Reign O'er Me


Story Summary:
This fic picks up from where OotP ended; unlike many fics dealing with this period that are angst-ridden, this fic explores a different direction - what might happen if Harry should instead start to get his life together.

Chapter 36 - Acid Queen

Chapter Summary:
The truce is over, the professors fret, Draco makes a decision, Sirius explains the birds and the bees, and Harry goes on the offensive.

Chapter 36 - Acid Queen

I'm the Gypsy - the acid Queen
Pay before we start
I'm the Gypsy - The acid queen
I'll tear your soul apart.

- Acid Queen, The Who

"The truce is over," Lupin announced grimly as he entered the room. "I just heard from Tonks. The flag was thrown down, and the staff broken."

"This was hardly unexpected," Nicholas said. He, Perenelle, Dumbledore and Cassandra were seated in the drawing room; Lupin dropped wearily into a wing-backed chair. "Indeed, we have been fortunate to have had as long as we have."

"Voldemort has thus far followed the forms; if that continues do to so, he will not attempt anything prior to midnight," said Dumbledore.

"That is only custom, Brian; a custom of gentler times," Perenelle cautioned. "It is not binding."

Dumbledore nodded resignedly. "At most we can hope for another twenty-three hours. But we can not count on that."

"And after that?" Lupin asked.

"It is difficult to say," Dumbledore replied. "But given the lack of any further attempts at parley and other recent events, we must maintain our vigilance."

"I expect that Voldemort will take the offensive," Perenelle said. "Whatever his gambit was with Cassandra appears to have failed, and he will not ignore the events that occurred at Malfoy Manor."

"Voldemort--and Malfoy--will be looking to target those responsible in any way that he can," said Dumbledore. "I am especially concerned for the Weasleys."

"That shop in Diagon Alley..." Lupin said. "Albus, perhaps you should have a word with the twins?"

Dumbledore nodded slowly. "And... might you prevail upon Sirius?"

"I will try," Lupin replied, sighing. "He occasionally listens to me now, more than he did years ago at Hogwarts, anyway. But since his return he's been far more stubborn about doing what ever he wishes without regard for the consequences."

"I no doubt bear some of the responsibility for that..." Dumbledore said.

"Perhaps a great deal," Cassandra interrupted. "But considering how events have unfolded thus far, it was most fortunate that you left Sirius with a great deal of time on his hands."

"Is it indeed?" Dumbledore asked. "I have pondered long over what I saw after our joining. Sirius was present in but few of those realities, and Jamie Potter was in..."

"Brian!" This time Perenelle interrupted as she and Cassandra exchanged a look. "We have little choice but to play that which we are dealt."

Dumbledore nodded. "But one thing I have gleaned from that Cassandra and I shared... and cannot ignore... is that Voldemort's Horcruxes--and there are several--are of importance."

"Horcruxes?" Lupin asked, slowly, as if trying to remember. "You mean that... that Voldemort..."

"I am very much afraid so, Remus," Dumbledore answered quietly.

"But that makes little sense to me," Nicholas said. "Why would Voldemort seek the elixir or the means if its making if he had already created Horcruxes?"

"I fear his desire for immortality may no longer concern only himself," Dumbledore said. "Consider the fate intended Velpecula Black, and the other remarks young Malfoy made."

"Even Voldemort would hesitate to," Perenelle began, and then paled. "He claimed to have unlocked the Codex of Circe."

"There is no doubt his current form was a vast improvement over the wraith-like creature he was before creating this body, but it may be that it was only a stepping stone," Dumbledore said. "Both for himself, and his followers. And he has somehow gained control over the Melinoe."


"Draco?" Jamie took a deep breath and then managed a giggle. "The score is way in your favor, now."

"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing to excess," Draco replied as he also breathed deeply. "I... I do not fully comprehend. Being with you earlier tonight, and now, is unlike anything that I have before experienced."

"You've never kissed a girl before?" Jamie asked challengingly, though she was fairly certain of the answer. Neville had been tentative and hesitant, at least at first; Draco had moved with confidence.

"My lips have touched other girls lips," Draco said, struggling against long-formed habits. "But... tonight, with you, has been different. So much so that I cannot use the same word to describe it."

"I wish tonight would never end."

"Tonight is but the beginning. I... I have decided, Jamie. I will not take any more half steps. I shall tell Dumbledore everything."

"Then it really can be...."

Draco caught Jamie as she slumped toward him. He shook her gently, and then realized her eyes--her deep green emerald eyes--were glazed and wide open... and that she was mumbling something. He shook her twice, gently, but there was no response other than the vague movement of her lips. Draco did not wait any longer; he swept her light form into his arms and sped from under the staircase leading to the third floor and flew down the stairs.

When they had started upstairs, perhaps half an hour ago, Draco recalled seeing Dumbledore and some of the other professors entering the drawing room where he had talked to Sirius a few nights before. Perhaps... yes, they were still here.

As Draco burst into the room, the five occupants stood. Cassandra quickly moved to meet Draco and after a glance at Jamie, gave several quiet, terse commands to the other professors. Nicholas, Dumbledore and Lupin disappeared through the double doors. Cassandra led Draco towards a sofa, where she coaxed him to settle Jamie. She then knelt beside the young girl, holding up her hand for silence as Draco started to answer a question. Listening carefully, she was able to make out a few words: "...comes... down, and... ya' gotta take a... hurt my friends..." There was a long pause, and Jamie began to mutter again. "I don't... trouble... very long..." Jamie's eyes fluttered and then closed.

"I believe Jamie will be all right in a few moments," Cassandra said as she turned to peer intently at Draco. "Will you tell me what happened?"

"We were talking and Jamie started to fall. I had first thought she had fainted, but her eyes were open and she was trying to talk."

"Were you able to make out any of it?" Cassandra asked.

Draco shook his head. "No."

Dumbledore re-entered the room carrying a damp towel; Cassandra took it and started to rub it gently across Jamie's forehead. After a few moments, Jamie began to stir and opened her eyes. "What happened?"

"Do you remember anything?" Perenelle asked.

"No. Draco and I were..."

"Talking," Draco quickly inserted.

