Reign O'er Me


Story Summary:
This fic picks up from where OotP ended; unlike many fics dealing with this period that are angst-ridden, this fic explores a different direction - what might happen if Harry should instead start to get his life together.

Chapter 25

Chapter Summary:
Hermione seems to be okay, Harry and Jamie have a chat, Harry works out with Perenelle, and Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel return.

Chapter 25 - Dangerous

Can you feel it in the shadows?
Watching you, touching you,
Can you feel it in the shadows?
Follow you, swallow you.
Can you feel it?
Fear is the key.
Can you feel it?
Fear is the key.
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Fear is the key to your soul.

- Dangerous, The Who

The living area was empty when Harry entered. He had just returned from the hospital. Earlier that morning he, Ginny, and Perenelle Flamel had left immediately for the medical facility after learning that Hermione had awoken, only to end up standing in the hallway for over an hour with a fuming and increasingly frustrated Ron. Moments after Ron alerted the nurse that Hermione was conscious, the healer and other medical personnel had arrived and had summarily evicted him from his place at her bedside. Between the three of them they had been able to keep his temper mostly in check and persuade him to allow the healer to complete his work.

When the healer finally emerged, he told them that this initial examination had been positive. So far, at least, there were no signs of memory loss - while weak, Hermione seemed to have no problems with balance and co-ordination. They would be keeping her there for at least another day or two of observation, and would be doing additional tests later in the day. Hermione had apparently demanded that the IV be removed; they were to encourage her to drink fluids and to record what and how much she drank. She was not to attempt to stand or walk unaided. Finally, they were warned that it was likely she would sleep a great deal for the next day or two, that this was normal and to be expected.

Joking that he could see he would shortly be a patient in his own hospital if he kept Ron waiting any longer, the healer finally allowed them in to see Hermione. The bed had been raised to a half- sitting position; she was awake, but subdued.

As the healer had warned them, she would occasionally drop off into a light sleep, sometimes in mid-sentence. These were short naps; sometimes she would wake and continue with what she had been saying earlier.

Upon entering the room, Ron had moved beside her and taken her hand, but he was having his own problems staying awake. After being told how long she had been there and how Ron had maintained a vigil at her side, Hermione had somehow persuaded him to rest. Ginny had transfigured a chair into a cot, and after extracting solemn promises that he would be awakened at the smallest happening, he maneuvered the cot to a position where he could still hold Hermione's hand and lay down. He was asleep almost instantly.

Perenelle had taken her leave shortly after, and told Harry she had an errand of uncertain duration, and that she would meet him back at their quarters in the afternoon. He and Ginny had spent the rest of the morning keeping Hermione company; Harry had finally left Ginny and Hermione and returned to their quarters alone.

Harry settled into one of the chairs and slouched back; seeing Hermione awake and with no signs thus far of lasting impact had lifted his spirits considerably. And, too, something had seemed different between Ron and Hermione. Hermione had not pushed or badgered Ron to rest, and he had offered no more than token resistance to her request. Perhaps someone less accustomed to their usual interaction would have thought it no more than their both being weary, but Harry thought it was both more subtle and deeper than that.

Jamie entered, carrying a book. She started toward the table where she had been working with Snape, but spotting Harry, she dropped into a chair beside him. "Hi."

"Er..., Hi."

Jamie observed Harry quickly scan the room as she approached. "Does being alone with me bug you or something?"

"No." Harry sighed. "Um... well, maybe a little. It's that obvious, huh?"

Jamie nodded. "If you're on the streets, you learn to notice stuff like that. But why?"

"Um... this is kind of new to me, and I'm not really sure what to do or what to expect. But once we're home..."

"Home..." Jamie shook her head, then sighed. "It's kinda hard to think of a home you've never seen, in a strange place, in another country. That scares me, a little."

Harry nodded. "Did you want to... just keep running? It looked like you'd had a pretty rough time of it." Emaciated was how Ginny described Jamie after giving her a change of clothes.

"No... but every time I did anything else... it just never worked. I was either someone for a do-gooder to save, or a troublemaker to lock up, or maybe another body to collect on... at least until something happened. Uncle Sirius said..."

"Uncle Sirius?" Harry said, grinning.

"Yeah, he said since he was your godfather and Uncle Severus was mine, I could call him Uncle, and that you should call my godfather Uncle Severus... Anyway, he told me a little about you and where you used to live. Why didn't you just leave?"

Harry shrugged. "I was used to it, maybe. And after I started Hogwarts - then I had a place I really could feel was like home. The hard part was living through each summer until I could go back home. But this summer, it changed..."

"He told me a little about that, too."

"It makes a big difference, being where you belong, where your friends are."

"I've never fit in much of anywhere... even with most of the other kids on the street. What I really don't get is, why did you want to find me? When I asked Uncle Sirius, he told me what you said before you left, when your teacher tried to talk you out of it. 'I'd gladly lose me to find you. I'd gladly give up all I had. To find you I'd suffer anything and be glad.' He said those were words from a song... and that you said this was how you felt... but why?"

Harry nodded. "Family... is important. If nothing else, the Weasleys taught me that... And once I knew you existed... there's a mirror at Hogwarts that doesn't show your reflection, but instead shows you your heart's desire. For me, it was having family. If we hadn't found you, there would have always been something missing; there would have been a hole in my life. But after we did find you - I've not done a very good job, have I?"

"You were there both times when it counted. And we talked a little the day after, and some of the others have told me some things, but I still don't know a lot about you or where we're going or anything else."

"I tried to give you at least some idea the other day. But you can ask me anything... if I can do the same."

"Okay. Where is it you go every afternoon? I know it's not to the hospital; when you come back here, you look like you've been running hard."

"I'm training. Magical training. The type of thing you saw when we first found you."

"Can I come with you? Today?"

"Um... are you sure you want to? It gets pretty intense, and it might be a little scary, since you haven't seen much magic."

"I want to. I'm not afraid."

"How about..."

"Hey, it's my turn," Harry said. "When we get home, what would you like? Is there something you've always wanted?"

