Reign O'er Me


Story Summary:
This fic picks up from where OotP ended; unlike many fics dealing with this period that are angst-ridden, this fic explores a different direction - what might happen if Harry should instead start to get his life together.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Again we meet at Wisteria Walk to attempt to understand what has happened. Snape reports on the Dark Lord's reaction and outs that Harry and Ginny did exactly what Molly suggested. We meet Flamel's better half, and Snape pushes Harry just a bit too far, and an interesting discovery is made.

Chapter 5 - I Can't Explain

Albus Dumbledore looked at the assembled group, meeting the gaze of each person at least briefly, and then said, "Most of you have the pleasure of each other's acquaintance; however, Nicholas, Perenelle, may I present...." Dumbledore went around the room, introducing those whom one or both of the Flamels had not met before; and then continued, "and finally, may I present Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, who has been companions for more centuries than most of you have yet counted in decades. Nicholas is a former professor and headmaster of Hogwarts - and also a good friend and advisor - who has offered to return in these darkening times to teach defense." Snape's lip curled; Hermione looked impressed; Ginny beamed; and Harry's face lit as if Dumbledore had announced the scheduling of a second yearly Christmas celebration.

Dumbledore smiled, noting the reactions of three of the four sitting on the couch. "I see that Miss Granger, at least, has some familiarity with the qualifications Nicholas brings, and Mr. Potter and Miss Weasley have already experienced first hand the depth of his knowledge. While on the topic of defense instruction, it may be of interest that Remus Lupin has also agreed to return as Professor Flamel's assistant, and will be conducting classes for the lower forms so that Professor Flamel may concentrate of on the older students and other duties." This announcement was also met with almost universal approval.

"I also imposed on Perenelle to join us for today, as she and Nicholas have long shared the same sort of bond as Mr. Potter and Miss Weasley find themselves in. Perenelle has made a study of such magic, and at one time was widely sought by couples to facilitate such charms that were unable to achieve them on their own. Perenelle has also agreed to teach a course this year that has not been offered in many years, due to lack of a qualified instructor. Perenelle has graciously agreed to teach Spell and Ritual Construction." Dumbledore finally looked to Lupin. "Remus, I find I must apologize; it would appear events have overtaken the agenda that you had prepared for today."

Lupin answered, "It looks that we've come quite a ways on some of them already. Harry, there's little point in asking if you rested well last night." Ginny and Hermione exchanged an amused glance. "You look markedly better since even yesterday."

Harry nodded. "I feel better than I have since... well, in a long time. It's almost like I'm waking up from a nightmare."

Dumbledore asked, "I'm sorry, Harry, but I must ask... nightmares... did you experience Voldemort in any fashion last night, after you left here?"

"No, sir; not even a twinge. I don't remember any dreams at all...." No one other than Ginny, and perhaps Hermione, who were closest to him, should have heard him continue under his breath and intended for Ginny's ears alone. "Other than the one that came true."

Even so, Dumbledore's eyes twinkled; Flamel and Perenelle exchanged an amused glance, and their hands brushed briefly.

Dumbledore continued, "It would appear that Nicholas was correct; with your hand in Miss Weasley's, you seem to be beyond Voldemort's reach through, at least for the moment. We do know," Dumbledore gave Snape a significant look, "that it was not from lack of effort on the part of Voldemort."

Snape took over. "The Dark Lord was enraged yesterday eve when his followers and I were summoned to his presence; he had experienced perhaps an hour of pain that he likened to the Cruciatus Curse. He was... certain... that Dumbledore had found some means of attacking him through Harry, and upon it's lifting, in anger and perhaps unthinkingly, attempted to reciprocate. He was certain that he had reached Potter for a few seconds, then he described the connection as being severed, as if Potter had been swept from the face of the earth. At that point, he summoned all of his followers, demanding answers. He was in the midst of performing Cruciatus on Pettigrew for some error in anticipating his will, and was suddenly consumed again with this pain; this time it lasted for almost three hours. During that time...."

