Reign O'er Me


Story Summary:
This fic picks up from where OotP ended; unlike many fics dealing with this period that are angst-ridden, this fic explores a different direction - what might happen if Harry should instead start to get his life together.

Chapter 32 - It's Hard

Chapter Summary:
Jamie tries to convince Harry she's not completely helpless, Sirius finally comes clean, and Cassanda meets Jamie. And Jamie insists on talking to Draco again - a very plastered Draco.

Chapter 32 - It's Hard

Any soul can sleep--few can die,
Any wimp can weep--few can cry,
Everyone complains--few can state,
Anyone can stop--few can wait.

It's hard--It's very, very, very, very hard--so hard.

Anyone can do anything if they hold the right card,
So I'm thinking about my life now,
I'm thinking very hard.
Deal me another hand, Lord, this one's very hard,
Deal me another hand, Lord, this one's very hard.

- It's Hard, The Who

The set of Jamie's shoulders and her expression told Harry this was not the time to talk about what had just happened. Jamie followed slightly behind Harry and Ginny as they walked through the corridors. As they approached the entrance hall, Jamie said flatly, "That really wasn't necessary."

Harry stopped and wheeled around. "What is it that you want from me? The only thing I said was that we needed to go. I didn't say anything to that git, I didn't as much as touch my wand..."

"I can take care of myself!" Jamie said hotly.

"Malfoy is powerful and knows.... Auugh!!!"

Jamie quickly kicked out and twisted; suddenly Harry found himself lying on his back and something cold and sharp pressing against his neck for a moment. "I am not completely helpless, Harry." There was a flash of silver as Jamie made a small, thin blade disappear. "I didn't take any chances. I put on the anti-Portkey ring, and if he had gone for his wand, I'd have dropped him like a sack of potatoes then and there--instead of waiting until we were standing on a carpet!" Jamie then stood and held out a hand to Harry.

Ginny had started to draw her wand, but she left it in her pocket as it became clear Harry was in no real danger. She also held out a hand to Harry, and the two girls pulled him up. "Can you show me how to do that?" Ginny asked, grinning, as she looked down at Harry. "It could come in handy."

"Sure, Ginny." Jamie laughed. "I'm sorry, Harry, I really shouldn't have done that."

"You made your point," Harry admitted. "I'd like to know how you did that, too. But what did I do wrong? I didn't say anything to him; what was I supposed to do?"

"It... well, it was just how you looked at us and at him," Jamie replied, as they reached the doors. They pushed one of the heavy doors open and found the Flamels were waiting for them. Harry saw both of them looking speculatively between himself and Jamie, and he was reminded of how Professor Dumbledore seemed to know almost everything that passed within these walls. Nothing was said, however, and they were given a Portkey back to Grimmauld Place. Nicholas explained that they would be back later in the evening but had other errands to complete first.

Molly was in the kitchen, and she told them Ron and Hermione had not yet returned; Harry suggested they take their brooms upstairs. They separated at the top of the stairs, Jamie going to her room and Harry and Ginny to theirs. A few minutes later, Ginny was still in the bedroom and Harry had settled on one of the sofas when Jamie came in. As she walked towards one of the chairs, Harry flicked the wand his leg had concealed. "Petrificus Totalus!"

The full body bind caught Jamie unawares. As she tottered, he reached her side just as Ginny entered the sitting room. Harry removed the ring from her finger and held it up in front of her. "One thing you'll hear over and over from Alastor Moody is 'Constant Vigilance!' And he's right. What you did to me was impressive, but someone with a wand can get you from across the room... or from behind. Finite Incantatum."

"That wasn't fair." Jamie glared at him.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you." Harry glared back as he tossed her the ring. "Voldemort and his goons don't play fair!"

"Draco isn't one of them," Jamie said. The anger had left her voice; she stated it calmly, but as fact. "He's hurting; his mother has been taken..."

"What?" Harry had planned to challenge her statement about Malfoy, but Jamie's remark about Narcissa caught him by surprise.

Jamie repeated what Draco had told her. "And he was waiting there, trying to catch Professor Dumbledore." As she finished she watched her brother carefully.

"I wouldn't wish that on anyone, even Malfoy," Harry said, as Ginny nodded in grim agreement.

"Do you think he was right?" Jamie asked.

Harry nodded slowly. "Voldemort never forgives any slight, either real or imagined. And Lucius Malfoy is just as bad."

"Is there anything... that could be done?" Jamie asked.

"Harry's not ready to face Voldemort!" Ginny looked sternly at Jamie and then with concern towards Harry. "And certainly not for that git."

Harry took Ginny's hand and said, "I don't see how, Jamie. And with Professor Dumbledore like he is..."

"I've told Draco that I'd talk to him again. And I'm going to, Harry."

"Jamie..." Harry tried to keep his voice even. "I know you don't think he's one of them, but I have trouble believing that, and I've known him a lot longer. Hold on, let me finish, Sis. I also know you're going to try and do what you think is right. I won't try to stop you, but I'd be a lot happier if you'd make sure someone's watching your back."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Jamie pressed.

"I don't see how," Harry said. "But I will talk to Madame Flamel."

"Thank you," Jamie said quietly. "And I'll try to make sure someone watches my back. Now, do you want me to show you what I did?"


Ron and Hermione returned to Grimmauld Place a few minutes before nine o'clock. The three girls had vanished somewhere together in the old house, leaving Ron and Harry in the sitting room comparing notes about the weekend. Ron had thanked him several times for talking with the Grangers; he felt that the time he and Hermione had spent there after Harry, Ginny, and Jamie had departed had gone quite well. "I reckon we'll need to spend some evenings and weekends there during the rest of the summer."

"That makes it sound like everything worked out pretty well," Harry said.

"It does worry me a little being away from here, though," Ron replied.

"You know Lupin and some of the others were nearby..."

"No, you git, I'm talking about you going off and doing something stupid without Hermione or me here to talk some sense into you."

"Harry, can we talk for a few minutes?" Sirius interrupted from the doorway. "I'm sorry, Ron, but would you mind?"

Ron nodded reluctantly, stood, and walked out of the room. Sirius watched until Ron had started down the stairs; then he closed the door and cast an imperturbable charm on it. He then dropped wearily into the seat Ron had just vacated. "All right, Harry?"

