Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger Original Female Muggle
Romance Slash
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 03/27/2006
Updated: 04/10/2007
Words: 66,875
Chapters: 19
Hits: 42,081

Found, Never Lost


Story Summary:
"It had taken Granger several years to track Potter down. Draco didn't know how, but done it she had..." It has been seven years since Harry broke up with Draco. Draco goes to find out what happened.

What do you do when you're the Hero of the Wizarding world and don't know what to do with your life?

Words: 478
Hits: 4,333

It was reassuring to learn that there were limits to Granger's capabilities, Draco mused - although how fast she had managed to... persuade him (of all people!) to venture into Muggle territory (of all places!) on such short notice to seek out Potter was somewhat... alarming.

Words: 3,624
Hits: 3,858

Harry talks to Hermione. Hermione talks to Draco. Will Draco get to talk to Harry?

Words: 2,936
Hits: 2,816

Harry's and Draco's first encounter after seven years.

Words: 6,402
Hits: 2,751

Our guys take their first cautious steps towards more personal topics of conversation.

Words: 3,759
Hits: 2,269

Draco finds out more about Harry's relationship with Star.

Words: 4,903
Hits: 2,177

Harry goes for a run.

Words: 1,722
Hits: 1,926

Draco ponders what he has learned about Harry, realizes something about their relationship in the past, and wonders what he wants from Harry now.

Words: 2,125
Hits: 1,958

Harry gets lectured - Draco gets invited. Harry wants to get closer to Draco - Draco wants to give Harry an earful. And what are Draco's friends up to these days?

Words: 3,164
Hits: 1,830

Draco and Harry have a past-due conversation.

Words: 3,340
Hits: 1,918

We get a glimpse at what Narcissa Malfoy is up to these days.

Words: 2,094
Hits: 2,801

Harry and Draco under the same roof - will there be rest for the wicked?

Words: 6,320
Hits: 1,689

It will be a while before anybody gets any rest tonight...

Words: 4,296
Hits: 1,904

This is only an intermezzo. Just as the title says.

Words: 1,364
Hits: 1,666

Something unexpected happens and we don't learn what it is. Something expected doesn't happen - but at least we learn why. Sort of.

Words: 5,492
Hits: 1,779

Harry takes Draco out for some fresh air and to share Hermione's news with him. It is a hot day.

Words: 5,223
Hits: 1,381

The day is getting hotter.

Words: 691
Hits: 1,849

Some things happen quickly, others take a little longer, and one thing doesn't happen at all. But the day isn't over yet...

Words: 5,064
Hits: 2,162

Draco gets a taste of Harry's favorite Muggle treat. A gift for Hermione and an educational book are purchased, and Harry wonders why they're not supposed to use magic in the Muggle world.

Words: 3,878
Hits: 2,156