harry's face to deepen.

"Dudley?" he asked, recognizing his robust cousin coming nearer, shock lingering around the edge of each word.

"Harry? Is that you?" the young man asked in surprise. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you at your school, or with your friends?"

"It's a long story," Harry answered, easing his grip on his wand. "What are you doing here?"

"Mum and dad thought it would be nice to spend a holiday together, now that you're...well, I mean...."

"Don't worry about it Dudley. I'm sure they are delighted to not have me under foot anymore."

"They were at first, until your friends showed up looking for you."

"What friends?" Harry asked, shifting to one side of the rock as his cousin joined him, sprawling his massive tree trunk legs out in front of him.

"That woman with the strange hair. Mum about had a nervous breakdown when she showed up with that man that came for you before. They came right up to the front door and knocked like long lost friends. Mum flipped when she saw who it was, especially after seeing the woman's bright yellow hair." Harry chuckled. He could only imagine his aunt's reaction to Tonk's attire.

"I'll bet she wasn't expecting it, especially after I left. Did they say what they wanted?"

"Said they were worried about you, something about a quest and it being dangerous and all. Harry, can I ask you something?" Dudley asked seriously. "That Voldie-Wart guy you told mum and dad about a few years ago, he's after you isn't he?" Harry froze in thought. He hadn't really talked with his cousin about Voldemort and it was odd thinking that he was doing it now. A silent warning echoed in his head. Dudley was less than trustworthy, if Voldemort or the Death Eaters had approached his oversized cousin; he had to do whatever was necessary to avoid falling into a trap. But was it possible for Dudley to know where he had landed during the summer? Was it just a coincidence that they were in the same place, thousands of miles from home?

"He and I have some unfinished business," Harry answered at last, hoping to keep his voice calm and controlled. "Why do you ask?"

"Your friends were worried about you being alone. They said he was after you."

"We've had a few...encounters over the years. I'm sure we'll meet again before too long. We usually do."

"I can't believe you're here," Dudley said after a few minutes. "Why are you here? Having a quiet summer with your girl?" Harry found the insinuation in Dudley's tone less than inviting.

"No, she's home with her family. I'm here by myself," maybe not the wisest thing to say, he thought in the aftermath.


"Just needed some time alone and I had something to do."

"Like what?"

"I have a special assignment for school," Harry lied, feeling less than guilty.

"What kind of assignment?"

"I have a report to write on dolphins. It's for my...magical creatures class."

"Dolphins are magical? Don't let dad hear you say that. He's always liked them."

"Dolphins have been around since time began," Harry replied with a tinge of bitterness in his tone. "Why wouldn't they be of interest to my world?"

"I didn't mean anything by it," Dudley answered in a tone of genuine regret, that surprised even Harry.

"Why are you here Dudley?" Harry asked after a few minutes. "I mean here, now. It's late, shouldn't you be in bed or eating or something?"

"I was until mum tried setting me up with some little wisp of a blonde. I wish she would just back off."

"What do you mean?"

"I know how people look at me, I'm roughly the size of small steer. Girls aren't interested in me and unless I'm bullying them, they don't take notice my being in the same room."

"Your size doesn't have anything to do with how girls look at you, you know? It's the way you treat people that makes the difference."

"I treat people they way they expect to be treated."

"That's not true. Have you ever tried to be nice, just listen to what someone has to say?"

"Nobody has anything I care to hear."

"What are you afraid of? I've learned over the years, people bully because they're hiding something. What are you hiding, Dudley?"

"I don't have anything to hide," Dudley stood abruptly and started to walk away, but stopped and turned back, a look of confusion and grief etching his round face. "Something really strange has been happening to me lately," he said in a quiet tone.

"Like what?"

"Remember that day at the zoo, when that snake got loose and I ended up inside the cage?" Harry nodded his head. It seemed like a lifetime ago, but he remembered it as if it were only yesterday. "Things like that have been happening to me." Harry's eyes rounded as his cousin came back to him and sat down. "It wasn't until you left, at first I thought you had played some kind of trick on me, but then I remembered that you weren't allowed to use your magic outside of your school."