Under other circumstances Harry would have replied it had been a great weekend. He just nodded and asked, "What it is, Sirius?"

"Harry... making me your guardian wasn't the smartest thing James and Lily ever did. It seems like everything I touched after Hogwarts has gone to hell in a hand-basket."

"I can't say it's all been smooth sailing, but just these past few weeks have more than made up for it, Sirius. This is what I've wanted, you know--to stay with you. I certainly don't have any complaints."

"Yeah." Sirius sighed. "Things did work out pretty well after you were driving. Before that, all I did was get you lured into trouble, and the last time that happened, you had to come and save my arse."

"You know, I've got something you need to read that covers that..."

"That's what Lupin said, too." Sirius shook his head before continuing. "Anyway, you know that I've been... No. I'd best start at the beginning." Sirius settled back into the chair and closed his eyes for a moment. "I reckon you could say that it started at your first birthday party. Oh, we'd dated before that, several times, off and on at Hogwarts, but she was always so solemn and sensible, and I never was, I never could be..."

"Who?" Harry asked, softly, as Sirius paused.

"Marlene... Marlene McKinnon. She was in our year and a chum of your Mum's. Sometimes, during seventh year, she'd tolerate me for a few hours and the four of us would do something together. Anyway, like I said, we'd dated a few times at school; but until your birthday party, I hadn't seen her since Hogwarts. She had been rushed through Auror training right after school, and was also involved with the Order. She and Lily were good friends, and she was there for your first birthday."

Sirius sat silently for a moment before continuing. "For whatever reason, we really hit it off that night. Part of it was that neither of us had done anything socially for a pretty long while; maybe another bit of it was just seeing how happy James and Lily were. After keeping you up way past your bedtime, we um... left together and er, started spending some time together, you know..."

"Um... not really." Harry grinned at Sirius' discomfort. "Dating--for me, anyway--kinda ended before it really got started."

"We started spending some time together," Sirius glared at Harry, "and maybe it would have gone somewhere if it hadn't been for the war. But, it never had a chance to happen. A gang of Death Eaters--Lucius Malfoy and both Lestrange brothers were there, and so was my brother, Regulus--attacked the McKinnons. The entire family, except for Marlene, was killed, and... and she was left for dead."

"I'm sorry, Sirius."

"At the time, we thought they'd all been killed. That's the way the Prophet reported it, and from what I've been able to find out, none of the handful of people who knew any different corrected it. At that time, the Death Eaters were bold enough to try a second time if they'd learned... It was probably the right thing to do, though I'd wish I'd known..."

"When did you find out?"

"A few days before all the stuff at the Ministry. She'd written me three times, all those years ago, and the letters were lying here in this house. Lupin found them when he was going through all the old papers, read one of them and then put them where I'd see them. The first one told me that she was alive and wanted to see me. The second," Sirius paused and looked down. "The second said that... said she was pregnant." Harry started to react, but Sirius held up his hand. "Let me finish. She also said that... that she'd been attacked. Raped, Harry. And... and that she hoped... hoped against hope that... that it was mine."

They set quietly for several moments before Sirius continued. "The third letter was written after I was arrested. It was long and rambling, but it really came down to that she didn't believe the charges for a moment, and that she couldn't imagine trying to have a child here. And that she was leaving the country, and that as soon as I could, I should come and find her.

"And I tried, Harry, I tried. Marlene moved around a lot, and never stayed anywhere all that long. It took a lot to pick up a trail that old, but we finally did, and we kept getting closer and closer. We finally traced her to New Zealand, but before we caught up to her, she," Sirius voice broke, "she... was killed."

"I... I don't know what to say," Harry whispered. "Merlin, Sirius, I'm so sorry."

"Jon found out that something had happened just a few days ago. I don't have the entire story yet, but there doesn't seem to be any doubt that Voldemort or the Death Eaters were somehow involved. The Dark Mark was... was floating over where she was found. The New Zealand Ministry has tried to hush everything up. Jon's still working on pulling enough strings to get all the details, so there's still a lot I don't know.

"I'm having her body returned here. There'll be something set up... in a few days; I don't have any details yet. I'd wondered at first if this were real, or if she knew someone was looking and was disappearing again. But this time they found her things, a couple of suitcases and a small box of personal stuff. In all the places they'd tracked her, they'd never found anything of hers... anything that could have been used to track her magically. When I heard that, I was pretty certain that..."

Harry nodded. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Once things are set, I'd like you and Ginny and Lupin to come with me..."

"Of course."

"And then, after your birthday, I'm going to New Zealand."

"To find out what happened?"

"No. I'll get that one way or another. But Marlene wasn't traveling alone."

"You mean..."

"Marlene had a child who was born in Baltimore; it's a city in the States. Marlene named her Velpecula. It's a Black family name; it's for the constellation Vulpecula, but several generations back someone was careless in their spelling on a star chart. And Marlene knew that; maybe it was her way of saying that she hoped... Anyway, from what we have so far, there's no trace of the girl."

Harry hesitated, but Sirius nodded and he asked, "Do... do you think that... that she could be?"

Sirius sighed. "Harry, even if I were sure she wasn't, it's still Marlene's kid. And that's enough. But... here." Sirius held out a small book; Harry realized it was a passport. He flipped it open, and sucked in his breath sharply when he saw the picture.

"Sirius... how could you not be sure..."

"I can't be. Regulus was...involved. But I do have to try and find her."

"How can I help?"

"That's one of the reasons I didn't say anything to you, Harry. I don't want you involved with this."

Harry nodded without meaning it. "I am glad you told me."

"I know you'll tell Ginny, and that's fine, but I'd rather it not go any further right now, at least until I know something. Lupin knows, and I think Dumbledore had at least an inkling."

"Sirius... I am really sorry."

"I am too, Harry. I... I'm not sure what I'd hoped. Marlene always kept a journal, and I've been able to read some of that. All of it... the attack, being on the run... had an effect on her; she wasn't the same person that I'd known. I don't know what would have happened if we'd found her. But I have every intention of trying to find her daughter."