Jamie looked thoughtful for a minute. "I guess... a room of my own would be too much... but maybe a corner or something that would be just mine?" Seeing Harry's puzzled look, she explained. "When I was on my own, I could never have anything that wasn't in my pockets or my backpack. And the foster homes and lockups weren't much better. What didn't get taken away would usually get stolen. I've never had a place I could leave something and know it would still be there like I left it when I got back."

"It's a big house, Jamie. You'll have your own room. Is there anything else you'd like?"

"You had your question. What's the deal with you and Ginny?"

"Deal?" Harry tried to stall long enough to come up with an answer.

"What did Ginny mean when she said the two of you are 'together?' She's my age, you're not that much older, but you share a room, you sleep together, and no one seems to think it's weird. Is it like that in the wizarding world?"

"Yes... um, I mean, no, not exactly, er... Wizards marry younger than Muggles, a lot of them right after school or a year or two afterwards... but we're pretty unusual there, too."

"You're... married?"

Harry nodded. "It just... happened. We became magically bound to each other; no one is really sure how or why... but that's considered proof of marriage in our world." He told her a little about the previous year at Hogwarts, and what had happened after he had returned to Privet Drive, and some of the aftermath. Jamie asked several questions before Harry suddenly remembered. "Hey, it's my turn. A room doesn't count. Tell me what you'd like."

"I'm... I'm to go to Hogwarts?"

"I think you'll want to."

"Then... I don't want to start out not knowing anything... about magic and brooms and... and whatever else I should have already learned. Will you show me?"

"Yes; Ginny and the others will, too. It looks like Professor Snape has already started. You'll need a wand, but we can take care of that - somehow - once we're back home. You'll need other things for school, too - supplies and robes and things of that sort."

"Tell me about Hogwarts."

This was easy for Harry. He started by describing the Hogwarts Express, and how each year began with the Welcoming Feast and the Sorting. Jamie hung on every word as he talked about the professors, the lessons, the castle, Hogsmeade, and some of the other students. He finally paused when the door from the outside corridor opened - he had been doing all the talking for quite some time - and Perenelle entered.

"Hello, Jamie. Harry, are you ready?"

Harry nodded then they both stood. Looking at his sister, he asked, "Sure about this?"

She nodded eagerly.

"Jamie would like to come with us; is that okay?"

Perenelle raised an eyebrow before replying. "Why not? Yes, chérie, you may join us, but you must understand that we will use powerful and dangerous spells. You must stay clear as Harry trains."

"I will." As Harry opened the door and faced away for a moment, Jamie mouthed "Thank you."

Perenelle nodded once and said, "Proficiency in any subject requires practice. Is that not so, Harry?"

"A lot of practice," he replied as Jamie giggled. Harry had the feeling he had missed something but shrugged it off as he mentally readied himself for training.


"Now, as you did yesterday, yes, cast it at the target.... Did you feel your magic flow through you, and how the wand focused the energy? They were in a huge, high-ceilinged room the size of a warehouse. Perenelle told Harry that the officer who had first taken her there had told her that warehousing was in fact its intended purpose. The walls here were of roughly-hewn stone, unlike the rest of the areas they had been in.


"Use the force, Luke." Jamie said, laughing.

Harry gave her a puzzled look as Perenelle nodded and said, "That is not a bad analogy, actually. Now, switch hands - this time, a simple shield spell."


"And you felt the difference?" Perenelle asked. "Bon. Now, give me your wand, and cast the shield again. Use the same hand, but this time you must focus the energy yourself."

"Protego!" Harry gestured with his left hand and a weak shield formed.

"An acceptable first attempt, lapin. Again, you must focus your magic, and resist the tendency to use flows and paths to which you have become accustomed. Now, take your wand, and hold it in your right hand, and cast your shield again with the left. You will need to make a concerted effort to ignore the wand; there are habits that you must now unlearn."

Perenelle continued to direct Harry through various combinations of spells, hands, and use of his wand. They continued in this fashion for over an hour; at the end, Harry was casting spells effectively with his wand in either hand, though his accuracy was noticeably worse with his left. It was still difficult for him to do any sort of spell wandless while holding the wand in the other hand, though the last few attempts he had managed a stronger shield.

"Let us duel," Perenelle said. "Hold your wand in your right hand, and use it to attack; use your left to defend."

Harry nodded and moved away several paces. He turned, they bowed, and spells began to fly. At first, Harry found himself forced to drop and roll to avoid some of the spells Perenelle cast at him, but his shield grew more effective... then Perenelle increased the pace. Harry found he was doing little more than struggling to defend himself while still occasionally having to dodge or dive out of the way.

"Hold! Harry, you must attack as you maintain your shield. En Garde!"

Harry made an effort. He managed to get off two depulso spells that Perenelle easily deflected; then his shield faltered as Perenelle's cado curse knocked him down and back several feet.

"Hold! Better, but you must maintain your focus even as you follow through with your attack. Now, take your wand in the left, and defend with your right."

Harry managed to avoid being hit with another spell, but it was as much from his footwork as from his shield spells. He was rapidly tiring when Perenelle finally called a halt. He was soaked with sweat and breathing hard, while the Professor was calm, cool, and relaxed. Of course, she had barely moved while he had been dodging all over the place. It was frustrating realizing just how far he still had to go; he was reasonably certain that in a real duel he would be lucky to last two minutes against Madame Flamel.

"That was really cool," Jamie said, walking toward them.

"You are doing exceptionally well, given the short time we have worked. But now, I'm afraid we have reached the point where I must assign homework," Perenelle said, smiling as a brief flicker of worry flashed across Harry's face. "Non, mon petit lapin, not feet of parchment, but..."

Harry heard something behind them; then a spell flashed by. He dropped, rolled once, and came up on his knee facing the other direction. He cast a shield with his wandless left hand, "CONTEGO!" followed by "EXURO!" with his wand - which he jerked aside and upwards at the last possible second, sending the flames up and into an unoccupied part of the room.