"I didn't do anything, Dudley, I swear it. What kind of things has been happening?" Dudley swallowed hard, shifting uneasily on the rock.

"The day after you left, I was taking a shower and forgot to collect a towel from the closet. I decided I'd get one when I finished, but when I got out there was a towel lying on the sink. I figured I must have brought one in with me, or mum had brought one in without my remembering it. But small things like that just kept happening. I wanted to watch a particular show on the tele and I turned the set on and it was playing. It was easy to ignore and pass it all off as coincidence or absent mindedness, but it just kept happening. A few days ago, I wanted a soda from the icebox and before I had a chance to get up, there was one sitting on the table in front of me. Harry, I didn't have one before I thought about it."

"And you say this started after I left? Have you ever had anything strange happen before?" Dudley shook his head.

"Once at school last year, I was really bored in my history class and was looking out the window, wishing I could just climb out it without being seen, when all of a sudden the window disappeared. It was exactly like what happened at the zoo. Harry, I was thinking about the window disappearing and it did. Then when I got angry with a kid in my dormitory, the books on the shelf near him began to fall off and several hit him in the head. There was no reason for it to happen."

"That sounds very similar to what happened to me before I learned I was a wizard," Harry said with another frown. Dudley began shifting again, this time his face turning a slight pink, visible even in the pale moonlight.

"Last night at supper," he began quietly, "there was a really cute girl sitting at the table across from us, I mean she was a real knock-out Harry, long dark hair, big blue eyes, absolutely beautiful. She was sitting with two other girls and they kept looking at me, giggling and making rude remarks. I tried to ignore it, but the longer I sat there listening to them, the angrier I got. Then without warning, their drinks sort of exploded and sprayed all over them and the dark haired girl's blouse sort of ripped open and her breasts fell out for everyone to look at."

"You did that," Harry said in a soft tone of acknowledgment. "Dudley, do you know what this means? You have magical powers, but how and why didn't they show up before now?"

"I'm scared Harry," Dudley said honestly. "What if dad finds out about this? He'll kill me."

"I don't know if you can keep it a secret, Dudley. I tried when I was younger, but he always found out. He convinced me I was going mental until Hagrid came to collect me."

"Harry, what do I? I can't keep going around exposing girls breasts whenever they make me angry...even though it is very tempting." Harry chuckled at the thought of what must have happened the night before and his aunt and uncle's reaction to it all. Then he thought again about the Dursleys presence in the land down under.

"How did you know to come here? It wasn't just for holiday, was it?" Dudley shook his head.

"A couple of weeks ago, mum and dad asked me where I wanted to go for holiday. I thought about you and all the things that was happening to me and the idea of Australia just popped into my head. Then tonight at supper, I started thinking about you again and the thought to come here was so strong, I couldn't resist it. I wasn't really all that surprised to see you sitting here. Strange, huh?"

"Not really. Blood has very strong bonds. If you really need someone's help or counsel, you'll find them no matter what."

"So, what do you suggest I do?" Harry thought for a long time. Right now he could really use Dumbledore's guidance.

"I don't know Dudley, but I'll figure something out I promise."

"I know we've never really got on very well and I'm sorry for that."

"I'm not, not really. I think everything that happened was for a reason. I've learned to expect the unexpected over the years. Listen, it's getting late and your mum and dad are going to come looking for you and personally, I'd rather not be around when they do. Meet me back here tomorrow night, about the same time. I'll try and figure something out."

"All right," Dudley agreed and stood up, looking back down to his cousin. "Are you happy being like this? A wizard and all, I mean?" Harry smiled.

"I can't imagine being happier. I have good friends, a girl that I love and that loves me and a place where I belong. If it weren't for a certain dark cloud hanging over me, my life would be perfect. I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything."

"I wish I could feel like that," Dudley said sadly, walking back down the dark shadows of the beach.

Harry watched the direction his cousin had disappeared, feeling strangely solemn about it. He understood how lost and confused Dudley felt, but it was a feeling he never thought he would be sharing with his Muggle cousin.

"That was impressive," a voice said, causing Harry to jump and look around, his hand wrapped tightly around his wand.

"Who said that?" he demanded.

"Down here," the voice said again, bringing Harry's eyes to look down to the water and the two dolphins that bobbed their heads above the surface.