"Dammit!" Jamie dropped her wand in frustration and pulled the open book towards her. Ginny and Hermione had retired for the evening, but she wasn't tired, and had gone to the kitchen for a snack. Finding it empty, as she'd hoped, she had settled at the table to work on the spell. Jamie had listened carefully several times as Hermione explained the workings of the complex enchantment, but she didn't have it quite right. And this wasn't something she could ask for help with; she would have to figure this one out on her own. She read carefully through the confusing text twice more, and then picked up her wand to try again. "Portus!"

"A worthy attempt, but for a successful Portkey, you must not consider only the two end points, but the movement through the spaces between and the duration of the transit."

Jamie sat up quickly, startled. "Uh, I was... er, just, uh... trying."

"May I sit with you?"

Jamie nodded as she closed the book, front cover down, and pushed it to one side.

"I am Cassandra," she said as she took a chair beside Jamie and looked at her expectantly.

"I'm Jamie."

"I had thought as much; I have very much wanted to meet you." Seeing Jamie's puzzled look, she explained, "Perenelle has told me quite a bit about you, and Harry and Ginny were kind enough to share the story of how you were found."

"Then there's not that much left to tell. Before... there's not very much worth talking about, and since, all I've done is find out how impossibly far behind I am."

"Behind? But I find you here attempting magic beyond that which is taught to seventh years."

"All of the others can do it--and Ginny's only a couple of months older than I am."

"Perhaps so, but they all have many years of experience, and all of them have exceptional skills--as do you. From what Perenelle has told me, you have accomplished a remarkable amount in a very short time. There is no need to push yourself."

Jamie shrugged.

"Might I ask what drives you so?"

"Uh... part of it is being the weakest and slowest. I don't want to start Hogwarts behind even the kids who are just starting."

"From what I have both heard and now have seen, you have no need to worry on that score. What else?"

"I'm... well, always the odd one out. Harry and the others can all come and go, but someone always has to take me with a Portkey or something."

Cassandra looked pointedly at Jamie for several moments, "Where is it you would wish to go?"

"I dunno. I just want to be able..."

"Then why have you not asked for help?"

"I uh... I've listened as Hermione has explained it over and over."

"But you have not asked her for help. Why?"

"Because I... I wanted to do it on my own."

"Did you mean you did not want someone to know? Hermione?"

"No... I mean..."

"Is it Harry?"

"YES! He... he's just so... so I don't know... about some things. I can take care of myself!" Jamie thought quickly and tried to change the subject. "Is Professor Dumbledore better? Harry said you were staying with him all the time."

"There is no change. Perenelle and Nicholas are with him now; my presence became something of a distraction for them. I came here with the intent of fixing a cup of tea. Would you like one, Jamie?"

"I'd like to try it."

"You've been in England now for what, more than a week, and no one has offered you a cup of tea? We must remedy that at once!" Cassandra stood and walked across the kitchen. After rummaging about, she returned a short time later, a tray in her hands, with two cups and a teapot. "You will likely prefer it with a lump or two of sugar."

Jamie nodded and carefully mimicked Cassandra as she added two lumps to her tea. "It's good. Thank you."

"My pleasure, dear. I have had you at something of a disadvantage, haven't I? I have been pressing you with questions, while you know very little about me."

Jamie nodded. "Only a little. Ginny said that she and Harry had talked to you, but they didn't say much else."

"Then it is only fair that you know something about me." Cassandra told Jamie more or less the same story she had recounted to Harry and Ginny a few days before, though it took quite a bit longer as Jamie, with so little exposure to the wizarding world, was forced to ask many questions in order to understand some of what she was being told. "And that at least brings us to the present. In many ways, we find ourselves in similar circumstances. You have just entered a new world, and I have returned to one that has changed to a great degree."

"I hadn't thought about it like that. Is it hard for you?"

"So far, this is the farthest I have ventured from where I awakened, but many things I have been told and shown are quite different."


"As you have experienced with Perenelle."

"Oh. Yeah, okay, I guess that makes sense."

"But I still do not understand why you feel driven to attempt the Portkey. I was told you had focused almost all of your energies on Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"It's," Jamie sighed, "complicated."

"Will you tell me?"

"Some of it's kinda hard to explain."

"Then will you share it with me, instead?" Cassandra extended a hand.

"You mean... you can, too, like Madame Flamel?" Jamie asked, as she allowed Cassandra to take her hand.

"Yes... and as you and Ginny must learn," Cassandra whispered, as they both closed their eyes.


"Ginny, you're a girl..." Harry began. After chatting with Ron and Hermione for a few minutes, they had retired for the evening and were lying side by side.

"I thought we were past those sorts of basics," Ginny replied, laughing.

"No, not..." Harry gave an exasperated sigh. "Just what in the bloody hell is it with Jamie?"

"You watched Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and me all these years and you don't have a clue?" Ginny laughed again as Harry looked at her blankly. "Have you ever considered you might be just a little like Ron--a teensy bit on the protective side?"

"Huh? But... she doesn't understand who or what she's dealing with."

"Harry, what did I do when Ron or the twins pushed me?"

"Ummmm..." A look of slow comprehension dawned on Harry's face and then slowly changed to worry. "But I told her today that..."

"Yeah, you talked the talk, but you've got to do a bit better about actually doing it."

"How? Just having the name Potter paints a big target on her back; it's bad enough that you and Ron and Hermione are all in the middle of all this, but Ginny, all of this--our entire world--is new to her. She's not a match for Malfoy, let alone a real Death Eater."

"She's asked you to work with her on her defense skills."

"I'm listening."

"You and Ron are so clueless. You know that, don't you?"

Harry pulled her closer. "Doesn't matter... I have you."

"Then you do what she asked. Duel with her and don't cut her any slack. Even rough her up some. This way you can show her what she needs to be ready for and you can tell her that in as many words. But you'd better not let her within arm's length, or let her think for a second that you're going easy on her."

"Yeah, that was a right wicked move she did today."

"The look on your face..." Ginny slipped her fingers against his.

He couldn't help smiling as he saw himself through her eyes. "I just don't want to see it on hers... but talking about surprises," Harry told her about the conversation he'd had earlier with Sirius.

"Mum won't be surprised," Ginny said as he finished. "Once, last summer, when Sirius and Professor Lupin were talking about their Hogwarts days, Sirius said something about being the last of the Blacks. Lupin made a comment about the girls he used to date, and Mum muttered it was a wonder that there weren't a dozen Black children. Sirius's brother apparently had quite a reputation, too."