"Well done, my boy, well done indeed!" Nicholas Flamel said, smiling. Both Flamel and Albus Dumbledore, who was standing beside him, were wearing casual Muggle clothing. Dumbledore's shirt was a loud tropical print. Harry tried not to gawk as he stood; he had never seen the Headmaster in anything other than robes, and it looked as if what Sirius called Dumbledore's 'fashion sense' was unchanged. "You have clearly been making good use of your time," Nicholas continued, as he and Perenelle moved toward each other.

"Hello, Harry," Dumbledore said as he walked toward Harry. "And this is your sister, I presume?"

Jamie had moved directly behind Harry as he stood. Harry moved aside and drew her forward. "Yes, Professor. Allow me to present my sister, Jamie Potter. Jamie, this is Professor Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts."

"Jamie, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. I knew both of your parents well."

Jamie nodded; as Nicholas and Perenelle approached, Harry introduced Jamie to Nicholas. Then Dumbledore said, "I apologize for interrupting your lesson, but the U.S. Mugwump and their Secretary of Magic would like for the three of us to join them."

"Again?" Perenelle sighed. "You are supposed to handle the parchment-pushers," she said, looking at Nicholas as they started toward the door. "But we had just finished, other than my giving Harry his homework. Harry, you must continue what we began here today; do not allow old habits to reassert themselves, but as you do magic, vary your practice and your hands. Use your wand for spells that you need to aim or control, and try using your free hand with the wand in the other for other sorts of things."

"I will."

Outside the door, one of the carts was waiting. Harry and Jamie were dropped off at their quarters, then the three Professors continued on to some other part of the facility. As they entered, Jamie said, "Thanks, Harry. Will I ever be able to do the sorts of things you were doing today?"

"Different people sometimes have different magical strengths, but there's a pretty good chance. The Potters are said to have strong magic, and Perenelle said you had a lot of potential. I'm going to hit the shower, and then go see how Hermione's doing. Want to come?"

"Yeah, I would."

"Okay, I'll be out in a few minutes."

Harry showered, put on clean clothes, and then got a change of clothes for Ron. He and Jamie entered the corridor and found a cart waiting, already summoned by one of the guards who had grown accustomed to Harry's schedule.

As they entered the hospital, Harry closed his eyes for a moment and then said, "Would you mind waiting here for just a minute with Ginny? I need to talk with Hermione for just a minute; is that okay?"

Jamie nodded and Ginny walked in, looking puzzled. Harry asked her to stay with Jamie until he cleared up something with Hermione, then he would call her through their link. "Oh, is Ron awake?"

"Yes, he has been for about an hour."

"Good," Harry said as he walked down one of the hallways and entered Hermione's room. He exchanged greetings with Ron and Hermione, and then tossed the bundle of clothes at Ron. "Hit the shower, mate. You need it."

Ron mumbled something and Hermione said, "Go on. Harry will stay with me until you're back, and Ginny said she'd be back in a minute."

"Oh, okay." Ron leaned over the rail and kissed Hermione quickly, then said just loud enough for Harry to hear, "I love you."

Harry could just make out Hermione's reply. "I love you, too."

Ron picked up the bundle of clothes, and as he left the room, he exchanged a look with Harry and briefly nodded.

Harry took the seat beside Hermione's bed and grinned. "Was some of that for my benefit?"

Color warmed Hermione's cheeks for a moment. "Maybe just a little."

"I think it's great. How are you? Really?"

"I feel okay, and Ginny said I've not been dropping off as much this afternoon; I'm not always aware of it. I'd like to get in the shower myself; my hair's a mess."

"Are they keeping you in bed?"

"Other than walking to the loo, and that with two people helping, one holding each arm. The nurse said maybe a shower tomorrow. Apparently there's a chair in it."

"I'm sure Ron will be glad to help," Harry said, grinning.


"Hermione, look... before Ron gets back - I need a favor."

"What, Harry?"

"Jamie's not exactly your favorite witch, is she? Honestly?"

"Harry... I, um, no, none of that was her fault; Ron's just... Ron... and I think all that's sorted. If I'd taken all my potions, maybe... no, we're okay."

"That's good - I really need your help. Jamie and I were talking earlier, and I asked her if there was anything she'd like, and she said if she were going to Hogwarts, she didn't want to be the only one her age who didn't know any magic - and wanted my help in learning what she could before school starts. Can you help me work out some sort of lesson plans and schedule? What we need to cover?"

"I'll do more than that, Harry. I'll help, too. And once we get back, I have all my first year notes. And you were very good in the DA; you can certainly introduce her to Defense Against the Dark Arts, and I can help her with Transfiguration and Charms..."

"Snape's already started on Potions... so far it seems to have been okay. And you know - that place I've been training in is big enough for a broom. I think a certain Quidditch co-captain might have some interest in that."

"As long as it's just... No, I know now that's all it is. I'm sorry, Harry, I acted like a jerk."

"S'okay. And you're right, that's all it would be. Maybe I'll tell you a couple more details when your boyfriend isn't likely to walk in. Hey, can Ginny and Jamie come in now?"

"Sure. In fact, if you can find some parchment... well, maybe a pen and paper, we can start."

Harry briefly closed his eyes again, then said, "Oh, Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel are here."

"I hope that means we're all getting out of here soon," Hermione said as Ginny and Jamie entered. "Hi, Jamie. Harry says you want to get prepared for Hogwarts, and I'd like to help. It'll be fun helping a Potter who actually wants to do some revision for a change."


"Are you certain it was Praetor, beloved?" Nicholas asked. After an exhausting session with the American officials, they had returned to the guest quarters and retired to the room Perenelle had taken.

Perenelle linked her fingers with his and then replied, "No doubt."

Moments later, Nicholas nodded. "Indeed. It would seem we have lived into interesting times."

"And I was sufficiently surprised that I said the name within Harry's hearing."

"Has he pursued it further?"

"He has asked, but I have taken the cowardly way out and asked for his trust. And with Severus already leading him towards the water..."

"That could certainly lead him to the first answer, but that answer would only raise many more questions."

"Including many questions we may not be able to answer, beloved."

