The Dark Arts
Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Nymphadora Tonks
Mystery Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 09/18/2008
Updated: 09/23/2008
Words: 7,188
Chapters: 4
Hits: 761

The Longing Heart


Story Summary:
Nymphadora Tonks has a problem. She has fallen in love with Remus Lupin, who seems to have similar feelings towards her, but rejects that love because of his curse of being a werewolf. She struggles with these feelings and falls into despair. In her darkest hour Tonks runs down the road to escape her feelings, but instead finds a most mysterious inn called the "Green Dragon". There she finds hope and help from the most peculiar inn keeper she has ever met. Author's Note: This is written for the Green Dragon Winter Challenge at MNFF.

Chapter 01

Nymphadora Tonks has a problem. She has fallen in love with Remus Lupin, who seems to have similar feelings towards her, but rejects that love because of his curse of being a werewolf. She struggles with these feelings and falls into despair. In her darkest hour Tonks runs down the road to escape her feelings, but instead finds a most mysterious inn called the "Green Dragon". There she finds hope and help from the most peculiar inn keeper she has ever met. Author's Note: This is written for the Green Dragon Winter Challenge at MNFF.

Words: 1,175
Hits: 139

Tonks has sunken into a deep depression and feels like life is hopeless. As her hopelessness threatens to overwelm her, she finds her way to the mysterious "Green Dragon Inn".

Words: 1,419
Hits: 431

Tonks is welcomed by the friendly people at the "Green Dragon Inn" and rests a bit before finding out what help they can provide. The challenge is for her to accept or refuse.

Words: 1,654
Hits: 97

Tonks travels to the past, present, and future. Will what she sees open her eyes and give her hope to keep moving forward, or will all hope be lost and crushed by these visits?

Words: 2,940
Hits: 94