Snape was interrupted by laughter; Bill, Hermione and Molly were laughing loudly; Dumbledore, Flamel, and Perenelle chuckled, and even McGonagall briefly smiled. Ron and Lupin wore a puzzled look, Ginny had squared her shoulders in defiance, and Harry looked as if he would like to crawl under the couch. After the laughter had died, Snape icily continued, "I fail to see the humor...."

"Severus, yesterday during our meeting here," Dumbledore explained, "Mr. Potter and Miss Weasley were kind enough to honestly share what had happened between them. The bonding that took place seemingly happened while they embraced, sitting roughly where they are now. In the course of the discussion, Nicholas speculated that while Mr. Potter and Miss Weasley were so occupied, it had most likely been most uncomfortable for Voldemort. Harry, naturally, was uncomfortable discussing such details in front of us, and in particular Mrs. Weasley, and she sought to reassure both of the young people she was not upset, and suggested that, if I recall correctly, that they 'snog their hearts out' if it would give Voldemort a taste of his own medicine. It would appear likely that they did, indeed, comply with Molly's suggestion."

Everyone chucked again, other than Snape, who looked disdainfully at Harry. Harry had now forgotten about crawling under the furniture and instead concluded that any point outside Little Whinging would be much preferable to where he now sat.

"It is a pity, Headmaster," Snape, with poison dripping from his words, said, "that you did not conceive of this solution last year. Not only would it have saved untold hours of my time attempting to teach Occlumency to one so clearly unsuited to such a subtle art, but having Miss Weasley lead Potter by the hand would ensure his supervision as well."

Dumbledore spoke quickly, preempting several heated replies. "Severus, surprisingly, I find you and Harry are for once in complete agreement. Last night, he also took me to task for failing to discern this possibility." Dumbledore's comment had most of those assembled laughing again, this time including even Harry. "Now, Severus, I believe you were about to describe what went on during the second episode experienced by Voldemort."

Snape, with a sour look, continued, "While the Dark Lord was under attack, none of us assembled dared move or speak. It was a most unusual turn of events; it is typical for the Dark Lord to perform Cruciatus on several, if not many of his followers in the course of a meeting; this time, it was the Dark Lord himself who suffered. After a time, the force of the attack began to dwindle, and shortly thereafter, the Dark Lord either felt no effect, or it at least reached a level where he could successfully ignore it. There is no question he felt he had been humiliated before his followers. He demanded that we depart, and scour our libraries for some explanation of what was being used against him; he demanded that I discover what new magic you had used, Headmaster, and that all of us search for a defense."

Flamel spoke for the first time "Ah, Brian, there is our angle," as Dumbledore nodded.

Dumbledore turned to Harry, "Harry, I apologize for again invading your privacy in such a fashion, but I must be sure... did you and Miss Weasley perhaps embrace again upon after reaching your relatives house last night?"

Harry, at this point beyond mortification, barely nodded, but Ginny squeezed his hand and spoke calmly and without a trace of shame or regret, "Yes, Professor, we did; and only that, for about the amount of time Professor Snape described. Harry finally fell asleep, and I cast a spell to bind my wrist to his, so there would be no chance of us separating during the night, then I fell asleep as well." Ron had a pained look on his face, though it was unclear if it were from this being more information that he'd wanted, or from the bone-crushing grip Hermione had taken on his arm, or perhaps both. Ginny looked defiantly at Dumbledore, then Snape, and finally to Molly before continuing, "I try and do as my Mum asks, Professor."

Ginny had intended to stop there, but the Gryffindor surging through her wasn't quite finished. Looking at Snape, she continued, "This isn't the last bad night the 'Dark Lord' will have, Professor. It might even get worse. It's impact or lack thereof on Voldemort isn't why I want to be with Harry. If it's unpleasant for Tom, that's great, not to mention reason enough by itself, both Harry and I have a lot of catching up to do before we're anywhere close to even. But even if he doesn't feel a thing, it doesn't change what I want... or what I feel... or what I do... one iota."

Harry's embarrassment dropped away as he listened to Ginny; he squeezed her hand, and looked to Dumbledore and asked, "Professor, you said I had something that Voldemort did not...."