"This will be most difficult for Brian... even after all this time," Nicholas said.

"Prophecy is perilous; do you think there is anything to be gained?"

"Do we dare take the chance?" They sat silently for several minutes; then Nicholas asked, "How did it come about that you are instructing Harry in the Wyrvin fashion?"

"He asked." Again their fingers touched.

Nicholas chuckled and said, "You certainly were not mollycoddling him today."

"No, though the true test was when you surprised him. You saw how he moved; how he placed himself in front of Jamie, though it would have been easier for him to turn the other way, and the strength of the shield he cast. I have been surprised how easy dueling in this fashion has been for him; the sessions he and Ginny had while they were holding hands have helped."

"You must caution him to use care when he practices with his peers."

Perenelle nodded. "Do you wish to take over?"

"Why fix what is not broken? Though you may find the others also wishing your instruction."

"I shall deal with that as it comes, though no doubt Ginny at least will wish to join him."

"I rather expect they all will. I believe that Ginny, at least, could also master that ancient art."

"We must also think how to accelerate Jamie's training so that she can at least cast basic defensive spells."

"Agreed. Obtaining a suitable wand for her is a priority when we return home."

"That will hopefully be soon."

"Brian planned to seek out the healer to find out the earliest Hermione could travel. The matter of the Dementor-like creature is becoming quite serious, too. I do not think he and I can wait past the morning. Bill - and perhaps Charlie - are also needed in their official roles."

"Depending on our mode of travel, none of that is necessarily a problem, though I am greatly concerned that Voldemort or some of his followers have elected to resort to Muggle methods."

"I have long feared this. For centuries Muggles and their weapons were no match for magic; however, that has changed. Muggles have grown far too skilled in killing one another, and in killing large numbers with a single blow. If Voldemort should begin making use of those methods, we may find ourselves at a great disadvantage."

"Let me share with you how Harry fared against one of their weapons."


Harry, Ginny, and Jamie returned to the guest quarters after Bill and Charlie had come to visit with Hermione - "Your future sister-in-law," as Ginny said as they left. Snape had been in the living area, and he invited Jamie to continue with their Potions theory. Harry and Ginny made themselves comfortable on a sofa and talked quietly.

Some time later Dumbledore entered the room and took a chair near the young couple. After exchanging pleasantries, he asked, "My young friends, I wonder if I might impose on you for a favor? The healer has given permission for Hermione to travel in the morning; I would be most grateful if you would make her aware of this, and ensure she has whatever she might need."

"Certainly, Professor," Ginny replied.

"And I will want to talk to both of you at length after we return home; but from what I have heard thus far, you have both comported yourselves in the finest tradition of Gryffindor house. And Ginny - I find I have been remiss in not speaking with you concerning the recent events in the Wizengamot. A mere 'thank you' does not seem adequate - but even so, thank you, Ginny. We would find ourselves at a significant disadvantage without your courage. I have made arrangements for a copy of the following day's Prophet to be framed and placed in the trophy room."

As Harry sank down in his chair shaking his head, Ginny said, "Thank you, Professor. I... I was just in the right place at the right time."

"Indeed, but what is important is that you acted upon it. And that is Gryffindor." Dumbledore stood and added, "The two of you should be ready for an early departure as well. Good evening." Then he walked over to the table where Snape and Jamie worked.

"Hermione will need a change of clothes - what she was wearing was brought back here," Ginny said. "And she'll likely want a few other things as well."

"You want to gather it up?" Harry asked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Ginny said, grinning. "I'll be back in a minute." Ginny disappeared down the hallway as Harry opened the door to let the guard know they would need a cart to the hospital. Ginny emerged a few minutes later with a rolled up bundle of clothing, a small bag, and a large grin.

As they waited for the cart, Harry said, "You seem to be enjoying this. Eager to get home?"

"Well, yes, but do you remember when Hermione packed for me back at Mrs. Figg's?"

"Yes," Harry said, now beginning to understand where this was going.

"I think I might have forgotten something..."

"Hermione will just transfigure..."

"She's short a wand. And could you imagine her asking Ron, or if she did, what he might come up with?"

"You're... wicked."

"I told you from the start you were in over your head."


Reaching the hospital, Harry knocked lightly on the almost-closed door; then he and Ginny walked in. Only one light remained on. Ron and Hermione were lying side by side, their arms wrapped around each other. They seemed to be unaware of anyone entering until Ginny, laughing, said, "Hermione... do you know that gown isn't fastened in back except at the neck?"

As Ron sprang back, Hermione untangled one arm, felt a short way along the garment seam, then flipped quickly over onto her back.

"You think you might knock next time?" Ron said, his red face obvious even in the dim light.

"We did," Harry said. "Dumbledore said we were leaving in the morning, and he asked us to let you two know and to bring over clothes and whatever else Hermione might need."

"Um... thanks. Did you get my shampoo?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, and the other stuff in that little bag," Ginny replied, setting the bundle in a chair. "We need to go and pack, and we'll gather up your stuff, too. We'll see you two in the morning," as she tugged Harry back out. As they walked out, Ginny asked, "Do you think they've finally got it together?"

"Yeah, I think maybe this time they do."


"Harry!" The call was soft, somewhere between a whimper and a cry, but it woke both Harry and Ginny. Jamie stood in their doorway clutching her abdomen.

"Jamie? What's wrong?" Harry asked as he swung out of bed and quickly moved to his sister's side. "What's wrong?"

"My scar... it burns..." Harry hesitated for a moment, then tentatively wrapped an arm around Jamie's shoulders and guided her back to the bed where he coaxed her to sit beside him. Ginny had summoned and donned her robe; then she sat down on the other side of Jamie. "It's... it's horrible."

"I know, it hurts," Harry comforted. "It usually doesn't last too long..."

"It's burned before, but not like this..." Jamie shook her head quickly. "I'm seeing... I don't know what... things...bad things..."

"I'm getting Madame Flamel," Ginny said as she stood and walked out the door. A minute later she returned with the venerable witch.