"I knew you understood me," Harry said, replacing the wand back into his pocket. "Why have you been ignoring me?"

"There was nothing we wanted to talk to you about," the one dolphin said, his voice coming out as a chattering sound but his words echoing in Harry's head like a microphone.

"So what made you change your mind?"

"That Muggle you were talking with. You showed great compassion, more than any normal human we've ever known. Why do you care so much about him?"

"I wouldn't say I cared, just...I don't know, curious. He's my cousin and no matter what has happened in our pasts, I have an obligation to help him," Harry answered. "You called him a Muggle. Do you know what that means?"

"Of course we do," the second dolphin said, this voice sounding much more feminine than the first one. "We are a very intelligent species. Humans are not the only creatures who use their minds you know. We know all about your kind and the powers you possess."

"My mate speaks the truth," the first dolphin explained. "We have known many of your kind over the years, but none have been able to speak with us as you are doing."

"I don't really know how or why I can speak with you either, but after everything that has happened this summer, I won't complain too much. Since you are speaking to me, can I ask you for your help?"

"You can ask, but there is nothing we can do for you. What you seek does not lie with us."

"What do you mean? I was told that I needed to find the leader of the dolphins, isn't that one of your...family?"

"No. Dolphins do not have leaders or rulers as humans do. We have not answered to a single being in centuries. We are as one."

"But I was told to find your leader. If that isn't one of your kind, then who is it?"

"Perhaps you should seek that which you can not see," the second dolphin added. "Look beyond your eyes, human."

"What does that mean?"

"Your kind never believes in that which your eyes can not see. You must stretch forth your mind and reach for that which is within your grasp."

"I am really getting sick of riddles," Harry grumbled bitterly.

"You are not a very patient person," the first dolphin stated. "You must learn that which is not taught in your books. Only then will you truly find what you are looking for. You must have faith in yourself. Look within yourself to find the answers you seek." With that said, the dolphins flipped backwards in the water, dancing away into the night's darkness. Harry sighed heavily. He was tired, frustrated and slowly getting angry. If patience was what he needed to get past this task, then he was bloody well screwed.


Early the next morning, Harry found himself mingling among the Muggles on the beach. He knew he would not be recognized by any of them and he wanted desperately to spend a few hours relaxing in the sun and surf. Sleep had not been a friend to him last night, nor had it been the past several weeks. It had seemed more like months since he had left London and he was beginning to think he would never see it again.

With a towel spread out on the warm sand, Harry laid watching as the tourists played with the dolphins, splashing and laughing in the warm water. He could see the two dolphins he had spoken with the night before. He didn't really recognize them, but somehow he knew who they were. Harry lay on his stomach, the book of Magical Mysteries opened in front of him. He had used a concealing charm to transform the cover into an ordinary looking book, allowing him to read it among the Muggles. He had grown more curious about Dudley's predicament, since the night before. There was a reason why he was able to do magic now and Harry knew he had to find the answers.

The sounds of children laughing nearby caused Harry to look in their direction. A large ball bounced between them in the sand and for a brief moment, he wandered what growing up with laughter would have been like. He had put off thinking of his parents and Sirius for most of the summer, but seeing children sitting and talking with their parents made him start wondering again about his own life. What would his life be like now, if he had been able to grow up with his parents? He knew he would have still attended Hogwart's, but would he have been friends with the Weasleys and Hermione? Probably, he answered his own question. Harry's parents had been good friends of the Weasleys, having worked in the Order together; therefore it would have only been natural to have known them. But what about Ginny? Would he have fallen in love with her? It was her admiration of him and the story of his life that had made her develop such a crush on him, but what if that story hadn't ever have come to life? Would she have still developed that crush? Would she have still given him his birthday present that he still treasured in his heart?