"And then I'm here," Jamie finished.

"Indeed," Cassandra said. "How do you feel now, Jamie?"

"I'm okay," she replied as she set up. "What happened?"

"We are not quite sure." Cassandra looked sharply at Draco and then Dumbledore. "Perhaps all of the excitement has been a bit much. Perhaps a good night's rest is in order, and then we shall see how you feel in the morning."

"But I feel okay," Jamie objected.

"It is late, Jamie. I think that..." Draco hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "the professor is right." Perenelle, sitting out of Jamie's view, nodded. "If you like I will see you to your room."

"I'd like," she replied with a hint of a grin.

"Then it's settled," Cassandra said as she helped Jamie rise. "Under the circumstances, perhaps it would be best if you should make it a quick good night." As a touch of red touched Draco's pale cheeks, Cassandra pointed at Draco once, then at the floor. He nodded once, indicating he had understood he was to report back quickly.

After the young couple left the room, Perenelle softly asked, "Jamie did not connect with Voldemort?"

"No," Cassandra replied. "But we cannot wait much longer, Albus. We dare not."


"Was it a good birthday, love?" Ginny asked she curled contentedly beside Harry.

"Yeah... It was brilliant."

After several quiet minutes Ginny stretched, catlike, and then asked, "A knut for your thoughts?"

"I... maybe I finally understand some of what Sirius was trying say in his letter. 'Live in world that's worth saving.' Tonight... tonight was what our lives could be. Should be. Being with you means everything to me, Gin, but tonight... being there, with our friends... that's how it should be, not... not running and hiding and cowering."

"You're right, love, that's how it should be... and it shall be. That's what I've told you over and over. I want to live my life with you."

"'But neither shall live...' And I want to live, Gin. To live... not exist."

"And we will. There will be Sirius, and James..."

"You asked if it we'd name him Sirius or James," Harry interrupted.

"I asked if our first would be Sirius or James.... the first, Harry. Remember who you're talking to. There'll be Sirius, and James, and Bill, and Ron, and maybe little Molly and Hermione if we're lucky. Weasleys don't have girls very often, you know."

"I'm just glad your Mum had you."

"And after Hogwarts, maybe you can play Quidditch a few years, before we return to Hogwarts."

"Return to Hogwarts?" Harry asked, intrigued.

"Of course, silly. You're Professor Dumbledore's... heir, or whatever. And Hogwarts is part of that. And... and it's home, Harry... for both of us. I'll always love the Burrow, and I love what Dobby has done here. But Hogwarts is home. And we'll both be part of that."

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Honestly, how can you be so dense?" Ginny giggled. "Don't you see?"

"I... No."

"Madame Flamel has said over and over... like how different your life would have been if Cassandra had been there. I'm going to be there for you."

"Even when I'm old and grumpy?"

"I may have to let you get old, but not grumpy."

"Why'd you say I'd play Quidditch?"

"Isn't that really what you want? Honestly?"

"I'd planned to be an Auror."

"For now, that's what you'd be doing anyway. But afterwards... yes, I think Quidditch is important. A world worth living in, like you said."

"How about you?"

"I'd thought about what you said... that at least one of us needs to know more about healing. But... I think Madame Flamel and Cassandra have something in mind, too. Maybe for me and Jamie."


"I don't know, it's just... I don't know."

"And what about Jamie?" Harry asked.

"She seemed to have a pretty good time tonight."

"Maybe too good a time."

"You did okay. Brother-wise, I mean. Other than almost crushing my hand..."

"Sorry... Neville was a surprise. And I just didn't expect her to kiss Draco."

"He kissed her twice, Harry. Better get used to it; the way they were looking at each other when we left, I don't think that's the last time." Ginny gave him an impish grin. "And you better lock up your socks."

"I wonder if that has anything to do with what Professor Dumbledore once told me--that if he looked in that mirror, he would see himself holding a pair of socks."

Ginny laughed. "That could be you in a few years."

"I don't need Professor Dumbledore's mirror to see my heart's desire. All I need is you and my family--our family--beside us."

"Speaking of family, Ron's been looking for a chance to talk with you. After tonight, he'll be pushing harder."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I've sort of been avoiding him. I'm uncomfortable with the whole Draco thing, but Ron's only seeing one side of it."

"That, and he's feeling threatened."

"Ron? You mean..."

"Yeah. Talk to him, Harry. And maybe Hermione, too."

Harry nodded. "I will. And maybe to Dumbledore; I'm not sure this tutoring thing is working."

"It needs to, Harry."

Harry again raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure why, but I know it's important."


Only Cassandra and Dumbledore were in the drawing room when Draco returned. Cassandra motioned toward one of the wingback chairs where Draco took a seat as Dumbledore rose. "I shall leave the two of you to it," he said. "Good evening, Mr. Black."

"Um... Professor, would you stay for a moment?" Draco asked, then after a moment's hesitation added, "Please."

Dumbledore and Cassandra exchanged a look, and then Dumbledore nodded. "Of course. How may I be of service, Mr. Black?"

"Professor Dumbledore, I have given considerable thought to what you said earlier. Perhaps blood is thicker than water, but...some things transcend even that. And what I wish to offer in no way goes against Mother. Professor, I want to cooperate fully."

"Have you thought carefully about the possible ramifications? This is not something you should consider lightly," Dumbledore said.

"Yes, I have. And Professor, I will not only tell you whatever I know, but I will submit to examination through Legilimency. It is possible, even likely, that I have information that has been Obliviated."

"That is quite remarkable, my boy. Would you be willing to share what has led you to this decision," asked Dumbledore.

"I... I think I see things clearly. There is no middle; I made a decision when I severed ties with Father... and the Dark Lord. There's no turning back. And half steps only help him... and them."

"Indeed. Would you allow me until the morrow to decide how best to proceed forward?" Dumbledore asked.

"Certainly, Professor."

"Is there anything else you would like to discuss, Mr. Black?" Dumbledore looked at Draco speculatively.

"No, Professor." Again Draco hesitated before using an unaccustomed phrase. "Thank you."

"Then I shall say goodnight, again. And Draco... thank you." Dumbledore stood and walked from the room.