"What is wrong, ma chère fille?" Perenelle sat down on the bed beside Jamie. "Fear not, child, we are with you. Will you share with me what you have seen?"

Jamie nodded, and Perenelle took her trembling hand. They sat quietly for a few minutes, and then Perenelle released Jamie's hand and stood up. "Ginny, would you stay with Jamie for a few moments? Harry, come with me."

Perenelle led the way out of the bedroom and down the corridor toward the room she had chosen; Nicholas emerged and walked toward them. Meeting halfway, they joined hands for a long moment, then continued together towards the end of the hallway with Harry following.

Nicholas knocked on the door opposite the room he and Perenelle had shared. After a short wait, Dumbledore opened the door in a dressing gown. Perenelle wasted no time on formalities. "Brian, take my hand." To his surprise, she held out her other hand to Harry, and then closed her eyes.

As the images began to form, Harry also closed his eyes. What Perenelle shared was far too familiar; Jamie had seen through Voldemort's eyes. And Voldemort was... moving, along with a group of his Death Eaters... and Dementors... a lot of Dementors. It was dark, but somehow it seemed familiar, then Harry got a glimpse of the towers of Hogwarts in the distance. Voldemort and his followers were south of the castle, moving toward Hogsmeade.

"How?" Dumbledore asked.

"Jamie," Perenelle replied.

"They are moving in force," Nicholas said, "perhaps hoping to further destabilize matters."

"And from what Minerva has told me, the Aurors are spread far and wide," Perenelle said.

Dumbledore nodded. "I see little choice; we must attempt to intervene. We have perhaps twenty minutes; perhaps a few more if they organize." He paused for a moment. "Harry, if you will, please bring Ron and Hermione here as quickly as you can. Nicholas, would you please wake the others, and Perenelle, would you contact our hosts." Dumbledore stepped back into his room.

Harry had started back toward the room he and Ginny shared when Perenelle said, "Wait, Harry." She pulled a key ring from a pocket and said, "Portus. This will bring the three of you back here. Apparate, Harry, as soon as you have changed. Time is of the essence.

Harry nodded and disappeared into the bedroom. A minute later there was a soft crack.


Harry arrived outside the hospital room door. He knocked, loudly this time, waited a few seconds and entered, fumbling the light switch on as he entered the room. Ron and Hermione were still lying side by side, though Hermione was now dressed.

Ron looked at him balefully. "Again?"

"Get up, both of you. I think we're leaving. Hogsmeade is about to be attacked."

"How do you know that?" Hermione asked as Ron slid off the bed and reached for his shoes.

Hermione pointed to a chair and Harry picked up her trainers and handed them to her. "Jamie. She saw what Voldemort was doing, like I used to."

Ron started to scurry about the room, gathering their belongings. Harry chafed at the delay while the seconds rolled by; but finally Hermione sighed and said, "Use your wand, Ron."

He nodded sheepishly and waved his wand; their remaining possessions gathered together, and Ron stuffed them into a plastic bag that Hermione handed him. Hermione climbed gingerly from the bed, and Ron moved beside her and held her arm.

"I have a portkey." Harry said as he held out the key ring, and as soon as Ron and Hermione placed their fingers on it, he triggered the spell.

They arrived in the living area where Jamie and Ginny were waiting. Harry could see that Jamie was frightened, but at least she didn't seem to be hurting any longer. Perenelle emerged from the hallway just after they arrived, carrying - Harry had to look twice to be certain - Pymander on her wrist, as a falconer would carry a bird. "The others have gone ahead, and Brian has sent our luggage on ahead of us. Come; grasp Pymander's tail, gently. He has graciously consented to bear us to Grimmauld Place."

Harry started to object, but a glance from Perenelle silenced him.

There was a flash of orange fire, and a moment later the room was empty.


They emerged into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place in another flash of fire. Given the hour, Harry would have expected it to be empty, but Molly was sitting at the table with a cup of tea. She stood immediately and rushed towards them, first pulling Ginny and Harry into a hug, then Ron and Hermione. "Easy, Mum," Ron cautioned. "Hermione's still a bit wobbly."

"Then help her to a chair; I'm making a fresh pot in a moment." Molly turned to face Jamie. "And you must be Harry's sister. It's wonderful to have you here. We were all so worried about you, dear. I'm Molly Weasley; I'm Ron and Ginny's Mum."

"I'm... Jamie."

"Welcome home, Jamie. Why don't you have a seat at the table? Would you like some tea, and biscuits? Though you would call them cookies." Molly guided a slightly confused-looking Jamie to the table, and then started back towards the other side of the kitchen. "That child is nothing more than skin and bones. Honestly, what is it with you Potters? I finally have Harry looking halfway healthy... Don't just stand there, all of you, sit. I'm going..."

"Molly," Perenelle said. "Hogsmeade."

Molly glanced warily at Harry, Ginny, and Ron, who had moved next to Harry after settling Hermione at the table. "Arthur, Percy, and the twins left a few minutes ago. I couldn't, with Penny..."

"Harry, Ginny, and I must join them now," Perenelle said quietly.

"But... but... they are... children," Molly sputtered. "It's much too dangerous..."

"We have need of anyone capable of producing a corporeal Patronus, and Harry's is powerful. And together, he and Ginny were able to drive the creature away. The war has begun in earnest, Molly." Then, to Harry and Ginny, she instructed, "Grasp Pymander's tail..."

Harry, Ginny, and Ron gripped the long tail feathers of the phoenix, and the four disappeared in the orange flames as Molly cried out for Ron to stop. She stood unmoving for several moments, then, tea forgotten, walked back to the table and sank into a chair and sighed.

"I should be there, too," Hermione said. "I can cast a Patronus."

"But Ron can't..." Molly objected. "And you're not well."

"Ron can do it; his Patronus is a bear," Hermione replied. "But I should be there... I'm fine, but... no wand."

Molly nodded, though her eyes were far away. "It was like this in the last war," she whispered. "And all of them are there. All you can do is wait... and wait... and hope that your loved ones come home. Gideon and Fabian... never did."