"I saw the picture of her, Gin. It would be easy to believe that she was related to Sirius, one way or another. And he's going to go looking for her next week."

"I hope he finds her."

"I do, too."


Tears pooled in the corners of Jamie's eyes as she pulled her hand from Cassandra's. "You really do understand."

"Even so, you should still give due consideration that both Perenelle and Harry could be right, Jamie. It is a perilous game."

"It's not... a game. At least the Sorting Hat didn't think so. But... but you..."

"Yes, Jamie, I did. But will you forgive me for the moment if I don't say why?"

Jamie nodded reluctantly. "But... okay, thank you."

"Because you now have the ability, Jamie, does not mean that you should use it."

"I... I'll try to be careful."

"Sometimes being careful isn't enough. Albus was careful... remember what I showed you."

Jamie shrugged and then asked, "Yes, you showed me... but where do you go from here?"

"All any of us can do is play the cards we are given, Jamie. Often there is little more we can do than wait and hope." Cassandra stood. "Thank you for your company, Jamie. I should return upstairs now; perhaps you might visit for a few minutes, tomorrow evening?"

"I'd like that."

"Then I shall expect you after your lessons."

"I'll be there. And thank you again."

Cassandra smiled, and Jamie watched as she left the kitchen. Then, taking her wand, she tried again. "Portus!" And this time the small dagger in front of her glowed blue for a moment. "Yes!!!" she said, and then clamped her lips closed. There was no need to draw attention. She reached out, taking the dagger firmly in her hand, and felt the hook behind her navel grab her as she disappeared.


Sirius trotted down the third-floor corridor the next morning as Harry and Ginny were making their way down from the fourth floor. "Harry, I'm afraid there's been a change in plans."

Harry looked at Sirius, concerned. "What's happening?"

"Jon thinks they might have found her," Sirius said after glancing about. "Lupin, Bill, and if it's okay with you, Chris, and I are going to head out in about an hour..."

"Of course, that's fine." Harry grinned. "Part of her job is keeping an eye on you."


"Remember, this was all your idea."

"Yeah, I reckon you've got me there, kiddo, but I do want at least one female along. I have no idea how to deal with kids."

"Oh, no, no, no," Ginny said as she pushed past Harry and wormed her arms around Sirius' neck. "No, Sirius, you know exactly what to do and say. And I've never as much as said thank you."

"Mmmph, kiddo, you did the one thing that I asked and then you helped rescue my carcass. That means a lot more than words... but, hey, now, don't go and get all mushy on me."

"I'd like to go, Sirius," said Harry.

"I'd like to have you, but you need to stay here, and stay focused." Harry nodded reluctantly. "I'll be back in plenty of time for your birthday, no matter what."

Harry held out his hand, but Sirius ignored it and pulled him into the hug Ginny had not quite released. "Be careful, Sirius," he said.

"Both of you, take care of yourselves," Sirius said.

"We will," Ginny replied.

Sirius went back down the hallway as the two teenagers continued down the stairs. As they approached the basement, Harry remarked, "Everyone says he was responsible for my Mum and Dad getting together, too."

"I owe him an awful lot, then," Ginny said.

"We both do."

Before they reached the kitchen, they met Nicholas Flamel near the bottom of the stairs. "Good morning. Might I have a quick word?"

"Certainly, Professor," Harry said.

"Last night, a bit after midnight, by chance did either of you make a Portkey?"

"No, Professor, we were both in bed then," Harry replied.

"We were still awake; we did talk for awhile. But why?" Ginny asked. "Is something wrong, Professor?"

"Last night, about that time, a Portkey was used to both leave and then re-enter this house. At the exact same time a Portkey was used to enter and then leave Hogwarts. Whoever it was remained at Hogwarts for only a few moments. Perhaps it was Ron or Hermione."

"Was the destination the library?" Ginny grinned. "If so..."

"No; it seems to have been the Great Hall," Nicholas replied. "I had thought perhaps one of you had attempted something new. It is of no great matter, but Minerva was curious. If it originated here, I see little cause for concern, but I will ask your friends shortly."


Monday had been a long, tiring day, filled with lessons. With Chris and Lupin off traveling with Sirius, Harry had asked for extra time for dueling, and the Flamels had agreed. Harry had squared off against Jamie. She had attacked him fiercely, and while he had not been pressed to defend himself, she did manage to knock his feet out from under him once by using the same tactic Dumbledore had--casting a spell towards Ginny. As he glanced towards Ginny, Jamie dived, rolled on her shoulder, and swept his feet out from under him. Jamie had beamed as both Ginny and Perenelle had lectured him about focus; Ginny had effortlessly stepped away from her poorly- aimed spell. Afterwards, remembering what Ginny had said the night before, Harry pressed his attack much more aggressively. It occurred to him this had become the reverse of his own duels with Perenelle: now he stood calmly casting spell after spell while Jamie scrambled in all directions, dodging and ducking. Afterwards, though she was clearly the worse for wear and tear, she'd been in great spirits and had smiled at him all through lunch.

In their session with McGonagall, Ron had finally managed to get his ball of clay to change shape; Harry was now able to deform his at will, and both Ginny and Hermione were approaching a consistent, almost-recognizable shape. McGonagall had hmmm'd over their results, but she refused to speculate what the shapes might represent.

After lessons and the evening meal, Ron and Hermione had taken a quick trip through the Floo to the Grangers to pick up the clothing Hermione had now forgotten twice. Harry and Ginny had climbed leisurely up the stairs, leaving Jamie in the kitchen talking with Madame Flamel. They had settled down to tackle an assignment McGonagall had given them, and had been reading quietly together for the better part of an hour when Jamie entered. Something had changed since lunch; she seemed tense as she challenged him. "Harry, did you mean what you said last night?"

"Yes, but I haven't had a chance to talk with Madame Flamel." He looked at her guiltily. "Is she still downstairs?"

"That's not what I meant. I want to talk to him, to Draco, again, tonight. Will you watch my back? And keep out of it... unless..."

Harry could feel Ginny warning him to tread carefully, that this could be a test.

"Yes, " he replied. "Is there a particular reason for tonight? Or did something happen?"

"Does it matter?" she challenged, moving her hands to her hips.