"Yes, Harry, but this is not time nor is this the location to take that discussion further," Dumbledore interrupted. "However, be assured that we will explore this further in the coming days. For now, reflect on what Sirius wrote to you; to both of you; he was more right than even he could have possibly known."

Dumbledore continued, "But for now, we must consider some of the practical implications, first of which is obtaining a better understanding of exactly how you and Miss Weasley are linked." He smiled gently at them. "It would be difficult for the two of you to attend class should we not find a better solution before then. Harry, Ginny, would you consent for Perenelle to examine you?"

Both Harry and Ginny nodded, and the old witch stood and smiled at them. "Brian, perhaps it would be easier if we stepped into another room for a moment; might that door lead to the kitchen?"

Dumbledore nodded, and Perenelle reached to Nicholas, tugging his hand as he rose from his chair. "Come, now, you don't expect me to do it all?" She led him, with Harry and Ginny following, to the kitchen.

Entering, she directed, "Why don't the two of you sit, and lay your hands, there, on top of the table." She and Nicholas took two other seats. "Now, fear not; this won't hurt a bit; Nicholas and I have shared our bond for over 500 years; so perhaps young Dumbledore hopes we might know something about it."

Harry or Ginny must have reacted to "young"; Perenelle continued, "Yes, yes, I know, age is all relative; but still, I envy a young couple such as yourselves, just starting out on life's great adventure. Now, relax; just try and clear your minds as much as possible...."

Nicholas and Perenelle had clasped hands, and each flicked their wand and murmured, hers in her right hand, his in his left. They both closed their eyes for several moments; then lowered their wands.

Perenelle spoke first, gently. "Harry, Ginny, I believe Nicholas' assessment last night was mostly accurate; the bond is certainly incomplete. If what he observed last night is correct, it is clearly growing, but there are still parts that must form, grow and strengthen; alas, these are what tie you together anywhere, even across temporal and spatial dimensions. Though there are already many temporal elements here...." She paused, looking thoughtful. "It might be possible to push things along, but there are risks; too great, I think, to risk such a thing short of the utmost need. My guess is that you will need to stay in physical contact for at least the next two or three weeks, and in close proximity for some time thereafter; however, following that, your bond will be as strong as any ever cast. In fact, there is already great power between you, wherein lies the problem; you have already gone much too far for either of you to be whole again, apart."

She looked intently at both Ginny and Harry before continuing, "In truth, children, your bonding was not a sudden manifestation, as Nicholas had at first thought. The process began, I think, long ago." Looking at Ginny, she continued, "It began, Ginevra, even before a life debt lay between you, and that by itself is a most powerful tie. You accepted him... forgive me, child, if I put into words what I have perceived in your heart; you accepted him, cherished him for himself, for 'just Harry', not as the Boy Who Lived or the champion presumptive of the wizarding world; as did your family, but none before, or more so than you. You were among the first to freely gave young Harry one of the things he most needed, and had rarely found elsewhere."

Turning to Harry, she continued, "And Harry, ah, Harry, a power lies dormant in you of the like I have not seen the like of more than three or four times in more than half of a millennium. That power, however, would not have awoken as it did in your second year had your heart not already perceived what your head had not; nothing less, child, would have prompted Fawkes to carry to you one of the few tokens of Godric that remain at Hogwarts, and beyond all doubt, nothing less would have freed Godric's blade from his gnarled hands where he sleeps on the plains of Salisbury and into yours." Harry sat; stunned; even Dumbledore had not been able to tell him from where Gryffindor's blade had come.

Ginny asked, "What risks would there be of making things faster?"

"My child, I might try to perform the bonding rituals, perhaps picking up at some middle point, but the risk... if it failed, you would loose what you have now and perhaps never regain...." The old witch chuckled, seeing the look of horror and panic on Ginny's face, reaching out and clasped her hand atop theirs, and continued, "Yes, dear child, now you understand why I would not attempt that other than in the most dire of circumstances. Even if it was desirable to do so, and I think it most certainly is not as this is a problem easily solved by time, I too share in such a bond, and would not take part in such a risky undertaking. Fear not, child, Nicholas and I shall not even mention the possibility to the others. Now, shall we rejoin them?"