"Have you ever seen so many middle class people in your life?" a familiar voice asked, causing Harry to turn around in time to see his aunt and uncle walking in his direction. Vernon looked larger than he had a few short weeks ago, his large frame exposed beneath a pair of knee length shorts and a tee shirt. His aunt looked as pale and thin as ever, her horse-like face scowling at the many children and teenagers darting about the sand. She wore a pink and yellow flowered swimsuit, her scrawny legs appearing from beneath the wrap she wore about her awkwardly positioned frame. Harry thought briefly about the sight of his relatives. He didn't remember ever seeing so much of them before. Whenever they would go to the seashore when he was a child, he was forced to stay behind with Mrs. Figg, so he never had the opportunity to see them like this. With a half smirk he turned away, hoping they wouldn't see him. He didn't think he had missed so much fun, after all.

"Hello," a feminine voice said from Harry's side, as he tried to figure out a way to not attract his aunt and uncle's attention. Harry looked up into the bright blue eyes of a very attractive young woman, her dark hair hanging down her back in a thick braid, her slender, well developed frame snugly hidden beneath a baby blue bikini. For a moment, Harry couldn't think, he barely breathed. She was stunning to look at and his long neglected libido reminded him of just how long it had been. With a jolt, Harry's conscious brought back the image of a slender red head and he began to breathe again, his heart returned to normal and he was able to find his voice.

"Hello," he answered, hoping not to draw attention to himself.

"Mind if I join you?" the young woman asked. Harry shook his head, moving slightly aside for her to sit on the towel next to him. "I haven't seen you here before? Just arrive?"

"No, actually I've been here for some time, I just haven't found any desire to visit the beach before now," he lied, thinking about the many days he had come to the beach, hidden securely beneath his father's old cloak.

"Well, it's nice to see you. My name is Amanda Baker." The young woman reached out her hand and Harry reluctantly took it in his own, shaking it briefly. He hadn't quite gotten a full hold of his raging desires and was almost afraid to touch her.

"I'm Harry...Smith," he said after a moment. "It's nice to meet you."

"So Harry Smith, are you here alone?"

"Yes. I'm on holiday from school."

"Really? Where do you go to school?" Harry thought about his careless remark.

"France," he lied. "I attend a private school in France. You?"

"I have private tutors. I haven't attended a real school since I was eleven."

"So...you here with your family?" Harry thought for a moment. He had never really spoken with a girl before Ginny. What was he supposed to say to one? And why was he feeling so guilty? He wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Sort of. My dad and I live here during the summer months. He studies the dolphins and I travel along with him. Are you signed up to go snorkeling with the dolphins today?" Amanda asked in a friendly tone.

"Not yet, but I was thinking about it," he answered, glancing around the beach, finding his aunt and uncle settling themselves next to a snack stand.

"Great. Want to join me?"

"What?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Want to join me? I teach the snorkeling class."

"I'd love to. I've never been before though, so I may be more of a liability than an asset to your group," Harry said fighting off the embarrassment of glancing to her abundant bust line. He couldn't believe it, but he actually found himself flirting with this girl.

"Don't worry about it. I'll help you. Can I expect you in about half an hour then? That's the next class time."


"Great. I'll see you then Harry." Amanda smiled as she stood up, walking away with a little wiggle in her hips Harry was certain was deliberate. He couldn't help but watch her leave, she was addicting.

"Careful there cousin," Dudley said stepping up to his side, shading him and his blanket with a large shadow. Harry turned a suddenly pink face upward, looking into the mocking eyes set into the round face. "Somehow I don't think your girlfriend will appreciate your attentions being spent on another girl and I know her brothers wouldn't approve. I've seen the worse side of them, remember?"

"I wasn't paying her attention," Harry lied, shifting again on his towel. "I was just talking with her."

"Yeah right, and my name is Brittney Spears. So what were you talking to her about? How well her bikini covered her little arse?"

"You are very vulgar Dudley," Harry snapped, glancing back down the beach to where his relatives sat.

"I know. Don't worry about mum and dad," Dudley assured him, sitting down on the edge of Harry's towel. "Once they get on the beach, the spend the entire time criticizing the people around them. Besides, they're sitting next to a snack stand. They'll be spending more time buying food then anything else." Harry was very quite for several long minutes, turning his attention back to his book, while his cousin looked over his shoulder.

"Find anything that could help me, yet?" Dudley asked softly.

"Not yet," Harry answered. "I really need Hermione. She would know exactly what was happening and how to sort it all out."

"Who is Hermione?"