"May I call you Draco?" Cassandra asked after several moments. "Though it sometimes embarrasses Albus, I prefer not to stand on formality."

"Yes, of course, ma'am."

"Call me Cassandra, if you please, Draco. And if you would, tell me what happened tonight while you were with Jamie."

"After the dance, after we came back here, we were talking when Jamie fell against me..."

Cassandra nodded and raised an eyebrow. "It was fortunate that you were close together."

"Um... her eyes were open, and she was saying something..."

"Were you able to make out any of the words?" Cassandra pressed.

"Not many," Draco said. "Some of it... sounded like a... song."

"A song... a song, you say?" Cassandra said, and then decided. "Draco, earlier you expressed a willingness to share through Legilimency. Would you permit me to attempt something similar?"

"Ah... Um..."

"Draco, I would not ask if it were not important."

Draco nodded reluctantly. "What do you want me to do?"

"Allow me to hold your hand... relax and let your thoughts drift."

Draco hesitatingly took her hand. As he recalled his 'conversation' with Jamie, Draco's face became red, but Cassandra seemed to take no notice. After a few moments, to his surprise, he found himself receiving images from her. Finally, Cassandra released his hand and smiled. "Was that not fair exchange?"

Draco nodded uncertainly.

"Why it is that every generation thinks they are the first to have discovered romance?" Cassandra asked with a wry smile. "Thank you, Draco."

Draco nodded, not quite trusting himself to speak, and bowed goodnight, wondering if he would ever be able to look at Professor Dumbledore with a straight face again.


"Did you really have a good time?" Sirius asked. Vela had fallen asleep waiting while he had handled the final details of winding down the party but had awoken when Sirius attempted to carry her back to Grimmauld Place. She had stumbled through the Floo and then staggered up the stairs to the corridor where their bedrooms were located.


"Sorry you got stuck there with me. I should have sent you on ahead."

"It's okay." Vela hesitated a moment as she entered her room and then turned to face Sirius. "Could... could we talk now?"

"Now?" Sirius repeated.

"Yeah... I really want to know."

Sirius nodded slowly as he walked across the room and sat on the bed. "All right. I'll try to answer whatever you want to know."

"Uh... you... you've said you might be my father, that you want to be my father, but tonight you said I was your daughter. I... I really don't understand."

Sirius closed his eyes for a moment, and then nodded again. "There's not any doubt you're a Black. One look at you and there's not any doubt..."

"But I thought you were the last Black," Vela interrupted.

"Not... quite. I had a brother; he died before you were born. It's possible he could be your father, too. His name was Regulus. Regulus Anton Black "

"But... if he died before I was born... then how?"

"Children... children are... born after a man and woman... um, get... er, together. Actually, the baby comes nine months later."

"Get... together?"

"Yes, exactly."

"But... how do they come together? Kissing?"

"Well... a man and a woman... they come together, and... er, join, and sometimes... not every time, or even most of the time... nine months later, there's a baby." Sirius held up his hand before she could ask the next question. "Hold it! Wait just a minute," he said as he stood and walked from the room.

A minute later he returned holding a book. "Here; read this. It should answer any questions about the details."

"But... you... got together with Mum?"

"Your Mum and I dated off at Hogwarts, nothing serious. Then, afterwards, we'd lost touch for a year or two, and we met again at Harry's first birthday party, when he was a year old. We sort of picked up where we left off..." Sirius' voice trailed off, as his eyes grew distant.

"And then?"

"Yeah, we got together."

"And your brother, too?"

"No." Sirius' face hardened for a moment, then he sighed. "Regulus--my brother--was a Death Eater. I think he regretted it at the end, but... he was part of a group that killed your Mum's family."

"But how could he..."

"He attacked your Mum. That... that's why there's, question."


"Um... it's a little hard to explain. Being together... it can be well, forced. Look, read the book, and I'll try to answer any questions, though Ginny or Molly might give you better answers. I'm sorry... I'm just not very good at this."

"Is there any way to know, for sure?" Vela asked softly.

"I think so... but it doesn't really matter. I meant what I said tonight, kiddo. I want to be your father, no matter how things sort out. I've done a pretty lousy job of looking out for those I was supposed to. I should have found you and your Mum a lot sooner, and even then it was Harry who found you... and I'm supposed to be looking out for him, too. In a lot of ways, you'd likely be better off with someone like the Weasleys or Lupin... but I hope you'll give me a chance."

"Do... do you really mean that? Or is it just... because you have to? Because of Mum?"

"I want to do this, kiddo. I'm proud of you. I want to be part of your life, and for us to be a family."

Somehow Vela was suddenly in his arms, her head pressed against his shoulder. They sat there, on the corner of her bed for a long time, Sirius gently rocking her. The only sound an occasional sob until Vela whispered, "Can I call you Dad?"

"I'd like that."

"I've always wanted a Dad..." Vela said sleepily.

A few minutes later Sirius softly closed her door after tucking her in. Exhausted, he, too, like Harry, reflected this had indeed been a most wonderful day. He stumbled into his own room and was quickly asleep.


"Good morning, luv."

Hermione glanced at her watch; she hadn't overslept, it was still early. "Good morning." Their lips met briefly, then she asked, "This is pretty early for you. Is anything wrong?"

"Now that you mention it, yes. Last night I wanted a bit of something sweet, but you nicked the last of my Honeydukes." Ron looked at her speculatively. "Why don't we go to Hogsmeade?"

"Just the two of us?"

"Why not? Besides, I'll bet those two," Ron glanced toward the ceiling, "will be sleeping for several more hours. They'll never miss us."

"Do you think it will be all right?"

Ron nodded. "Yes. And I'd like some time for just the two of us."

"I would too, Ron. Madam Puddifoot's?"

Ron swallowed hard and then nodded. "If that's what you want."

"No." Hermione laughed. "But I would like to visit Dervish and Banges."

This Ron had expected. "Okay. Then lunch at the Three Broomsticks?"

"Okay." Hermione smiled. "Let me get ready."


"Molly, is Dumbledore there?" Both Tonks' tone and expression conveyed urgency.

"Yes, he's..."