"Might I..." Harry began, and when Perenelle nodded, he continued, "ask a question first?"

"Certainly, Harry."

"You mentioned...a moment ago, three or four others..."

Perenelle and Nicholas both chucked. "And you wish to know who they were?" she asked.

Harry nodded, and Perenelle said, "One, as I suspect you have guessed, is your Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, as he now calls himself. Another is my Nicholas, who was to Dumbledore as he is now to you. The third is Godric Gryffindor, of the Hogwarts four, who trained my Nicholas, and the last is his mentor, Merlin Ambrosius, whose name is not unknown to you, whom I met only once but... he left a lasting impression."

"You... actually met...."

"Yes, dear boy." She smiled. "I could easily spin tales for hours, but the others await. I will satisfy all of your questions in due course; but for now, if there is nothing else pressing, let us return to the other room."

They left the kitchen, and Perenelle, with an occasional comment from Nicholas, made their report. Snape, looking disgusted, asked, "Is there no way to end this foolishness?"

Perenelle looked at him and sighed. "The impatience.... No, once begun, the process must run it's course; else there is great risk to both, and as a member of the Order, your duty is to the Guardian."

Snape looked from her, to Dumbledore, to Harry, and then back to Dumbledore, who nodded; Snape wasn't finished yet. "But do we know... is this truly a defense from legilimency, or merely a block of his connection with the Dark Lord?"

Dumbledore looked thoughtful, "Perhaps a valid point that we should investigate now...."

Snape lifted his wand, and looked at Dumbledore; Dumbledore made no sign and Snape began, "Legilimens!"

Harry felt Snape try to enter his mind, and pushing toward Harry's memories... of his bonding with Ginny, of their first night, of his letter from Sirius... Harry felt his anger rising, and in tandem, Ginny's. Snape had no right! Harry struggled to remember his training, and tried to block the tendrils he felt at the edge of his conscious. Harry's anger grew as he had already been forced to walk three professors, Tonks, and Ginny's brother and mother through what should have their precious shared memory alone; then anger grew to fury, and rising behind it, he felt Ginny's fury rise as well, eclipsing even his own, driven not only by anger of Snape's invasion, but out of determination not to allow Snape to hurt Harry again; like a mighty wind driving a storm, it merged with Harry's and suddenly they felt the probe first stop, then fall back along the path it had entered.

Harry and Ginny, seemingly now unaware of those around them watching with rapt attention, then stood and spoke as one, "Legilimens!" Their combined strength flowed through the channel Snape had opened, into the potion master's mind. Harry threw every unpleasant memory he could find through that channel; every time he had suffered Cruciatus, every confrontation with Voldemort, the memories evoked by the approach of dementors, his life with the Dursleys, loosing Sirius, living locked in a cupboard under the stairs....

Somehow, Severus Snape had fallen to his knees, then to the floor. Harry's voice thundered. "You wanted to know how it felt to be me, Snape? Well, now you know. Is having as good as wanting?" Harry pressed deeper into Snape's mind, then recognizing something... something familiar. He looked.... Harry was vaguely aware of both Dumbledore and Flamel rising to stop him; he ignored them as Snape began to shake. Harry then spoke again. "You pathetic failure. You failed as a death eater, and you've failed as a spy. Voldemort has been inside your head all along. He's used you all this time. You didn't teach me Occlumency; you opened me right up to him; you gutted me like a fish. Before you began, all he could do is enter my dreams; you made it possible for him to send me the false visions that... that killed bastard! You slimy, smarmy bastard!" The look on Harry's face locked into one of pure hate. He began to gather his power for another, deeper thrust

"Harry!!!! No!!!!"