It was dark when they arrived; to Harry's surprise, there was no visible flame. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he could make out several other wizards nearby, including Dumbledore, Nicholas Flamel, and Bill Weasley. Dumbledore moved to stand beside Perenelle. "Are you certain this is wise?"

"If the creature should appear," she replied, softly, "we may not have another answer."

Dumbledore nodded reluctantly. "We believe they will approach from this direction. Our force, such as it is, is spread out to each side of us, taking advantage of whatever cover is to be found. As they approach, we will make our stand here, in hopes that none of them shall reach the village."

"How many?" Perenelle asked.

"Few enough. There are a dozen Aurors, perhaps as many from the Order, and our group. Though more Aurors have been summoned."

Dumbledore lowered his voice. "At all costs, see to Harry and Ginny's safety."

"You cannot coddle him forever, Brian. This may be the time..."

"It is not yet his time," Dumbledore said as Nicholas joined them.

"But we do not know the hour, old friend. And if they anything, they are capricious," Nicholas said.

Dumbledore nodded as Lupin joined the other three professors. "What are Ron and Ginny doing here?" He asked. "Neither has mastered..."

"There is no time. Prepare," Dumbledore hissed. "They approach."

Lupin and Flamel moved off somewhere to the right; Harry could make out the outlines of several others in both directions. Dumbledore moved off to the left, and Perenelle motioned for them to follow. She led them back perhaps twenty feet to where there were several trees and whispered, "Prepare yourselves, but wait until the others begin. Ginny, stay close to Harry, but do not join hands unless the creature appears. And should it do so..."

Harry nodded; he and Ginny took positions behind one of the trees, Ron another, and Perenelle between them. He had challenged Ron's presence as soon as they arrived, but Ron had assured him that he and Hermione had worked on his Patronus. Harry wasn't fully convinced, but under the circumstances... And Ginny... with Ginny, it didn't matter; Perenelle must think that whatever had happened when they rescued Sirius must have come from the two of them. Still, he would have been much happier had she remained in Grimmauld Place.

He could see movement approaching them, and he felt the first tendrils of cold and despair as the Dementors approached. There were a lot of them. And from what Jamie had seen, Voldemort was with them.

Ginny slipped her hand into his, and he felt her wordless love. They would separate before any spells were cast, but now, as they waited... "There is no joy like that snatched from under the shadow of the sword, my love," she said through their link.

"I love you, Ginny, whatever..."

"Forget the whatever rubbish. We're going to kick Voldemort's arse. Again."

They waited quietly, sharing their feelings without any further words. Then, from their left, Harry heard Dumbledore. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He and Ginny separated their hands and joined the chorus, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

Harry's stag was joined by Ginny's... Harry wasn't sure, but it was some type of large cat, Ron's bear, Perenelle's unicorn, and numerous other silver shapes streaking towards the approaching horde of Dementors behind Dumbledore's phoenix.


Molly was brought back to the present by Jamie's restless fidgeting. Watching for a moment, she realized the girl was furtively scanning the room, searching for possible exits. "This hasn't been much of a homecoming for you, has it, dear? It must be frightening to leave everything behind and come into a strange new place and then be left to fend for yourself." Molly stood up. "I promised you tea and some biscuits - or would you rather have hot chocolate? That's one of Harry's favorites." It also concealed certain additives better. "And Hermione?"

"I'd like some hot chocolate. Let me help." Hermione started to push her chair back.

"No, dear, stay there. You've been through an ordeal yourself." Molly moved across the kitchen, and prepared two mugs and a pot of tea. She placed these and a tin of biscuits on a tray and rejoined the two girls at the table. "Tea or chocolate helps somehow..." She looked at Hermione for help.

Hermione understood Molly's silent message. "Both Jamie and I need to visit Ollivander's soon. I feel helpless without a wand."

"Will this be your first wand, dear?"

Jamie nodded.

"There's nothing quite like your first wand. The whole world begins to open up for you..."

"Jamie tried holding my wand for a moment, but it didn't work out too well," Hermione said. "She did much better with Harry's."

"Ginny couldn't use any of the wands we had." Molly looked at Jamie speculatively. "I was afraid we might not be able to find a wand when nothing with unicorn hair or dragon heartstring would work for her. Phoenix feather wands are not that common."

"I remember Harry saying that when he got his wand, Mr. Ollivander said that Fawkes had given just two feathers," Hermione said.

"And a phoenix is rare enough to begin with," Molly said. "Fortunately for us, a few weeks before one of the players for New Zealand had bartered a feather to cover a bill at the Leaky Cauldron. Ginny's wand core came from Sparky, the Macaws' mascot."

"Does... does that mean they might not have a wand for me?" Jamie asked.

"I'm sure you'll have a wand, dear; if nothing else, Professor Dumbledore will know what to do." Molly could see that the calming potion was working. "But we can worry about that later. What was it like for you, suddenly finding out you had a brother?"

"Uh... I didn't know what to think or expect. But a few minutes after I met him, he was blocking spells and bullets from hitting us. Then, a day or two later, he blocked a missile..."

"A missile?" Molly was horrified.

"Yes, it was a missile," Hermione confirmed. "Neither of us would be here if Harry hadn't shielded us. Ron said his shield was at least thirty feet wide."

Jamie nodded in confirmation. "I couldn't understand why he'd want to take chances like that for somebody he didn't know... and I was kinda confused; he and Ginny spent some time talking with me the first day, but after that, it seemed like he was afraid of me, or at least of being alone with me."

Molly nodded. "Harry didn't have a lot of role models growing up."

"That's what Madame Flamel said, and that he was so worried about doing or saying the wrong thing that he really was avoiding me. But she worked it out so I had a chance to corner him..."

"Another Gryffindor for sure," Molly laughed.

"I think so, too," Hermione said.

Molly motioned for Jamie to continue. "After that talk, it was... I dunno, different. He let me watch him practice with Madame Flamel, and he and Ron and Hermione said they'd help me so I wouldn't be totally out of place when school started."