"Get him, and Flamel too," Tonks interrupted. "There's been an attack."

Molly nodded as she rushed from the kitchen, and returned a minute later with Dumbledore and both Flamels. A moment later Cassandra joined them.

"There's been an attack at the Ministry," Tonks said tersely. "There was sort of explosion in the Department of Mysteries, then another near the Minister's office. Maybe another one, too, we're not quite sure. You're needed here, Professor." The young Auror took a quick glance behind her. "Badly."

"We shall come at once," Dumbledore said quietly.

"Don't try to Apparate to directly to the Ministry," Tonks warned as she disappeared from the fire, her voice fading. "Arrive at least a block away."

"Arthur... Arthur and Percy," Molly said shakily, "left for the Ministry half an hour ago."

"I will send word as soon as I can, Molly," Dumbledore said, and then the four venerable professors exchanged looks.

"I shall remain here," Perenelle said, nodding. "Be vigilant."

As Dumbledore, Nicholas and Cassandra left the kitchen, Perenelle lead a shaky Molly to the table, coaxed her to sit, and then prepared two cups of tea. "I hate this more than anything," Molly whispered. "Waiting and not knowing."

Perenelle nodded. "At least it was not near their areas, Molly. We must wait and hope."


Dumbledore stood calmly in what was left of the Ministry atrium, not unlike the eye of a hurricane, as chaos swirled around him. When they had arrived, other than a few Aurors who were working to extinguish fires and clear the smoke from the building, most of the other staff had been standing together in small groups outside the building, unsure of what to do. Dumbledore had quickly taken charge, organizing search parties, setting up a security perimeter, and tending to the wounded. Nicholas and Tonks had taken a group to start down toward the lower levels, and he could hear Cassandra somewhere near by performing triage on the wounded.

There were whispers that the Minister was dead; that the portion of the building where her office had been was completely destroyed. There were also reports that Death Eaters had been seen on the lower levels; the most disturbing of these were multiple reports that Bellatrix Lestrange had been seen.

Dumbledore caught a glimpse of Arthur Weasley, half walking, half carried by two young workers. Cassandra had examined him for only a moment before dispatching him with a group being transported to St. Mungo's via Portkey.

As the morning unfolded, some of the rumors proved true. Amelia Bones, Minister of Magic, was dead, as was almost all of the staff other than a fortunate few that had been in other parts of the building. Over one hundred Ministry workers had been taken to St. Mungo's with serious injuries, including Alastor Moody. Percy had emerged from the lower levels unscathed, but many more, especially those who worked on the sixth and seventh levels, were missing.

Nicholas Flamel had brought perhaps the most disturbing news of all. Death Eaters had been present on the lower levels, and had apparently taken items from the Department of Mysteries and the Hall of Prophecy. It would be difficult to discover what had been taken from the Hall of Prophecies. Few, if any, of the glass orbs that remained were unbroken.

As the morning became afternoon, all of the departments had acting leaders. Dumbledore, as head of the Wizengamot, had brushed aside what was left of the hierarchy, placing Percy in charge of Magical Law Enforcement, Kingsley Shacklebolt in charge of the Auror core, and Nicholas Flamel over what was left of the Department of Mysteries. As some measure of order returned, most of the workers were sent home with orders to wait for instructions before attempting to return to work. Those that remained focused on searching for their missing colleagues, making the building safe, or providing security.

Dumbledore began preparations for a meeting of the Wizengamot that would take place that evening, though at this point it seemed likely that it would have to be held in the Atrium. It would be some time before the lower levels of the Ministry would be habitable.

"This is a list of the missing, and this is those sent to St. Mungo's." Cassandra continued more softly as she handed Dumbledore three parchments. "And the dead."

Dumbledore nodded slowly as he read the names of those who had been killed. "Do we know yet how this could have happened?"

"No, though Kingsley and Percy both wish to discuss that particular subject with some urgency."

Dumbledore nodded. "The defenses here are second only to those at Hogwarts. How badly wounded was Arthur?"

"A fragment of metal was embedded in his chest. It was close enough to his heart that I sent him to St. Mungos. Unless there are other complications I do not believe he shall be incapacitated long."

Dumbledore nodded slowly. "If his condition permits, we shall need his presence for tonight's Wizengamot." His eyes met Cassandra's. "It has begun in earnest."


"Bloody effing worthless Aurors!" George swore as he and Fred tumbled from the Floo into the Grimmauld Place kitchen.

"Diagon Alley's is being attacked!" Fred announced to Molly and Perenelle, still seated at the kitchen table. "We have to alert the Order!"

"The Ministry was attacked earlier this morning," Perenelle said as she stood. "Quickly, tell me what has happened."

"There was a huge explosion at Gringotts," George began.

"All the buildings near it were on fire," Fred continued. "Including our shop."

"We barely got out through the Floo in back," added George.

"And there were sounds of fighting in the street outside," said Fred. "But there was no way we could get through the front of the shop."

"The Ministry?" George asked, realizing. "Is Dad alright?"

"Yes," Molly replied, "though he was injured and taken to St. Mungo's. He's going to be fine. And Percy wasn't hurt."

Perenelle's eyes closed as Molly spoke. "I have informed Nicholas. Most members of the Order are at the Ministry." Again her eyes closed. "If you would, please join Brian there. There is great need of anyone who can wield a wand."

"No!" Molly objected as the twins sped toward the door. "Please be careful," she added softly, almost to herself.

"Molly," Perenelle said gently. "I shall gather the children and bring them here. This basement room should be among the safest in the house. Will you be all right for a few moments?"

Molly nodded, and then her eyes widened. "Penny!"

"We should be prepared to withdraw to Hogwarts," Perenelle said. "After I return, Hermione and I will assist you in preparing her and Narcissa to move. But for now, one of us must remain here."

"Please, hurry."

"I shall," Perenelle said as she left the kitchen. She made her way quickly up the stairs, continuing past the third floor and went to the room that Harry and Ginny shared. She knocked softly and entered. "Awaken, mes enfants."

Ginny stirred and then snatched the sheets around them. Realizing from Perenelle's expression that something was amiss, she bit back the remark she that she had been about to make. "What's wrong?"