He heard Ginny's cry; he turned to her, Snape forgotten for the moment. The link between them snapped; she threw her arms around him, and sobbed into his shoulder. Harry's head began to clear; he became aware of Dumbledore and Flamel blocking his path, they had stopped as the spoke, and as the connection broke and the sanity had returned to Harry's eyes, they turned toward Snape. Lupin and Tonks had knelt beside Snape; Dumbledore moved to join them. Snape had attempted to sit up, but had thus far only managed to weakly support himself on one elbow. He shook his head, ignoring Dumbledore's offered hand, and pulled himself up to a sitting position. "It would seem," Snape said, shakily, "that Mr. Potter has... learned more... Occlumency than I... had given him credit...and... Legilimency as well." He looked strangely at Harry.

Harry, however, had recovered sufficiently to take in his surroundings, and shifted so that Ginny was behind him, and then trained his wand on the Potions Master. "This slimy, greasy bastard has been in Voldemort's pocket all along. He trained me, all right... so that I'd have no chance of defending myself from Voldemort. It's not enough that he's heaped abuse after abuse on me and every other Gryffindor to have the misfortune to pass through his classes, he's betrayed the Order; betrayed Hogwarts, and above all, betrayed Sirius and all due to the sheer arrogance to think himself a better of the 'Dark Lord' in Occlumency and Legilimency."

The room was frozen; Snape had turned almost ghostly white. Harry took a step toward Snape. "You arrogant, pathetic, greasy-haired, slimy Death Eater. You not only betrayed your master, you failed Dumbledore, who was the only wizard who'd give you a second chance. Somehow, you managed to betray both sides in the same war - you can't even get being a traitor right." Harry looked to Dumbledore, then Flamel, then Lupin, and finally back to Dumbledore. "Tell me now, Professor, do you still trust this slimy git? Voldemort knew all along Snape had betrayed him. He knew who had betrayed him when he regained his body; he said so in as many words that night; he also knew who had opposed his regaining the stone in my first year. Voldemort is no fool; but he has certainly played all of us that way." Harry took another step. "What now, Professor? There's an Auror here... shall she do her job? Though even Azkaban does not strike me as enough to ensure Ginny's safety."

Dumbledore looked shaken to his roots; Flamel's face was impassive, though he had taken a step toward Harry, but had moved so that he also faced Snape but also shielded Ginny, who Harry still held in such a way that he was between her and Snape; Lupin and Tonks had drawn back from Snape, both their hands on their wands; the rest of the room remained frozen as this drama unfolded. "Harry, please...." Dumbledore asked, almost pleading, "Lower your wand...." And to Snape, "Severus... is this true?"

Snape was still sitting on the floor. "Headmaster... I am unsure. There are memories there; I but glimpsed but for an instant... you must...."

Dumbledore nodded gravely as he pointed his wand. "Legilimens!" After a minute or two, Dumbledore lowered his wand and said, "Harry, I fear, is correct; Voldemort has indeed played us for fools. While Severus does not lack skills in Occlumency or Legilimency, there seems clear that he has been terribly used in this, as well as other matters. We must shortly carefully consider what else might have been compromised, and what we can now do in this situation." Turning to Harry, who had not relaxed his wand in the slightest, he asked, "Harry, please... lower your wand; to answer your question, I still trust Severus Snape. Though I have no right to ask, please trust me now; no harm will come to you or Miss Weasley."

Harry relaxed his arm, lowering his wand part way. "What he knows now... puts Ginny, puts all of the Weasley family at risk. If he should return to Voldemort again...."

Dumbledore nodded. "That cannot happen. Whatever role Severus will play now; it clearly cannot be as a spy."

"I want to hear it from him." Harry insisted.

"As the Headmaster... has said," Snape gasped, "I cannot return to the Dark Lord... with... with what I now know. He has, I see now, invaded my mind, but only surface thoughts... done, perhaps under cover of Cruciatus. That... would explain much...." Snape seemed to be talking as much to himself as answering Harry. "Were I again to be within his reach, he would not hesitate to probe deeply, further compounding my error."

He looked Harry, then Dumbledore. "At this point, I cannot see myself willingly leaving Hogwarts; even there, I am not certain I am beyond the reach of the Dark Lord."

Dumbledore nodded. "Perhaps it would be best if you returned there now. Can you do so under your own power?"