"It might," Harry replied, carefully keeping his voice calm and trying his best to sound accepting and reasonable. "The better prepared I am, the less chance I'll goof--or that you'll want to knock me around afterwards."

Harry watched as Jamie struggled for a moment; she finally grinned in spite of herself and said, "Okay; something did happen today. I don't know exactly what, but Professor McGonagall called Madame Flamel and told her that Draco got a letter this afternoon. After that, she said he got really upset and stopped sitting outside Professor Dumbledore's door and went back to his room. She said that she asked him about it, but he claimed he didn't know what she was talking about and told her to leave him alone. And that he was really nasty about it, like he didn't care what she'd do."

"Did she do anything?" Ginny asked.

"I don't think so," Jamie replied. "She said she left him to stew in his own broth. Are you going to come, Harry?"

"We need to tell someone..." he began.

"I've already told one of the Professors what I wanted to do and that I'd ask you..." Her hand flashed and the blade Harry had glimpsed the day before appeared. She placed it on the arm of one of the chairs, drew and flicked her wand, and said, "Portus!" She looked at him defiantly. "Are you?"

"How in the..." Harry began as he watched the knife turn blue and vibrate for a moment. He felt Ginny's hand brush his, warning him, and he fell silent.

"No," Ginny said, her eyes locking with Jamie's. "We are! Harry, maybe you should get your cloak. Harry will watch your back, and I'm going to watch his."

"Okay." Jamie nodded.

Harry stood slowly, looking first at his sister and then at Ginny. "Get the cloak, Harry." Ginny watched as Harry walked back into their bedroom to retrieve it. Ginny turned towards Jamie and she asked quietly but firmly, "Is there anything else you haven't told us?"

Jamie seemed to deflate a little as she replied. "I don't think so."

"He's really trying to meet you more than half way. He wouldn't do this for anyone else."

Jamie sighed. "I'm not used to... you know..."

"Just ease up on him a little, okay?" Ginny asked, and Jamie nodded.

Harry emerged from the bedroom carrying the cloak. He gestured towards the knife and asked. "Where will that take us? And are you sure, um, that it will work?"

"I'm sure," Jamie replied, but she looked just a little worried. "It goes to the Great Hall."

"Last night," Harry asked, remembering, "was that you? A portkey? A little after midnight?"

"Yeah," Jamie replied. "I didn't realize... Professor Flamel already figured that out, too."

"How could you possibly have learned how to..." Harry began.

"Later," Jamie interrupted. "I want to do this. Please?"

Harry exchanged a look with Ginny, and then helped her to her feet. "How does it trigger?" he asked.

"Touch," Jamie replied. "I haven't tried anything else."

Harry nodded, then glanced at both girls. "On three? One... two... three..."

A moment later they were standing in the Great Hall. The room was unchanged from the last time they were there, with only the large round table in the center of the room. Harry and Ginny looked at Jamie expectantly. "I... er, I just realized I have no idea where he's going to be."

"He was staying with his Mum somewhere in the staff quarters," Ginny said. "What were you going to do if we hadn't come along? C'mon."

Ginny led the way through the empty corridors and stairways, past the entrance to Dumbledore's office, and into the arched hallway where all of the staff members, other than the heads of houses and Dumbledore, had their apartments. "It'll be somewhere down this corridor. The names are usually beside the doors."

Harry unfolded the cloak, and moving close to Ginny, pulled it over the two of them. "Try to keep the door from closing long enough so we can get in, okay?"

Jamie nodded and started down the hall, glancing at the doorways as she passed. Not quite halfway down the passageway, she stopped and whispered, "This must be it," and knocked.

"Leav' me alon'!" a muffled voice said from somewhere inside.

"Draco?" Jamie knocked again. "Please, I want to talk to you."

There was the sound of glass breaking, then movement inside. After a few moments, the door opened. "Potter," he said, slurring his words. "Are ya happy now? Com' t' gloat?"

"No, Draco. I came to talk to you. And to find out what happened."

"Happen'd?" He laughed harshly. "Nothin' happen'd." He staggered back towards a chair, leaving the door standing wide open; an open bottle of Firewhiskey sat nearby on a small table. A broken glass lay on the floor. Draco paused and looked down at the broken glass. "Ya made me spill m' drink," Draco said as he half sat, half fell into the chair. "B' it doesn't matter. Ever'one should believe in som'thin' and I believe I need 'nother drink." He picked up the bottle and drank several swallows, then leaned back and looked at Jamie. "What th' hell," he muttered and held out the bottle to Jamie. "Better tak' it, Potter. Firs' thing a Malfoy has off'r'd a Potter in a tho'sand years."

Jamie took the bottle, settled on the edge of a worn sofa, and touched it to her lips for a moment before setting it on the floor beside her, as far from Draco as possible. "Thank you. Draco, what happened today?"

Again, Draco laughed. "Nothin' happened. Today, ya know. Nothin' happen'd today."

Jamie tried again. "But you got a letter. A... no, an owl."

"Hate friggin' owls. Nasty birds. All they do is crap o'er ev'rthin'."

"Did you get a letter, Draco?" she asked, gently.

"Who told ya I go' lett'r?"

"Did you, Draco?"

"Waz tha' ol' sourp'ss Mic... McG'ng'll, wazzn't it?"

"Draco, please tell me, did you get a letter?"


"What did it say, Draco?"

He laughed bitterly and mumbled something Jamie could not quite make out.

"I didn't understand."

"I sa'd I'd be lik' you."

"I don't understand, Draco."

"N' motha."

"I still don't understand."

With an angry look, Draco, fished through one pocket, then the other and finally pulled out a scrap of parchment and threw it at her. "Giv' me m' bottle!" he demanded.

Jamie reluctantly handed him the bottle and watched as he took a long swig. Draco fumblingly set the bottle on the table beside him and leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. She unfolded the parchment and began to read. When she finished, she looked at him for a moment and then said, "Draco?"

He blearily opened his eyes. "Are ya still her'? Why don't ya bugg'r off?"

"What are you going to do?"

Again, Draco laughed bitterly. "Wha' can I do? She's dead 'n' so'm I. Soon'r or lat'r."

"You could go and save yourself."

"Ma'be. Ma'be no'. Bu' doesn' matter. If not Him, the' Father, or Bella; soon'r or lat'r, on' of 'em will."