Harry sat up and put on his glasses as Perenelle replied. "There have been two attacks thus far today. The first was at the Ministry this morning, and another began a few minutes ago in Diagon Alley."

"Why weren't we called? Aren't we needed?" Harry asked.

"No." Perenelle sighed. "Not yet, at least, lapin. For now Brian, Nicholas and the other members of the Order have matters in hand. However, given that there has been a second attack, it would be best to make certain preparations. I did not disturb you earlier as you and Ginny must be prepared in the event that the Melinoe should appear."

"You're expecting an attack here." Harry said quietly.

"I cannot rule out the possibility," Perenelle replied, concealing her surprise. "I believe the best option for the moment is to gather everyone in the kitchen until we know more. Harry, would you bring Ron, Hermione and Vela? And Ginny, Jamie and Draco?"

The two teenagers nodded as Perenelle exited, closing the door softy behind her. As she made her way down the stairs, she mentally cataloged the wards and defenses that had been erected around Grimmauld place. They were strong and well cast, but then, the Ministry and Diagon Alley both had been well defended. And while the focus thus far had been toward other targets, she was sure that Harry and his companions were very much in Voldemort's thoughts. If something did occur here, perhaps her greatest challenge would be to convince Harry to withdraw to Hogwarts. Perhaps it would be best to move everyone to the castle on some pretext.

"Was everything all right?" Molly asked anxiously.

"Yes, child. I woke Harry and Ginny and left them to gather the others. Would you like to go and start preparing Penny? I will join you with Hermione and Ginny shortly."

"Thank you. I'll have her ready in just a bit," Molly said as she quickly walked from the room.

Perenelle returned to her seat at the large table, and absentmindedly conjured another cup of tea. Perhaps she should consult with Nicholas first, but his hands were more than full right now.


Having a bit or two of gold wasn't all that bad, Ron thought to himself as he left Honeydukes, remembering Molly's frequent lectures about the virtue of being poor. A guy needed a little bit of tuck occasionally, he told himself, though there was nothing little about the two packages he carried. He sighed as he looked down High Street towards Dervish and Banges. Though it was still early, he felt the first stirrings of hunger and would have preferred to go straight to The Three Broomsticks. He shook his head briefly, then squared his shoulders resolutely and started down the street toward the bookstore.

As he entered the magic shop and bookstore, Ron was surprised to find Hermione at the counter, paying for several books. He had expected to spend quite a bit of time here.

She looked up and smiled at him, and Ron felt a moment's guilt. Hermione... Hermione was worth waiting for. And thank Merlin she had waited for him.

"Ready for lunch?" she asked knowingly as the clerk bagged her purchases.

Ron nodded, but gallantly offered, "But we'll go wherever you like next."

He was rewarded with a smile... the sort of smile that held out so many possibilities and promises. They walked together toward the exit, and as Ron reached for the door it suddenly was out of reach as they both lost their footing. Somewhere--and nearby--there had been an explosion. As they regained their footing, Ron could make out shapes moving through the dust and smoke outside the window.

"Death Eaters!" Hermione hissed as Ron pulled her back into the depths of the store.


"Ron and Hermione aren't here," Harry announced grimly as he and Vela entered the kitchen. Ginny, Jamie and Draco were already there.

"Are you sure?" Perenelle asked, concerned. "Perhaps they have merely sought privacy."

"No. Dobby saw them go out and Apparate way. And they both left their communicators." Harry replied forcefully.

Perenelle nodded and seemed to reach a decision. "Ginny, if you, Jamie and Draco will accompany me, we shall assist Molly in preparing Penny and Narcissa to travel." She then looked pointedly at Harry. "Harry, can I trust that you will remain on watch here until we return?"

Harry nodded reluctantly nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Travel?"

"To Hogwarts," Perenelle replied as she herded the others towards the door.

Harry paced the floor, racking his brain for any hint of where his two best friends might be and hoping against hope that they would suddenly walk through the door. Ron... Ron was impulsive, but this was unlike Hermione. Maybe Madame Flamel was right, they had wanted to be alone... At least it was unlikely they would have gone to the Ministry, but Diagon Alley was a very real possibility. And, at least for now, there was nothing he could do.

Or was there? Harry continued to pace, wanting to do something... anything, in fact... other than just wait here. Diagon Alley seemed to be the most likely place, but he had promised Perenelle that he would wait here, and if an attack came here... no, best to wait, to get everyone else to Hogwarts, and then, maybe...

Draco and Jamie returned with Narcissa. Harry noted how carefully and gently Draco led his mother; a short time ago, he wouldn't have thought him capable... then, realizing he was staring, he looked away and returned to pacing.

"No sign of Weasley?" Draco asked. It sounded if he had intended to say weasel and had changed it at the last second.

"No," Harry replied. "And the only place I can think they might have gone is Diagon Alley."

Draco's reply was lost as Perenelle and Molly entered, guiding a stretcher with Penny, with Ginny bringing up the rear. As soon as she could move past the stretcher, Ginny went to stand beside Harry and took his hand.

"Now, I believe we should proceed to Hogwarts," Perenelle said as she looked quickly around the room. Harry realized she was looking for something to make into a Portkey... and then there was column of flame flashed briefly nearby.

Fawkes was the first thing Harry thought, but as he looked, he realized this bird was neither Fawkes nor Pymander. The Phoenix seemed to peer at him for a moment, then trilled three notes and then turned its head toward Perenelle. The magical bird stared for a moment, and then nodded its head as if bowing. Then, again sounding the same three notes, the phoenix turned, clearly offering its long tail.

"Hold to his tail," Perenelle ordered. "Gently, very gently. Praetor will bear us to Hogwarts."

"Is it safe?" Molly asked.

"Fear not," Perenelle replied. "I had thought a Portkey was the least bad choice to transport Penny... this is a far better way."

Molly nodded and helped Penny grasp the tail before taking hold herself. Perenelle and the others followed suite; though Draco hesitated a second until Jamie urged him forward. A moment later they were consumed in a flash of fire, and emerged in the medical wing of Hogwarts castle.