"She's one of my best friends. I've known her since first year at school. She's going to marry Ron Weasley at the end of school this year."

"Is she the one with the really frizzy hair?"

"Yes, but I would appreciate it, if you wouldn't speak of her in that tone of voice. Hermione is a wonderful person and if anyone is going to find an answer to your problem, it will be her. We may have to wait until I return to school to find an answer for you."

"I hope not. Dad nearly got hit by a flying pillow this morning."


"I got so angry when he tried to wake me for breakfast, that a pillow flew from my bed and hit the door just as he shut it. I have to stop this, Harry. I have to figure out what's happening to me."

"I'll find an answer, Dudley, you'll just have to be patient with me. I don't have all the books I need with me. I only brought what I though was necessary for the weeks ahead."

"So what is it you're doing? Your friends said you were on a quest and that it was very dangerous. Does it have to do with that Voldie-Wart guy?"

"Voldemort, and yes, but I don't think you should be mentioning his name quite so loud. There are always risks that his followers could be close by and we don't want to draw attention to ourselves."

"Harry," Dudley said after a few moments. "Tell me about your parents. How did they really die?" Harry looked up at his cousin and thought very hard about telling him the story behind his parents demise. What if Dudley were a spy for Voldemort? What if he was seeking information about his quest and his reason for being here? Should he reveal so much of his life to the one person he had spent his entire life despising?

"Voldemort killed my parents," he answered after a few moments. "They were fighting against the dark forces that threatened our world. Voldemort found out where they were hiding and knowing how strong and powerful they were, he feared them. He attacked without warning."

"That's how you came to be with us, isn't it?" Harry nodded his head. "So what about your godfather? Where was he during all of this? Why didn't he come for you and take you in instead of my mum and dad?"

"Sirius was accused of killing my mum and dad and was sent to prison, but it wasn't him. It was another wizard, a friend to my parents, who betrayed them to Voldemort. He pretended to be dead for twelve years, until Sirius escaped Azkaban and forced him out of hiding."

"Where's this Sirius now? You haven't spoken about him in quite awhile." Harry fell into silence again, his mind filling with images of that fateful day at the Ministry when Sirius fell through the veil.

"He's dead, killed by Voldemort's followers," Harry finally said, his tone soft and filled with grief. Dudley didn't say anything after that, but remained beside Harry for quite some time.

"I have to go join my mum and dad for lunch," Dudley finally said. "If I don't show up here pretty soon, they'll come looking for me and I don't think either of us are ready for that to happen."

"I know I'm not," Harry answered, watching as Dudley stood up from the blanket, glancing quickly to the location his parents sat.

"I'll still see you tonight, right?" Harry nodded, then watched as the robust figure waddled away. Once he was certain it was safe for him to move without his relatives seeing him, Harry stood, took his towel and headed back to his tent. He had to get ready for his date...or rather his snorkeling lesson. Why was he feeling nervous about seeing this girl and why was he feeling guilty for wanting to go snorkeling? Ginny would understand his wanting to have some fun; after all he wasn't doing anything that would cause him to betray her trust in him. Still, that thought didn't really do much to settle his racing nerves as he gathered a clean towel and his snorkeling equipment, slipping his wand into the side of his shorts and heading back out into the sun. He knew he should be spending his time looking for the leader of the dolphins, but he couldn't resist having a little bit of fun while he was here. This was after all, a very beautiful place, filled with crystal clear waters and warm white sand. It was almost a magical place to be. And the fact that a very attractive young woman invited him to go snorkeling with her didn't really hurt either. If only he could get that feeling of cheating out of his heart. He wasn't going to do anything to betray Ginny. He knew if he did, she'd hex him into next week. Or at the very least, transfigure him into a toad.


Harry and Amanda swam among the bottom of the coral reef for hours. He enjoyed being with this girl, even though the never-ending sensation of guilt remained in the back of his mind. Still, there seemed to be more than just enjoyment here, he was fascinated by the way the dolphins continued to dart in and out of the water around them, as if to keep an eye on what they were doing. The sights were breathtaking, the sea life was intoxicating and for just a few hours, Harry didn't think about being a wizard, or The-Boy-Who-Lived. He didn't care what Voldemort was up to, he couldn't care less what Snape would do or say when he returned to Hogwart's and he didn't think twice about the prophecy that dictated his future. He was just Harry and he loved it.