"Draco, will you let me help?"

"There's nothin' ya can do, Potter!"

"Do you have anything to lose by trying?"

He looked at her for a moment. "Wha' do ya wan' fro' me?"

"Twenty-four hours. Before you do anything, say anything, or even leave this room, you'll talk to me again."

"You're mad."

"I helped you before."

"Fin', fin', jus' leav' me th' hell 'lone."

"Wizard's oath, Draco?"

"Yesh, wizard's oaf, jus' leav' me 'lone now."

"I need a little time." She stood, stepped towards him, and looked down for a moment. He didn't react, even when she reached out and touched his cheek. Silently, she picked up the bottle and left the room. She waited for a few moments, and then closed the door.

Harry and Ginny appeared beside her as Harry swirled the cloak from their shoulders. "Are you ready to go back?" he asked, his expression carefully controlled. Ginny's fingers were meshed with his.

Jamie nodded, and pulled out the knife and looked up and down the passageway. Harry realized what she was doing--looking for a place to rest the blade--and held out his hand and said, "Let me."

Jamie gave it to him and Harry made a quick motion with his wand and said, "Portus!" The blade again flashed blue for a moment, and Harry instructed, "Just touch it." When both girls placed a finger on the blade, Harry said, "Home!" and a moment later they were back in the fourth-floor sitting room at Grimmauld Place.

"Harry, mate, where've you been?" Ron asked, standing in the bedroom door. "Everyone's looking for you."

Harry looked at Jamie, "I thought you said you'd told them," and then turned back towards Ron. "Is something else wrong?"

Ron raised an eyebrow as he replied, "Madame Flamel is looking for you, Harry. She seemed rather anxious."

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Somewhere here, looking for you," Ron replied.

"Okay, see if you can find her; then wait for me here, would you? And Jamie?"

"I'll wait,' she said.


"You wanted to see me?" Harry asked.

Perenelle, who had been walking down the third floor corridor, turned towards Harry with a worried look. "Yes, lapin, I did."

"Is something wrong?" Harry asked. He couldn't remember Madame Flamel looking worried quite like this before.

"Brian--Albus' condition is deteriorating."

"Oh, no."

"Cassandra has proposed...." She sighed. "Perhaps the best way to describe this is that it is a possibility, which we shall now attempt. There is no time to go into detail, however. We cannot make the attempt here, and once it has begun, the process cannot be interrupted. Nicholas, Cassandra, and I must go to Hogwarts, and we must also utilize the skills of Minerva and Severus. There will be no lessons for at least the next two days. And short of a great calamity, once begun, the ritual cannot be interrupted. To do so would endanger both Cassandra and Brian."

"Is there anything I can do?"

Perenelle shook her head and then looked at him for a moment. "I am uncomfortable that our ranks are so thin. With Sirius, Remus, Chris, and Charlie already gone, I am concerned."

"We'll be okay."

"Even so... Harry, you should know that Jamie has somehow mastered the Portkey spell."

"I know."

"Did she tell you?"

"No, she showed me. And she... she insisted on talking to him again."

"She asked you?"

"Yes, but..." He had intended to tell her what had just happened.

"Bon. Then I need not be concerned for now." Perenelle interrupted. "I am sorry, Harry, but our time is short."

"Good luck, Grand-mère."

"May fortune favor the foolish, lapin. Take care."


Harry walked slowly back up the stairs to the fourth floor. As he parted company with Perenelle, a sense of unease descended on him; it was particularly troubling that he was unable to figure out why. He entered the sitting room; Hermione was there, sitting on one of the sofas beside Ron; Jamie sat in one of the chairs, and Ginny was on the other sofa. He settled beside Ginny and announced, "Lessons have been cancelled for at least the next two days. Dumbledore's worse, and they're going to try and do--well, something."

"I could tell something had happened when we came back through the Floo," Hermione said. "Cassandra Trelawney was downstairs, and the Flamels seemed to be in a panic."

"She didn't tell me much more than that," Harry said, "other than I think she was worried about no one being here to keep an eye on us."

"At least the truce is holding," Ron said. "A couple of days off isn't all bad. It is supposed to be the summer holidays, after all."

"But we should continue on our own," Hermione insisted. "We were mostly dueling this week, and we can certainly continue the Animagus..."

"Wait!" Jamie objected. "We can't just..."

"Jamie," Harry interrupted. "What did that parchment say?"

"Parchment?" Hermione asked.

Jamie pulled it from her pocket and handed it to him as he explained. "Earlier, Jamie... heard that something had happened to Malfoy, and that he'd given up trying to catch Dumbledore, and that he was upset. Um, she wanted to find out why..."

"If Malfoy's unhappy, that can only be good for us," Ron said, grinning.

"Yeah, so she went and talked to him again." Ron started to say something, but seeing the look on Jamie's face, apparently thought better of it. Harry continued. "Malfoy was seriously pissed, but Jamie got the letter from him." Harry unfolded the parchment. "Hey, this is blank!"

"It wasn't earlier," Jamie objected, holding out her hand. Harry gave her the parchment. "It's not blank," she said, staring at him.

"May I see it, Jamie?" Hermione asked, as she slid to the edge of the seat and Jamie handed it to her. "It's blank for me, too."

Hermione took out her wand and started to cast a spell, but Harry stopped her. "Wait. If it's charmed and Jamie can read it, let her do that first."

Hermione nodded. "Did Malfoy give it to you?" she asked, as she handed Jamie back the parchment.


"That might explain it, Harry. There's a security charm that..."

"Fine," Harry said. "Let's find out what it says first."

"Draco," Jamie read, "You may count yourself fortunate that you followed a portion of my instructions. Our Lord was most displeased, but his anger has lessened since you delivered the traitor. You are to return home before sunset on Wednesday. The Dark Lord has given you the singular honor of dispatching the traitor, and has also decreed that the honor of completing our bloodline shall fall to you. If you obey my instructions, there will be no sanction for your prior failures. Should you fail, you will feed the... I'm not sure of this word...Me-li-noe... and it's signed, Lucius."

"How was that word spelt?" Hermione asked. She had scribbled rapidly as Jamie read from the parchment.

"M-e-l-i-n-o-e," Jamie replied.

"I've read that somewhere," Hermione said.