Molly and Perenelle immediately set out to settle Penny and Narcissa into the cast iron beds. Harry found himself matching stares with the regal phoenix, which again broke into song. These notes were different... while they soared though his soul as only phoenix song could, there was a clear challenge there. Still looking at Harry, Praetor raised one talon and opened it; something fell from it to the floor.

Harry tore his gaze away from the magical bird long enough to look at what had fallen; it was a bar of Honeyduke's chocolate. "Honeydukes... Honeydukes... they're in Hogsmeade."

Again, Praetor sounded the trilling challenge, made the bowing movement, and presented his tail. Harry took hold at once; Ginny and Jamie were only a split second behind him. Again, there was a flash of fire, and Harry, Ginny, Jamie and Draco--Jamie had been holding his hand rather firmly--vanished from the room as Perenelle futilely called for them to wait.


"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed as the phoenix fire marked their arrival. Both she and Ron had spun toward them, wands out and ready.

Harry realized they had arrived in some sort of storeroom. There were no windows. One door, which was closed, looked as if it might lead to the outside, while another, broken off its hinges lead into another part of the building. Ron and Hermione had taken up positions on each side of the broken door, and there several scorch marks where spells had landed. There was no sign of Praetor.

"Take cover," Ron hissed, motioning them frantically toward the wall.

It was only then Harry realized he had not arrived here alone. Draco moved first, pulling Jamie to the far side of the door where Hermione stood. Ginny moved from behind him to stand beside her brother, and a moment later Harry followed.

"What's out there?" Harry asked softly.

"Death Eaters," Ron replied. "At least five or six of them out there, maybe more, and even more outside."

"I don't think they realized who we were," Hermione added. "They've been toying with us between torturing the people they caught in there and destroying the shop."

"Why didn't you Apparate away?" Ginny whispered.

"They've set up some kind of wards; we couldn't Apparate or use a Portkey," Ron replied.

"Could we get out through..." Harry began, but was cut off by a scream from the front part of the shop. Harry's blood ran cold; that scream had come from a child... and then he heard several voices laughing. "I'm not running any more, never again," he whispered to himself as a cold fury began to grow behind his eyes, then, glancing at each of his companions, he growled. "No, not this time. No more running."

When Harry's eyes met Draco's, there was anger in them equal to his own. "Father is there." Draco nodded toward the front of the shop. Harry's gaze finally met Jamie's. She should not be in the middle of this; if anything would cause him to abandon his promise to himself, it was her safety... but her expression make it clear that nothing short of taking her out himself would stop her now. Harry nodded once reluctantly, wordlessly begging her to please be careful, as Ginny touched his arm.

"Ginny and I will go in first. I'll take the right side. Give us what cover you can as we go through the door, then follow as you can."

"Let's take these bastards." Ron nodded.

"Be careful," Hermione added.

"That goes for all of us," Harry agreed, but he was looking at Jamie. Draco caught his eye for a moment, and something passed between them. "On three.... One... Two... Three!" As the others cast spells into the front part of the shop, Harry and Ginny dove through door, landing on opposite sides in a crouch, and raised their shields as a volley of colored spells streaked toward them.

"It's Potter!" Harry recognized Lucius Malfoy's voice, though he was unsure which of the masked and hooded figures it had come from. "Take him alive!"

Harry had no intention of being captured; he wasted no time in firing a stunning spell at the nearest Death Eater who was unable to raise a shield in time and fell with a satisfying thump. Ginny had also connected with her target; a second later a second Death Eater hit the floor.

As Harry readied himself to attack another opponent, Ron and Hermione emerged from the storeroom, firing spells towards the Death Eaters. One managed to raise a shield in time, two others fell, one hit with spells from both Harry and Hermione.

The Death Eater who had managed to raise the shield stood his ground, preparing to attack while remaining two make a break for the door that led to High Street. One of them turned for a split second as they ran through the door, firing an Incendo spell that ignited several shelves of books. Spells from all six teenagers hit the remaining Death Eater, with at least some of them breaking through his shield, causing him to fly backwards and slam against a shelf which then toppled.

"We've got to get out of here," Ron shouted.

He was right, Harry realized; the fire was spreading rapidly. "See if any of them are alive," he ordered, motioning toward several unmoving victims lying crumpled on the floor. Harry cautiously made his way toward the door, but as he approached, he was forced to raise a shield against a volley of spells that flew toward him. "We're not getting out that way! To the back!"

"We can't just leave them, Harry!" Hermione objected, pointing to one of the fallen Death Eaters.

"We can't take them," Ron objected. He was already carrying a small, limp body.

"Leave them!" Draco said. He was also carrying another of the victims of the Death Eaters.

"No!" said Hermione. As they moved to the back of the shop, she quickly cast a Rennervate spell on each of the Death Eaters. "At least this way, they'll have a chance."

"Close the door!" Ron said as Hermione finally backed into the storeroom. That, at least, might provide them some protection from the awakened Death Eaters, but certainly not from the fire, Harry thought.

Harry stood next the door to the outside, trying to listen, then shook his head. "It could be as bad out there as it was in front."

"We have to, mate," Ron said, pointing. The walls were smoking and small tongues of flame could be seen near the roof.

Harry nodded grimly. "Ginny and I will go first."

"I can carry her," Jamie said, taking the small child from Ron.

"We'll be right behind you," Ron said as Harry swung the door wide. As before, he and Ginny leapt through, again dropping into a crouch. They were in an alley, and for now at least, they appeared to be alone. Harry motioned, and they were joined a moment later by Ron and Hermione, and then Jamie and Draco.

Harry looked both ways down the alley; there was no sign of Death Eaters in either direction, though both screams and sounds of ongoing destruction testified to their presence. "That way." Harry pointed, nodding toward the two children Draco and Jamie carried. "Get out of the village, you two, and get them to Hogwarts."

"Wait! What are you doing?" Jamie cried as Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione started in the other direction.

"Jamie! Go! Get those kids to safety!" Harry commanded. "We'll create a diversion and follow."

"Come!" Draco said, pulling her as he started in the direction Harry had pointed. Harry watched for a moment as Draco led Jamie cautiously down the alley, taking advantage of the available cover. Then he turned and led his small group forward.


