Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger Original Female Muggle
Romance Slash
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 03/27/2006
Updated: 04/10/2007
Words: 66,875
Chapters: 19
Hits: 42,081

Found, Never Lost


Story Summary:
"It had taken Granger several years to track Potter down. Draco didn't know how, but done it she had..." It has been seven years since Harry broke up with Draco. Draco goes to find out what happened.

Chapter 16 - Picking Up

Chapter Summary:
The day is getting hotter.
Author's Note:
I'm still working on this chapter, but I didn't want to torture ya'll too much, so here is at least part of it. I would be deliriously happy if I could get the rest done before Christmas, but I rather not promise. Things tend to become somewhat busy in RL around this time of the year for some obscure reason.

Chapter 15: Picking Up

Draco slowly turned around and assumed the most casual pose he could muster while keeping his back firmly against the pillar for still-needed support.

"Why did you leave this morning?"

He knew he was taking a chance with this question. After all, he couldn't be absolutely certain that Harry had been in his bed all night. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The blush that immediately flashed across Harry's face answered at least part of the question - he must have left in the morning - and Draco allowed himself to enjoy seeing Harry squirm for a second. Watching Harry avert his eyes, swallow nervously, and bury his hands in his pockets gave Draco a moment of distinct satisfaction. He had finally succeeded in rattling Harry's composure! But rattled or not, the man still hadn't moved, and Draco decided to take that as his final clue.

The other part of the answer would have to wait until later, because he had to do something this instance or he would never find the courage to do it. He pushed himself off the pillar.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

"You could have stayed," he said quietly, and for once, his inner Gryffindor was right there when he needed him as he closed the distance between them and lightly brushed his lips against the corner of Harry's mouth, acutely aware that their last kiss had been like this. It was an offer, maybe a question: This is where we left off. Where do we go from here?

For a split second, he felt a sense of dread when Harry just stood there, but then Harry put his arms around his waist and pressed his face into Draco's neck, and it was all the answer Draco needed.


Neither of them could later say how long they stood with their arms around each other like that. Silent. Motionless. Simply breathing together. It seemed like a long time before Harry lifted his head from Draco's shoulder, his cheek brushing against Draco's. Draco opened his eyes at the touch and they looked at each other.

It's true, he looks a lot like Lucius, Harry thought. One had to know Draco's mother to recognise her in Draco's rounder chin, softer jawline, and-

"You have your mother's eyes," he said, a little surprised that he'd never noticed it before, then winced inwardly. This was without doubt the soppiest thing he'd ever said to anybody! But it was true. And it made Draco's face light up in one of those unguarded, heartfelt smiles that always took his breath away. So it was a good thing, all in all... And then Draco's hand came up to his face and soft fingers were tracing his eyebrow, temple, cheekbone, moving to the back of his neck...

Harry closed his eyes, trying to hold on to at least one of the thoughts that were racing through his brain long enough to make sense of it, but then even his inner Hermione couldn't keep him from cupping Draco's face in his hands... or from touching his forehead to Draco's... or rubbing noses with him... closing his eyes... feeling Draco's breath on his cheek... his lips... And then Draco's mouth opened under his and he could not suppress a groan when in a heartbeat it was all back: the gut-wrenching desire. The mad hammering of his heart. The tightness in his throat. The dizzying need to touch and to kiss and to claim as his. He felt his body come to life almost violently and was hardly aware what he was doing when he pulled Draco closer, close enough to let him to feel how much Harry wanted this. Wanted him. There was an answering moan from Draco, who was pressing against him just as desperately, and Harry had no idea how his hands had ended up under Draco's shirt all of a sudden, but Draco was gasping and shuddering under his touch and sucked on his tongue in response and, God, it felt good!


Chapter 15: Picking Up

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