"I have done so many times following meeting with the Dark Lord." This time Snape took Dumbledore's offered hand, stood shakily, and disapparated with a pop.

Dumbledore sank back into his chair, and motioned for the others to do likewise. "Come; there are still things we must discuss. Harry, please set your mind at ease; while my track record has been less than admirable of late; we shall take steps - and by we, I mean you shall have full voice and vote in our councils - we shall do our utmost to see no further harm comes from these events."

Dumbledore continued, "We must consider the practical considerations of the next few days. Mr. Potter; Miss Weasley, it seems you must remain in tactile contact for at least the next two weeks; followed by additional weeks where you must remain close together. Do either of you foresee a problem?"

"No, Professor," Harry said.

Ginny, however, replied, "Only for Tom," which again drew laughter from those assembled.

Dumbledore, the twinkle restored to his eyes, continued, "I feel it would be best for Harry to remain in his relatives house for at least a month, if possible, to maximize the protection charms which have served him well thus far; however, I am open to suggestions. Perhaps it might be possible to have him return in the latter part of the summer... though being uncertain how long the bonding will take to complete...."

Molly Weasley said, "Albus, I will handle the Dursleys. We've reached a certain - understanding."

Harry nodded. "I don't expect more than a bit of grumbling; particularly when they are aware that I can use magic, and that a number of other wizards are near by, watching intently. Perhaps if I could manage to withdraw a bit from my Gringotts account, I could give it to them to ensure there's no complaining on that score."

Lupin spoke up. "Don't worry about that, Harry; Molly and I will see to that."

Dumbledore agreed, "Very well, we shall go forward then essentially as we did last night; with the details to be worked out by Remus and Molly; should things become untenable, we can consider moving Mr. Potter and Miss Weasley here, to Headquarters, The Burrow, or even Hogwarts."

Looking at the students, he continued, "Now, I had planned for you lot to practice your defensive skills with Professor Lupin or Professor Flamel three days a week, and for Harry to have additional instruction on other days, including from Professor McGonagall; however, under the circumstances, it seems better that all of you should take part. If agreeable, this shall begin tomorrow ten AM."

The four teens indicated their agreement as Dumbledore went to the next topic. "Molly, I believe you were planning to spend a substantial amount of your time here?" Mrs. Weasley nodded in the affirmative. "In that case, perhaps the simplest option would be for you to stay here; Arthur could commute, and there is certainly room for Ron and Miss Granger as well if she would like."

"I would have to close up The Burrow, but that would not take long, and we certainly did so most of last summer," Molly Weasley agreed.

"Then we shall attempt to go forward in this fashion. Now, is there anything else we need to consider?" Dumbledore asked.

McGonagall spoke up, "I would like to talk briefly to Mr. Potter before returning to Hogwarts." Harry nodded an acknowledgement.

"Likewise, Harry, I would also like a brief word," Dumbledore concluded.

The meeting broke up; the Flamels nodded to the teens, and Nicholas told them to be prepared to work tomorrow morning before they apparated away. Tonks climbed the stairs, indicating she intended to rest before heading into the Ministry; Bill left for Gringotts, and Molly, Remus and Dumbledore were huddled in a corner talking quietly. Hermione had pulled an unwilling Ron to the front porch in order to give Harry a chance to talk to the two Professors.

McGonagall motioned Harry and Ginny to the kitchen; after entering, she turned and said, "Mr. Potter; I must apologize; I would not normally hold such a discussion with anyone else present; however, under the circumstances, I see little other choice as the matter will not wait two or three weeks."

"It's ok, Professor, really."

McGonagall nodded. "Then I shall trust your discretion, Miss Weasley. Mr. Potter, might I see your right hand for a moment."

Ginny looked confused as they switched hands; Harry reluctantly extended his hand to the transfiguration professor, palm up; she took it in hers, with a gentleness Harry would not have thought possible, and holding his fingers, slowly rotated it until the back of his hand was visible. With a finger, she traced a few of the scar lines, then said, as if to herself, "I would not have believed it possible, had I not seen it with my own eyes, that anyone could be so evil." She continued looking at his hand for a few moments, and then looked directly at Harry. "Harry, why? Why did you not say something? I am your head of house. This is so far beyond the pale...."