"There!" Jamie pointed towards a staircase that obviously led to a cellar. "Down there." Draco followed her down the stairs, and watched as Jamie gently lowered the unconscious child she had carried to the ground. He placed the older child beside the first.

"A good choice. You should be safe," Draco said. "Wait here for me."

"What?" Jamie demanded. "You stay here with them. I'm going back."

"Do not go all Gryffindor on me. I have to do this; Father is there. You do not understand what..."

"I understand enough. That Harry and the others are badly outnumbered." She paused, and then her voice softened. "I gotta take a stand. It don't help to hide."

"Jamie... please..." Draco said as he started up the stairs. "Wait here. I will return."

"To hell with that. I'm not hiding here," she said as she climbed beside him, pulling her wand from her pocket. "Com'on!"


"They're attacking their own people," Ginny whispered as they watched a volley of spells enter the shop where they had been a short time before. "They think it's us."

"We should spread out," Ron advised. "We should be able to drop some of them before they realize we're here."

"That way," Harry pointed. "I'll stay here, and if necessary draw their fire."

"Harry..." Hermione started to object.

"Remember, they want me alive," Harry said. "And my shield is the strongest."

"Be careful, mate," Ron said as he, Ginny and Hermione moved away.

Harry watched as his friends moved into position, when everyone was in place, held up three fingers, then two, then one, and four stunners streaked toward four Death Eaters, hitting them in the back. Those still standing--around twenty, Harry thought--reacted at once, wildly looking for the source of the attack. Each of the teens was able to drop another before the Death Eaters realized where the attacks were coming from. Several of them cast spells wildly as they sought cover.

Harry could make out the voice of Lucius Malfoy, who seemed to be in charge, demanding that they locate Potter and take him alive. Harry then stood and yelled, "I'm here, Malfoy. Is your master afraid to do his own dirty work? Where's Tom Riddle?"

Harry's shield held even though it was hit by several spells, and his three companions were able to drop three more Death Eaters as they exposed themselves to attack Harry. "The Dark Lord will deal with you in his own good time, have no fear, Potter. He will deal with you indeed." Lucius Malfoy called.

"I'm here. Where is he? Is he afraid to face me again?" Harry taunted, then spun as he heard movement somewhere behind him. A masked and hooded Death Eater had a wand pointed directly at Hermione's back. As he started to shout a warning, another voice he recognized screamed "Avada Kedavra!"

As Harry watched in horror, another figure appeared and dove at Hermione, knocking her to the ground and out of the path of the green streak from Bellatrix Lestrange's wand. Draco... it was Draco; he had appeared from nowhere and had knocked Hermione out of the path of the killing curse.

Bellatrix recovered first, screaming in anger and aiming her wand at the tangled bodies of Draco and Hermione. Before Harry, Ginny or Ron could react, a flash of silver flashed through the air, hitting Bellatrix in the shoulder. Jamie's knife dropped to the ground, but it had been enough to spoil her aim; the green jet went over Draco and Hermione.

Ron and Harry cast spells toward Bellatrix, but she managed to raise a shield in time and was able to sprint away as the Death Eaters in front of them took advantage of the situation to press their attack. One of them landed a reductor curse near Ginny, knocking her back several feet.

Throwing caution to the winds, Harry rushed to Ginny's side, though Jamie reached her first. Ron, Draco and Hermione had cast spells wildly, giving him cover as he had rushed to Ginny's side. "She's breathing," Jamie said.

Harry nodded gratefully, and then spun back toward the Death Eaters just as several spells streaked toward them from the other side of the village. He could make out a number of wizards advancing toward the Death Eaters from the other side of Hogsmeade, including Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, Minerva McGonagall, and to his surprise, Molly Weasley.

At this point, most of the remaining Death Eaters Apparated away, though somewhere Bellatrix Lestrange was screaming for Lucius to do... something. Moments later, Harry felt the freezing chill before he saw it: the Melinoe was diving toward them.

Ginny... Ginny was still out. As the demon swept toward him, talons extended, Harry was forced to duck and roll away. The creature rose high in the air, preparing to dive again. Harry crawled to Ginny, grasping her hand, pleading for her to wake. As the monster started to descend, Ginny's eyes fluttered and her hand grasped the wand that Jamie thrust into it. Though her voice was weak, she joined Harry as they together cast the Patronus spell.

At the same time, Harry heard Nicholas' and Perenelle's voices blend. "Expecto Patronum!"

As Harry watched, slightly dazed, the dragon took form from their wands, blocking the Melinoe as it dove toward them. Then, another silvery dragon joined theirs. Together, the two pursued the Melinoe as it fled toward the lake.


"All right, mate?" Ron repeated, this time more insistently, offering Harry a hand up.

Harry shook his head, clearing the cobwebs, and allowed Ron to help him to his feet. "All right." Ginny was already standing, though she looked more than a little shaky. She took a step towards him and her hand slipped into his; thus reassured that Ginny was okay, Harry quickly surveyed the area around them.

Dervish and Banges engulfed in flames, and the roofs of two nearby shops were smoldering. McGonagall and Nicholas Flamel were binding the unconscious Death Eaters and Perenelle was with a group preparing to combat the raging flames.

"Let's give them... OOF!" Harry began. What he had missed, to the amusement of the Weasley siblings, was Molly's approach. She pulled Harry and Ginny into a tight hug. With an almost incomprehensible mix of tears, threats and affection, Molly held them a few moments, then grabbed Ron and Hermione, and then seized Jamie and a rather surprised and flustered Draco.

"We're all okay, Mum," Ginny insisted.

Still holding Jamie and Draco, Molly began, "Young lady, if you think I'm going..."

"Let's give them some help," Harry interrupted hurriedly and then remembered. "Jamie, the kids! What happened to them?"

"Kids?" Molly asked. "Children?"

"We hid them," Jamie replied, a bit abashed. "But you're right. Draco, com'on."

"Mum, would you?" Harry asked, nodding toward Jamie and Draco as they started away. "And we'll give them a hand with the fire."