"What does it all mean?" Ron asked.

"I thought they were going to kill his mother," Jamie said, horrified. "But they're trying to force him to kill her--or they'll kill him."

"Either way, at least one less Malfoy," Ron said. "What's wrong with that?"

"It was Mrs. Malfoy who cast the tying vote at the Ministry," Ginny said, as Jamie glared at Ron.

"Can't we do something?" Jamie asked.

"She's mental," Ron muttered.

"I don't see how," Harry said, warning Ron with a glare to back off. "Even if the entire Order were available, trying to target Malfoy Manor would be foolhardy. Sirius and Lupin are gone, Dumbledore's hurt, the Flamel's aren't here... we wouldn't even get close."

"What if Draco could get us in?"

"And what," Ron challenged, glaring back at Harry. "And trade all us for his Mum? No, thanks. Malfoy deserves whatever he gets."

Jamie stood angrily. "I don't care, I'm going to try..."

"Try and get yourself killed," Ron growled.

"Wait," Harry said. "What could we do?"

"You could talk to him..." Jamie began.

"Malfoy? Talk to Harry?" Hermione said.

Harry held up his hands. "Wait. Jamie, she's probably right. I don't think he'd talk to any of us."

"You're not even willing to try." Jamie said as she stepped further back. Somehow the knife made its way onto the back of a chair, and Jamie's wand slashed through the air. "Portus!"

"Jamie!!! Wait!!!" Harry insisted. "Please."

"How'd she..."

"Not now, Ron!" Harry commanded. "Jamie, please!"

"I'm not going to give you a chance to stop me, Harry."

"I... I won't."

"You won't try to stop me? You'll try and help me find a way? Wizard's oath?"

Harry glared at Hermione. "You HAD to teach her that, didn't you?" Then to Jamie, "Yes, dammit, Wizard's oath. What do you want me to do?"

"Talk to him," she asked. There was both demand and pleading in her voice.

"Okay! But I want your oath that if he won't talk to me, or if he says that it's impossible, you'll drop all this."

"I'll drop this if he won't talk to you. Wizard's oath," Jamie said. "But he WILL talk to you, even if it's the last thing he ever does."

"I can't believe you're even considering this," Ron complained.

"Do you have any better ideas?" Harry demanded. "How do you want to do it?"

"It might be easier if we went now," Jamie said. "Before it all wears off."

"All right." Harry looked at Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. "Ginny and I will go back..."

"No! All of us will," Hermione said. Ron looked reluctant, but nodded. "But the two of us, maybe Ginny too, should use your cloak."

"Three of us would be awfully tight," Ginny observed. "But we can try."

"I think that would be best," Hermione said.

"Where does that Portkey go?" Harry asked.

"To the hallway outside his door," Jamie said.

"Can you really make a Portkey?" Hermione asked.

"I listened to you explain it enough times," Jamie replied, causing Harry to glare at Hermione again.

"Her last one worked," Harry said as he and Ginny stood. He tossed the cloak to Hermione and walked towards Jamie. Sighing, he said. "Okay... on three. One... two... three."


"Draco!" Jamie stood over him with Harry a bit behind and to the left of her. "Draco!"

His eyes finally opened; he looked at her blearily and muttered, "You again."

"You promised to talk to me again."

"Yeah, yeah." Then Draco seemed to become aware of Harry standing behind her. "Potter!" he spat, and acted as if he were searching for his wand. After a moment he fell back against the chair. "Go ahead, Potter, laugh it up. You've won."

"No!" Jamie said. "It's not why I brought him."

"Blood's thicker than water. I'm not that much of a fool. Enjoying yourself, Potter? The Dark Lord may take care of me before he finishes you."

"Draco," Jamie said, softly. "Please... how can we help?"

"Simple," Draco said with just a touch of his indolent drawl. "We storm Malfoy Manor, which is secured almost as well as Hogwarts, free Mother from the Dungeon, and stroll out the front door with the Dark Lord's blessing. We and ten thousand Aurors, that is."

"What if we sneaked in?" Jamie asked.

"You couldn't possibly..."

"Could you?" she pressed.

Draco sat up and looked thoughtful for several moments. "Maybe... but one person couldn't do it."

"Let me help," Jamie said.

"Why would you want to?" Draco asked, and turning to Harry, "And why would you lift a finger?"

"Your Mum, at the Ministry, she did the right thing."

"And what has it cost her?" Draco said, anger flashing in his eyes.

"Nothing permanent--yet!" Harry said. "Do you want to give up, Malfoy? And just wait patiently for the Melin--whatever it is."

"Melinoe." Draco said.

"And what was that about your bloodline?" Harry demanded.

"I... I am not entirely sure," Draco said. "Father has mentioned it from time to time. Once he told Mother that he'd never wished to marry her, but given a choice of her or her sister... and it had been for nothing since I did not have it."

Suddenly a chilling possibility occurred to Harry. "Can you get us inside there, or not?"

"The three of us?" Draco asked.

"No, Malfoy, the six of us," Ginny said, as she swept the cloak aside.


"Have you lost your effing mind?" Ron hissed, as they climbed down the stairs. "This is beyond mental, beyond's... it's..."

"No one said you had to come!" Harry replied angrily. "I said Ginny and I would come here, and you two wanted to tag along."

"Tag along, is it?" Ron said, menacingly. "Just who in the bloody hell do you think you are?" Hermione grabbed his arm, and half spinning him around, whispered savagely. Nothing else was said as they walked through the castle, though Ginny seized Harry's hand. They entered the Great Hall and walked to the round table in the center, their steps echoing and re-echoing through the almost empty room.

Harry took a seat and watched as the others found places nearby. "Ron, I don't want to fight. You don't have to do this; just go on back to..."

"No!" Ron interrupted. "I'm not going back!" He looked at Harry defiantly for a moment, and then his expression softened. "Harry, think for a moment. This is Draco sodding Malfoy. You've said it yourself--he'd sell out his own Mother."

"You're wrong," Jamie said.

"Fine!" Ron said. "But he'd sell out our lot in a heartbeat."

"Voldemort doesn't make deals like that, at least... and keep them," Harry said.

"Okay, but even if Malfoy were pure as the driven snow, why in Merlin's name should any of us risk our arses for him?"

"He didn't..." Jamie began.