Harry shook his head. "I'm sorry, Professor; Umbridge was making your life hard enough already; I couldn't add to that. You were already...."

If McGonagall had expected an answer, it was not that. "Mr. Potter... it is my place to protect you; not the other way around. Your bravery knows no bounds; however, if I should ever find out you are withholding such information from me again, I shall be most disappointed."

Harry gulped and nodded. McGonagall continued, "I do not plan to let this matter drop. I will be pursuing this with the ministry, and if necessary, the press. I may ask for your help, or testimony in the process; I will personally see that toad of a woman is never allowed near a child as long as she lives."

Harry nodded again. McGonagall nodded, then softly "Harry, thank you. I meant what I promised about your career." She awkwardly reached to both Harry and Ginny, and briefly hugged them before apparating away.

Harry turned to Ginny. "Did what I think happen... just happen?"

Ginny nodded. "You do have that effect on people... well, at least on me."

"Ok, let's see what Dumbledore wants."

Harry and Ginny entered the living room, and found Professor Dumbledore waiting for them; there was no sign of Remus and Molly. "Harry; Ginny, are you both really alright? A lot has happened in a very short time for both of you. Is there anything you wish to tell me? Any questions or concerns?"

Ginny spoke first, "I imagine things will be awkward for a bit, but we'll manage. I have no regrets, Professor."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, "I had gathered as much from your comments, and yours as well, Harry. It is to say the least refreshing to see you looking so well after a dream, as you put it, has come true."

Harry didn't color this time. "I should have realized not much slips by you, Professor. I'm concerned, yes, because the Ginny and all the Weasleys are now that much bigger targets; but I wasn't exactly making anyone safer the way I was last year. We'll be ok. But Professor, I do want to apologize for our last meeting; I'm sorry about your things; if I can replace...."

"Don't give it another thought, my boy. Nothing was broken that couldn't be repaired, and the cause was sufficient. But we must work together now, and I'm afraid this will create a bigger burden for you. But there are many willing hands," he said, smiling at Ginny, "willing to lighten the load."

He continued, "Molly and Remus have gone to call on the Dursleys; I believe Ron and Hermione are quite eager to discuss the events of the past few hours with the two of you; if there is nothing else, I will take my leave of you and return to Hogwarts. I suspect we shall talk again soon, and if I am needed, do not hesitate to call." Nodding to each of them, Dumbledore apparated away.

Author notes: I've read at least two other fics that had similar scenes where it came out Snape wasn't 007 after all; but so far, I've not been able to locate them. This certainly wasn't my idea, though it's one I've used because it's going where I'm going. If anyone is familar with these, please point me to them so I can give proper credit.

Now, for some of the kind reviewers.

Emma-Kate: Now you know Tom had a lousy night. You might enjoy Ginny's promise in this chapter. Later, she'll say let's remind Tom the night's no longer totally his.

Pansyindia: No, not the whole war. But don't worry, they'll have other problems when the current two or three weeks end.

Captain Wibble - Don't worry, eventually Molly will get to both Dursleys and share her feelings over their parenting skills. After another relevation, you'll even hear her say that Fred and George were right after all in COS to steal the car to fetch him.

Mistress Desdemona - Thanks for writing. You make some useful coments. First, if you're looking for a fic with 20 chapters to get to the first kiss, well, this isn't it. This isn't a romance, though there are romantic elements. The romance is setup and back story.

And you did get some freak out from Ron here; later, you'll find Arthur isn't exactly a happy camper either.

I've answered you more fully in the review forum, but I'll include this one comment here too:

I will leave you with one other thought. The idea that cause preceeds effect is basically an artifact of the Newtonian view of the universe. Einstein whittled away at that, and quantum theory tells us that cause and effect may happen in either order. And of course, if you consider the implications of complex systems and that you're dealing with a web of cause and effects, there are many implications for causealty... let's just leave it as my universe is not Newtonian.

Appologies to Sir Isaac.


Thanks everyone for the reviews!!