
I was born the day you kissed me...I died inside the night you left me...But I lived, oh how I lived while you loved me....

Words: 50,270
Chapters: 19
Hits: 42,416
Dance With Me by CLee

H/Hr "The air was cool…not too hot, and not too cold. A perfect breeze whisked through, giving chill bumps to several of the wedding guests. The reception had just begun, and the bride and groom were applauded as they stepped out into the sand for their first official dance as a married couple..."

Words: 1,412
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,036
Out of Control by CLee

Post-Hogwarts. ...She stood in front of Malfoy, her body completely rigid. He spun her around so that she was facing him, and spoke into her ear loud enough for her to hear. "Forget about them, forget about Potter, forget about Weasley, forget about your job, and your apartment and that girl Potter was with. Just think about us, and the music," he said as he began to move against her. She cautiously nodded her head in agreement as she slowly began to dance....

Words: 5,518
Chapters: 3
Hits: 3,364
Fate by CLee

Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you to. A tragic story. H/Hr D/Hr. "What if you were the cause of somebody else's fate? What if that cause ended with death? Could you live with yourself? Was it meant to happen? Or was it simply your destiny" Based on the movie Bounce.

Words: 6,043
Chapters: 2
Hits: 1,287