"You heard what I promised Jamie," Harry said.

"Reason with him, please!" Ron muttered toward Hermione.

"Jamie, what you're pushing for could be suicidal," Hermione said. "Harry's not ready to face Voldemort."

"Maybe Voldemort isn't ready," Harry said. "He was attacked by the same creature that attacked Dumbledore... and the truce has continued without explanation."

"It didn't sound like it from that letter," Hermione said. "Ginny, you haven't said anything about all this."

"I'm with Harry,' she replied simply.

"We can at least listen to what he says first," Harry said.

"I still don't like it, Harry," Hermione said, as Ron nodded in agreement. "And you did promise Dumbledore that you'd seek advice and counsel before placing yourself at risk."

"We can't talk to any of the teachers. The Flamels, McGonagall, even Snape can't be reached for a couple of days... and that would be too late. Sirius, Lupin, and Chris are gone," Harry said. "And I can't see involving any of the others."

"Is it asking that much just to listen to him?" Jamie asked.

"Yes!" Ron and Hermione said together as the door opened and Draco entered. He had changed clothes and his hair was damp from the shower.

Draco walked slowly toward the table and took a place with two empty seats between himself and Jamie. Nothing was said for several moments and then Harry asked, "How could it be done, Malfoy?"

"Malfoy Manor is in Wiltshire, though its location is unplottable. None of you could gain access via Floo, Apparition, or Portkey: the defenses are designed to place anyone making such an attempt directly into a holding cell in the dungeon. And your presence would be known long before you reached the Manor if you approached overland."

"That sounds like there's no way in," Ron said and then looking at Jamie, "Well, we did try."

Harry glared at Ron and then observed, "You didn't mention flying."

"Flying just might be possible," Draco replied. "It would require some careful maneuvering, but it should be possible."

"Yeah, right, and just why would there be those sorts of holes?" Ron challenged.

"Because Father was always concerned that his defenses might one day be turned against him." Malfoy looked at Ron. "By an uninvited interloper, like your father."

"He's been in several raids there," Ron said proudly.

"And found nothing." Draco smirked.

"So how do we fly in?" Harry asked. "Brooms?"

"That was how we were to escape, if necessary," Draco replied.

"What next?"

"It would be necessary to land to the west of the house, and then approach the manor through the topiary garden, being extremely careful not to touch anything there. There is a concealed entrance to the basement. This door is not alarmed, but only opens from the inside, and any use of magic would be detected. However, there is a small gap at the bottom of the door."

"And that would get us inside?"

"Yes," Draco said. "Mother would no doubt be kept on one of the lower dungeon levels. Ordinarily this would make it simpler; but if the Dark Lord is there, there are concealed and fortified rooms on the lower levels that he would use, and there may be much movement back and forth." Draco described the lower levels of the manor house and the wards and protections they would find there.

"Could we get out the same way?" Hermione asked.

"What I have described was intended as an escape route out, Granger."

"When?" Harry asked.

"It should be obvious that a meeting is planned for Wednesday night," Draco said. "And I am certain that even Weasley has discerned that it would be safest to approach under cover of darkness."

"So that means that it has to be tonight, or tomorrow night," Hermione said.

"Very good, Granger, and you did it without a trip to the library, too." Draco smirked again.

Harry stopped Ron from making a retort with a sharp glance. "Is either better?"

"The earlier the better. It is common for those having business with the Dark Lord to arrive early," Draco said, "But if going from here via broom..."

"Not from here, Malfoy," Harry interrupted. "How close can we get?"

"Stonehenge," Hermione said. "That's in Wiltshire. And I've been there."

"It would be about forty minutes via broom. But how?"

"By Portkey," Harry said. "You have a broom, Malfoy?"

"No. But I do have an Invisibility Cloak. It is concealed here, in Hogwarts."

"You have an Invisibility Cloak?" Hermione asked.

"Of course. How else do you think I've watched you, Chang, and Bell in the Prefects' bathroom? White cotton just isn't your color."

"Leave it!" Harry ordered. "We need a few minutes to get ready. Get your cloak. We'll meet you back here in thirty or forty minutes."

"Wait," Hermione said. "Give me one reason we should trust you, Malfoy."

"Because the enemy of my enemy is my... ally. Temporarily, anyway."

"I want a Wizard's oath," Hermione insisted.

Draco started to respond angrily, but Jamie pleaded, "Please, Draco."

"Fine! We are allies until Mother is rescued and all are back here, at least those who survive. Wizard's oath."

"Are you happy?" Jamie demanded.

"Get your cloak," Harry said again as he held out a hand to Jamie. She placed the dagger in Harry's hand. "Portus!" A few moments later, Draco stood alone, the surprise still written across his face.


"Get changed, and get your brooms," Harry said, as the sitting room came into focus around them.

"Harry..." said Ron.

"Or stay here. Either way. If you're going, be back here in dark clothing and with your brooms in twenty minutes." He waited for a moment until they walked through the door towards the stairs, and then turned towards Jamie.

"Don't even think about it, Harry. I'm not staying here. If you try to leave me, I'll follow."

"You're not ready for this," he said flatly. "You know Voldemort wants you as badly as he wants me, maybe more. If you're going to go, I want you to take my cloak, and stay under it."

"That's not..."

"Jamie," Ginny interrupted. "Halfway?"

"All right," Jamie said. "And Harry?" She hugged him. "Thank you."

"Ginny, do you know where Charlie or Bill keep their brooms?" Harry asked.

"No, but the twins did have theirs here. And they have Firebolts."

"That'd be even better. Would you see if you could 'borrow' them? And Jamie, get changed. Something dark."

Twenty minutes later they had gathered in the sitting room. Ginny had retrieved the two Firebolts from the twins' room, one of which Hermione reluctantly took. Ginny told them that something seemed to be going on around Penny's room, but Molly had asked her to stay out of the way. Harry gave Jamie the Invisibility cloak, while Hermione made two Portkeys--one to return them to Hogwarts, and another, using the familiar key ring that would toggle between Hogwarts and Stonehenge.

"I still can't believe we're giving Draco bloody Malfoy the time of day," Ron muttered.

"He did have a point," Hermione said. "The enemy of my enemy is my ally."

"I just hope he remembers whose side he's on."

"Enough," said Harry. "Let's go."