"Isn't that great?" Hermione asked. "Someone else who actually wants to do a spot of revision."

Molly smiled. "All of your OWLS were excellent, and I have no doubt you had a large hand in that.

"Maybe a little," Hermione conceded. "But they both forgave me afterwards."

"You've got some good help, Jamie." Molly looked at the clock she had taken from the Burrow; none of the hands had moved from Mortal Danger. "And I want you to know that I'm here for you. I think of Harry and Hermione like they are my own." Molly watched Hermione's reaction; she had seen the hurt in the girl's eyes after the four of them had rescued Penny and she'd talked about all of her boys and Ginny being under one roof... and from what Ginny had told her, it looked as if it were truly only a matter of time. "And as far as I'm concerned, you're family, too. There's nothing so small and nothing so big that you can't come to me for help, or talk to me about."

"Thank... thank you," Jamie said.

"From both of us," Hermione added softly.


Harry watched as the silver wave broke against the massed, writhing darkness. There was just a hint of the coming daybreak, but it was still too dark to make out more than the silver shapes moving around and through the massed evil. He could tell that Voldemort's ranks were becoming ragged, but as the Patroni faded, one by one, there was still a large seething sea of Dementors...but at least their advance had halted for a moment.

As they waited, a light appeared and seemed to be moving through the Dementors; then it broke free; a lone figure was approaching them... the light was sufficient to show the figure carried a white flag, but little else. Harry thought he could make out a glint of red in the eyes; there was no doubt in his mind that this was Voldemort himself.

A moment later, Voldemort's amplified, high voice intoned, "ALBUS DUMBLEDORE!"

Harry heard Dumbledore dispatch three names he did not know back towards the village to watch for anything moving behind their line. Then, Dumbledore stepped forward and made his own amplified reply. "I have nothing to say to you, Tom, that I did not already say years ago or at the Ministry."

"But I have something to say to you, Dumbledore. You now hold two things that I require."

"And what might these be, Tom?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"The secret of Fetum Inter Matris, or the girl that resulted from it. You can even have the girl back, alive and unharmed, afterward. And the book of Abraham the Jew."

"And even if either of these things were mine to give, which they are not, what makes you think I would do anything other than give my last breath in keeping them from your hands?"

There was a high-pitched laugh. "Lord Voldemort is generous; not only am I prepared to allow you and all of your Muggle-loving rabble to keep your miserable little lives, and to swear a wizard's oath to that effect, but I will offer you something more as well."

"You have nothing to offer me, Tom."

Voldemort laughed again, a chilling, evil sound. Harry felt Ginny's hand slip back into his. "But you're wrong again, Dumbledore. I - and I alone - can give you your heart's desire. No, Albus, not warm woolen socks, but that which you truly see in your mirror. I have Grindelwald's wand, and its brother! Lord Voldemort, and Lord Voldemort alone, can return to you what Grindelwald took!"

Dumbledore stood still for a moment, and then Harry could see him shaking his head side to side. "Did you learn nothing in your years at Hogwarts, Tom? Did you truly think that a shade, a hollow specter trapped within a wand, would tempt me? What is your real purpose?"

"But I do not offer shade or specter. 'King Teti has not died the death, he has become a glorious one in the horizon.' I have unlocked and mastered the Codex of Circe."

"Necromancy, Tom?"

"Life, Dumbledore, Life. Yours, those of your wretched followers, and the one that was taken from you. Even the lives my wand has taken. I require the lost transference of Fetum Inter Matris to rejoin Ka and body, and the Elixir of Life to sustain the spell."

"But why bargain, instead of taking what you want?"

"Your fool partner - yes, I see the alchemist lurking behind you - destroyed the only remaining stone. To forge another will be the work of years, if not decades, with the book. Without - far longer."

"And what assurances?"

"Lord Voldemort is generous, Dumbledore. Devise a binding blood-oath; protect whatever flotsam of wizard-kind you desire - Purebloods, Half-bloods, Muggle-born, even Squibs and traitors like Wormtail. But give me your answer. Lord Voldemort is generous, but not patient."

"But what you ask is not in my power to give."

"Then I grant you seven days, Dumbledore, to choose. I shall await your answer seven days hence, upon this spot. You may choose life - or death. Should you choose death, the war shall be total. I shall not leave one stone atop another, nor anything alive in my path until I obtain what I seek. Until then, I and my followers shall abide under the flag of truce." Voldemort stabbed the staff bearing the flag into the ground, and then took two steps backwards, still facing Dumbledore. He reached into his robes and threw something small towards Dumbledore. "Think on this as you ponder your decision, Dumbledore."

Voldemort was suddenly no longer there, and the mass of Dementors was... retreating and scattering. Dumbledore stood looking at the flag, then stepped forward and knelt down where the object thrown by Voldemort had landed. He did something with his wand, then apparently picked something up and began walking slowly back to where everyone else was gathering.


Harry slowly turned the pages of the photo album that Hagrid had given him at the end of his first year. He had retrieved the album to show Jamie when they returned; Ginny, Hermione, and Molly Weasley were attempting to set up a room for Jamie with - or perhaps in spite of - Dobby's help. The little elf had become very excited - almost frantic - on learning the identity of this new arrival. When they returned from outside Hogsmeade, Dobby at first had tried to get Harry to allow him to show him the completed renovations to Grimmauld Place. This apparently had been totally forgotten in the rush to prepare a room for "the noble and beautiful sister of the wise and powerful wizard Harry Potter."

Except Harry wasn't feeling particularly wise or powerful right now. After Voldemort's departure, Dumbledore had coordinated for a few minutes with Kingsley Shacklebolt on maintaining a watch around the village, had whispered briefly with Snape and McGonagall, and then had addressed the entire group. Dumbledore had said that there was nothing more to be accomplished tonight, or rather this morning. That these things would be carefully considered and discussed before actions were taken and decisions reached.