Molly accompanied Jamie and Draco after giving Harry a look that made it clear part of this conversation would be continued later. The other four teenagers joined Perenelle and the others in aiming streams of water into the burning building. It took some time to bring the blaze under control, even after a number of villagers joined their efforts.

Tonks and several Aurors arrived; while most of them worked to secure and transport the captured Death Eaters, Tonks and another young Auror attempted to find out exactly what had happened. Listening to some of the villagers recount what they supposedly had seen, it sounded as if Harry and his friends had taken on an army of Voldemort's forces and emerged victorious. Tonks had tried to pull Harry and the others aside, but the townspeople would have none of it; all of them seemed to want to embrace or touch the teens.

When Draco and Jamie returned carrying the two children, now awake, with Molly following, they were also mobbed. Some of the Hogsmeade residents, recognizing Draco, initially appeared reluctant to approach, but Jamie and the others at his side seemed to win them over. Draco, however, seemed unsure of himself; he stayed close beside Jamie who was clearly relishing the attention.

"We need to withdraw, lapin," Perenelle whispered to Harry. "We are needed back at the castle."

Harry nodded as Perenelle whispered the same message to several of the others. All of those from Hogwarts slowly started pulling away and toward the path that would return them to Hogwarts.


"Draco?" Ron's voice seemed a little forced as he approached Draco, who stood before a sink washing his hands and face. Harry had left the water closet a few moments before.

"W... Ron?" Draco replied, guardedly.

"Today... you saved Hermione's life."

Draco said nothing, though he turned to face Ron more fully.

"Thank... thank you. She means everything to me."

"You should be thanking Jamie," Draco replied dryly after a long pause. "She saved both of us."

"Only because of what you did first. I've been a right bastard... and... I'm... I'm sorry. Thank you, Draco." Ron held out his hand.

"As have I," Draco replied. "What I learned from you quite possibly saved me from serious injury the night of the party." Draco took Ron's hand, and they firmly shook hands.

"Will you tell me what happened?" Ron asked.


"Are you truly unharmed, mes enfants?" Perenelle asked quietly as she came up behind them. Harry was standing in front of a window that looked out over the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade. Ginny stood beside and slightly behind him, one hand stroking his arm.

Harry nodded absently while Ginny replied, "We're both a little tired. This time casting the Dragon Patronus seemed to take more out of Harry than me."

"It is indeed a most taxing spell," Perenelle said. "Hermione and Jamie have shared with me much of what happened. All of you were brilliant. I am very proud of you."

"Brilliant?" Harry asked. "Brilliant? People died today. In Hogsmeade, at the Ministry, in Diagon Alley, and even in that shop we were in. They died because I've not stopped Voldemort."

"Harry..." Ginny objected.

"Lapin, you bear no responsibility for what Voldemort has done. Many lives were saved today, including, perhaps, Ron and Hermione, and those two small enfants, because of your daring and courage. And today, in challenging Voldemort, you may well have drawn his attention to yourself. But it is not yet... not quite yet... your time."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked quietly.

"I have told you, have I not, that prophecy is perilous?"

"Please... just tell me," Harry asked.

"You are not yet Guardian," Perenelle said after a few moments. "But you will be, you shall be, before your final confrontation with Voldemort."

"Final confrontation? How many will there be?" Ginny asked.

"Ask me no more about that, children; I have said too much already," Perenelle said.

"Why did Praetor bring us here, and then take us to Hogsmeade," Ginny asked.

"I have wondered at that myself," Perenelle replied, grateful for the change of subject. "A phoenix is a capricious creature; this one, in particular, had his reasons."

"Was this Cassandra's prophecy, that I would become the Guardian?" Harry pressed, not yet willing to let the previous topic go.

"No," Perenelle replied, not quite meeting his eyes.

"Whose? Sibyll Trelawney?"

"No, Harry," Perenelle replied, then hesitated "It... it is mine. And I fear that I may have already meddled far too much."


"Would Harry Potter and Milady be liking to see their rooms?" Dobby asked, coming up behind them as Perenelle had. The little house elf seemed to be inordinately pleased about something.

Harry and Ginny exchanged a glance; Ginny nodded and Harry reluctantly said, "Sure, Dobby. Show us."

Dobby led them through a maze of corridors until they somehow reached the seventh floor. Harry was a bit surprised when Dobby led them past the entrance to the Gryffindor common room; once they had reached the seventh floor he had assumed they would be staying somewhere in the dorms.

As they neared the end of the corridor, Dobby stopped and turned to the left wall and said, "Esmerllion!" A section of the wall split, opening to a spiral staircase not unlike the one leading to the Headmaster's office.

"What is this, Dobby?" Harry asked, curious.

"Harry Potter, these stairs go to Godric Gryffindor's chambers." Dobby led them to the staircase and the opening closed behind them.

This stairway certainly went up higher than the one to the Head's office, Harry thought. When they reached the top, there was a small landing with a large, polished oak door bearing the Gryffindor coat of arms. Harry hesitated a moment, and then pushed the door open.

Behind the door was a large, plush sitting room. One wall was dominated with a huge fireplace that was shaped to resemble a lion's head, and ancient, heavy tapestries covered the walls. The furnishings were heavy and elegant, and the woods polished to perfection. There were several windows; when Ginny looked out, she exclaimed, "Harry, we're at the top of Gryffindor tower!"

"Milady is right," Dobby confirmed. "Harry Potter's rooms are at the very top of Gryffindor tower. These rooms have not been used for many, many years and were forgotten by the wizards, even the noble Albus Dumbledore. Only the house elves remembered and have prepared it for the great wizard Harry Potter and his beautiful lady."

"This is brilliant, Dobby," Harry said, opening one of the doors and discovering a bedroom with a large canopied bed. Exploring, they found two more bedrooms, a small dining room, and a study. A door in the master bedroom led to a small balcony, rendered almost invisible from the outside by cunning stonework.

"Shall Dobby move Harry Potter and Milady's things here?" Dobby asked eagerly.

"Yes, Dobby, please do," Ginny said. Harry and Ginny again exchanged a look; Ginny's face was radiant. Ginny grasped his arm with both hands and whispered, "Don't you understand? We're home, Harry! We're home!"

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