It was several hours later when they emerged the ocean, the last rays of daylight touching their shoulders and heads, the warmth of the Australian air caressing across wet skin and the laughter that echoed from lungs deprived of air, gave the impression of happiness and complete relaxation.

"You did very well for a first timer," Amanda said, as she and Harry tossed their masks and fins aside before falling exhausted to a large towel on the sand. "Or were you just saying that to get my undivided attention?" Harry swallowed hard.

"I didn't say I've never been in the water. I just haven't snorkeled before."

"You made me believe you couldn't do either."

"Sorry about that." Harry smiled softly, turning his face back toward the ocean.

"Is that how you got your wife to go out with you? Made her feel like you needed some special attention, then trap her in your deep green eyes and seductive smile?"

"I'm not married," Harry said, his throat suddenly feeling very thick and dry.

"Then why do you wear this?" Amanda picked up Harry's left hand, the one with his father's wedding band and slid her long delicate finger across the shiny gold. Harry's skin felt on fire where she touched him and he again had to force control over his raging hormones.

"It was my fathers. I wear it in memory of him."

"So no wife, but what about a girlfriend? Anyone special in your life?" Harry suddenly jerked his hand out of hers, remembering a very temperamental red head waiting for him in London.

"Actually, there is," he answered after clearing his throat.

"Lucky girl. So how come she's not with you?"

"I needed some time alone. I sort of had something to do and I couldn't do it with her in the way."

"Sowing your last seeds before marriage, is that it?" Harry frowned, looking into the attractive Amanda's blue eyes.

"Nothing like that. Ginny knows there's nobody else for me. I just needed time to sort out some problems in my life and needed to be alone."

"So this Ginny, what's she like?" Harry drew his knees up, wrapping his arms around them. He thought about the girl in question.

"She's a red head with honey brown eyes and a beautiful smile."

"That's not what I asked, Harry. What's she like?"

"Wonderful," Harry said softly, a smile crossing his lips as he watched the sun sink over the horizon. "She's smart and loving , she's kind and temperamental. She is everything heaven could ever create and more than earth has ever known." Harry paused for a moment, blushing as he realized how closely Amanda was listening to him. "Sorry, I guess that sounds pretty stupid, huh?"

"Not at all. I'm jealous. She's a very lucky girl." Amanda leaned over to Harry and kissed his cheek softly, then touching his chin she turned his face to look at her. Their eyes locked for a few moments as Harry found himself being drawn to her lips, pressing his against the inviting tenderness of hers. For the span of several moments, all Harry could do was feel. He closed his eyes, quickly deepening his kiss, accepting and giving as much as he was offered. Before he had a chance to think, Harry found himself easing the delicate warm body down to the blanket, pressing his lips harder against her. The touch of her tongue against his was like a splash of cold water on his soul. What was he doing? He loved Ginny. Immediately he pulled away from her, standing up from the blanket.

"I...I'm sorry Amanda," he said with a quivering tone. "I can't do this. I love Ginny."

"But she's not here, is she?" Amanda said in a seductive tone, reaching up to take his hand, but Harry backed away before she could touch him.

"Yes she is," he told her sternly. "She's right here and always will be." Harry touched his heart as he spoke then turned and left the young woman alone, staring after him. He didn't see the smile that crept across her lips or the odd glint in her blue eyes.

"So, faith and trust are indeed with you Harry Potter," she whispered to the night sky, turning her head to the dolphins that bobbed their heads out of the water. "You were right my friends," she told them with a smile. "He is an unusual man and perhaps the he is the chosen one. It's time to bring him into our fold." The dolphins chattered excitedly, nodding their heads in agreement as the danced backwards in the water, then disappeared beneath the surface.

"If the dolphin leader is what you want, Harry Potter," Amanda thought to the silent surroundings, "then it's time you were introduced."

Author notes: Please continue to R/R. I hope it won't be long before Harry gets back to school, but it's been too much fun writing this the slow way. Sorry you've had to wait so long for updates.