Hestia Jones had asked Dumbledore if he thought Voldemort - though she did not name him - would keep the truce. Dumbledore had looked thoughtful for a moment, and then replied that it was unlikely even Voldemort would casually invoke that sort of magic intending deception. Afterwards, the group had broken up: the Aurors remaining on watch and most of the Professors returning to Hogwarts, including Snape and Lupin. Charlie Weasley had left with the Hogwarts contingent and Bill had departed for Gringotts. Perenelle had told them to attempt to Apparate back to Headquarters, and even though it was a much longer distance than any of them had attempted before, they had at least managed it without splinching themselves.

Harry felt a hand touch his shoulder. "Voldemort's words were not intended for Dumbledore alone, Harry." Nicholas walked around the sofa and took a seat beside Harry.

"I... know." Harry hesitated, but Flamel waited until he finally asked, "What... no, who did Grindelwald take from Professor Dumbledore?"

"If you know enough to ask it in that fashion, then you understood exactly what Voldemort offered. To both of you... or either."

"I've... seen... the Priori Incantatem effect before. My parents..."

Flamel nodded but sat silently for a long moment before speaking. "You know, as does all of our world, that in 1945 Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald. You may have even heard that Dumbledore stopped him once years before..."

"Our first night... the first night Ginny and I were said..."

"True, I did... Many years before, my position in the wizarding world was not unlike that which Dumbledore occupies today - both arch-mage and elder statesman. When the Guardianship passed to Brian, some years before Grindelwald's first attempt to seize power, I intentionally withdrew from any sort of public role in the world's affairs. Perenelle... Perenelle had withdrawn years before. I had withdrawn, or so I have maintained, so as not to interfere with Brian's ascendancy... but..." Flamel's voice became soft. "That is not the whole truth. Brian and I disagreed about how Grindelwald should be dealt with... and his upbringing had not truly prepared him to understand the depths to which evil could go. He had not learned, then, that some things are beyond redemption."

Flamel again sat quietly for several moments. "We all must learn from our mistakes, Harry. Experience is said to keep a dear school, but some things can be learned in no other. A good teacher is one with the wisdom to know when to allow his pupils to err, and when he must intervene because the cost of failure would be too high. I was not a good teacher, Harry. I allowed both hope and weariness to cloud my judgment.

"Brian challenged Grindelwald... not fully understanding the true nature of his opponent. As a result, Cassandra Trelawney... died. And she died... horribly, as Brian watched... and as she had foreseen. Prophecy, Harry, true prophecy is perilous; it often fulfills itself through our lack of understanding as we attempt to prevent its fulfillment."

"Cassandra Trelawney... the seer?"

Flamel sighed. "Yes, and but she was also Cassandra Trelawney, the companion of young Dumbledore. The two of then had been inseparable since their first year, not unlike you and your two friends. In some ways, there was never a more mismatched and more perfect couple: Brian, the pragmatic realist and Cassandra, the visionary mystic. Brian and Cassandra had sought Perenelle's... no, that no longer matters. Suffice it to say that her loss weighed heavily on Dumbledore for many years, and almost led to his defeat in 1945. You were the first person outside his existing circle - which is now largely gone - that he has permitted himself to truly care for."

"He... he said he cared... too much."

"Brian was following a different path than I had, Harry, but both led to the same place. It is the mistake that old men make, in forgetting what it is to be young. He did not care too much, but with all his wisdom, he did not fully comprehend that we cannot always protect what we love."

Nicholas waited as he attempted to absorb this. Harry finally asked, "Is what Voldemort offered... possible?"

"I am not certain, Harry. There are legends, but even they refer to powerful and unusual magic. And it has been much sought after, but rarely found. However, I do not believe the attempt, even if successful, would be a good thing; particularly as Voldemort has offered. Necromancy is the Darkest of the Dark Arts; nothing good has ever come from it. And Brian is not the same man he was a century ago. He has grown. How could he roll back those years?"

Harry nodded slowly. "I understand what you're saying. But if I had listened to everyone about Sirius..."

"What does your heart tell you, Harry?"

"That Voldemort can't be trusted."

"Then listen, Harry. Did you not listen to your heart about Sirius?"

"But if it's possible..."

"Either path would serve Voldemort's interest, Harry. Your cooperation, or your distraction in seeking such a thing."

Harry nodded slowly. "Either way, he would win."

"I think so, Harry, but you would do well to talk with Brian; together you may discern more than the two of us. And talk to Perenelle, and to your own bond-mate... and your friends. And you and I will talk further."

"This isn't a house, it's a palace!" Jamie bounced in, followed by Ginny and Hermione. "I can't believe how big it is... or that I have my own room. And it's beautiful."

"Which room did you choose?" Harry asked. Dobby was to have shown her all of the empty bedrooms, or at least until she found one she liked.

"The one on this floor, next to your room. Or rooms," she replied as she looked about.

"There are larger and more comfortable rooms on the third floor," Harry objected.

"But this is the one I liked. You said I could pick."

Harry nodded. "I did. And I'm glad you're nearby."

Ginny said, "Mum wants all of us downstairs in about fifteen minutes. She's going to serve breakfast, then we're all supposed to go to bed like good children."

Harry was tired, but... if Dumbledore was right, this was the best possible time for Jamie to get her wand; remembering his own first visit, he was eager to take Jamie there. "Let's get a few hours..."

"Then you better let me fix our chocolate," Ginny said. "Mum's convinced we've not slept or eaten since we left."

"Ron's not told her about the wonders of room service?" Harry laughed. "A few hours of sleep would be good, but not all day; I want to go to Diagon Alley this afternoon. Jamie and Hermione need wands."

"Harry, have you lost your mind?" Hermione asked, surprised. "Dumbledore will need to set up the same sort of thing he did last time..."

"No, Harry's quite right," Nicholas said. "We believe that Voldemort is unlikely to break the truce he proposed, at least while he feels the matter is in play. This should be an excellent time for an outing. Perenelle and I will accompany you."

"Then it's decided," Harry said. "Sis, we're going shopping. Wizard style."

Author notes: See that big Review! link over this text? After reading, you're supposed to click it. Not only does it help me get the necessary kitchen passes to get the next chapter to you that much faster, you know you really should anyway.